Effects of diclofenac, aceclofenac and meloxicam on the metabolism of proteoglycans and hyaluronan in osteoarthritic human cartilage
British Journal of Pharmacology (2000) 131, 1413 ± 1421
ã 2000 Macmil an Publishers Ltd Al rights reserved 0007 ± 1188/00 $15.00
Eects of diclofenac, aceclofenac and meloxicam on the
metabolism of proteoglycans and hyaluronan in osteoarthritic
1Laurent Blot, 1Annette Marcelis, 2Jean-Pierre Devogelaer & *,1,2Daniel-Henri Manicourt
1ICP Christian de Duve Institute of Cellular Pathology, Saint-Luc University Hospital, Catholic University of Louvain in
Brussels, Brussels, Belgium and 2Department of Rheumatology, Saint-Luc University Hospital, Catholic University of Louvain
in Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
1 Since nonsteroidal anti-in¯ammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may impair the ability of the chondrocyte
to repair its damaged extracellular matrix, we explored the changes in the metabolism of newly
synthesized proteoglycan and hyaluronan (HA) molecules produced by aceclofenac, diclofenac and
meloxicam in human osteoarthritic (OA) cartilage.
2 Explants were sampled from the medial femoral condyle and were classi®ed by use of the
Mankin's histological-histochemical grading system. Cartilage specimens exhibited moderate (M)
OA in 20 subjects and had severe (S) OA in 20.
3 Cartilage explants were pulsed with [-3H]-glucosamine and chased in the absence or in the
presence of 0.3 ± 3 mg ml71 of either aceclofenac, diclofenac or meloxicam. After papain digestion,
the labelled chondroitin sulphate ([-3H]-proteoglycans) and [-3H]-HA molecules present in the tissue
and media were puri®ed by anion-exchange chromatography.
4 In cartilage with MOA and SOA, the metabolic balance of proteoglycan and HA was unaected
by diclofenac. In contrast, and in a dose-dependent manner, aceclofenac and meloxicam both
increased the synthesis of proteoglycans and HA in explants with MOA and SOA; these two
NSAIDs also reduced signi®cantly the net loss of [-3H]-proteoglycans and [-3H]-HA molecules from
cartilage explants.
5 The data obtained in short-term in vitro cultures indicate that, at the concentrations found in
synovial ¯uid, aceclofenac and meloxicam may exert a favourable eect on the overall metabolism of
proteoglycans and HA in cartilage with MOA and SOA.
British Journal of Pharmacology (2000) 131, 1413 ± 1421
Keywords: Nonsteroidal anti-in¯ammatory drugs; diclofenac; aceclofenac; meloxicam; proteoglycan; hyaluronan;
osteoarthritic cartilage
Abbreviations: COX, cyclo-oxygenase; DMEM, Dulbecco's modi®ed Eagle's medium; DMSO, dimethylsulphoxide; HA,
hyaluronan; HAS, hyaluronan synthase; OH-pro, hydroxyproline; M, moderate; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-
in¯ammatory drug; OA, osteoarthritis; Mol. wt, molecular weight; ODFR, oxygen-derived free radicals; PBS,
phosphate-buered saline; PG, prostaglandin; S, severe
In the abundant extracellular matrix of articular cartilage,
Nonsteroidal anti-in¯ammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are
many polyanionic proteoglycan molecules bind non-cova-
widely prescribed in patients suering from arthritides and
lently and with high anity to a single ®lamentous molecule
it is the inhibition of cyclo-oxygenase (COX), and hence the
of hyaluronan (HA) to form huge multimolecular aggregates
inhibition of prostaglandin (PG) production, that accounts at
which then become unable to diuse out of the collagenous
least in part for the anti-in¯ammatory properties of these
meshwork (Hardingham, 1999). It is the presence of the large
drugs (Vane, 1971). Two isoforms of COX have been
proteoglycan aggregates ®rmly entrapped within the collage-
identi®ed thus far: COX-1 which is constitutively expressed
nous meshwork that creates a high ®xed charge density and
in most tissues and COX-2 which is highly inducible in
gives articular cartilage its load bearing properties. Proteo-
response to proin¯ammatory cytokines and mitogens (as
glycan aggregation also increases dramatically the rheological
reviewed in Smith et al., 1996). It is generally believed that
properties of proteoglycan molecules and, in so doing, aects
the bene®cial eects of NSAIDs are related to their ability to
the dynamic behaviour of cartilage in compression (Hard-
inhibit COX-2 whereas the gastrointestinal and renal toxicity
ingham et al., 1987). Therefore, any decrease in the cartilage
of these drugs results from their inhibition of COX-1 (Vane,
concentration of proteoglycans and HA, as occurs in
1994; Warner et al., 1999), a contention that has provided the
osteoarthritis (OA), compromises the functional properties
basis for the development of highly selective COX-2
of cartilage.
inhibitors. It should be however pointed out that COX-1-
derived PGs can contribute to the in¯ammatory response
(Gilroy et al., 1998; Wallace et al., 1998) and that COX-2-
derived PGs perform physiologically important roles such as
*Author for correspondence at: ICP, Tower 75, Floor 4, 75 Avenue
Hippocrate, 1200 Brussels, Belgium.
the maintenance of normal renal function (Dinchuk et al.,
1995; Morham et al., 1995) and the regulation of the female
Effects of NSAIDs on cartilage metabolism
reproductive system (Lim et al., 1997). Furthermore, COX-2-
several weeks as well as known hereditary or congenital
derived PGs have been implicated in the protection of the
gastrointestinal tract from injury (Schmassmann et al., 1998;
Joint pieces were immediately soaked into sterile phos-
Gretzer et al., 1998) and also might have anti-in¯ammatory
phate-buered saline (PBS) solution and transported to
properties (Gilroy et al., 1999).
culture facilities. Full thickness cartilage was sampled from
Although NSAIDs undeniably produce relief of pain and
the medial femoral condyle and the cartilage from osteo-
improvement of joint mobility in patients suering from
phytes was avoided. For each individual, three cartilage slices
arthritides, the use of these drugs might be detrimental to the
were taken at random, ®xed (PBS containing 10% formalin
joints since eective pain relief could lead to overuse of a
and 5% cetylpyridinium chloride) and embedded in paran
disabled joint. Further, ex vivo and in vivo studies have
prior to slicing. After staining with either Safranin-O,
shown that some NSAIDs inhibit the synthesis of cartilage
Toluidine blue or hematoxylin and eosin, cartilage slices
proteoglycans whereas other do not (Brandt, 1987; Howell et
were examined for the severity of the OA disease process
al., 1991; Rainsford et al., 1997; Dingle, 1999). This
according to Mankin's grading system (Mankin et al., 1971)
dierential eect of NSAIDs on cartilage metabolism is most
which explores the structure (grade 0 for normality; 1 for
relevant to clinical practice since any drug, that suppresses
surface irregularities; 2 for pannus and surface irregularities;
proteoglycan synthesis and impairs the chondrocyte to repair
3 for clefts to transitional zone; 4 for clefts to radial zone; 5
its damaged extracellular matrix, could potentially accelerate
for deeper clefts; and 6 for complete disorganization), the
the breakdown of the cartilage tissue. On the other hand,
cellularity (grade 0 for normality; 1 for diuse hypercellular-
although HA plays a central structural role in the
ity; 2 for cloning; and 3 for hypo-cellularity) as well as the
supramolecular organization of proteoglycan and, hence on
intensity of safranin-O-staining (grade 0 for normality; 1 for
the biomechanical properties of articular cartilage, the
slight reduction; 2 for moderate reduction; and 3 for severe
possible eects of NSAIDs on the metabolism of this
reduction). Since the subchondral bone was not harvested,
glycosaminoglycan has so far focused little investigative
the integrity of the tide-mark (grade 0 for normality and 1 for
attention (Manicourt et al., 1994).
vascular invasion) was not taken into account.
Aceclofenac is a phenylacetic acid derivative and melox-
Mankin's grading system ranged from 2 ± 5 in 20 individuals
icam is an acidic enolic derivative that is moderately selective
(age range: 51 ± 70 years) who were classi®ed as having moderate
for COX-2 (Warner et al., 1999). Although these two recently
(M) OA whereas the grading system ranged from 6 ± 9 in the 20
marketed NSAIDs display good ecacy and tolerability in
other patients (age range: 52 ± 72) who were classi®ed as having
therapy for rheumatic disorders (Hunter et al., 1996; Distel et
severe (S) OA. The median age was similar in both groups (63
al., 1996), knowledge of their possible eects on the
versus 62 years). Since the total amount of cartilage obtained
metabolism of articular cartilage is still fragmentary (Rains-
from each patient was insucient to conduct pulse and chase
ford et al., 1997; Dingle, 1999). We therefore investigated the
studies in the presence of dierent concentrations of NSAIDs,
action of the two drugs on the metabolism of newly
patients with MOA as well as patients with SOA were randomly
synthesized HA and proteoglycan molecules in explant
distributed into two subgroups (n=10, each), the pulse studies
cultures from human OA cartilage. Results were compared
being carried out in one subgroup and the chases studies in the
with those obtained with diclofenac, a non-selective COX
other subgroup.
inhibitor (Warner et al., 1999).
General culture procedures
Tissue specimens obtained from each donor were cut into
pieces of 3 ± 6 mg in Dulbecco's modi®ed Eagle's medium
(DMEM) supplemented with penicillin (5000 i.u. ml71) and
streptomycin (5000 mg ml71). The tissue was washed several
[-3H]-glucosamine was from Amersham Pharmacia Biotech
times with this medium and aspirated free from liquid.
(Roosendaal, The Netherlands). Culture plates and media
Cartilage pieces were taken at random, weighted and
were from Gibco BRL (Merelbeke, Belgium). Dialysis
distributed into the dierent wells of multiwell culture plates
membranes (mol. wt. cut-o: 3500) were from Spectrum
(typically between 30 ± 60 mg tissue - well). Extra pieces were
(Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A.). Streptomyces hyaluronidase,
not cultured but lyophilized in order to assess the initial
chondroitinase ABC, hyaluronan, twice crystallized papain
content in collagen, proteoglycans and HA of the cartilage.
and diclofenac were from Sigma-Aldrich (Bornem, Belgium).
Culture medium supplemented with 20% v v71 foetal calf
Econo-Pac Q cartridges were from Bio-Rad (Nazareth,
serum (culture medium A) was then added to each well and
Belgium). Aceclofenac was kindly provided by UCB Pharma
the culture plates were incubated for 48 h at 378C.
(Brussels, Belgium) whereas meloxicam (4-hydroxy-2-methyl-
For each experiment the cartilage from one individual was
N - (5 - methyl - 2 - thiazolyl) - 2H - 1, 2 - benzthiazine- 3- carbox-
used and tissue cultures were conducted in triplicate: that is,
amide1, 1 dioxide) was a gift from Boehringer Ingelheim
for the control culture as well for each NSAID concentration,
(Brussels, Belgium). All other reagents were from Merck
three cartilage explants were cultured separately. Reported
values are the mean of the triplicate cultures.
Sampling and evaluation of cartilage tissue
Cartilage was obtained from knee joints of 40 patients
After two days of culture, the culture medium was aspirated
undergoing arthroplasty for OA. Three weeks before surgery,
and the explants were washed three times with 1 ml of
NSAIDs were stopped, the patients being allowed to take
DMEM. Explants were resuspended in culture medium A
paracetamol and/or dextropropoxyphen HCl as needed.
(1 ml ± 50 mg tissue) supplemented with [-3H]-glucosamine
Exclusion criteria were infections, articular injection of
(50 mCi ml71) (culture medium B). To each well, a solution of
steroids within 2 months before surgery, immobilization for
NSAID dissolved in dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) was added
British Journal of Pharmacology vol 131 (7)
Effects of NSAIDs on cartilage metabolism
(10 ml ml71 culture medium) to achieve the concentrations of
the percentage of total incorporated d.p.m. found in the
0.3, 1, and 3 mg ml71. Control cultures received DMSO that
medium samples of the 24-h period.
did not contain any NSAID (10 ml ml71). Culture wells were
then incubated for 12 h.
Analytical methods
Hydroxyproline (OH-pro) was determined by the method of
Woessner (1961) and hexuronate by the method of Bitter &
After 2 days of culture in medium A, the cartilage pieces were
Muir (1962). HA was quanti®ed by a speci®c enzyme-linked
aspirated free of medium, washed three times with 1 ml of
immunosorbent assay (Li et al., 1989).
DMEM, resuspended in culture medium B (1 ml ± 50 mg
tissue) and cultured for 12 h. After pulse labelling, the
cartilage pieces were washed with DMEM and resuspended
in culture medium A. DMSO alone or the appropriate
The statistical signi®cance of the dierences observed between
NSAID dissolved in DMSO was added to each well
the group of MOA and the group of SOA was evaluated by
(10 ml ml71) as stated above and a non-radioactive chase
the Mann ± Whitney U-test whereas, in each group, the
period was conducted for 24 h.
signi®cance of the dierences in HA and proteoglycan
metabolism in the presence of dierent NSAID concentra-
Isolation and purification of proteoglycans and
tions were evaluated by the Wilcoxon signed rank test. P
values 50.05 were considered as statistically signi®cant.
At the end of the pulse labelling and non-radioactive chase
periods, the culture media were removed and the cartilage
pieces were washed with 0.15 M sodium chloride, 0.05 M
sodium acetate, pH 6.0 (buer A). Media and corresponding
Biochemical characterization of cartilage explants
washes were combined. Bovine nasal proteoglycan monomers
(500 mg ml71) and HA (10 mg ml71) were added to the
Values found for the content of OH-pro, hexuronate and HA
mixtures which were then dialysed against buer A before
in cartilage explants from the two groups are given in
being incubated with papain (10 mg ml71) for 24 h at 608C.
In close agreement with previous studies (Mankin et al.,
Cartilage specimens were lyophilized to obtain their dry
1971; Muir, 1986), the groups with MOA and SOA had a
weight and then resuspended in buer A. Papain was added
similar median content of OH-pro (70.5 versus 66.5 mg mg71
to each vial (0.1 mg ml71) and the tissues were digested for
tissue dry weight, respectively; P=0.1718). On the other
24 h at 608C. Digests of cartilage and media were aliquoted.
hand, as reported previously (Mankin et al., 1971) the
Samples were subjected either to biochemical determinations
median content of hexuronate, and thus of proteoglycan, was
or to ion-exchange chromatography on Econo-Pac Q
higher in the group with MOA than in the group with SOA
cartridge as previously reported (Manicourt et al., 1994).
(41.5 versus 31.5 mg mg71 tissue dry weight, respectively,
Typically, two [-3H]-radiolabelled peaks were eluted from
P50.0001). The group with MOA also had a higher content
the Econo-Pac column: peak A at 0.23 M NaCl and peak B
of HA (0.47 versus 0.83 mg mg71 tissue dry weight,
at about 1 M NaCl. Fifty to 70 per cent of the material
respectively; P50.0001) and this in close agreement with a
present in peak A was sensitive to streptomyces hyaluroni-
previous report (Manicourt et al., 1994). This overall
dase and thus identi®ed to [-3H]-HA whereas the radiola-
cartilage chemistry was not signi®cantly aected by standard
belled material present in peak B was identi®ed as
culture conditions and treatment with the NSAIDs examined
chondroitin sulphate, and thus as [-3H]-proteoglycan, since
over the 72-h period of culture (results not shown).
it was resistant to digestion with streptomyces hyaluronidase
and completely digested by chondroitinase ABC.
Metabolic characterization of cartilage explants in the
The rates of biosynthesis of HA and proteoglycans were
absence of NSAIDs
determined by the summation of [-3H]-HA and [-3H]-
proteoglycan disintegrations per min. (d.p.m.) found in
Since cartilage specimens with MOA and SOA had a similar
papain-digested tissues and media at the end of the 12-h
OH-pro content and since the loss of OH-pro from tissue
pulse period.
specimens into the medium over a 72-h culture period was
At the end of the 24-h non-radioactive chase period, the
less than 5% of the amount present in cartilage pieces before
total incorporation of [-3H]-glucosamine into HA and
culture, the rates of proteoglycan and HA biosynthesis were
proteoglycans was determined by the summation of [-3H]-
expressed as d.p.m. [-3H]-HA and [-3H]-proteoglycan per h
HA and [-3H]-proteoglycans d.p.m. found in the media and
and per mg OH-pro. Values were distributed over a wide
corresponding papain-digested tissue specimens. The radi-
range in the two groups upper panels). The group
olabelled material that accumulated in the medium during
with MOA and the group with SOA had a similar median
this non-radioactive chase period represents not only
rate of proteoglycan synthesis (P=1). There was also no
degraded HA and proteoglycan molecules but also intact
statistically signi®cant dierence in the median rate of HA
HA and proteoglycan molecules that were being synthesized
synthesis between the two groups (P=0.395).
at the end of the pulse period and that were not incorporated
The net loss of [-3H]-proteoglycan and [-3H]-HA molecules
into the matrix and lost in the medium during the subsequent
from radiolabelled cartilage explants lower panels)
chase period. Since the material present in the chase medium
was also distributed over a wide range of values in the two
was not characterized in the present study, it is dicult to
groups. The median loss of [-3H]-proteoglycans was sig-
assess the respective proportion of these two processes and,
ni®cantly higher in the group with SOA than in the group
accordingly, the radiolabelled material recovered in the
with MOA (P50.0001). Likewise, the group with SOA had a
medium during the 24-h chase period was described as net
higher median loss of [-3H]-HA than the group with MOA
loss rather than catabolism. This net loss was expressed as
British Journal of Pharmacology vol 131 (7)
Effects of NSAIDs on cartilage metabolism
Figure 2 Cartilage explants with moderate (M) and severe (S)
osteoarthritis (OA) were cultured in the absence of nonsteroidal anti-
in¯ammatory drugs. The distribution of values found for the rates of
proteoglycan and hyaluronan (HA) synthesis is illustrated in the
upper panels whereas the distribution of values found for the net loss
of newly synthesized proteoglycan and HA molecules over a 24-h
non-radioactive chase period is given in the lower panels. The
horizontal line present in each column scatter corresponds to the
median value. The Mann ± Whitney U-test disclosed that the groups
with MOA and SOA had a similar median rate of proteoglycan
synthesis (56 versus 58, respectively; U=43, P=1) as well as a similar
median rate of HA synthesis (5.8 versus 5.5, respectively; U=44.5,
P=0.395). On the other hand, during the 24-h non-radioactive chase
period, the median net loss of labelled proteoglycans from cartilage
tissue was higher in the group with SOA (26.5 versus 20.5,
Figure 1 Distribution of values found for the hydroxyproline
respectively; U=23, P50.0001); the group with SOA also exhibited
content, the total hexuronate (and thus proteoglycan) content and
a higher median net loss of labelled HA molecules (48.5 versus 38;
the total hyaluronan content of cartilage explants with moderate and
U=8, P50.0001).
severe osteoarthritis that were cultured in the absence of nonsteroidal
anti-in¯ammatory drugs. The horizonal line present in each column
scatter corresponds to the median value. The Mann ± Whitney U-test
disclosed that the two groups had a similar median content of
hydroxyproline (U=149; P=0.1718) but diered in their median
content of hexuronate (U=34; P50.0001) and in their median
content of hyaluronan (U=0; P50.0001).
the concentrations of 1 and 3 mg ml71 or with meloxicam at a
concentration of 3 mg ml71 (P=0.002). In each group, the
increase in proteoglycan synthesis was always stronger when
explants were incubated with aceclofenac than with melox-
These wide variations in metabolism that, in each group,
icam (P=0.002). Further comparison between explants with
were exhibited by the cartilage explants cultured in the
MOA and SOA disclosed that the increase in proteoglycan
absence of drug were likely to hamper the assessment of the
synthesis was signi®cantly higher in explants with less
eect of NSAIDs on proteoglycan and HA metabolism.
advanced OA lesions at a meloxicam concentration of
Therefore, for each cartilage specimen of the two groups, the
3 mg ml71 (P50.001) and at an aceclofenac concentration
rates of proteoglycan and HA metabolism that were obtained
of 1 mg ml71 (P50.001) and 3 mg ml71 (P50.001).
in the presence of dierent concentrations of NSAID were
In explants with MOA and SOA, the total amounts of
divided by the values observed in the absence of drug to yield
newly synthesized HA molecules were unaected by
percentage changes.
diclofenac at a concentration of 0.3, 1 and 3 mg ml71
upper right panel) as well as by 0.3 mg ml71 of either
Effects of NSAIDs on the total synthesis of proteoglycan
aceclofenac middle right panel) or meloxicam
lower right panel). On the other hand, at the
concentrations of 1 and 3 mg ml71, both aceclofenac and
In both groups, diclofenac at the three concentrations tested
meloxicam enhanced HA synthesis in a relatively dose-
upper left panel) as well as aceclofenac at a
dependent manner in the two groups (P=0.002). The
concentration of 0.3 mg ml71 middle left panel) and
increase in HA synthesis observed at these two concentra-
meloxicam at the concentrations of 0.3 and 1 mg ml71
tions was however stronger with aceclofenac than with
lower left panel) did not change signi®cantly the total
meloxicam (P=0.002) and this in the two groups. No
amounts (tissue and medium) of newly synthesized proteo-
statistically signi®cant dierence in the increase of HA
glycan molecules. In contrast, a signi®cant increase in
synthesis could be disclosed between the two groups at the
proteoglycan synthesis was observed when cartilage explants
concentrations of 1 and 3 mg ml71 of either aceclofenac or
from two groups were incubated with either aceclofenac at
British Journal of Pharmacology vol 131 (7)
Effects of NSAIDs on cartilage metabolism
Figure 3 Eects of dierent concentrations (mg ml71 of diclofenac, aceclofenac and meloxicam on the total amounts
(tissue+medium) of newly synthesized proteoglycan and hyaluronan molecules in cartilage explants with moderate (open circles)
and severe (closed circles) osteoarthritis. Results are expressed as the negative percentage (%) of values observed in corresponding
explants cultured in the absence of drug. The horizontal line present in each column scatter corresponds to the median value. *P:
comparison by the Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
Effect of NSAIDs on the relative amounts of newly
In the two groups, the relative amounts [-3H]-
synthesized proteoglycan and HA molecules incorporated
proteoglycan molecules remaining in cartilage matrix were
within cartilage matrix
unaected by diclofenac over the range of concentrations
studied whereas a signi®cant increase was already observed
During the pulse studies conducted in the absence of drug, a
with both aceclofenac and meloxicam at a concentration of
relative proportion of newly synthesized [-3H]-proteoglycan
1 mg ml71. The increase induced by these two NSAIDs
and [-3H]-HA molecules were not incorporated into the matrix
became even stronger at a concentration of 3 mg ml71.
and were lost into the culture medium. Further, in both
In explants with MOA, the tissue levels of [-3H]-
groups with MOA and SOA, this relative loss of radiolabelled
proteoglycans were higher in the presence of aceclofenac
molecules varied from one donor to another. Therefore, in
than in the presence of meloxicam at the concentrations of
each experiment, the amount of [-3H]-proteoglycans and
1 mg ml71 (P=0.0195) and 3 mg ml71 (P=0.0137). At the
[-3H]-HA (as expressed in d.p.m. h ± 1 mg71 of OH-pro)
end of the pulse labelling period of explants with SOA, the
found in the explants at the end of the pulse-labelling period
specimens bathed with aceclofenac had also a higher tissue
conducted in the presence of dierent concentrations of
content in [-3H]-proteoglycans than the specimens exposed to
NSAIDs were divided by the amounts observed in the control
meloxicam at a concentration of either 1 mg ml71 (P=0.0137)
explants pulse-labelled in the absence of drug to yield percent
or 3 mg ml71 (P=0.0078).
The changes in the tissue content of [-3H]-HA observed at
The changes in the tissue content of [-3H]-proteoglycans
each NSAID concentration are shown in In the two
obtained at each NSAID concentration are illustrated in
groups, 1 mg ml71 of either aceclofenac or meloxicam had
British Journal of Pharmacology vol 131 (7)
Effects of NSAIDs on cartilage metabolism
Figure 4 Eects of dierent concentrations (mg ml71) of diclofenac, aceclofenac and meloxicam on the net loss of labelled
proteoglycans from the tissue during the 24-h non-radioactive chase period (closed circles) and on the relative amounts of newly
synthesized proteoglycan (open circles) molecules remaining within the matrix at the end of the pulse labelling period in cartilage
explants with moderate (left panels) and severe (right panels) osteoarthritis. Results are expressed as the relative percentage (%) of
values observed in corresponding explants cultured in the absence of drug. The horizontal line present in each column scatter
corresponds to the median value. P: comparison by the Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
already produced a signi®cant increase in the tissue content
can molecules and 3 mg ml71 of the two NSAIDs produced a
of [-3H]-HA and this increase became even stronger at a
further decrease in the net loss of labelled proteoglycans. At
concentration of 3 mg ml71. Further, in explants with SOA,
each concentration examined, there was no statistically
the tissue content in [-3H]-HA observed at the end of the
signi®cant dierence between the eect of aceclofenac and
pulse labelling period was signi®cantly higher in specimens
that of meloxicam; there was also no statistically signi®cant
incubated with aceclofenac than in specimens bathed with
dierence between explants with MOA and explants with
meloxicam at a concentration of 3 mg ml71 (P=0.0156). On
the other hand, over the range of concentrations tested,
At the three concentrations tested, diclofenac did not
diclofenac did not change signi®cantly the amount of [-3H]-
change signi®cantly the net loss of [-3H]-HA molecules from
HA molecules remaining within the matrix of cartilage
explants of both groups In contrast, 1 mg ml71 of
specimens with MOA and SOA.
either aceclofenac or meloxicam inhibited signi®cantly the net
Comparison between the group of MOA and the group of
loss of labelled HA from explants with MOA and SOA. At a
SOA showed that, at the end of the pulse labelling period, the
concentration of 3 mg ml71, the two NSAIDs reduced further
tissue content in [-3H]-HA molecules was higher in explants
the net loss of [-3H]-HA molecules from explants with MOA,
with SOA cultured in the presence of aceclofenac and
but not from cartilage specimens with more advanced OA
meloxicam at the concentrations of 1 and 3 mg ml71
At a concentration of 1 mg ml71, aceclofenac was stronger
than meloxicam in inhibiting the net loss of [-3H]-HA from
Effects of NSAIDs on the net loss of newly synthesized
explants with MOA (P=0.0039) and SOA as well
proteoglycan and HA
(P=0.0156). Three mg ml71 of aceclofenac exhibited also a
stronger inhibition than 3 mg ml71 of meloxicam in the group
In both groups, diclofenac did not change signi®cantly the
with MOA (P=0.0488) and in the group with SOA
net loss of [-3H]-proteoglycan molecules at the three
concentrations tested On the other hand, in the
Comparison between the two groups disclosed that the
two groups, 1 mg ml71 of aceclofenac and meloxicam had
eect of aceclofenac was stronger in explants with MOA at
already signi®cantly reduced the net loss of [-3H]-proteogly-
1 mg ml71 (P50.0001) and 3 mg ml71 (P50.0001); the eect
British Journal of Pharmacology vol 131 (7)
Effects of NSAIDs on cartilage metabolism
Figure 5 Eects of dierent concentrations (mg ml71) of diclofenac, aceclofenac and meloxicam on the net loss of labelled
hyaluronan from the tissue during the 24-h non-radioactive chase period (closed circles) and on the relative amounts of newly
synthesized hyaluronan (open circles) molecules remaining within the matrix at the end of the pulse labelling period in cartilage
explants with moderate (left panels) and severe (right panels) osteoarthritis. Results are expressed as the relative percentage (%) of
values observed in corresponding explants cultured in the absence of drug. The horizontal line present in each column scatter
corresponds to the median value. P: comparison by the Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
of meloxicam was also stronger in explants with MOA, but
free) concentrations of these drugs that has been observed in
only at the concentration of 3 mg ml71 (P50.0001).
human synovial ¯uid (Bort et al., 1996; Turck et al., 1996). It
is however dicult to assess the actual eective concentration
of drug acting on the tissue since this depends upon various
factors such as the pH of the synovial ¯uid, the integrity of
the surface of the cartilage, the partition coecient of the
The data presented herein are the ®rst to describe the eects
drug in the articular tissue as well as protein binding. Most
of aceclofenac, diclofenac and meloxicam on the metabolism
NSAIDs are extensively bound to plasma proteins and our
of HA in explants of human OA cartilage.
culture media contained a relatively small proportion (20%)
Cartilage composition and metabolism vary widely in the
of foetal calf serum. Therefore, it is likely that, at the total
dierent topographical areas of the same joint and between
concentration of 3 mg ml71, the concentration of the free
the dierent joints of the same individual (Muir, 1986;
drug in our culture media was higher than that present in
Holmes et al., 1988). Therefore, the articular tissue was
synovial ¯uid bathing cartilage in vivo.
sampled from the same region of the knee joint to restrict
Diclofenac unaected the HA metabolism of OA cartilage,
variations in the concentration and metabolism of both
whereas, in a dose dependent manner, both aceclofenac and
proteoglycan and HA. Further, as cartilage composition and
meloxicam were able concomitantly to increase HA synthesis
metabolism also change with age, the donors had a very
and reduce the loss of newly synthesized HA molecules from
similar range of age distribution in both groups, so that
the articular tissue. Further, the action of aceclofenac was
dierences observed in response to NSAIDs could be more
stronger than that of meloxicam. That these two NSAIDs
closely related to the OA disease process rather than ageing.
had a positive eect on the metabolic balance of HA is worth
The concentrations of the three NSAIDs used in our
stressing since the progressive reduction in the HA content of
culture system are similar to the range of total (bound and
OA cartilage (Manicourt et al., 1988; Rizkalla et al., 1992) is
British Journal of Pharmacology vol 131 (7)
Effects of NSAIDs on cartilage metabolism
likely to contribute, at least in part, to the apparent
susceptibility of pathological articular cartilage has already
irreversibility of the OA disease process (Pita et al., 1992)
been observed in vivo and in vitro with several NSAIDs
and further contrasts with the age-related increase in the HA
(Brandt, 1987). Although its exact mechanism is unknown at
content of normal articular cartilage (Holmes et al., 1988).
present, data in the literature suggest that the uptake of
Our knowledge of the synthesis and degradation of HA in
NSAID by cartilage is inversely related to the proteoglycan
articular cartilage is still fragmentary. Chondrocytes do
content of the matrix (Brandt, 1987). Accordingly, any
express two dierent HA synthases (HAS) which are
decrease in the concentration of the negatively charged
localized to the cell surface, but the enzymatic characteristics
proteoglycans, which is proportional to the gravity of the
of the two HAS isoforms as well as their mechanisms of
OA process, would increase the permeability of the matrix to
regulation, including the possible eects of NSAIDs, remain
the acidically charged NSAID.
to be clari®ed (Hiscock et al., 2000). On the other hand, as
The reduction in the net loss of proteoglycans produced by
no hyaluronidase has been identi®ed thus far in the cartilage
aceclofenac and meloxicam might be, at least in part, related
matrix, it has been suggested that the degradation and loss of
to the positive eect of these drugs on the overall metabolism
HA molecules may result from the action of oxygen-derived
of HA since any decrease in the HA content of cartilage is
free radicals (ODFR) (Ng et al., 1995). Although NSAIDs
likely to limit the aggregation of proteoglycans and, in so
may block the production of ODFR (Minta & Williams,
doing, favours the loss of newly synthesized proteoglycan
1985), it is likely that no single factor accounts for the
molecules by diusion or by proeolytic degradation (Heine-
favourable eect of aceclofenac and meloxicam on the overall
gard & Hascall, 1974). On the other hand, reports have
metabolism of HA in the OA cartilage. Therefore, the exact
shown that, at concentrations within the therapeutic range,
mechanisms of action of the two drugs should be elucidated
several NSAIDs inhibit the proteoglycanase and collagenase
in further studies as they might be of great biological and
activities present in OA cartilage (Vignon et al., 1992;
therapeutic signi®cance in OA.
Barracchini et al., 1998). It remains to determine whether
Aceclofenac and meloxicam also reduced the loss labelled
this suppressive eect of NSAIDs on the loss of proteogly-
proteoglycan molecules from the articular tissue and both
cans is due either to an inhibition of the production of
drugs concomitantly enhanced proteoglycan synthesis
ODFR (Halliwell, 1995), or to a reduction in the synthesis of
whereas diclofenac unaected the overall metabolism of
metalloproteinases (MMPs) and other proteolytic enzymes
sulphated glycosaminoglycans. Previous in vitro studies have
and/or to a stimulation of the synthesis and secretion of
indeed shown that, at concentrations within therapeutic
tissue inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes (Poole et al., 1995).
range, the eect of NSAIDs on the ability of chondrocytes
Recent studies also suggest that NSAIDs could act either as
to synthesize proteoglycans may be either stimulatory,
reversible enzymatic inhibitors (Barracchini et al., 1998) or by
inhibitory or neutral (Brandt, 1987; Dingle, 1999). Therefore,
inhibiting COXs which mediate the induction of membrane-
it is likely that a mechanism other than COX inhibition
type metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-14), an enzyme able to
accounts for these marked dierences in the eects of these
activate gelatinase A (MMP-2) and collagenase-3 (MMP-13)
drugs on proteoglycan synthesis, a contention further
(Takahashi et al., 1999).
strengthened by the report that the PG E1 analogue,
In conclusion, although it remains to be established
misoprostol, does not protect against the suppression of
whether changes observed in cartilage metabolism over
proteoglycan synthesis caused by NSAIDs (Brandt et al.,
short-term in vitro cultures would also occur in vivo as a
1991). Inhibition of IL-1 production and consequent
result of long-term administration, the results presented
expression of growth factor activity have been recently
herein show that, in contrast to diclofenac, aceclofenac and,
proposed as possible stimulatory mechanisms (Dingle,
to a lesser extent, meloxicam at the concentrations found in
1999). On the other hand, some NSAIDs do have toxic
synovial ¯uid both exert a favourable eect on the overall
eects on chondrocyte metabolism such as inhibition of
metabolism of proteoglycans and HA in OA cartilage.
glucuronyltransferase, an enzyme responsible for the elonga-
Accordingly, the two drugs should not hamper the
tion of chondroitin sulphate chains on the nascent
biomechanical properties of the articular tissue and might
proteoglycan molecules (Hugenberg et al., 1993).
delay joint failure in OA. Aceclofenac and meloxicam,
That meloxicam enhanced the rate of proteoglycan
however, did not normalize the changes in cartilage
synthesis contrasts with the report of Rainsford et al.
metabolism seen in the OA tissue.
(1997) who found that this drug unaected cartilage
proteoglycan production. The reasons for this apparent
discrepancy are unknown, but it is possible they re¯ect, in
part, dierences in the histological-histochemical grade of
cartilage explants. Indeed, Dingle (1999) has reported that, in
This work was supported by the grants 3.4597.98 and 9.4580.97 of
the Fonds de la Recherche Scienti®que MeÂdicale (Belgium). The
contrast to OA cartilage, normal cartilage shows no evidence
authors thank Mr D. Winand and Dr A. de Patoul for their
of proteoglycan stimulation with aceclofenac. This heightened
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Source: http://www.achnil.com/wp-content/preference_pdfs/REF_1.pdf
Package ‘NRAIA' Title Data sets from Nonlinear Regression Analysis and Its Applications'' Maintainer Douglas Bates <[email protected]> Author R port by Douglas Bates <[email protected]> Description Datasets from Bates and Watts (1988) Nonlinear Regression Analysis and Its Applications'' with sample code. Depends lattice, stats License GPL (>= 2)
Effective intervention – the AODT Court celebrates two years of making a difference Can't touch this! Can cellphones be seized and searched? Clients recording legal advice – should we go there? ISSUE 41 21 NOVEMBER 2014 The Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Court recently held a training day at ADLSI's Chancery Chambers premises. Among those pictured are Court Pou Oranga, Rawiri Pene (front centre), flanked by Judge Lisa Tremewan and Judge Ema Aitken. Also present were Judge Philippa