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Product Information Sheet
SINAK Lithium Cure™ 1000 is the most
As the curing process continues to Areas to receive Lithium Cure must be significant advancement in concrete develop, the added gel products fill the clean of dirt, oil, and any other foreign curing over the past 50 years. SINAK's channels that allow water to escape from matter. Concrete to be sealed must be a lithium technology outperforms all other the concrete surface. By preserving more minimum of 14 days old and the surface curing products and methods. Lithium
moisture at and near the concrete surface, must be completely dry. Lithium Cure can CureTM 1000 minimizes or eliminates
it reduces the build up of surface tension be applied at a temperature of 40 degrees plastic shrinkage cracking in freshly placed that is responsible for plastic shrinkage F and rising. Do not apply to frozen sub- concrete, and produces highly durable surfaces for pavements, bridge decks and precast elements.
Other curing products and moisture cure are applied at a later period of the setting COMPOSITION AND
process. Conventional curing compounds As a result of using Lithium CureTM plas-
attempt to coat the concrete surface to tic shrinkage cracking will be mitigated and prevent moisture escape. This curing has surface permeability reduced producing Lithium Cure™ is a water-based lithium
been shown to produce mixed results re- more durable pavements, bridge decks, silicate with a proprietary formula in solu- lated to mitigating plastic shrinkage crack- and precast elements.
tion. It requires NO mixing, diluting or ing and enhanced surface durability. Unlike agitation. Lithium Cure™ contains NO
their performance in the lab on the small Research at Florida State University dem- volatile organic compounds or solvents.
test samples in a controlled environment, onstrated that slabs treated with Lithium
their effectiveness in the field is highly CureTM exhibited no plastic shrinkage
Lithium CureTM is a clear solution. How-
variable and dependant on mix propor- cracks, even under magnification. There ever, it can be produced in a white color by tions, surface area, ambient and concrete was also a noticeable decrease in warping incorporating titanium dioxide in the solu- temperatures, wind conditions, rate of ap- compared to the untreated control slabs. tion. Other colors can be produced using plication and time of application. Removal fugitive dyes.
of membrane products may be required.
Field results from Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department showed that Lithium CureTM does not interfere with
Lithium CureTM application on bridge
the bonding of joint sealants, patching decks greatly reduced shrinkage cracking ] Applied earlier than other
materials, lane markers and paint striping. compared to their standard curing methods Over-spray on reinforcement steel and using membrane cure followed by a 7-day ] Mitigates plastic shrinkage
cold-joints does not require removal.
Lithium CureTM is especially effective in
] Retains high internal moisture
preventing plastic shrinkage cracks in hot, Concrete that has been cured with Lithium windy, and low-humidity conditions such as ] Contributes to higher
Cure can also be sealed with Lithium Cure those prevailing in a 2.5-mile major con- efficiency cement hydration
when additional protection is desired. crete paving project in Honolulu, Hawaii. Lithium Cure used as a sealer waterproofs The Hawaii DOT reported that the applica- ] Reduces permeability
and protects against chloride ion penetra- tion of Lithium CureTM during the paving
tion, freeze/thaw damage and provides operation prevented the development of ] Reduces warping and curling
in pavements
stain resistance. Lithium Cure is excellent plastic shrinkage cracking despite these for use on bridge decks, parapet walls, severe conditions. ] Acts as a surface finishing aid
PCC paving, parking structures and all other cast-in-place and precast concrete.
] Excels in hot weather
Lithium Cure will not stain, discolor or HOW IT WORKS
alter the appearance or surface texture Both the Hawaii and Arkansas DOT proj- or skid-number (SN) rating. Upon the ects demonstrate that the use of Lithium
Lithium CureTM is applied to freshly placed
last coat drying, treated surfaces can be CureTM as a finishing aid during floating or
concrete much earlier than other curing
immediately opened for both foot and ve- screeding of the pavement surface speeds methods. The lithium silicate reaction with hicular traffic. SINAK Lithium Cure treated up placement. It also improves quality of the hydrating cement produces additional surfaces are compatible with paint and the surface finishing without resorting to gel products near the concrete surface. striping, cementitious toppings, caulking, the use of water.
crack repair, topically applied systems, etc. Lithium Cure never requires re-application.
Contractors in both projects were very pleased with the use of Lithium CureTM as
Manufactured in the U.S.A.
a finishing aid. They indicated that its use prevented surface blemishes and streaks normally caused by sticky concrete sur- Bridge Decks and Pavements
Lithium Cure™ is available in 5-gallon
faces, which improved workers' productiv- plastic pails, 55-gallon drums and 275-gal- ity and quality of the finish.
Lithium CureTM is applied in conjunction
lon biodegradable totes from selected with paving slip-form and bridge deck pav- distributors. Contact SINAK Corporation ing equipment.
for details.
Once final finishing, texturing, and/or tin- Lithium Cure™ is a clear solution. How-
ing has been completed, apply Lithium
ever, it is available in white or other colors Cure™ as final cure in one spray applica-
Compressive Strength PSI by special order.
tion until the surface appears shiny.
Water Lithium Lithium Cure Cure™ Cure% 7 Days 7252 7445 102.7%
Typical application rates range between 28 Days 8726 8992 103.0%
200-300 square feet per gallon.
After application, no special maintenance is required.
ASTM C 1202-94/AASHTO T 277
Rapid Chloride Permeability Test Immediately after concrete placement, Total Charge Passed (Coulombs) apply Lithium Cure™ to all exposed con-
Technical assistance is available from crete at a rate of approximately 200-300 manufacturer and from trained field repre- square feet per gallon in one spray coat. Sample 1 3999 2988 Upon removal of form work, apply Lithium
Sample 2 4027 2914 Cure™ to the freshly exposed concrete
Sample 3 3981 3012 surfaces at a rate of 250-350 square feet Average 4002 2971
per gallon in two coats.
SINAK Corporation warrants its prod-
26% Improvement Over Water-Cure
ucts to be of the highest quality. Since
Protective Surface Treatment
application of the product is a crucial
BS 1881: Part 5
factor in obtaining satisfactory results,
Initial Surface Absorption ml/m2/sec The Lithium Cure shall be applied by and is beyond the control of SINAK
(After 10 Minutes) spraying to obtain uniform coverage at Corporation, refund of purchase price
the specified rate. All areas shall receive or replacement of product shall consti-
two applications of the Lithium Cure spray tute the limit of SINAK Corporation's
treatment. The first application shall be at liability. SINAK Corporation makes no
a rate of 1 gallon per 33 square yards (1 other warranties, express or implied,
gallon per 300 square feet) and the second Average .11 .10
with respect to the products or any ser-
application at the rate of 1 gallon of the 9% Improvement Over Water-Cure
vice and disclaims all other warranties,
mixture per 33 square yards (1 gallon per including any warranty of merchantabil-
300 square feet). ity and fitness for a particular purpose.
This limited warranty may not be modi-
Clean all equipment by rinsing with water fied by representatives of SINAK Corpo-
ration, its distributors or dealers.
By eliminating surface cracks and de- STORAGE AND HANDLING
creasing the permeability and sorptivity of the concrete, Lithium Cure™ improves
Store in cool dry area out of direct sunlight. the durability of bridge decks and pave- Must be kept in tightly secured containers ments. It is very effective in protecting the to prevent evaporation and contamination.
concrete from adverse effects of deicing salts, freeze-thaw conditions, and seawa- Lithium Cure™ MUST be protected from
ter environments.
freezing. Product that has frozen will not function as intended, and should be Lithium Cure™ has no other shelf life
SINAK Corporation 4901 Morena Blvd. #601, San Diego, CA 92117
(800) 523-3147 •



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Compilation and Review of Published and Unpublished Tea Tree Oil Literature A report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation by CF Carson, KA Hammer, TV Riley RIRDC Publication No 05/151 RIRDC Project No UWA-75A © 2005 Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation. All rights reserved. ISBN 1 74151 214 X ISSN 1440-6845 Compilation and Review of Published and Unpublished Tea Tree Oil Literature Publication No. 05/151 Project No. UWA-75A The views expressed and the conclusions reached in this publication are those of the author and not necessarily those of persons consulted. RIRDC shall not be responsible in any way whatsoever to any person who relies in whole or in part on the contents of this report. This publication is copyright. However, RIRDC encourages wide dissemination of its research, providing the Corporation is clearly acknowledged. For any other enquiries concerning reproduction, contact the Publications Manager on phone 02 6272 3186. Researcher Contact Details