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Multidrug-resistant bacteria in unaccompanied refugee minors arriving in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, October to November 2015 U Heudorf 1 , B Krackhardt 1 , M Karathana 1 , N Kleinkauf 1 , C Zinn 2 1. Public Health Department, Frankfurt, Germany 2. Center for Hygiene and Infection Prevention, Ingelheim, GermanyCorrespondence: Ursel Heudorf ([email protected])

Jorge Zepeda Patterson, economista y «No era el primer hombre que moría en bra- sociólogo, hizo maestría en la Flacso (Facultad zos de Milena, pero sí el primero que lo hacía VALIDA COMO PRUEBA DE COLOR Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales) y estu- por causas naturales. Aquellos a los que había EXCEPTO TINTAS DIRECTAS, STAMPINGS, ETC. dios de doctorado en Ciencia Política en la

Table of Contents 1 Implementation and evaluation of an emergency department nurse navigator role: a controlled observation study utilising mixed methodology Dr Frances Kinnear1,2, Prof Paul Fulbrook1,3, Assoc Prof Melanie Jessup1,3 1The Prince Charles Hospital, Chermside, Australia, 2University Of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 3Australian Catholic University, Brisbane, Australia

Microsoft word - financing conference report.doc

Financing Opportunities for SMEs in Egypt Cairo: Sunday, 15 July, 2007 Conference Report Co-hosted by: Egypt/Canada Small and Medium Enterprise Policy Development Project (SMEPol) General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI) Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

Examen : BEP Date de l'épreuve : Spécialité/option : Carrières sanitaires et sociales Repère de l'épreuve : EP2 Épreuve : Sciences et technologie (En majuscules, suivi s'il y a lieu du nom d'épouse) Prénoms : N° du candidat (le numéro est celui qui figure sur la convocation ou la

EXAMEN ANUAL. SOCIEDAD NEUROLÓGICA ARGENTINA 1. La Prueba del Impulso Cefálico descripta por Halmagyi y Curthoys ha evolucionado como una prueba capital en el examen al pie de la cama del paciente, si es positiva generalmente indica: a. Una lesión vestibular central b. Una lesión periférica de magnitud, no compensada c. Una lesión cerebelosa d. Un neurinoma del acústico e. Ninguna es correcta

Guía de práctica clínica no ges para el tratamiento de adolescentes de 10 a 14 años, 2013

Guía de Práctica Clínica No GES para el Tratamiento de Adolescentes de 10 a 14 años, 2013 Ministerio de Salud. Guía Clínica para el Tratamiento de Adolescentes de 10 a 14 años con Depresión. Santiago: MINSAL, 2013. Todos los derechos reservados. Este material puede ser reproducido total o parcialmente para fines de diseminación y capacitación. Prohibida su venta.


Gene 345 (2005) 127 – 138 Codon bias as a factor in regulating expression via translation rate in the human genome Yizhar Lavner, Daniel Kotlar* Department of Computer Science, Tel Hai Academic College, Upper Galilee 12210, Israel Received 13 September 2004; received in revised form 10 November 2004; accepted 11 November 2004 Available online 24 December 2004 Received by H.E. Roman

Zweiter projektbericht jana

Zweiter Projektbericht aus einem Jahr Freiwilligendienst mit ASF in Israel Feldbuschwende 26 Beit Jenny Breuer Moshe Dayan Center Chaim Levanon 55 6997801 Tel Aviv-Jafo Da bin ich wieder. Oder besser gesagt: Da bin ich immer noch. Etwa ein halbes Jahr nachdem ich meinen ersten Projektbericht verschickt habe, melde ich mich wieder zu Wort. Obwohl wir Freiwilligen noch mehr als einen Monat im Land bleiben, fühlt sich dieser Projektbericht schon wie der erste Schritt zu einem Abschied an, den ich alles andere als herbei wünsche. Irgendwie habe ich kurz nicht auf die Uhr geschaut und schon sind zehn Monate vergangen. Ich kann es gar nicht fassen, wenn ich das Datum so vor mir sehe. Mein Gefühl sagt mir, ich sei erst seit etwa zwei Wochen im Land, nur meine Erinnerungen bestätigen mir, dass schon viel passiert ist und ich zahlreiche Erfahrungen gemacht habe. Mit einer leichten Melancholie beim Gedanken an das Ende, die bedeutet, wie tief ich schon Wurzeln in diesem Ort geschlagen habe, möchte ich von meinen Erfahrungen erzählen. Die Arbeit (oder so) In der zweiten Hälfte meines Freiwilligendienstes in Tel Aviv haben sich wie erhofft die Beziehungen zu den Bewohner im Beit Jenny Breuer intensiviert. Ich kann nicht sagen, wer sich da eigentlich um wen kümmert, weil die Arbeit mich so sehr bereichert und erfüllt, dass ich es gar nicht so sehr als Arbeit begreifen kann. Stattdessen fühle ich mich wie ein Enkelkind, das jeden Tag eine Honigdusche abbekommt. Meine Omis haben das Bedürfnis, mich bei jeder Gelegenheit zu herzen und zu umsorgen, da will ich ihnen im Sinne der Nächstenliebe natürlich nicht im Wege stehen und lasse selbstlos den Honig auf mich regnen. Es ist nicht zu unterschätzen, dass ich es täglich mit einer ganz besonders hartnäckigen Art der Großmutter zu tun habe, nämlich der Yiddishen Mame. Man sollte meinen, bei einer Enkelanzahl von bis zu zwanzig sollte die Aufmerksamkeit der Damen ausgelastet sein. Falsch gedacht! Ist gerade kein Enkel anwesend, wird eine nichtsahnende Freiwillige Wasser auf ihren Mühlen. Vor penetranten Modetipps, Ernährungsvorschlägen und natürlich den guten alten Verkupplungsversuchen ist kein Entkommen. Gibt es Chaos in Ihrem Leben, fühlen Sie Sich schwach und antriebslos? Nicht aufgeben, die Yiddishe Mame hat immer Tipps auf Lager, das Schlamassel im Nu gelöst und nebenbei fünfzehn Kippas und sechs Babydecken für die ganze Mischpoke gehäkelt. Doch das ist nicht alles. Die Vibes der Yiddishen Mame durchströmen das ganze Haus und haben schon längst meinen Chef in ihrer Gewalt, denn es wäre eine dramatische Fehlannahme, den Charakterzug der Mame am Geschlecht festmachen zu wollen. „Wenn du bleiben willst, kein Problem! Sag uns Bescheid, und wir machen uns sofort auf die Suche nach einen netten Mann für dich!" Die Ladies in der Ecke, die diesen Kommentar mitgehört hatten, nickten eifrig. Da mein Hebräisch dank Sprachkurs und hingebungsvollen israelischen Großeltern, die mir mit Geduld jedes Wort erklären, schnell besser geworden ist, kann ich mittlerweile auch gut etwas kompliziertere Gespräche führen, wie zum Beispiel über das Judentum, ein unerschöpfliches Thema in einem religiösen Altenheim. Es freut mich immer sehr, wenn ich M. besuchen komme, er dann eifrig auf die Uhr guckt, um zu sehen, wie viel Zeit wir haben und mich fragt, wo wir denn letztes Mal stehen geblieben seien. Beim Messias? Gut. Mach es dir bequem,

Vp drug response report

VP Genetic Results Prepared for: sample1 VP: Virtual PharmacistVP established researrch reportUser account: sample1 EfavirenzFor HIV infection that has not previously been treated, efavirenz and lamivudine in combination with zidovudine ortenofovir is the preferred NNRTI-based regimen. Your genetic data

Bariatric Surgical and Procedural in the Treatment of Obese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes A position statement from the International Diabetes Federation Taskforce on Epidemiology and Prevention Table of Contents 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . 1 2. BACKGROUND . 3

Microsoft word - v15-1_all_2005-b.doc

Koka, Deane & Lambert Health Worker Confidence in Diagnosing and Treating Mental Health Problems Health worker confidence in diagnosing and treating mental health problems in Papua New Guinea Betty E. Koka, Frank P. Deane and Gordon Lambert Illawarra Institute for Mental Health University of Wollongong Abstract

Helics icu protocol version 6.

Hospital in Europe Link for Infection Control through Surveillance Surveillance of Nosocomial Infections in Intensive Care Units Protocol (Based on Version 5.0 including technical amendments) Project commissioned by the EC / DG SANCO/ F/ 4 Agreement Reference number: VS/1999/5235 (99CVF4-025)

United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit ELI LILLY AND COMPANY, Plaintiff-Cross Appellant, TEVA PHARMACEUTICALS USA, INC., 2010-1005, -1033 Appeals from the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana in case no. 06-CV-1017, Judge Sarah Evans Barker. Decided: September 1, 2010 CHARLES E. LIPSEY, Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow,


JUEVES 15 DE FEBRERO CURSO PRECONGRESUAL (patrocinado por Sanofi -Aventis) (0,8 créditos) Sala Plenaria (Hotel Luz) Dirigido a: Médicos de Atención Primaria, Residentes, y a todas las especialidades interesadas en TITULO: La Hipertensión Arterial y sus complicaciones. Dr.Vicente Pallarés Carratalá. Médico de Familia. Unidad de Vigilancia de la Salud. Unión de Mutuas. Castellón.

Human sexuality booklet

PART I: Sexual Anatomy PART II: Physiology of Sexual Functions PART III: Sex Hormones and the Reproductive Period PART IV: Conception, Pregnancy and Childbirth PART V: Contraception (Birth Control) PART VI: Abortion PART VII: Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI'S) Sex lies at the root of life, and we can never learn to reverence life until we know how to understand sex. -Havelock Ellis

Binary Vectors and Super-binary Vectors Binary Vectors and Super-binary Vectors Toshihiko Komari, Yoshimitsu Takakura, Jun Ueki,Norio Kato, Yuji Ishida, and Yukoh Hiei A binary vector is a standard tool in the transformation of higher plants mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. It is composed of the borders of T-DNA, multiple cloningsites, replication functions for Escherichia coli and A. tumefaciens, selectable markergenes, reporter genes, and other accessory elements that can improve the efficiency ofand/or give further capability to the system. A super-binary vector carries additionalvirulence genes from a Ti plasmid, and exhibits very high frequency of transformation,which is valuable for recalcitrant plants such as cereals. A number of useful vectors arewidely circulated. Whereas vectors with compatible selectable markers and convenientcloning sites are usually the top criteria when inserting gene fragments shorter than 15 kb,the capability of maintaining a large DNA piece is more important for considerationwhen introducing DNA fragments larger than 15 kb. Because no vector is perfect forevery project, it is recommended that modification or construction of vectors should bemade according to the objective of the experiments. Existing vectors serve as goodsources of components.

10 promising.indd

Table of Contents Strategies for Addressing The DWI Offender: 10 PROMISING SENTENCING PRACTICES A compendium of promising sentencing practices proposed at theNHTSA National DWI Sentencing Summit at The National Judicial CollegeMarch 15-16, 2004 Strategies for Addressing The DWI Offender: A compendium of promising sentencing practices proposed at the NHTSA National

Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release Surgical Technique Table of Contents Indications and Contraindications• Indications: The MicroAire Carpal Tunnel Release System is for Indications / Contraindications . i use in patients diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome that is not associated with, or secondary to, any other known pathology

MEDICINA - Volumen 75 - Nº ISSN 2, 2015 MEDICINA (Buenos Aires) 2015; 75: 124-129 NEUMONÍA GRAVE DE LA COMUNIDAD Y NEUMONÍA ASOCIADA AL RESPIRADOR EN UN ENFERMO CON DESINHIBICIÓN DE LA CONDUCTA EDITORES: PABLO J. LANDI, GISELL A. TORREJÓN FERNÁNDEZ, CARLA GAZZI Hombre, 73 años. HC 117963. Fecha de ingreso: 29/06/2012. cardíaco sistólico intensidad 3/6 en foco aórtico y mitral,


Ang1-TURP Syndrome: a complication that can occur despite precautions S. BOUDARI, Y. ZARROUKI, O. CHOUKA, M. KHALLOUKI, MA. SAMKAOUI Service d'Anesthésie-Réanimation Hôpital Ibn-Tofail, CHU Mohammed VI, Marrakech Introduction: The TURP (transurethral resection of the prostate) syndrome is the most serious complication of transurethral resection of the prostate, it can be fatal. The incidence of TURP syndrome is decreasing, especially because of observance of requirements relating to the use of glycine, and utilization of technologic advances (laser techniques and bipolar circuitry). We report the case of a patient who presented a severe TURP syndrome following glycine irrigation despite the observance of all precautions of use. Case report: A 72-year-old man, followed for arterial hypertension under amlodipine, proposed for TURP for Benign prostatic hyperplasia revealed by lower urinary tract symptoms, and which the size of prostate is sonographically estimated 40 grams. The preanesthetic assessment has shown a patient with a good physical activity (more than 4 MET) and echocardiography, an abnormal relaxation pattern related to age and hypertension. Biological tests were correct, in particular Hb = 12.4 g/dL and natremia = 138 mEq/L. The procedure was performed under spinal anesthesia and consisted on a monopolar TURP. Irrigation of bladder made with a total of 6 L of 1.5% glycine with 1% ethanol at a pressure of up to 60 cm water. 35 minutes after the beginning of the procedure when the surgeon finalizing hemostasis, the patient became slightly disoriented, so the TURP syndrome was suspected, surgeon advised and irrigation stopped. Despite stopping of irrigation of glycine, evolution was marked by rapid clinical deterioration, with apparition in few minutes of a respiratory distress with crepitations on auscultation, hemodynamic instability (bradycardia, hypotension 70/40 mmHg) and then quickly occurrence of partial seizures of left upper limb. After this the patient was put under mechanical ventilation, correction of hyponatremia started by saline serum 3.3% and an internal jugular catheter was placed. Initial biological assessment showed : pH=7.31 PCO2 = 46.4 mmHg PO2 = 52.1 mmHg HCO3- = 23.5 mmol Na+ = 108.3 mmol/l K+ = 5.47 mmol/l After restoration of effective circulation, furosemide was given and the patient was transferred to surgical intensive care unit. The sedation was stopped and 2 hours later, extubation done in a patient respiratory and hemodynamically stable, persistent slightly confused. The hyponatraemia was slowly corrected to 132 mmol/l and the patient discharged day 3 from ICU with a good recovery especially neurological. Commentaries: In this clinical observation, the patient has presented a life threatening TURP syndrome, despite the small prostate size, the not elevated irrigation pressure and the short duration of resection. That illustrates how regional anesthesia is superior than general anesthesia, by allowing an early detection of any change in mental status, enabling an early recognition of the syndrome and avoiding thereby its expression by an intraoperative cardiac arrest. Under general anesthesia, the diagnosis of TURP Syndrome is difficult, generally delayed and the cardiovascular signs are prominent.

Main Rupatadine References Contents: Main Rupatadine References Pharmacodynamics / Pharmacokinetics Dual effect of a new compound, rupatadine, on edema induced by platelet-activating factor and histamine in dogs: Comparison with antihistamines and PAF antagonists. Queralt M, Merlos M, Giral M, Puigdemont A. Drug Dev Res 1996; 39 (1): 12-8. The antihistamine-H1 and antiplatelet activating factor (PAF) activities of seven compounds, including rupatadine, a new antiallergic drug, were studied in healthy beagle dogs using a new experimental model that allows simultaneous testing of PAF and histamine reactions in the same animal. The method was based on the measurement of wheal area induced in dogs' skin by intradermal injection of PAF (1.5 mug) or histamine (2.5 mug). Rupatadine and the H1-antihistamine drugs cetirizine, levocabastine, and loratadine, administered orally at doses of 1 or 10 mg/kg showed similar maximum potencies (75-85% of wheal inhibition) 4-8 h after treatment. Levocabastine was the longest-acting compound (55% and 69% inhibition 24 h after administration of 1 or 10 mg/kg, respectively). Rupatadine, loratadine, and cetirizine behaved similarly, showing 34% and 58% inhibition at 24 h at the same doses. Dual PAF and histamine antagonist SCH-37370 exhibited mild anti-H1 activity, the maximum effect being 27% at 10 mg/kg. Pure PAF antagonists WEB-2086 and SR-27417 showed no effect against histamine-induced wheals. Only rupatadine, SR-27417A, SCH-37370, and WEB-2086 showed PAF antagonist activity, whereas pure antihistamines were inactive. The most potent PAF antagonist was SR-27417A, with a maximum effect of 56% and 80% at 1 and 10 mg/kg, respectively. Rupatadine and WEB-2086 antagonized PAF-induced wheal response, although they showed less maximum effect and shorter duration of action than SR-27417A. SCH-37370 exhibited only slight PAF antagonist activity at 10mg/kg. Overall, the histamine- and PAF-induced wheal model in dogs proved useful for independent evaluation of histamine and PAF antagonist properties of the tested compounds, as pure antagonists blocked the effect of only one of the mediators. Rupatadine was the only one of the seven compounds studied that showed potent dual activity against PAF and histamine. Protective effect of rupatadine fumarate in experimental conjunctivitis in guinea pigs. Ferrando R, Giral M, Balsa MD, Merlos M, Garcia Rafanell J, Forn J. Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol 1996; 18 (Suppl B): 140. XX Congress of the Spanish Society of Pharmacology and the IV Spanish-French Meeting on Pharmacology. Granada (Spain), September 18-20 1996. The topical antiallergic activity of the novel histamine (H) and PAF antagonist rupatadine fumarate (RF; UR-12592 fumarate) eyedrops was evaluated in comparison with loratidine (LOR) in a model of H-, PAF-or ovalbumin (OVA)-induced conjunctivitis in guinea pigs. From the results it was concluded that RF could be useful in the topical treatment of allergic conjunctivitis. (conference abstract). Conjunctivitis was induced by topical application of H (400 ug) or PAF (10 ug) in naive animals or OVA (140 ug) in actively sensitized guinea pigs. Drugs were administered as eye-drops (20 ul) 15 min before agonist or antigen provocation. Inflammation was scored (0-10 point scale) at 5, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 min after induction. RF (0.001-0.01 % w/v) strongly and dose-dependently inhibited H-induced conjunctivitis, being about 20-fold more potent than LOR (IC50 values at 30 min were 0.0015 and 0.034% for RF and LOR, respectively). RF (0.05-0.2%) also inhibited PAF-and OVA-induced conjunctivitis, e g. mean scores (at 30 min), PAF: 6.8 and 4.2 for control and 0.1% RF, respectively; OVA: 7.2 and 3.8. LOR, at the same concentrations, inhibited OVA-, but not PAF-induced conjunctivitis.

Microsoft word - appendix 3 stratford sites ed 2.doc

Warwickshire County Council Stratford on Avon District Local Development Framework Core Strategy Historic Environment Assessment of Proposed Strategic Sites Stratford on Avon District Local Development Framework Core Strategy Historic Environment Assessment of Proposed Strategic Sites.


INTRODUZIONE (Mt. 13,1-3a) Le Parabole del Regno (Mt. 13) I 5 "discorsi" del vangelo di Matteo Le 7 Parabole del Regno Discorso della montagna (Mt. 5-7) Parabola del seminatore Discorso Missionario (Mt. 10) Parabola della zizzania Discorso delle parabole (Mt. 13) Parabola del chicco di senape

Transformer in ceratitis

Development 129, 3715-3725 (2002) Printed in Great Britain © The Company of Biologists Limited 2002DEV7952 The transformer gene in Ceratitis capitata provides a genetic basis for selecting and remembering the sexual fate Attilio Pane, Marco Salvemini, Pasquale Delli Bovi, Catello Polito and Giuseppe Saccone* Dipartimento di Genetica, Biologia Generale e Molecolare, Università degli Studi di Napoli ‘Federico II', Via Mezzocannone 8,80134 Napoli, Italy*Author for correspondence (e-mail: [email protected])

Recommendations for the Managementof Herpes Zoster Robert H. Dworkin,1,2 Robert W. Johnson,18 Judith Breuer,19 John W. Gnann,5,7 Myron J. Levin,8 Miroslav Backonja,9Robert F. Betts,3 Anne A. Gershon,4 Maija L. Haanpa¨a¨,22 Michael W. McKendrick,20 Turo J. Nurmikko,21Anne Louise Oaklander,10 Michael N. Oxman,12 Deborah Pavan-Langston,11 Karin L. Petersen,14Michael C. Rowbotham,14 Kenneth E. Schmader,15 Brett R. Stacey,16 Stephen K. Tyring,17 Albert J. M. van Wijck,23Mark S. Wallace,13 Sawko W. Wassilew,24 and Richard J. Whitley6

Síndromes paraneoplásicos neurológicos: para entender la respuesta inmune y los The neurologies paraneoplasics syndromes to understand the immune response and Fernando González Trujillo, Yimy F Medina, Pedro José Penagos González, Camilo Zubieta Vega, Gonzalo Melo Gómez RESUMENLos síndromes paraneoplásicos neurológicos (SPN) comprometen el sistema nervioso (central periférico o neu-

REVIEW ARTICLEJ Korean Sleep Res Soc 2013;10:1-6 Imaging the Sleep Deprived Brain: A Brief Review Michael WL Chee, MBBS, FRCP (Edin)Neuroscience and Behavioral Disorders Program, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore Key Words: fMRI, Cognitive tasks, Attention, Default mode network, Sleep deprivation.

Hardship Persists Among Windham and Windsor County Residents with Lower Incomes— Findings from SEVCA's Community Assessment November 2015 Approved by SEVCA Board of Directors on November 17, 2015 Acknowledgements Community Assessment developed and overseen by SEVCA Strategic Planning Committee: Stephen Geller, Executive Director Becky Himlin, Planning and Development Director Kathryn Poston, Board Secretary Donald Skekel, Board member Linda Brooks, Executive Assistant Thomas Clews, Finance Director Judy Trow, Accounts Payable Administrator Pat Burke, Family Services Director Elizabeth McEwen, Family Services Worker Denise Mason, Economic Development Director Karen Woodcock, IDA/Financial Fitness Coordinator Harald Schmidtke, Weatherization Director Chip Sullivan, Weatherization Chief Energy Auditor Lori Canfield, Head Start Director Barbara Vandenburgh, Head Start Family/Community/Mental Health Manager Analysis and write-up by: Becky Himlin, Director of Planning and Development, with assistance from Melanie Jennings, Data Analysis Intern Data entry by: Ayanda Himlin-Mayekiso, Sue Barnett, Amanda Sabo, and Melissa Richmond

Seachtain na Sláinte agus na Folláine Health and Wellbeing Week 14•••19 September 2015 See Centre Page For Calendar Of Events Quick Guide To The Week Visit our website at #SDCCHealthAndWellbeing A week long event of activities for everyone! Health and Wellbeing Week 2015Mayor's Introduction Tá an-áthas orm an bróisiúr a Seachtain na Sláinte agus na Folláine a shoelad agus ba mhaith liom aitheantas agus buíochas a thabhairt do na gníomhaireachtaí agus na heagraíochtaí rannpháirteacha go léir ar ud an Chontae.

10 Sneaky Things a Spammer Will Do Just when you thought your inbox was safe… Table of Contents The Never Ending Growth of Email Spam A Reason for Spam and a Reason for More Spam 1 – Botnets, Zombies and You 2 – Borrowing a Reputation 3 – Spammers Can Authenticate Too 4 – Word Salad 5 – Light Reading 7 – If Only I Could Spell

CURRENT DRUG THERAPY EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Readers will prescribe antidepressant drugs more confidently on the basis CREDIT of the characteristics of the patient and the various drugs ELIZABETH SHULTZ, DO DONALD A. MALONE, JR., MD Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Chair, Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Cleveland Clinic; Clinical Instructor, Cleveland Cleveland Clinic; Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner

Prevention of cardiovascular disease

Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease See separate articlesand The revised Joint British Societies' (JBS 3) guidelines on prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in clinicalpractice recommend that CVD prevention should focus equally on the following three groups of patients who areat high risk of CVD: [1] Apparently healthy individuals with 20% or greater risk over 10 years of developing symptomaticatherosclerotic disease.People with diabetes mellitus (type 1 or 2).People with established atherosclerotic CVD.

Australasian Journal of Dermatology (2001) 42, 207–210 Subcutaneous fat necrosis of the newborn following hypothermia and complicated by pain and hypercalcaemia Todd P Wiadrowski and Gillian Marshman Flinders Medical Centre, Bedford Park, South Australia, Australia history of the condition is for resolution without scarring. Themost common complication of SCFN is hypercalcaemia,

Einstufungstest (B2): 1. Leseverstehen Lesen Sie zuerst die 10 Überschriften. Lesen Sie dann die fünf Texte und entscheiden Sie, welcher Text (1–5) am besten zu welcher Überschrift (a–j) passt. Tragen Sie Ihre Lösungen in den Antwortbogen bei den Aufgaben 1–5 ein. Neue Richtlinie für Zertifizierung von Medikamenten für Kinder

August 2005 The South Central Pennsylvania Health Care Quality Unit Volume 10 DON'T BUG ME! In This Issue Health Secretary Dr. Calvin B. Johnson announced the first human case of West Nile Virus (WNV) in Pennsylvania for this year was reported on July 20, Bulletin Board. . . . . 6 2005. Dr. Johnson stated that the chance for contracting WNV is small, and the

Berichte Silmaril 2009 4. Bericht: 19. August bis 25. November 2009 von Svolvær 68° 14.4'N, 14°34.4'E bis Litlebergen 60 32.3'N, 5°14.2'E mit Unterbruch von zwei Reisen in die Schweiz Am 11. August starb Alexs Mutter, Hanny. Wir haben für sie eine sehr familiäre und schöne Abschiedsfeier in der Kirche in Interlaken erleben dürfen. Die ganze Familie und viele Freunde und Bekannte von Hanny sind angereist. Wir hatten ein gutes Gefühl, bald nach der Beerdigung wieder abzureisen. Am Mittwoch, 19. August reisten wir zusammen mit Renzo in aller Herrgottsfrühe wieder nach Svolvær ab. Tagwacht um 04:20, Fahrt per Auto zum Flughafen Zürich, Abflug nach Stockholm, nach Stunden Weiterflug nach Oslo, dann recht zügig Oslo-Bodø und schlussendlich Bodø-Svolvær. Die Flugzeuge wurden immer kleiner, ab Oslo waren wir mit Propellerflugzeugen unterwegs. Die letzte Strecke war sagenhaft eindrücklich, das Wetter perfekt und die Flughöhe so tief, dass jedes Schaf (Grössenangabe!) auf den vielen kleinen Inseln im blauen Wasser zu sehen gewesen wäre. Gesehen haben wir allerdings keine. Todmüde nach 16 Stunden Reise kamen wir bei Silmaril an, machten aber trotzdem noch klar Schiff, damit wir am nächsten Tag früh aufbrechen konnten. Wir waren von Anfang an unter Zeitdruck, da wir die Rückreise in die Schweiz mit Renzo schon vor unserer überstürzten Rückkehr in die Schweiz am 12. August gebucht hatten. Wir wurden in der Schweiz auch erwartet. Ein Treffen mit Freunden und eine Klassenzusammenkunft waren seit Monaten geplant. Wir mussten die Strecke nach Ålesund bis zum 28. August schaffen. Am 29. sollten wir fliegen.

GB ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS SKIL - Divisão de Ferramentas Elétricas Caixa Postal 1195 - CEP 13065-9000 - Campinas/SP - Brasil SKIL_IB2144_BR.indd 1 14-04-2010 14:22:22 EPTA 01/2003 0,8-10 mm SKIL_IB2144_BR.indd 2 14-04-2010 14:22:28 SKIL_IB2144_BR.indd 3 14-04-2010 14:22:29 SKIL_IB2144_BR.indd 4 14-04-2010 14:22:30 ACCESSORIES

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BOCK_C22_0321570448 pp3.qxd 12/1/08 3:50 PM Page 519 INFERENCES FOR THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TWO PROPORTIONS ON THE COMPUTER It is so common to test against the null hypothesis of no difference between the two true proportions that moststatistics programs simply assume this null hypothesis. And most will automatically use the pooled standarddeviation. If you wish to test a different null (say, that the true difference is 0.3), you may have to search for away to do it.

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Policy Department B Structural and Cohesion Policies DOPING IN PROFESSIONAL SPORT Directorate General Internal Policies of the Union Policy Department Structural and Cohesion Policies CULTURE AND EDUCATION DOPING IN PROFESSIONAL SPORT IP/B/CULT/IC/2007-067 06/2008 PE 405.404 This study was requested by the European Parliament's Committee on Culture and Education.

Microsoft word - updated_nabp internet drug outlet report_may 2012

Internet Drug Outlet Identification Program Updated Progress Report for State and Federal Regulators: April 2012 – Re-Issued May 14, 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . 3 A. Findings of Site Reviews . 4 B. Recommended Internet Pharmacies . 5 C. Accreditation and Approval Applicant Screenings . 6 DRUG SHORTAGES CREATE NICHE FOR SWINDLERS . 6

BENEFIT DETAILS Great-West Life is a leading Canadian life and health insurer. Great-West Life's financial security advisors work with our clients from coast to coast to help them secure their financial future. We provide a wide range of retirement savings and income plans; as well as life, disability and critical illness insurance for individuals and families. As a leading provider of employee benefits in Canada, we offer effective benefit solutions for large and small employee groups. Great-West Life Online Visit our website atfor:  information and details on Great-West Life's corporate profile and our products and services  investor information  news releases  contact information  claim forms and the ability to submit certain claims online Great-West Life Online Services for Plan Members As a Great-West Life plan member, you can also register for GroupNet™ for Plan Members at To access this service, click on the GroupNet for Plan Members link. Follow the instructions to register. Make sure to have your plan and ID numbers available before accessing the website.


Iontophorese mit Voltaren® Emulgel® als eine mögliche physiotherapeutische Behandlungsmethode bei Schmerzzuständen Erläuterung am Beispiel von postoperativen Schmerzen nach einer mikrochirurgischen Bandscheibenoperation in der Lendenwirbelsäule Wissenschaftliche Hausarbeit zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades einer Magistra Artium

The future of worming STARTS here! Dual active worm control Dual active worm control Introducing a novel strategy for sustainable worm control in sheep. STARTECT® is the first dual active wormer. It gives an additive effect for improved worm control, which can enhance animal performance. Containing a novel active ingredient derquantel, and a potent ML abamectin it not only kills worms resistant to other products, but used routinely it can help delay wormer resistance, protecting your flock from drench failure now and into the future.

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Temporal and Spatial Manifestations of Exercise-induced Hypoalgesia and Conditioned Pain Modulation Henrik Bjarke Vægter, MSc, PT PhD Thesis Pain Center South Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine University Hospital Odense Heden 9, Entrance 201

A beginner's guide to purchasing property in Spain A beginner's guide to purchasing property in Spain efficient. You have been the best firm worked to help us. Thank you." Client Introduction - Buying a property in Spain Inheritance laws and ownership Types of purchase + Domicile and residence + Existing properties Wills and estate planning

Órgano oficial de S.E.S.O. – Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Seguridad, Salud Ocupacional y Gestión Ambiental Miembro de AÑO 2014, Nº 004 GUAYAQUIL - ECUADOR EDICION: MEDICINA OCPACIONAL MAYO - JUNIO "Cumplimos 26 Años al Servicio de la Prevención de Riesgos Laborales y Ambientales" 1988 - 2014

Securing the pharmaceutical supply chain

Track and Trace in the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Edmund W. Schuster Visiting Operations Researcher Associate Director Massachusetts Institute of Technology husetts institute of technology, 400 technology sq, building ne46, 6th floor, cambridge, ma 02139-4307, usa Abstract The complexity of the United States health care system is increasing rapidly. Demographic changes, along with a host of new drugs, are causing greater volumes of raw materials and finished products to move through the pharmaceutical supply chain. Because drugs are expensive, there is always the possibility of counterfeit. Several recent cases of counterfeit medicines have raised American awareness of the problem. Information is an effective tool to combat counterfeit, however, new supply chain structures and relationships will need to emerge to organize and exchange information

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January 2008 SMART Holiday Party 2007 was a huge success, and all of us enjoyed the talented performances, tasty food, lively music, great dancing, and wonderful CD gifts. Many thanks to all who helped Class for out at the SMART Holiday Parents of Party 2007. Thanks to Bill Stinebaugh and Eggleston Services for the use of the


Lettre trimestrielle de l'Institut Français de Shiatsu Cet été fut riche en évènements. Cani- pond très clairement sur le sujet. « On ne peut cule (ben oui en été et surtout dans le midi), plus être écolo, il faut être humaniste »! L'éco- N° 19 – AUTOMNE 2006 zid.âneries, maillot jaune sâli, incendies au logie a besoin de terrain, de réalité et de pro-

Chapter 12Influence of Temperature on the Sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus L.) Ovarian Follicles State B.F. Goncharov, M.N. Skoblina, O.B. Trubnikova, and M.S. Chebanov Abstract We studied the effects of changes in the temperature of water in which the sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus L.) females were kept on morphometrical and physiologi-cal characteristics of the ovarian follicles: size of oocytes, their polarization index, and their capacity to mature and ovulate in vitro in the presence of progesterone or purified preparation of gonadotropic hormone of the sturgeon pituitary, as well as ‘spontaneously' in the culture medium. When the temperature was lowered from 13°C, the optimal for spawning, to 6°C, the morphometrical parameters remained unchanged, but the indices of the physiological state underwent changes. After the temperature was gradually elevated to the initial value, some indices returned fully or partially to the initial state, while others continued to change in the same direction.

"Farmacología kinésica deportiva" Cátedra Kinesiología Deportiva Encargado de enseñanza Dr. Mastrángelo, Jorge Lic. Spinetta, Daniel Integrantes Balzi, Brenda Bettini, Florencia Ferraris, Juan Manuel Fortuondo, María Emilce Gómez, Vanina Guisasola, Pablo L'Afflitto, Mariana Micó, Gustavo Vazquez, Lorena Vignolo, Florencia


                                                         Scientific  Committee   Teresa  Giraldez  (Hospital  Universitario  Ntra.  Sra.  de  Candelaria,  Tenerife,  Spain)   Luis  A.  Pardo  (Max  Planck  Institute  for  Experimental  Medicine,  Göttingen,  Germany)  


Laminitis Lowdown by: Christy West, Digital Editor/Producer August 01 2010, Article # 16761 Add to Favorites ShareThis The laminitis mystery is far from solved, but researchers continue to discover new clues about its causes, treatment, and prevention. Laminitis, an often devastating hoof disease that can strike horses of any breed without warning, is a major issue for horse owners and veterinarians alike. In the recent American Horse Publications (AHP) Equine Industry Survey, nearly 50% of the 11,000-plus owners surveyed listed it as a health issue of concern. And in last year's AAEP (American Association of Equine Practitioners) Equine Research study, 63% of the responding veterinarians listed it as a health condition in need of more research, making it the No. 1 health problem listed on the survey. Some of the best minds in equine veterinary medicine have targeted this disease, and the pieces are starting to fall into place. Here we'll visit studies described by James Orsini, DVM, Dipl. ACVS, Penn Vet Laminitis Institute director; and Amy Rucker, DVM, of Midwest Equine in Columbia, Mo., who both presented at the Fifth International Equine Conference on Laminitis and Diseases of the Foot (Nov. 6-8, 2009). Laminitis Basics Laminitis is an inflammation of the laminae--interlocking leaflike tissues attaching the hoof to the coffin bone. It can strike any number of feet on any horse due to a variety of triggers, from high-carbohydrate diets in sensitive horses to colic to retained placenta to mechanical overload. Severity ranges from mild and curable to severe and incurable (resulting in euthanasia). Enzymes and the Laminitis Process A major focus in laminitis research has been enzymes (which catalyze or stimulate chemical reactions in the body) that get out of balance in early stages of the disease. It's been theorized that if these enzymes could be controlled medically, laminitis could be prevented or minimized. Previous work has often focused on enzymes called matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), which have a role in hoof growth but become overactive in laminitis. However, more recent work has found that another enzyme, an aggrecanase termed ADAMTS-4, spikes much earlier in the laminitic disease process than MMPs (first reported by Orsini and colleagues at Penn in 2005). Christopher Pollitt, BVSc, PhD, director of the Australian Equine Laminitis Research Unit and research director of the Penn Vet Laminitis Institute, wrote that these findings "are causing us to rethink the early events that culminate in clinical signs of laminitis." Another researcher, Samuel Black, PhD, professor of Veterinary and Animal Sciences at the University of Massachusetts, discussed similar ADAMTS-4 findings, lending support to this line of research. Black also reported that certain molecules that help joint cartilage resist compressive forces (the proteoglycans: aggrecan and versican) have recently been found in the laminae, suggesting a similar role there. Thus, increased activity of the ADAMTS-4 enzyme that breaks down these molecules "may contribute to the loss of lamellar function in laminitis," he noted. Hormones and Laminitis Overweight horses are at higher risk for laminitis, often due to insulin resistance (a reduction in sensitivity to insulin that -decreases the ability of glucose to be transported into the body's cells from the bloodstream). Nicholas Frank, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVIM, associate professor of Large Animal Medicine at the University of Tennessee, noted insulin resistance can "lower the threshold" for laminitis in affected horses. He also noted small management changes, such as introducing a new batch of hay or feed with higher levels of nonstructural carbohydrates (NSC), stress increases, or exercise reduction, can push these horses over the edge. Frank reported that even healthy horses hospitalized for two weeks had increased insulin resistance, suggesting that stress and possibly exercise reduction can contribute to insulin resistance. "We haven't had any studies to support this in the past," noted Orsini. Nutrition and Pasture Management Horses with high body condition scores (7-9, fleshy to extremely fat; see for more on body condition scores), hyperinsulinemia (high levels of insulin in the bloodstream of 32mU/L or more), and cresty necks "are the ones you should look at very carefully, as these are good predictive criteria for laminitis development under certain conditions,"

An Empirical Study on User Access Control in Online Social Networks Faculty of Science, Technology and Shanghai Key Laboratory of Data Science University of Luxembourg Faculty of Science, Technology and Shanghai Key Laboratory of Data Science University of Luxembourg In recent years, access control in online social networks has Online social networks (OSNs) have gained a huge success

Hiv‐positive‐to‐hiv‐positive liver transplantation

American Journal of Transplantation 2016; XX: 1–6 © Copyright 2016 The American Society of Transplantation Wiley Periodicals Inc. and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons doi: 10.1111/ajt.13824 A. Calmy1,*,†, C. van Delden2,†, E. Giostra3, C. Junet4, L. Rubbia Brandt5, S. Yerly6,J.-P. Chave7, C. Samer8, L. Elkrief3, J. Vionnet9 Concerns about donor-derived human immunodeficiency

Keimreaktionen auf Antibiotikagruppen Herwig Friedl∗ Ziel dieser vorliegenden Studie ist das Auffinden von Gruppen homo- gener Antibiotika. Dazu werden die Reaktionen von E. Coli Bakterienaus G¨ulleproben steirischer Schweinezuchtbetriebe sowie aus Wasserpro-ben bez¨uglich ihrer Resistenz gegen¨uber dieser Antibiotika beobachtet.Auf s¨amtliche Antibiotika in einer gefundenen Gruppe sollen die Keimeso ¨ahnlich wie m¨oglich reagieren. Verschiedene Strategien und Methodender Clusteranalyse werden deshalb angewendet, wobei ¨uberraschenderweisedie Verfahren zwar jeweils ¨ahnliche Ergebnisse ergeben, diese sich jedochf¨ur die beiden Datens¨atze unterscheiden.


CSIRO PUBLISHING Historical Records of Australian Science, 2013, 24, 242– Mollie Elizabeth Holman 1930–2010 Elspeth M. McLachlanA,C and G. David S. HirstB A Neuroscience Research Australia, Randwick, NSW 2031, Australia. B86 Caroline Street, South Yarra, Vic. 3141, Australia. CCorresponding author. Ema Mollie Holman was a biophysicist whose work on the autonomic nervous system and the innervation of smooth muscle was seminal in advancing knowledge of its behaviour at a cellular level. She was particularly known for her technical expertise in microelectrode recording of membrane potential from single smooth muscle cells, and the interpretation of their electrical activity, both spontaneous and in response to transmitters released from their autonomic nerves.

DEPARTMENT OF PERIODONTOLOGY SNO. NAME THESIS TOPIC 1. Dr.Yogender Singh Evaluation And Comparison of Healing of Periodontal Interdisciplinary Periodontics (2013-2016) Flaps when Approximated with Silk Sutures and N- Butylcyanoacrylate: A Clinico- Histological Study

Mental illness

SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION OF INSTITUTIONAL DENTISTS — Self-Study Course Module 9 CLINICAL CONCERNS IN DENTAL CARE FOR PERSONS WITH MENTAL ILLNESS Purpose of this Module The information presented in this module is intended to provide the institutional dental staff with a compre- hensive discussion of oral health care for persons with mental illness in institutional settings as well as thechallenges faced by the dental profession treating these persons in outpatient settings.

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I l of Pharmagenesis 2(1), January-June 2011, pp. 87-97 Formulation Development & Evaluation of Matrix Moderated Transdermal System of Montelukast Sodium Upendra Nagaich*1 and Vandana Chaudhary2 1Dept. of Pharmaceutics, B.V.M. College of Pharmacy, Shivpuri Link Road, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh (India) 2Dept. of Pharmaceutics, Guru Gobind Singh College of Pharmacy, Yamuna Nagar, Haryana (India)

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Musculoskelet Surg (2010) 94:59–61 Primary hydatid cyst of the biceps femoris M. F. Hamdi • B. Touati • A. Abid Received: 14 September 2009 / Accepted: 18 January 2010 / Published online: 4 February 2010Ó Springer-Verlag 2010 which generally involves the liver and the lungs. Primarymuscle hydatidosis is an uncommon finding. The authors A 25-year-old woman living in a rural area consulted for a


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Board of Nursing Approval – 5/10/00 Assistance with Medication Information for School Staff (For Field Trips Only) When assisting with medications, it is expected that assistance will be given in a manner which protects the student from harm. It is expected both from a legal and ethical standpoint that you will not knowingly participate in practices which are outside your legally permissible role or which may endanger the well being of the student. Medication is given to the right student, at the right time, in the right amount (dose), and by the right route (such as orally, topically, by inhalation). The following information is developed around these FIVE RIGHTS:

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Schwarz et al. BMC Infectious Diseases 2010, 10:319 Systemic bacteraemia in children presenting with clinical pneumonia and the impact of non-typhoid salmonella (NTS)Norbert G Schwarz1*, Nimako Sarpong2, Frank Hünger2, Florian Marks3, Samuel EK Acquah2, Alex Agyekum2,Bernard Nkrumah2, Wibke Loag1, Ralf M Hagen1, Jennifer A Evans4, Denise Dekker2, Julius N Fobil1,Christian G Meyer1, Jürgen May1, Yaw Adu-Sarkodie5

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La cultura economica in Italia nel Mezzogiorno fra le due guerre Napoli, 9 novembre 2013 Gli affari della mafia nella Sicilia degli anni trenta1 di Giustina Manica Il dopo Mori fu per la Sicilia un periodo di abbandono politico ed economico. Il console inglese a Palermo nel 1935 scrive nei suoi rapporti che la situazione

arturO martOS fOSeLathe Fitting of Five Straumann® roxolid implantsin the maxillary anterior Sextant, using an immediateloading protocol General Anamnesis Clinical Examination the patient is a 50-years old Caucasian woman, non-smoker the x-ray exam revealed a destructive loss of bone contactand in a good general state of health. She had suffered in the teeth of the maxillary anterior sextant and the presencebreast cancer with infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the right of periodontal pockets in the posterior sector. moderate tobreast, which required the breast to be removed, chemo- severe periodontal disease was found in the upper maxil-therapy, radiotherapy as well as subsequent anti-estrogen lary. tooth mobility was diagnosed in teeth 11, 13, 21 andtherapy1. She is still undergoing anti-hormonal treatment up 22. there was no mobility in the teeth in the posterior sectorto the present day.

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McNeil, a Johnson & Johnson Subsidiary FDA Case StudyWarren AdisHagan School of Business, Iona College, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Recommended CitationAdis, Warren (2014) "McNeil, a Johnson & Johnson Subsidiary FDA Case Study," Communications of the IIMA: Vol. 14: Iss. 3, Article2.Available at: This Article is brought to you for free and open access by CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Communications of the IIMA byan authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact .


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Elevated Serum Estradiol and Testosterone Concentrations Are Associated with a High Risk for Breast CancerJane A. Cauley, DrPH; Frances L. Lucas, PhD; Lewis H. Kuller, MD, DrPH; Katie Stone, PhD; Warren Browner, MD, MPH; and Steven R. Cummings, MD, for the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures Research Group Background: The relation between endogenous steroid

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Singh et al., Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. (2011) 8(S):208-213 AN OVERVIEW ON ASHWAGANDHA: A RASAYANA (REJUVENATOR) OF AYURVEDA Narendra Singh#, Mohit Bhalla, Prashanti de Jager* and Marilena Gilca** International Institute of Herbal Medicine (IIHM), Gomtinagar, Lucknow – 226010, INDIA *Ayurvedic Scholar at the International Institute of Herbal Medicine (IIHM), Lucknow, India,

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Avian flu: preparing for a pandemic

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