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Name /oak/jn 122_5y4356/M _226 05/01/2000 07:52AM Plate # 0 Sertraline in theTreatment of MajorDepression FollowingMild TraumaticBrain InjuryJesse R. Fann, M.D., M.P.H.Jay M. Uomoto, Ph.D.Wayne J. Katon, M.D. An 8-week, nonrandomized, single-blind, placebo run-in trial of sertraline was conducted on 15 pa- oftraumatic brain injury (TBI) in both inpatient

La oposición a las medidas cautelares TRINA TRINA TRINA TRINA DOC DOC DOC DOC GioVanni F. priori poSada Abogado por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Máster por la Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata. Profesor ordinario de Derecho Procesal en la Facultad de Derecho y en las Maestrías en Derecho Procesal y Política Jurisdiccional de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

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BEDBUGS: PUBLIC HEALTH IMPORTANCE CHAPTER 4Bedbugs, fleas, lice, ticks and mites Ectoparasites that live on the body, in clothing and in beds There are many different species of bloodsucking fleas, lice, ticks and mites. Licelive on humans or in their clothing, while fleas are frequently found taking blood-meals on people and domestic animals. Bedbugs, which can be found in beds orfurniture, feed on humans to obtain blood-meals. Some mites live in people's skin,e.g. the mites that cause scabies. Other mite species and ticks may take blood-meals on humans. Fleas, bedbugs and lice are insects, whereas ticks and mitesbelong to another group of arthropods, the Acarina. Unlike adult insects they haveonly two main sections to their body, and the adults have four pairs of legs (asopposed to three pairs in insects).

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history of epilepsy. Pregnant women should seek MALARIAL PREVENTION medical advice regarding malarial prevention. Malaria can be fatal. It is essential to take medical Prolonged administration of Chloroquine may advice on which antimalarial drugs are rarely lead to eye damage. If any problems occur appropriate. No medication can be guaranteed to with the eyes you should seek medical advice.

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Available online at Biofouling of crypts of historical and architectural interest at La Plata Cemetery Patricia S. Guiamet , Vilma Rosato , Sandra Gómez de Saravia , Ana M. García , Diego A. Moreno a Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas (INIFTA), Departamento de Química, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, UNLP, CCT La Plata- CONICET. C.C. 16, Suc. 4, + 44(0)1322 407 790 www sales@lock What makes us different? We are the name that you can trust – the firm that brings you Tools that Real y Work – the team that creates the unthinkable advances time after time. We have direct and continuous input into every item of hardware and software produced by the supplier factories for our franchises.


ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES Effective Date: October 1, 2012 AND PROCEDURES State of Tennessee Department of Correction Supersedes: 501.01 (9/15/10) Approved by: Derrick D. Schofield Subject: INMATE GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES AUTHORITY: TCA 4-3-603, TCA 4-3-606, and TCA 41-24-110 and Title 28 CFR 115. PURPOSE: To establish a standard procedure for the expression and resolution of inmate complaints.

The fair labor standards act exemptions and the pharmaceuticals industry: are sales representatives entitled to overtime?

The Fair Labor Standards Act Exemptions and the Pharmaceuticals Industry: Are Sales Representatives Entitled to Overtime?Steven I. Locke Follow this and additional works at: Part of the nd the Recommended CitationSteven I. Locke (2009) "The Fair Labor Standards Act Exemptions and the Pharmaceuticals Industry: Are Sales RepresentativesEntitled to Overtime?," Barry Law Review: Vol. 13: Iss. 1, Article 1.Available at:


Vol. 24, No. 4 October - December 2012 Article Reprints Drugs and Lymphoedema: Those Which May Cause Oedema or Make Lymphoedema WorseBy: Vaughan Keeley, MD, PhD, FRCP Derby Hospitals NHS Trust, Derby, UK whose unwanted effects include oedema In the clinic setting, drugs which are Many people with lymphoedema and a few years ago (Keeley, 2008) revealed a


CREATING NEW REALITIES FOR NURSING FEBRUARY 2010 Expansion of Cardiovascular Chief Nursing Officer Services at UPMC Passavant As many of you know, February is American Heart Month. This Cardiovascular services continue to expand at UPMC Passavant with presents an ideal opportunity to reflect on the heart and soul of the opening of a new tower in February 2010. A 16-bed cardiotho-


E il panico è fuggito Una vita tormentata, un incontro fatale, un percorso n. 2-3 Aprile-Settembre 2008 alla ricerca di se stesso, la ritrovata voglia di vivere Rivista trimestrale della Lidap onlus Direttore Responsabile: Anna Maria Ferrari – Aut. Trib. di Parma n. 18/2002 del 4/6/2002 – n uomo non comune. Questo sono io. a contatto con una parte di me che sentivo

CONCEPTOS CLAVES DE LA SOCIOLOGÍA JURÍDICA MODERNA Francisco Jaime Hidalgo* El Licenciado en Derecho deberá tener una base conceptual sólida, ya que necesita una serie de elementos para argumentar de manera lógica y Debemos tener presente que la Ciencia del Derecho es una disciplina compleja y muy diversificada; la Sociología Jurídica es una rama de especialización de ella, mediante la cual los Licenciados en Derecho adquieren los conceptos básicos que le darán un sustento firme a su desarrollo profesional, ya que mediante el correcto entendimiento y uso de los conceptos plasmados en este documento, los Licenciados en Derecho podemos interpretar, entender y comprobar los fenómenos sociales existentes y así, proponen soluciones, tanto sociales como jurídicas, que propicien el desarrollo sustentable de nuestras comunidades. Así, el Derecho se deberá abordar como arte, teoría y ciencia, ya que mediante él conocemos y regulamos nuestras pasiones y la de los otros.

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THE VENEER How Indonesia's Last Rainforests are being Felled for Flooring exclusion zone, white area to be kept clear DO NOT PRINT BOX exclusion zone, white area to be kept clear DO NOT PRINT BOX Theft of Indonesia's A Fashion for Flooring Behind the Brand 1. Armstrong/Bruce Executive Summary

Trichuris suis therapy in Crohn's disease R W Summers, D E Elliott, J F Urban, Jr, R Thompson and J V Weinstock Updated information and services can be found at: These include: This article cites 16 articles, 7 of which can be accessed free at: 5 online articles that cite this article can be accessed at: You can respond to this article at: Receive free email alerts when new articles cite this article - sign up in the box at the

An exceptional, high-quality health plan from MESSA MESSA ABC: An exceptional health plan that costs less A smart choice MESSA ABC is a lower-premium, higher-deductible MESSA ABC includes coverage features that add value for health plan that's compatible with a health savings account (HSA). It features quality coverage, peace of 1. Access to the largest statewide provider network and

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SAFETY DATA SHEET This Safety Data Sheet meets or exceeds the requirements of the Canadian Controlled Product Regulations (WHMIS), the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) hazard communication standard, the Australian National Occupational Health and Safety Commission (NOHSC), the Taiwan Bureau of Standards, Metrology & Inspection (BSMI), the Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China(GB/T 16483-2008) and the European Union Commission Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006.

SOMMAIRE : 1. A l'honneur, page 1 2. Le mot du président, page 2 3. En souvenir de Pierrot COMBESSIS, Roger FIORIO, page 3 4. Devoir de mémoire, Pierre SONNIER, page 4 5. Notre assemblée générale 2009 (extraits du CR), pages 5 et 6 6. La construction européenne, Paul BLANC, page 7 7. Activités de la section, page 8 8. Combat de BRIOUDE, René VITTOZ, page 9 et 10 9. Algérie 1957, le ralliement de Si Chérif, Stéphane FRACHET, pages 11 et 12 10. Le centre d'information de Kabylie, Robert BAYLE, pages 13 et 14 11. Laos, l'ethnie hmong dispersée, Michel BAIN, pages 15 et 16 12. Le beurre de qualité, « pour rire », Albert GRAS, page 17 13. Info « Dernières », page 18 et 19 14. Quelques photos AG de section 2009, page 20


n°338 – Janvier 2011 Robert Haïat de FMC Zoom s Les lésions obstructives microvasculaires ÉDITEURCARDIOLOGUE PRESSE 13 rue Niepce – 75014 Paris Tél. : – Fax : : [email protected] web : des grandes études 2010

18 al 20 de febrero de 2009 3er Foro Latinoamericano sobre Higiene íntima Femenina Actualización en patología vulvar y tracto urinario Del 18 al 20 de febrero de 2009 se realizó en la Ciudad de Varadero, Cuba, el 3er Foro Latinoamericano sobre Higiene Íntima Femenina. En esta ocasión, el evento estuvo dirigido a la actualización en patología vulvar y tracto urinario. Diversos especialistas de países latinoamericanos comentaron sus experiencias con el objetivo de actualizar al médico ginecólogo en la etiología, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de las distintas afecciones vulvares y vaginales. Se contó con la presencia del Dr. Jaime Piquero Casals (Venezuela), quien habló sobre los aspectos clínicos de las vulvitis frecuentes y de la problemática de la infección vulvar por HPV. Las distrofias vulvares, especialmente el liquen escleroso y el liquen simple crónico, fueron comentadas por la Dra. Lina María Figueira (Venezuela). El Dr. Wel ington Aguirre (Ecuador) se refirió a los trastornos genitourinarios en la menopausia y su abordaje farmacológico. El Dr. Alejandro Paradas (República Dominicana) disertó acerca de la protección y la prevención de las infecciones vaginales. Finalmente, el Dr. Santiago Herrán (Colombia) expuso los resultados del primer estudio epidemiológico latinoamericano sobre hábitos de higiene íntima femenina y su relación con la vaginosis bacteriana en mujeres latinoamericanas, inquietud que tuvo su origen en el foro predecesor realizado en 2008 en Panamá.Surge como principal conclusión de este encuentro que la adopción de hábitos de higiene íntima femenina adecuados es una medida esencial en la prevención de afecciones genitourinarias tanto de origen infeccioso como no infeccioso.


THE CLINICAL SPECTRUM OF LYMPHOPROLIFERATIVE DISORDERS IN HCV INFECTION: FROM CRYOGLOBULINEMIA VASCULITIS TO NON HODGKIN LYMPHOMA Patrice Cacoub, MD Department of Internal Medicine and CNRS UMR 7087 Hôpital La Pitié-Salpêtrière Paris France Email: [email protected] Vasculitides can be divided into primary forms, for which the etiology is unknown, and secondary forms that result from an autoimmune condition or known infection. The interest in infection-related vasculitides has been boosted for the last two decades by the development of new molecular techniques and the proof of true associations between viral hepatitis C and systemic vasculitis. A wide variety of extrahepatic manifestations has been reported to be associated with HCV infection, the most frequent being mixed cryoglobulins. Viral factors that avoids immune elimination leads to accumulation of circulating immune complexes, and autoimmune phenomena associated with chronic HCV infection. Extrahepatic manifestations may also be favor by the lymphotropism of HCV which is thought to be involved in the production of autoantibodies and occurence of non-Hodgkin's B-cell lymphoma (B-NHL). More than 40% of HCV-infected patients have circulating immune complexes with cryoprecipitating properties, named mixed cryoglobulins (1,2). Circulating mixed cryoglobulins are frequently detected in HCV infected patients whereas overt cryoglobulinemia vasculitis develops in only 5-10% of cases. Mixed cryoglobulinemia (MC) is a systemic vasculitis, that mainly affects the small and, less frequently, medium size vessels (3,4). MC is characterized by the proliferation of B-cells clones producing pathogenic IgM with rheumatoid factor (RF) activity. MC led to clinical manifestations ranging from the so called MC syndrome (purpura, arthralgia, asthenia) to more serious lesions with neurologic and renal involvement. Shortly after the discovery of HCV in 1989, there has been evidence that more than 80% of cryoglobulinemia vasculitis were associated with HCV infection. The primary role of HCV in the mechanism of cryoprecipitation is mainly suggested by its selective concentration in cryoglobulins (3,4). Molecular evidence of antigen-driven B-cell proliferation is definitively provided in HCV-associated type II MC, and HCV appears as the key trigger. MC not related to HCV infection currently represents less than 10% of mixed cryoglobulinemia. 1) Clinical features of cryoglobulinemia vasculitis The most frequently target organs are skin, joints, nerves and kidney. The disease expression is variable, ranging from mild clinical symptoms (purpura, arthralgia) to fulminant life-threathening complications (glomerulonephritis, widespread vasculitis). Purpura Skin is the most frequently involved target organ and is the direct consequence of the small size vessel vasculitis. The main symptom is palpable purpura which is reported in 70 to 90% of patients (5,6). Readily preceded by sensations of cutaneous burns, it frequently reveals HCV-MC disease, occurs preferentially during winter, is non pruriginous and intermittent. It always begins at the lower limbs and may extend to abdominal area, less frequently to the trunk and upper limbs. It persists 3 to 10 days with a residual brownish pigmentation. Skin

REVERSE PAYMENT PATENT SETTLEMENTS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION AND THE UNITED STATES Damien Geradin George Mason University School of Law Douglas Ginsburg George Mason University School of Law Graham Safty University of Chicago Law School George Mason University