January 2008
SMART Holiday Party 2007
was a huge success, and all
of us enjoyed the talented
performances, tasty food,
lively music, great dancing,
and wonderful CD gifts.

Many thanks to all who helped
Class for
out at the SMART Holiday
Parents of
Party 2007. Thanks to Bill
Stinebaugh and Eggleston Services for the use of the
facilities at Sarah Bonwell
Hudgins. Special thanks to
Class starts Jan 9th 2008
Virginia Silva for coordinating this event, and to her family
Healthy Families
for raising the funds to provide the food.
100 Old Hampton Lane
We are extremely grateful to Jeremy Martorano and
(close to Air & Space Museum)
Karma Productions, and to record companies Columbia Records, Atlantic Records, Epic Records,
Sponsored by CHKD
Curb Records and Music Plant, for their generous
Space is limited so call
donation of the CDs. Their generosity has made this
Healthy Families Partnership
@ 727-1300 to register ASAP
holiday season a little brighter for these special needs adults and children.
More Holiday Fun!
The SMART Outlaws and the
Funshine Chorus performed
at the West Hampton Community Center's Family
Night Fall 2007. Following the SMART performances,
the Innertainment
Performance Group performed a skit titled "A
Good Thing About Christmas."
Breakfast with Santa
CAN YOU HELP US identify these photos from Breakfast with Santa? Due to printer
problems, we were not able to hand out all the photos, and we need to know how to contact the
parents of these children and their families. Please send an em or
call Vickie at 875-9168 with your name, contact information, and two-digit photo number.
Information Night
I just wanted to take the time and thank everyone who
Financial Planning and
participated in any way in the young children's Breakfast with Santa event.
Legal Guardianship
Special thanks to:
-- Pastor Chris Farrow and friends from St. Paul's
Presenter: Walter Zaremba, Zaremba
Lutheran Church for hosting, decorating and all
Center for Estate Planning and Elder Law
the many tasks you performed.
-- Virginia Silva for toy donations and helping out.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
-- All food donations, Food Lion and especially
Betiee from Healthy Families Partnership for the
Midtown Community Center
-- Thank you Anne Marie and Rick for taking
pictures; printing them out; the balloons and the
570 McLawhorne Drive,
many other duties you both contributed to.
-- Holly for donating the talking bear that a family is
-- Zia and her daughters for serving the food and
To register for this program or get further
being Santa helpers.
information please contact:
-- Of course Vickie, for getting and bringing
everything together,
Ruthann Newton, Coordinator, PERC,
. and, last but not least, Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus.
Sponsored by: Parent Educator Resource
Thanks you all so very much for making this a
Center, NNPS (PERC); Smart-One, Inc. and
successful and joyous event.
Newport News Parks & Recreation -
Therapeutic Recreation Program.
A note from Adam Brakman,
creator of SMART comic "Fur
and Feathers": Here is the comic strip "Sticks" by my brother, David (age
11). He is doing a guest strip
this month and "Fur and Feath-ers" is hibernating for the next
Social Club Outing
Lights in the Park
By Special Reporter Chris Martorano
By Special Reporter Chris Martorano
We went to IMAX and the museum. It was
We went to see the lights at Newport
really good. We walked around. We saw
News Park and they were beautiful. They
different planets and airplanes. We
were all different colors.
weighed ourselves to see how much we
This was the first time they had
weighed on the moon. We went on a rocket
Christopher Newport there and they
that took us to the moon. Then we ate in
had Newport News anniversary lights on
their café because we had to wait until 5:30
top. I liked it 'cause it was nice to see all
to see the movie. We saw, "I Am
the colors. Afterwards we went for hot
Legend". Then we went home.
chocolate. We had an enjoyable time.
I don't know why more people don't join us on our outings or the Social Club. I've done some really fun things with the Social Club. It would be great to have more people to share the fun with.
Coming in
Happy New Year!!
Mr. Blue Sky
Movie Breaks Down Societal Barriers
Explores Romantic Relationships and Challenges
Filmgoers to
Examine Their Own Views and Preconceptions
"Grease" performed by Smart Acting
From Kids Together, Inc. December 2007
will give two performances in January, one in Hampton and one in Newport
An unconventional love triangle between three childhood
buddies; two girls, one born with Down syndrome, and
News. Please come and support our
one boy, who all grow up fighting who they are inside,
drama club. They've worked hard to
how they are perceived by society as a whole, and who
give us an evening of great family fun.
they ultimately strive to become as individuals through
Watch your email for your invitation!
the obstacles that are inherently present.
Mr. Blue Sky is a ground-breaking film that explores the
Staying Healthy
romantic relationship of a woman born with Down
Handwashing is a
syndrome and a "normal" male, as perceived by today's
society. Mr. Blue Sky attempts to break down society's
simple thing and it's the
barriers, much like "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?"
best way to prevent
did in the 1960's, as it aims to "change lives" through
infection and illness.
"changing minds."
Handwashing can prevent infection and illness from
spreading from family member to family member
Mr. Blue Sky is a heart-grabbing story that will ultimately
change the way society views all people as "individuals"
and, sometimes, throughout a community. In the
first and foremost.
home, the basic rule is to wash hands before
preparing food, before eating, after changing
The title is derived from a little girl's hope and love
diapers, after coughing, sneezing, or blowing one's
through the sun (Mr. Blue Sky.)
nose into a tissue, and after using the bathroom.
Brandon Martin had his day made when he got to ride in a fire truck in the Hampton Christmas parade on
December 8. The fire truck "Engine 90" is from the Willow Oaks Station which is right around the corner from his house, and they have coincidently gotten to know Brandon quite well. Here are some images of
Brandon and the truck.
FREE E-Course
Come make friends
and have FUN !!!
Partners in Education, a self-study course designed to help parents of
children with developmental disabilities navigate the special education
Asperger's Social Club
system and help their children make the most of their potential.
(for ages 16 years and older)
Schools are places where children learn new information and skills. But they also are places where children are exposed to a multitude of life lessons.lessons like respecting each other as individuals, personal responsibility and the importance of contributing to the community.
This course has been developed to give you the practical skills you need to create an inclusive, quality education for your child. After completing this course, you will:
• Understand the history of education of children with developmental
• Know and understand the key laws governing special education
and how they protect your child's rights;
• Understand your role in your child's educational experience; • Recognize the elements of an individualized education program
Friday Afternoon and Saturday
and the role parents play in its creation and implementation;
• Know how to advocate for your child to ensure a positive, quality
-- Movies, Putt-Putt Golf,
educational experience;
Bowling, Living Museum, Video
• Understand your rights to due process if you feel your child's
Games, Apple Picking, Langley
educational rights have been violated.
Speedway, State Fair . and more!!
Ready to begin? TAKE THE COURSE
For more information, contact:
Kathy Tucker at 833-5867
and you're on your way to meaningful education for your children.
or Email:
** Other courses are available on different topics.
Wednesday, Jan 2-7pm
!!!!!!! NO SWIMMING TONIGHT !!!!!!!
Saturday, Jan 5-1pm
Bowling at Century Lanes
Monday, Jan 7 -7pm
P-140 Soc – Hop with DJ and refreshments
Wednesday, Jan 9-7pm
Swimming – YMCA 1322 LaSalle Ave, Hpt.
Saturday, Jan 12 -1pm
Bowling at Century Lanes
Monday, Jan 14-7
Monday, Jan
P-140 Soc – Hop with DJ and
P-140 Soc
refreshments at the Arc of the Peninsula
refreshments at the Arc of the
Workshop at 2520
Workshop at 2520 58
Street, Hampton, VA
Street, Hampton,
23661. Du
ring the S
23661. Du
ock Hop there will be
ring the S
a Membership Meetin
a Membership Meet g of the Arc which the parents
will want t
g of the Arc which the parents
will want t
Wednesday, Jan 16-1pm
Swimming – YMCA 1322 LaSalle Ave, Hpt.
Saturday, Jan 19-1 pm
Bowling at Century Lanes
Monday, Jan 21-7pm P-140 Sock Hop and
Wednesday, Jan 23-7pm
Swimming- YMCA 1322 LaSalle Ave, Hpt.
Saturday, Jan 26-1 pm
Bowling at Century Lanes
Monday, Jan 28-7 pm 40th Annual P-140 Re-charter Party
and Installation of New Officers
Wednesday, Jan 30-7pm
Swimming- YMCA 1322 LaSalle Ave, Hpt.
For Questions: Contact Bill Stinebaugh
at (757) 868-5132
Free Audio Books
If you want young children to become readers, it is important to instill a love of listening to good stories. If you're too busy, you may just want to take advantage of thes. Young learners will take delight in the Robert Munsch series or some of the great classics like Robin Hood, Tom Thumb, Captain Bill, Bugs Bunny, Cinderella, Woody Wood Pecker, Bozo and many more. Support reading even more by purchasing the books and leting your children read along to improve reading skills.
UnitedHealthcare Children's Foundation to Offer Medical Assistance Grants to Families Nationwide
Foundation Offers Grants to Help Parents and Caretakers Pay for Children's Medical Needs and
Equipment Not Fully Covered by Insurance
Minneapolis (Jan. 24, 2007) - The UnitedHealthcare Children's Foundation (UHCCF) is now offering support to meet the needs of children nationwide with assistance grants for medical services not fully covered by health insurance
Parents and caretakers across the country will be eligible to apply for grants of up to $5,000 for health care services that will help improve their children's health and quality of life. Examples of the types of medical services covered by UHCCF grants include: speech therapy, physical therapy and psychotherapy sessions; medical equipment such as wheelchairs, braces, hearing aids and eyeglasses; and orthodontia and dental treatments.
The UnitedHealthcare Children's Foundation has already helped more than 375 families and provided nearly $1 million in financial assistance," said UHCCF president Matt Peterson. "We are excited about the expansion of the program, and look forward to the opportunity to help many more children access health care services that will enhance their health and quality of life
To be eligible for UHCCF grants, children must be 16 years of age or younger. Families must meet economic guidelines, reside in the United States and be covered by a commercial health insurance plan.
"Receiving a grant from the UnitedHealthcare Children's Foundation changed our lives," said Karen Lucas, whose son Quinn required extensive therapy as a result of spina bifida, a congenital condition. "With the grant, we were able to take advantage of a special program that provides the right therapies and support needed for Quinn's specific medical needs. That program has opened up a whole new world for him, and the grant from the UnitedHealthcare Children's Foundation has eased the financial burden on our family."
The UnitedHealthcare Children's Foundation is a public charity with its own board of directors, operating independently from UnitedHealthcare. While UHCCF continues to be supported principally by UnitedHealth Group and its employees, individual and corporate donations to help provide assistance are deeply appreciated. Donors can designate funds to be used in the region where they reside; otherwise unspecified donations are divided equally among the regions
About UnitedHealthcare Children's Foundation: The UnitedHealthcare Children's Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that strives to enhance either the clinical condition or quality of life of children who have health care needs not fully covered by commercial insurance. The Foundation provides grants of up to $5,000 for costs associated with medical services and equipment. Foundation funding is provided by contributions from employees of UnitedHealth Group plus individuals and corporations. To donate or learn more, please .
FREE for a Family of 4
During the month of January, Newport News residents and current city employees can visit eight attractions with a complimentary Ambassador Pass, allowing free admission for two adults and two children at two Newport News attractions each week, as follows:
January 3 - 9
January 17 - 23
Pick up your passes from 9 am - 5 pm
James A. Fields House
Endview Plantation
at the following locations:
Virginia Living Museum
Virginia War Museum
City Hall
2400 Washington Ave., 10th Floor
Communication and Community Relations
January 10 - 16
January 24 - 30
The Mariner's Museum
Lee Hall Mansion
Newport News Visitor Center
13560 Jefferson Ave.
Peninsula SPCA & Petting Zoo
Peninsula Fine Arts Center
(Entrance to Newport News Park)
Day Care Providers
The following letter, reprinted with permission, is in response to an email requesting suggestions from all
who will enroll children with
Kids Are People Too Inc.
As you know, I'm trying to be more active in the Smart
Owner is Rachel Lough. Two locations, one on
-One's program. My child, Eric, is a 10 year old autistic
Denbigh Blvd (890-4882) and one on
boy. I have finally realized the important factor to
Warwick Blvd (888-0966).
have my child socially active in many events. As
mentioned recently by Dr. Aiello (developmental
Kids & Company
pediatrician), these children have constant structural
In Poquoson, on Wythe Creek Road (868-
routines (i.e, school) that can be very upsetting to
them. As a parent, it's our responsibility to give them
Downtown Hampton Child Development Center
"fun" things to do in order to balance out their lives. I
(AKA the Richard Bagley Ch Dev. Center)
have now realized that the Smart-Ones programs are a
located next to Thomas Nelson Community
great opportunity.
College on
Eric is currently enrolled in the weekly swimming
Battle Road in Hampton (Used to be a
lessons at the Yorktown YMCA. He has been able to
cooperative center between the ARC and
tolerate other people teaching/working with him and is
TNCC) They have
making progress. He is also enrolled in the Arts and
a state of the art center with an infirmary/nursing
Crafts program that began last month, the one and
station, etc.
only class (so far) was VERY Successful. Also, note
Phone: 825-6200.
that my daughter has also attended the CHKD sibling
class this month and again was a huge
The Children's Corner
success. Sometimes it's not always about the disabled
Located on Warwick Blvd. Phone: 898-7505
child -- everyone forgets about how it affects the
**** You can go to this link to get a listing of all
siblings. This class was a social bonding class for the
kinds of child care in Virginia.
girls (and one boy). Rachel has made new friends and
Just register, log in, and input the data to focus
realizes she is not alone. I have taken several
the search:
brochures to disburse throughout the "Challenger
Baseball" parents. Now that the baseball season is over, it's a great opportunity for the siblings to
continue to see one another, and it's without their disability sibling there.
Model with Asperger's in the Top
I will continue to get Eric actively involve (as time
Five for America's Next Top Model permits). Please continue to provide updated emails.
Thanks for giving our "family" the opportunity!!!
Melanie Gonsalves
Although now eliminated, Heather Kuzmich who
has Asperger's syndrome, was among the final
five competitors on "America's Next Top Model." From Heather:
Genetic Test Recommended for Patients
with Asian Ancestry Taking Carbamazepine
"I wanted to prove that I could do this.
Since I've been here, I learned so much.
I learned to be more confident, I learned
Manufacturers of drugs containing the active
to not always be so self-conscious."
ingredient carbamazepine have agreed to add to labeling a recommendation that patients with Asian
Asperger's Syndrome is neurologically based and
ancestry, before starting therapy with the drugs, get a genetic blood test that can identify a significantly
affects the ability to have appropriate social rela-
increased risk of developing a rare, but serious, skin
tionships. The symptoms can range from mild to
reaction. Carbamazepine is used to treat epilepsy,
bipolar disorder, and neuropathic pain. It is sold under the brand names Carbatrol, Equetro and
To learn more about Asperger's Syndrom, visit
All SMART Programs and Activities
will start back the second week of January. Please call the Parent-In-Charge or the Instructor to find out the actual
start back date. If you don't have their number, call Vickie at (757) 875-9168.
From the disabled ACTION committee (DAC):
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) urges people with diabetes and who have sickle
cell trait to have a reliable hemoglobin A1C
test. For further information, visit:
Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter Trial of Aerosolized Albuterol Versus Placebo in Acute Lung Injury ARDS Clinical Network ARDSNet Study 06 – Version II October 31, 2007 Michael A. Matthay MD, Protocol Committee Chair Roy Brower, MD, Protocol Committee Co-Chair ALTA VersionII Page 1 of 75 ARDSNet Study 06 October 31, 2007
British Journal of Pharmacology (2000) 131, 1413 ± 1421 ã 2000 Macmil an Publishers Ltd Al rights reserved 0007 ± 1188/00 $15.00 Eects of diclofenac, aceclofenac and meloxicam on the metabolism of proteoglycans and hyaluronan in osteoarthritic 1Laurent Blot, 1Annette Marcelis, 2Jean-Pierre Devogelaer & *,1,2Daniel-Henri Manicourt 1ICP Christian de Duve Institute of Cellular Pathology, Saint-Luc University Hospital, Catholic University of Louvain in