Hiv‐positive‐to‐hiv‐positive liver transplantation
American Journal of Transplantation 2016; XX: 1–6
Copyright 2016 The American Society of Transplantation
Wiley Periodicals Inc.
and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons
doi: 10.1111/ajt.13824
A. Calmy1,*,†, C. van Delden2,†, E. Giostra3,
C. Junet4, L. Rubbia Brandt5, S. Yerly6,J.-P. Chave7, C. Samer8, L. Elkrief3, J. Vionnet9
Concerns about donor-derived human immunodeficiency
and T. Berney3 on behalf of the Swiss HIV and
virus (HIV) transmission have excluded HIV-positive
Swiss Transplant Cohort Studies
patients from organ donation lists in most countries. Thisleads to the loss of an estimated 356 potential organ
donors per year in the United States (1). HIV-positive solid
HIV Unit, Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva,
organ transplant candidates remain disadvantaged on wait-
2Transplant Infectious Diseases Unit, Geneva University
ing lists with an increased risk of death, particularly in HIV-
Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland
hepatitis C virus (HCV)–coinfected individuals with liver
3Division of Transplantation, Geneva University Hospitals,
disease (2–4). Despite a higher relative risk of experiencing
Geneva, Switzerland
graft failure compared to HIV-negative controls, HIV status
4Private Practice, Geneva, Switzerland
was not associated with an increased risk of death in a
5Division of Pathology, Geneva University Hospitals,
cohort of solid organ transplant recipients in the United
Geneva, Switzerland
States (5). The concern that transplantation of organs from
6Virology Laboratory, Geneva University Hospitals,
HIV-positive donors might harm transplant recipients
Geneva, Switzerland
remains. Indeed, transmission of a new HIV strain to an
Private Practice, Lausanne, Switzerland
8Division of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology,
immunosuppressed HIV-positive recipient could poten-
Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland
tially lead to uncontrolled viral replication, immune dysreg-
9Division of Gastroenterology and Division of
ulation, and opportunistic infections (4,6). So far, reports
Transplantation, CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland
on the transplant of HIV-positive organs have been limited
*Corresponding author: Alexandra Calmy,
to kidney transplantation in South Africa from treatment-
naive or first-line antiretroviral therapy (ART)–treated HIV-
†Both authors contributed equally to the manuscript.
positive donors to HIV-positive recipients (7). The SwissFederal Act on Transplantation and its bylaws has allowed
Most countries exclude human immunodeficiency
transplantation from HIV-positive donors to HIV-positive
virus (HIV)-positive patients from organ donation
recipients since July 2007 (Data S1, Document 1) (8,9).
because of concerns regarding donor-derived HIV
Similarly, the HIV Organ Policy Equity (HOPE) act passed
transmission. The Swiss Federal Act on Transplanta-
by the United States Congress in November 2013 legal-
tion has allowed organ transplantation between HIV-
ized such transplants, but only in the setting of an
positive donors and recipients since 2007. We report
approved research protocol (10). From 2008 to 2014, 569
the successful liver transplantation from an HIV-
HIV-positive individuals died in Switzerland, with liver-
positive donor to an HIV-positive recipient. Both donor
related deaths accounting for nearly 14% of all reported
and recipient had been treated for many years withantiretroviral therapy and harbored multidrug-resistant
deaths (11). During this period of time, 14 HIV-positive
viruses. Five months after transplantation, HIV viremia
individuals benefited from a liver transplant (LT) from
remains undetectable. This observation supports the
HIV-negative donors (Franziska Sch€
oni-Affolter, personal
inclusion of appropriate HIV-positive donors for trans-
communication). We report the first documented case of
plants specifically allocated to HIV-positive recipients.
successful LT between an ART-experienced HIV-positivedonor and recipient.
Abbreviations: ART, antiretroviral therapy; CDC, Cen-ters for Disease Control and Prevention; HBIG, hep-atitis B immunoglobulins; HBV, hepatitis B virus;HCV, hepatitis C virus; HDV, hepatitis D virus; HIV,
human immunodeficiency virus; HOPE, HIV OrganPolicy Equity; LT, liver transplant; MELD, Models for
End-Stage Liver Disease; RT, reverse transcriptase;
A 53-year-old HIV-positive man was offered a liver from
SHCS, Swiss HIV Cohort Study
a brain death deceased HIV-positive donor in October2015 in Switzerland. He was diagnosed HIV-positive sec-
Received 01 April 2016, revised 08 April 2016
ondary to intravenous drug abuse in 1987 with a Centers
accepted for publication 09 April 2016
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stage B3
(herpes zoster) and a CD4 cell count nadir 78 cells/mm3.
core antigen positive, with undetectable HBV DNA vire-
Initial treatment consisted of zidovudine and zalcitabine
mia under tenofovir therapy. Seroconversion from hepati-
in 1992, followed in 1997 by a combination of indinavir,
tis B envelope antigen (HBeAg) to anti-HBe occurred in
stavudine, and lamivudine until a virological escape and a
2010. A replicative hepatitis D virus (HDV) infection (7.3
M184V mutation were identified in 2001. Following a
E+8 copies/mL) with sustained hepatic cytolysis occurred
in 2011. Pegylated interferon was initiated but stopped
between 2001 and 2002, he resumed an ART of aba-
after four doses because of adverse drug reactions. At
cavir, efavirenz, and didanosine (switched in 2003 to
the time of pretransplant evaluation, the Child-Pugh
tenofovir) late in 2002. Since 2003, HIV-RNA levels have
score was B7 and the Model for End-Stage Liver Disease
remained below the threshold of detectability (50 copies/
(MELD) score was 9. The patient was registered on the
mL) with a stable CD4 cell count between 300 and
waiting list in November 2014. Clinical condition and liver
400 cells/mm3. In 2013, a combination of rilpivirine, teno-
function tests rapidly declined thereafter, with poorly
fovir, and emtricitabine was initiated (Figure 1). Chronic
controlled ascites and recurring episodes of encephalopa-
hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 4 coinfection was diag-
thy. In June 2015, the Child-Pugh score had increased to
nosed in 1997 with a positive HCV RNA viremia that
C10, but the MELD score remained low (11). Given this
became undetectable in 2004 without specific therapy.
particular situation, he was granted a nonstandard MELD
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) serological status was hepatitis B
exception for incapacitating encephalopathy and refrac-
surface antigen positive, antibodies to the hepatitis B
tory ascites. Both a liver biopsy and explant examination
Figure 1: Clinical timeline of the HIV-positive liver transplant recipient. Shown are key dates from 1987 throughout January2016 (5 months after LT) regarding the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis D virus (HDV), and hep-atitis C virus (HCV) infections, in terms of diagnosis and therapies. HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; LT, liver transplant; MMF,mycophenolate mofetil; AntiHBs, antibodies to the hepatitis B surface antigen.
American Journal of Transplantation 2016; XX: 1–6
HIV+ to HIV+ Liver Transplantation
confirmed the diagnosis of cirrhosis on HBV/HDV-related
modified to nevirapine, boosted lopinavir, and abacavir.
chronic hepatitis of moderate inflammatory activity (Data
Thereafter, his HIV-RNA viremia remained below the
S1, Document 2A–C).
detection limit with a stable CD4 cell count around400 cells/mm3. In 2011, he was started on raltegravir,
modified for dolutegravir 15 days prior to his death, in
The donor was a 75-year-old man who died of a cerebel-
conjunction with tenofovir and emtricitabine. Following
lar hemorrhage. He was diagnosed HIV-positive in 1989
information by his primary care physician that Swiss law
(transmission route–bisexual contacts; CDC stage C3
allowed him to donate his organs to HIV-positive recipi-
[cryptosporidiosis, esophageal candidiasis, herpes zos-
ents, he provided written explicit consent for organ dona-
ter]). His ART consisted initially of zidovudine, lamivu-
tion in September 2015 (Data S1, Document 3). At the
dine, and indinavir started in the setting of detected
time of donation his laboratory values (including white
multiple resistance mutations in 1996. Due to a virologi-
blood cell count, liver and kidney function tests) were
cal failure and the presence of mutations associated with
normal; CD4 cell count was 298 cells/mm3 (21%) and
drug resistance in 2002 (Figure 2), his drug regimen was
HIV-RNA below the detection level of 40 copies/mL.
Figure 2: Genotypic HIV resistance of the HIV-positive liver donor. Shown are genotypic resistance obtained through population-based sequencing of the full protease gene and codons 28–225 of the reverse transcriptase gene interpreted according to the ANRSalgorithm 2015 version 25 ) (22). No further determinations of HIV resistance were performed due tocontinuous viral suppression. HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; ANRS, Agence Nationale de Recherche sur le Sida et les h
American Journal of Transplantation 2016; XX: 1–6
Liver transplantation
patient and graft survival (74% and 84% with censoring
A transplant infectious diseases physician informed the
for death with function, respectively) were similar to
recipient candidate about potential virus transmission and
those in HIV-positive recipients of an HIV-negative organ.
the requirements to adapt his anti-HIV therapy due to dif-
In this study, however, both donors and recipients were
ferent viral resistances. The patient accepted the risk and
highly selected. To reduce the risk of resistant-virus
signed an informed consent for liver transplantation (Data
transmission, donors were either ART-na€ıve or had taken
S1, Document 4). No ethical clearance was necessary
only first-line ART, while CD4 T cell counts of at least
due to the permissive law in Switzerland. A donor per-
200/mm3 and undetectable plasma HIV RNA levels were
operative liver biopsy identified a macrovesicular steato-
prerequisites in potential recipients taking ART for at
sis of minimal extent (less than 10%) on frozen section
least 3 months. In addition there has been a recent
histology and mild portal inflammation, not contraindicat-
report (March 2016) in the news media of a liver and a
ing the organ donation (Data S1, Document 2D). We
kidney transplant performed in Baltimore from an HIV+
were unable to detect HIV-RNA by polymerase chain
donor to HIV+ recipients.
reaction performed on cells extracted from formalin-fixedparaffin-embedded donor liver tissue despite adequate
The present report is original in many ways. Both donor
and recipient had been seropositive for roughly 30 years,
showed immediate function, and no surgical or medical
had been treated with several ART regimens, and had
complications occurred. The transplant serostatus was
negative viral assays for HIV at the time of transplanta-
the following: cytomegalovirus D+/R
tion. Both harbored HIV strains with resistance mutations
negative recipient), toxoplasmosis D+/R+, Epstein-Barr
on the reverse transcriptase (RT) gene, which were non-
D+/R+. He received a standard, steroid-free
identical. Thus, to decrease the risk that the transplanted
liver would transmit a viral strain with distinct mutations,
induction, as well as tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofe-
we adapted the recipient's pretransplant suppressive
til. To prevent HBV recurrence, hepatitis B immunoglobu-
ART to the donor's HIV genotype by adding an integrase
lins (HBIG) were infused during the transplant surgery.
inhibitor and a short course of enfuvirtide. This strategyhas thus far proven successful; at 5 months, HIV viremia
Posttransplant care
remains suppressed below the threshold of detection of
Rilpivirine/tenofovir/emtricitabine were restarted on Day 2
20 copies/mL. At this point, there is no indication that
posttransplant, together with raltegravir and subcuta-
immunosuppressive therapy has enabled an increase in
neous enfuvirtide to cover for the donor's HIV resistance
HIV pathogenicity and thus potentiated its spread, as
genotypes. The patient was discharged on posttransplant
previously feared (6).
Day 22 receiving prophylactic valgancyclovir and trimetho-prim and sulfamethoxazole in addition to his immuno-
Outcome in HIV/HBV-coinfected LT recipients is excel-
suppression and ART. ART was modified 3 months after
lent, and comparable to that of HBV-monoinfected
transplantation to a fixed-dose combination of rilpivirine/
patients receiving combined HBIG and HBV antiviral ther-
tenofovir/emtricitabine and dolutegravir. Rilpivirine plasma
apy (12,13). Accordingly, our patient received HBIG with
levels, measured at 6 days and 8 weeks after transplanta-
tenofovir, and HBV viremia remained undetectable. In
tion, were in the normal to lower therapeutic range (25th
contrast, HIV–HCV coinfection is of concern in LT, with
to 40th percentile) and decreased at weeks 15 and 18
increased risks of rejection and reduced graft and patient
posttransplant to the 10th lower percentile (30 ng/mL).
survival, particularly when donors are 50 years of age or
Plasma levels of dolutegravir were lower than expected
older (14,15). In the present case, the recipient was coin-
after a dose of 50 mg twice a day at weeks 15 and 18.
fected with HBV, HCV, and HDV, while the donor was
Tacrolimus dosage was easily adjusted to maintain trough
75 years old. However, the risk of a poor outcome was
levels in the desired range (8–15 ng/mL). HBV and HDV
likely mitigated by the recipient's spontaneous clearance
DNA, as well as HIV and HCV RNA, remained unde-
of HCV viremia before LT and low MELD score. Indeed,
tectable after transplantation (Figure 1). No rejection epi-
the pre-LT MELD score was identified as the only predic-
sode occurred during the 5-month follow-up period.
tor of survival in a French multicenter cohort of HIV–HCVcoinfected LT recipients (16). This has led experts toadvocate the use of HIV-positive organs to facilitate
access to transplantation for those with lower MELDscores (16,17). Furthermore, an eventual HCV infection
We report the first successful liver transplantation, to our
recurrence in our recipient would very likely be controlled
knowledge, from an HIV-positive donor to an HIV-positive
with the newly available highly active anti-HCV agents.
recipient. So far, report of transplantation of organs from
Despite long-standing exposure to multiple antiviral
HIV-positive donors has been restricted to the descrip-
drugs, the histology of the transplanted liver revealed
tion of the outcome in 27 HIV-positive recipients who
only minor macrovesicular steatosis. Furthermore, hep-
received kidneys from HIV-positive donors in South
atic function recovered rapidly after LT, lessening the
Africa (7). Five years posttransplantation, both cumulative
fear that the transplant might have suffered from drug-
American Journal of Transplantation 2016; XX: 1–6
HIV+ to HIV+ Liver Transplantation
induced damage. Longer follow-up is certainly needed to
ensure both the virologic and functional safety of thisprocedure.
The authors of this manuscript have no conflicts of inter-est to disclose as described by the American Journal of
Drug–drug interactions remain potentially challenging in
HIV transplant recipients (18). Dolutegravir, rilpivirine, andtacrolimus are substrates of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A(19,20). Dolutegravir plasma levels were lower than
expected in the recipient, and rilpivirine and tacrolimusplasma concentrations gradually decreased to the desired
We thank Natalia Enriquez, Laurent Kaiser, and Roseline Ing for helpful dis-
therapeutic range. No CYP3A inducer was included
cussions, as well as Rosemary Sudan and Angela Huttner for editing the
among the recipient's comedications that could explain
manuscript. We also thank La Source Private Hospital for additional free
the increased drug clearance and reduced plasma con-
biological analyses. Members of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS)
centrations of CYP3A substrates. Donor genetic variabil-
are as follows: V. Aubert, M. Battegay, E. Bernasconi, J. B€
ity could account for the phenotypic alterations observed
Bucher, A. Calmy, M. Cavassini, G. Dollenmaier, M. Egger, L. Elzi, J. Fehr,
J. Fellay, H. Furrer (Chairman, Clinical and Laboratory Committee), C.A.
in the recipient (21).
Fux, M. Gorgievski, H. G€
unthard (President, SHCS), D. Haerry (deputy of
"Positive Council"), B. Hasse, H.H. Hirsch, M. Hoffmann, I. H€
The immunologic and virologic control produced by effec-
lert, L. Kaiser, O. Keiser, T. Klimkait, R. Kouyos, H. Kovari, B. Ledergerber,
tive ART in both donor and recipient was essential to the
G. Martinetti, B. Martinez de Tejada, K. Metzner, N. M€
uller, D. Nadal, D.
success of this LT. With currently available antiretrovirals,
Nicca, G. Pantaleo, A. Rauch (Chairman, Scientific Board), S. Regenass, M.
HIV-RNA can be rapidly suppressed in the vast majority
Rickenbach (Head, Data Centre), C. Rudin (Chairman, Mother & Child Sub-
of cases and should not be a major concern in the deci-
study), F. Sch€
oni-Affolter, P. Schmid, J. Sch€
upbach, R. Speck, P. Tarr, A.
sion to proceed with transplantation.
Telenti, A. Trkola, P. Vernazza, R. Weber, S. Yerly. The data are gathered by
the 5 Swiss university hospitals, 2 cantonal hospitals, 15 affiliated hospitals,
Another issue could be the need to decide on the safety
and 36 private physicians ).
The members of the Swiss Transplant Cohort Study (STCS) are as fol-
of organ transplantation in the absence of adequate doc-
lows: R. Achermann, P. Amico, J.-D. Aubert, P. Baumann, G. Beldi, C. Ben-
umentation of the clinical history of both HIV+ donor and
den, C. Berger, I. Binet, P.-Y. Bochud, E. Boely, H. Bucher, L. B€
recipient. This includes viral rebound episodes and geno-
Carell, E. Catana, Y. Chalandon, S. de Geest, O. de Rougemont, M. Dicken-
typic resistance, as well as potential active opportunistic
mann, M. Duchosal, T. Fehr, S. Ferrari-Lacraz, C. Garzoni, P. Gasche Soc-
infections and/or concurrent oncologic diseases. This
cal, E. Giostra, D. Golshayan, D. Good, K. Hadaya, J. Halter, D. Heim, C.
may in certain situations impose limits to organ donation.
Hess, S. Hillinger, H.H. Hirsch, C. Hirzel, G. Hofbauer, U. Huynh-Do, F.
In Switzerland over 75% of all HIV+ patients, including
Immer, R. Klaghofer, M. Koller (Head of the data center), B. Laesser, R.
both our donor and recipient, are included in the Swiss
Lehmann, C. Lovis, O. Manuel, H.-P. Marti, P.Y. Martin, L. Martinolli, P.
HIV Cohort Study (SHCS), allowing precise documenta-
Meylan (Head, Biological samples management group), P. Mohacsi, I. Mor-
tion of all HIV-related events (22). Moreover in 2016,
ard, P. Morel, U. Mueller, N.J. Mueller (Chairman Scientific Committee), H.
Mueller-McKenna (Head of local data management), A. M€
with the advent of potent ARTs, the vast majority of HIV
ullhaupt, D. Nadal, M. Pascual (Executive office), J. Passweg, C. Piot
strains can be successfully treated. In certain circum-
Ziegler, J. Rick, E. Roosnek, A. Rosselet, S. Rothlin, F. Ruschitzka, U.
stances such as the absence of ART, HIV+ patients with
Schanz, S. Schaub, C. Seiler, S. Stampf, J. Steiger (Head, Executive Office),
active HIV viral replication may be considered as poten-
G. Stirnimann, C. Toso, D. Tsinalis, C. van Delden (Executive office), J.-P.
tial donors.
Venetz, J. Villard, M. Wick (STCS coordinator), M. Wilhelm, P. Yerly.
The Swiss Federal Act on the Transplantation of Organs,Tissues and Cells (810.21) went into effect on July 1,
2007 (8). Bylaw 810.211 (article 6.2.1) authorizes thetransplantation of organs from HIV-positive donors to
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Supporting Information
13. Coffin CS, Stock PG, Dove LM, et al. Virologic and clinical out-
comes of hepatitis B virus infection in HIV-HBV coinfected trans-
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the
plant recipients. Am J Transplant 2010; 10: 1268–1275.
online version of this article.
14. Terrault NA, Roland ME, Schiano T, et al. Outcomes of liver
transplant recipients with hepatitis C and human immunodefi-
Data S1: Document 1 refers to the original French text
ciency virus coinfection. Liver Transpl 2012; 18: 716–726.
of the Swiss Transplantation bylaw 810.211. Document 2
15. Miro JM, Montejo M, Castells L, et al. Outcome of HCV/HIV-
shows the recipient and donor liver images. Document 3
coinfected liver transplant recipients: A prospective and multi-center cohort study. Am J Transplant 2012; 12: 1866–1876.
is the original organ donation consent. Document 4 is
16. Duclos-Vallee JC, Feray C, Sebagh M, et al. Survival and recur-
the original recipient transplant consent.
rence of hepatitis C after liver transplantation in patients
American Journal of Transplantation 2016; XX: 1–6
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome The Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Birmingham, Alabama This Educational Bulletin discusses the pathophysiology, risk factors, clinical features, and management and pre-vention associated with ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). (Fertil Steril 2008;90:S188–93. 2008 byAmerican Society for Reproductive Medicine.)
International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Science ISSN 2319-5665 (May 2013, issue 2 volume 5) Determination of Caffeine and pH Levels of Selected Carbonated Soft Drinks and Ready to Drink Juices in Eldoret, Kenya. Magut Hillary, Dr. T. Anthoney Swamy* and Terer Erick Kipngetich Dept of Chemistry, University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, P. O Box 2500-30100, Eldoret, Kenya