
Business Sweden, Kheny Chambers, 4/2 Cunning-
ham Road, Bengaluru
plete range of solutions for increased safety, effi-ciency and environmental benefits to airports
Wednesday, Oct 7
Embassy of Finland, Nyaya Marg, Chanakyapuri,
worldwide. Safegate has their office in Delhi.
Thursday, Oct 15
SCCI Office, Embassy of Sweden, Nyaya Marg,
Chanakyapuri, New Delhi
develops and supplies masts, towers and support for antennas and measurement equip-
ment to customers global y in the telecom and
wind industries. Now with office in Delhi!
Westin, Koregaon, Pune, by invitation
110 Swedish companies partici-
pated last year.
9 out of 10 considered the invest-
ments climate favorable

"Let's be strong and focused, if gender diversity happens it is because of us. If it does not happen it is also because of us"
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce India facilitates Business Lead-
Juvencio Maeztu, Managing Director, IKEA India.
ers Forums in different strategic areas. These forums meet with an ambition to bring Swedish companies together to discuss their best
practices, successes and chal enges, share experiences, learn from
GENDER DIVERSITY is a crucial quest for the future and imperative to
others and create synergies along with extending professional net-
take seriously to build and develop successful and sustainable
works through a common platform.
companies as wel as societies. Diversity encompasses mutual ac-ceptance, respect and equality. It means to understand and value
The Communication Leader's Forum is one of these platforms that
that each individual is unique, intrinsical y connected with one an-
over the years have engaged and inspired Communication Man-
other in the context of community and relationship. Race, ethnicity,
agers from different companies.
gender, culture, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age,
physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideolo-
The aim of the Forum is to provoke in-depth analysis and discussion
gies are some dimensions of diversity. The fundamental one is gen-
on the future development of communications, its role in business,
society and politics and in interaction between stakeholders in busi-ness, media and the state. The focus is also to share, seek and dis-
With the Swedish Chamber of Commerce India as the platform, the
tribute best practices in different scenarios such as crisis communi-
Swedish companies are this season taking up diversity as a strate-
cation, investor relations, government lobbying and employee mo-
gic work. The focus is gender equality in our cultural context and
tivation. And lastly, to foresee and understand trends and creative-
we recognize the opportunity to catalyze change beyond organi-
ly work with communication to leverage and build upon the Swe-
zational boundaries and stand united for equality as a human right
and an essential factor for societal growth and prosperity.
On Sept 10 Communication Managers from ESK, Geodis, Tetra Pak,
The hub within SCCI spearheading this program is the HR Leader's
SAAB, SKP, Sandvik, Volvo and Business Sweden met in Delhi to
Forum, gathering the Heads of Human Resources and team from
agree on the direction for the Forums and to discuss communica-
the different Swedish companies.
tion's role as a strategic tool for business. Aticka Chona from Six
On Sept 11, we met in IKEA's office in Gurgaon, Delhi for a kick-off.
Year Plan facilitated the meeting.
The IKEA team, with Juvencio, Anna-Carin Månsson (Country HR Manager) and Sunita Raut (HR Manager) shared with passion and
Such a discussion between communicators is bound to be creative,
commitment their journey of internalization of gender equality as a
wel articulated and passionate and so it was. That col aboration is
non-negotiable right and therefore, you do "what it takes" to reach
vital was a conclusion of the day, how else wil you detect blind-
the goal keeping a long term perspective in mind with commit-
spots, broaden your perspective and enjoy the benefits of synergy?
ment, wil power and humility at the core.
The next Forum wil be held in end of Oct with focus on Internal Communication-"Intranet, to be or not to be"?
After setting the bar high, the Forum proceeded under Sameer
Khanna's guidance (Head HR, Ericsson) to discuss what areas of
The Communication Leader's Forum is open to al member compa-
col aboration we should prioritize and action-plan for the months to
nies. In the expansion of the Forums we wil also see industrial ex-
come. Mindset, attitudes & behavior, policies & practices and cross
perts, representatives from cutting edge businesses as wel as gen-
-functional and organizational learning are the first focus areas and
eration mil ennial to take the stage.
workgroups consisting of HR Managers from the different participat-ing companies have been formed (and are already meeting) to discuss and work out the content of each.
We were there, were you?
Salmon, herring and cheese brought yum to this evening!
A discussion on receivables management.
The Maquet medical academy which was first started in Mumbai, opened its second academy in Chennai, Tamil Nadu on July 18,
In March 2015, Scania inaugurated it's bus manufacturing facility in
2015. Maquet aims to provide clinicians and bio-medical engineers
Narasapura, Bangalore - committing itself as an active participant
on-site educational program which can help maximize their work-
and enabler of the "Make in India" campaign. The new facility which
flow efficiency. Both the academies by Maquet are international
wil produced about 1,000 units per year is likely to employ 300 peo-
knowledge hubs, they provide education programs ranging from
ple in its first year. At the inauguration, the Honourable Minister of
product training courses to advanced workshops and symposia
Road Transport and Highways of India, Shri. Nitin Gadkari congratulat-
where Maquet can help the clinician stay updated on latest meth-
ed the company on setting up it's second manufacturing facility.
odologies and best practices. The academy displays a mock state-of-the-art digital operating room VARIOP with Laminar Flow. It also
April: Showcase of ethanol engines for the 1st time in India at Bus-
houses advanced anesthesia delivery system Flow-I and heart lung
world 2015 Expo. Metrolink Bus tested on Inter-state route between
machine. Dr. Suneel Pooboni, HOD-Critical Care, Pediatrics and
Vijayawada and Hyderabad.
ECMO, KIMS, Hyderabad, said, "We need more learning platforms of this design to facilitate learning, I am sure this is the way to go for-
June: 35 premium Metrolink buses branded as "Airavat Diamond
Class" buses delivered to KSRTC Bangalore. Scania's on-road pul er R-580 6x4 receive certification from Automotive Research Association of India.
July: Metrolink coaches delivered to KGL which manages buses for
UPSRTC. Ethanol powered green bus taken for homologation test. 1st
Scania Bus dealership and service workshop opened in Bidadi, Karna-
August: Ethanol Green bus and two other variants of inter-city Metrol-
ink bus showcased at ICEPT 2015 hosted by ASRTU. Premium Metrolink
bus delivered to Kerala State Transport corporation for test run.
H&M, Hennes & Mauritz AB, the Swedish interna-tional retailer, known for its fashion and quality at the best price in a sustainable way, wil open its first flagship store in India on Friday, October 2nd,
2015. Located at Select CITYWALK and spread across more than
25,000 sq. ft, the store wil extend over two floors.
Presenting a wide selection of latest trends and timeless classics, H&M
SKP has started the Doing Business in India campaign, as part of
wil offer women's, men's, teenagers' and children's apparel & ac-
which on June 2015, a seminar was held at Tricor in Singapore. The
cessories including the H&M Studio AW'15 women's col ection that
main speakers from SKP at this seminar were, Mr. Manoj Gidwani,
was showcased at Paris Fashion week. Later in the year, the brand
Partner, SKP and Mr. Pushkar Bagmar, Managing Director, SKP Tricor.
wil also bring its global y celebrated lines such as the recently an-
They spoke about the changing business and regulatory environ-
nounced Balmain x H&M designer col aboration fol owed by the Holi-
ment in India. The document os also availa-
day col ection, starring pop icon Katy Perry.
ble for download.
"This is the best time to be in India, it is H&M's 60th and highly antici-
SKP is a rapidly growing professional service group located in six ma-
pated market with so much potential in retail. We hope to exceed
jor cities across India that specializes in providing sound business and
customer expectations with our varied range of inspiring fashion that
tax guidance and accounting services to international companies
lets them explore their personal style." elaborated Janne Einola,
that are currently conducting or initiating business in India as wel as
Country Manager, H&M Hennes & Mauritz Retail Pvt. Ltd. India
those expanding overseas. For more information on how SKP can help your business please visit
To celebrate the first store opening on October 2nd, 2015, there wil be a DJ and performances along with a limited edition H&M India
tote bag for the first 1000 customers in queue! The first three fashionis-tas in queue on opening day wil be rewarded with gift cards of INR
Let us know what is happening in your business.
15,000, INR 10,000 and INR 7,500 respectively.
Follow us on Facebook and
The end of 2015 wil also see another H&M store opening in the capi-
tal at Ambience Mal , Vasant Kunj,
Mr. Parag Satpute, Managing Director, Sandvik Asia
Hi Parag! You have been on the Board
What do you think are the three key "make it or break" factors of
of SCCI since you moved to India last
doing business in India?
year. Can you tell us a bit about what
While India offers many lucrative business opportunities, we do
you are doing?
face some formidable chal enges in operating in this country.
I am the Managing Director- Sandvik
Some of the areas that need to be addressed include:
Asia Pvt Ltd., the Indian subsidiary of
1. Ease of doing business - Reduced red tapeism, simpler pro-
Sandvik AB. I have lived for many years
cesses, single window clearances
in both Britain and Sweden and held
2. Infrastructure - roads, ports, airports,
leadership positions within Sandvik both
3. Simplified and consistent taxation system and strategy
within India and Europe during his over
I am positive about the steps being taken by the Modi Govern-
15 years of career with the organiza-
ment towards this end.
tion. India is an important part of
Sandvik's emerging market strategy and it is a good time to be
How do you see the Chamber's role and contribution to the Swe-
dish Business Community in India?
The Chamber provides a ‘vital link' for Swedish companies to suc-
How do you see Sweden positioned in India over the next 5 years?
ceed in India. It needs to work as a think tank on several policy
The Indian government led by Prime Minister Modi is setting a new
related issues so that the col aboration between the Swedish and
vision for India with exceptional development and growth. Swe-
Indian business communities can be strengthened.
dish companies are global leaders in several areas vital for India's
growth. Technology and Innovation are also at the heart of the
What is your vision as the new Vice-Chairperson of the Swedish
global success of many Swedish companies, including
Chamber of Commerce India?
Sandvik ,and I believe there is a lot that Sweden can contribute to
To contribute to making SCCI a value adding partner for Swedish
India. I am therefore very positive about a stronger col aboration
companies and the governments of Sweden and India.
between India and Sweden over the next few years.
Ms. Mridula Dixit Lall, Country Manager, Lindex
Mridula, you are re-joining the Board of
The third factor which I real y believe in is the approach and the
SCCI after some years and also taking
mind-set of the Indian Textile supply chain towards environmental,
up the Vice Chair role in the Chamber.
social and governance issues with a clear plan towards a more
What can you tell us about yourself?
sustainable production in the near future. They wil need to share
I am the Country Manager of Lindex
the same vision & values vis-a-vis the impact on the environment
India Production Office, with headquar-
and the footprint they leave behind.
ters in Delhi. Lindex India is the sourcing arm of AB Lindex, which is one of the
How do you see the Chamber's role and contribution to the Swe-
leading Fashion Chains in Europe with
dish Business Community in India?
480 stores in over 16 countries. I have
SCCI has a very valuable role in promoting the value proposition of
been with Lindex for 11 years now and
the Swedish companies. Also, it provides a great platform for ex-
am proud to be a part of a company
change of views and practices within Swedish companies operat-
which strongly believes that Sustainability and Fashion are two sides
ing in the same business climate. It gives an opportunity to build a
of the same coin. I have two children, live in Delhi and love to
strong network and create the right synergies where also SMEs can
spend my free time with family, preferably on a travel to new plac-
benefit tremendously.
What is your vision as the new Vice-Chairperson of the Swedish
How do you see Sweden positioned in India over the next 5 years?
Chamber of Commerce India?
Traditional Industries are evolving fast and furiously. The game is
I see a great opportunity for smal businesses and smal Swedish
changing. The same stands true for the textile industry. There are
companies to benefit from the SCCI… to learn, to take advantage
different parameters which are exerting pressure on how we do
of being able to col aborate and have a bigger voice when work-
business today, how we source… and a lot of it has to do with sus-
ing alongside the more established or big Swedish companies. My
tainability and the foot print we leave behind along the course of
vision is to help facilitate an environment for this opportunity to be
our daily business. 5 years from now, I see Swedish businesses spear-
available to the SMEs.
heading responsible sourcing and leaving behind a positive im-pact in their operations here in India.
Nobin Thomas
What do you think are the three key "make it or break" factors of
Executive, Admin & Comm
doing business in India?
Sara Larsson
The most important factor is the vast pool of human resource avail-
able in India. The make or break it factor would be the skil level
and the education level of this vast resource. The levels of efficien-
Direct: +91 11 4606 7123/4
cy and productivity have a very high impact on costs of operation
Switchboard: +91 11 4606 7100
and this is directly related to education, right mind-set and skil set.
Dolly Berry
Fax: +91 11 4606 7120
It is important that the right effort and intervention is put into devel-
Sr Manager, Operations & Events
oping this resource into an asset.
SCCI c/o Business Sweden
or is more directly related to my industry and I am
Embassy of Sweden
sure few other industries share the same view. It is the Free Trade
Nyaya Marg, Chanakyapuri
Agreement with EU which has been under negotiations for many
New Delhi 110021
years. In order for Indian textile industry to be competitive in the global sourcing scenario.
Source: http://www.swedishchamber.in/sites/default/files/editorfiles/SCCI%20Newsletter%20September%202015.pdf
Temporal and Spatial Manifestations of Exercise-induced Hypoalgesia and Conditioned Pain Modulation Henrik Bjarke Vægter, MSc, PT PhD Thesis Pain Center South Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine University Hospital Odense Heden 9, Entrance 201
240 European Journal of Cell Biology 79, 240 ± 251 (2000, April) ´ Urban & Fischer Verlag ´ Jena Interaction of casein kinase 1 delta (CK1d) with post- Golgi structures, microtubules and the spindle Lars Behrend, Martin Stöter, Marion Kurth, Gabriel Rutter, Jochen Heukeshoven, Wolfgang Deppert, Uwe Knippschild1)Heinrich-Pette-Institut für Experimentelle Virologie und Immunologie an der Universität Hamburg, Hamburg/Germany