Summary Care Records
What is a Summary Care Record?
When should I use the SCR?
The Summary Care Record (SCR) is a ‘read only' electronic patient summary containing key clinical
When dispensing an
Times when you would
information. It has been created with information
emergency supply (at the
want to ask the GP practice
request of the patient)
for medicines/allergies/
held by a patient's GP practice and is updated
to verify the name, form,
whenever there is relevant change.
strength and dose of
reaction inforamtion
As a minimum the SCR contains:
medicine previously had by
• Medicines: Acute, repeat and discontinued
repeat items (discontinued items will be
During a medicines use
dependent upon the GP system which
Supporting self-care
review (MUR) to verify and
for public health
compare medicines currently
being prescribed and their
allergy status, where this
healthy lifestyles
is not already known
• Adverse reactions Other information may also be available on a SCR, such as diagnoses, test results etc.
When supplying medicines
under a locally commissioned
service, eg supply of
".An effective flow of information between
medicines on NHS Patient
New Medicine Service
professionals is vital to ensuring safer, more
Group Direction (PGD),
coordinated and more person-centred care"
during minor ailments
Jeremy Taylor, CEO, National Voices
consultations (MAS)
Community Pharmacy: Background
Case Study: Wicker pharmacy, Sheffield
SCR has been used by pharmacy professionals
"A gentleman was visiting his family in Sheffield
for medicines reconciliation in hospital in recent
last Christmas. He visited the pharmacy requesting
years. For community pharmacy, "proof of
an emergency supply after leaving his "chest
concept" (POC) projects were conducted to
spray" at home. He had originally contacted
determine the viability of SCR, this took place
the GP out of hours service, but was advised of
across the country.
a long wait, so was signposted to a pharmacy.
The POC demonstrated that:
The pharmacist was lead to believe that the
item required was a Ventolin inhaler even after
SCR viewing can be implemented in
discussing this with the patient.
community pharmacies and adds value to patient care
The patient didn't have an empty box or repeat
• Providing community pharmacies with access
prescription order slip, his usual GP was closed
to the SCR has the potential to support the
and we had no dispensing history for him. The
increasing demands on the wider healthcare
pharmacist accessed the SCR and was able to
confirm that the gentleman was prescribed GTN spray for angina, and make an emergency supply."
"SCR has been a valuable addition to us in the
pharmacy setting. It has enabled us to quickly
establish information about prescriptions which may
"We have used SCR for the last 18 months and it
otherwise have been impracticable to obtain. Having
has proved extremely beneficial to us, especially as
had access to SCR data during the pilot, it would be
an additional tool to help and support pharmacists
a great loss to us and our patients if we were to lose
repsond to requests for emergency supplies of
this beneficial service."
medication and other episodes of unscheduled care.
Andrew Stenson, Finedon Pharmacy
Many patients have benefited from us having access
- resulting in more convenient and efficient care."
James Woods, Superintendent Pharmacist/Director
Wicker Pharmacy, Sheffield
How to access the SCR? 1. Make sure you have requested and had the
correct Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
If you are experiencing technical difficulties and can't
added to your smartcard profile
access SCR, please contact:
2. Make sure the CPPE online SCR training has
• Your local project contact
• Your usual IT helpdesk
3. Make sure you know who your Information
• National SCR programme
Governance/Privacy Officer is and their contact details and any associated process
"We would like to see the NHS make better use of
requirements specific to SCR
pharmacists' skills by enabling patients to share their
4. Make sure you are aware of your pharmacies
electronic health record with pharmacists"
SOPs regarding SCR access
Maureen Baker
Chair RCGP
Ensure you are logged in with your own smartcard
Benefits to practice
Summary Care Record". It is advisable to
• Reducing prescribing errors
save this to your desktop or favourites
• Reducing patient harm and therefore reducing
7. Search for the patient, ideally using NHS
hospital admissions
number but if this is not yet known, using
• Ensuring medication that is clinically
surname, DOB, postcode etc
appropriate is given to the patient
8. Select the right patient
• Better understanding of patient health
9. Record permission to view
REMEMBER: Locum pharmacists logged
• Reducing the number and duration of phone
on with the locum ODS code (FFFFF)
calls to the prescriber
must ALWAYS select the provide more information about the access (optional)
• Reducing assessment time
link and enter the ODS code of the site or
• Being able to access required clinical
branch where the access is taking place into
information instantly
the box before clicking yes.
• Reduces the number of faxes for
• Reducing patients need to visit another care
Patient identifiable data used by pharmacists and
pharmacy technicians, whether accessed from
• Supply provided sooner
national NHS care records or stored in local
• Enhancing customer loyalty
or networked systems is subject to relevant NHS IG requirements and also existing GPhC
• Improving advice given about medication
standards on patient confidentiality. These cover
• Increasing confidence in the profession
many aspects of good practice in information
• Improving patient convenience
management and security including prevention
• Supporting seven day services
of accidental disclosure, security of hardware and software, staff training, management of critical incidents and various others.
"Access to the SCR is essential for the development
of effective clinical services in community pharmacy
Only access records for patients to whom you
and makes a real difference to the quality of care we
have a legitimate clinical need
can provide."
• Only access records with informed, explicit
consent. This is usually verbal but can be
President Royal Pharmaceutical Society
written consent - written consent may be agreed locally but is not necessary
• Remember to record the patient and
associated advice/action on PMR
• Only access SCR when logged on with your
• Only use emergency access when required for
the patient's best interest
Revised September 2015
Copyright Royal Pharmaceutical Society 2015
Acta Crystallographica Section A Early days in drug discovery by crystallography – personal recollections Received 10 December 2012 Accepted 11 December 2012 The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, 1G Royal Parade, Parkville, Victoria, Australia. Correspondence e-mail: The influences of Lawrence Bragg and Max Perutz are evident in thecontemporary emphasis on ‘structural enablement' in drug discovery. Onthis occasion of the centenary of Bragg's equation, his role in supporting theearliest structural studies of biological materials at the Cavendish Laboratory isremembered. The 1962 Nobel Prizes for the structures of DNA and proteinsmarked the golden anniversary of the von Laue and Bragg discoveries.
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