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Spring/Summer 2016 Experience your MNjcc 750 Spadina (at Bloor) (416) 924-6211 ·

Miles Nadal JCC • Welcome
Israel L
MAY 29, 2016
Walk for MNCC.indd 1 15/01/2016 10:47:23 AM JEWISH EDUCATION
The Downtown Jewish Community School (DJCS) provides high-quality Jewish and Hebrew education. We are diverse and pluralistic. Our staff are highly-qualified and provide an enriched curriculum including Israeli dance, iPad photography, pottery and more!As a charitable institution, tuition fees are fully tax deductible. In addition, bursaries from the generous Azrieli Foundation allow us to proudly accept all children who enroll. JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN - HIGH SCHOOL
416.924.6211 X 112 [email protected]
free child memberships to:
affiliated with and partly funded by:
13/01/2016 8:32:49 AM

Miles Nadal JCC • Welcome
We're building a new pool at the Miles Nadal wonderful world of the Miles Nadal JCC.
We are very excited We are very proud of about our major capital what this facility has project to renew and renovate our accomplished in the past 63 years. MNjcc pool. We've worked with Every day, we see hundreds of the architects, with the City and with members, children and parents pass you, our Members, at various Town through the doors, headed to the Hall events. Our staff have been finest of programs for fitness, culture very hard at work to find alternatives and early childhood education. It is during the pool closure from April to a huge responsibility for the people September, so that you can continue who maintain the building and to lane swim, enjoy Aquafit classes provide the programming.
and send your children to camp and swim lessons. Life goes on at Inherent to this responsibility is the MNjcc and we want you to ensuring that we provide high-quality experience all we have on offer! and safe facilities – welcoming public areas, well-equipped classrooms, There are new fitness classes for the state-of-the-art fitness equipment, and young adult – in age and at heart! a bright, updated gymnasium. Our summer camps will be in full Now it's the turn of our beloved pool swing and there's a very exciting – where our children have learned to Opera For All program coming up swim, friends have aquasized together, this February to April.
and members have even met their future So, come and experience us. Try a spouses! It's a focal point of our JCC, pottery class. Try a Jock Yoga class. and it has reached an age where it Check out the Toronto Jewish Film requires significant work and attention.
Society schedule.Visit the Gallery. Follow our progress on our website at: And – above all – help support the and check-in pool renovation campaign – the regularly for updates on the aquatics largest campaign since the renewal alternatives we are arranging for our of the Miles Nadal JCC in 2002. members around the city during the This is your JCC – so experience it, enjoy it and help support it! Thank you for supporting us during this time of change and for sharing in our excitement. Let's make waves Executive Director Need more info? Call (416) 924-6211 3
Table of Contents • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Table of Contents
Support Your MNjcc Program Registration Dates Hours of Operation Accessibility and Inclusion Downtown Jewish Community Council Membership/Code of Conduct/Refunds Children, Youth, Families
Childcare and Preschool
After School Program Camps, Breaks & PA Days Jewish Families at the J Shabbat Family Party Jewish Holidays & Celebrations Israeli Connection Fitness: Preschool/Youth/Teens Groove School of Dance Personal Training Fitness Appraisals Al Green Theatre 4 Need more info? Visit
Table of Contents • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Table of Contents
Adults (18+)
Active 55+
Jewish Holidays & Celebrations 14 Personal Training Basketball/Volleyball Fitness Appraisals Personal Training Wellness Programs Fitness Appraisals From Tummies To Mummies 27 Choirs and Ensembles Wellness Programs Toronto Jewish Film Society 37 Nutrition at the J Theatre Skills/Development 38-39 Afternoon Lecture Series Pottery Co-op and Classes 34 Gallery Exhibitions Adult Jewish Learning Jewish Holidays & Celebrations 43 Choirs and Ensembles Thursday Cultural Programs 44 Toronto Jewish Film Society 37 Book Club, Games Al Green Theatre Swing Dance Classes Theatre Skills/Development 38-39 Active 55+ Fitness Afternoon Lecture Series Adult Jewish Learning Access and Inclusion
Chapel and Services Accessibility and Inclusion Basketball/Soccer Adapted Sportball At the MNjcc, we envision a Spring Supper Club community that acknowledges Everyday Friends and respects difference ReelAbilities Film Festival and celebrates everyone's contribution. We are committed Every Body Dance to the integration of people of all abilities into our programs, Allergen Friendly Cooking and we want to explore how we can best meet your needs. Tell us about your experiences, your ideas, and your program Functional Mobility Workshop 47 Contact Liviya Mendelsohn, Access and Inclusion Policies 50 Manager of Accessibility and Inclusion, [email protected]; Need more info? Call (416) 924-6211 5

Who We Are • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Where We Are
The Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre is a dynamic hub in downtown Toronto. We provide opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds to be active, to learn, to connect and to participate in a wide range of cultural experiences. Rooted in Jewish values, the MNjcc is open to all.
Charitable # 140344243RR0001 Agency. Through its ongoing commitment agencies of the United Way. With to the Jewish community and the its support, we can assure that efforts of its Tomorrow Campaign, Membership is accessible to those UJA Federation has rebuilt and in financial need, and that children, owns the MNjcc building as well as seniors and women-in-transition the Schwartz/Reisman Centre and benefit from programs in our Prosserman JCC. The UJA leadership community. United Way continues to and vision enable us to build our build our capacity to serve the needs Jewish institutions and program them of people in Toronto.
for the whole community.
6 Need more info? Visit

Who We Are • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Where We Are
The MIleS NAdAl JCC: wheRe we ARe
750 Spadina Avenue Phone: (416) 924-6211 Toronto, ON M5S 2J2 Fax: (416) 924-0442 (SW corner of Bloor and Spadina) Email: [email protected] BlOOR STReeT CUlTURe CORRIdOR
The Miles Nadal JCC is proud to be among the founding members of the Bloor Street Culture Corridor.
Visit, and connect with us on Twitter @bloorstculture and on Facebook at Need more info? Call (416) 924-6211 7
Development • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Let's Make Waves
helP MAKe A dIFFeReNCe
This program guide offers a snapshot of the MNjcc's extensive programs. It shows how we serve people of all ages and backgrounds and are accessible to all.
When you walk through our doors there are hundreds of activities taking place, running the gamut from arts and culture to fitness and aquatics, to adult learning, social networking, skills building and education that is second to none.
As a charity, we provide programming for children, youth, families, seniors and newcomers that rely on the generosity of donors who share our commitment to excellence through their philanthropic gifts.
Your MNjcc is more than a place to exercise and get fit. It's a place where people come to connect the mind, body and spirit. We invite you to support the MNjcc and make a generous gift that will: • Send underserved children to camp where they can create friendships, and learn to swim and play sports.
• Fund arts programming that covers film, and the visual and performing arts through the Toronto Jewish Film Society, The Gallery at the J and the Al Green Theatre.
• Provide meaningful programming for an isolated senior so they can attend a weekly lecture, exercise, or swim in our pool.
• Provide Jewish Life programming that includes celebrations and education about our traditions.
• Sustain our ability to be a leader in accessibility and inclusion by supporting one of our recreational or arts programs for children with disabilities.
As you enjoy our vast programming, we invite you to make a tax-deductible contribution and help transform the lives of our community through the gift of recreation, arts and education.
To make a difference, please pick up a donation card, go to "Donate Now" on our website, or please call us at (416) 924-6211, x328, or mail your donation to 750 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, M5S 2J2 today.
Thank you for making a difference and helping to transform lives at the MNjcc each and every day. Director of Development 8 Need more info? Visit
Development • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Let's Make Waves
leT'S MAKe wAveS
It's official, after 63 years of extensive use, our saltwater pool will undergo a major renovation and rebuild.
For the past six decades, the Freddie Shore Aquatic Centre has been one of the MNjcc's central meeting spaces. It's a place where children have learned to swim, families have enjoyed time together, seniors have exercised and those with disabilities have enjoyed meaningful interaction and aquatics.
Now due to age, our pool is in need of a rebuild and an investment in capital. Beginning in April 2016, we will start construction. The new pool will feature an accessible steel pool, slip proof tiling, improved lighting and sound system, and an expanded pool width for a new accessible ramp.
In order for the MNjcc to build this new state-of-the-art pool, we need your help. We invite you to associate your name in a significant and lasting manner by making a donation for our new pool.
To set up a meeting to discuss how you can make a difference and the benefits associated with supporting the pool, please contact Judy Tobe at [email protected] or (416) 924-6211 x118 or you can make your donation on-line at
We invite you to make a generous gift to help the MNjcc rejuvenate, revitalize and renew its pool for generations to come.
Need more info? Call (416) 924-6211 9
Hours • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Children and Families
Monday to Friday Saturday and Sunday 5:30 am - 10:00 pm 7:00 am - 7:00 pm Note: The fitness floor, gymnasium and locker room spa facilities close 15 minutes prior to facility shut down. The pool closes 30 minutes prior to shut down.
All Members and guests must leave the facility by the posted closing time.
Please note our revised hours of operation for the holidays mentioned below. All other days we are open normal hours as listed above.
Monday, February 15 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Friday, March 25 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Friday, April 22 9:00 am – 4:30 pm 9:00 am – 5:00 pm 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday, August 1 9:00 am – 5:00 pm MNJCC PROGRAM ReGISTRATION dATeS
Register in person or contact the Information Desk (416) 924-6211 x0 Please note: prices, dates, and times are accurate at the time of publishing Spring: April – June 2016 Summer: July – August 2016 ACCeSSIBIlITY ANd INClUSION
Accessible Facility
The MNjcc is an accessible facility, with wheelchair access to programming and meeting rooms, the Phil Granovsky Fitness Centre, the Freddie Shore Aquatic Centre and the Al Green Theatre. Statement of Commitment to Accessibility and Inclusion
Diversity and social inclusion are at the heart of what we do at the Miles Nadal JCC. To see our complete Statement of Commitment to Accessibility and Inclusion, Statement of Accommodation, and Service Disruptions Information, please visit The Accessibility and Inclusion intiative is funded in part by a grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, and donors like you. 10 Need more info? Visit
Hours • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Children and Families
The Libbie Cowan Childcare Centre (Ages 18-30 months) and the Thomas & Marjorie Schwartz Preschool Centre (Ages 2.5-5) nurture the growth and development of young children. Our staff are experienced and supportive educators who put a child's needs and safety first. Our Learn Through Play Philosophy assists children to develop lifelong skills such as time management, problem solving and social skills, with a focus on building self- esteem and empathy. The Natural Playground is a great place for children to explore and be immersed in a safe environment. For more information please contact Cathy Indig (Preschool and general questions) at x119; [email protected] or Dana Landen (Toddler Childcare) at x247; [email protected].
do Re… Me!
With Tova Rosenberg Info: Yudit Timbo [email protected] April 5 – June 15 45 minutes of music and movement, incorporating Tova's extensive Suzuki training and passions for music and early childhood education. Parents/ caregiver participation is required. (Preschool Ages 3-5) April 5 – June 15 A music and movement class incorporating the building blocks of Suzuki music. Previous music class not required. Drop off program. Do Re. Me! Arts & Culture
Family Jungle Gym
Camps & Breaks
Jewish Life
Toronto Jewish Film Society
Need more info? Call (416) 924-6211 11
Children and Families • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Children and Families
SChOOl AGe (SK-Grade 6)
Info: Alisha Sandy Info: Yudit Timbo [email protected]; x236 [email protected]; x277 After School Program
March Break Camp
A United Way supported initiative providing age appropriate, stimulating, April 25 - 29 safe and specialized activities for (Ages 5-7 & 8-10) school-aged children, SK-Grade 6. Explore our interactive programming, We care for 125 children from many local parks, drama, arts and crafts, local schools. MNjcc gymnasium and cooking, sports, swimming, science and pool, a strong active focus and creative much more! Extended care available options including homework club, movement, arts and more. CIT and Summer Camps
Leadership opportunities available for Mini Me Camp (Ages 3-4) Grades 5/6 enrolled in our program.
Weekly, June 27 – August 26 A full day of songs, games and TdSB School's Out for PA days!
activities; campers enjoy recreational swimming, arts and crafts, science, Children participate in fun, safe, cooking, outdoor play, sports, field nurturing activities on PA Days.
trips, special guests and creative movement. Catered dairy lunches and PM snacks are included daily. Morning and afternoon extended care available.
Adventure Camp (Ages 5-7) Weekly, July 4 – August 26 An exciting program focusing on cooperative play, team building and camp spirit. Explore local parks and participate in field trips, recreational swimming, arts and crafts, science, cooking, sports and much more! Catered, dairy lunches and PM snacks are included daily.
For all program times, fees, and registration information, visit Arts & Culture
Family Jungle Gym
Camps & Breaks
Jewish Life
Toronto Jewish Film Society
12 Need more info? Visit
Children and Families • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Children and Families
April 4 – June 6 Children get creative and make fun, functional projects using pinch pot, coil and slab techniques. Includes materials and firings.
Info: [email protected] Youth Pottery Join Our Suzuki Community
Suzuki Summer Music Camp
Tuesday afternoon classes continue through June 7.
It's our 24th season of certified Instruction in Twinkle level instruction in violin, viola and cello. through Book 8, with various age The MNjcc Suzuki Program is a appropriate enrichment classes member of SAA (Suzuki Association of the Americas) and SAO Suzuki For fees and registration info visit Association of Ontario)., or contact: Gretchen Paxson-Abberger, Artistic Director: [email protected] Find out about our Music Scholarship and Innovation Fund on p.36 New this fall – CIT training for teens. Please contact Yudit Timbo now for info: Arts & Culture
Family Jungle Gym
Camps & Breaks
Jewish Life
Toronto Jewish Film Society
Need more info? Call (416) 924-6211 13
Children and Families • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Children and Families
Shabbat Family Party JewISh FAMIlIeS AT The J
Celebrate Shabbat and holidays by spending time with your child in an inclusive Jewish space. Meet and connect with other families in a diverse community grounded in Jewish values and traditions where you can share, learn, play, sing, dance, taste, and talk. We are a welcoming community for everyone and proud to be part of the 92Y Shababa™ Network.
For all program times, fees, and registration information, visit Info: Aviv Bogdanovsky, x388; [email protected]
Shabbat Family Party
Purim Festival
(Ages 0-4 with their grown-ups) Expect the Unexpected! Spring: April 1 - June 17 Summer: July 22 - August 26 Israeli Purim Party (in Hebrew)
Wednesday, March 23 hockey Night in Shushan
Saturday, March 19 14 Need more info? Visit
Children and Families • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Children and Families
Yom ha'atzmaut Community
Shabbat in the Park
Saturdays, July 16 and August 20 Vermont Square Park (819 Palmerston Ave) lag Ba'Omer Party (in Hebrew)
Celebrate Shabbat with the whole family. Activities and learning for adults, school-age children, and downtown Tikkun leil
children 0-4 with their grown-ups. Shavuot: All-Night Jewish
Bring your dinner and have a picnic Saturday, June 11 With Makom: Creative Downtown Judaism, and PJ Library Kids Camp Out 'til midnight! UJA walk with Israel
Passover Groove
Presented by the UJA Federation of We bring Passover to you! At Greater Toronto. Avenue Road Arts School (460 Avenue Road) With Paul Penna Downtown Jewish Sundays, April 17 and May 29 With Camp Gesher/Habonim Dror For food that's both healthy and Fun, meaningful, & FREE! Experience delicious, check out our new Israel and Jewish values together Cooking Classes p.29-30!
in a welcoming social space. Play, create, debate and explore. Light snacks provided.
RSVP: Ido Rumianek at [email protected] or Tea & Talk
Questions about what the downtown Jewish community has to offer? We're happy to help you connect! Appointments: [email protected] or Need more info? Call (416) 924-6211 15
Children and Families • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Children and Families
Connect with other Israelis and experience Israeli programming B'Ivrit – for you and your family -- in a welcoming community atmosphere. The Israeli Connection is generously supported by the UJA Federation's Emerging Communities Committee and runs in partnership with Hillel Ontario. Please note that some of these programs take place outside the MNjcc.
For info, contact Liraz Rot Rolnitsky, x321; [email protected] Israeli Family Kabbalat Shabbat
Fridays, April 1 and June 24 Friday night community dinners for families with young children. Games and activities in Hebrew.
Bedtime Stories – Sipur
Sundays, April 17, May 8, June 19, Ages 3-6 + their grown-ups Kids are invited to come in their pyjamas and bring their favourite teddy bear/blanket for Hebrew- language bedtime stories. Israeli holiday Celebrations
Celebrate the chagim with your whole family – with an Israeli twist! Hebrew-language parties feature music, hands-on activities, great food and a great community.
For all program times, fees, and registration information, visit 16 Need more info? Visit
Children and Families • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Children and Families
Israeli Parenthood Centre
Parenting is one of the most rewarding roles one plays in adult life. The Israeli Parenthood Centre, coordinated by Liraz Rolnitsky and led by Tamar Levy (Preschool educational Counselor and parenting coach) is a home for Israeli parents in Toronto.
let's Talk about Parenthood
Starting March 2016 Drop-in workshops on the small and big dilemmas that arise in our everyday life as parents.
Starting March 2016 Five-week workshop on everyday parenthood challenges in an intimate and safe setting.
It's a Parent!
Starting March 2016 For parents of new babies (ages Special topics: my baby's temperament; exposure to stimulation; routine; and more.
Tea and Talk B'Ivrit
Are you new or newish to the neighbourhood? Do you have questions about what the downtown Jewish community has to offer? We're happy to help you connect – Appointments: [email protected] Need more info? Call (416) 924-6211 17
Children and Families • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Children and Families
Spring: April 7 - June 16 Children's Fitness & Arts Tax
Summer: June 30 – September 1 The Government of Canada offers non-refundable tax credits of up to $1000 to parents who register CATCH is designed to promote a child under the age of 16 in a children's enjoyment of moderate physical activity or artistic, cultural, to vigorous physical activity during recreational or developmental activity time and recreation time with program. Programs must be family and friends. supervised and be a minimum of eight weeks long. Jungle Gym
Sundays and Wednesdays Enjoy a morning full of play and fun with your family at the gym, set up as a jungle gym for you and your children to explore. Jungle Gym Mega hoops
April 4 – June 6 Spring: April 7 – June 23 (Ages 3-5 and 5-7) Summer: June 30 – September 1 Strikegoal Soccer Academy provides (Ages 3-5 and 6-8) a high energy, fun, age-appropriate A structured basketball learning introduction to soccer, with a focus experience for boys and girls that on character development and encourages team participation confidence-building. and personal development while improving players' skills.
18 Need more info? Visit
Children and Families • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Children and Families
Floor hockey Academy
Spring: April 12 – June 14 Summer: June 28 - August 30 (Ages 6-8 and 9-12) Groove Shake Rattle and Roll
Instruction will focus on individual Spring: April 10 – June 19 skills, team participation, and Summer July 10 – August 28 fundamentals of the game such as passing, shooting and stick handling Pre-dance students learn the as well as the importance of essentials of ballet, jazz, and pre- gymnastics techniques through dance games and fun activities.
Spring: April 3 – June 19 Groove lights, Cameras, Action!
Summer: July 10 – August 28 Spring: April 10 – June 19 Summer: July 10 – August 28 Students learn acting, singing, and Sportball places a focus on the dance technique in this fun, triple- fundamentals, like proper form, individual "baseline skills" and using keywords and clear visual Groove Mini Jazz hop
April 7 – June 16 Sportball Jr. : Ages 16-24 months Sportball Parent and Tot: Ages 2-3 Students learn beginner jazz technique Sportball Multisport : Ages 3-5 & 5-7 and some funky hip hop moves.
Adapted Sportball: Ages 5-8 Groove Flip Stix
April 7 – June 16 Spring: April 9 – June 18 This class blends hip hop dancing Summer: July 9 – August 27 and acro (dance and gymnastics combined) for an exciting session Challenging and fun in a safe, non- violent environment with a goal of providing children and youth the strength and confidence to avoid For all program times, fees, and registration information, visit Need more info? Call (416) 924-6211 19
Access and Inclusion • Miles Nadal JCC
For Children, we offer programs At the MNjcc all of our programs are like Adaptive Sportball (p.19), open to people of all abilities. We Inclusive Basketball and Soccer are committed to accessibility and to (p.18) Inclusive Musical Theatre inclusive program design. Please let and Allergen Friendly Cooking us know if you have any particular (p.30). We partner with the Down accommodation needs. Syndrome Association of Toronto (DSAT) on our inclusive Jungle Our Facility is wheelchair accessible, Gym (p.18), and DSAT and Autism and we offer accessible fitness Ontario on Inclusive Aquatics (p. 31) equipment and personal training. From April to September we are renovating For Young Adults we offer Supper our pool to increase accessibility.
Club, Accessible Photography and Everyday Friends. All ages, Every Guided by the Community Advisory Body Dance (p.24) Committee on Accessibility and Inclusion and our Young Adult For Adults we offer ASL classes (p. 40), Advisory Committee on Access and Accessible Yoga (p. 28) and SICA Inclusion, we also offer programming Wheel Dance (p.35) For Seniors designed to meet specific needs we offer a host of medical exercise identified to us by people with programs (p. 47-48) disabilities and their families.
Jewish Disabilities Awareness and Inclusion Month
February 2016 ·
Don't miss our Toronto ReelAbilities Film Festival, May 12-19
Spring Supper Club
everyday Friends:
Designed for young adults with developmental disabilities and ASD Meet new people, connect and and open to all. A fun six week hang out. Programs designed supper club where we cook, meet by the Youth Advisory Access new people and gain valuable Committee, including games night, customer service experience. Make pool nights, basketball, pottery and and share dinner each night as well cooking. Designed for youth 15-29 as prepare healthy snacks to sell with developmental disabilities and in the Fitness Centre. Facilitated by ASD. A facilitated program, open Dream Weavers: An Occupational Therapy Collective.
Info:; Liviya Mendelsohn, [email protected], x330 20 Need more info? Visit
Access and Inclusion • Miles Nadal JCC
There are three JCC branches spread across Toronto. Contact the one nearest you for the best in community programming. Rooted in Jewish values they are open to all.
9600 Bathurst St. • Vaughan (905) 303-1821 •
4588 Bathurst St. • Toronto (416) 638-1881 •
750 Spadina Ave at Bloor • Toronto (416) 924-6211 •
Miles Nadal JCC • Fitness and Recreation
Miles Nadal JCC • Fitness and Recreation
This world class Fitness Centre includes a heated saltwater pool, whirlpool, steam and sauna in both Men's and Women's locker rooms, more than 90 group exercise classes per week, including Drumfit, Group Power, Body H.I.I.T., Pilates/Barre and Kettle Bell all taught by highly trained instructors and trainers. The Dave & Bea Silverstein Gymnasium and Umbra indoor running track and the new Cybex fitness equipment are recent improvements. Specialty Fitness programs include MELT, Osteo-Circuit, Pickleball, Boxing and Krav Maga. A complete list of Group Ex classes, Specialty and Athletic fitness programs can be found on our website.
For all program times, fees, and registration information, visit
Krav Maga
Spring: April 12 – June 7 Spring: April 6 – June 8 Summer: June 28 – August 30 Summer: June 29 – August 31 Learn proper boxing fundamentals, Krav Maga is a reality-based Israeli self-defense and self-confidence while self-defense system designed to getting one of the best all-around achieve a strong level of technical workouts you have ever experienced! proficiency in a short period of time. Train to deal quickly and effectively with violent attacks.
women's Boxercise
Spring: April 7 – June 16 A FREE, peer-supported fitness, Summer: June 30 – September 1 recreation and wellness program, for A fun, challenging and safe young adults. It is open to anyone with exercise class based on the training mild to moderate mental health and techniques that boxers use to keep mood disorders, including those in fit. No actual physical hitting. Open recovery or reintegrating into community to all fitness levels.
after a period of illness or treatment.
Info: [email protected]. Need more info? Call (416) 924-6211 23
Fitness and Recreation • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Fitness and Recreation
Spring: April 6 – June 15 Summer: June 29 – August 31 Nia is an energizing cardio-dance fitness practice which creatively blends elements of the martial arts, dance arts, and healing arts.
every Body dance
5Rhythms movement with DJ Layah Jane. A practice that supports unique expression, release, expansion and integration, and is Co-ed Volleyball League accessible to people of all ages and abilities. Rediscover the joy and AThleTICS
freedom of dance. Co-ed volleyball league
Info: [email protected] Spring: April 6 – June 15 Summer: June 29 – August 31 One hour drills to improve your skills plus two hours of play equals three hours of volleyball fun! All levels and individual players Stay active all year round! We provide the balls and two courts every week and welcome all skill levels. Practice your spikes, bumps, digs and more every Sunday.
Tuesday and Thursday evenings and all day Saturday play pick-up basketball and work up a sweat with your buddies. Small Group Training 24 Need more info? Visit
Fitness and Recreation • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Fitness and Recreation
From general fitness to more specific Gravity
goals such as H.I.I.T. training, A unique and innovative way to Olympic lifting, pre and post-natal, functionally train your muscles in as weight loss, strength building, little as 45 minutes. Experience a full or injury recovery, our certified body strength/endurance workout personal trainers can help you with a strong emphasis on functional achieve your goals. Ask about our special personal training promotion, "3 for $165"+ HST (may only be light Gravity
purchased once, by new clients).
A great low-impact alternative to help strengthen your joints and Client Testimonials: muscles. Recommended for anyone "I came to the JCC as a post recovering from an injury. physiotherapy patient with the goals of rebuilding my strength, All classes are led by a certified flexibility and endurance. Jasmyn Gravity trainer.
Hoa Tang was assigned to me specifically because of her training Info about Gravity, Personal Training in rehabilitation. Reinjuring myself or Accessible Personal Training: was a very real possibility. By the Jason Espino, x506; end of our first training session I was confident that this would not "I have been training with Boram Group A: April 18 – June 16 at the Miles Nadal JCC for over Group B: April 18 – June 15 six months. I have had a number Group C: April 20 – June 19 of personal trainers over the years, Maximize your time and get results! and I have been very impressed with Sign up for two 45-minute high Boram's focus on the fundamentals. intensity workouts for 8 weeks It's clear from his no-nonsense work- with a maximum of 6 registrants outs that we are working toward per group. Dynamic High Intensity the goals of overall strength and Interval Training (H.I.I.T.) exercises mobility. I look forward to my time are scientifically formulated for with Boram each week because challenging and fun workout it is fun, safe, and above all, a challenge. I am very pleased with the results I am getting." For all program times, fees, and registration information, visit Need more info? Call (416) 924-6211 25
Fitness and Recreation • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Fitness and Recreation
Whether you are recovering from a tough workout or treating an injury, our Registered Massage Therapists are highly skilled and can adapt their treatment style to your needs. Enjoy a free workout at the Fitness Centre on the day of your massage. Fees for massage therapy are covered by most extended health Appointments: the Fitness Desk; x500.
(Ages 12 – 17) Consult one-on-one with a Certified A 45 minute drop-in fitness class for Personal Trainer and hear teen members, included in the fitness recommendations based on your centre membership fee. health and fitness objectives to help Info: email [email protected]. you achieve goals. Available free once a year for regular Members, Abs Blast
and up to three times per year for Active 55+ Members. Condition your core muscles for free! Info: the Fitness Desk at x500 or 15 minute core workout classes for Members. No reservation required for the class. Monday, Wednesday Fitness Appraisals
and Friday 6:30 pm and Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30 am Completing a CSEP accredited fitness assessment of body Red Cross Babysitter Training
composition, aerobic fitness, muscular strength, endurance and Earn your Babysitting Certificate! flexibility. Jump-start a tired fitness Learn about safe and responsible routine, establish goals and measure babysitting, such as feeding a baby, improvement. This is a paid service. changing diapers, simple meal Info: Jason Espino x506 or preparation, games for all age groups, and injury and emergency 26 Need more info? Visit
Fitness and Recreation • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Fitness and Recreation
Prenatal Yoga FROM TUMMIeS TO
This cardio and muscular endurance A great program for anyone workout will ease you back into interested in staying fit and healthy shape while introducing your baby during their pregnancy as well as to water. Note: babies must be at regaining your strength postpartum. least six months old. Ease back into shape, while bonding with your baby, and connect with other moms and moms to be. A high energy exercise routine to help you melt away your baby weight and regain your strength. Increase your strength, flexibility, Note: must be six weeks post-partum and balance in our saltwater pool. and have a doctor's clearance to Discussion followed by class in the return to exercise. Feel energized, increase Enhance your overall flexibility and cardiovascular health and gain ease those aches and pains of your strength. Note: you must be six growing belly. Pregnancy specific weeks post-partum and have your yoga poses combined with effective doctor's clearance to return to breathing techniques For all program times, fees, and registration information, visit Need more info? Call (416) 924-6211 27
Fitness and Recreation • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Fitness and Recreation
empowered Bodies
For all program times, fees, and Teens: May 29 – June 26 registration information, visit Adults: June 8 – 29 A 4-week experiential wellness program. Build a healthy Accessible Yoga
relationship to your body through April 10 – June 19 interactive nutrition, body-based A fully inclusive class that is open awareness exercises and art to people of all abilities. Stretch, expression. Info: [email protected] strengthen, rejuvenate and relax through a series of gentle yoga poses, breathing exercises and meditation from a position of sitting in a chair, with optional standing Yoga Basics for Beginners
March 30 – April 27 Instructor: Janet Irvine For those who are brand new to yoga, this course will address the basics of beginning a yoga practice and building confidence. Yoga is non-competitive, a great stress- reliever, a chance to relax and a way to add physical exercise to
Journey to headstand
April 9, May 7, June 11, July 16 Instructor: Jasmyn Hoa This four part series breaks down the headstand into the four major components and will incorporate preparatory poses to strengthen muscles. Includes a guided meditation, vinyasa flow as well as demonstration and discussion. Suitable for all levels. Journey to Headstand 28 Need more info? Visit
Fitness and Recreation • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Fitness and Recreation
For all program times, fees, and Menus feature locally sourced registration information, visit organic vegetables and ingredients entirely free of gluten, dairy, egg, soy, meat, fish, shellfish, and nuts.
One-on-One Nutrition
Postnatal Cooking for You and Your Want to address specific health concerns such as diabetes, arthritis, weight loss, IBS or just clean eating? You have a new job and are Book a consultation with a holistic breastfeeding your baby. Learn what nutritionist: [email protected]. to eat to produce healthy breast milk Nutrition program coordinator: and satisfy your own hunger.
Jooli Park, x574, [email protected]; or go to Need more info? Call (416) 924-6211 29
Fitness and Recreation • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Aquatics
Nathalie Garcia, Holistic Nutritionist Prenatal Cooking for You and Your Information & discussion
Prenatal Nutrition Information Sessions Learn how to feed your body to May 31, June 7 & 14 grow a healthy baby. This program A program designed specifically is allergen friendly and completely for mommies-to-be -- what you and your baby need for a healthy pregnancy! Learn about superfoods, College Teen Cooking Program nutrients from A to Zinc and tips on managing morning sickness.
Making healthy meals and snacks while in college on a budget is Spring: June 2, 9 & 16 tough. This program introduces a Summer: July 7, 14 & 21 wide variety of whole food cooking Join us for the 10-Day Cleanse and skills for a healthy balanced diet. shut down cravings, re-energize, and look and feel great! This cleanse Allergen Friendly Cooking Program program includes 3 group sessions July 7, 8, 14 & 15 over three week period facilitated by our holistic nutritionist. You Help your children address common receive a cleanse manual, meal food allergies and make healthy plans, grocery shopping guide, eating choices, as well as gain kitchen cleanout guide and lifestyle confidence in the kitchen.
For all program times, fees, and registration information, visit 30 Need more info? Visit
Fitness and Recreation • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Aquatics
The MNjcc has been providing swim
lessons and recreation activities to people of all ages and abilities since we opened our doors in the 1950s. Since that time, the Freddie Shore Aquatic Centre has been a focal point for learning, social interaction and enjoyment. After 63 years of use, we need to build a new pool to ensure a high quality facility that will increase accessibility and ensure continued usage for generations to come.
As part of our continuing commitment to the community during this exciting time of renewal we will be holding swim lessons off site at Kensington Public School and Central Tech High School. Please pick up an Aquatics Brochure for more details or go to our website at Need more info? Call (416) 924-6211 31
Aquatics • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Aquatics
The pool may be closed but.
We are so excited about the Freddie Shore Aquatic Centre reno this spring & summer. Once renovations begin in April you will be able to follow weekly updates on the MNjcc website.
Don't worry – we would never leave you stranded, your MNjcc Membership will be honoured at the following facilities for either lane swim or Aqua Fitness. All you require is your photo ID at YMCA locations and a reciprocal letter at Ryerson University and Columbus Centre.
• Ryerson – Gould & Church • Central YMCA – Any day or • Columbus Centre – Dufferin & • West End YMCA – Any day or • Central YMCA – Grosvenor & • University of Toronto Schools – • West End YMCA – College & July/ August: Mon/Wed/Fri 8:45 – 9:45 a.m. • Bayview Village YMCA – • Bayview Village YMCA – Bayview & Sheppard Bayview & Sheppard • Schwartz/Reisman Centre – Bathurst & Rutherford Please pick up YMCA Aqua Fitness Schedules or University of Toronto School Aqua Fitness Schedules at the MNjcc Fitness Desk.
32 Need more info? Visit
Aquatics • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Aquatics
how do I replace my Aqua Fitness Routine once the pool is
closed at the MNjcc? what do I do now?
Here are some suggestions that may work for you.
Drop In to work out with some of your Aqua Fitness Instructors: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm 9:00 – 10:00 am 10:00 – 11:00 am Balance and Mobility 9:00 – 10:00 am will there be swim lessons,
group and private, during the
The Aquatics Team has secured both Kensingston Public School, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for Swim Lessons from 4:30 – 7:00 pm, Central Tech on Sundays from Chair Yoga 9:00 am – 3:00 pm for both Group, Private and Leadership Classes. All your favourite swim instructors and lesson coordinators will be at off site locations to help ensure consistency for your children during the pool closure. Please pick up an Aquatics Brochure or go to our website at From Tummies to Mummies
Pre and Postnatal Aquafit programs Swim Lessons will be held during the pool closure at Davina's Swim House, at Marlee & Roselawn, on Monday mornings or Please visit for times.
Need more info? Call (416) 924-6211 33
Arts & Culture • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Arts & Culture
Summer Institute: Singers Edition YOUR CUlTURAl JOURNeY
BeGINS heRe:
• Create something that is uniquely yours • Sing your heart out • Step into history • Meet new people • Feast your eyes on the big screen • Talk about art • Dance like no one's looking • Laugh together Feed your mind, body and soul.
Info: [email protected] Enjoy a small group environment with professional instruction. Learn wheel and hand building techniques, including pinch pot, coil and slab methods. Open to participants of varying skill levels. Pottery Co-op Adult Pottery: daytime
April 5 – June 7 Ideal for experienced potters looking for a work space and firing facility. Adult Pottery: evening
Supply your own glazes and tools. April 6 – June 8 For all program times, fees, and registration information, visit 34 Need more info? Visit
Arts & Culture • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Arts & Culture
The Gallery at The J Photography by Colin Boyd Shafer Portraits of people with differing beliefs coming together in love. A Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival exhibit.
Louis and Rebecca, 2015, Colin Boyd Shafer The SUMMeR INSTITUTe FOR CReATIve AdUlTS (SICa)
FIVE Institutes for adults. FIVE ways to express your creativity and passion! Singers (July 11-15) Band (July 18-22) Latin Dance, Full Day (July 25-29) Wheel Dance, Half Day (July 25-29) Theatre (Aug 15-19) For inquiries: [email protected] Need more info? Call (416) 924-6211 35
Arts & Culture • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Arts & Culture
daytime Choir
For all program times, fees, and Continuing Tuesdays, year-round registration information, visit Conductor: Gillian Stecyk; Collaborative Pianist: Asher Farber Info: [email protected] Are you an adult who LOVES to sing? No experience or sight Community Choir
reading necessary. Join us, and fill your life with the joy of singing in 20th Anniversary Concert Open Community Choir
Continuing Mondays through June 6 (Instrumental) Conductor: Gillian Stecyk Continuing through April 26 Let the joy of music inspire you. Conductor: Eric Stein Enjoy diverse repertoire, vocal Join our inspiring Tuesday evening technique, and train your ear to chamber group and develop harmony! All are welcome. No solid arranging and ensemble experience or audition required. playing skills while exploring the Prorated registration available fundamentals of Klezmer music. Prorated registration available Music Scholarship & Innovation Fund
The MNjcc has created a Music Scholarship & Innovation Fund to help make our dynamic music programs accessible to those who might not otherwise be able to afford them. Donations gladly accepted any time. 36 Need more info? Visit
Arts & Culture • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Arts & Culture
lIve lOUd: Opera for All!
Daytime: Wednesdays, Music for Children
February 24 – April 13 See Do, Re… ME! (p.11) And Evening: Thursdays, MNjcc Suzuki School (p.13) February 25 – April 14 now in its 24th year.
A once-in-a-lifetime opera-tunity to sing your favourite opera choruses under the baton of visiting artist, Alvaro Lozano Gutierrez. Culminates in performance in the Al Green Theatre, April 17! TORONTO JewISh
Outstanding Jewish movies on the big screen of the Al Green Theatre.
4:00 pm and 7:30 pm Introduced and discussed by noted Info: [email protected]; x606 Rock in the Red Zone Special Interview The Galilee Eskimos (Israel, doc, 2012) (Israel, comedy, 2006) A co-presentation with Reena, A co-presentation with Na'amat Spotlight on Israeli Culture, and Canada. Guest Speaker: Artist and Jewish Disabilities Awareness & Author Bernice Eisenstein Inclusion Month. A moderated panel will follow the screening.
Save the dates for the rest of our 2016 films: September 25; October 16 with Rock in the Red Zone special early screenings; November 6; (Israel, doc, 2015) A co-presentation with Ashkenaz For all program times, fees, and registration information, visit Need more info? Call (416) 924-6211 37
Arts & Culture • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Arts & Culture
Al GReeN TheATRe
The Al Green Theatre is the host to a number of outstanding productions of music, theatre and dance. For a full listing of events and venue information please go to Israeli Film Festival Stempenu (in Hebrew with English March 12 –March 13 Presented by the Consulate General of Israel in Toronto Presented by Mifgash Theatre Annual Spring Concert Presented by Momentum Dance Presented by North York Concert Toronto Ltd.
VITALY: An Evening of Wonders Toronto Fringe Festival June 29 – July 10 Presented by Vitaly Various performances Theatre rental information: AGT Bookings Coordinator, x269; [email protected].
Improv for Adults
Summer Institute: Theatre
April 14 - June 9 Instructor: The Second City Training Theatre camp for adults. An intensive Centre's Jennine Profeta week of creativity, personal growth Learn the basics of improv in a fun, and friendship. Participants will supportive environment, using Who's focus on the fundaments of acting: Line Is It Anyway?-type games. Build improv; movement; scene study; and your confidence while learning the monologue. All levels welcome, no magic of "Yes and!" No experience experience necessary. Info: Deanna necessary. Register in advance. x250, [email protected] Info: Esther x606 [email protected] 38 Need more info? Visit
Arts & Culture • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Arts & Culture
Canadian Jewish Playwriting
The 2015 winner is Alix Sobler for The Great Divide. The "Between Stages" play reading was presented in February 2016 at the Segal Centre for Performing Arts in Montreal. With support from the Asper Foundation. Info: x606, [email protected] AFTeRNOON leCTURe
Against the Odds:
Info: Lisa Roy, x155; [email protected] Celebrating Female Artists
For all program times, fees, and registration information, visit Instructor: Osnat Lippa, art history teacher From the Renaissance to the 20th OPeRA APPReCIATION
century, female artists were often Instructor: Iain Scott, opera educator marginalized and forgotten. Why It's All in the Family
have talented women such as Sonia From ferociously protective Delaunay, Mary Cassatt and Berthe mothers to father-daughter duets Morrisot not been better recognized? to fraternal bonds that lead to murderous tensions, discover the why does history Matter Today?
panoply of friendships, rivalries, A new series featuring distinguished misunderstandings and loyalties U of T Press authors that depict family life in some of the Discover how violence, religion, greatest operas. politics, race, gender and class have shaped Canadian history. June 6: Dimitry Anastakis: Killing Canadian History? A (Bloody) New Way to Think About Canada's Past June 20: Harold Troper: More Than Check out Summer Institute:
Just Games: Canada and Singers edition p.35
the 1936 Olympics Need more info? Call (416) 924-6211 39
Arts & Culture • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Arts & Culture
April 6 – May 25 This beginners class develops American Sign Language (ASL) skills, including vocabulary, finger spelling and the introduction of grammatical structures. Deaf culture studies are also incorporated. The final class is held at Signs restaurant.
April 6 – May 25 Continues advancing the skills learned in ASL I. Deaf Culture studies are incorporated into the curriculum. The final class is held at Signs restaurant. ASL I or prior experience is recommended.
For all program times, fees, and registration information, visit Your gateway to Hebrew language and Israeli culture! Open to everyone, our adult Hebrew courses allow you to delve into the language at your own pace. Learn to speak, read, and write with confidence, from the basics of the aleph-bet to written and conversational fluency. The MNjcc Hebrew Institute is your ticket to Israeli culture, with invitations to arts events, lectures, and parties that enrich your Hebrew studies throughout the year. New students to the program are required to take a placement test and/or oral interview before registering. Scholarships may be available based on demonstrated financial need.
Learn to kibbitz in Yiddish! Yiddish Continued class - Spring 2016.
Presented with UJA Committee for Yiddish Info and Hebrew Placement Tests: Adi Sugarman-Maidany, x386; 40 Need more info? Visit
Arts & Culture • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Arts & Culture
lGBTq Jewish Community
The Spirit of Challah Baking
Needs Assessment Study
Call for Participants Hear about the history and legends Do you identify as LGBTQ? And connected to challah and bake your Jewish? Your participation in a new own aromatic, braided challahs. study will help us develop programs Presented with Downtown Jewish and services to better meet the needs Community School and Plug into PJ. of members of the Toronto Jewish Info: Belinda Keshen, community. Take part in a confidential online survey, conducted by the Miles RSVP: Nadal Jewish Community Centre and Info: [email protected]; x344 wheRe SINAI MeeTS SPAdINA
downtown Tikkun leil Shavuot:
All-Night Jewish learning Festival
A full night of community, study, singing, snacking and more! Over 50 sessions reinterpret and reimagine traditional Jewish texts and open up new community conversations. Special programs for kids and teens. All are welcome! Come for the cheesecake. Stay for the learning. New This Year: Advance Registration recommended. Watch the web for details. Info: dOwNTOwN JewISh COMMUNITY COUNCIl
As the coordinating agency of the Downtown Jewish Community Council (DJCC), we bring together over 40 Jewish schools, youth groups, prayer communities and congregations, social service agencies, and cultural and recreational programs that serve you year-round. The DJCC promotes cooperation, resource-sharing, and partnerships among its member organizations. Let us connect you to the resources you need.
DJCC Membership enquiries and general resource questions: Sharoni Sibony x154; [email protected] Need more info? Call (416) 924-6211 41
Communal Jewish Life • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Active 55+: Culture, Education, Community
The MNjcc is proud to partner with local congregations to host a range of religious services that serve the needs of the downtown Jewish community.
Michael Bernstein Chapel -
Yom haShoah Commemoration
available for your occasion This intimate 60-seat sanctuary, Commemorate Holocaust a hidden gem with stained glass Remembrance Day with reflections, windows, is a special space for poetry, and a presentation by a local Swing Dance celebration in the midst of a bustling survivor. With the Azrieli Foundation. neighbourhood. The Chapel is Info: [email protected]; x 388 dedicated to the memory of Michael Bernstein, killed in Italy during Community Passover Seder
WWII, and is available for bookings Friday, April 22 (e.g., Yahrzeit, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Enjoy the holiday of freedom with Aufruf & Wedding, Bris or Baby family and friends, featuring a Naming, Memorial Service).
traditional seder and a gourmet Info and Bookings: Passover dinner. Led by Rabbi Deitsch. MNjcc Bookings Coordinator x400; With Chabad of Midtown and Jewish Family & Child. Info and tickets: Chabad of Midtown at (416) 516-2005.
Thursdays at 7:15 am and Sundays at 8:00 am in the Michael Bernstein Toronto IsReal dance Festival
Chapel. Led by Rabbi Asher Turin and Chazzan David Nemtzov. A weekend of Israeli folk dancing, Follows the Conservative service. featuring top international Kosher Kiddush after. Info: Coleman choreographers with the latest Bernstein, (416) 968-0200.
and greatest moves! Workshops, demonstrations and lively late-night Monthly Shabbat Morning
dance parties. Info and tickets: With Congregation Shir Libeynu First Saturday of each month. Liberal, inclusive, egalitarian and unaffiliated services include prayers and music, For programs and events for the ancient and modern, in a welcoming whole family, check out Jewish
community. Services are followed by Families at the J p.14-15.
a Kiddush. Free childcare.
Info: dates and service, 42 Need more info? Visit
Communal Jewish Life • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Active 55+: Culture, Education, Community
Swing Dance ACTIve 55+ JewISh
Thursday, April 21 To register for any holiday Celebrate the Jewish holiday of celebrations, please call Passover with a participatory 416-924-6211 x0.
community seder, and enjoy traditional songs, secular readings Purim Party and Shpiel
and special ceremonial foods. Thursday, March 24 Includes a special musical Remember That Song? presentation by the Thomas & Performed by Smile Theatre Marjorie Schwartz Preschool Award-winning Smile Theatre's new musical is a love story focusing on their childhood, courtship and lives eretz Zavat Chalav:
together. Prizes for best costumes, A Yom ha'atzmaut Concert
hamentaschen and more! Thursday, May 12 Celebrate Israel's 68th birthday and enjoy a concert with popular entertainer Yitzhak Argaman. Enjoy Israeli treats and sing along to beloved songs about Israel. Check out Swing dance p.45
Purim Party & Shpiel For all program times, fees, and registration information, visit Need more info? Call (416) 924-6211 43
Active 55+: Culture, Education, Community • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Active 55+: Culture, Education, Community
literature on Film: The
Adventures of Sherlock holmes
Socialize over refreshments in a café-style setting before enjoying a Guest speaker: David Levine stimulating lecture, cultural program Sherlock Holmes is the most or workshop – we offer something frequently adapted literary character of all time, appearing in 254 screen Doors open: 1:00 pm adaptations. A 2-part series with film Program: 1:30 – 3:00 pm what is an Operetta?
The Story of Jacob Adler
Father of the Yiddish Theatre
With Guillermo Silva, General Director of Toronto Operetta Theatre Guest speaker: Ralph Wintrob Get the inside information on this Legendary Yiddish performer Jacob musical art form, from Gilbert & Adler – famous for his portrayals Sullivan, Lehar and Johann Strauss to of Shylock and King Lear – was Les Miz and Phantom of the Opera. instrumental in creating the Golden Age of Yiddish theatre in America Passover Recipe Swap
volunteer Appreciation
Does your family make the best Afternoon Tea
matzah balls? Or perhaps your tzimmes is your pride and joy! Come Featuring The Satin Dolls share your favorite Pesach recipes, Please join us in honouring our cooking tips and food memories.
wonderful volunteers with an afternoon of music and a dessert Yom haShoah Commemoration reception. Enjoy the rich vocal
May 5 – special time harmonies of the vocal jazz quartet Commemorate Holocaust The Satin Dolls performing selections Remembrance Day with reflections, from the 1930s and 1940s.
poetry, and a presentation by a local survivor. With the Azrieli Foundation. Info: Lisa Roy, x155; [email protected] Info: [email protected]; x 388 Take Pickleball and try
something new! p.48 For all program times, fees, and registration information, visit 44 Need more info? Visit
Active 55+: Culture, Education, Community • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Active 55+: Culture, Education, Community
Swing dance Classes
Make a day of it at the MNjcc - May 3 – June 21 bring your own lunch, enjoy a free Instructor: Kris Light, late morning program and stay for Bees Knees' Dance our afternoon cultural program or Take a step back in time and learn the lecture (afternoon program charges joyful and free-spirited swing dances from the 1920s-1950s, including Lindy Hop/Jitterbug and Charleston. Book Club
No experience necessary, no partners Enjoy engaging discussions about books in an informal setting the first Thursday of the month. Facilitated by Beverley Fingerhut. March 3: Second Person Singular April 7: The Children Act Social Games Club
March 31, May 19, June 9 Have fun playing Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit, Backgammon, Chess and other games in a friendly atmosphere. Do you have your own Bridge or Mahjong group? Join us - we'll provide the space, you provide Looking for a little culture? Be sure to check out our many Afternoon
lecture Series p.39
Big Band Concert & Swing Dance Need more info? Call (416) 924-6211 45
J Cares • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Active 55+: Fitness
Stretch & Strength (Group Ex class) living with dementia:
Caring and Coping
Adult Children of holocaust
Do you love someone with dementia? This supportive skills- based program helps you learn to March 21, April 18, May 16, June 20 problem-solve and communicate FREE program supported by the effectively. Includes a concurrent Conference on Jewish Material stimulating and creative workshop Claims Against Germany. A for your family member. 10 weeks. Baycrest Holocaust Resource Confidentiality assured. FREE. Program. Info: Shoshana Yaakobi, Info: Gerri Richman, (416) 785-2500 x2271 Co-sponsored by Cyril & Dorothy, Strength & Self
Joel & Jill Reitman Centre for Weekly on Mondays Alzheimer's Support and Training (Mt. Sinai Hospital) "Through the support of the group Holy Blossom Temple and the two facilitators, I now Miles Nadal JCC have the confidence to start my life This FREE program, supported by the United Way, helps build self-esteem in women who have experienced abuse in their lives. Led by experienced therapists and instructors, it includes meditation, discussion, support and light chair yoga. Confidentially assured. Info: (416) 924-6211 x147; 46 Need more info? Visit
J Cares • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • Active 55+: Fitness
Stretch & Strength (Group Ex class) The Active 55+ Wellness Program is a comprehensive health and fitness program that helps individuals get fit and stay fit! Generously supported by the Helen and Seymour Wilder Seniors' Wellness Program.
The Active 55+ Speakers Series brings in leading educators from various health-related fields to discuss important wellness issues. On-going registration An evidence based assessment and How Old Is Your Mouth? supervised exercise program for individuals with osteoporosis and/ Periodontist Dr. Yair Lenga will or other chronic conditions. The explore "The Aging Process of Our Osteo-Circuit program is based on Mouths", and "How to maintain the an individualized physiotherapy youthful look, and natural function of assessment; eligible for coverage our mouths". FREE under many extended health care Functional Mobility Screening
Info: Colin Blayney, x526, April 20 & July 6 This workshop will assist participants in the early identification of changes in physical ability, and provide important information on how to Don't forget to pick up your copy of address these issues with a physical the Active 55+ Fitness Brochure!
activity plan. Register early: this workshop fills up fast! For all program times, fees, and registration information, visit Need more info? Call (416) 924-6211 47
Active 55+: Fitness • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • General Info and Policies
TIMe: Together In Movement
and exercise
Spring: March 30 – June 15 Summer: June 22 – August 31 A group exercise program, designed by physiotherapists at Toronto Rehab, for participants who experience balance and mobility challenges from conditions such as stroke, brain injury and multiple sclerosis (MS), the effects of aging, weakness after a hospital stay or an operation. Info: Colin Blayney, x526; heart wise exercise
Spring: March 29 – June 17 Summer: June 21 – August 26 A combined focus on balance, The MNjcc has worked with Heart strength and flexibility are the Wise Exercise to develop and hallmarks of our Osteofit program. identify programs and classes that All of our instructors are Bone Fit are appropriate for people who certified with Osteoporosis Canada.
want to stay healthy or who may be living with a chronic health condition. FREE for Fitness Centre Thursdays Drop in Now in its second year at the Miles Info: Colin Blayney, x526; Nadal JCC, Pickleball is a cross [email protected] between tennis, badminton, and ping pong. This sport offers a competitive challenge, and places less stress on the body than many other racquet sports.
For all program times, fees, and registration information, visit 48 Need more info? Visit
Active 55+: Fitness • Miles Nadal JCC
Miles Nadal JCC • General Info and Policies
Become a Fitness Centre
Code of Conduct
The MNjcc provides a tolerant Membership is open to all, environment for all people using regardless of race, origin or and working at our JCC. The Board religious affiliation. Our Membership and management of the MNjcc staff will be happy to assist you. To expect all persons to behave in a book a tour call x500. manner consistent with this policy while using or working at our JCC. The laws of the Province of Ontario The MNjcc protects personal (including the Human Rights Code) information by following responsible apply to how the MNjcc conducts its information handling practices in programs and services and equally keeping with privacy laws. We do apply to how staff, Members, not sell, rent or trade our mailing patrons and guests behave while lists. If you do not wish to receive using MNjcc facilities. mailings, please contact us at x175. If you have issues concerning We reserve the right to suspend privacy, please call x116. Membership privileges, without refund, of any Member, or to remove from the premises any Member, Program Fees are non-transferable and generally non-refundable. In • Aids or abets in the certain cases, registrants may be unauthorized entrance of a Non- eligible to receive a partial refund. For more information see • Is physically or verbally abusive or contact our to any Member or MNjcc staff Information Desk at x0.
• Knowingly disregards any MNjcc rule or regulation Facility Rentals
• Deliberately causes damage to MNjcc Bookings Coordinator: any MNjcc property x400; [email protected] • Uses profanity while on the Al Green Theatre Bookings Coordinator: x269; Please report a breach of any of [email protected] these rules immediately to MNjcc Need more info? Call (416) 924-6211 49
General Info and Policies • Miles Nadal JCC
volunteer At the MNjcc
Financial Accessibility
We are always looking for The MNjcc is committed to financial enthusiastic volunteers. From the After accessibility. Assistance for those in School and Cultural Arts programs financial need is available through to office work and events, we'll find the following programs: the perfect volunteer opportunity • Membership Assistance Program for you at the MNjcc. We are also and After School Program funding seeking access volunteers who can in partnership with United Way help people navigate the Centre, and Toronto & York Region in-pool swim guides who can assist • The Freddie Shore Learn To members who are visually impaired to swim. If you're a teen, you can • The Adam Albright Memorial earn your high school volunteer hours Camp Scholarship Fund with us. Bring your enthusiasm and energy and we will provide you with an orientation session! • Music Scholarship Fund Info: Maxine Bailey x121; • Jewish Life Program Assistance • Early Childhood Education Access & Inclusion Policies
Please go to our website • Accessible Program Assistance for our policies, feedback processes and multi-year Access Plan for moving forward. Info and applications: Wendy Moss Our inclusion initiative is guided by the Community Advisory & Youth Applications also available at Advisory Committees on Access and Inclusion. We look forward to working together with you to expand the community of individuals and families who enjoy the programs and services of the MNjcc. Your feedback is important to us. You can provide feedback in person, by email, or by phone to: Lillian Radosevic, Director, Guest Services; [email protected]; x551 Questions about the administration of AODA policies can be directed to: Liviya Mendelsohn, Manager of Accessibility and Inclusion, 50 Need more info? Visit
General Info and Policies • Miles Nadal JCC
Al Green Theatre: Get ready to take the stage VISIT ONE OF TORONTO'S BEST KEPT SECRETS
Theatre Film Dance Literary Music For event and rental information visit 750 Spadina Ave. Toronto (at the MNjcc)



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