Greentech 4-07.indd

N e w s l e t t e r
vol. 10, no. 4 - 2007
"the recent initiative of EU Commission to identify "lead markets
for biobased products" has shown that there is a need for realistic surveys in the EU-markets for RRMs and RRM based products.
In the last edition of Green Tech letters 3/2007 the French Agency
ADEME published the results of the ALCIMED survey on existing markets and future perspectives in France.
✔ International opportunities
In the Green Tech letter 4/2007 ERRMA publishs the results of the
for Bio-based products p.1
market survey in Germany, summarised by FNR in Germany.
In order to compare these both surveys on market perspectives the
✔ Market Analysis Renewable
methodologies follow the same principles.
Resources - Which markets,
It is our aim to motivate EU-Commission to broaden such a study
resources and products are
These surveys give first indication also for the governments how to adapt the political frame work to develop these markets.
✔ Roquette: New Industrial
production of Isosorbide p.8
Dietrich Wittmeyer, general Secretary of ERRMA"
International opportunities for Bio-based
The symposium "Bio-based Business: Crossing borders"
which was held on November 13 in Ede, The Netherlands
attractedmore than 60 delegates from mainly SME
companies. These companies were interested in
identifying opportunities abroad for new products based
on renewable raw materials and what support is available
to increase their chances on market success.
The meeting made clear that an international orientation could be very lucrative fo Dutch companies. Export of in particular SME companies is rapidly growing and has an even larger potential, according to a recent report of the EIM Business & Policy Research

➤ International
opportunities for
Institute. Also the market expectations
opportunities and market outlets abroad but
for bio-based products in neighbouring
also had the experience that it takes a lot
countries like Germany France and the UK
of energy enter such markets. In particular
are very promising (see e.g. reports in this
it appeared necessary to thoroughly study
and the previous issue of the GreenTech
market peculiarities as well as to gain a good
newsletter). Speakers were convinced that
understanding of different international
in bio-based business an international
corporate cultures of the target countries.
focus is warranted for both raw materials
Help from experienced colleagues or experts
procurement and end-product marketing.
can accelerate this process tremendously.
Also Wijnand Schonewille of the Port of
Help in international orientation can be
Rotterdam illustrated the international
manifold and can be obtained from several
character of biomass transport logistics. With
governmental, NGA, and commercial
the Port of Rotterdam as Europe's largest
sources. It could include opening up new
harbour The Netherlands could play a pivotal
markets and (company) networks, like
role in biomass and bioproducts streams
in India, where Maarten van Dongen of
as well as in adding value to biomass raw
Bioport Europe is active and available for
materials by local processing.
assistance. Also financing of increased activities due to international ventures is
During the symposium 4 entrepreneurs
often a critical factor. One source of funding
presented their experiences and best
such activities was presented by Coenraad
practices in becoming active in international
de Vries of StartGreen: a venture capital
markets. Many "do's and don't's" were
fund that is ear-marked specifically for bio-
presented by companies in the fields of
based ventures and has a low entry barrier
injection molding biopolymers (Poly-one
due to governmental support through the
and Hy-cail), bio-based industrial cleaning
Technopartner programme. On behalf of
agents (Eco-point), specialty chemicals
the EVD (Dutch Agency for International
and biofuels from algae (Ingrepro) and
Business and Cooperation) Marieke Vossen
agrofiber reinforced construction materials
presented several instruments, such as
(GreenGran). Each of the presenting
providing market information from many
entrepreneurs had identified many
different countries and also by providing
SME's easy participation in economic trade missions. Such trade missions, headed sometimes by royalty or ministers, can be of valuable help in opening doors that otherwise might have stayed shut. Also the EVD can help SME's financially with their international commercialisation plans.
During the breaks and also after the meeting many companies have made new (commercial) contacts. From the response of meeting delegates it was clear that these new contacts may very well lead to new bio-based initiatives.
Prof.dr. Hans Derksen
President Platform Bio-based Business
also had the experience that takes trade missions, headed some
in international orientation can be manifold and
source of fund carried out by three institutes with compr

hich mark Aets ,
Rlubricants • chemistry • colors & paintsR
The German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer protection
(BMELV, german abbreviation) had commissioned a study to analyse and
assess all markets for renewable resources. The overall objective of the
• cosmetics & pharmaceutics
• paper, paperboard & cardboard
study was to identify the most promising markets, and to develop strategic
• packaging products
• moulding & natural fiber reinforced
recommendations for the Government and the respective agencies, in
particular the Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR). The identification of the
• building materials & furnitures
most promising markets allows a concentrated use of public funds for market
Within these markets again, several
support activities and market introduction measures.
renewable resources and products were analysed. All markets were analyzed in a similar systematic approach with similar
The study started in spring 2004 and
representatives. Several interviews and
indicators to facilitate an easy comparison of
was carried out by three institutes with
workshops with representatives of various
the different markets.
comprehensive expertise in the different
associations, industrial and trade companies,
The valuation was carried out on the basis
markets (Faserinstitut Bremen, Institut für
and agricultural organisations have been
of general economic criteria like extent,
Energetik und Umwelt, meó Consulting
organised. This approach ensured a practical
growth, expectation of profits, tensity of
Team). The overall project management was
approach and avoided an "ivory tower study".
competition, market access, necessary
carried out by meó consulting team.
Customer requirements served as starting
investments and sales potential. Also the
point for all market assessments.
quality of the product, value for money
In the first phase of the project, all markets
The following markets were examined:
and connections to markets and customers
for renewable resources have been assessed,
• electric energy
played a role for the rating.
based on an examination of relevant
• thermal energy
literature and discussions with industry
In Phase 2 of the project, selected markets have been assessed more in detail, and in phase 3 recommendations have been elaborated.
In 2006, the first part of the market analysis (phase 1, analysis of all markets) was published by the Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe (FNR), the project promotion agency of the BMELV, who had been supervising the study. In 2007 the second part (phase 2 results) followed1.
In general, the study-authors arrive at the
conclusion, that the different markets
are very heterogeneous, regarding their
competitivness and attractiveness (Figure 2).
1 "Marktanalyse Nachwachsende Rohstoffe", Teil I und II, FNR, 2006 bzw. 2007, to order on, menu "Literatur"
carried out by three institutes with compr
trade missions, headed some industrial and trade companies and agricultural organisa
have been assessed more in detail, and in phas

➤ Market Analysis
Some more detailed results are:
competitiveness. Wood chips and logs
• The energy markets are the most
still offer additional potential in the
attractive ones. They should form
production of heat.
the main focus of political support
Bioethanol and medium-term BtL are
activities, due to their extent, the high
the fuels with the highest growing
growth rates of renewable resources
potential, but necessity for support
in this field and their contribution
exists for both products along the
to greenhouse gas savings and
whole value chain. The aim is to
sustainability. Last not least the high
improve the competitiveness and
oilprices, increasing demand and the
to create an adequate legal and
narrowness of oil reserves are playing
regulatory framework for the outlet
an important role for the positive
markets. In contrast the market for
dynamic of these markets.
Biodiesel is in a much advanced stage.
Within the field of electricity, power
Biodiesel has achieved already high
derived from biogas from renewable
market shares and overall, Germany
resources has the highest dynamic
is globally the largest biodiesel
of growth, thanks to the Renewable
Energy Law. Generally, electricity
• The market volume for renweable
generation is characterized through
resources in the chemical industry is
a relatively high competitiveness of
already today high. Sugar and starch
german renewable resources.
are the most important resources. The
The same applies in the field
perspectives for the future are positive,
of thermal energy - german
but the promotion should focus on
renewable resources have a high
selected segments, f.ex. on the field
markets are the most attra
last not least the high oilprices
biotechnology, instead
is in a much advanced stage. Biodiesel experiencing a growing demand, but the

markets, resources and
products are promising?
of White biotechnology, instead of the
for packaging materials These
The authors end with some general
whole market.
products have developed their current
conclusions. Basically, renewable resources
• Wood as a building material is
market position practically without
have, due to high oil prices, narrowness
established and attractive. It doesn't
subsidies. They are established in the
of oil reserves and GHG savings an
need any promotion. Wood plastic
domain of automotive interieur. High
attractive position. However, international
composites and board materials
growth rates are expected for exterior,
competitiveness of the German agricultural
instead have, if getting specific
cases and for sport-, recreation- and
sector in several markets is not given.
promotion, growth potential.
International competition is likely to increase
• Cosmetics & pharmaceutics are
• The market of textiles has been
as a result of WTO-negotiations,. In the EU
experiencing a growing demand, but
assessed as not attractive. Exceptions
context, German suppliers are often in a
the international competitiveness of
are fibers from dissolving pulp and
leading position. Nevertheless the study-
German farmers (e.g. herbal plants) is
cellulose, they are a growing market
authors think, that a long-lasting future
only moderate.
for short-lived nonwovenproducts and
without subsidies is possible only with
• In the lubricants market, better product
for the replacement of fiber glass in
differentiated product characteristics, as for
qualities are not honored. Despite
fiber reinforced composites.
example "pharmaceutics with biography",
substantial governmental promotion
• Up to now insulating materials from
certificates, "green biofuels", special services
activities the sales volume is still quite
renewable resources can be sold
or reliable delivery. A need for action is still
low. Lubricants made out of renewable
only with high efforts in promotion.
existing in this context.
resources are not competitive. Only in
But against the background of an
A problem is the actual legal and regulatory
some markets (sensitive applications)
increasing need in energy savings this
framework, it often complicates the use of
they have achieved a certain market
market has a high attractiveness.
renewable resources in the different markets.
share. Therefore, it is proposed to focus
• For furniture from wood, a well
These framework conditions should be
the ongoing promotion measures on
established domain, there is no need
such attractive niche markets.
of promotion and research visible.
• In the market of colors & paints
renewable resources are established, the studyauthors expect no dynamic growth in the future. Eventually the market segments of print colours and binders could be promoted with special measures.
• The established markets for paper,
paperboard and cardboard are relatively big and due to the quite important transport costs for cellulose & pulp, advantegeous for German suppliers. However this market does not feature a high growing potential and needs no special support measures.
• The products wooden pallets and
wooden boxes are well established and produced from native resources. Promising new markets are packaging and mulch-foils.
• Moulding and natural fiber reinforced
composites have chances to grow even stronger than the overall market
biotechnology, insteadsegments of print colors and binders could be prom
experiencing a growing demand, but the a problem is the actual legal an
➤ Market Analysis
improved to facilitate the future growth of
products from renewable resources is
the market shares of renewable resources.
seen as a serious barrier. A "mental change"
Finally the lack of consciousness and
will be necessary, which is reachable with
willingness of decision-makers to use
appropriate communication measures.
develop four strategies of political
financially should be helpfull for
the lack of consciousness and willingness of
the application form, the
result and conclusion of their ananlysis the authors develop fo
markets, resources and
products are promising?
As a result and conclusion of their analysis
Entsprechend der Bewertung der einzelnen Marktsegmente können
the authors develop four strategies of
unterschiedliche strategische Stoßrichtungen in Erwägung gezogen werden.
political support and correlate each renewable resource market with one them. The results are shown in figure 3 and 4.
This classification should be helpful for a strategic choice for future investments in renewable ressources. A necessary choice, not only on the level of each single project but also on the level of political promotion activities. Because the number of interesting
markets is high and the available financial resources are limited.
Nicole Paul, Fachagentur
Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR)
and Dr. Norbert Schmitz,
meó consulting team; Germany
should be helpfull for
fuel Vehecles; one
develop four strategies of political
single project but also on the level of each
result and conclusion of their ananlysis the authors develop fo financial re
ROQUETTE: New Industrial
production of Isosorbide
Isosorbide may be described as the most
Lastly, ROQUETTE has just received the
on a par with or even superior to, their
promising diol of renewable origin on
positive opinion from the EFSA (European
counterparts in the petrochemical industry.
account of the very unique and exceptional
Food Safety Authority) for the use of
nature of its properties.
Isosorbide as a monomer for PET dedicated
With this significant investment ROQUETTE
to food packaging.
is demonstrating tangible commitment
It enables for example a considerable
towards its innovation efforts and promoting
increase in the heat resistance of polymers
Thus Isosorbide can henceforth be
the use of renewable resources for
such as PET (polyethyleneterephthalate) and
considered as a ‘'green' diol for the food-
consequently a broadening of their range
packaging sector, a sector that is in the full
of applications (for hot-fill containers in
throes of expansion and intent on using
Isosorbide perfectly illustrates the new
materials of an agricultural origin.
"vegetal based chemistry'.
Isosorbide can be substituted for other
In addition to these
diols in order to create new polyesters,
polymer fields, Roquette is
polycarbonates and polyurethanes that are
developing derivatives of
partially or even completely bio-based.
Isosorbide, in the form of Isosorbide Diesters for PVC
Isosorbide is obtained from Sorbitol which
plasticizers as a substitute
itself comes from cereals. As the leading
for phthalates, and in the
world producer of Sorbitol, ROQUETTE has
form of Dimethyl Isosorbide
for many years now, made Isosorbide a key
as a ‘'green ‘' solvent for the
part of its innovation strategy.
industrial sector.
All these Isosorbide
In order to support the new developments,
developments in the
last April ROQUETTE launched a new
chemistry field are included
Isosorbide industrial unit in Lestrem (France)
in the BioHub® programme,
with a production capacity of several
a programme that is backed
thousands of tonnes per annum.
by the French Industrial Innovation Agency and
This unit will fulfill the drastic demands of
of which Roquette is the
the polymer industry with a specific grade
In this respect Isosorbide
In addition to making this investment,
is now to be considered as
ROQUETTE has recently acquired the
a new chemical platform
exclusive World rights to a patent of the
of interest as it comes
DuPont Company covering an Isosorbide
from renewable resources
of the high purity that is required for the
and gives access to many
applications in the polymers area.
derivatives with properties
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Platform Bio-based Business
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isosorbide can be substitu
Platform Bio-based Business
ECH GENERAL ASSEMBLY – XVIII Symposium of GIRI 12 to 14th of November 2004 Scientific Report Evidence profile for the efficacy of homeopathy – A new paradigm for medical sciences: "The Body Information Theory". First question addressed: The activity of very highly diluted preparations. Homeopathic practitioners will argue that the use of preparations that are diluted beyondAvogadro's number (i.e. potencies greater than C10) happens in only 25% of the prescribedhomeopathic medications. Nevertheless, for some people this question is the most importantobstacle to the acceptance of homeopathy.
By Xiaoni Zhang and Victor R. Prybutok MARKETS DIFFER IN CHINA, THE U.S., AND EUROPE Market differences include communications standards, price structures, government regulations, customer demographics, usage patterns, business potential, and technology adoption strategies. Despite the 2001 downturn in the global telecommunica-tions market, the mobile penetration rate in China is increas-ing due to the elimination or reduction of mobileconnection fees. The mobile market worldwide is dynamicin terms of technology development, and competition isaggressive. The potential size and growth rate of the Chinese,U.S., and European mobile markets warrant examination ofthe state of their wireless development. Here, we explore thatgrowth by examining the differences among the threeregions, especially those in mobile consumer demographics,Short Message Service (SMS) usage, and 3G technology.