Ajcn093294 1.13
AJCN. First published ahead of print February 25, 2015 as doi: 10.3945/ajcn.114.093294.
Community-based management of severe acute malnutrition in India:new evidence from Bihar1–3
Sakib Burza, Raman Mahajan, Elisa Marino, Temmy Sunyoto, Chandra Shandilya, Mohammad Tabrez, Kabita Kumari,Prince Mathew, Amar Jha, Nuria Salse, and Kripa Nath Mishra
Background: An estimated one-third of the world's children who are
According to the third Indian National Family Health Survey-3
wasted live in India. In Bihar state, of children ,5 y old, 27.1% are wasted
conducted in 2005–2006, 19.8% of children ,5 y of age were
and 8.3% have severe acute malnutrition (SAM). In 2009, Medecins Sans
wasted and 6.4% suffered from severe acute malnutrition (SAM)4 in
Frontieres (MSF) initiated a community-based management of acute mal-
India. the situation appeared worse in the state of Bihar, where in
nutrition (CMAM) program for children aged 6–59 mo with SAM.
children ,5 y of age, 27.1% were wasted and 8.3% suffered from
Objective: In this report, we describe the characteristics and outcomes
SAM (1). These findings suggest that, at any one point in time, an
of 8274 children treated between February 2009 and September 2011.
average of 8 million children in India ,5 y of age suffer from
Design: Between February 2009 and June 2010, the program admitted
severe wasting, which is the most common form of SAM. This
children with a weight-for-height z score (WHZ) ,23 SD and/or mid-
number constitutes one-third of the global burden (2). The Indian
upper arm circumference (MUAC) ,110 mm and discharged those
government and a number of nongovernmental organizations
who reached a WHZ .22 SDs and MUAC .110 mm. These variables
(NGOs) are currently implementing various initiatives that address
changed in July 2010 to admission on the basis of an MUAC ,115 mm
SAM across the country. Although the principal strategy being
and discharge at an MUAC $120 mm. Uncomplicated SAM cases were
deployed remains inpatient care through Nutritional Rehabilitation
treated as outpatients in the community by using a WHO-standard,
Centers and Malnutrition Treatment Centers (3–6), there is a grow-
ready-to-use, therapeutic lipid-based paste produced in India; compli-
ing consensus within India that the adoption of community-based
cated cases were treated as inpatients by using F75/F100 WHO-standard
management of acute malnutrition (CMAM) is crucial to achieving
milk until they could complete treatment in the community.
widespread, effective coverage and treatment of all children with
Results: A total of 8274 children were admitted including 5149 girls
SAM (7, 8). Furthermore, standardized inpatient management of
(62.2%), 6613 children aged 6–23 mo (79.9%), and 87.3% children who
SAM has been associated with worse outcomes than has manage-
belonged to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, or Other Backward Caste
ment in the community, which is attributable partly to the risk of
families or households. Of 3873 children admitted under the old criteria,
children with SAM acquiring serious infections from other hospi-
41 children (1.1%) died, 2069 children (53.4%) were discharged as cured,
talized patients and partly because of families' lack of acceptance of
and 1485 children (38.3%) defaulted. Of 4401 children admitted under
hospital-based care (9, 10).
the new criteria, 36 children (0.8%) died, 2526 children (57.4%) weredischarged as cured, and 1591 children (36.2%) defaulted. For children
1 From Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), New Delhi, India (SB, RM, EM,
discharged as cured, the mean (6SD) weight gain and length of stay
TS, CS, MT, KK, PM, and AJ); MSF, Barcelona, Spain (NS); and the De-
were 4.7 6 3.1 and 5.1 6 3.7 g $ kg21 $ d21 and 8.7 6 6.1 and 7.3 6
partment of Pediatrics, Darbhangha Medical College Hospital, Darbhangha,
5.6 wk under the old and new criteria, respectively (P , 0.01). After
India (KNM).
adjustment, significant risk factors for default were as follows: no com-
All funding for the implementation of the program was received as
munity referral for admission, more severe wasting on admission, youn-
part of normal Medecins Sans Frontieres fundraising activities. This isa free access article, distributed under terms (http://www.nutrition.org/
ger age, and a long commute for treatment.
publications/guidelines-and-policies/license/) that permit unrestricted
Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first conventional CMAM
noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, pro-
program in India and has achieved low mortality and high cure rates
vided the original work is properly cited.
in nondefaulting children. The new admission criteria lower the
3 Address correspondence to S Burza, C203 Defence Colony, New Delhi
threshold for severity with the result that more children are included
1100204, India. E-mail:
[email protected].
who are at lower risk of death and have a smaller WHZ deficit to
4 Abbreviations used: ANM, auxiliary nurse midwife; ASHA, accredited
correct than do children identified by the old criteria. This study was
social health activist; ATFC, Ambulatory Therapeutic Feeding Center;
registered as a retrospective observational analysis of routine program
CMAM, community-based management of acute malnutrition; GNM, gen-eral nurse midwife; IEC, information, education, and communication; LOS,
data at http://www.isrctn.com as ISRCTN13980582.
length of stay; MSF, Medecins Sans Frontieres; MUAC, midupper arm cir-
Clin Nutr doi: 10.3945/ajcn.114.093294.
cumference; NGO, nongovernmental organization; PHC, Primary HealthCenter; SAM, severe acute malnutrition; SC, Stabilization Center; WHZ,
community-based management of acute malnutrition,
weight-for-height z score.
India, severe acute malnutrition, severe wasting, mean upper arm cir-
Received January 9, 2014. Accepted for publication February 4, 2015.
Am J Clin Nutr doi: 10.3945/ajcn.114.093294. Printed in USA. Ó 2015 American Society for Nutrition
Copyright (C) 2015 by the American Society for Nutrition
After widespread flooding in Bihar, Medecins Sans Frontieres
Center (PHC), and over the next 3 y, 5 ambulatory treatment
(MSF) conducted a household-based survey in Darbhanga, which is
centers [called Ambulatory Therapeutic Feeding Centers
a district of 3.9 million people and one of the poorest in Bihar. The
(ATFCs)] were established at different community settings
survey showed that the prevalence of wasting and SAM in children
within the block. Within the existing health infrastructure,
age ,5 y was 19.4% and 4.8%, respectively (11). Consequently,
government general nurse midwives (GNMs), auxiliary nurse
under a memorandum of understanding with the district authorities
midwives (ANMs), and accredited social health activists
and, thereafter, consent from the Bihar State Health Society, in
(ASHAs) were trained to use midupper arm circumference
February 2009, MSF initiated a CMAM program in Biraul block,
(MUAC) tapes (provided by MSF) to screen children aged 6–59 mo
Darbhanga district. The CMAM model has been extensively used
for SAM and refer identified cases to the CMAM program.
outside India, with .50 countries adopting this approach as their
Within the CMAM program, MSF used GNMs and ANMs who
first-line strategy for treating SAM (12). CMAM is based on prin-
were also trained in the use of Salter scales (precision to 100 g)
ciples that acknowledge both the need for prolonged treatment and
and locally produced height boards (precision to 0.1 cm) to
the small proportion of children with SAM who require inpatient
record weight and height/length, respectively, and as a way of
care for medical reasons and evidence that ambulatory management
monitoring progress throughout treatment. Salter scales were
in the community can be a cost-effective solution from both societal
regularly calibrated and replaced as per manufacturer guidelines.
and health care provider perspectives (13–15). A standard CMAM
Children admitted to the program were a mixture of those
program consists of treatment sites close to the community where
screened in the community and referred by ASHAs, those who
the children with uncomplicated SAM, who constitute the majority
self-presented for SAM screening, and those visiting the sites to
of patients, can be seen weekly and an inpatient facility [Stabili-
seek health care for other reasons. On admission, information on
zation Center (SC)] that admits only children with SAM plus as-
caste, which is a form of social stratification used in India, was
sociated medical complications that require specialist medical
also recorded by using the following categories and definitions:
attention and keeping the children only until they recover enough to
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (terms used for 2 groups
continue treatment as outpatients in the community.
of historically disadvantaged people recognized in India's
However, a major obstacle to the widespread adoption of this
Constitution), Other Backward Class (a collective term used by
strategy in India is that the vast majority of evidence on the
the Indian government for castes that are educationally and
effectiveness of CMAM programs comes from African settings.
socially disadvantaged but not specifically mentioned in the
Therefore, we conducted an observational, retrospective cohort
Constitution), and General Category (not considered disadvan-
study to assess key programmatic variables and clinical outcomes
taged). The first 3 groups combined account for w60% of In-
of India's first (and currently only to our knowledge) conven-
dia's population.
tional setting CMAM program, which treated 8274 children
Treatment centers were open on an average of 1 d/wk at each
between February 2009 and September 2011. We also analyzed
location, generally on the same day each week to provide con-
the impact of adopting simpler admission and discharge criteria
sistency for caregivers. Once a child was newly diagnosed with
on the profile of admitted children and treatment outcomes.
SAM, his or her details were entered into a register, and healtheducation was provided to the caregiver while an ANM or GNMrepeated anthropometric measurements, took the child's vital
signs, and performed a basic triage including a standardizedappetite test to determine the child's ability and willingness to
Overview of the program
eat (Table 1). The purpose of this test is to provide the child
The CMAM program opened in Biraul block, which has
with a small amount of food to see if a child with severe wasting
a population of w286,000 people, in February 2009. The in-
has the desire and strength to eat; if this is not the case, the child
patient SC was established within the Biraul Primary Health
is considered to have anorexia, and, therefore, be at higher risk
TABLE 1Criteria for diagnosis of complicated severe acute malnutrition1
Description of symptom/circumstance
Poor appetite or refusal or inability to eat test dose of ready-to-use lipid based paste
Medical complications
Intractable vomitingSevere dehydration (on the basis of history and clinical signs)Fever .398C or hypothermia ,368CLower respiratory tract infection (as per IMCI guidelines)Severe anemia (very pale; difficulty breathing)Profound weakness, apathy, unconsciousness, or convulsionsEdema ++/+++2
Offered the choice, caregiver refuses ambulatory care
Transfer in from ATFC
Medical complication (see above)Static weight or weight loss for 2 consecutive weeksNo recovery after 2 mo in ambulatory program
1ATFC, ambulatory therapeutic treatment center; IMCI, Integrated Management of Childhood Illness.
2Edema was graded on a scale from + to +++, reflecting mild to most severe, respectively. The mildest form (+) was
treated in the community.
of complications, and thus is admitted directly for inpatient care
MSF inpatient-treatment protocol for SAM, which is very similar
in the SC. All children were examined by a physician for
to the later published Indian Ministry of Health 2011 operational
complications that might require either admission into the SC or
guidelines for facility-based management (17). Both protocols
additional medication beyond that provided during the system-
divide the treatment of complicated cases into the following
atic initial treatment. The initial treatment comprised albenda-
phases as shown in Table 3: phase 1 is used to restore metabolic
zole, amoxicillin, vitamin A (given once edema resolved in
function and stabilize clinical status by using frequent feeds of
affected children), folic acid, measles vaccination, and screening
WHO-standard F75 milk (18); a transition phase of increased
for malaria.
energy intake within the same volume of feed is used to restore
Children were considered complicated cases if they required
lost tissue and reduce risk of refeeding syndrome and fluid
admission to the SC, either immediately on diagnosis of SAM or
overload; and phase 2 is used to promote weight gain by in-
at any point during the community treatment phase, on the basis
creasing nutritional intake and re-integration into the social envi-
of the exhibition of one or more symptoms listed in Table 1.
ronment before transfer to the ATFC by using F100-equivalentlipid-based paste augmented with local foods.
Treatment at community-level ATFCs
Caregivers of children considered uncomplicated were
Classification of exits
counseled regarding the program and given a 1-wk supply of
To be discharged as cured, children had to meet the discharge
WHO-standard (16), prepackaged F100-equivalent (per kcal),
criteria on 2 consecutive visits. Defaulters were defined as those
lipid-based, ready-to-use therapeutic paste produced in India
who failed to attend the AFTC for 2 consecutive weeks or who
(Eezeepaste; Compact). The quantity provided depended on the
left the SC and did not return for 2 consecutive days. Caregivers
child's weight as detailed in Table 2. Caregivers were informed
who refused consent for their children to be admitted into the SC
that the paste was medicine, not food, and, therefore, should not
or removed them from the SC prematurely but agreed to continue
be shared with other family members. To guard against re-
treatment in the ATFC were not considered defaulters. Death was
feeding syndrome (a group of clinical symptoms caused by fluid
defined as children who died while registered in the program.
and electrolyte imbalances resulting from too rapid a rate of
Children were classified as nonresponders if their nutritional
nutritional supplementation in severely malnourished patients),
status did not improve over an extended period of time despite
caregivers were also educated about dividing the daily ration
their having good appetite and no identified underlying medical
into frequent small feeds with approximate gaps of 3 h to aug-
conditions or reason for the lack of weight gain. Children treated
ment the therapy with local foods if children remained hungry
in the community who either did not gain or lost weight over a
and ensure that children had plenty of drinking water during and
2-wk period were offered elective admission to the SC so that
after eating. Continued breastfeeding of children #24 mo old
feeding practices could be observed and a more detailed medical
was encouraged for those who were not yet fully weaned.
examination (including diagnostic tests) performed. If no causes
Caregivers were asked to return to the ATFC at weekly in-
for failure to thrive were shown, the child was classified as
tervals, at which time anthropometric measurements were re-
a nonrespondent. However, this elective admission to the SC was
peated and children examined for complications. Caregivers were
not widely accepted by caregivers, and therefore, a large pro-
also advised to seek medical advice or attend the SC if a child
portion of children classified as nonresponders were based only
became unwell between scheduled visits.
on prolonged periods of unsupervised community treatment.
Treatment of children at the inpatient SC
Community information, education, and communicationstrategies
Admission into the 24-h SC unit could occur at the initial
presentation or any point during the community-treatment phase.
A critical component of the CMAM program involved regular,
All children who presented with one or more conditions listed in
active engagement of dedicated teams with communities across
Table 1 were admitted directly to the SC and provided 24-h
Biraul block by using information, education, and communica-
medical care and nutritional treatment until their clinical con-
tion (IEC) tools to explain CMAM. This engagement included
dition stabilized enough for transfer (or return) to an ATFC.
mobilizing community leaders to disseminate information re-
Within the SC, children were treated according to the standard
garding severe malnutrition and providing details on the avail-ability and schedule of ATFCs. A variety of messaging tools weredeveloped for the local context including plays, songs recorded in
the local language by local artists, and a show by local artists
Treatment schedule for ready-to-use lipid-based paste in the community
featuring paintings related to local concepts of malnutrition (and
ambulatory setting
subsequently used for delivering IEC messages to the wider
Ready-to-use lipid-based paste sachet
community). Over the course of the program, the majority of
(92-g sachet containing 500 kcal)
ASHAs in the block were sensitized about the CMAM programand relayed messages about SAM to the community.
Admission and discharge criteria
The program initially aimed to treat all children between 6 and
59 mo of age who presented with a weight-for-height z score
(WHZ) ,23 and/or MUAC ,110 mm and/or bilateral edema.
TABLE 3Summary of inpatient treatment protocol used in Stabilization Centers
8 meals/d (every 3 h), F75 milk
100 kcal $ kg21 $ d21(135 mL F75 milk $ kg21 $ d21)
8 meals/d (every 3 h), F100 milk
135 kcal $ kg21 $ d21(135 mL F100 milk $ kg21 $ d21)
Ready-to-use lipid-based paste plus one local meal
.200 kcal $ kg21 $ d21
Children were discharged after maintaining a WHZ .22 and
MUAC .110 mm with no edema for 1 wk and in good clinical
A total of 8542 children were admitted into the program
condition with a good appetite (referred to here as the old cri-
between February 2009 and September 2011 (Figure 1) with
teria).With the use of updated recommendations from WHO and
admissions following a similar seasonal pattern each year.
UNICEF (19) and to allow for wider screening coverage and
Figure 2 illustrates local seasonal activities relative to the
simplicity, in July 2010 the admission criteria were changed to
numbers of children admitted in the program. There are 2 main
an MUAC ,115 mm and/or bilateral edema; discharge criteria
agricultural seasons, one before the monsoon rains of March that
were changed to maintaining an MUAC $120 mm with no
lasts through to May and represents the worst food-security
edema for 1 wk with good clinical condition and good appetite
period and another at the end of the monsoon rains in October
(new criteria). The MUAC has been implemented throughout the
through November that marks the beginning of the best food-
world as a simple, sensitive, and easy to use tool to screen and
security period.
identify children most at risk of death from SAM (20).
Patient characteristics
Data handling and statistical analysis
Of children who met the inclusion criteria for the analysis,
Dedicated and frequently trained data-entry operators entered
5149 children (62.2%) admitted into the program were girls,
all data into a standard Microsoft Excel 2010 database; however,
which was a proportion substantially higher than in the back-
double data entry was not done. An epidemiologist ensured that
ground population (47.12% girls) (21). The mean (6SD) age was
the database was well maintained by performing regular audits on
16.4 6 9.4 mo (range: 6–60 mo); 79.9% of all admitted children
the quality of data transfer and integrity of the database. Regular
were 6–23 mo old, of whom 36.5% were ,12 mo old; 6793
database cleaning comprised checks for inconsistencies relative
children (87.3%) belonged to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe,
to source documents when necessary, and all patient files were
or Other Backward Caste families/households. A total of 791
maintained securely throughout the program for this purpose.
(9.3%) children required admission to the SC, 126 (1.5%) of
WHO Anthro software (v.3.2.2) was used to calculate the WHZ.
whom were admitted with complicated SAM at initial pre-
A retrospective analysis of all routinely collected program data
sentation and the remainder admitted at some point during
were conducted with SPSS version 19 statistical software (IBM).
community treatment. Just under one-half the children (n =
A multivariate logistic regression model was also developed to
3989; 48.2%) came from within Biraul block, whereas the re-
determine risk factors significantly (P , 0.05) associated with
mainder commuted from outside.
being a defaulter on the bivariate analysis. Variables that were
Of the 5198 children who did not default from the program,
justified a priori or associated with default in other studies were
88.4% of children were discharged as cured with a mean (6SD)
also included and added stepwise in the multivariate analysis.
weight gain of 4.9 6 3.4 g $ kg21 $ d21 and length of stay
Children admitted despite not meeting admission criteria were
(LOS) of 7.9 6 5.9 wk; the median weight gain was 4.1 g $ kg21
excluded from the final analysis (Figure 1) as were children
$ d21 (IQR: 2.6–6.3 g $ kg21 $ d21) and LOS was 6 wk (IQR:
admitted into the program with edema because of to their very
4–10 wk). Weight and MUAC followed the same trend
limited numbers (n = 71, 0.8%).
throughout recovery and was most rapid in the early stages ofadmission (Figure 3).
This analysis met the MSF Institutional Ethics Review
Profile and outcomes of children admitted and discharged
Committee criteria for a study involving routinely collected
under the old criteria
program data. The program used a widely recognized treatment
Table 4 shows profiles and outcomes of the 3873 children
model (CMAM) for SAM and was conducted under a memo-
admitted between February 2009 and June 2010 with a WHZ
randum of understanding with the district authorities and,
,23 and/or MUAC ,110 mm and/or bilateral edema. Children
thereafter, with consent of the Bihar State Health Society, which
were discharged as cured when they had attained a WHZ .22
is the usual procedure for NGOs operating in this context. All
and MUAC .110 mm with no edema for 1 wk and were in good
electronic data were analyzed anonymously.
clinical condition with a good appetite.

Flowchart of analysis. ATFC, Ambulatory Therapeutic Feeding Center; CMAM, community-based management of acute malnutrition;
MUAC, midupper arm circumference; SC, Stabilization Center; WHZ, weight-for-height z score.
Profile and outcomes of children admitted and discharged
Profile and outcomes of children admitted into the SC
under the new criteria
Of 8542 children admitted during the study period, 791
Table 5 shows profiles and outcomes of 4401 children ad-
children (9.3%) required admission to the SC at some point
mitted between July 2010 and September 2011 with an MUAC
during treatment; of those admitted, 698 children met the in-
,115 mm and/or bilateral edema. Children were discharged
clusion criteria for analysis. Profiles and outcomes of these
as cured when they reached an MUAC $120 mm with no
children are summarized in Table 6.
edema for 1 wk and were in good clinical condition with
For children who required care in the SC at any stage during
a good appetite. WHZ targets were not incorporated in the
their treatment, the mean MUAC at time of admission into the
new criteria.
program (104. 0 mm 6 12.6) was lower than that in children

Seasonal variations in admissions (top) and associated local socio-environmental factors (bottom) that may influence admission trends
treated solely in the ATFC [107.9 6 7.5 mm; mean difference:
LOS was 5.7 6 4.4 d. The mean MUAC increase during SC stay
3.9 mm (95% CI: 2.9, 4.8); P , 0.01]. The mean weight gain
appeared to be higher in children with more-severe wasting.
during SC stay was 6.7 6 19.3 g $ kg21 $ d21, and the mean
Default rates from the SC were low (n = 15; 2.1%) as was the
Mean increase in weight and MUAC over time for children discharged as cured (n = 4595). MUAC, midupper arm circumference.
TABLE 4Admission characteristics and outcomes of children admitted under old criteria stratified by admission MUAC1
90 to ,100 mm 100 to ,110 mm 110 to ,115 mm
Children admitted, n (%)
Nutritional status at admission
Admissions with ,23 WHZ, %
Admitted to SC during ATFC
Direct referral to SC at admission, n (%)
Nutritional status at discharge of children
discharged as cured
Attained $15% of body weight, n (%)
WHZ ,23 at discharge, n (%)
Treatment-response indicators (cured)
Mean weight gain, g $ kg21 $ d21
Mean length of stay, wk
Length of stay, wk
12.0 (7.1–17.9)
Height gain, cm/wk
1ATFC, Ambulatory Therapeutic Feeding Center; HAZ, height-for-age z score; LOS, length of stay; MUAC, midupper arm circumference; SC,
Stabilization Center; WG, weight gain; WHZ, weight-for-height z score.
2Median; IQR in parentheses (all such values).
3Mean 6 SD (all such values).
overall mortality rate (n = 32; 4.6%). The mortality rate of
children who defaulted improved as the LOS increased before
children admitted directly to the SC at time of entry into the
default. Of 1063 children who were in the program $6 wk
program was 15% compared with 3.3% in children admitted to
before defaulting, 43.5% of subjects had an MUAC $115 mm
the SC during ATFC treatment.
on the last visit before default.
The adjusted odds (95% CI) of children aged ,12 mo for
defaulting were 1.5 times (1.3, 1.7 times) those of children
Analysis of defaulters
aged $24 mo of age (P , 0.01), whereas the adjusted odds
Of 8274 children who met the inclusion criteria during the
(95% CI) of defaulting in children who presented with an MUAC
study period, 3076 children (37.2%) defaulted. Of 3076 de-
,100 mm were 1.6 times (1.4, 1.9) times higher than in children ad-
faulters, 542 children (17.6%) defaulted immediately after the
mitted with an MUAC between 110 and ,115 mm (P , 0.01). On
initial admission visit. For the remaining 2534 defaulters, the
bivariate analysis, a younger age, admission WHZ ,23, lower ad-
mean (6SD) time to default was 6.2 6 5.2 wk, and the median
mission MUAC, residence outside Biraul block, nonreferral to the
time was 5 wk (IQR: 2.3–8.4 wk). Just over one-third of children
program by an ASHA, and admission under the old criteria were sig-
(34.6%) defaulted $6 wk after admission. At the time of de-
nificantly associated with default. Female sex (OR: 1.02; 95% CI: 0.9,
fault, 67.8% of children had an MUAC ,115 mm (Figure 4),
1.1; P = 0.712) and lower caste did not appear to be associated with
25.1% of children had an MUAC .115–120 mm, and 7% of
higher risk of default. All variables significant in the bivariate analysis
children had an MUAC .120 mm. The nutritional status of
remained significant after the multiple logistic regression analysis,
TABLE 5Admission and outcome characteristics of children admitted under new criteria stratified by admission MUAC1
Children admitted, n (%)
Nutritional status at admission
WHZ ,23 at admission, %
Admitted to SC during ATFC treatment, n (%)
Direct referral to SC at admission, n (%)
Nutritional status at discharge of children
discharged as cured
Attained $15% of body weight, n (%)
WHZ ,23 at discharge, n (%)
WHZ ,22 at discharge, n (%)
Treatment-response indicators (cured)
Weight gain, g $ kg21 $ d21
Length of stay, wk
Length of stay, wk
13.3 (9.1–20.6)
11.0 (7.0–15.8)
Height/length gain, cm/wk
1ATFC, Ambulatory Therapeutic Feeding Center; HAZ, height-for-age z score; LOS, length of stay; MUAC, midupper arm circumference; SC,
Stabilization Center; WG, weight gain; WHZ, weight-for-height z score.
2Median; IQR in parentheses (all such values).
3Mean 6 SD (all such values).
although with the old admission criteria became slightly protective (OR:
0.8; 95% CI: 0.7, 0.9; P , 0.01) against default (Table 7).
As home to nearly one-third of the world's children with
SAM, India's approach to treating SAM has relied almost ex-clusively on inpatient care, whereas the community-based ap-
Impact of change of admission and discharge criteria
proaches shown to be effective and feasible in African settings
There was a higher proportion of girls admitted [66.8%
have not been well tested, studied, or implemented in India. This
compared with 57.0%; RR: 1.17 (95% CI: 1.1, 1.2); P , 0.01]
article describes the clinical outcomes of 8274 children with
and a shift toward admission of younger age groups [mean
SAM treated in an MSF-implemented and -supported CMAM
age: 15 compared with 18 mo; mean difference: 3.0 mo (95%
program in a rural area of one of the poorest districts in Bihar
CI: 2.6, 3.4 mo); P , 0.01] under the new criteria. The
(22). This large observational study represents, to the authors'
change had a substantial impact on decreasing the LOS and
best knowledge, the only one from India to describe the out-
increasing the mean weight gain in children discharged as
comes of a conventional setting CMAM program by using WHO
cured (Figure 5). The mean WHZ at discharge decreased
standard ready-to-use therapeutic lipid-based paste produced in
from 21.6 to 21.5, whereas the mean percentage increase in
India. Our findings suggested that CMAM was an effective
body weight fell from 22% to 19.4% under the new criteria
strategy, which led to cures for 88.4% of children who com-
pleted the treatment although hindered by substantial default
TABLE 6Admission and outcome characteristics of children admitted into the Stabilization Center (n = 698)1
Children admitted,
9.1 (7.0–15.9)2
12.0 (8.6–18.4)
12.5 (9.5–18.1)
14.0 (10.7–19.0)
16.9 (11.9–25.1)
13.5 (9.9–19.4)
Direct Admission to
Nutritional status at
time of admissionto SC
OutcomeTransfer to ATFC
Defaulted from SC
Length of stay, d
1ATFC, Ambulatory Therapeutic Feeding Center; HAZ, height-for-age z score; LOS, length of stay; MUAC, midupper arm circumference; SC,
Stabilization Center; WG, weight gain; WHZ, weight-for-height z score.
2Median; IQR in parentheses (all such values).
3Mean 6 SD (all such values).
rates. Because these results represent operational field outcomes
suggests that active case-detection strategies may benefit
achieved despite challenges that might also be present if other
from focusing on this age group.
large-scale CMAM initiatives are undertaken in India, they
The introduction of an MUAC ,115 mm and/or edema as sole
suggest that CMAM has significant, under-exploited potential as
admission criteria in July 2010 resulted in a change in the de-
a strategy for scaling up.
mographic of patients admitted into the program. Notably, a higherproportion of girls and younger age groups were admitted after thenew criteria were implemented. Both phenomena were noted in
other contexts (23) and also within India (3). The new admission
Demographic data showed a disproportionate share of girls
criteria lowered the threshold for severity with the result that more
(62.2%) in children admitted to the program and reinforced
children were included who are at lower risk of death and have
the importance of social identity (caste) as a predisposing
a smaller WHZ deficit to correct (WHZ: 3.1 compared with 3.5)
factor for SAM. The data also confirmed observations in other
than do children identified by the old criteria. Consequently, the
published Indian studies that suggested a much higher burden
mortality and time to recovery can be expected to be lower in
of SAM in children ,2 y old (3, 4), which was consistent
children identified by the new criteria.
with data from African settings (23). The severity of stunting
Although 9.3% of children required admission to the SC at
correlated directly with the severity of wasting on admission,
some point during treatment, the proportion admitted immedi-
with a mean (6SD) height-for-age z score of 23.9 6 1.5 for
ately to the SC on entering the program (0.9%; n = 77) was far
the overall cohort. That 79.9% of children admitted into the
lower than the 10–20% reported in African settings (24). This
program were ,2 y of age has major public health implica-
result suggested that the morbidity associated with SAM may be
tions for the prevention and reversal of stunting and also
less severe in the Indian context. During their SC stay, average

Length of stay before defaulting and associated MUAC at time of default (n = 3076). MUAC, midupper arm circumference.
weight gain was lower and the LOS was higher in children with
The overall in-program mortality was 0.9%, which was well
more-severe wasting than in children with a higher MUAC on
within the bounds of standards set out in both national (,5%
admission to the SC, reflecting longer periods spent in phase 1
mortality) and international (,10% mortality) standards of care
treatment (because of more-severe illness) when weight gain
(17, 25). Although excluded from the analysis, the mortality rate
was not expected.
was far higher (15.5%) in the 71 children admitted with edema
TABLE 7Risk factors for default from CMAM program1
Adjusted OR (95% CI)
Age group (n = 7671) (mo)
Caste category (n = 7199)
Other Backward Class
WHO WHZ on admission (n = 7654)
MUAC on admission (n = 7657) (mm)
Child's residence (n = 7671)
Admission criteria (n = 7671)
Referred into the program by ASHA (n = 7656)
1Nonresponders were not included in this analysis. CMAM, community-based management of acute malnutrition;
MUAC, midupper arm circumference; WHZ, weight-for-height z score.
2Included in regression model as borderline significance on univariate analysis (P = 0.08).

Mean weight gain and length of stay for children discharged as cured stratified by admission midupper arm circumference cutoff (n = 4595).
in keeping with other studies from the Indian context (4). In
studies that the MUAC may be useful as a program-monitoring
addition, the case fatality rate of children admitted directly into
tool for recovery from SAM (23). Height gain correlated well
the SC at the time of entry into the program (n = 11 of 77; 15%)
with average weight gain and the mean MUAC gain across
was substantially higher than in children admitted to the SC
different severities of wasting, suggesting that it may be a useful
after a period of treatment in the ATFC (n = 21 of 621; 3.3%),
indicator of proportionate growth during recovery.
which could have reflected a need for better standard of care for
However, a substantial number of children (37.2%) defaulted
children who presented in a more-critical condition. As shown in
from care, a figure that failed to meet national and international
Figure 3, weight and MUAC followed the same trend throughout
standards of care (,15%) but was consistent with outcomes
recovery and was most rapid in the early stages of admission as
from other inpatient SAM treatment programs in India (3, 4); for
noted elsewhere (26). This result supports conclusions of other
example, the Nutritional Rehabilitation Centers in Uttar Pradesh
TABLE 8Comparison of outcomes of old compared with new criteria for admission and discharge1
Old criteria (n = 3873)
New criteria (n = 4401)
Combined (n = 8274)
0.92 (0.88, 0.98)
Treatment response if cured
WG, g $ kg21 $ d21
0.34 [0.15, 0.54]4
WG, g $ kg21 $ d21
21.5 [21.8, 21.2]
0.06 [0.05, 0.08]
Children who gained $15% BW, %
Percentage increase in BW
Nutrition status at discharge
0.05 [0.003, 0.09]
0.30 [0.21, 0.39]
1BW, body weight; HAZ - height-for-age z score; LOS, length of stay; MUAC, midupper arm circumference; WG, weight gain; WHZ, weight-for-height
2RR; 95% CI in parentheses (all such values).
3Mean 6 SD (all such values).
4Mean difference; 95% CI in brackets (all such values).
5Median; IQR in parentheses (all such values).
reported a defaulter rate as high as 47.2% (5). Adjusted odds of
Centers and discharged them to a community program in which
defaulting were slightly higher for children commuting to Biraul
Ministry of Health frontline workers monitored their progress and
block for treatment than for those living within Biraul block,
ensured that they benefited from the Integrated Child De-
suggesting that the increased distance from ATFCs posed
velopment Services Supplementary Nutrition Program. No pri-
a barrier to completing treatment. This finding was consistent
ority was given to admitting children with complicated SAM, and
with the results of successive Semi-Quantitative Assessment of
discharge was automatic after 60 d of community follow-up.
Access and Coverage surveys conducted by MSF in Biraul
Overall, the program reported a 0.4% overall mortality rate with
block, which identified caregiver time constraints along with
a 32% default, 23.7% discharged-as-nonrecovered, and 43.9%
poor perception of self-recovery and seasonal agricultural labor
discharged-as-recovered rates. The mean weight gain was 2.7 g $
demands as important contributors to nonadherance with treat-
kg21 $ d21, whereas the mean LOS was 75.8 d. The mean
weight gain during the community-treatment phase was 1.6 g $
Risk factors for defaulting were similar to those shown in other
kg21 body weight $ d21 (6).
studies that described the default from other inpatient nutritionalprograms in India (4), although in this study, identity as OtherBackward Class did not appear to be a risk factor for default.
Limitations and future direction
Notably, seasonal trends showed an increase in defaulters during
A major strength of this study was the data that were main-
months when women's field work is in high demand (March
tained throughout the program with relatively few missing data
through June) and during the monsoon rains and yearly floods.
points for the final analysis. However, because the study was
This period also includes the wedding season (May through
a routine NGO-supported program rather than a clinical trial,
June), which could have had an impact on the default rate be-
there were a number of limitations in interpreting the data. Al-
cause of the temporary migration of mothers (28). Children who
though most children's admission anthropometric data were
were identified and referred to the program by ASHAs had 10-
measured by 3 individuals at the time of admission, only one
fold lower odds of defaulting, which supported a central role for
measurement was recorded, which meant that no interobserver
these community workers in future CMAM initiatives in India.
and intra-observer reliability could be analyzed.
On the basis of this finding, the program put substantial effort
Many children defaulted from the program and, therefore,
into ASHA training and involvement in 2012 that, along with
were lost to follow-up. Although data were used from defaulting
improved community messaging and earlier identification of
children to identify risk factors for default, not knowing the
children at high risk of default, likely contributed to the sharp
eventual outcome of this group of children could have created
decline in default rates to ,20% seen in 2013 (MSF; un-
a potential bias in presenting overall outcomes of the program
published data).
(e.g., by underestimating mortality if children were defaultingbecause of death in the community). Although not systematicallyrecorded, very few children classed as defaulters were reported to
Implications for SAM treatment strategies in India
have died when traced by the IEC team to encourage them to
Because of the high burden of SAM seen in India, the current
return to the program. A longer-term follow-up of these patients
strategy of inpatient treatment programs alone is unlikely to
after exit from the program would be crucial to ascribe a more
provide care for all of these SAM children at higher risk of death.
accurate survival status to this important cohort.
A 2012 study of 93 children treated in the state of Madhya
However, the major challenge in interpretation was that these
Pradesh concluded that, although the compulsory 14-d inpatient
findings came from an externally supported program and may not
stay succeeded in improving the condition of admitted children,
have been achieved if the program was transferred to government
the improvement was not sustained after discharge. Perhaps more
facilities. In one comprehensive review of 33 studies of com-
crucial was the supposition that even if all 175 dedicated inpatient
munity-based nutritional rehabilitation programs over a 25-y
nutritional facilities were running at full capacity, it would take
period, none of the programs operating within routine health
15.5 y to provide this treatment method to the 1.3 million children
systems and without external assistance were shown to be ade-
in the state suffering from SAM (6).
quate (29). However, this result suggests that potential sustain-
There are a limited number of other observational studies in the
able solutions may be shown through private-public partnerships
literature that described the outcomes of other models of inpatient
between the government and local NGOs, which is a model that
care elsewhere in India. A 2012 observational study that de-
has already been adopted for the Nutritional Rehabilitation
scribed the inpatient management of 3595 children with SAM in
Centers in Bihar. In addition, this model assumes that governance
Malnutrition Treatment Centers across the state of Jharkhand
(leadership, resources, and accountability) for nutritional in-
showed a mortality rate of 0.6%, default rate of 18.4%, mean in-
terventions will remain low in the future, whereas already some
program weight gain of 9.6 g $ kg21 $ d21, and mean LOS of
state governments in India have been able to implement more-
16 d. No priority was given to the admission of children with
complex programs such as Madhya Pradesh Newborn Care Units.
complicated SAM, and the main discharge criteria were the
To this effect, the CMAM model has the capacity to be adopted
good clinical condition of the child, toleration of feeds of 120–
into an existing government capacity; for example, ANMs at the
130 kcal $ kg21 $ d21, and gain of 5 g $ kg21 body weight $ d21
PHC and additional PHC level can be trained and empowered to
provide this service with appropriate training if adequate in-
An additional 2013 study in Madhya Pradesh described the
stitutional support is provided. Local ownership and community
outcomes of 2740 children randomly sampled from the 44,017
understanding and acceptance of both messaging and treatment
children treated for SAM in 2010. This program model admitted
will likely also be critical in developing sustainable solutions
all children for 14 d of inpatient care in Nutrition Rehabilitation
(30). A cost-effectiveness analysis that compares routine CMAM
projects with the current hospital-based model of care would be
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The Brain and Fatigue : New Opportunities for Nutritional Romain Meeusen1, Phil Watson2 , Jiri Dvorak3 1. Dept Human Physiology & Sportsmedicine - Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels , Belgium 2. School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, 3. Dept Neurology and F-MARC (FIFA Medical Assesment and Research Center) Schulthess
7th Workshop on Recent Issues in Bioanalysis Poster List Tuesday April 9 Posters Poster T01: "Validation of a Dried Blood Spot Boanalytical Method for Perampanel Analysis in Pediatric Studies" Poster Presenter: Dr. Luca Matassa (Eisai, Woodcliff Lake, NJ, USA) Introduction: Perampanel is a first-in-class, orally administered, highly selective non-competitive AMPA-type glutamate receptor antagonist, developed by EISAI for epilepsy. A DBS-LC-MS/MS method has been developed and validated in order to analyse perampanel in heparinised blood samples from paediatric studies. Dried blood spots (DBS) have been shown to be a useful means of collecting, storing and shipping blood samples for quantitative drug analysis which provides advantages over conventional plasma collection. Moreover, due to low sample volume that DBS uses, it is a method of choice when it is comes to paediatric studies. Methods: A 20 uL dried blood spot on FTA DMPK A card is punched (6mm punch) and the subsample is solubilized by shaking in 150 uL of 90/10 methanol water containing internal standard (IS) stable label peramapanel. An aliquot of the solution is diluted with an equal volume of 50/50 methanol/water, centrifuged at 4C for 5 min prior to injecting 10uL on a reverse phase column (Chromolith RP18e 100x3mm) at 40C under gradient conditions. The detector was a Sciex API5500 Qtrap operated in positive ion ionspray mode. Quantitation was achieved monitoring precursor/product ions for analyte and IS (350/219 m/z perampanel; 356/219 IS) at retention time 2.5 minutes using 1/x2 linear weighted regression. Result: A full validation according to FDA and EMA guidance was conducted in human blood. Assay linearity was demonstrated over 7 validation runs with R-squared greater than 0.995. The intra-run accuracy and precision was between 95.2 -107.6% and 3.1-12.6%, respectively, at four concentration levels (LLQ, low QC, mid QC, high QC) demonstrating the repeatability of the analytical method from 1 to 500 ng/mL. The matrix factor in 6 lots of control blood was 1.0 for analyte and IS. Control blank matrix showed no interference at the LLQ. Punch tool carryover and autoinjector carryover were not found to impact assay performance. Analyte and IS recovery was 80% across all 3 QC levels with imprecision less than 5%. A 2-fold dilution factor was validated. The specificity of the method for perampanel at the LLOQ in presence of 10 other commonly used AEDs, individual y or pooled all together, (valproic acid, phenobarbital, lamotrigine, topiramate, oxcarbazepine, carbamazepine, levetiracetam, zonisamide, phenytoin, primidone) was demonstrated. A blood/plasma ratio of 0.88 was determined, allowing the correlation between blood and previous study plasma results. Short term autosample perampanel extract stability and perampanel stability in blood was demonstrated. Perampanel long term stability on DBS was demonstrated for 363 days at room temperature. Novel Aspect / Conclusion: The fully validated DBS-LC-MS/MS method was successfully applied to analysis of paediatric study clinical samples. Poster T02: "Unexpected Results for Sample Col ection and Handling Stability Assessment for Sumatriptan in Human Plasma" Poster Presenter: Ginny James (Celerion, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA) Introduction: Determination of sample col ection and handling stability (SCHS) is a requirement for validation of bioanalytical methods. SCHS of sumatriptan for 120 minutes did not meet pre-defined acceptance criteria. As sumatriptan was stable in plasma for 23 hours at ambient temperature, it was hypothesized that partitioning of sumatriptan between plasma and red blood cells was not immediate and was impacting the results of the early time points. Methods: Whole blood was fortified with sumatriptan at 0.150 and 100 ng/mL for target plasma concentrations of approximately 0.300 and 200 ng/mL. The samples were incubated in an ice-water bath, at ambient temperature, and at 37°C for multiple time points between 0 and 120 minutes. At each time point, samples were centrifuged, and the plasma layer was immediately frozen at -20°C. For samples in an ice-water bath for 30 minutes, the red cell fraction was also stored at -20°C for testing. The collected plasma samples were analyzed using a validated method for the quantitation of sumatriptan in human plasma. Red blood cel s were analyzed with the same chromatographic and instrument conditions after a protein crash of the cellular material.