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International Journal of Law and Psychiatry
Pharmacotherapy of impulsive aggression: A quality comparison of controlled studies
Alan R. Felthous ,Sarah L. Lake Brian K. Rundle Matthew S. Stanford a Division of Forensic Psychiatry, Department of Neurology and Psychiatry, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, MO 63104, United Statesb Department of Psychology & Neuroscience, Baylor University, Waco, TX 76798, United States
Available online 30 April 2013
The present study assessed the quality of pharmacotherapy trials to treat impulsive aggressive behavior. While asearch of the literature found 55 peer-reviewed published studies on the pharmacotherapy of aggression, only
23 met criteria for inclusion in the quality analysis. To be included in this review, the study must have had at
Anti-impulsive aggression agents (AIAAs)
least one comparison group to control for placebo effects. The study must have also adequately defined and diag-
nosed the presence of impulsive aggression or intermittent explosive disorder. The primary reason studies were
Impulsive aggression
excluded from the quality analysis was that impulsive aggression was not specifically defined as the behavior
being treated (25 of 32, 78%). The results of the quality analysis found that higher quality studies (n = 10; 45%)
were characterized by a clear definition of impulsive aggression; specific criteria for what constitutes an impulsiveaggressive act; the exclusion of participants with neurological disorders, serious mental disorders, and/or low IQ;and information concerning the serum levels of the medication being investigated. A significant weakness found inthe literature is the paucity of high quality studies accessing the efficacy of pharmacological agents other than an-ticonvulsants for the treatment of impulsive aggression.
2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
patients Research on aggression and violence has consistently recognized
Aggressive behavior is one of the most prevalent concerns in the clin-
two subtypes of aggressive behavior: an impulsive type and a premeditat-
ical setting and presents as a symptom of numerous psychiatric and
neuropsychiatric disorders. In addition, aggressive behavior without co-
Impulsive aggression is typically described as an emotionally charged
morbid psychopathology may present as a significant problem in clinical
aggressive response characterized by a loss of behavioral control ). This type of aggressive display has alsobeen referred to in the literature as affective or reactive
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 314 977 4825.
E-mail address: (A.R. Felthous).
(aggression. Specifically,
0160-2527/$ – see front matter 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.R. Felthous et al. / International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 36 (2013) 258–263
described it as "a hair trigger response to a stimulus that results in an ag-
Noting the inconsistent findings in anti-aggression drug trials with
itated state and culminates in an aggressive act; during the agitated
phenytoin in particular, and
state…information processing appears to be inefficient."
identified the following failures in quality
No single medication is FDA approved for the treatment of impulsive
of investigations that may have led to the discrepant results: failure
aggression, yet a number of drugs representing a variety of classes of
to exclude subjects with psychiatric or neurological disorders that
medication are used for this purpose. Because results of studies on
were identified with objective criteria, or subjects who were taking
drug efficacy are so inconsistent, it has been difficult to arrive at firm
other medications; failure to control for intelligence levels and differ-
conclusions about the efficacy of individual drugs. Also recognized,
ent drug serum levels; and reliance on only self-report or subjective
however, is the variable quality of such studies. When comparing re-
observation rather than "well defined behavioral increases of aggres-
sults, judging the quality of each study is essential. Discrepant results
sive acts as criteria measures" (). The present
in demonstrated drug efficacy may be explained by differences in
systematic review examines these and other parameters of quality in
study design or quality. To date, reviews of antiaggressive drug trial
drug trials in order to distinguish studies of higher quality, regardless
have either addressed drug efficacy with little attention given to quality
of whether the study results support efficacy of the drug(s) being
of the studies, or the reviews have been concerned with only one partic-
studied in the treatment of impulsive aggression.
ular class of drugs such as anticonvulsants/mood stabilizers (e.g.,
In addition to the factors identified by Barratt as lacking in drug trials
for the treatment of impulsive aggression, this review includes other
Perhaps one of the most frequent flaws in otherwise reasonably
common measures of quality in drug trials, especially for psychotropic
designed studies and reviews of the pharmacotherapy of clinical ag-
drugs. Through the winnowing of high quality research from less rigor-
gression is the failure to recognize that subtypes of aggression exist
ous studies, the best evidence for drug efficacy may emerge with more
(e.g., impulsive aggression). A number of book chapters and scientific
consistent findings that support sound clinical decisions in selecting
articles on the pharmacotherapy of aggression either fail to specify
therapeutic agents.
the type of aggression being treated, or if the aggression is qualified
Huwiler-Müntener developed a 30 item instrument, the 1996
as impulsive, an adequate definition is not provided.
Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) statement
identified this as a major problem in the scientific
) that was designed to
literature on the pharmacotherapy of aggression. This has continued
assess the quality of drug trials in general (
to be an oft repeated error in both individual studies and study
Other scales have
been developed to measure quality of drug trials
Inadequate diagnostic criteria and imprecise diagnoses have long
including a 2001 version of the CONSORT
confounded research on the treatment of mental disorders. The need
for sufficient objective criteria for the diagnosis of mental disorders
The original 1996 CONSORT has been
was the motivation for the development of the
utilized by several journals apparently with improved quality of drug
for common but serious mental disorders, the research diagnos-
trial reporting . The 1996 CONSORT has been
tic criteria (), and the polythetic
advanced as useful in assessment of methodological quality in particular
diagnostic method which dramatically transformed the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual in its Third Edition
For the present comparison, we developed a quality review instru-
Within this latter taxonomy, intermittent explosive
ment that like the 1996 CONSORT focuses on quality. This includes
disorder (IED) first appeared
critical parameters of the 1996 CONSORT, but also items identified
giving clearer and more objective criteria than emotionally unstable
by and as items that
personality of the first DSM ();
are needed to assess for the quality of drug trials in treatment of
explosive personality of DSM II
impulsive aggression in particular.
or emotionally unstable personality disorder, impulsive type
Classes of medications, which have been used to treat impulsive
and borderline type of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD
aggression and IED, and have tested for efficacy with controlled trials
10, While IED was carried over
include: anticonvulsants, mood stabilizers, selective serotonin reup-
subsequent editions of the DSM
take inhibitors, and beta adrenergic blockers. This review examined
impulsive aggression was increasingly
the quality of individual trials of specific agents within each of these
defined and recognized apart from but taking into account the research
categories, for only those controlled studies with an adequate diagno-
supporting IED (e.g.,
sis of impulsive aggression/IED, and rated the quality of each study
One reason for the continued recognition of impulsive aggression
based upon quality parameters — most of which are used to assess
as a separate but overlapping condition with IED is that in earlier edi-
the general quality of drug trials. Additionally, this review looked
tions of the DSM (gen-
for study recognition of potential biological markers that appear to
eralized impulsivity was an exclusionary criterion for IED. However,
respond to drug treatment conterminously with subsidence in aggres-
generalized impulsivity can and often does coexist with impulsive
sive behavior.
outbursts of physical aggression In the currentedition, DSM-IV-TR (gener-
alized impulsivity is no longer an exclusionary criterion.
A second and continuing reason for preserving the diagnosis of im-
A concern for drug trial studies in general and for reviewers of such
pulsive aggression is the recognition of its common co-morbidity with
studies is the tendency to include only those studies with positive results.
borderline, antisocial, and other personality disorders (
This bias towards reporting positive results with a net effect of Type I er-
), whereas the DSM criteria for IED discourage making the diag-
rors can exist with the individual investigators, the drug industry that fi-
nosis where the same phenomenon occurs with a personality disorder
nances drug trials, the peer review and editorial processes in selecting
). Even with the diagnostic
reports for publication and in reviews of drug trial studies. Also known
options of IED, impulsive aggression, and 20 years after
as the "file drawer problem" this bias in the science
caveat about the importance of correct characterization
and publication of drug trials has been especially studied and discussed
of the aggressive behavior being examined, studies and reviews on
in the context of peer review and editorial selection of drug trial reports
the pharmacotherapy of aggression fail to adequately define the
for publication (
condition for which a drug is given in an experimental trial.
A.R. Felthous et al. / International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 36 (2013) 258–263
the quality comparison. The primary reason studies were not includ-
view, we made a point of including all studies of threshold relevance and
ed in the quality comparison was that they did not specifically assess
quality regardless of the positivity or negativity of study results.
impulsive aggression but evaluated aggression in general ().
4.2. Interrater reliability
3.1. Selection of drug trial studies
Comparison of the quality scores for the two independent raters
found that they were highly consistent with an intraclass correlation
Using MEDLINE and PsycINFO, the authors attempted to identify
all controlled studies in the English language that tested for drug effi-cacy in the pharmacotherapy of aggression. The present article did
4.3. Assessment of quality
not include studies in the pharmacotherapy of acute agitation on anemergency basis, but rather the ongoing administration of a medica-
One of the 23 studies included in the quality comparison
tion in order to prevent or reduce the frequency and intensity of
) was a follow-up study of another
future acts of aggression. To be included in this review, the study
(, thus the two were treated as a single study. The
must have at least one control or comparison group to control for pla-
average quality score for the 22 studies was 41.3 (SD 6.6). The median
cebo effect. The study must have adequately defined and diagnosed
and mode were both 42.0. Anticonvulsants were by far the most
the presence of impulsive aggression by approximating the definition
common pharmacological agents studied in the treatment of impulsive
of impulsive aggression provided by apply-
aggression, comprising 14 of the 22 studies. Quality scores for the anti-
ing the criteria for IED from one of the DSMs since the third edition, or
convulsant studies are presented in while quality scores for the
a (reasoned) modification of such criteria.
remaining studies are presented in
Ten studies had a quality scores above the median and were clas-
3.2. Assessment of quality: Checklist
sified as higher quality while the remaining 12 studies were classifiedas lower quality. Statistical comparison between higher and lower
A 19-item quality checklist was developed by the authors using
quality studies on the checklist items were done using t-tests and
items identified by , and the 14 items for
are reported in .
which at least three (out of five) judges in usedto rate the quality of reports of randomized clinical trials. All items
used to assess the quality of drug trials in the treatment of impulsiveaggression are listed in
The present study assessed the quality of pharmacotherapy trials
Although some quality measures are clearly either fully present or
to treat impulsive aggressive behavior. While a search of the litera-
fully absent, others can exist in various degrees, for example, the de-
ture found 55 published studies on the pharmacotherapy of aggres-
scription of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Therefore weighted points
sion, only 23 met criteria for inclusion in the quality analysis. The
were given to each item, with 0 = the item is absent from the study,
primary reason studies were excluded from the analysis was that im-
1 = the item is present, 2 = the item is present to a satisfactory de-
pulsive aggression was not specifically defined as the behavior being
gree, or 3 = the item is present to a highly satisfactory degree. Dichot-
treated (25 of 32, 78%). This demonstrates a significant general weak-
omous quality measures (e.g., random allocation) which were either
ness in the aggression pharmacotherapy literature.
present or absent were scored 0 = the item is absent or 3 = the item
As described earlier, physical aggressive behavior has traditionally
is present. Total scores on the quality checklist can range from 0 to 57.
been classified into two distinct subtypes ((a) an emotionally charged, uncontrolled type of aggressive
3.3. Assessment of quality: Process
display (impulsive, hostile, affective, and reactive) or (b) a planned,controlled, unemotional aggressive act (premeditated, instrumental,
Two doctoral graduate students in psychology, both co-authors of
predatory, and proactive). Significant differences in neurochemistry, psy-
this article, were first familiarized with the checklist items. Each me-
chophysiology, cognitive functioning and response to treatment/inter-
thodically examined each study independently and rated the individ-
vention have been shown between these aggressive subtypes
ual items. After each study was rated, the results of the two ratings
). This makes the careful characterization
were compared for consistency and the scores averaged for a total
of aggressive behavior imperative when assessing treatment effective-
score on each item.
ness. Presently, a majority of the pharmacotherapy of aggression litera-ture appears to have ignored this distinction making the determination
3.4. Analysis of results
of efficacy for many medications in the treatment of aggressive behaviordifficult if not impossible.
Interrater reliability was calculated for the scores of the two inde-
The results of the quality analysis found that higher quality pharma-
pendent raters using an intraclass correlation for consistency. Based
cotherapy studies are characterized by a clear definition of impulsive ag-
upon the median score of all items used to assess study quality,
gression, specific criteria for what constitutes an impulsive aggressive
each study was rated as higher (above the median) or lower (at the
act, the exclusion of participants with neurological disorders, serious
median and below) quality. Finally, statistical analyses were applied
mental disorders and/or low IQ, and information concerning the serum
to higher and lower quality studies to determine on which criteriathey differed.
Reasons studies were excluded from quality comparison.
4.1. Selection of drug trial studies
Not specifically impulsive aggression
Literature searches for studies assessing drug efficacy in the phar-
macotherapy of aggression found 55 peer-reviewed publications. A
Retrospective chart review
Single administration
review of those studies found that 23 met criteria for inclusion in
A.R. Felthous et al. / International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 36 (2013) 258–263
Quality of anticonvulsant trials in the treatment of impulsive aggression.
Comparison of quality checklist items between higher and lower quality studies.
Quality checklist items
Measures of aggression
a) Impulsive aggression adequately defined
b) Behavioral measures of aggressive acts
c) Criteria for impulsive aggressive acts
d) Intent to treat aggression
Recruitment of participants
a) Clear inclusion criteria
(5–12 years old)
b) Exclusion criteria
1. Neurological disorders
2. Serious DSM Axis I mental disorders
4. Other psychotropic medications
a) Clear hypothesis and objectives
(10–18 years old)
a) Clear/validated outcomes
b) Description of withdrawals and dropouts
c) Adequate follow-up
e) Serum levels reported
Bolded p-values indicate items which were significantly associated with the higher
Forensic patients
quality studies.
a Denotes dichotomous item.
levels of the medication being investigated. Higher and lower quality
characterized as higher quality (). It is clear from the literature
studies both showed weaknesses in the reporting of power, following-
that several anticonvulsant agents are effective in the treatment of im-
up participants after the study ended, and the inclusion of biological
pulsive aggressive outbursts
markers as outcome measures These results call into question
Unfortunately, this cannot be said for most other pharmacologi-
the reliability of the data from those studies characterized as lower qual-
cal agents. Only a limited few have been assessed and most of those
ity and demonstrate the need for a standardized approach to the assess-
studies were characterized as lower quality in the present analysis
ment of pharmacological agents in the treatment of impulsive aggressive
). It is hoped that this study will serve as a call to aggression
researchers to redouble their efforts in the investigation of pharmaco-
A significant problem in the literature is the paucity of studies
logical agents such as selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitors, lithium,
accessing the efficacy of pharmacological agents other than anticon-
and atypical antipsychotics for the treatment of impulsive aggressive
vulsants for the treatment of impulsive aggression. Anticonvulsant
agents have been widely researched with a majority of those studies
Most reviews of drugs used to treat aggressive behavior do not me-
thodically evaluate the quality of drug trials. An exception is themeta-analysis by . The aim
of this meta-analysis was to assess the evidence for efficacy of mood sta-
Quality of drug trials in the treatment of impulsive aggression.
bilizers in reducing aggression that was repetitive or impulsive. The in-
vestigators cast a broad net and identified 52 drug trials for treating
aggression, but only eight reports, representing ten studies, contained
enough information to use in the meta-analysis. Using the Jadad Scale
), to assess for risk of bias, eight had
(5–12 years old)
Jadad scores of three or higher. From their analysis, only three of these
studies included intention to treat analysis. Evidence supported efficacy
(5–12 years old)
for carbamazepine/oxcarbazepine, phenytoin and lithium, but not all
mood stabilizers. Levetiracetam and valproate were shown to be not
In comparing the meta-analysis by Jones and colleagues with the
present systematic review, some differences should be noted. The
focus of the Jones meta-analysis was drug efficacy, but using some mea-
sures of quality to measure bias. The emphasis of the present review
was comparing the quality of the drug trials regardless of positive or
negative outcome. Parameters were intended to assess methodological
quality, not reporting quality which is more the concern of the JadadScale. The present study sought studies that convincingly targeted im-
pulsive aggression, adequately defined and diagnosed. Recurrent ag-
(8–11 years old)
gression that is not also impulsive would not have qualified. The
present study was open to the trial of adequate quality of any drug,
not just mood stabilizers.
A.R. Felthous et al. / International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 36 (2013) 258–263
The present study, though targeting impulsive aggression, did not
Callaham, M. L., Wears, R. L., Weber, E. J., Barton, C., & Young, G. (1998).
exclude any demographic groups. Thus, it was not limited to drug tri-
als in adult subjects, but also in children. The reader must bear in
Campbell, M., Adams, P. B., Small, A. M., Kafantaris, V., Silva, R. R., Shell, J., et al. (1995).
mind the possibility of children responding differently than adults
to some drugs. In addition, children are more likely to have a primary
diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder which can include
Campbell, M., Small, A. M., Green, W. H., Jennings, S. J., Perry, R., Bennett, W. G., et al.
impulsive aggression but includes other symptoms as well. Similarly,
some adults who are treated for impulsive aggression may actually
have adult ADHD and their other symptoms of ADHD may not be
Chalmers, T. C., Smith, H., Jr., Blackburn, B., Silverman, B., Schroeder, B., Reitman, D.,
registered in the study. Future investigations can disentangle pure
impulsive aggression from that associated with ADHD and then test
Coccaro, E. F., & Kavoussi, R. J. (1997).
for differential responses to presumed anti-aggressive drugs and
Coccaro, E. F., Lee, R. J., & Kavoussi, R. J. (2009).
Cueva, J. E., Overall, J. E., Small, A. M., Armenteros, J. L., Perry, R., & Campbell, M. (1996).
Critical to improving pharmacotherapy of clinical aggression is satis-
factory methodologic quality. This requires not only accurate and unbi-
Dickerson, R. (1990).
ased measuring but also an adequate definition and diagnosis of the
Dodge, K. A., & Coie, J. D. (1998).
condition that is to be measured. With compelling, replicated research
that impulsive but not premeditated aggression is amenable to pharma-
cotherapy (e.g., the first step in research design is to
Donovan, S. J., Stewart, J. W., Nunes, E. V., Quitkin, F. M., Parides, M., Daniel, W., et al.
distinguish impulsive aggression and determining how its intensity and
frequency is to be monitored. Other parameters of quality are basically
those used to assess quality of trials of drugs in general, but with some
Feighner, J. P., Robins, E., Guze, S. B., Woodruf, R. A., Jr., Winokur, G., & Munoz, R.
considerations specific to the study of aggression.
Most of the higher quality studies (i.e., those with a score above the
Felthous, A. R., Bryant, S. G., Wingerter, C. B., & Barratt, E. (1991).
median) were anticonvulsants. All of these well tested anticonvulsants
with the exception of levetiracetam were shown to be efficacious.
Foster, H. G., Hillbrand, M., & Chi, C. C. (1989).
Evidence from studies of satisfactory methodologic quality supports the
efficacy of phenytoin, carbamazepine, valproate/divalproex in treating
impulsive aggression. Of the drug trials involving non-anticonvulsant
Gardner, D. L., & Cowdry, R. W. (1986).
drugs, the quality of the trials with lithium and fluoxetine are most
satisfactory, and the individual trials of these drugs shows them to be
Greendyke, R. M., & Kanter, D. R. (1986).
The present results suggest that the reliability of a majority of the
Greenwald, A. G. (1975).
pharmacotherapy of aggression studies presently in the literature is
questionable. The authors suggest that three methods are desperately
Hollander, E., Swann, A. C., Coccaro, E. F., Jiang, P., & Smith, T. B. (2005).
needed in future pharmacotherapy studies of aggression to overcome
the present shortfall: careful characterization of aggressive behavior
Hollander, E., Tracy, K. A., Swann, A. C., Coccaro, E. F., McElroy, S. L., Wozniak, P., et al.
into subtypes, the use of a standard approach to the assessment of
treatment efficacy, and the investigation of a wide range of pharma-
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The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging©Volume 9, Number 2, 2005 RECENT DATA ON THE NATURAL HISTORY OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE RECENT DATA ON THE NATURAL HISTORY OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE: RESULTS FROM THE REAL.FR STUDY F. CORTES, S. GILLETTE-GUYONNET, F. NOURHASHEMI, S. ANDRIEU, C. CANTET, B. VELLAS, THE REAL.FR GROUP Service de Médecine Interne et Gérontologie Clinique, Pavillon JP Junod, 170 avenue de Casselardit 31300 Toulouse (France) (F Cortes, S Gillette-Guyonnet, F Nourhashemi,
Security Guards A guide for newcomers to British Columbia Security Guards A guide for newcomers to British Columbia Contents 1. Working as a Security Guard [NOC 6541] . 2 2. Skills, Education and Experience . 7 3. Finding Jobs . 9 4. Applying for a Job . 11 5. Getting Help from Industry Sources . 12 1. Working as a Security Guard [NOC 6541]