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Business Plan Manual
A practical guideline for business planning

Published by:
SystemConsult Theis & Partner GmbH
BPS Europe Project Coordinator
Olgastrasse 12
D-72555 Metzingen
Tel.: +49 (0) 7123/9202-40
Fax: +49 (0) 7123/9202-49
e-mail: [email protected]
Web: http://
Christina Karsch
The information was compiled with the greatest care. All information
regarding services offered is based on material made available by the
various institutions. No liability can be accepted for the accuracy or
completeness of the information.
2003 SystemConsult Theis & Partner GmbH
The Cyprus Entrepreneurship Competition (CyEC) initiative aims to provide
an incentive for young scientists, researchers and students to capitalise on
their innovation talent and create tomorrow's leading high-tech companies.
Through a process of learning, the CyEC participants will gain a unique
experience in transforming their innovative ideas into Business Plans for
the launch of the leading high-tech companies of tomorrow.
Developing Business Planning skills is vital for any entrepreneur wishing to
start-up a business in today's competitive environment. The whole process
of developing a Business Plan forces the entrepreneur to pay particular
attention to the key factors that will determine the success of his/her
venture, thus addressing promptly and mitigating potential risks. The
Business Plan then becomes a planning and monitoring tool to the
entrepreneur in implementing the venture. It should be stressed that
Business Planning is a dynamic process, with the Business Plan being
constantly reviewed and updated to take account of changes in the market
environment or changes in the strategic focus of the company.
The Business Plan serves another important function for the entrepreneur.
It is the tool with which the entrepreneur communicates with the potential
financiers (venture capitalists, banks) of his/her venture. The quality
therefore of the Business Plan in terms of both content and attractiveness
of presentation, determines to a large extent the entrepreneur's success in
attracting interest for funding.
The purpose of this manual is to serve as a guide to the CyEC participants
in developing their Business Plans. It was originally developed by its
authors for the European Commission's eTEN Unit under the Project BPS,
as part of support measures to the eTEN candidates and projects. The
CyEC organisers consider this manual to be a very useful aid for the CyEC
participants who are not very familiar with business planning techniques as
it gives a step by step account of the business planning process and
includes lots of examples and very useful tips.
The CyEC organisers are very grateful to the authors, SystemConsult Theis
& Partner, who have very kindly offered this manual for the purposes of the
Competition. The CyEC organisers are also grateful to the European
Commission's eTEN Unit for allowing the CyEC to make use of the BPS
Overview of Contents
Table of Contents
Protection of the Idea .9
Protecting the Idea with a Patent .9
Protection by Creating a Brand.10
Customer Benefit and Main Competitive Advantages .11
Target Market .12
‘Differentiation' and ‘Positioning' .13
Company profile / company history.27
Company ownership / shareholder structure .28
Products / services .28
Location and establishing of the company .28
Checklist: The Company .30
Description of product / service / technology .32
Development .32
Customer benefit and main competitive advantages .33
Protection of the idea .33
Checklist: The Business Idea .33
Production .35
Procurement strategy .36
Quality Assurance .38
Checklist: Production, Procurement, Quality, Administration.39
Market and market research .41
Primary research.42
Secondary research.42
Situation and development of the industry .44
Target market .46
Competition .47
Planned sales volume .49
Checklist: Market Analysis .50
Sales-promotion factors .53
Market entry strategy.54
Marketing mix .54
Product: product policy .55
Promotion: communication policy .55
Place: distribution policy .56
Price: contracting policy .58
Checklist: Marketing and Sales.59
Management team .61
Voting rights situation .63
Organisational structure .64
Operational structure.66
Personnel planning.67
Personnel expenditure .67
Checklist: Management and Organisation .68
Basics .70
Financial analysis and planning .74
Initial situation .74
Financial planning for the next 3 - 5 years .74
Capital/financing requirements .78
Comments on the assumptions and forecasts .79
The financing concept .80
Outside capital .81
Equity capital .82
Exit options for investors .86
Checklist: Financial Plan .87
Checklist: Opportunities and Threats .91
About this Manual
This manual offers practical assistance on how to present your business
idea (draft Business Plan) and develop your full Business Plan. If you read
it all in one go, the manual will provide you with a comprehensive set of
information. Step by step, you will be supported with the development of
your business idea and your business plan. However, the manual can also
be used as a work of reference because the sections are self-contained
Of course the manual is no substitute for training in business
administration. Nor is it a substitute for discussion and collaboration with a
business consultant or legal advisor. What it does do, though, is to prepare
you for those discussions.
Please bear in mind that the importance or emphasis you attribute to the
various parts of the business plan depends on your own particular project
or company. The manual deals with all possible constituent parts of a
general business plan. You have to judge which points you should take into
account and which ones are of no relevance to you. If a plan involves
setting up a new company, for example, it is not possible to fall back on or
refer to existing data. Consequently, you will not be able to go into detail on
company history, existing products, balance sheets from the last 2-3 years,
This Business Plan Manual is divided into two parts.
Part 1: The Draft Business Plan describes what you have to take into
account in developing and presenting a business idea in the form of a draft
Part 2: The Business Plan systematically goes through all the points that
should be dealt with when developing a full-fledged business plan. Each
subject area contains detailed explanations, examples and tips. Using the
checklist at the end of each section, you can make sure that you have
taken into account all the relevant aspects of the subject area. If you
already have basic business knowledge, just skip the explanations.
Business Plan Manual
The Draft Business Plan
Business Plan Manual
The Draft Business Plan
The Beginnings of a Successful Business
A successful company has its origins in a sound business idea. But how do
such ideas arise? Anyone who sets about examining successful business
concepts will discover that success stories are always based on five
essential factors:
1. Successful business ideas are frequently copies of existing ideas
already being exploited but they are better than those offered by
2. Successful business ideas are based on current trends so they are
ahead of their time.
3. Successful business ideas deal with the needs and wishes of potential
customers and address them concretely.
4. Successful business ideas have their starting point in the customer's
problem, not in the entrepreneur's ability.
5. Successful business ideas have already dealt intensively with the
benefit for customers and offer distinguishing features compared with
the competition, thus making the offer unique.
To find partners and investors for an idea, the business idea must be
formulated from their viewpoint. You must therefore explain concisely what
your business idea actually is and why it will be of interest to investors. The
following outline is designed to support you in this.
Business Plan Manual
The Draft Business Plan
Formal Structure of the Draft Business
Good investors receive up to 40 business ideas (short versions of business
plans or draft business plans) a week on their desks, and the time they
have available is limited. Thus, the presentation of your draft business plan
easily becomes the first touchstone for the effort you have undertaken so
far. It is important to get noticed and to arouse interest – in terms of both
content and attractiveness of presentation.
Clarity is the top priority. Never assume that the readers are acquainted
with the technology of your product or the technical details of your service.
So describe your idea in words which are generally comprehensible, and
make sure that the content and language used are concise. You will be
providing detailed descriptions and full financial forecasts later on when you
develop your full-fledged business plan.
You can base your draft business plan on the following structure:
Front page
Designation of the product or service
Names of the participants (founders/entrepreneurs)
Confidentiality warning
You can formulate this as follows, for example:
This document is confidential. The business idea itself and
individual items of information taken from the document must not
be reproduced or passed on to third parties without prior
permission in writing from the author(s).
Business Plan Manual
The Draft Business Plan
Length: up to 30 pages for the entire draft business plan
Type size: not less than 11-point
Line spacing: 1½
Margin: at least 2.5 cm
Clear structure: headings and indents
Brief CVs of key personnel (approx. ½ page per person)
Charts, photographs, drawings, tables (if necessary for better
Homogeneous presentation
Business Plan Manual
The Draft Business Plan
Content of a Convincing Draft Business
Your draft business plan should emphasise 3 different aspects:
♦ the product, the technology, or the service and its benefits for the
♦ the profit-making opportunities.
The following key points serve as a guide and help you when dealing with
1 Abstract
This is the summary of your draft business plan. Summarise the essence of
your venture in a few sentences, e.g.
♦ "Biotechnological Development and Manufacture of Oligofructoside
Preparations from Inuline"
♦ "Development, Production and Distribution of Test Instruments for
Electrophysiological Measurements in Biology and Medicine"
♦ "Creation of a digital market offering an integrated set of services,
supplied by a group of small enterprises, craftsmen, retail trade stores,
and public administrations"
♦ "Development of Customised E-Commerce Solutions for Financial
Service Providers".
Business Plan Manual
The Draft Business Plan
2 Description of the Business Idea
What innovative products, processes or services form the basis of your
business idea? What are the characteristics of your business concept?
At this point, describe what your business idea is all about. Explain to the
reader with what product, what new technology/process or what service
you wish to establish your company. In your description, take criteria such
as the following into account:
• what your product/service can do;
• how people can use it;
• who the potential customers might be;
• whether something similar already exists, and if so, what is different or
new about your venture;
• what the specific benefit of your product/service is.
Name the function that your product has for your customers. Discuss the
state of the art and explain clearly to what extent you are offering an
Info: Although in the following sections the term 'product' is used, it is to be
understood as synonymous with the business idea. Consequently the
'product‘ can always be a service, a new technology / new process or
'tangible' goods.
Investors are not necessarily scientists, so avoid technical details and try to
express yourself in simple language.
Business Plan Manual
The Draft Business Plan
3 State of the Art of the Product/Process/Service
Is your product/process/service ready for the market? If not, at what stage
is the development and how long do you think the required development
period will be? How can you safeguard your competitive lead? Do you have
any processes or products that can be protected by industrial property
rights? Have any industrial property rights already been
An investor is particularly interested to know at what stage of development
the product is at the moment: is it still being developed, is there a prototype
or is it already ready for the market? The existence of a pilot customer who
is already using the product demonstrates to the investor that the market is
If your product is not yet completely developed, provide information about
the likely length of time required and the expected costs up to when the
product is ready for the market.
Indicate what further development steps are planned. Are you possibly
aiming to enter into special co-operation agreements on Research and
It is often useful to specifically co-operate with other institutions in the areas
of Research and Development, for example with universities, technical
colleges or research institutes. The advantages of such partnerships are
essentially that the purchasing costs are not incurred twice, and time and
money are saved because less effort is spent on reconciling the results of
Business Plan Manual
The Draft Business Plan
Protection of the Idea
You must also provide information about the patent and licensing situation
with respect to your product/technology. Do rival companies hold patents or
licence rights? Have you yourself registered any patents, utility models or
the like, or are you planning to do so? If patents already exist, indicate their
Study the information below on the subject of patents and trademarks. For
detailed information about industrial property law and its significance
especially for international projects, you can refer to the EU funded IPR-
Helpdesk (
Protecting the Idea with a Patent
You can protect the results of intellectual product development work with
the aid of industrial property law. The holder of an industrial property right
can use the protected items himself but he can also grant licences in return
for a fee. In addition, the property right entitles him to take legal action
against any third parties who use the items without his permission. Within
the meaning of industrial property law, ‘use' is understood to be
manufacturing, offering and/or selling. Technical innovations, i.e.
inventions, are protected by patents and utility models.
Before you register a patent, examine for what market you will need it in
future and register it immediately for all the countries where it is to be
offered. Even though it may seem expensive at the moment, it is
nevertheless worthwhile. After all, you will have the opportunity to sell the
rights of use for territories that you do not plan to develop yourself.
Register first, then publish! Anyone who publishes an idea before the
patent is registered, for example, by presenting papers at conferences,
holding presentations at trade exhibitions, or generally selling the item,
thereby prevents the item from being patented!
Business Plan Manual
The Draft Business Plan
Protection by Creating a Brand
You can also protect your idea by creating a trademark. To establish a
brand name, though, you will have to invest heavily in advertising. You
must harmonise the company, the brand and the product or service by
means of image advertising. What would the brown-coloured beverage be
worth if it weren't called Coca-Cola? The recipe for Coca-Cola, by the way,
was never patented because it would have been easy to circumvent
patents by introducing slight changes in recipe having no effect on taste.
What is protected, however, is the brand. That way anyone who uses the
Coca-Cola trademark can be sued for violating it – and that can be very
When a brand has acquired such popularity, it is extremely valuable to the
manufacturer. The value of the Coca-Cola brand, for example, is estimated
to be over $ 40 billion, that of Marlboro is of the same order, and even IBM
is valued at nearly $ 24 billion.
Business Plan Manual
The Draft Business Plan
4 Customer Benefit and Target Market
Which customers are you addressing? Why should your customers want to
buy your product? Describe the market you are aiming at. How do you want
to contact your customers? Can you describe the image/profile your
company is aiming to establish?
Customer Benefit and Main Competitive Advantages
The key to long-term success is satisfied customers, not magnificent
products. The key principle behind a successful business idea is therefore
that it clearly indicates what need it can satisfy and how.
In only a very few instances will your idea be an absolute innovation. The
PC has already been invented, but perhaps you can offer special customer
services or maintenance that your competitors do not offer. A new project
based on a new product idea must have at least one aspect that is better
than those of existing products. It is precisely that benefit, which you should
So, to what extent does your product or service provide better performance
than existing products? Is it cheaper? Are the delivery times shorter? Is the
state of the art higher or newer? Where possible, the benefit for the
customer should be expressed in figures.
When formulating it, put yourself in your customer's shoes, i.e. consider
what problems people or organisations have and put forward arguments
from their viewpoint . In other words, offer solutions to their problems! After
all, what you do is not so much of interest to the customer as how it
benefits them. Although a legal costs insurance company could advertise
with "We Insure you for Legal Matters", the customer will more easily
recognise his personal benefit if the advertising slogan is "We Want You To
Get Your Rights Pushed Through!".
The Draft Business Plan
Mr L. gets annoyed every morning about the tiresome procedure of
shaving: electric shavers are not thorough enough for him; ordinary razors,
on the other hand, are too thorough because they always leave terrible
scars. Mr L. has therefore identified the problem as the "need to remove
facial hair", not to improve the shaver, which the manufacturers of shavers
are already working on avidly. After conducting research for nights on end,
the solution to the problem was born: lotion that gets rid of the stubble −
even for different lengths of stubble, depending on the mixture!
Adapted from: Rasner, Füser, Faix: Das Existenzgründer-Buch
Target Market
A potentially successful business idea must correspond to a concept that
can become established in a market – otherwise it would be devoid of any
commercial value.
This is where you indicate what groups of customers (‘customer segments')
are most likely to be interested in your offer, compared with the competition
– you should refer to your direct competitors by name.
Dividing potential customers up into segments is crucial because it is
usually not feasible to adapt your marketing specifically to each individual
customer. The selection must be made according to reasonable criteria, so
that it leads to customer groups that can be addressed with the same
marketing concept.
When dividing up private customers into segments, the following features
can be considered, for example, depending on the particular product:
• socio-demographic features such as sex, age, occupation, income,
place of residence etc.
• psychographic features such as lifestyle, opinions and basic attitudes,
expectations of the product, purchasing and consumption behaviour,
• geographic features such as country, region or density of population
The Draft Business Plan
Specify who your target group is and why. Do your customers have special
requirements? Why will your customers be purchasing from you? And why
will some customers not? What is important to the customers: quality?
If you already have customers, list them and provide information about their
short and long-term sales potential.
The more evidence you can provide that you know the needs and
motivations of your potential customers, the sooner the reader of your
business plan will be persuaded that you can genuinely be successful at
‘Differentiation' and ‘Positioning'
When you have defined your target segments, establish how you want to
distinguish yourself from other suppliers. In some aspect, be it price,
quality, service or anything else, your product must offer 'something better'.
You must get this unmistakable benefit − in marketing jargon it is called the
Unique Selling Proposition (USP) − across to your target group, and ensure
that it is firmly anchored there. This activity is referred to as 'Positioning by
You will find practical suggestions about the implementation of your plans
in the Marketing and Sales section in the work instructions for your
business plan (pages 52 et seq.). At this juncture it will no doubt be
interesting for you to read that section.
The Draft Business Plan
5 Financial Forecast
Do you have a (provisional) schedule of costs? What sales targets are you
aiming at? What is your estimate of the amount of financing required for
your start-up and how do you plan to meet those needs? Do you have any
capital of your own?
A successful business idea has to be profitable in the long term. Here you
have to show that you have given some thought to how you can earn
money with the business idea, and how much.
If possible, try to roughly estimate the costs and revenues from the idea. In
most cases your calculation will be as follows: on the one hand you
purchase materials or services from suppliers; when you pay suppliers you
incur costs. On the other hand, you sell products or services to your
customers; that brings in revenue. If your business idea works according to
this traditional mechanism, present it with appropriate figures.
As regards the sales targets: forecasting these is probably one of the
biggest difficulties with which you will be confronted. Detailed planning, as
required by the business plan, is not yet necessary at this stage. The
reader of the draft business plan merely wants to see that you have
approximately estimated revenues based on verifiable evidence.
If you assume that you have to spend money on further development
and/or other investments, there will be a certain need for financing. Based
on your calculations so far, estimate how high it will be. If it goes beyond
your own capital resources, you will have to procure financing in some
other way. If you already have any thoughts about the possible source(s) of
financing, write them down in one or two sentences.
The Draft Business Plan
You are not expected to submit your own suggestion for a complete
financing concept: when it comes to that, a professional investor will
develop the package together with you.
6 Opportunities and Threats
How do you see the advantages and disadvantages of the
product/process/service compared with existing offers from the
competition? In what areas do you see opportunities for your business
idea? Where are the risks? Where do you want to be with your company in
three to five years?
Any new venture is bound to be fraught with risks. However, anyone who is
in a position to recognise the potential risks and include them in planning
proves that his idea has been thought out properly. With an honest and
complete risk analysis you not only do the investors a favour but also
yourself: you protect everyone against unpleasant surprises.
So include information about any imminent dangers. For example, there
may be a risk that competitors are quicker and launch alternative
technologies/processes/products (substitutes) on the market, satisfying the
same customer need.
The opportunities for your business idea should be a logical consequence
from what you have written down under the preceding topics. Briefly
formulate the main opportunities here again. Try to combine this with a
medium-term vision, i.e. consider how you want your company to look in
three to five years.
The Draft Business Plan
7 . Made It!
With the formulation of your business idea in the form of the draft business
plan, you have compelled yourself to think hard about the chief aspects of
your project and to make some strategic decisions, or at least prepare
You will discover that what you have written down not only helps yourself
but also advisors and investors to conduct a genuinely constructive
discussion. For this reason take your writings with you to future meetings or
– even better – send them to your contact in advance so that he can
prepare himself and then discuss specific issues with you.
The Draft Business Plan
The Business Plan
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
"A Business Plan, Why?"
The business plan became established as an instrument in the USA in the
1970s, at a time when many inventions were being made in the area of new
technologies. Many ideas ended up being shelved, however, because
implementation would have called for immense sums of money.
In those days the term venture capital came into existence - in some
European countries it is often incorrectly referred to as risk capital. Perhaps
the term opportunity capital would be more appropriate, because such
financing provides entrepreneurs and investors with an opportunity to
achieve exceptionally high increases in value. The principle is that groups
of companies and/or private individuals invest their funds to enable
inventors to put their ideas into practice. The prerequisite for investment of
capital was and is the existence of a sound business plan.
A plan is equally required if you apply for bank loans, subsidies, or other
types of financing.
This way, the business plan serves as a means of communication and
promotion vis-à-vis the outside world – particularly to attract investors
(external function of the business plan).
The internal function of the business plan, however, is just as important: as
a planning and monitoring instrument, the business plan supports
management and the shareholders of the company. After all, writing the
business plan compels the promoters to completely think through the
business venture in a most systematic and extensive manner.
Target-oriented action requires planning!
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
When do you need a business plan?
A business plan is required by any entrepreneur who is about to embark on
an innovation or the restructuring of his/her company, or intends to
establish a completely new company (start-up entrepreneur). The following
business processes come under the heading of such strategic changes or
♦ Starting up a business
High pre-production costs for capital investment, research &
development (R&D) and marketing, possibly in conjunction with the
need for public financial aid and private capital.
♦ Expansion of the company
Expansion and modernisation investment, diversification, opening up
new markets, market penetration, mergers and acquisitions, etc.
♦ Innovation
Developing and launching new products and processes, expanding
research and development, restructuring into high-growth fields of
Management Buy Out (MBO): acquisition of a company by its own
experienced management.
Management Buy In (MBI): external qualified managers intend to buy
shares in the company.
♦ Spin-off
Managers or employees of an existing company or external people
hive off part of the company and lead this part as an independent
♦ Initial Public Offering (IPO)
An IPO, also referred to as "flotation" or "going public", is the sale or
distribution of a company's stock to the public for the first time.
Financing made available to a company expecting to go public within
six months to a year is called bridge financing.
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Research into start-ups, spin-offs and MBO/MBI projects has shown that
the more technology-oriented the projects are, the less it is possible to
finance them with own resources. In the field of biotechnology,
environmental technology or information technology, for instance, seven-
digit figures are quite normal costs for establishing companies or spin-offs.
Also, take-overs of companies, arising from an increasing lack of
management successors in small and medium sized companies (SMEs),
can often no longer be accomplished without private equity financing.
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
How to Write a Business Plan
Formal Structure
Just as a house is built from the foundation to the roof, the elaboration of a
business idea takes place in a process of consecutive logical steps. The
formal structure of your business plan will follow this process. As the
architect of your business idea you now plan the individual development of
all project stages. The pattern is as follows:
3. The Business Idea
4. Production, Purchasing, Quality, Administration
6. Marketing and Sales
7. Management and Organisation
9. Opportunities and Threats
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan

Target Group Orientation
When developing your business plan, try to put yourself in your readers'
shoes. Generally speaking, your business plan will be addressed to people
in one of the categories named below.
The potential investors will be banks, venture capitalists, or the like. They
often only have a small amount of time available to go through a large
number of business plans, in order to filter out those which, in their opinion,
are worth investing in.
Institutions providing public financial aid will check whether your start-up
has been planned on a sound footing and whether you meet the general
conditions for funding.
Shareholders, personnel and business partners are interested in whether
you are in a position to meet your commitments.
Take these aspects into account and make sure you guide your reader
along a central thread from the business idea to a promising business
venture, which ultimately arouses his interest and willingness to participate
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Brief, Concise, Consistent, Attractive
The length of a business plan varies from project to project, however most
professional business plans do not have more than 35 pages in total, not
including the appendices. You will see the recommended lengths of the
individual sections in our checklist at the end of each chapter.
Formulate your business plan so that it is clearly understandable and avoid
falling into raptures. You can only convince investors by presenting facts,
so remain objective and restrict yourself to the statements and assumptions
which have arisen logically and comprehensibly or have come about as a
result of market research or other surveys. Make sure you present the
essential facts in an accurate, precise and clear way.
Another very important point is the outward appearance of your business
plan. Ensure that the entire plan can be seen to originate from a single
source. If more than one person has been involved in the work, one person
should put the complete plan on paper in order to avoid different styles or
different layouts.
To ensure good legibility we recommend you use at least an 11-point font
size, 1 ½ line spacing and a margin of at least 2.5 cm.
A word on "packaging": the presentation of your business plan is essential
to its overall impact and success. If it is presented physically, use a simple
spiral binding with a clear plastic cover, front and back. This makes it easy
for the reader to move from section to section, and it ensures the document
will survive frequent handling.
The development of a business plan is a dynamic process, in the course of
which you will constantly acquire new knowledge. Always integrate it into
the business plan, which will otherwise no longer be in conformity with your
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Structure and Content of the Business
Executive Summary
The Business IIdea
Opportunities and T
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
1. Executive Summary
This section is the most important component of the business plan. It has to
contain the ‘selling points' for the project being presented in a concise,
convincing form.
For that reason the Executive Summary must neither be regarded as an
introduction nor as a simple summary of the individual points of the
business plan. Rather, it must show the potential investor the key points of
the participation or financing offer and arouse his attention. Often, after
having read this section he will decide whether to continue reading or not!
We recommend you write this section at the very end, because only when
you have dealt with all the modules of your business idea will you be able
to accurately formulate the most powerful arguments in favour of your
On these two to three pages, list all the key aspects of your planning
according to the following structure:
• Purpose of the business plan (e.g. search for investors prepared to
contribute capital)
• Presentation of the project (goals and objectives, possibly the
development so far)
• Project management
• Presentation of the product and its main competitive advantages
• Major competitors
• Market potential, sales forecast
• Opportunities and threats
• Capital requirement and intended use
• Planned financing structure and role of the financial partner
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Executive
Executive Summary
The Company
♦ Company profile / company history
♦ Company ownership / shareholder structure
♦ Products / services
♦ Location and facilities of the company
The Business IIdea
Production, Procurement, Q
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan The
2. The Company
This section deals with describing the company in its present and future
planned form. Naturally, if your company has not been formed yet, not all of
the points listed here (e.g. company history) will be relevant.
Company profile / company history
Here, provide details about the time and form of company formation, about
founder members and company objectives. Name the place where the
company has its registered office, as well as any branches, subsidiaries or
companies that are associated in terms of staff and finance.
At this point you can also provide a chronological description of the
development and business of your company to date, possibly with
diagrams and charts. Membership in chambers of commerce and
professional associations may also be of interest to the reader.
The legal form of the company will be of special interest. The decision in
favour of a particular legal form depends essentially on the following
• Liability • Managerial powers (company management, representation, co-
• Financing possibilities (how capital can be attracted) • Flexibility with regard to admission and withdrawal of new shareholders • Fiscal treatment • Legal regulations (auditing and disclosure obligations for joint stock
companies from a certain size upwards)
• Start-up cost
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan The
Company ownership / shareholder structure
This section should explain briefly who the company proprietor, company
manager and shareholders are. In one or two sentences also describe what
other rights of joint consultation or information exist, for example for a
supervisory board, advisory board or board of directors. Often forgotten,
though most important, are succession arrangements for the proprietor(s).
Products / services
Provide a brief description of existing product groups as well as their target
customers and main factors contributing to success. The presentation of
your new venture will be discussed in the following section "The Business
Location and establishing of the company
Outline the position and size of your company's locations and indicate
whether you have purchased, rented or leased the premises. List the
activities performed at each location and the costs incurred.
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan The
In this section, you describe the future positioning of your company: what
long-term objectives have you set yourself? With what strategy do you plan
to achieve these objectives? How do you plan to reach the objectives at
operational level, i.e. what are your measures and concepts? Here, it is
advisable to set milestones and stages on the journey towards your goal. In
practice this means: draw up an overview of projected sales figures,
employees, investments, profits and equity capital for the next three to five
This section must demonstrate to the reader that you are striving for
company growth, with all its consequences. Preparation of this part of your
business plan calls for a high degree of abstraction. At this point your
thoughts should be formulated very concisely: the presentation of a
company vision is at stake!
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan The
Checklist: The Company
Can the reader clearly see
how the company has developed from its formation to the present day?
what ownership and shareholder structure it has?
what line of business you cover?
what main factors contribute to your success?
what vision you have?
what strategies you have in order to implement that vision?
what milestones you have set yourself on the journey towards your
Length: 2-3 pages
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan The
The Business Idea
♦ Description of product /
service / technology
♦ Customer utility and
main competitive advantages
♦ Protection of the idea
Production, Procurement, Q
Business Plan Manual
The BusinessPlan
The Business Idea
3. The Business Idea
Description of product / service / technology
You already dealt with describing the content of your product, service or
technology when you formulated your business idea. Allow yourself time for
this key element of your business plan and read again the explanations on
You can support your description in the business plan visually, i.e. with
pictures, drawings or diagrams. Complex technological analyses and all the
relevant technical information belong in the Appendix. This ensures that
any reader without sufficient technical knowledge is not disturbed in his
reading by details that he does not understand. However, if experts are
consulted, they can use the Appendix to clarify further details and perform
You already dealt with development when you formulated your business
idea. Refer to the explanations on page 8.
When describing the product in your business plan, consider whether any
official permits will be necessary to implement your idea. For example, the
investor will be interested in what national and foreign laws and regulations
could have an impact on the production or sale of your products. Explain
how they can be complied with, whether permits have already been applied
for, and what the chances are of being granted the permits.
Here, you can also indicate the potential of your product to be developed
into a production line or the possible ancillary sales-generating potential of
your company's business activities – e.g. in the electronics field, trading in
electronic components from a foreign supplier, or in the software field,
offering supportive services such as training.
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
The Business Idea
Customer benefit and main competitive advantages
Please refer to the remarks on page 7.
Protection of the idea
Please read pages 9 et seq.
Checklist: The Business Idea
Can the reader clearly see
what function your product/service fulfils?
where the innovation is?
what its stage of development is?
what the benefit is for the customer and how significant it is?
what major advantage the product has compared to competing
how the idea is protected or can be protected?
Length: 2-5 pages
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
The Business Idea
Executive Summary
The Business IIdea
Production, Procurement, Quality,
♦ Procurement strategy
♦ Quality assurance
♦ Administration
Opportunities and T
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Production, Procurement,
Quality, Administration
4. Production, Procurement, Quality, Administration
Here, describe your methods of manufacture/production processes. You
can use the following points as a rough guide:
• Method of manufacture (mass production or custom manufacture)
• Sequence of the production process
• State of the art
• Level of automation
• Strengths and weaknesses of the method of manufacture
• Production costs
• Description of manufacturing facilities/production systems and the
In particular, go also into the organisation of manufacturing: what are the
responsibilities and competences? How long are the processing times?
Where are the potential bottlenecks in the production process? How high is
the total capacity and how high is the free capacity, with regard both to
production equipment and personnel? Based on the information about the
utilisation of capacity, the potential investor can see whether any major
investments in production facilities are necessary if the company grows
If in the future you are likely to require a further injection of equity capital for
manufacturing purposes, you should ensure that the partner you select is
large enough to finance those investments.
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Production, Procurement,
Quality, Administration
Procurement strategy
This section deals with the aspects of internal or external production as well
as the purchasing of goods and materials.
Make-or-Buy Analysis: Buy It or Make It Yourself?
You can buy in products or services entirely or partially. When analysing
potential suppliers you should not only compare prices but also qualitative
features such as ability to supply, quality and reliability.
The main decision-making criteria in establishing whether to manufacture
your products yourself, buy them in or have them manufactured, are, on the
one hand, the resulting direct and indirect costs. Indirect costs can, for
example, arise due to under-utilisation of capacities, imminent production
bottlenecks or supply bottlenecks.
The second important consideration involves the core competences of your
company. As soon as you give drawings, process descriptions or the like to
people outside the company, you expose yourself to the risk that your
know-how may be copied and your contractor suddenly becomes your
competitor. Bear in mind that your contractor could be taken over by a
larger company, possibly your direct competitor. For this reason, make sure
you identify the original core strengths of your company and keep them in-
If you choose the 'somewhere in between' solution, you must make a
decision with regard to production depth, i.e. address the question of the
extent to which you want to manufacture your product yourself. Will you
purchase ready-made units that you only have to assemble or do you wish
to manufacture each part yourself? To help you make these decisions, you
can obtain current figures (average cost per production unit, average
personnel costs etc.) from the relevant industry associations.
In the case of a service company, such a make-or-buy analysis could relate
to the question as to whether you wish to have the planned service
performed by your own people or by subcontractors. The advantage of
using subcontractors is that they do not have any employment contract
claims against you, but you will always be operating in a highly
controversial grey zone. Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Production, Procurement,
Quality, Administration
If you do decide to use subcontractors, it is strongly recommended that you
have the contracts checked by a lawyer specialising in industrial law, to
avoid any possible claims of recourse by social security institutions.
For your business plan that means the following:
Provide information about production depth, i.e. whether and which
processes are to be performed externally. Indicate the reasons for your
decisions. The reader is interested in your possible dependence on
individual suppliers or contractors. For this reason, indicate who your
suppliers/manufacturers/subcontractors might be and what kind of
contracts have already been concluded. As far as the purchasing of goods
and materials is concerned, where do the raw materials come from and
how are prices developing? To detect any potential risks, the reader is also
particularly interested in what the critical parts are and what their delivery
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Production, Procurement,
Quality, Administration
Quality Assurance
Another aspect that belongs in this section is the subject of Quality
Assurance and Quality Control. Key concepts are TQM (Total Quality
Management), CIP (Continuous Improvement Process), Quality Circles,
Learning Organisation, etc. Expressed in simple terms, this is basically
about developing a system in which each member of staff is responsible for
the quality assurance of his process and constantly looking out for
The section should also cover the topic of documentation (ISO 9000). All
the processes in the company are documented, aiming to ensure that the
individual steps in the operational work processes always take place in an
identical manner and ultimately the quality or a certain standard can be
Depending on the field of activity of the company, the administrative area
covers various functions. This means, for instance, that requirements for
operational accounting may differ. Here, explain briefly how the
administrative area is structured, what electronic data processing and office
capacity is available, etc.
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Production, Procurement,
Quality, Administration
Checklist: Production, Procurement, Quality,
Can the reader clearly see
what manufacturing methods/processes will be applied?
what the production process will be like?
how high the production depth is?
what the supplier base will be like?
how high the present and projected production capacity is/will be?
how manufacturing and purchasing costs are structured?
what quality assurance measures are being taken?
how the administrative area is organised?
Length: 2-4 pages
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Production, Procurement,
Quality, Administration
Executive Summary
The Business IIdea
Market Analysis
♦ Market and market research
♦ Situation and development of the industry sector
♦ Target market
♦ Planned sales volume
Opportunities and T
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Market
5. Market Analysis
In this section you should describe the environment in which your product /
service will be traded and how you want to position yourself in it. The
prerequisite for this is naturally that you have first investigated the market in
detail. The market consists of sellers (supply) and buyers (demand) of the
product. After all, you must demonstrate to the reader that you will not be a
market crier standing where there are no customers romping around.
Let's take the example of a fruit and vegetable market, where the market
description of a strawberry seller could be as follows, expressed in simple
terms: Seller Mr Better has strawberries that are organic produce and also
look bright red and have a good flavour – for € 3 a kilo. Seller Mr Cheap is
offering mass-produced strawberries for € 1.50 a kilo. There are also two
small stalls with a mediocre offering. On average the market is attended by
200 persons a day, of whom approx. 30 buy from Mr Better and approx. 90
from Mr Cheap. The other visitors to the market go to the other stalls. Mr
Better's customers are quality-conscious, private individuals with a good
income (80%) and buyers from local upmarket catering establishments
(20%). Mr Cheap's customers are mainly students (20%), pensioners
(25%), working people (45%) and others (10%).
Market and market research
Now, how does one go about obtaining information for an industry or a
market that is somewhat more complex than the strawberry market?
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Market
Primary research
The most convenient method of obtaining good data and hence a sound
basis for decision-making would be to commission a market research
institute and have the necessary information delivered 'to your doorstep'.
However, this service does not come cheap.
If you have sufficient time and manpower, you could also organise and
conduct such research yourself by observing, in a way similar to that shown
in the example, your target market and simply questioning the potential
buyers. However, you should bear in mind that you have to survey a
sufficiently large base to obtain a representative result.
These methods of obtaining data are referred to as primary research, i.e.
the data are recorded in this form for the first time.
Secondary research
Apart from primary research there are different ways of conducting
secondary research, i.e. accessing existing statistics. This method of
obtaining information is much less expensive and probably more
practicable in many cases.
There is a wide variety of very different sources from which you can meet
your requirements for information, often highly specifically.
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Market
Sources of Information
The Industry Associations can usually provide you with average figures and
comparative values that help you with your calculations and comparisons with
other companies (benchmarking). You can also ask for industry turnover, market
volume, and market development figures.
The Chambers of Commerce and Industry can also assist you in finding
information. The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (
has developed a comprehensive system of information provision to enterprises,
as well as to the general public of Cyprus. This national umbrella organisation
can also tell you the address of your local chamber.
You can also search for potential customers in industry directories or in CD-
ROM databases, or obtain information at relevant trade exhibitions.
Let us now return to your business plan: in the Market Analysis section you
now describe the results of your market research. Should no reliable
information about any particular area be available, say so. It is important
that the reader sees that you are very well acquainted with your market and
can exploit its unwritten laws and special features to your advantage.
In particular, you should comment on the following aspects:
1. Situation and development of the industry
2. Your target group
3. Your competitors
4. Your forecast sales volume
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Market
Situation and development of the industry
Provide an overview of the industry in which you are operating. A rule of
thumb is: proceed from general aspects to specific aspects, i.e. from the
total market to the submarket and from there to the individual market
segment. In the automobile industry, submarkets would be e.g. motor cars,
commercial vehicles and special-purpose vehicles. The market segments in
the motor cars submarket would then be compact cars, middle range and
Indicate why you are operating in the market segments selected and what
special features these segments have, e.g.
• whether there is a large number of suppliers on the market (as with food
or stationery) or only a few (as with ERP systems);
If there is a large number of suppliers on the market, it will take a long time
until the established suppliers even take notice of you. If there is only a handful
of suppliers, you will soon be spotted because the others will miss the business
you have taken away from them. They will not stand and do nothing but take
measures to crowd you out.
• whether your product has to meet certain standards (e.g. software has
to run under Microsoft Windows, the electric car you have invented has
to have two airbags);
• at what stage of development the market is (e.g. the market for high-
temperature supraconductors is only just evolving, replacing the
cryogenic supraconductor market).
If there are any market limitations or barriers to market entry (e.g. are
permits required?), you should draw attention to them.
Provide information about the size of the market: number of buyers,
number of units sold, value of total industry sales.
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Market
A sample estimate:
Approximation of market volume for the shoe retail business in the city of
Check list:
Approximation of market volume
Inhabitants or households in catchment area x purchasing power index
Inhabitants in the catchment area (e.g. Karlsruhe)
Purchasing power index (Karlsruhe city 1994)
Retail trade-related per capita expenditure on
shoes in Germany in 1995
270,000 x 112.2 x 125.00 €
= € 37.85 million
Space for your calculations
Adapted from: Karlsruhe Chamber of Industry and Commerce
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Market
The market's and the specific market segment's growth rates are of major
importance. You can give historical values but the focus should be on the
trends to be expected in the future. In doing so, you should show that you
are aware of the factors likely to influence market growth. For example,
these could be government influences or changes in the law. You cannot
necessarily influence such factors, but you can indicate to what extent you
are in a position to counteract or avoid them.
Do not simply provide figures but also verbal descriptions of the market and
the market players. Indicate where and how you have acquired your
Target market
Basically there are two initial situations:
1. You have a new idea and must consider what groups of potential
customers could benefit from it, i.e. how you could create a market. The
photocopying machine, for example, had to begin by first creating its
market – until then people had 'managed without'.
2. You know a problem for which you have found an appropriate solution.
Then the target group is defined roughly, but you should give some
thought to whether that problem or similar problems might exist in other
areas and whether your solution might be suitable for those target
You will find important explanations on how to deal with this aspect in
pages 12 et seq.
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Market
Indicate who your rivals are and what they are doing. Conduct research into
who is operating on the markets of relevance to you and observe the
offerings and methods of your most important competitors.
Trade exhibitions at which the competitors present themselves – and where
your potential customers are present – are particularly suitable for this. On
the one hand, you have the opportunity to get to know your competitors and
their products. On the other, you have the chance of asking potential users
of your product or service which aspects they attach special importance to,
who their preferred suppliers are, and what is so special about the latter,
i.e. what their competitive advantage is.
If there are too many competitors, concentrate on the largest ones, on the
newcomers and on those who have suddenly entered crises. The
information about your competitors should include the following points:
market share, sales in the various market segments, number of staff,
Draw up so-called strength/weakness profiles of the suppliers. It is
advisable to present the competition situation in a matrix. The aim is to
illustrate to the reader the competition situation in the target market. On the
basis of this strength/weakness profile, you can clearly emphasise the
competitive advantages of your product and company. Think particularly of
factors such as development, product range, sales, marketing and location.
Explain how stable your competitive advantage is and how you intend to
retain it and expand on it.
The following checklist for competition analysis has been adapted from the
Collection of Checklists for Company Founders and Young Companies in
Retail Trade published by the Karlsruhe Chamber of Industry and
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Market
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Market
Planned sales volume
After the review above, you should now be able to say what share of the
total market potential you are aiming at. If possible, provide specific figures
on how your projected sales volume is going to develop.
The projection horizon in the case of short-lived commodities such as
computers is approx. 5 years, whilst for longer-lived capital investment
goods you should forecast 10 or more years.
You should also include the following considerations in this connection:
what strategies can be expected from your competitors in the future and
how will you respond? Could your company's key personnel be enticed
away by the competition? How close are the relations with your
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Market
Checklist: Market Analysis
Can the reader clearly see
how the industry is developing in general and what trends are affecting
how large the market is and how fast it is growing?
how you can overcome any barriers to market entry?
who your groups of target customers are?
how you plan to position yourself and set yourself aside from the
competition in the market?
who the strongest suppliers on the market are at the moment (your
direct competitors)?
what strengths and weaknesses your competitors have?
how the market shares are divided up and what market share you are
aiming at for yourself?
how your sales volume is likely to develop in terms of figures?
Length: 2-4 pages
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Market
The Business IIdea
Production, Procurement, Q
Marketing and Sales
♦ Sales-promotion factors
♦ Market entry strategy
♦ Marketing mix
Product: product policy Promotion: communication policy Place: distribution policy Price: contracting policy
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Marketing and Sales
6. Marketing and Sales
Technology companies often concentrate to a large extent on research and
development. Unfortunately they frequently underestimate a key
consideration: a sound marketing concept is required to successfully sell
the results of research and development, i.e. ultimately a product or
This section deals with the presentation of the strategy for market entry and
the sales concept. In particular, your business plan must indicate your
approach to the following points:
• steps planned for market launch
• features of the product/service
• type of communication with (potential) customers
• selection of sales channels
• price strategy and pricing
Marketing/sales strategies depend on many factors and there is no 'patent
recipe' to suit all situations. Depending on whether you are a manufacturer,
dealer or service provider, the points of emphasis of your marketing plan
will be different. For example, a service provider does not have to give any
thought to the packaging design for his 'product'. If you intend to
manufacture control units for special conveyor systems in the mining
industry, it makes little sense to consider opening a shop in a major city. If
you have invented a revolutionary drug, all you need to do is, exaggerating
slightly, issue a press release and the media are bound to report about you
– the result being that everyone will be chasing after your product (cf.
Viagra). However, you will only find such a situation in very few cases.
Normally, after conducting painstaking market research activities you will
have to work out a broad-based marketing concept.
Before you prepare a marketing plan it is worth considering the factors that
can influence a product's sales.
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Marketing and Sales
Sales-promotion factors
A product is purchased or not purchased for a wide variety of reasons. One
person buys it because of the quality, another person because of the brand
name, another because of the excellent service. Consequently, there are
many factors that can promote sales of a product, if they are emphasised
skilfully and successfully. Conversely, if not enough attention is paid to
them, they can act as a brake on sales and turn your brilliant idea into a
flop. These factors particularly include
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Marketing and Sales

Market entry strategy
Launching the product or service for the first time is of special importance.
Indicate what steps and what timetable you have planned for this. What
important milestones are to be achieved?
Costly campaigns are often less successful than a systematic launch via
projects that become references. If you succeed in obtaining companies as
pilot customers, they can become opinion leaders in the industry.
Marketing mix
The various marketing tasks can be divided up into four core areas, the
object of which is ultimately to promote sales. The blend of these four
areas, which all aim at a common goal, is called the marketing mix.
Each of these areas is primarily concerned with a different aspect of
marketing, whereby it is ultimately the sum of all the parts that determines
success or failure.
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Marketing and Sales
Product: product policy
Let's say you have invented the brilliant software with the aid of which
anyone can determine his personal insurance requirements and pension
scheme – without having to ask a financial consultant or insurance
consultant. Although the first step has been taken, there are still a few
important points that you have to address within the scope of product
• Are systematic variations, differentiations or adaptations necessary for
individual customer segments?
• Is the external appearance of the product attractive?
• Is the product designed to be user-friendly?
• How adaptable is the product if external factors change (e.g. changes in
insurance premium tables)?
In our example, this means you would have to tackle questions of
ergonomics, i.e. whether the software is easy to use and the user interfaces
are attractively designed. In addition, you would have to consider
expanding your offering to include motor insurance, company insurance,
etc. − to be able to serve as an all-rounder.
Promotion: communication policy
Now there you are with your insurance software and its excellent product
policy, but who takes any notice of it? To make contact with potential
customers, you can choose from a number of options:
• Traditional advertising (TV / radio / printed media)
• Direct marketing (mail shots, telephone marketing)
• Participation in exhibitions and trade fairs
• Sales-promotion measures (displays)
• Public relations (press releases, sponsoring) Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Marketing and Sales
Communication policy also includes the task of monitoring and ensuring
that the company maintains its corporate identity. Developing and
maintaining this corporate identity involves aspects such as the logo and
co-ordinating advertising claims.
Place: distribution policy
Distribution policy covers all issues associated with the product's journey
towards the customer.
In what way does your product travel from your finished-goods store to your
end customer? How does your customer have access to your service?
The so-called sales channels range from direct sales to multi-stage
channels (e.g. wholesale and retail). The choice of sales channel depends
on what type of product or service you are offering: consumer goods and
durables, capital investment goods or services.
Possible sales channels:
Consumer goods and
Capital investment
• Direct sales
• Direct sales
commercial agents
• Agent / broker
• Franchising • Internet
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Marketing and Sales
In 1954, a flavoured milk representative entered a restaurant in San
Bernardino in the west of the USA. Instead of then continuing his journey,
as he would normally have done after a sales talk, he remained in his car
and observed the restaurant the whole day with increasing amazement:
customers were going in and out all the time. The representative was
fascinated by this popularity. A few weeks later, he paid a visit to the
proprietors and shortly afterwards acquired a licence to market that type of
restaurant. On 2 March 1955 he established his own company. The name
entered on the register of companies was: McDonalds.
In the 1960s, franchising gained a foothold in Europe too. With this type of
selling, the franchiser grants the franchisee the right to exploit his business
idea independently. The franchisee uses the franchiser's trademarks,
names, brands, design of sales rooms, etc. The outside world has the
impression that the franchisee's firm is a branch of the franchiser.
An elementary component of franchising is that the franchiser passes his
know-how on to the franchisee in return for payment of a franchise fee. The
franchise fee can be an agreed fixed amount or a percentage of turnover.
The advantages for both parties are evident:
Franchiser Franchisee
• Rapid expansion with
• Largely independent
minimal capital input
(the investments are
Managerial advice provided
undertaken by the
by the franchiser (he has
proven know-how from the outset)
• Control over the selling
Exploitation of the franchiser's good name
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Marketing and Sales
Price: contracting policy
Price strategy and pricing
In the traditional price calculation you will calculate costs per hour, add the
cost of materials and then add your mark-up.
As a basis for pricing you can also apply the benefit to the customer instead
of cost. With this so-called value-based pricing, you estimate or calculate
how much the benefit of your offering is worth to your customers. The
resulting price can be significantly higher than the one derived from a
traditional calculation. For example, your new machine enables the
industrial customer to avoid heavy metal in the production process. Until
now, the conventional machine plus disposal of the heavy metal has cost
the customer approx. € 500,000. For your new machine, which costs you
only € 50,000 to manufacture, you can ask a price of € 500,000.
Customer benefit may also be a value that cannot be determined as a
figure but represents purely emotional value. Then you can apply power
pricing. The pharmaceuticals industry shows us how: the price of a drug is
only marginally dependent on the cost of research and manufacture. The
question is rather: how much is the drug worth to customers? And precisely
that price is then used. The model also works in the area of business-to-
business. Power pricing adds the extra benefit that the customer acquires
with your product.
However, value-based pricing and power pricing do not always work; you
need to have a lead over the competition. Be sure to exploit this lead if you
can: any price that has been set too low at some time is extremely difficult
to correct later.
The area of contracting policy also includes issues of terms of delivery and
• what rates of discount do dealers, key accounts, etc. receive?
• is leasing or hire purchase offered?
• what modes of payment are accepted (prepayment /cash on
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Marketing and Sales
Here, there are normally industry conventions. In mechanical engineering,
for instance, it is normal to make progress payments, i.e. agreed so-called
milestones where the customer pays a certain part of the total amount. This
way you do not have to finance the entire cost of manufacture in advance.
Checklist: Marketing and Sales
Can the reader easily see
what steps are planned for the market launch?
how your product or service is designed so that it attracts attention in
in what way and by what means potential customers are to be
through which distribution channels your product or service is to be
what pricing strategy you are pursuing and how your prices are
Length: 2-4 pages
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Marketing and Sales
Executive Summary
The Business IIdea
Production, Procurement, Q
Management and Organisation
♦ Management team
♦ Voting rights situation
♦ Organisational structure
♦ Operational structure
♦ Personnel planning
♦ Personnel expenditure
Opportunities and Threats
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Management and Organisation
7. Management and Organisation
Management team
Investors understandably want to know exactly to whom they are entrusting
their money. After all, the success of their participation basically depends
on the acts performed by the management team. It can thus be taken for
granted that investors attach maximum priority to the abilities, wealth of
experience, talents and integrity of the management team. Quite often, the
Management Team section of the business plan is even read straight after
the Executive Summary. This section may even be inserted towards the
front, with the Company section.
Investors invest in minds, not in products or ideas!
Establishing a project or a company in a team has major advantages. For
one thing, the boat is not without a captain if a particular individual is not
available. The most important point, though, is that the various strengths of
the individual team members are combined − after all, no one is an all-
round genius. A well-balanced management team usually offers greater
security than the alleged jack of all trades.
Make sure the management team is well-balanced. If friends from student
days or colleagues form a company together, they naturally often have the
same background. If a company then has only engineers in the
management team, for example, managers with an understanding of
financial and marketing issues will be missing. A typical point of criticism on
the part of many investors is as follows: "In technology and development
there are hardly any deficits; the first weak points crop up in production,
especially in logistics and organisation; substantial deficits are usually to be
found in sales. Frequently company management lacks a commercial
expert because the company came into being through a product idea."
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Management and Organisation
A correctly balanced team also achieves an overall result that is more than
the sum of its individual contributions! The prerequisite for this is that
everyone has a common vision. The ideal size for an effective management
team has proved to be at least three persons and a maximum of six.
In your business plan you must present the team as a whole and the
individual team members. Who has what training and experience? Bear in
mind that the investor's demands on team members are not only expertise
but also 'soft' factors such as social competence, communication skills,
initiative, assertiveness and negotiation skills. The description of the team
members can be kept short at this point − a third of a page per person is
generally sufficient. However, in the appendix you should enclose the
complete curriculum vitae of each one.
In your business plan, also draw attention to gaps in management. By
disclosing these you demonstrate to the future investors that you have
addressed the requirements for managerial structure and that you are open
to constructive assistance.
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Management and Organisation
Voting rights situation
With teams there is another side to the coin: the question of ownership,
which you should also answer in this section.
"Friendship doesn't extend to money matters": disputes about money have
already destroyed many companies or projects, even when the founders
were friends of youth. Often, attention is only devoted to this point when the
company or project is well-established. Or when problems arise. As you
know, success has many fathers, but failure only has one, the other person!
For this reason, agree on financial issues right from the beginning. With the
aid of an experienced lawyer, draw up a memorandum of association or
partnership agreement that regulates aspects such as distribution of profits,
liability issues, management, divorce, inheritance, etc.
Tips on how to select lawyers and consultants:
• Each type of company has its group of consultants. So look out for
references. Does the lawyer/consultant have relevant experience?
• In selecting the lawyer or tax consultant suited to your problems, the
local chambers of lawyers and tax consultants can be of assistance.
• Have one lawyer draft the document, and have another check it!
Inasmuch as there are other bodies who have rights of joint
consultation/control and possible influence, you must provide appropriate
information. In particular, an advisory board or supervisory board may be
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Management and Organisation
Organisational structure
Now you can describe how you plan to fill the key functions. Usually this will
be mentioned in the description of the management team. Show the reader,
using the so-called organisation chart, who is responsible for what. An
organisation chart presents the organisational structure of the company as
an illustration, showing the division of tasks and responsibilities.
Organisation chart of a company structured by functions:
Eddie Example Ltd
Managing Director
Head of Procurement
Head of Production
National Salesperson
Procurement Marketing
Quality Assurance
For a start-up company, a simple structure with only a few levels is usually
adequate: managing director, departmental managers, employees.
Another possible organisational structure, which is gaining importance, is
the so-called matrix structure/project management. In this organisational
structure, there are on the one hand heads of department in charge of
operational performance in various specialised departments. The project
managers or product managers, on the other hand, coordinate all the
measures necessary for their particular projects or product lines.
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Management and Organisation
This means the product or project managers and the heads of the various
functions share authority. Consequently, the smooth operation of the
business process depends on good collaboration among those involved.
The advantage of this type of structure is particularly that on the one hand
the entire special knowledge of all the specialised departments is available
for each project and, on the other hand, the customer buying a product /
project only has one person to contact who knows all about the entire
Example of a matrix structure / project management:
Project leader A
Project leader B
Project leader C
Such an organisation chart includes job descriptions that indicate what
activities and competences are included in each occupation. Enclose these
in the appendix to your business plan.
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Management and Organisation
Operational structure
Arrangements must be made as to what individual activities are necessary
to implement the business idea and how they interact. All the steps
necessary to manufacture the product or to provide the service must be co-
ordinated and executed systematically and at reasonable cost.
The operational structure of a typical industrial company contains the
following blocks:
• Research & development • Production • Marketing and sales • Service
When analysing the various blocks or particular areas within a block you
should determine what your core competences are – in other words, what
your company can do better than anyone else. Focus your attention entirely
on this. That way you ensure that you use your time most effectively to
create a special benefit for your customers and thus distance yourself from
the competition most meaningfully.
Explain with what external agents (lawyers, trustees, advertising agencies,
banks, management consultants) your company works. If there are any
personalities from industry or the financial sector helping you as competent
advisors, this will give the investor additional security.
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Management and Organisation
Personnel planning
Growth generates a demand for staff. Provide information about the future
demand for staff and how you plan to meet these requirements. Is there
sufficient qualified staff in your region? Bear in mind that qualified,
specialised staff are often extremely difficult to find – despite the relatively
high level of unemployment generally. The only option may be to attract
staff from competitors.
Vice versa, there is naturally a latent risk that your own staff could be
enticed to rival companies. Especially in the area of new technologies it is
most important not to lose your specialists. For this reason, consider how
you can commit your own people to your company. Among other things, it
is a question of salaries and incentives. Profit-sharing schemes, for
example, can make companies attractive to good employees in the long
Personnel expenditure
Provide information about the salaries of directors, managers and staff, as
well as incidental staff costs. In particular, explain how the remuneration for
management is structured (performance-dependent salary components,
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Management and Organisation
Checklist: Management and Organisation
Can the reader clearly see
who the members of the management team are?
what abilities and experience the team as a whole and its individual
team members have?
where the team has gaps and how these can be filled?
what rights of joint consultation there are?
how responsibilities in the company are divided up?
what tasks are handled by which consultants and external offices?
how high the future demand for staff will be and how you plan to meet
how personnel expenditure is structured?
Length: 2-4 pages
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Management and Organisation
Executive Summary
The Business IIdea
Production, Procurement, Q
Management and Organisation
Financial Plan
♦ Financial analysis and planning
Initial situation Financial planning for the next 3 - 5 years Capital/financing requirements Comments on the assumptions and forecasts
♦ The financing concept ♦ Exit options for investors
Opportunities and T
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Financial
8. Financial Plan
To be able to calculate how much capital will be required to finance a
project you have to know some basic terms and techniques of company
accounting and financial analysis. The following information chiefly
addresses readers who do not have knowledge of business administration.
In a very simplified form it provides some basics, which will be necessary to
prepare your financial plan within the scope of your business plan. If you
have already had training in business administration, please simply skip
this section and proceed to the next one.
Remember what it was like when you moved into your first flat. You had to
consider what one-off and recurrent expenditure you would be confronted
with and how you would meet the commitments. On the one hand, there
were one-off costs for wallpaper, floor coverings, a new kitchen, etc., and
on the other hand you were faced with running costs for the heating
system, household contents insurance, etc.
When you start a new business, you have to fundamentally make the same
deliberations. You will have to make one-off investments in plant and
equipment, fleet vehicles, etc. and will have to pay regular invoices for
water, electricity, rent, maintenance, etc.
The aim of financial analysis is to ensure that your company remains
solvent. The best start-up is no use if you run out of money before long.
What you have to achieve and protect is positive cash flow.
Cash flow is a concept taken from financial analysis, which reflects the flow
of funds from the business process.
For this you may have to procure capital. You require it to make
investments (fixed assets) and in order to pay your incoming invoices, i.e.
to maintain operations (current assets).
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Financial
Fixed assets include all items that are designed to constantly serve the
business operation:
• buildings • machines • vehicles • .
The 'remainder' is current assets:
• raw materials • semi-finished and finished products • stationery and office supplies • accounts receivable (outstanding customer invoices) • credit and banks, cash on hand • .
Assets may be financed by three different sources of capital:
These are short-term liabilities, i.e. they must be met within one year:
Accounts payable (unpaid invoices from suppliers)
Operating debts (short-term debt incurred in carrying out daily
business, such as a current account overdraft)
Equity or net worth is the claim of the owner(s) on the assets of the
business. In a proprietorship or partnership, equity is each owner's original
investment plus any earnings after withdrawals.
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Financial
Those are the most important terms we need for the balance sheet, i.e. the
list of assets and liabilities:
Balance Sheet
Assets Liabilities
The right-hand side of the balance sheet (liabilities side) represents the
source of funds; the left-hand side (assets side) represents the use of those
funds. Consequently, both sides of the balance sheet must always result in
To calculate the amount of capital required, you must therefore make a list
of what investments you will have to make in fixed assets and current
If one now considers another important parameter on the balance sheet,
the corporate result for the period under review, the balance sheet looks
Balance Sheet
Assets Liabilities
The profit determined appears on the liabilities side of the balance sheet
because it represents additional equity capital. On the other hand, any loss
incurred appears on the assets side because it represents an ‘appropriation
of funds' (a loss must ultimately be covered by equity capital or debt).
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Financial
In practice, therefore, profit brings about an increase in equity capital whilst
a loss results in a decrease. But how is the result (profit or loss) of the
period determined? For this we use the income statement, which is also
called the profit and loss account (P&L). This lists all the operating income
and expenditure. The difference in this account then reflects the corporate
Expenditure P&L Account
• Cost of goods and
• Revenue from
products/services sold
• Personnel expenses
• Extraordinary income
• Rent • Depreciation
• Repair expenses
• Other expenses
∑ expenditure = ∑ income
Let us return to cash flow, i.e. surplus cash: it expresses the amount that
you 'have in your pocket', so to speak, and can use for investments or to
pay off debts. To calculate it, all 'movements of money' are taken into
It is therefore necessary to make assumptions that are as accurate as
possible regarding future purchases and sales (flows of goods) and future
income and expenditure (flows of money). Exact points in time are
important. A sale is not equivalent to the receipt of money, whereas a
purchase – especially for a young company – often means an immediate
However, before you can make assumptions regarding future income, a
preliminary step is required: price calculation. After all, turnover is
calculated by multiplying the goods/services sold by the price. Read the
information on this provided in the section Price strategy and pricing.
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Financial
Financial analysis and planning
This section of your business plan will provide the potential investor with an
overview of the projected financial development and financing requirements
of the company. The projection horizon should be at least three to five
Initial situation
When a new company is established it is not possible to refer to existing
figures. The founder must derive the financing requirements purely from the
budgeted figures. With an existing company, the projected development
over the next three to five years should be based on the company's actual
figures for the past two to three years. In this case, briefly summarize the
following points and enclose appropriate copies in the appendix:
balance sheet for the last 2 - 3 years
profit and loss account for the last 2 - 3 years
capital and participation structure
credit lines and guarantees
public funding applied for and approved
Financial planning for the next 3 - 5 years
Step by step forecasting
The forecasting process takes place at various levels. There is a forecast
for unit sales, which results in the trend in sales by value, a forecast for
materials input, production, for investment development and for overheads,
which particularly accumulate in administration costing.
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Financial
The sales forecast is of major importance because it constitutes the basis
for almost all the other forecasts in the company. Since the sales volume
has an impact on the extent of virtually all company activities, the costs and
expenses are thereby also determined; both the variable ones (e.g.
material costs) and, in the long term, the so-called fixed components such
as depreciation and salaries for administrative staff.
Sales forecasting, however, is one of the most difficult aspects of your
business plan. If you have not conducted any conscientious market
research, you will not be able to estimate your sales figures so you will not
be in a position to plan with sufficient accuracy.
This is where you contribute your results from market research (cf. section
5: Market Analysis). At least the first financial year should be planned in
detail, meaning both quarterly and monthly forecasts.
Do not forget so-called ‘seasonal influences' in your forecasting. What does
this mean? Taking the season into account describes, for example, the
phenomenon that chocolate bunnies can normally only be sold before
Easter and Father Christmases only before Christmas, winter fashion only
in winter and an influenza vaccine only in autumn. Sales and costs
therefore occur in cycles.
The effects of future activities are reflected in a cash flow budget and pro
forma financial statements (profit and loss account and balance sheet). In
addition, a break-even analysis and various balance sheet ratios can be
generated. We will be going into further detail on these below.
Cash flow budget
The cash flow budget is a useful instrument of monthly financial planning
and control, which directs the planner's attention to the liquidity situation of
the company and points to any potential deficit in funds in good time. The
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Financial
question of liquidity, and hence cash flow, has the same if not higher
priority as the question of the corporate result. After all, the reason for
insolvency is initially only inability to pay.
Many companies, particularly small firms, are exposed to a specific market
situation and can only benefit from it by expanding rapidly in order to
achieve market leadership in their special segment. A relatively large
quantity of funds will be required to finance such growth. Long before a
single item of goods has been sold, stocks must be built up and usually
also paid for. As a result there is a difference between cash outflows and
inflows, which has to be financed somehow. The cash flow budget indicates
in advance what funds will be required at what time.
The cash flow budget consists of three parts:
a) the first part indicates the inflows of funds, broken down by source,
amount and time;
b) the outflows of funds reflect the company's expenses;
c) the net funds item indicates the effects of inflows and outflows as well as
any possible gaps in financing.
The inflows of funds consist of sales transactions, the amount of which is
made up of price and the prospective unit sales.
Pro forma profit and loss account (projected P&L)
Every company needs a way to establish whether its business is successful
or unsuccessful. The usual method is the profit and loss account, in which
costs are deducted from sales revenues. In the same way that the balance
sheet and P&L account are used to assess the success of a past business
period, these two accounts can also be used for planning, i.e. for
forecasting the results of future periods.
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Financial
When preparing a P&L account one essential aspect is to establish a
reasonable degree of detail. This naturally depends on the size of a
Pro forma balance sheet
If the cash flow budget and pro forma P&L describe what one intends to
do, the pro forma balance sheet describes with what one does it. The
amount of detail on a balance sheet depends on the type of business.
On the assets side there are fixed assets (land and buildings, plant and
equipment, office equipment and furnishings, as well as other assets),
current assets (stocks, trade accounts receivable, other accounts
receivable and liquid funds) and unpaid contributions to capital. The
liabilities side lists information about equity capital and borrowed capital
(current and long-term debt such as accounts payable to banks, etc.).
As with the pro forma P&L, the projection horizon should cover 3-5 years.
Break-even analysis
The break-even point is the point in the development of a company on the
sales volume axis at which sales revenues are equal to total costs (point
where costs are covered). Only when this point has been exceeded is the
company making a profit. Projections for prices as well as for variable and
fixed costs in years to come are needed to perform a break-even analysis.
Example of a break-even analysis:
A bicycle manufacturer produces the 'Forest Fun' mountain bike. Capacity
is estimated to be 500 mountain bikes a month. The fixed costs are
€ 50,000 per accounting period. The variable costs are € 500 per bike.
Each bike is sold at a net selling price of € 750. The break-even quantity is
reached at the intersection of the earnings line and the total cost line.
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Financial

Balance sheet ratios
Calculation of the various ratios is important both for the entrepreneur and
for the investor in determining or assessing the success of a project. The
main ratios are:
liquidity ratios
Capital/financing requirements
For a presentation of the financial situation and to determine the financing
requirements, as described in the above section, it is advisable to work out
tables, graphs and charts. With the aid of these the reader can draw
comparisons and conduct analyses. You should enclose these detailed
analyses with the appendix to your business plan.
In the main section of your business plan, you should present a few well
thought-out figures and summarised results. It is essential to answer the
following questions:
♦ How much money does the company require over what period?
♦ How much profit is the company likely to make when it is established?
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Financial
Comments on the assumptions and forecasts
A professional investor's investment decision will be largely influenced by
the accuracy and credibility of the figures regarding the expected business
development, taking potential risks into account. You should therefore
support your assumptions and projections by providing explanatory notes.
Partially you will have already made assumptions in the previous sections
(price policy, personnel, etc.), upon which your forecasts are based. The
qualitative statements you made there must reflect an internal connection
with your financial planning. Your financial planning must therefore be a
logical consequence of the preceding sections, so that the business plan as
a whole makes sense.
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Financial
The financing concept
Comprehensive financial planning includes considerations as to where you
can obtain how much of the required capital. Generally speaking, any
professional investor will take it for granted that he will compile, together
with you, a financing package that is ideally matched to your requirements.
You should only make your own proposal for a financing concept if you
have discussed its practicability with potential financing partners in
The portion accounted for by equity capital plays a major role and is a
cornerstone of your financing concept. But where should you obtain the rest
Normally you will not require the entire calculated capital all at once but in
various rounds throughout the development phases of the company. For
the respective development stages, the following sources of finance are
1 Cf. McKinsey & Company, Inc., Switzerland, Zürich 1997 Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Financial
We have listed some of the most important sources of finance as
examples, breaking them down by the main criterion - the investor's legal
position - into outside capital and equity capital.
Outside capital
Family loans
If parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters or friends are convinced by
your idea and they give you 'launch aid', this is the simplest and possibly
also the cheapest option. However, be aware of the consequences at a
personal level if you have problems repaying money or if lenders try to
interfere with your business.
Public funding
Public loans are often interest-free during the first few years. There are
national and regional subsidising banks that are responsible for financing
aid. Enquire about the existing possibilities – the funds usually have to be
applied for through your local bank. Remember that the application has to
be submitted before commencement of the project. Ask about the time
required for processing and take this into account accordingly.
You can obtain mortgage loans of land or buildings, which serve as
security. Consequently, this form of financing is used to finance long-term
investments in land and buildings as well as in machinery, etc. The interest
payments are usually due quarterly.
In the same way as you are able to lease your new car, you can also lease
machinery, office furniture, computer systems, photocopiers, etc. Leasing
makes it possible to finance investments without injecting equity capital, so
that your credit lines and lending limits remain unaffected. However, in total
the interest and incidentals are usually higher than with other forms of
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Financial
Bank loans
By contrast with mortgages, bank loans are suitable for obtaining short and
medium-term working capital. Banks insist on security, e.g. assignment of
customer receivables or stocks. As with mortgages, interest is usually
payable on a quarterly basis.
Equity capital
Private Equity
Private equity provides equity capital to enterprises not quoted on a stock
market. Private equity can be used to develop new products and
technologies, to expand working capital, to make acquisitions, or to
strengthen a company's balance sheet. It can also resolve ownership and
management issues – a succession in family-owned companies, or the
buy-out or buy-in of a business by experienced managers may be achieved
using private equity.
Note: The definitions used here have been taken from the European
Private Equity and Venture Capital Association, EVCA.
Venture capital
Venture capital is, strictly speaking, a subset of private equity and refers to
equity investments made for the launch, early development, or expansion
of a business. There are variations in what is meant by venture capital and
private equity in different countries. In Europe, these terms are generally
used interchangeably.
The European venture capital industry can trace its roots back fifty years,
but growth started in earnest in the 1980s. It now provides the European
private corporate sector with permanent access to professional sources of
growth capital. Many successful European businesses, such as Baan,
Barco, Business Objects, Denby Pottery, Filofax, Gemplus, Natuzzi,
Parker Pen, Salomon, Uniface, and Zodiac have emerged and thrived
with the help of venture capital.
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Financial
The target group of venture capital companies is innovative small and
medium-sized companies, which have an above-average growth potential
and cannot (yet) finance themselves through the organised capital market.
This indicates that the granting of venture capital is associated with
particularly high risks. If financing already takes place in the seed phase
(before the start-up), it is also referred to as seed capital.
The venture capitalist makes available equity capital that usually remains in
the venture company for a period of five to ten years. The venture capital
lender is not interested in regular income (dividends or the like) but is
aiming at growth in the value of his interests, which he sells at the end of
the commitment. He also contributes – and this is at least as important as
capital – active managerial support and his existing contacts.
The following phases of company development could be considered for
venture capital financing:
Reason for
Form of finance
Company or inventor requires
money for development, prototype, market analysis, preparation of company concept
Start-up financing
Product/service is being prepared for market development, R & D costs
First-stage financing
Market launch, expansion of production facilities, market launch costs
Second-stage financing
Growth financing to penetrate the
Expansion of the production and sales system to ful y exploit market potential
Bridge financing
Pre-financing of an equity capital increase, in order to float the company (going public)
Special reasons Management Buy-Out
Takeover of the company by the
existing management
Management Buy-In (MBI) External managers buy into the
New company resulting from an existing company / an existing organisation
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Financial
Private investors (‘Business Angels')
Private investors, so-called business angels, make parts of their assets
available for developing younger companies and are also active in those
companies as part-time managers. On account of his own experience, a
business angel can add value in a particular way to the company being
supported, especially if the company belongs to the same industry in which
he himself works or used to work. On account of his entrepreneurial
attitude, his technical know-how and his business relations, he is in a
position to provide management support for strategic decisions. This form
of financing is therefore also occasionally referred to as 'smart money'.
The business angel normally takes a minority share. The duration of
participation is at least three to five years, but often longer. He is not
looking for income from dividends; his profit is the increase in the value of
his interest. This is achieved by selling the shares to a venture capital
company, selling to a different company, or repurchase by the entrepreneur
or the management team.
To a certain extent, business angels may be regarded as a preliminary
stage to venture capital financing. They concentrate on seed and start-up
financing and also take on small investments that are well below the
minimum investment amount of the venture capital company. In practice
private investors are often the only source for companies that are in the
early phase and have used up their own resources to the full or those of the
members of their family.
Frequently there are also co-investments, in which both private investors
and venture capitalists participate.
However, when selecting a private investor, we advise you to check
whether he actually has sufficient time and energy to meet his commitment
to provide support.
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Financial
Stock exchange
By floating the company, which is also referred to as an Initial Public
Offering (IPO), you can acquire large sums of capital from a wide section of
the public. In the past, this was very difficult for young companies in
Europe. Thanks to the introduction of the new markets, which specialise in
young, high-growth companies and where the investors are aware that they
are undertaking higher risks, young companies now have easier access to
the capital market. In the meantime, specialised analysts have become
established for valuing the companies and consulting them when they go
public. The new markets are suitable for high-growth companies where the
organisational structure is already relatively well developed.
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Financial
Exit options for investors
You now know when you require capital and how much. You also know
what financing options are available and what you can expect from
investors. If you are satisfied with a small firm and want to keep control
entirely, you will probably make do with bank loans and the like. If, on the
other hand, you wish to expand quickly, you should consult a venture
capital company. Although this means you may have to surrender a large
share of the company, the venture capitalist wants to make the company
successful together with you. He contributes his know-how and does not
demand any security.
The essential motivation aspect for the venture capitalist is that he achieves
an increase in the value of his participation after the end of a lengthy phase
of growth by means of so-called 'disinvestment', also referred to as his
'exit'. Expressed in simple terms: the venture capital company sells its
shares so that it can repay its own investors, that is, the capital investors of
the venture capital fund, along with an appropriate return. For this it is
naturally necessary for the interests in the company to be negotiable in
some way – the simplest way is if they take the form of shares. Ideally and
typically, the company should therefore be floated.
In practice, the venture capital firm quite often retains a reduced
participation even after the company has been floated. On account of the
continued participation by the venture capital firm, the reputation of the
venture-backed company increases − especially if the flotation has been
preceded by a long, intense period of support. This continued participation
is regarded as a seal of quality for the company and is thus a highly
effective means of advertising to the stock exchange public.
However, flotations are not the only way of liquidating interests held. Other
exit methods are: the sale of the shares to industrial buyers or investors,
repurchase by the entrepreneurs or by the management, or sale of the
shares to a different VC company or financial investor.
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Financial
In this section of your business plan, make it clear that you are aware of the
investor's expectations. The investor must be able to see that you may be
willing to accept one of the aforementioned options. However, what was
said at the beginning also applies here: the professional investor will make
up the ideal financing package together with you.
Checklist: Financial Plan
Can the reader clearly see
how large the financing requirement is in total?
when you require money and how much?
what assumptions your financial plan is based on?
from what sources the capital requirement will be met?
what requirements you make of investors and what you can offer them?
what options there are for investors to realise their profit?
Length: approx. 6 pages
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Financial
The Business IIdea
Production, Procurement, Q
Opportunities and Threats
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Opportunities and Threats
9. Opportunities and Threats
When you formulated the business idea (cf. page 15) we already discussed
the fact that you should perform an honest and complete risk analysis not
only for the investors' but also for your own sake.
Risks lurk both in the company itself and in its environment. Here are a few
• managerial posts cannot be filled • in the R & D department the development period is delayed • other suppliers register patents • personnel expenditure rises disproportionately • a system manufacturer abandons the joint product development • there is a shortage of raw materials • a sharp fall in exchange rates jeopardises exports
List the potential risks and address them straight away with potential
countermeasures. For example, you can protect yourself against exchange
rate fluctuations through forward exchange transactions.
Check once again how much leeway is permitted by your realistic planning
of assumptions presented so far.
Here, it is advisable to present a 'best case' and a 'worst case' scenario, in
which the most important parameters are included. In particular, these
include price and unit sales. By varying these parameters, you can simulate
how the key figures of your projections might develop under different
scenarios. The comparison of the best case and worst case scenario with
the 'normal case' (your figures presented according to the best of your
knowledge) can be shown as follows, for example:
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Opportunities and Threats
Selling price in €
Unit sales
Sales by value in k€
worst normal
2003 68.00 68.00 68.00
2004 42.00 60.00 78.00
2005 38.50 55.00 71.50
2006 31.50 45.00 58.50
2007 28.00 40.00 52.00
2008 21.00 30.00 39.00
2009 17.50 25.00 32.50
2010 16.10 23.00 29.90
2011 14.00 20.00 26.00
2012 11.90 17.00 22.10
normal caseworst case
Sales in k€ 20000
200 200 200 200 200 200 200 201 201 201
development of unit sales and sales by value for a hi-tech product - analysis of the normal case, best case and worst case -
Remember: even though all the risks should be disclosed, they should be
outweighed by the opportunities. At the end refer again to the main
opportunities of your project described in detail in the business plan.
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Opportunities and Threats
Checklist: Opportunities and Threats
Can the reader clearly see
what potential risks you detect?
what countermeasures you are planning?
how the risks can affect your budgeted figures (worst case and best
what main opportunities the company offers?
Length: 1-2 pages
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan
Opportunities and Threats
10. Appendices
In the appendices, enclose those documents that are too lengthy and too
detailed for the text part, but are relevant for underpinning the statements
you have made there.
Below are a few examples. You can use this as a checklist for your
appendix. It may be that not all of the documents listed are of significance
to your project, or you may have additional ones. So shorten the list or add
to it as needed.
Company-related information
Company brochure
Certificate of Incorporation / Memorandum and Articles of Association
Product-related information
Product brochures and leaflets
Technical documentation and descriptions
Production and quality-related information
ISO 9000 certificate
Other customer certificates or standard certificates
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Appendices
Marketing and sales-related information
Tables, graphs, industry statistics
Market research results
Management and organisation-related information
Curriculum vitae of all members of the management team
Organisation structure, organisation charts (current and planned)
Financial planning-related information
Financial development of the last two to three years
Certified annual financial statements for recent financial years
Financial forecasts for the next three to five years:
Pro forma P&L account
Cash flow budget
Pro forma balance sheet
Break-even analysis
Economic assumptions upon which projections are based:
Capacity trend and utilisation
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Appendices
Main accounting principles:
Valuation of securities and foreign exchange
Other information
Expert opinions
Auditors' reports
Letters of reference
Business Plan Manual
The Business Plan Appendices
Items of property (®Fixed assets and ®Current assets) of a company; they are listed on the left-hand side of the ®Balance sheet and indicate the appropriation of the financial resources employed
Accounts produced by the accounting department of a company for a certain date in the form of a table of items of property (®Assets) and capital (®Liabilities)
Determination of the point in time or the sales total at which
the pay-off stage is exceeded; at the break-even point (point where costs are covered or point as of which a profit is being made) the total of ®Fixed and ®Variable costs is equal to total revenue
Capital to prepare for flotation
(Usually short-term) plan which controls the allocation of resources, e.g. personnel or investment budgets
Informal ®Venture capital provider; wealthy individual who provides equity investment along with 'hands-on' entrepreneurial support
A business plan is a concise description of the corporate aims and the strategies and measures to achieve those aims and is written by the entrepreneur (team of entrepreneurs)
Company shares are bought back by the original shareholder(s)
Figure that reflects the net flow of funds from the selling process and with the aid of which insights can be obtained into the ®Liquidity situation and the financial development of the company. The cash flow is calculated by the following formula (simplified version):
+ all expenses not affecting outgoing payments
- all income not reflected in incoming payments
Simultaneous participation of more than one ®Venture capital firm in a company
Assets which, by contrast with ®Fixed assets, can be quickly transformed into liquid funds in the course of normal business
Business Plan Manual
Customer benefit Advantages or values which result for the customer on
account of using the product or service
Reduction of the book or market value of an asset; loss in value (usually calculated on an annual basis)
Costs which can be attributed directly to a certain unit (piece); they particularly include production materials and production wages
Distribution of the goods/services to the customers
Method of distribution; ® Sales channel
Dormant holding A dormant partner becomes a member of an existing business
by means of an informal agreement in return for a capital contribution; the participation is not evident externally; the participation strengthens the equity position of the company, although in reality its nature is often that of outside capital (e.g. a fixed yield can be agreed)
Detailed investigation into the opportunities and risks of a participation conducted by an investor
The entirety of the early phases of a company: product development, launch of production, market entry
Disinvestment; the sale of the shares held by the venture capitalist in order to realise his profit
Growth and expansion financing; financing of production
capacity expansions, further product or market development and/or further working capital
Assets which, by contrast with the ®Current assets, are used more than once, successively or in the long term
Costs which are independent of the parameter being examined; they do not change automatically along with the parameter being examined
Marketing system in which independent franchisees sell in return for a ®Licence fee products or services of a company (franchiser), whereby the franchiser stipulates business policy
Initial public offering (IPO); flotation of the company on the stock exchange and the associated opening up to the public
® Profit and loss account, P&L
Long-term investment of capital in tangible assets
Business Plan Manual
Spokesman of a series of investment partners who are simultaneously investing in a company
Renting movable or immovable property for use
Sources of capital (equity capital, current debt and long-term debt) of the company; they are listed on the right-hand side of the ®Balance sheet (Liabilities side) and indicate the amount and origin of the capital
Permission, granted by the originator or holder of a ®Patent, utility model or other right of use, to completely or partially use that party's right, usually in return for a licence fee
Absolute liquid ratio: cash plus short-term receivables x 100, divided by current liabilities
Net quick liquid ratio: short-term current assets x 100, divided by short-term liabilities
Current liquid ratio: total current assets x 100, divided by current liabilities
Ability of a company to pay on a certain date; the ability to meet payment commitments punctually
Decision whether to manufacture (make) oneself or to purchase (buy) components for the internal value-adding process
Takeover of a company by an external management team; the
external management "buys into" the company
Takeover of a company by the present management
Difference between the price of delivery and the selling price, expressed as a percentage of the selling price; e.g.
Price of delivery EUR 100
Selling price EUR 150 = 100%
Difference EUR 50 = x% x = 100 x 50 / 150 = 33 1/3% (margin)
Marginal costing Direct costing; form of variable costing where the various
products/services are only subject to the costs caused by them and hence attributable to them (®Variable costs). The respective difference between revenue and attributable costs constitutes the contribution of the product/service to profit and serves to cover the non-attributable costs (®Fixed costs). The company achieves a profit if the total of the contribution margins is higher than the non-attributable costs.
Business Plan Manual
All measures of market-relevant activities of a company according to selected problem areas of current and future customer potential, using planning, controlling, coordinating, monitoring and marketing instruments, added up in a target-oriented and competition-oriented strategy
Combination of the marketing instruments used (product, place, promotion and pricing policies)
Lien in a piece of land to secure a loan
Indirect costs, joint costs, inseparable costs; costs which, by contrast with the direct costs, cannot be directly attributed to an individual product or individual unit of performance. They must be allocated to the respective cost centres according to an allocation base.
The exclusive, time-limited authorisation to use an invention, granted to an inventor or his legal successor by the national or European Patent Office
Placement of a product / service or of the company as seen by the customer, e.g. placement compared with the competition
Product life cycle Stages of the life cycle of a product or service are pioneering
stage, growth stage, maturity stage, stagnation stage and decline stage
Income statement, statement of result; listing of expenditure
and income to determine the financial result of the company and to present its sources; the P&L is a mandatory part of the annual accounts which have to be submitted by companies
Return on invest- Return on capital; ratio which permits a statement on the ment (ROI)
profitability of the capital invested; the ROI is the ratio of total capital invested and sales to profit; ROI = (profit / sales) x (sales / capital invested)
Revenue which results from the sale of products manufactured or services rendered (selling price multiplied by quantity sold)
®Distribution channel; journey of the product from the manufacturer to the end-user
Forecasts of sales quantities and ®Sales by value in the various markets and segments of the company. The sales forecast is based on the projected use of marketing instruments and estimation of the behaviour of competitors and customers.
Financing the maturity and implementation of an idea in realisable results, through to the prototype, on the basis of which a business concept is created for a company to be established
Business Plan Manual
Division of the total market into separate customer groups (=segments) that meet certain criteria
Establishing a company from an existing large company, university or research institution
Instead of asking for all the equity finance up-front, the venture capital firm agrees so-called rounds of finance. Such rounds of finance usually take place when certain targets are met, e.g. at the product development stage, at the product launch stage, when the company expands into overseas markets, or when an expansion of manufacturing facilities is required. By limiting the total investment at each stage, the venture capital firm reduces its risk accordingly.
Initial financing of product development and first marketing
steps; the company concerned is being started up or has only been in business for a short while, but has not sold its product yet
Other products that satisfy the same customer need
Complete elimination of sources of error in a company;
principles of TQM: "Do it right the first time" and development
USP; unique, powerful selling point or special characteristic,
which creates relatively substantial ®Customer benefit for a product or service
®Unique Selling Proposition
Business-dependent costs; the portion of total costs that varies according to production capacity utilisation
Equity investment plus management support for high-growth
Provider of venture capital, or the VC firm itself
Business Plan Manual
COMPARATIVE MUSIC SIMILARITY MODELLING USING TRANSFER LEARNING ACROSS USER GROUPS Daniel Wolff, Andrew MacFarlane and Tillman Weyde Music Informatics Research Group – Department of Computer Science City University London approach of transfer learning in music similarity that im-proves results of specialised models, using our We introduce a new application of transfer learning for