Principal insurance company overturns denial of long term disability benefits for attorney suffering from stage iii breast cancer and side effects of treatment

Principal Insurance Company Overturns Denial of Long Term Disability Benefits For
Attorney Suffering from Stage III Breast Cancer and Side Effects of Treatment
Information provided by Dell & Schaefer - Published: 2011-10-17
Disability Attorneys dissected the disability denial and discovered all of the glaring inconsistencies between Principal'sassertions in its denial letter and the actual documentation in the claim file.
Disability Insurance Lawyers Dell & Schaefer prevailed in an ERISA
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stemmed from the diagnosis and treatment of Stage III breast cancer
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including; severe fatigue, syncope, shortness of breath, inability to
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concentrate, severe anxiety, and depression all of which prevent her
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According to Principal's denial letter, "the Claimant has no physical
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complaints that would prevent her from returning to work as an
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attorney. The medical records do not document residual physical
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symptoms from your diagnosis of cancer or that the treatments youreceived for cancer would prevent you from returning to your
occupation as an attorney."
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Quite the contrary is true, as stated by her treating physicians and
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universally documented throughout her medical records. The Claimant
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suffers from severe fatigue (requiring several naps throughout the day), syncope (frequent dizziness and fainting), inability to
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concentrate, shortness of breath, severe anxiety, panic attacks and depression. She feels dizzy when she goes from a sitting
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to standing position.
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Her treating physicians have clearly stated that the Claimant is incapable of working due
to severe fatigue (which is a side-effect of the Arimidex she is required to take for therest of her life as well as the chemotherapy and radiation she received to treat hercancer), syncope, inability to concentrate, shortness of breath, severe anxiety, panicattacks and depression. She clearly could not go to work in an office setting as anattorney 40-50 hours a week.
Disability Attorneys Rachel Alters and Gregory Dell dissected the disability denial anddiscovered all of the glaring inconsistencies between Principal's assertions in its denialletter and the actual documentation in the claim file. Our disability lawyers attackedPrincipal's position, using Principal's own "evidence" against them, as well assupplementing the file with additional medical evidence in support of our clientscontinued disability and entitlement to long term disability insurance benefits.
Following submission of our disability appeal, Principal informed reversed their disabilitybenefit denial as they determined that she was disabled and unable to perform the
Disability Insurance Attorney Rachel Alters
About the author: Rachel Alters is an attorney with the disability income division of Attorneys Dell & Schaefer. Attorneys Dell
& Schaefer have assisted thousands of long-term disability claimants with their claims against every major disability insurance
company. For a free consultation, please call 800-828-7583 or use our.
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<a href="">Principal Insurance Company Overturns Denial of Long Term Disability Benefits For Attorney Suffering from Stage III Breast Cancer and Side Effects of Treatment</a> - Disability Insurance Lawyers prevailed in an ERISA appeal when Principal Life Insurance Company wrongfully denied her long term disability benefits - <em>Source: <a href="">Disabled World News</a></em>
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