Chapter 18
Post-polio syndrome
E. Farbu,1 N. E. Gilhus,2 M. P. Barnes,3 K. Borg,4 M. de Visser,6 R. Howard,7 F. Nollet,6
J. Opara,8 E. Stalberg9
1Stavanger University Hospital, Norway; 2University of Bergen, and Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway;
3Hunters Moor Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK; 4Karolinska Intitutet/Karolinska Hospital, Stochkholm, Sweden;
6University of Amsterdam, 1100 DD Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 7St Thomas' Hospital, London, UK; 8Repty Rehab Centre.
ul. Sniadeckio 1, PL 42-604 Tarnowskie Góry, Poland; 9University Hospital, S-75185 Uppsala, Sweden
1 Prior paralytic poliomyelitis with evidence of motor
neuron loss, as confirmed by history of the acute para-
The aim was to revise the existing EFNS task force docu-
lytic illness, signs of residual weakness, and atrophy of
ment, with regard to a common definition of PPS, and
muscles on neurological examination, and signs of
evaluation of the existing evidence for the effectiveness
denervation on electromyography (EMG).
and safety of therapeutic interventions. By this revision,
2 A period of partial or complete functional recovery
clinical guidelines for management of PPS are provided.
after acute paralytic poliomyelitis, followed by an interval (usually 15 years of more) of stable neurologic function.
3 Gradual or sudden onset of progressive and persis-
tent muscle weakness or abnormal muscle fatigability
Many previous polio patients experience new muscle
(decreased endurance), with or without generalized
weakness, fatigue, myalgia and joint pain, and cold intol-
fatigue, muscle atrophy, or muscle and joint pain.
erance, and develop new atrophy several years after acute
(Sudden onset may follow a period of inactivity, or
paralytic poliomyelitis. The first case of new atrophy and
trauma, or surgery.) Less commonly, symptoms attrib-
weakness many years after acute paralytic polio was first
uted to PPS include new problems with swallowing or
described in 1875 by Raymond [1, 2].
The term post-polio syndrome (PPS) was introduced
4 Symptoms persist for at least 1 year.
by Halstead in 1985 [3]. In general, PPS has been inter-
5 Exclusion of other neurologic, medical, and orthopae-
preted as a condition with new muscle weakness or fati-
dic problems as causes of symptoms.
gability in persons with a confirmed history of acute
The symptoms reported for PPS are the same from all
paralytic polio, usually occurring several decades after
parts of the world. Muscle weakness, atrophy, generalized
the acute illness.
fatigue, post-exercise fatigue, muscle pain, fasciculations,
As PPS is reckoned to be a chronic disease, the EFNS
cramps, cold intolerance, and joint pain dominate[3,
task force on post-polio syndrome recommends that the
5–12]. A history of previous paralytic polio seems to
criteria published by March of Dimes (MoD) in 2000 [4]
increase long-term mortality [13].
should be regarded as universal criteria for PPS.
Deterioration of the neuromuscular function, overuse
of motor units, the general ageing process, and inflam-matory changes in the central nervous system and serum,
European Handbook of Neurological Management: Volume 1.
have all been proposed as possible explanations for the
Edited by N. E. Gilhus, M. Brainin and M. P. Barnes.
new symptoms [14–17]. However, the underlying mech-
2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
anisms are not fully elucidated, and we cannot conclude
Gilhus—European Handbook of Neurological Management: Volume 1.
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SeCtiOn 3 Neuromuscular Diseases
which underlying factors are causing PPS. Regarding the
role of clinical neurophysiology
clinical course, there is increasing evidence that the decline in muscle strength is slow with modest effect on
Clinical neurophysiology is used for four main reasons.
functional tasks [18, 19]. Generalized fatigue is a common
First, to establish typical lower motor neuron involve-
complaint among PPS patients, and not well understood,
ment (neurogenic EMG findings, normal findings of
although both neuromuscular decline and increased
the sensory and motor nerves except for parameters
levels of inflammatory cytokines indicate that fatigue in
reflecting muscle atrophy). Second, to exclude other
PPS should be reckoned as a physical entity [16, 20].
causes. This is part of the PPS definition, and it is
From a clinical point of view it should be emphasized
not uncommon to find patients in whom the initial diag-
that comorbidity could cause PPS- mimicking condi-
nosis of polio must be revised. Third, to find concomi-
tions, requiring other investigations and treatments
tant nerve or muscle disorders, such as entrapments and
[10, 21–23].
radiculopathies. Fourth, to assess the degree of motor
The prevalence of PPS has been reported from 15 to
neuron loss. This cannot be quantified clinically, since
80% of all patients with previous polio, depending on the
loss of neurones may be completely masked by compen-
criteria applied and population studied [5, 10, 24–28]. In
satory nerve sprouting and muscle fibre hypertrophy.
many population-based studies, terms such as ‘late-onset
Macro EMG studies have shown that loss of up to 50%
polio symptoms' have been used instead of PPS. Hospital-
of neurons may be compatible with a normal clinical
based studies use the term PPS, but in these studies it is
picture [15].
always debatable whether the patient material is repre-
In longitudinal studies with macro EMG, a continuous
sentative. Exact prevalence of PPS is therefore difficult to
loss of neurons is demonstrated with exaggerated speed
establish. For European populations, one Dutch study
compared to normal age-dependent degeneration[34].
reported a prevalence of late-onset polio symptoms of
New weakness appears when the compensatory mecha-
46%, one study from Edinburgh reported a prevalence of
nisms are no longer sufficient, and occurs when macro
more than 60%, in Estonia a prevalence of 52% has been
motor unit potential (MUP) exceeds 20 times the normal
reported, Norway 60%, and Denmark 63% [5, 29–31].
With regard to symptomatic treatment and clinical
purposes, the difference between stable muscle weakness after polio and PPS seems as yet rather irrelevant. Still, it
would be of great benefit to have a consensus on the term PPS for research and when evidence-based therapeutic
MEDLINE via Pubmed, EMBASE, ISI, and Cochrane
interventions have become available. The MoD criteria
were searched with time limits 1966 until 2004. Search
are based on the principle of exclusion of other causes
terms were post-polio syndrome, postpoliomyelitis,
for new deterioration, where PPS is characterized with
PPMA, PPMD, poliomyelitis, in combination with man-
new muscle weakness or abnormal muscle fatigability,
agement, therapy, treatment, medicaments, physiother-
and persistence of symptoms for at least 1 year. The
apy, and intervention.
diagnosis of PPS is an exclusion diagnosis with no test or
In the present revised document, the database search
analysis specific for PPS, and the role of the investigation
was supplied with the years 2004–2009.
is to rule out every other possible cause for the new
No meta-analyses of intervention for PPS were found
symptoms and clinical deterioration.
when searching the databases, but one Cochrane review
Many patients report a sense of weakening in the
is being prepared [35]. Data were classified according to
muscles before it is detectable by clinical examination,
their scientific level of evidence as Class I–IV [36]. Rec-
although dynamometric muscle strength evaluation and
ommendations are given as Level A–C according to the
computed tomography (CT) imaging may be helpful
scheme for EFNS guidelines. When only Class IV evi-
[32, 33]. Atrophy is the end stage of new neuromuscular
dence was available but consensus could be reached
deterioration and by using this as a necessary criterion,
the task force gives our recommendations as Good Prac-
patients in an earlier stage of neuromuscular deteriora-
tice Points (GPP)[36]. Consensus was reached mainly
tion will be excluded.
through email correspondence.
Gilhus—European Handbook of Neurological Management: Volume 1.
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Chapter 18 Post-polio syndrome
A questionnaire about diagnosis, management, and
Several reports of increased levels of inflammatory
care of post-polio patients was answered by the group
markers in serum and CSF in PPS have raised the ques-
members from The Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
tion whether immunological changes could be a part of
Sweden, and the United Kingdom in the first version; this
the pathophysiology in PPS [16, 17, 46]. These findings
has not been repeated in this revision.
have also presented a rationale for investigating immune-modulating therapies in PPS. Intravenous immunoglob-ulin (IVIg) has been tried in three therapeutic intervention
studies. Gonzalez
et al. performed a multicentre double-blinded randomized study including 135 patients where
the primary endpoints were muscle strength in a pre-selected muscle group and quality of life measured with
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, steroids,
the SF-36 scale. The patients were treated with either
amantadine, modafinil, lamotrigine, coenzyme
placebo or 90 g IvIg, repeated after 3 months. A signifi-
Q10, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg)
cant difference on muscle strength was found, but no
The effect of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in PPS
significant effect on the SF-36 on pain, balance, or sleep
has been investigated in four studies with particular
quality[47]. Farbu
et al. performed a double-blinded ran-
emphasis on fatigue, muscular strength, and quality of
domized study with 20 patients with the primary end-
life. One open pilot study indicated a positive effect on
points muscle strength (isometric), pain (VAS), and
fatigue [37, 38], but this was not confirmed in two dou-
fatigue (FSS) after 3 months [48]. The patients were
ble-blinded randomized controlled trials using a daily
treated with one dose of IvIg (2 g/kg body weight). A
dose of 180 mg pyridostigmine [39, 40]. Horemans
et al.
significant effect was found on pain, but not on muscle
reported a significant improvement in walking perfor-
strength or fatigue. One open study with 14 patients
mance, but the difference in quadriceps strength was not
explored the effect of 90 mg IvIg on muscle strength,
significant as reported by Trojan
et al. Hence, there is
physical ability measured by walking test, and quality of
evidence at Class I that pyridostigmine is not effective in
life (SF-36) [49]. There was a positive effect on quality
the management of fatigue and muscular strength in
of life, but not on muscle strength or physical ability.
PPS. One randomized study explored the effect on
These studies indicate that IvIg could have a modest
fatigue of 400 mg modafinil daily in PPS [41]. Modafinil
therapeutic benefit in PPS, but they include a small
was not superior to placebo, and there is Class I evidence
number of patients, the results are diverging according
that modafinil is not effective on fatigue in PPS. There
to which symptoms improving after treatment, and the
are two randomized placebo-controlled studies investi-
IvIg has not been compared with other therapies like
gating the effect of high-dose prednisolone (80 mg daily)
specific training programmes. There is also a remaining
and amantandine (200 mg daily) on muscular weakness
question about the appropriate dose of IvIg and thera-
and fatigue (prednisone), and fatigue (amantadine) [42,
peutic interval. Hence, IvIg can at present not be recom-
43]. They included a small number of patients, 17 and 23
mended as standard treatment in PPS, despite two Class
respectively, and only Stein
et al. included statistical
1 studies [50].
power calculations. There was no significant effect on muscular strength or fatigue in any of these Class I studies.
Lamotrigine has been tried in an open study (15
It has been claimed that muscular overuse and training
patients treated with 50–100 mg lamotrigine daily),
may worsen the symptoms in patients with residual
where a positive effect on quality of life (Nottingham
weakness after paralytic polio, and even provoke a further
Health Profile), pain (VAS), and fatigue (FSS) was found
loss of muscular strength.[51]. Many post-polio patients
after 2 and 4 weeks [44]. A double-blinded randomized
have been advised to avoid muscular overuse and inten-
study is needed to confirm this finding. In a randomized
sive training [4, 52]. Studies of morphology and oxidative
double-blinded pilot study of coenzyme Q10 (200 mg
capacity in the tibialis anterior muscle indicate a high
daily) including 14 patients, no additional effect to resis-
muscular activity due to gait and weight bearing [53, 54].
tance muscle training was found [45].
When followed prospectively, the macro EMG motor
Gilhus—European Handbook of Neurological Management: Volume 1.
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SeCtiOn 3 Neuromuscular Diseases
unit potential amplitude (MUP) in the tibialis anterior
maximal work load, intermittent breaks, and rest periods
muscle was found to be increased after 5 years, whereas
between exercise sessions to prevent the likelihood of
there was no change in the macro MUP amplitude in
overuse effects. This is an important aspect for PPS
the biceps brachii muscle [55]. This indicates a more
patients in general. Most of the participating patients in
pronounced denervation-reinnervation process in the
these studies younger than 60 years, and the effect of
tibialis muscle, which may be due to daily use and higher
exercise programmes older patients is therefore less
muscle activities in the leg muscles. However, there
are no prospective studies, which show that increased
One randomized controlled study of post-polio
muscle activity or training lead to loss of muscular
patients with pain, weakness, and fatigue in their shoul-
strength compared to absence of training or less muscu-
der muscles compared the effect of exercise only, exercise
lar activity. On the contrary, patients who reported
in combination with lifestyle modification, and lifestyle
regular physical activity had fewer symptoms and a
modification only [68]. Significant improvement was
higher functional level than physically inactive patients
found only for the two groups with exercise (Class II).
[11, 56]. One randomized controlled trial reported
The endpoints in this study were combinations of
significant improvement in muscular strength after a 12-
several symptoms. Further studies are needed to identify
week training programme with isometric contraction
improvement on particular symptoms before conclu-
of hand muscles [57]. Non-randomized trials with train-
sions are drawn regarding lifestyle modifications.
ing programmes lasting from 6 weeks to 6 months involving both isokinetic, isometric, and endurance mus-
Treatment in a warm climate and training
cular training have shown a significant increase in both
isokinetic and isometric muscle strength [58–61]. Oncu
Anecdotal reports from post-polio patients indicate a
et al. found that both time-limited hospital and home
positive effect of a warm climate and of training in warm
exercise programmes improved fatigue and quality of life
water with respect to pain and fatigue. One randomized
in the short term [62]. No complications or side effects
controlled study reported a significant reduction in
were reported. Hence, there is evidence at Class II and III
pain, health-related problems, and depression for both
that supervised training programmes increase muscle
groups after completing identical training programmes
strength and can improve quality of life and relieve
in either Norway or Tenerife [69]. No significant differ-
fatigue in patients with post-polio syndrome. Two fol-
ence in walking tests was seen. Both groups improved
low-up open studies of multidisciplinary rehabilitation
their walking skills, reduced their level of fatigue, depres-
report a positive effect on fatigue and physical capacity
sion, and health-related problems. However, the effect
up to 1 year after the intervention [63, 64]. This is prom-
remained significantly longer in the Tenerife group
ising, but long-term effects (several years) of training are
not documented and deserve prospective studies. For
Dynamic non-swimming water exercises for post-
patients without cardiovascular disease, one randomized
polio patients have been reported to reduce pain, improve
controlled study reported improved cardiovascular
cardiovascular conditioning, and increase subjective
fitness after supervised exercise programmes using
wellbeing in a controlled but not randomized study
ergometer cycle [65] (Class I). Aerobic training in upper
(Class III) [70]. A qualitative interview study (Class IV)
extremities had a beneficial effect on oxygen consump-
indicated a positive effect on the self-confidence when
tion, minute ventilation, power, and exercise time [66]
performing group training in water [71].
(Class II). Aerobic walking exercises can help to econo-mize movements and increase endurance without improvement in cardiovascular fitness [67]. Ernstoff
et al. reported an increase in work performance by
Reduced pulmonary function due to weak respiratory
reduction of heart rate during exercises; hence endurance
muscles and/or chest deformities may occur in patients
training seems to improve cardiovascular conditioning
with previous polio [22, 72]. Patients with chest deformi-
(Class IV). It is important to emphasize that most exer-
ties have an increased risk of nocturnal hypoventilation
cise studies have been executed with supervision, sub-
and sleep-disordered breathing [22, 73, 74]. The preva-
Gilhus—European Handbook of Neurological Management: Volume 1.
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Chapter 18 Post-polio syndrome
lence of respiratory impairment is highest among patients
proper orthoses, walking sticks, and wheelchairs facilitate
who were treated with artificial ventilation in the acute
daily life activities (GPPs). Participating in muscle-train-
phase [22]. Shortness of breath is a common complaint
ing programmes and endurance training will, in many
in many post-polio patients, but is not necessarily related
cases, also lead to weight loss, but there is no evidence
to respiratory impairment, but rather to orthopaedic and
that weight reduction alone can ameliorate symptoms.
general medication problems. Two hospital-based studies
Patients with BMI (body mass index) > 25, which is
showed that respiratory function was normal in the
defined as overweight, did not report more symptoms
majority of patients reporting shortness of breath, and
than those of normal weight [10]. On the other hand, a
cardiovascular deconditioning and being overweight
recent weight gain was found to be a predictive factor for
were the most common cause for this symptom [10, 75].
PPS [86]. Sleep disorders are common among PPS
Respiratory impairment can occur without shortness
patients [10], and can be a mix of obstructive sleep
of breath and can present with daytime somnolence,
apnoea, frequency of tiredness on waking up and during
morning headache, and fatigue [67]. There are no ran-
the day, headache on waking up, daytime sleepiness,
domized trials evaluating the effect of respiratory aids.
restless legs, and hypoventilation [87–89]. It is widely
Reports indicate that early introduction of non-invasive
accepted that obesity is related to obstructive sleep
respiratory aids like intermittent positive pressure venti-
apnoea, and weight control is crucial for this disorder
lation (IPPV) or biphasic positive pressure (BIPAP) ven-
[90]. The number of patients receiving mechanical home
tilators via mouthpiece or nasal application can stabilize
ventilation because of obesity-induced hypoventilation
the situation and prevent complications such as chest
has increased [91]. From this perspective, there is a ratio-
infections, further respiratory decline, and invasive ven-
nale for reducing excess weight in PPS patients (Class
tilatory aid (tracheostomy) [73, 76], and also improve
exercise capacity [77] (Class IV). If invasive ventilatory
One pilot study reported that a change from metal
aid is needed, PPS patients with a tracheostomy and
braces to lightweight carbon orthoses can be useful
mechanical home ventilation are reported to have good
and increase walking ability in polio patients with new
perceived health despite severe physical disability [78]
pareses [92]. This has been confirmed in two other open
(Class III). For patients already using intermittent respi-
uncontrolled studies [93, 94], and there is Class III
ratory aids, respiratory muscle training is useful [79]
evidence that lightweight orthoses should be preferred
(Class IV). General precautions such as stopping
compared to metal braces. Biomechanical analysis of
smoking, mobilization of secretions, and cough assis-
the walking pattern can lead to optimal design of ortho-
tance are beneficial [73].
ses and improve function in the lower limbs (Class IV) [94, 95].
Frequent periods of rest, energy conservation, and
work simplification skills are thought to be useful for
Weakening of bulbar muscles causing dysphagia, weak-
patients with fatigue [96].
ness of voice, and vocal changes have been reported among patients with PPS [80–83]. Case reports indicate
Coming to terms with new disabilities,
that speech therapy and laryngeal muscle training are
useful for these patients (Class IV) [83].
New loss of function, increase in disability, and handicap are common in post-polio patients [5, 10, 97]. This can
Weight control, assistive devices,
lead to reduced wellbeing and emotional stress. Group
and lifestyle modifications
training with other post-polio patients, participation,
The importance of reducing weight, adaptation to assis-
and regular follow-up at post-polio clinics can prevent a
tive devices, and modification of activities of daily living
decline in mental status and give a more positive experi-
has been emphasized [4, 6, 84, 85]. The scientific evi-
ence of the ‘self' [71, 98] (Class III). Acceptance of assis-
dence for these recommendations is limited, but there
tive devices, environmental support, and spending more
was consensus in our group that an individual with weak
time on daily tasks can facilitate coping with home and
muscles benefits from losing excess weight, and that
occupational life (Class III) [99].
Gilhus—European Handbook of Neurological Management: Volume 1.
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SeCtiOn 3 Neuromuscular Diseases
long-term effects of muscular training. A potential posi-
tive effect of IvIg in PPS has been claimed in three recent
studies, and follow-up studies to investigate whether IvIg
• Some controlled studies of potential specific medical
could be a therapeutic option are needed.
treatments for PPS have been completed, and no definitive therapeutic effect has been reported for the agents pyridostigmine, steroids, amantadine, modafinil, and coenzyme Q10.
Conflicts of interest
Level B• Supervised muscular training, both isokinetic and
The authors have reported no conflicts of interests.
isometric, is a safe and effective way to prevent further decline of muscle strength in slightly or moderately weak muscle groups and can even reduce symptoms of muscular fatigue, muscle weakness, and pain in selected
post-polio patients. A prolonged effect up to one year after well-defined training programmes has been reported.
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