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Untitled Document
Issue 5 15 November
Table of Contents
Explanation of the Barometer
Welcome to the fifth edition of the Roadmap to Equality. This edition
The Roadmap to Equality:
Regional: Media launch of the 16 Days campaign
comes at a very exciting time with
Southern Africa Gender and Development Protocol Baro-
Malawi signing and Zimbabwe
meter is a regional e-news- letter that tracks the ra-
Regional: Women in Parliament likely to decline
ratifying the Protocol in October.
tification and implementation of the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development. It is produced by Gender Links
despite Regional commitments
This period also includes the 16
in partnership with the Southern Africa Gender Protocol
Days of No Violence Against
Alliance and the Gender and Media Southern Africa
Women campaign. The campaign
Malawi: President signs Protocol on Gender and
(GEMSA) Net- work with support from DFID and UNIFEM.
starts on the 25 November and
ends on the 10 December. Click
The Barometer will enable both state and non-state actors
here to read more on the 16 Days
to track progress whether governments are on the way to
Zimbabwe: Senate adopts Protocol on Gender and
meeting set targets in the Gen- der Protocol which provides a road map for achieving gender equality in the
Alliance members, Gender Links and GEMSA, and in
country partners will be running a region wide 16 Days
The new and updated Baro- meter will focus on the articles of the Protocol namely Consti- tutional and Legal
Zambia: Unicef and country say Just stop it to
campaign. The theme for the 2009 campain is Halve gender violence by 2015: Score a goal for gender
Rights; Gender and Governance; Edu- cation and
Gender Based Violence
Training; Economic Justice; Gender Based Violence;
equality. The following activities will happening across
Health; HIV and AIDS; Peace Building and Conflict Reso-
lution; and Media, Infor- mation and Communication.
DRC: Sexual violence prevention and re-intergration funding falls through cracks
It is essential that gender and women's rights activists and
Media debate: This event engaged with the
media on their coverage of gender based
governments track the impact of their work in order to measure whether or not they are making a difference. The
Constitutional and Legal Rights
violence over the last year.
Barometer is a tool that can be used firstly, to track
Taking stock: In eight SADC countries there
Angola: Minister calls for severe punishment for
progress in advancing gender equality in the region and
will be discussions about the progress made in
also to hold governments in Southern Africa accountable
Human Trafficking
the last year to address gender based violence.
to the commitments they have made to address inequality
The Cyber Dialogues: There will ten face to
through their obligations to international and regional in-
Governance and Peace Building
face discussions followed regional online
struments and in particular the SADC Gender Protocol.
Botswana: Poor perfomance of women worry
"Take Back the Night": This march is a
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symbolic reclamation of unsafe spaces. It's a
According to a study carried out by WHO many
woman's human right to enjoy freedom of
women said that their first sexual experience was not
movement. Threats to a women's safety are a
consensual.(28 % from Tanzania and 40 % in South
Namibia: Women demand change for their votes
violation of her human rights. Most countries
are having the march on the 28 November 2009.
Economic Justice, Education and
Gender and Soccer 2010: Explores the
possibilities and the problems that soccer 2010 presents for women across the SADC region
Regional schedule of events taking place during the
Regional: Women still sidelined in Economic
with a particular focus on the economic
opportunities. There will be events in six SADC countries on the 10 December 2010. Click here
Thursday 19 November Media debate: Is the
South Africa:Women Farmers Play Vital Role in
to read more.
media part of the problem or part of the
Click here to see the schedule of events in each
Wednesday, 25 November Taking stock
Thursday, 26 November Speaking out:
Health, HIV and AIDS
country. Please join the 16 Days activities in your country and join the regional cyber dialogues from
Dialogue between "I" story participants
Global: AIDS funding at dangerous turning point
13h00 - 14h00 (SA time) on the 25 November; 26
Friday, 27 November At the click of a mouse:
November; 27 November; 30 November; 1 December;
GBV and the internet
Saturday, 28 November Take back the night
South Africa: Fresh Campaings against
2 December; 3 December; 4 December; 8 December and 10 December. Please click here for more
information on the 16 Days and cyber dialogues.
Monday, 30 November Sexual harassment
Tuesday, 1 December Making care work
Namibia:Illegal Abortions Common despite risks
count- GEMSA campaign
Gender Links has produced fact sheets for the different
Wednesday, 2 December Culture, tradition
discussions happening during the Sixteen Days. Please
and the role of men
Media, Information and
click here to link to the fact sheets.
Thursday, 3 December Disability and GBV
Friday, 4 December GBV and religion
To participate in the cyber dialogues you need to
Tuesday, 8 December Human trafficking
Barometer and Glass ceiling reports launched in
register on the Gender and media community. Please
Thursday, 10 December International Human
click here for guidelines for registration.
Rights Day: Gender and Soccer 2010
Zimbabwe Women Lawyers Association will
Integrated Approaches/ Monitoring
be having workshops with parliamentarians
Looking forward to a successful 16 Days campaign.
and Eval- uation
Think tank on lessons learnt on supporting women
In order to remain fresh and relevant to the issues in
your country and our region WE NEED YOUR INPUT! To make contributions and comments or get
Regional: Beijing + 15 Opens
information please write to allianceintern@genderlinks.
org.za and [email protected]. All contributions must be in latest by the 1st of each month in order for us to get it out on time. Do note that the e-newsletter
will go out on the 15th of every month.
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Roadmap to equality Handbook
Barometer Baseline Research
Pamphlets in indigenous languages
English and French DVD's
Barometer Country reports
Regional : Media launch of this year's Sixteen
Emma Kaliya according to the Mail and
Days of Activism Campaign
Guardian got special commendation for the key role she played in initiating and driving
Gender Links, the City of Joburg, Gauteng Progressive
the 50-50 campaign to increase the
Women's Movement (PWM), Media Institute of Southern Africa South Africa (MISASA) chapter, Media Monitoring
numbver of women parliamentarians in
Africa (MMA) and the Gender and Media Southern
Malawi during the national elections this
Africa (GEMSA) Network this week hosted a media
year.Kaliya's efforts resulted in a record 234
debate, regional cyber dialogue and the media launch of
women participating in the elctions and 42
this year's Sixteen Days of Activism Campaign.
of them being elected into Parliament.
Emma is the Programme Manager for
The theme for this year's campaign in line with the
Malwi Human Rights Resource Center and
SADC Protocol on Gender and Development is ‘Halve
Chairperson of NGO Gender Coordination
gender based violence by 2015'.The campaign will be launched on Thursday 19 November 2009 from 11h00-
Network in Malawi that brings togethjer 41
15h00 at the Women's Jail Lekgotla, Constitution Hill,
NGO'S addressing gender,human rights,
Johannesburg.The media event will begin with a debate
HIV and AIDS in Malawi.GL was a finalist in
entitled Media: Part of the problem or part of the
the civil society category for its role in
coordinating the Protocol campaign
The debate will look at the ways in which gender based violence is reported in the media, how media can be used as a tool to shape public opinion and the ways in which media can help to reduce GBV. An exciting line up of panellists has been invited to participate in the event. Invited panellists include a representative from the Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa (ASASA); the Press Ombudsman Joe Thloloe and Lolly Jackson who put up the ‘Teasers' billboard using the
Caster Semenya case.
Regional: Women in Southern African
Parliaments likely to decline despite Regional
Despite the flurry of media coverage on women in
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politics during the 2009 elections, Namibia may witness a decline in women's representation in parliament from
30.8% to 25% in the 27-28 November polls, according to an election forecast by Gender Links and the Gender and Media Southern African Network (GEMSA)-Namibia.
This decline follows even more dismal news from
Botswana where the proportion of women in parliament dropped from 11% to 6.5% in the October elections.
By contrast, Malawi experienced an 8% increase from
14% to 22% in the May elections. In South Africa, the proportion of women in the house of assembly shot up from 33% to 44%, making South Africa one of the few countries in the region with a hope of achieving the target of 50% women in political decision-making by
2015 in the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development. Results from the Mozambique election held last week are still coming in. Click here to read more.
Malawi: President signs the SADC Protocol on
Gender and Development
Malawi President Ngwazi Dr Bingu Wa Mutharika reaffirmed his determination to empower women in all spheres of the country's development when he signed the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC)
Protocol on Gender and Development. Present at the signing ceremony were heads of civil society organisations, cabinet ministers, senior government officials and a delegation from the SADC secretariat.
Dr Mutharika said he was instrumental in the formation of the National Association of Business Women in Malawi (NABW) and similar organisations in the SADC
region.He said Malawi would be among the first countries to ratify and implement the Protocol.
The SADC Protocol on Gender and Development was
first signed on August 17 by 11 countries at the organisation's 28th summit in South Africa. Malawi's is the 13th SADC country to sign the Protocol. Botswana and Mauritius are still to sign. To read more click here.
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Zimbabwe: Senate adopts SADC Protocol on
South Africa
Gender and Development
The Zimbabwe Senate adopted the SADC Protocol on
Gender and Development in October 2009. Moving a motion in support of the Protocol, Women's Affairs, Gender and Community Development Minister, Olivia Muchena, said that state parties agreed to ensure that the protocol was implemented at national level. Click
here to read more.
Zambia: 'Abuse, Just Stop It' to Gender Based
A new campaign in Zambia backed by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) calls for an end to gender -based violence. President Rupiah Bwezani Banda launched the campaign named "Abuse, Just Stop it" in the capital, Lusaka. The President declared zero tolerance for perpetrators of sexual -and gender -based violence. UNICEF expressed its support to ensure that women and children are protected from violence. Click here to read more.
DRC: Sexual violence prevention and re-
integration funding "falls through cracks"
While medical and psychological care are being provided to survivors of sexual violence in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, where 7,000 women and girls have been raped this year alone, UN and aid
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workers on the ground say the funding response has been too narrow, leaving key issues inadequately addressed.
"Increased international attention to sexual violence in DRC has led to a substantial increase of funding, accompanied by a disproportionate lack of evaluations of the real needs on the ground and lack of understanding of the complexity of the issues," notes the Comprehensive Strategy on Combating Sexual Violence in the DRC, released in 2009 by the Office of the Senior Adviser and Coordinator for Sexual Violence in the DRC. Read more here.
Consitutional and legal
Angola: Minister Calls for severe Punishment
for Human Trafficking
The Angolan Home Affairs minister, Roberto Leal Ramos Monteiro ' Ngogo' last month spoke of the need of the need for severe punishment to potential humans traffickers, in order to discourage the practice in the country.The government official was speaking at the end of the National Conference on Humans Trafficking, organised by the Home Affairs Ministry, in partnership with the International Migration Organisation Office (IOM) and the Norwegian Government. Click here to read more.
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Governance and peace building
Botswana: Poor perfomance of women in the elections, a serious concern
Botswana has been urged to sign the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development in order to facilitate women empowerment. After the recent elections only two women, Pelonomi Venson- Moitoi in Serowe South and Botlogile Thsireletso in Mahalpye East were elected to Parliament.
Speaking at a press conference in Gaborone, Botswana Council of Non Governmental Organisations (BOCONGO) executive secretary, Reverend Mosweu Simane, who was part of the SADC NGOs (Non Governmental Organisations) observer mission in the elections said that the SADC protocol is a holistic approach to issues of women representation. He said Botswana should do more to ensure that women are empowered in politics. Read more here.Although women did not do well in national elections info is still coming in on local elections and the president adopted the 50% principle for nominated councilors, seems local will be much better.
Namibia: Women demand change for their votes
Namibian women from all walks of life have made it clear that political parties will have to earn their votes, and will be held accountable for the promises they make.This message was communicated to political parties a fortnight ago during a dialogue with women as part of the Women Claiming Citizenship Campaign, where a "women's advocacy brochure" outlining the demands of Namibia women was also launched.
According to the Women's Leadership Center (WLC), the brochure brings together the various demands made over the years by Namibian women in their srtuggles for national development and women's rights. Click here to read more.
Economic justice, education and training
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Regional: Women still sidelined in economic decision making
Gender equality contributes to economic growth but economic growth does not always contribute to gender equality, says the United Nations World Survey on the role of Women in Development. Women's participation in the economic sector has been proven to underpin Millenium Development Goals (MDG) such as poverty reduction, child health and education. Click here to read more.
South Africa: Women farmers play a vital role in food security
In South Africa's not too distant past, the image of a commercial farmer usually brought to mind middle aged white men in short pants or, in a few cases, black farmers struggling against the odds to complete in far-away markets. But the stereotype is now being shattered by a number of high achieving women. Accross Africa women produce more than 70 percent of the continent's food, but most of the farming is at a subsistence level, according to the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Read more here.
Health, HIV and AIDS
Global: AIDS funding at danderous turning point
Wavering international support for HIV/AIDS efforts is resulting in funding shortfalls that could wipe out a decade of progress in rolling out AIDS treatment, the international medical and humanitarian organisation, MedecinsSans Frontieres (MSF), has warned. In a report called "Punishing Success? Early signs of a retreat from commitment to HIV/AIDS care and treatment '' was released on 5 November. MSF highlights worrying indications that the two biggests international funders helping developing countries expand their AIDS programmes are starting to scale back or flatline their contributions. Click here to read more.
South Africa: Fresh Campain against Paediatric AIDS
South Africa: Fresh campaign against paediatric AIDSEleven years ago, Raloke Odetoyinbo had been married for two years and a month when she found out she was HIV positive. In that moment she thougth she had lost her chance of ever having children because she believed that her child would be born HIV positive. But she still wanted to bear children and be a mother."Naturally in my society it is (bearing children) what makes you, what defines your womanhood. If you cannot have children your
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value as a human being is completely diminished," she said. She was fortunate to have to have access to effective antiretroviral medication to prevent transmission of the virus to her unborn child. Click here to read more.
Namibia : Illegal abortions common despite risks
Ten years ago, a move to legalise abortion in Namibia failed. The number of unwanted pregnancies remains high, with many people unwilling or unable to use contraception. Despite the risks, illegal abortions remain common. Misoprostol -a drug used to control ulcers, more usually known by the brand name Cytotec-has become a favoured method for inducing abortion. The drug costs around $14 U.S dollars per tablet from a phamacist and is readily available on the streets of Windhoek. Medical doctors who conduct abortions illegaly using the drug charge between 140 and 200 U.S dollars. Read more here.
Media, information and communications
Zimbabwe: SADC Gender Protocol Baseline Barometer and Glass ceiling report launched
ZWLA (Zimbabwe Women's' Lawyers Association)-the national focal point representing Zimbabwe within the SADC Gender protocol alliance hosted the launch of the SADC Gender Protocol Barometer on the 20 October 2009 at Bronte Hotel, Harare, Zimbabwe. Approximately 120 guests including gender activists, government officials, development agencies, journalists and other interested parties witnessed the launch of the SADC Gender Protocol Baseline Barometer and the Roadmap to equality handbook .
Gender Links, represented by the Executive Director, Colleen Lowe Morna started the event with welcome remarks and gave a brief background to the SADC Gender protocol. Dr Utete-Masango, the Permanent Secretary, for the Ministry of Gender, Women's Affairs and Community Development, gave a brief background on the relevance of the SADC Gender protocol to Zimbabwe, and clearly stressed the need to collaborate our efforts in the fight for gender equality.
She noted that the government through her ministry has done a lot of effort in ensuring that line ministries have adequately mainstreamed gender into their programmes. Dr Utete also stated that her ministry had also formed a taskforce around monitoring and evaluation of government's efforts in ensuring that the 2010 national budget is also engendered.
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Ms Pat Made, Gender Links board member and media activist analysed the SADC Gender protocol from a media perspective. She stressed the need for the media to be accountable and transparent as it is a tool in which women and men can use to air their views on various issues around development, democracy and women's rights.
She also noted that the media is an instrument that goes hand in hand with governance, thus for any development and uplifting of women to be appreciated in a society, it should also be linked to how the freedom of expression and access to information is being upheld in the country. She also concluded by stating that the media is a powerful tool in popularising the SADC Gender protocol to all communities.
Hon Jessie Majome, the Deputy Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary affairs also gave a brief speech before launching the publications. She indicated that the Protocol came at the right time in Zimbabwe's history. After delivering her speech, she officially launched the publications.
Compiled by Tafadzwa Muropa, Alliance member.
Integrated Approaches/Monitoring and Evaluation
Regional: Think tank on lessons learned on supporting women leaders
Hivos, Gender Links (GL) and Akina Mama wa Afrika (AMwA) will be convening a think tank from 7-10 December 2009 on lessons learned in Eastern and Southern Africa on supporting women leaders to get into decision-making; use these spaces to make a difference; and harness the energy after they leave.
The think tank meeting comes about as a result of mistakes and successes that point to the need for more targeted and strategic interventions; as well as greater coordination between the different groups involved. The IT revolution also opens many new opportunities for networking, skills development and leveraging of the work being done in many different corners.
Among the outputs of the think tank meeting will be a collaborative strategy paper developed by the partners through online discussions before the meeting as well as the several group and panel discussions during the meeting, that will bring together key activists, women decision-makers ( in and out of political spaces), as well as international co-operating partners.
It is also hoped that the think tank meeting will result in a network; sharing of databases; materials and ongoing linkages through IT related social networking tools and a detailed programme of action to define interventions
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moving forward. The colloquium will also yield a "lessons learned" handbook of best practises and strategies, similar to the "Roadmap to Equality" booklet put together by partners in the Southern Africa Gender Protocol Alliance concerning this campaign.
For more information on the meeting contact Mukayi Makaya on [email protected].
Regional: Beijing + 15 Opens
The Committee on Women and Development (CWD) and the expert session of the 8th African Regional Conference on Women (Beijing +15), opened on Tuesday at the Kairaba Beach Hotel, Banjul, The Gambia.The main objective of this meeting is to discuss and strategise on the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action (BPFA). Click here to read the full story.
Matrine Bhuku Chuulu represented Southern Africa at the NGO meeting in Banjul in preparation for Beijing Plus 15 and drew on the Barometer in preparing the regional report.Read more about the meeting here
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Source: http://genderlinks.org.za/wp-content/uploads/imported/articles/attachments/10306_roadmap_to_equality_issue5.pdf
Periodontal Disease, Matrix Metalloproteinases andChemically Modified Tetracyclines From the Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway Correspondence to: Svein Steinsvoll, Sagvollveien 1, 2830 Raufoss, Norway. Tel.: / 47 61191481; Fax: /4761191481; E-mail: [email protected] Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease 2004; 16: 1 /7
Necrotic Enteritis: Managing without Antibiotics Dr. Linnea J. Newman Schering-Plough Animal Health (presented at the PIC's Poultry Health Conference on November 14, 2000) The medical community has expressed concern that antibiotic use in food animals may promote the development ofantibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria that could threaten the human population. While the true relationship betweenantibiotic use in animals and antibiotic-resistant bacteria in humans has yet to be determined, there has been a strong outcryfrom consumers to eliminate antibiotic use from food animal production.