Compiled by the International Secretariat

This document will help you plan for Menstrual
Hygiene Day 2016. It is meant to give you guidance
Menstrual Hygiene Management.6
and inspiration for all your activities.
Theme 2016: #Menstruationmatters to everyone,
If you have a great tip or suggestion to share with the
Secretariat, please email to:
MH Day planning tips .14

Menstrual Hygiene Day is celebrated every year
Menstrual Hygiene Day is an open and global platform
for partners across all sectors to engage in awareness,
advocacy and knowledge-sharing around the importance
Image: Uganda MHM Coalition
of menstrual hygiene management.
To create a world in which every woman and girl can
manage her menstruation in a hygienic way – wherever
she is – in privacy, safety and with dignity.
Menstrual Hygiene Day will help to break the silence and
build awareness about the fundamental role that good
menstrual hygiene management (MHM) plays in en-
abling women and girls to reach their full potential.
Partner Alliance
Menstrual Hygiene Day (MH Day) is currently supported
by > 380 partner organisations worldwide (Status April
2016), bringing together non-profits, government agen-
cies, the private sector, the media and individuals.
The partner network is constantly growing and expanding
to more and more countries. A current overview can be
How can I become partner?
Our partners all have one thing in common: they are work-
WASH United is the initiator of Menstrual Hygiene Day
ing on the issue of menstruation and support the global
and acts as its International Secretariat. As the Interna-
vision and mission of Menstrual Hygiene Day (MH Day).
tional Secretariat, WASH United coordinates MH Day and
manages the MH Day Alliance of more than 380 partner
As a partner on MH Day, we welcome you to contribute
organisations. This includes:
your time, energy and ideas to make this day a real, big
• Developing the global strategic direction of MH Day, as
deal. There is no financial obligation in getting involved.
well as key campaign and advocacy materials;
• Managing communication between MH Day Alliance
Contact us and send us your logo as a symbol of support.
• Managing external communication, including the MH
Day website, social media and serving as a focal point
What if I am an individual?
Menstrual Hygiene Day can be celebrated by everyone
• Issuing the regular MHM newsletter ("Keep the flow
everywhere! While you cannot become an official partner,
you can of course use all the materials available on the
• Supporting partners in the planning and implementa-
website, and mobilize your friends and colleagues for the
tion of MH Day activities;
• Promoting collaborations between partners globally
Simply subscribe to the newsletter and follow us on social
and at country level;
media for the latest updates.
• Reporting on MH Day activities.
The United Nations Children's Fund
(UNICEF) and the World Health Organization
(WHO) define Menstrual Hygiene
Management (MHM) as
• the articulation, awareness, information
and confidence to manage menstruation
with safety and dignity using safe hygienic
materials, together with
• adequate water and agents and spaces
for washing and bathing and
• disposal with privacy and dignity.1
The United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
includes additional systemic factors:2
• informed and comfortable professionals
• referral and access to health services
• positive social norms
• advocacy and policy.
Facts Facts Facts
It is always good to have facts to
If you want to learn more about
make the case for why menstruation
MHM, these are – in our opinion -
matters. To make it easier, we have
the TOP 3 resources:
• House, S., Mahon, T., Cavill, S.
(2012). Menstrual hygiene
matters - A resource for improv-
Specific factsheets
ing menstrual hygiene around the
world. WaterAid (
For the environment
• UNESCO (2014). Puberty Educa-
tion & Menstrual Hygiene
For human rights
• Sumpter C., Torondel B. (2013). A
Systematic Review of the Health
We have these factsheets also in
and Social Effects of Menstrual
French, Spanish, Portuguese, Swa-
Hygiene Management. )
hili, Wolof, and Acholi.
Country specific factsheets are
available for Kenya, Uganda and
And much more you can find on the
to everyone, everywhere

About the theme
Download the infographic &
The theme for 2016 "menstruationmatters to everyone,
everywhere" was jointly developed by the partners of the
get the factsheets here:
MH Day Alliance.
Here is why and how menstruation matters in relation to
different aspects. For your own campaign you can chose
all aspects or focus on a particular one.
Menstruation is
Menstruation is
matters to
matters in
a matter of
an issue of
around the world need
ative social norms
need to be able to
miss out on educa-
with disabilities of-
to manage their men-
manage their men-
tion, work and other
struation during their
tion are perpetu-
struation in all areas
opportunities in life
specific require-
reproductive age. The
ated by society as
of life – at home,
when they cannot
specific challenges
a whole, including
in school, at work,
that women and girls
experience differ
men. Including men
when travelling, etc.
menstruation with
their menstruation
widely, depending on,
with normalcy and
and girls can man-
dignity. Taboos and
in dignity. These
about menstruation
age their menstru-
myths related to
need to be taken
customs, education,
is therefore critical
ation with normalcy
menstruation often
into account in all
to creating normal-
and in dignity, their
portray women and
areas of life.
cy and fostering a
needs need to be
girls as inferior to
factors. Yet it is fair
supportive environ-
taken into account
men and boys. This
to say that managing
in all areas of life.
undermines gender
menstruation with
equality and often
normalcy and in digni-
ty remains a challenge

Menstruation matters to achieving the
Menstruation is a matter of
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been adopted
Menstruation is an issue of human rights
in 2015. While there is no specific goal or indicator related to MHM,
and dignity. Many human rights are
menstruation matters to several SDGs.
important to ensure that women and girls
can manage their menstruation adequately
Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Target 3.7: By 2030, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services,
and with dignity. This includes the right to
including for family planning, information and education, and the integration of reproductive health
water, the right to sanitation, the right to
into national strategies and programmes.
health and access to health-related educa-
Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportuni-
tion, including on sexual and reproductive
health. When women and girls cannot
Target 4.1: By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary
and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes.
manage their menstruation adequately and
Target 4.3: By 2030, ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality techni-
with dignity, it impacts on their human rights,
cal, vocational and tertiary education, including university.
Target 4.5: By 2030, eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all
including on the right to education, the right
levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities,
to work, the right to health and on gender
indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations.
equality and dignity more broadly.
Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Target 5.1: End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere.
Target 5.3: Eliminate all harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage and female
genital mutilation.
Target 5.6: Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights.
Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Target 6.1: By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water
Target 6.2: By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all
and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in
Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive em-
ployment and decent work for all
Target 8.8: Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all work-
ers, including migrant workers, in particular women migrants, and those in precarious employ-
Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
Menstruation matters
Not only women and girls menstruate.
Transgender and intersex people may
also menstruate if they were born
biologically female. They often face spe-
cific challenges in managing their men-
struation with normalcy and in
dignity, especially with regard to the use
of facilities and access to health
Gender neutral terms
If you want to use gender neutral terms, here are suggestions
provided by our partner Period Positive:
Instead of.
Replace it with.
Becoming a woman
Feminine hygiene products
Menstrual products
Mothers and daughters
Parents and children
People and adolescents
.who menstruate Menstruator
People with periods
Tips & Resources
Whether you do something as amazing as your own MH Day campaign, or as simple as sharing our templates and
message amongst your networks, every action counts. There are many ways for you or your organisation to get
involved. We've listed some ideas below.
Use and share our materials widely
Show your support on social media
Create an MH Day event and add it on the map
Reach out and involve media
Engage politicians, religious leaders, stars, .
Use and share our materials widely
On the website we have uploaded all materials for print
What materials is available?
Brand new Materials for 2016 are:
• Poster with illustrations of peoples perspectives
• Poster with the slogan
You can of course create your own materials, but we
• Poster with icons
would appreciate if you inlude at least the MH Day logo
• Banner with the annual theme
and the slogan for this year!
And in addition we have the MHDay Planner 2016, So-
cial Media sheet, and a press release.
The licence under creative commons is
Of course, you can use all materials from last years, too!
such as the infographic, factsheets, Exhibition Toolkit, 28
conversations, etc.
Help to translate materials!
Why is there a different slogan?
We want all the Menstrual Hygiene Day resources to be
accessible to as many people as possible globally. We
"Every Day can be a Good Day"
generally develop materials in English. Partners of the
MH Day Alliance help to translate them into their
The annual theme is the lead theme for the campaign.
For campaign materials to work in different media, it
Please help us to translate the materials into other lan-
requires a "story". Based on the lead theme, the headline
guages! If you send us your translation, we will add it to
slogan of the campaign "Every day can be a good day" was
the materials section.
derived from it. #menstruationmatters for everyone, every-
Please contact us at [email protected],
where and every day!
Every Day can be a Good Day
The story of this year's campaign is that "every day can be a good day", including the days of the period. In the cam-
paign, different people explain what makes days on the period normal and good.
The different perspectives- Illustrations:
The girls
The mother
Available as Asian, Arab and African girls
Available as Asian, Arab and African mother
The father
The brother
Do you want to add different
Let us know and we might be
able to create more sets for you!
We also provided for templates
so you can enter your own text.
Available as Asian and African father
Available as African brother
Every Day can be a Good
How you can use this year's materials !
Option 1:
Option 2:
Option 3:
Enter your text into a word.doc
Your image and text
Combine the text with your images
In word the image is locked in the
Use the colour.png to place it next to your
Or use the transparent.png and
back. Enter your text.
image.Enter your text.
place it over your image.
Include your logo.
Include your logo.
or any other information.
or any other information.
Include your logo.
such as facts & text.
such as facts & text.
or any other information.
Show your support on social media
Check the special social Media Sheet
4 Simple ways to support!
Top Tweets!
#MenstruationMatters for everyone everywhere! Celebrating
#MenstrualHygieneDay on May 28.
Every day can be a #goodday, if girls can attend school
during their #period. #MenstruationMatters #mhday (ADD
your story online
#MenstruationMatters for the #SDGs: for achieving #health
twitter /facebook /
#education #WASH #genderequality #work #sustainability.
Create an event and add it on our map
What activities should I do on MH Day?
You know your location and audience best – and can or-
ganize activities according to what you want to achieve,
your resources and ideas. The Secretariat does not pre-
scribe what activities partners should do.
• A generic event check-guide can be found on the
following pages.
• Get inspiration from previous events ☺
• Come together in pooling ideas and
If you have a great tip or suggestion that you would like
to share, please email [email protected].
What about funding for my activities?
Please note that the Menstrual Hygiene Day Secretariat
does not provide any financial support for your activities.
But of course you can fundraise for the event, or by
pooling resources with other partners.
Event Planning Steps
Besides that it is Menstrual Hygiene Day:
What is the objective for my activity?
• What do you hope to achieve?
Do I have a call to action ?
• Who is your target audience?
• How do you translate the annual theme to your context?
• Contact local partners and potential supporters.
2 Organize your team
• Contact Secretariat for partners in your country
Coordinate with partners
• Consider identifying one key person for overall management
Mobilize funds
• if required, assign individual persons/partners to handle
specfic activity tasks
3 Select activities
• See next page
• Overall budget required & sponsoring
4 Detailed planning
• Materials (including time & budget
• Speakers/presenters, VIP and partner management
• Publicity/promotion (online & off-line, e.g.
• Volunteer management
• Share photos, video and stories online and with partners
5 Reporting
• Fill in our activity report, so your event will be integrated in
the global MH Day 2016 report.
• Send thank-you letters to all volunteers, partners and
Create an event and add it on the map
Some suggestions for events
Some materials we have for you:
Community event
Hold an cultural & educational forum. Ask other public officials and faith-based
Banner, Poster, Factsheets, Press release,
leaders to participate.
Exhibution Toolkit, Education Tools, .
Rally your network and your community via a parade, run, flash mob, submitting a
Banner, Poster, T-Shirts, .
petition to politicians to create awareness around MHM.
Exhibition, art & music event
Using art (exhibition, dance, drawing, movies) and music to create an event that
Exhibition Tookit, Videos, Storytelling,
creates a more cultural approach to menstruation. It is great opportunity to involve
Myth& Taboo Map,.
local artists and young people to express their feelings, experiences, attitudes and
Stakeholder Meeting & Conference
Bring together political leaders, personalities, specialists or influential people from
Infographic, Factsheets, .
your community to debate and discuss the importance of menstrual health & hygiene.
Education sessions in schools & other locations
Educational Tools, Pad Making Workshop,
Conduct education sessions with teachers and students (girls and boys). You can also
Exhibition Toolkit, 28 Conversations,
include fun activities such as essay, painting or drama contests.
Other locations can be prisons, health centers, universities, public institutions, etc. to
really stress the issue of "everywhere".
Open day at your organization
Exhibition Toolkit, 28 Conversations, .
Invite members of the community to an open day at your organization to promote your
work throughout the year.
Fundraiser event
Factsheets, Press release,
Be it for your own project, or as a donation drive benefiiting other partners projects, a
Exhibition Toolkit, .
fundraiser event is always a good change.
You can also use a crowdsurfing platform!
Create an event and add it on the map
How can I promote my event?
Via the MH Day website
We have created a link where you can enter your event
details. The information will automatically enter our system
and after a quick check from our side, will appear on a map
on the MH Day website.
Via the MH Day Facebook site
Use the same link, and we will include also the event on the
MH Day Facebook site.
Via your own channels
Promote your event through your newsletter, a press re-
lease, an email blast, a FB invite, posters/fliers, or good old
word of mouth. If you set up your on event page, share this
Make your event known!
Report back on your event!
How can I find an event near me? Can I attend ?
We would love to hear from you how it went!
Check the MH Day website or Facebook event page to find an
Particularly because we share highlights and all events
event near you. The contact details of the organizers are often
later to everyone.
Events will also be featured on the website!
To attend a specific event, please contact the organizers.
PLease note, that some events are open to the public and
some events might be a closed meeting.
Reach out and involve media
It is always good to invite and involve media. Special pro-
grammes for e.g. women, education are usually interested
Official press release
and looking for good content, especially around media
opportunities such as Awareness Days.
We have created a press release and some additional
materials for media.
Promotion and involvement in your event
Invite a range of media to your activities. Having media
Feel free to use it and adapt for your context.
present is always a good incentive for officials and other
dignitaries to attend, and vice versa.
Maybe even hold a press conference with elected officials
to raise public awareness importance of menstruation.
Tips on working with media
• Exlore which media and journalists, and which spe-
Write an article or an editorial letter about MHM, your work
cific formats have an interest in women, education,
and include Menstrual Hygiene Day.
If you need more information, simply contact us!
• Make the reporter's job "easy." by preparing back-
ground information, case studies and data in advance
• Focus on key messages and get those across
• Identify a spokesperson
Conduct radio-talk shows and call-in programmes,
• Give the beneficiaries a voice
encourage radio stations to air public service
• The more compelling and interesting your story, the
more likely the chance to get featured
Engage politicians, religious leaders, stars, .
Champions for the cause
Politicians, religious leaders, and stars from sport & culture
Ambassadors for Mh Day
can be great spokespersons for the cause!
Some of the great champions that partners have mobilized:
• First ladies of county
Feel free to reach potential local Ambassadors. The Secre-
• Female parliamentarians
tariat can assist you by providing you with an official letter
of support or more information if required.
• Hollywood actresses (such as Frida Pinto)
As role models they can strongly support to overcome the
silence, get the message through to beneficiaries in a
personal way, and usually create media attention.
Men in menstruation
Under the theme menstruation matters for everyone, the
importance of boys & men to create the required support is
highlighted. Therefore we encourage you to engage male
champions for the cause, too! These can be powerful role
models. Just think about "Menstrual Man" !
Happy Planning!
Polypharmacy Guidance October 2012 Developed by The Model of Care Polypharmacy Working Group Quality and Efficiency Support TeamScottish Government Health and Social Care Directorates Version 2 – controlled only when electronic – to be updated September 2013 Acknowledgements We would like to take the opportunity to acknowledge the following individuals and groups that have worked collectively to develop this guidance:
Organic silica developed by the scientist Dr. Loïc Le Ribault Oral dosage and external application A new clinical study confirms the effectiveness in the case of arthritis of G5 Siliplant with application of a gel: valuation d'un complément diététique sur les douleurs articulaires avec ajout d'un gel, rapport final, SILAIE number PEC11012. Edited by BC, MERIEUX NUTRISCIENCE under the direction of Béatrice Housez, Nutrition and Health specialist and Matthieu Pichelin, Clinical Project Manager»