
10 risk questions

10 Risk Questions in Mind of
the Pregnant Woman
10 risk questions

10 risk questions
Question -1
Breast-feeding while pregnant: Is it safe?
Is it safe to continue breast-feeding if I'm
pregnant with another child?
Generally, it's possible to safely continue breast-feeding
while pregnant — as long as you're careful about eating a healthy diet and diligently drinking plenty of fluids. There's an important caveat, however. Breast-feeding can trigger mild uterine contractions. Although these contractions aren't a concern during an uncomplicated pregnancy, your health care provider may discourage breast-feeding while pregnant if you have a history of preterm labor.
10 risk questions
If you're considering breast-feeding
while pregnant, be prepared for changes your nursing child. The content of your breast milk will change — which may affect the way your milk tastes. In addition, your milk production is likely to decrease as your pregnancy progresses. These factors could lead your nursing child to wean on his or her own before the baby is born.
10 risk questions
Your comfort may also be a concern.
During pregnancy, nipple tenderness and breast soreness are common. The discomfort may intensify while breast-feeding. Pregnancy-related fatigue may pose challenges as well. If you want to continue breast-feeding while pregnant — or breast-feed both the baby and the older child after delivery — you may need additional support from loved ones or other close contacts. Also check with your health care provider about taking supplemental prenatal vitamins.
10 risk questions

Question 2
Air travel during pregnancy: Is it safe?
Is air travel during pregnancy safe,
especially near the beginning or end of
Generally, commercial air travel during
pregnancy is considered safe for women who have healthy pregnancies.
10 risk questions
Air travel during pregnancy may increase the
risk of complications associated with certain conditions in pregnancy — such as sickle cell disease,
insufficiency. Restriction of travel of any type after 36 weeks of pregnancy or if you're at risk of preterm delivery.
The best time to fly may be in the middle of
your pregnancy — about weeks 14 to 28. This is when you're likely to feel your best, and the risks of miscarriage and premature labor are the lowest.
10 risk questions
When you fly:
•Check the airline's policy about air travel during
pregnancy. Guidelines for pregnant women may
vary by carrier and destination.
•Choose your seat carefully. For the most space
and comfort, request an aisle seat.
•Buckle up:. During the trip, fasten the lap belt under
your abdomen and across the tops of your thighs.
•Promote circulation: If possible, take occasional
walks up and down the aisle. If you must remain seated,
flex and extend your ankles often.
•Drink plenty of fluids. Low humidity in the cabin
can lead to dehydration.
10 risk questions

10 risk questions
Question 3
Vaccines during pregnancy: Are they safe?
I'm wondering about vaccines during pregnancy.
Which vaccines are recommended and which ones
should I avoid?
Generally, vaccines that contain inactivated (killed) viruses can
be given during pregnancy. Vaccines that contain live viruses aren't recommended for pregnant women.
The only vaccine routinely recommended during pregnancy is
an influenza (flu) shot for women who are pregnant. The flu shot is made from an inactivated virus, so it's safe for both pregnant woman and her/his baby. Avoid the nasal spray vaccine, which is made from a live virus.
10 risk questions
A routine Td booster is typically given in the second or third trimester, but can be given anytime if needed due to possible exposure. Recommend other vaccines during pregnancy — such as hepatitis A, hepatitis
pneumococcal vaccines.
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Certain vaccines are generally avoided during pregnancy, including: •Chickenpox (varicella) •Human papillomavirus (HPV) •Measles •Mumps •Rubella (German measles )
If you're planning a pregnancy, live
vaccines should be given at least a month before conception.
10 risk questions
Question 4
Aspirin during pregnancy: Is it safe?
Is it safe to take aspirin during pregnancy?
Generally, however, aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs — including ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) — aren't recommended as pain relievers during pregnancy. Taking aspirin during pregnancy — especially after 32 weeks — could trigger the baby's blood flow to be rerouted in the uterus. This could cause potentially fatal problems for the baby.
If you need to take a pain reliever during pregnancy, ask your health care provider about the options. He or she may approve occasional use of acetaminophen (Tylenol, others).
10 risk questions
Question 5
Headaches during pregnancy: What's
the best treatment?
What can I do about headaches during
Many headache medications may have harmful or unknown effects on a developing baby. There's much you can do to prevent or relieve headaches during pregnancy.
10 risk questions
Avoid headache triggers.
Include physical activity in your daily routine.
Practice relaxation exercises.
Eat smaller, more frequent meals throughout
Drink plenty of fluids.
Keep a regular sleep schedule.
Maintain good posture.
Rest. Lie down in a dark, quiet room with
your eyes closed.
Use a compress.
Try massage.
10 risk questions
If headache is accompanied by
changes in vision.
Remember, medication isn't necessarily off-limits during pregnancy. Although aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) and many prescription
recommended during pregnancy, most pregnant women can safely take acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) to treat occasional headaches.
Herbal headache remedies, such as feverfew and butterbur, aren't recommended during pregnancy.
10 risk questions
Question 6
Hair dye and pregnancy: A concern?
Is it OK to use hair dye during pregnancy?
When you use hair dye, a small amount of the dye may penetrate your skin. Generally, however, the dye isn't thought to pose harm to a developing baby. A 2005 study suggested an association between hair dye and pregnancy and the childhood cancer neuroblastoma — but other studies haven't reached the same conclusion. Most researchers say it's unlikely that maternal use of hair products before or during pregnancy would increase the risk of childhood brain tumors.
10 risk questions
If you're concerned about the use of hair
dye during pregnancy, talk to your health care provider. He or she may suggest postponing any chemical hair treatments.
If you decide to dye your hair during pregnancy, consider these precautions from the Food and Drug Administration:
- Wear gloves when applying hair dye. - Apply hair dye as quickly as possible. - Rinse your scalp thoroughly after using hair dye.
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Question 7
Allergy medications and pregnancy: What's
Is it safe to take Claritin or other allergy
medications during pregnancy?
Loratadine (Claritin, others) is considered a
category B drug — which means that animal
studies haven't shown any risks to unborn babies
whose mothers take the drug. Still, category B
drugs haven't been adequately tested during
human pregnancy.
10 risk questions
Rather than depending on allergy medications,
you might consider other ways to manage your
allergy symptoms. For example.
- Avoid triggers. Limit your exposure to anything that
triggers your allergy symptoms.
- Rinse your nasal cavity with a neti pot.
- Include physical activity in your daily routine. Exercise
helps reduce nasal inflammation.
- Use nasal strips at night. These adhesive strips (Breathe
Right, others) can help keep your nasal passages open
while you're sleeping.
10 risk questions
If these tips don't seem to help, remember that allergy medications aren't necessarily off-limits during pregnancy. If you want to use allergy medications, work with your health care provider to choose the safest drugs for you and your baby.
10 risk questions
Question 8
X-ray during pregnancy: Is it safe?
Is it safe to have an X-ray during pregnancy?
It may surprise you, but having an X-ray during
pregnancy is generally considered safe. In most cases, the
benefits of an X-ray during pregnancy outweigh the
potential risks.
It's possible that your baby could be at a slightly higher
risk of birth defects or illnesses, such as leukemia, later in
A leaded apron and collar also can be worn to block any
scattered radiation from X-ray
Health care provider might be able to do an ultrasound
22/2012 of an X-ray
10 risk questions
Question 9
Antibiotics and pregnancy: What's safe?
Is it safe to take antibiotics during
If you develop a bacterial infection during
pregnancy, antibiotics can nearly always be taken
safely. The specific medication must be chosen
carefully, however. Some antibiotics are OK to take
during pregnancy, while others are not. Safety
depends on various factors, including the type of
antibiotic, when in your pregnancy you take the
antibiotic, how much you take and for how long.
10 risk questions
Here's a sampling of antibiotics generally considered safe during pregnancy: •Amoxicillin •Ampicillin •Clindamycin •Erythromycin •Penicillin Certain other antibiotics should be avoided during pregnancy. For example, tetracyclines — such as doxycycline, tetracycline and minocycline — can damage a pregnant woman's liver, discolor a developing baby's teeth and cause various birth defects.
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10 risk questions
Question 10
Pregnancy and hot tubs: What's the risk?
Is it safe to use a hot tub during pregnancy?
Pregnancy and hot tubs can be a dangerous combination. Spending 10 minutes or more in a hot tub can raise your body temperature to 102 F (38.9 C), causing a condition known as hyperthermia. Some studies have shown an increased risk of miscarriage and neural tube defects — serious abnormalities of the brain or spinal cord — in the babies of women who experience high temperatures during the first four to six weeks of pregnancy.
10 risk questions
Exposure to hot tubs at any time during pregnancy can also cause you to overheat and lower your blood pressure, which can harm your baby's oxygen supply.
If you choose to use a hot tub during pregnancy, take these steps to reduce the risks: • Limit time in the hot tub to less than 10 minutes. • Avoid sitting near the inlet that provides newly heated water. • Get out of the hot tub if you start to sweat or feel any discomfort. • Stay out of the hot tub if you aren't in good health or you already have an elevated temperature due to fever, exercise, or previous hot tub or sauna use.
10 risk questions

10 risk questions
„Ein riskantes Geschäft"Im Oktober ist in den Räumlichkeiten der Biberacher Kreissparkasse die Ausstel ung „Mehr Gesundheit – eine Aufgabe für Generationen" zu sehen. Diese zeigt einen Einblick in die Geschichte des Pharmaunternehmens Boehringer Ingelheim und in den Entwicklungsprozess eines Medikaments. Über die Erforschung von Wirkstoffen, die gesel schaftliche Verantwortung und die Zulassung des sogenannten Frauen-Viagras sprachen wir mit Heidrun Thoma und Dr. Stefan Kreuzberger, die von Ingelheim bezie-hungsweise Biberach aus die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit verantworten.
ReviewAzithromycin-chloroquine and the intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancyR Matthew Chico*1, Rudiger Pittrof2, Brian Greenwood1 and Daniel Chandramohan1 Address: 1Department of Infectious and Tropical Disease, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, London, WC1E 7HT, UK and 2Enfield Town Clinic, Wenlock House, 33 Eaton Road, Enfield, EN1 1NJ, UK