Nzpops conference 2016 ageing well

Thursday 16th June
Registrations open
Maori welcome and opening remarks by NZPOPs President Dionne Taylor
Dr Anna Rolleston
Life and Living in Advanced Age
Morning tea
Dementia project
Walking in Another's Shoes (WiAS) - Education Programme
Simon Seal & Lisa Rogers-
Person centred care reconsidered
Electroconvulsive Therapy: Penicillin or Thalidomide of psychiatry?
Ageing and Learning: Reflections on the Therapeutic Process
3.15 -3.45
Afternoon tea
If I develop dementia, am I still the same person?
Ann Boston & Adrienne
DBT – a useful intervention with older
Friday 17th June
Registrations open
Professor Nancy Pachana
Ageing Well - Past, Present and Future
Morning tea
Well being
Joanna Macfarlane
Intergenerational programme
Alexia Mengelberg
Investigating the effects of a DHA fish oil supplement on cognitive performance in older adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment
Management of sleep in the elderly with Dementia
12.30 – 1.30
Beyond Dotting the I's and Crossing the T's - Competency Assessment at its Best
Do we need to be doing something differently?
Alcohol, competency and the ethics of reassessment – a discussion
3.15 -3.30
Thursday 16th June
Morning Session
9:30am - Keynote- Dr Anna Rolleston
Dr Anna Rolleston is Senior Research Fellow in the Department of General Practice and
Primary Care at The University of Auckland and a co-investigator for the LILACsNZ project
which is a longitudinal, cohort study of older people in the Bay of Plenty. Anna, a clinical
exercise physiologist, is a board member at BOPDHB and director of The Cardiac Clinic in
Tauranga that specialises in lifestyle management of chronic conditions. The majority of her
research work is focussed on Maori health, older adults, cardiovascular disease and clinical
exercise physiology
Life and Living in Advanced Age:
LiLACS NZ is a longitudinal study of over 400 Maori aged 80-90 and 500 non-Maori aged 85 years from the Bay of Plenty region. Extensive interviews about health, social, cultural, environmental, and whanau support were completed every year for 5 years.
This presentation will report social and health data relevant to the communities of LiLACs NZ participants. Health related Quality of life for mental health was higher than physical health. Living arrangement and care patterns for participants vary by gender and ethnic group. Carers contributed care positively and over a broad range of activities.
11:00am – 11:30am - Christina Ilse
Christina Ilse has over 10 years' experience in Clinical Neuropsychology, working in a range of
settings including Mental Health Services for Older Adults, the Auckland Memory Clinic, and
as a contractor for ACC, assessing clients with traumatic brain injury. For the past two years,
she has been working for Brain Research NZ, at the Centre for Brain Research, University of
Dementia Prevention Research Clinics: A New National Network:
Brain Research New Zealand (BRNZ) was selected as a Centre of Research Excellence by the Tertiary Education Commission to support research into the ageing brain. A new national network of Dementia Prevention Research Clinics, as part of BRNZ, will be introduced in this presentation. The nature of this longitudinal study, in- and exclusion criteria and referral processes will be discussed, and two examples of current studies provided.
11:30am-12:15pm - Leah Caldwell
Clinical Psychologist South Canterbury District Health Board
Walking in Another's Shoes (WiAS) - Education Programme:
The Walking in Another's shoes vision is to move the dementia workforce toward a person-centred model of care and to improve the professional pride of the dementia workforce.
The education programme was developed in 2008 by the Canterbury District Health Board and has been supported by the South Island Regional Dementia Initiative and Health of Older People Service Level Alliance. Currently it is being run in all South Island DHBs, Mid Central DHB and Whanganui DHB. The WiAS programme involves six-hour group workshops held once a month, for eight months. The programme encourages the knowledge, skills, and insight to understand and respond in a positive way to people with dementia. Consolidation of new skills is supported with one on one student and educator sessions between each workshop. Students also have the opportunity to attend additional Master classes on completion of the course. Results show improvement in student person-centred attitudes, behaviors and positive feelings about their role.
12:15pm-1:00pm - Simon Seal & Lisa Rogers-Owen
Simon Seal (Clinical Psychologist, MHSOP Tauranga) and Lisa Rogers-Owen (Registered
Nurse, MHSOP Tauranga).
Person-Centred Care reconsidered:
Over two decades have passed since Professor Tom Kitwood and his Person-Centred Care approach revolutionised care of people with dementia in the United Kingdom. Person-Centred Care is now ubiquitous; it is internationally recognised and associated with gold standard dementia care. While the Person-Centred Care terminology has been well accepted within New Zealand dementia care settings, clinical experience often suggests there is a considerable discrepancy between theory and practice. In this presentation we revisit the philosophical underpinnings of Person-Centred Care, and explore ways in which theory and practice can be better integrated within the local Bay of Plenty context.
Afternoon Session
2:00pm-2:45pm - Sachin Jauhari
Dr Sachin Jauhari MB BS DMH MRCPsych (UK) FRANZCP. Consultant Psychiatrist. Sachin
started his training in psychiatry in the United Kingdom. After completing postgraduation in
psychiatry from Queen's University of Belfast, he completed his basic specialist training in
England followed by his advanced training in New Zealand. He works as a consultant
psychiatrist with Waitemata DHB. He is also closely involved in training medical students and
is an honorary senior lecturer with the school of medicine in Auckland. Sachin's special
interests include mental health of older adults, memory problems, mood and psychotic
disorders, anxiety disorders, capacity determination and medical ethics.
Electroconvulsive Therapy: Penicillin or Thalidomide of psychiatry?
In the presentation a brief history of ECT is discussed followed by discussion about the actual procedure, potential mechanisms of action, evidence of its clinical efficacy and adverse effects.
2:45pm-3:15pm - Dionne Taylor
Dr Dionne Taylor has worked for 10 years as a Clinical Psychologist with older adult mental
health services at Counties Manukau DHB specializing in therapy and neuropsychological
Ageing and Learning: Reflections on the Therapeutic Process:
The reflections of an older therapist on a decade of working with older adults - the importance of the process of therapy, irrespective of therapeutic modality, is discussed and compared with what a recent meta-analysis of clients' experiences and views of therapy has found.
3:45pm-4:15pm - Susan Yates
Dr. Susan Yates is a Clinical Psychologist currently working in the Counties Manukau Health
Memory Team; a service which specialises in the assessment and on-going follow-up of
people with suspected or confirmed dementia.
If I develop dementia, am I still the same person?
The brain, the ‘place' of our memories and cognitive abilities, is often considered to be the location in which our identity, sense of self, and mind resides. So what happens when we develop dementia – the condition in which there is a decline in memory and cognitive ability that is severe enough to interfere with occupational or social functioning? The condition that also in many cases leads to a change in mood and/or personality, as well as a change in how an individual acts or behaves. Is there a point where someone with dementia is no longer the same person? And if so, what does this mean for the person themselves as well as those that are caring for them? And how does premorbid personality fit into this? This presentation will debate the literature on dementia and identity, and also consider the issue from the perspective of those with dementia and their families.
4:15pm – 4:45pm - Ann Boston (WDHB), Adrienne Bartle (WDHB), & Tom Gosdon (Waikato
Dr Ann Boston and Dr Adrienne Bartle are Clinical psychologists with MHSOA Waitemata
DHB and Tom Gosden is a clinical psychologist with Waikato DHB
DBT – a useful intervention with older adults?
Older adults with personality disorders or traits are frequently seen in MHSOA service and are commonly difficult to treat. This presentation will discuss the current understanding of personality disorders and age and reflect on the usefulness of a DBT skills group with an older adult population as a treatment option.
Friday 17th June
Morning Session
9:00am- 10am - Key note - Nancy Pachana
Professor Nancy Pachana is a clinical geropsychologist, neuropsychologist, and professor in the School of Psychology at The University of Queensland, and is co-director of The University of Queensland Ageing Mind Initiative, providing a focal point for clinical, translational ageing-related research at the University of Queensland.
Ageing Well - Past, Present and Future:
Throughout history a wide range of people - scientists, philosophers, artists - have considered ageing, and how to do this well. Both Eastern and Western philosophies have considered the question as well. Over time changes in social norms and social policies have brought us closer to ageing well for all. Now we look towards a future set with some challenges but also many innovative approaches to ageing well.
10:30am-11am - Joanne McFarlane
Joanna Macfarlane is in her first year studying towards a Doctorate of Clinical Psychology at
Massey University, Albany. Her research and future clinical practice interests include
gerontology – in particular, how the Baby Boomer cohort may redefine older age mental
The psychosocial experience of older adults participating in an Intergenerational
Programme (iPlayed) - a comparison analysis with a group of community-dwelling older
Intergenerational programmes are social opportunities that bring young and older generations together to interact in mutually beneficial ways. In a planned study of older adults we will use qualitative methods to explore the psychosocial experience of participating in an intergenerational programme (iPlayed) for older adults living in a retirement village. Secondly, we will use quantitative methods to compare the village participants with community-dwelling older adults on measures of intergenerational contact and attitudes, psychological well-being, depression, loneliness and generativity. In this presentation, the iPlayed programme, study methods, and projected findings of the project will be described and discussed.
11am-11:30am - Alexia Mengelberg
Alexia is a PhD student at Massey University in Wellington and is conducting research that
involves older adults with MCI.
Investigating the effects of a DHA fish oil supplement on cognitive performance in older
adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment: An update from the baseline testing session:
Several recent clinical trials have shown that the omega-3, poly-unsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs) found in oily fish have a significant effect on cognitive performance and depression scores in cognitively impaired older adults. While the evidence for n-3 PUFAs as a safe therapeutic agent is steadily growing, there is still a lack of n-3 PUFAs trials which investigate the cognitive effects in older adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and in particular the moderating effect of the Apolipoprotein E4 allele on cognitive performance. This study aims to investigate the cognitive effects of a n-3 PUFA fish oil supplement in older adults with MCI by conducting a parallel 12-month, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled intervention trial with testing sessions at baseline, 6-months, 9-months and at the end of the trial. Participants will either be given an n-3 PUFA supplement containing 1250 mg of DHA and 270mg of EPA per day or a placebo supplement containing sunflower oil. This presentation will explore some of the data collected from the baseline testing session using the RBANS, CRT, COAST, Digits backwards, TMT A and B, GDS, GAI and SF-36.
11:30am – 12:00pm - Alex Bartle
Dr Bartle worked as a GP Christchurch for 30years and began developing the Sleep Well
Clinics in 2000. After 16yrs Alex has set up Sleep clinics throughout New Zealand. He
completed his Masters in Sleep Medicine through Sydney University in 2009. Dr Bartle has
been on the Education Sub-Committee of the Australasian Sleep Association for 10years, and
an inaugural member of the Asia Pacific Paediatric Sleep Alliance (APPSA). Dr Bartle was a
co-author of the NZ Guidelines for sleep disordered breathing in children. He regularly
presents seminars on all aspects of sleep medicine.
Management of sleep in the elderly with Dementia:
Throughout our life the structure of sleep changes, and this is especially the case in older adults with physical and cognitive decline. While medication is the most frequently used method of managing dysfunctional sleep, behavioural strategies can be equally effective. Understanding the structure of sleep in these situations, and both medical and behavioural treatments for dysfunctional sleep will be discussed.
Friday 17th June
Afternoon Session
1:30pm-2:15pm - Helen Paton
For the last 15 years, Helen has been providing psychological services in the assessment,
treatment and rehabilitation arena at Dunedin Hospital. Geropsychology is a passion of hers,
and ethical issues are often an important consideration in her work. Her clinical and research
interests include using neuropsychological assessment as a therapeutic tool, and cognitive
rehabilitation for neurodegenerative disorders.
Beyond Dotting the I's and Crossing the T's - Competency Assessment at its Best:
Competency assessment is a growing area given the ageing population. It ranges from assessments for putting in place and or activating Enduring Powers of Attorney through to whether Orders are required under the Protection of Personal Property Rights Act ("PPPR Act"). Clinicians have an obligation to conduct competency assessments in a way that meets the legislative requirements under the PPPR Act, and to provide justification for their clinical opinion. Interdisciplinary teams, clinical needs assessors, lawyers and the Family Court all play a role in this area and deal with older persons where competency may be an issue. This presentation aims to: Outline the legal requirements and ethical considerations when doing clinical
assessments of competency.
Discuss what and how much information needs to be included in assessments. Discuss and provide a standardised process for assessing competency.
2:15pm-2:45pm - Susan Yates
Do we need to be doing something differently?
Data from the Counties Manukau Health Memory Team indicates that the rates of Vascular and Mixed Dementia presentations in South Auckland are higher than those seen in many other developed counties. Whilst this might not be surprising given the rates of vascular risk factors and other health related issues in this ethnically diverse population, it raises questions about whether we should be doing something differently to reduce the prevalence of such diseases in the first place. And if we should be doing something differently, how should we do this? What will encourage individuals to live a healthier lifestyle, and to hopefully age well? Should we be looking at preventative medicine or are we fighting a losing battle? This presentation will aim to address these issues, and hopefully promote wider discussion around how we work with people with cognitive impairment/dementia and their families, as well as the wider community.
2:45pm – 3:15pm - John Glass,
Clinical psychologist, Taranaki DHB
Abstinence from alcohol and the question of capacity in older adults: a discussion:
John will discuss the ethics of reassessment of competency after abstinence from alcohol.
Copyright 2008 by the American Psychological Association 2008, Vol. 53, No. 3, 357–369 DOI: 10.1037/a0012973 Advanced Regression Methods for Single-Case Designs: Studying Propranolol in the Treatment for Agitation Associated With Traumatic Daniel F. Brossart Texas A&M University Wayne State University Richard I. Parker, James McNamara, and Timothy R. Elliott Texas A&M University
002_B-repariert #365:002_B 03.01.2008 10:26 Uhr Seite 118 118 BKLINISCH-THEORETISCHE INSTITUTE Institut für Experimentelle und Klinische Pharmakologie und ToxikologieLehrstuhl für Klinische Pharmakologie und ToxikologieInstitute of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and ToxicologyChair of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology