
Volume 9, Issue 3, December 2005
RRN's Contribution towards Easing the Present
Difficult Situation
Nepal used to be a land of peace. It is now up on RRN's agenda. As well as addressing some of
going through an unpleasant and awkward
the root causes of the conflict, such as
situation characterised by political instability,
discrimination, poverty, marginalisation, inequality
conflict, internal and external displacement of
and lack of services, development projects have
people. The conflict has badly affected the country's
given the people options – economic options – but
economic growth, physical infrastructure,
also opportunities to overcome social, cultural and
information and communication processes, tourism,
political difficulties and differences.
foreign investment, employment, education and theprivate sectors. Due to these problems, GDP growth
RRN has utilised the knowledge it has gained over
has also declined, as poverty and unequal
the years to help give some guidance to others about
socio–economic conditions have increased. Tens of
how to implement conflict–compatible development
thousands of people have been killed, displaced and
projects. When conflicts rage in any country, they
injured as a consequence of the ongoing conflictbetween the government and the rebels.
Despite the convoluted situation facing the people inall segments of the society, development agenciesare still struggling to restore peace in order to ease
the pain of the people and move towards progress.
RRN's Contribution towards Easing the Present Difficult Situation .1
Like other development agencies, RRN has also beenendeavouring to implement programmes that
construe a practical solution to the challenges. RRN
Ms. Satisara Starts Vegetable Farming after Irrigation Support
has now implemented projects in 23 districts of
from RRN's Community Support Programme .2
Nepal and has engaged in successful developmentwork. Through its development projects, RRN has
Issues of People's Health in Nepal .4
been able to strengthen the socio–economic
RRN's Impact on Rural Nepal .9
conditions at the local level by bringing community
Road to Destination Siraha . 10
people together to identify, prioritise and implement
A Success Story.10
projects of collective urgency. Engaging the
Better Water Use? Manage Knowledge.11
community members in the implementation andmonitoring of their schemes has contributed to
RRN's Work with Conflict-Affected People in the Context of Jiwan
institutionalising local leadership and community
Ra Jibika Karyakram, Phase II (JJ Phase II), a Life and
governance, and has been one of the main
Livelihood Programme
underlying causes of our continued success even
Knowledge Management: an essential tool .17
during these times of conflict. Issues such as
An Overview of the School Support Programme .18
pro–poor policies; promotion and protection ofeconomic, social and cultural rights; good
governance; and conflict transformation are all high
Volume 9, Issue 3, December 2005
RRN Newsletter : 1

affect all members of the society, butthose who suffer most are those
Ms. Satisara Starts Vegetable
already at the bottom margin ofsociety. These are the most
Farming after Irrigation Support
impoverished and discriminatedpeople – in Nepal, they include the
from RRN's Community Support
Dalits, indigenous people, womenand children. Neglected as they are,they are vulnerable and risk being
caught up and compelled toparticipate in the violence. To RRN,
Ruplal Aidi
working in the conflict meansfocusing mainly on these people and
Monitoring Officer, Nepalgunj, Banke
inculcating in them a sense ofconfidence and hope, in order to
Satisara Budha, 35, of Kotgaun VDC–1, grows vegetables in an
exceptional way in Rolpa. Most rural Nepalese are bound to
overcome poverty, isolation and
practice traditional agricultural activities due to their lack of
negligence, the very factors which
knowledge and resources. Rural people live in hill areas where
are often deemed to be the root
there is no access to irrigation facilities and other basic
causes of the conflict.
infrastructures of health, education, agriculture, road and
RRN's experience suggests that rural
transport. Therefore, the life of the rural hill population is difficult
development is the main way to cut
and diverse.
the tentacles of conflict. The kind of
However, Satisara has found a way to change her life pattern from
development that people understand
growing cereals to now growing vegetables. After the construction
and are capable of undertaking
of an irrigation canal at Madichaur in Kotgaun VDC–1 in Rolpa
themselves, one that ensures
District, she engaged herself in agricultural activity away from the
immediate livelihoods to the people
normal agriculture practices of growing traditional wheat and maize
and offers them prospects for the
and began to grow seasonal as well as off seasonal vegetables. In
future while drying up the reservoir
the year 2005, RRN facilitated and provided support for the
of frustration. We hope that the
construction of the Parewa Khola irrigation system under the
knowledge RRN has gained will have
community support programme funded by DFID. After the
significant implications for others
construction of the irrigation canal lining, the rural community
working in conflict–ridden Nepal and
people from the area started growing green vegetables. Like many
elsewhere. But ultimately, it is our
other people in her community, Satisara is one of the women who
hope that one day all development
successfully diverted her agriculture practices from growing
organisations do not have to consider
traditional cereal crops to off–season vegetable production through
how to work in conflict upon the
the medium of greenhouse vegetable cultivation. Along with
realisation of peace, prosperity and
irrigation support, RRN provided the rural community with a
the absence of violence.
five–day off–season vegetable cultivation training.
In this issue, we present articles,
Satisara has now acquired knowledge of growing off–season
case studies and activities derived
vegetable cultivation in a greenhouse. She has kept aside her 0.15–
from RRN programmes that are
hectare (3 ropani) of land for growing vegetables and is now
currently taking place in the midst of
cultivating off–season vegetables along with other seasonal
the conflict. We hope you'll find them
vegetable crops including winter vegetable crops. She says, "Earlier
useful. This publication attempts to
I had no idea about growing vegetables in a progressive way.
keep you updated on RRN's activities
Moreover, we had no irrigation facility."
and the current initiatives of itsprogrammes. In the next issue, we
Before the start of the irrigation project, the rural populations were
will be printing your expressed views
engaged in extensive farming. They had to invest huge labour costs
and ideas on the topics presented.
in large areas with very little production output. The farmers weredependent on the seasonal monsoon for water for the crops.
Whenever drought occurred, as a result of the climate change, the
2 : RRN Newsletter
Volume 9, Issue 3, December 2005

Ms. Satisara Budha, putting manure in her commercial vetable garden
output used to be lower. However, now after the
began to grow and consume the seasonal and
construction of this irrigation system in Madichaur,
off–season vegetables. They seem to be getting an
the farmers' life patterns have been changed.
adequate supply of nutrients required for their
Women in the community, like Satisara have started
proper growth and development for physical fitness.
semi commercial vegetable farming. Satisara has
As her husband and she have started closely
allocated a separate plot of land for vegetable
cooperating in the work of the vegetable farming,
farming, and she plans to increase the area gradually
they have also seen an increase in their overall level
over time. She has been doing intensive farming in a
of happiness, with steady cash transactions, good
limited space of land and trying her level best to
schooling for their children and a very tasty food
achieve maximum production. She has been
supply adding to their good health all now readily
receiving support from her husband, Mr. Kul Prasad
Budha, for this new undertaking.
Furthermore, Mr. Govinda Mishra, RRN's Assistant
Satisara hopes to receive good returns from the
Social Mobilisation Officer in Rolpa, adds that such
vegetable farming, which includes cabbage,
good results, which are on the increase can continue
cauliflower, potatoes, onion and garlic crops. She has
to be achieved from projects such as these, if RRN
already earned 25000.00 Nepali rupees from the sale
and the rural community people work together jointly
of vegetables and still there is another plot of
hand in hand. He believes that this kind of project
vegetable crop which is likely to be ready for
and cooperation can become a model for the
harvesting. In total, Satisara expects to earn about
economic and social empowerment of the general
40,000.00 Nepali rupees after the complete sale of
community people. He says, "I feel very satisfied
the vegetables from her field. In addition, Satisara
with the social mobilisation activities taking place
does not include the vegetables which she and her
here as I see this greenery in the field throughout
family consume in the total sale. She has also noticed
that her children have been healthier ever since she
Volume 9, Issue 3, December 2005
RRN Newsletter : 3

Issues of People's Health in Nepal
Dr. Rishi Raj Adhikari
Project Director, Community Support Strategy, RRN/DFID
were reiterated and a strong voice was raised on the
need to dump the current patent regime, to obtain
he poor socio–economic condition of the people
"health for all, NOW" and to create a campaign to
in Nepal has a direct effect on their health
heal the planet. PHA2, as it became known, also saw
conditions. Though the government, and
the launching of Global Health Watch, an alternative
non–government and private organisations have
world health report.
been working for a long time to improve the healthservice available, these services have proved
Today the focus is on achieving the Millennium
untimely, inadequate and of less quality in many
Development Goals (MDGs) with its targets by 2015
parts of the country, especially in the remote and the
and trying to meet all the health services indicators
as set by the MDGs. The MDGs health goals havefocused on such indicators as reduced maternal
In 1978, the governments of the world came
mortality, reduction in child mortality, reduction in
together to sign the Alma Ata Declaration that
HIV/AID prevalence, malaria, TB and other such
promised "health for all by 2000." Health services
were to become the focal issue of equity, socialjustice and human rights. However, inequity, injustice
2. Health Status
and poverty are still persistent and have had severenegative impacts on the livelihoods of the majority of
A large number of rural Nepalese still die from
the poor and socially disadvantaged people. These
preventable and curable diseases. According to the
people continue to lack access to resources, thus
health ministry report (HMG/N, 2003), diarrhoea,
rendering the goal of ‘health for all' still elusive.
Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) and Measles aresome of the major causes of child mortality and
The problem the Alma Ata faced was that the
debilitating diseases. Infectious diseases and
promise of ‘health for all' was never taken seriously
nutritional deficiencies are some of the major causes
and as such, was subsequently marginalised in
of child morbidity, disability and mortality. More than
health policy discussions on the country–wide level.
20,000 children die of diarrhoea–related diseases
As the year 2000 approached, it appeared that
every year. According to the ministry, ARI is one of
governments around the world were quietly
the major health problems among children under
forgetting the promise of "health for all by 2000." To
five, and is responsible for many deaths. Malaria is
remind people of this forgotten commitment, the
a major vector–borne disease prevalent in 65
First People's Health Assemble (PHA I) was organised
districts, TB is still a major killer, and HIV/AIDS is
in Savar, Bangladesh in 2000. The representatives
raging throughout the country at an unprecedented
discussed the adverse impact of Structural
Adjustment Programmes on people's health and therole of the World Bank, IMF and WTO in pushing
The national health policy was adopted in 1991 to
these policies. The assembly in a single voice
bring about improvement in the health conditions of
condemned these institutions and governments who
the people. The primary objective of the policy was
had been willingly pursuing these anti–people
to extend the primary health care system to benefit
policies. PHA I also criticised the multi–national
the rural population from modern medical facilities
corporations that used their money–power to push
and trained health care providers. The policy
for policies which put profits before people, and the
particularly highlighted preventive, curative and basic
proponents of liberalisation who recommended that
primary health care services.
governments should cut expenditure in the social
In addition, community participation is increasingly
sector like health and education. During the second
felt as a crucial aspect in health care planning and
People's Health Assembly held in Cuenca, Ecuador in
management of services. At the community level,
July 2005, the issues raised in the first assembly
participation of female community health volunteers
4 : RRN Newsletter
Volume 9, Issue 3, December 2005

(FCHVs), traditional birth attendants (TBAs), and
referrals and follow ups. However, in the absence of
other community leaders is very encouraging in
supportive supervision and monitoring from district
terms of educating and empowering rural
health offices, health posts and sub–health posts,
communities to improve their standards of health
these initiatives have thus far lacked success. Strong
and sanitation. Their roles have been vital in referrals
political will and commitment is extremely important
to peripheral health facilities like health posts and
to reach the goal of "health for all"(HMG/N, 2003).
sub–health posts.
Due to policy lacuna and lack of commitment by thekey actors including the government, the planned
The health ministry has developed a 20– year
programme and activities have been immobilised by
Second Long–Term Health Plan (1997–2017). This
the general lack of lustre. Instead of inclusion of the
major landmark in the health sector serves as a poor, marginalised and destitute in the health service
roadmap in health sector reform that could ultimately
delivery, exclusion and inequality has rather been the
improve access to health care for the whole
norm. There continues to be a stark difference
population, and in particular those who are needy
between the rich and the poor in many of the health
and lack access to basic health services. The plan has
indicators (IMR, U5MR, Immunization, ANC (TT +2)
well addressed the key issues like disparity in health
and delivery by Health Worker) as evidenced from
care, gender sensitivity, and equitable community
the tables below.
access to quality health care services. The plan alsoenvisions a health care system with equitable access
Technical inputs in health services have resulted in
and quality services in the urban and rural areas.
increased cost of production and marketing. In
The long term plan aims to reduce the maternal
addition, the cost recovery system carried out by the
mortality rate to 250 per hundred thousand births,
government has further aggravated the situation
infant mortality rate to 34.4 per thousand live births
with a devastating impact on the income–poor and
and reduce the under–five mortality rate to 62.5 per
social–poor sectors of society. The poor have no
thousand. It also ambitiously aims to increase the life
income to pay for the medicines and related medical
expectancy to 68.7 years and reduce the total birth
services. The privatisation of the health service
rate to 3.05. Undoubtedly, there are many challenges
system has instead benefited the better off of the
ahead to meet these ambitious targets successfully
Nepalese society and significantly excluded the more
in the present context.
needy section of the community: the poor, women,dalits, ethnic minorities and other destitute people.
There has been significant progress in maternal and
Thus, the health service system has tended to be in
child health, family planning and other health care
favour of the rich and people already privileged in
service delivery and management over the years.
the urban setting (Onta, 2005).
Based on the Asia Pacific Report on MDG II goals
The inequalities exhibited spatial dimensions
from 1990 – 2000, the under–nutrition rate dropped
between the districts, western districts being the
from 20% to 17%; the mortality rate for children
worst hit as evidenced by table two. The statistics as
under five went from 145% to 82%; and infant
reported in the worst–off districts in both tables can
mortality from 100% to 61% (UNESCAP/UNDP/ADB,
also be said to reflect some of the root causes of the
2005). The Tenth Plan has set an objective of making
on–going conflict involving the poor and
health care services easily available, and developing
marginalised communities.
human resources that support poverty reduction.
Decentralisation in the health sector is expected to
facilitate VDCs in participatory planning in healthcare so that issues of community participation, local
ownership, gender and health, and local health
needs will be addressed and integrated into theVDCs' annual development plans.
Primary Health Care (PHC) outreach clinics havebeen established in the VDCs in order to improve
accessibility and coverage by providing health
Delivery by HW 2.9
education; counselling and IEC; family planning
services such as pills, condoms, Depo Provera; basicmaternity services; as well as minor treatments,
Volume 9, Issue 3, December 2005
RRN Newsletter : 5

overloaded with patients as their coverage area oftenextends over a considerable distance.
average District District
Lack of medical supplies and the well–trained
medical staff: People do not have access to the
quantity of medicine, medical equipment, and
Proportion of <40 17.7
available medical staff needed for proper treatment.
This is a result of the inadequate supply available of
each in comparison to the number of people who
Use of witch doctors: People neglect the disease
in the early stage, and instead consult witch doctors.
Only when their condition becomes serious, do they
3. Issues of People's Health: Many socio–
seek medical care. Modern medical technologies are
economic, cultural, administrative and technological
often the last alternative chosen, as people are not
factors have a direct negative impact on the health
confident in its ability to effectively treat their
of the general masses in the country. The following
factors had been presented in the ‘sharing meetings'in different districts by the participants themselves:
Lack of sharing: People tend to not want to talk
about their diseases to others in the initial stage,
Poverty: People are of the view that their poverty
even to the family member, until their condition
and low income is the main hindrance towards
becomes serious.
accessing required health services.
Use of local herbal medicines: Though the use of
Lack of Awareness: Due to lack of social
indigenous medical knowledge, resources and
awareness and lack of other physical facilities, the
technology can be helpful in curing medical
people in the communities have not been practicing
conditions, at times people use them without proper
hygienic behaviour.
processing or using the wrong raw materialsrequired.
Lack of Education: Lack of education is a very
important and unavoidable component for the
Mother and child mortality: Generally, people do
improvement of community health. Without proper
not have a good understanding of proper maternal
education, little improvement in the health status of
and child care. Many problems related to
people can be reached.
inappropriate nutrition, primary health care,sanitation, balanced diet, etc. cause high mortality
Food deficiency /nutrition /balanced diet:
rates among women and children.
Nutritional deficiency and overall lack of foodconsumption are the predisposing factors for health
Women and fasting: Women in Nepali culture
problems. Due to the lack of awareness and their
observe frequent fasting. It is also customary for
overall poor economic conditions, people in the
women to wait for their husbands and other senior
community do not have access to a balanced diet.
members of the family to eat first. As a result, manytimes whether voluntarily or involuntarily, women do
Hard work: People work very hard and thus, have
not eat for a long period of time. This custom has
little time to take proper care of their health.
extremely negative consequences on the health of
Clean drinking water and sanitation: In the
remote communities, there is a lack of clean drinking
Transmission of diseases: Because of the lack of
water and people are not aware of how improper
knowledge available, people sit together with
sanitation can have detrimental health
patients with contagious diseases and are
consequently infected, as well.
Treatment access: The health facilities are both
Training: Medical staff members are not properly
lacking and not accessible in the remote and rural
trained and often lack encouragement and
areas. The available health facilities are often too far
enthusiasm in their performing their jobs.
for people to walk to receive treatment, and are
6 : RRN Newsletter
Volume 9, Issue 3, December 2005
Conflict: Ongoing strikes and blockades are
Sometimes patients needing emergency health
negatively affecting the delivery of health services.
care die on the way or before, especially women
The data collected from the field clearly indicates
that very poor standards of health care are given to
– Many health facilities have been destroyed.
the impoverished people who live in remote and rural
According to the local human rights organisation,
areas of the country.
INSEC, at least 40 rural health posts were
4. Conflict and its effect on health
destroyed between January 2002 and December2004. The rebels burn the medical supplies.
Since the start of the conflict twelve years back in
Sometimes the army blocks the delivery of
Nepal and the mobilisation of the army by the state,
medical supplies in order to prevent it from
the death of security personnel, rebels, and the
reaching the rebel held areas. Thus, the ordinary
innocent civilians has risen to astronomical rates. In
people in that area suffer. Health workers said
addition, health professionals have also been
that their posts were usually attacked when they
casualties. The rebels often use health personnel to
refused to give medical aid to the rebels. The
treat their wounded comrades, thus putting the
supply of medicine, which used to be distributed
medical ethics of the prior in jeopardy. When medical
free by the government, have now been severely
assistance is given to the rebels without
restricted and in many places stopped entirely.
appropriately notifying the authorities, these medical
Ordinary people even with a minor disease have
professionals also suffer being branded as
to go to the capital city for treatment, which is
‘supporters to the terrorists' and are liable to be
totally unrealistic given the poverty and
geographical realities of Nepal.
The conflict has affected people's access to health
– Health outreach programmes, family planning
facilities as follows:
camps, and maternal and child health have beendisturbed due to lack of safety. The Vitamin A
– The lack of transportation and the inability of
distribution programme has also suffered due to
qualified health personnel to travel owing to
lack of supervision and monitoring.
frequent local and national strikes, roadblockades and ambush strikes have caused many
– Similarly, the child immunisation programmes
disturbances in the delivery of timely medical
have also been affected negatively due to
care. As the conflict rages on and escalates,
breakage of cold chain despite assurance by the
further health care restrictions have resulted. The
warring parties.
rebels claim to have control or influence over
– ARI has affected up to a million children. There
80% of rural Nepal. In addition, the rural
are also concerns that many primary health
population is afraid of being associated with
initiatives in the remote areas have been closed
allegations of supporting the rebels and therefore,
as they are being forced to register with the
it is difficult to collect data on the impact on
Maoists before launching any programme. "In
health. Porters carry medicine and supplies for
Nepal, chronic political instability has made it
the clinics in many parts in the country due to bad
difficult for patients to receive care in a weakened
conditions of the roads and rugged mountain that
health care system already hindered by poverty
make it difficult to drive. Rebels have found it
and insufficient medical personnel and supplies,"
easy to intercept the porters and confiscate the
said the 2003–2004 activity report of the medical
supplies en route.
NGO, Medicines Sans Frontiers (MSF). MSF was
– Medical personnel have been staying in district
forced to curtail its activities in Jumla, one of
headquarters and are reluctant to travel to
Nepal's poorest districts in the mid–west.
remote locations in the interior of the districts
– Health education programmes are on the decline
where there is more need for public health care
with the danger of a rise in communicable
diseases, health workers say. "All this is the reality
– Checkpoints, curfews, blockades, the psychology
today and if we don't take appropriate measures
of danger in travelling, damaged culverts, bridges
there could be serious outbreaks of disease in
etc. hinder the free and timely movements of
rural Nepal that we would be powerless to
health personnel, patients, and medical supplies.
prevent," explained a foreign health expertworking with the health ministry.
Volume 9, Issue 3, December 2005
RRN Newsletter : 7
concerns relevant to both warring sides.
Health is the most important asset human beings
– Strengthen health facilities/programmes in the
possess. Almost every child born is healthy. However,
rural areas.
it is the environment and the political, social,economic and cultural impacts that result in the
– Lobby to both sides to allow free flow of medical
problems to his/her health. It is extremely important
supplies, especially life saving drugs.
for everyone to be aware of his/her health issues.
– Make programmes efficient and transparent to
Regular check–ups and unhindered conversation on
the communities.
health issues amongst family and communitymembers reduces the socio–health problems like
– Enhance level of involvement of communities in
mother–child mortality and the problems of
the health delivery programme.
contagious diseases. The current conflict, andparticularly the ‘only armed response' policy of the
– Devolve programmes and make it more flexible to
current state, is hampering health services to a great
respond rapidly to the changing environment at
extent. The policy of the government on privatisation
the local level.
and cost recovery, and the lack of allocation ofsufficient resources in the health sector and its urban
– Staff should be oriented on Conflict Sensitive
bias coupled with lack of commitment have caused
the demise of earlier plans for the "Health for All"
– Work through non–political and respectful local
– Enhance the coordination between relevant
– Reorientation of health care system towards more
pro–poor and rural bias.
– Sufficient infrastructure should be constructed
– Moving the system closer to the people, not away
like maternity service facilities with sufficient
drugs and equipment.
– Awareness programmes about seasonal diseases
– Private sector and market forces must not hold
should be done frequently in the rural community.
– The health system should allocate an appropriate
– Quarterly Mobile Health Camps should be
place for the private sector.
organised (e.g. for eye, gynaecology, schoolstudents)
– The private sector must not swell at the cost of
public sector.
– Efforts should be given to eradicate Encephalitis
diseases as soon as possible.
– Cost recovery should be considered based on the
– Qualified and adequate doctors should be
socio–economic condition of the people.
available in the district and VDC level health
– Improve efficiency without reducing the
investment in public sector.
– Well– being of the citizen should be the priority of
– HMG Nepal, Health Ministry. 2003. Annual Report.
– INSEC. 2004. Annual Report
– Tie up health sector development with poverty
– Medicins Sans Frontieres (MSF). 2004. Nepal
Activity Report.
– Bring peace to the country even by
implementation of a ‘give and take' approach
– Onta, Sharad. 2005. Peoples Health Agenda.
amongst the warring parties.
Paper presented at the National ConsultativeMeeting on PHA II. Kathmandu.
– Wide–ranging awareness campaigns for
– UNESCAP/UNDP/ADB. 2005. MDG Asia Pacific
respecting human rights and humanitarian
Report, presented at ADB in the Philippines. ?
8 : RRN Newsletter
Volume 9, Issue 3, December 2005
RRN's Impact on Rural Nepal
Bharat Karki
Nepal is a hilly and landlocked country. Most of mid–western region of Nepal. RRN has received a
the population of this country lives in the rural
great deal of recognition for this kind of work in the
area. At present, more than 80 percent of the
field of rural development.
total population lives in the rural area.
RRN's approach is a four–fold one, aimed to increase
Though it is a small country, Nepal is rich in natural
livelihood opportunities for the rural people. RRN
resources like water and forests. We all are familiar
works to increase the literacy rate, and improve
with the popular saying "Green forest, the wealth
health, sanitation and knowledge of these issues
of Nepal". Nepal is the second richest country in the
through various types of skills development trainings
world in terms of water resources.
All these various natural resources
in Nepal are not being channelled
marginalised people. It
I believe that RRN is a
in an appropriate and fiscally sound
has brought safe drinking
kind of learning centre water and the resources to
the rural areas to help the
for social development.
Nepal is one of the most
deprived population and
underdeveloped countries in the
Through the years, RRN empower them to create
world. Because of the political
has contributed its skills
instability in the country, the
RRN has initiated many
development of the nation has
and knowledge to its
changes in people's
grown increasingly stagnant. The
attitudes towards health,
people in positions or power do not
sanitation and education
put much thought towards the
programmes. It has
that have contributed to
development of the nation.
improving the lives of
Corruption and the use of violence
many of the beneficiary
are widespread. As a result, it is
groups. Additionally, in the
often different I/NGOs, CBOs and
health sector, RRN's focus
economic support, and
other organisations that have taken
on preventive rather than
it upon themselves to initiate many
additional employment curative measures has
social development and
already provided various
infrastructural projects in the rural
kinds of physical, social
areas of Nepal. Among these
in Nepal.
and economic benefits to
organisations, RRN, one of the
the rural communities.
leading NGOs in Nepal, has beenworking for more than one and half decade in the
In conclusion, I would like to offer my beliefs on the
movement for economic and social development,
work performed by RRN. I believe that RRN is a kind
cultural rights and the development of the proper
of learning centre for social development. Through
infrastructure for livelihood opportunities.
the years, RRN has contributed its skills and
Modernisation could be a way forward in order to
knowledge to its development programmes. It has
facilitate the introduction of additional livelihood
also provided educational and economic support, and
opportunities, so as to contribute to the lives of
additional employment opportunities in Nepal. As an
individual Nepalese, as well as the nation as a whole.
RRN staff member myself, I am of the conviction that
Therefore, RRN has initiated different programmes
RRN is one of the country's foremost leaders in social
and strategies in order to bring about the desired
development. I believe this organisation has made a
social reform more rapidly into the rural area. RRN's
direct and positive impact on the communities and
development projects have especially focused on
has used its organisational strategies in a
assisting the Dalit and Kamaiya groups in the
constructive manner to help the rural people. ?
Volume 9, Issue 3, December 2005
RRN Newsletter : 9
Road to Destination Siraha
Bikram Rana
District Engineer, RRN Siraha
Nepal is burning, caught in a protracted armed milestone in Siraha's case. As the old proverb goes: "it
conflict with its democratic process on hold. The
is easier to wake a sleeping man up than a man who
development process in the country seems to be
only pretends to be asleep." As is the case in Siraha, the
at a standstill. All the organisations working amidst the
people here are aware of development but being
conflict situation have a common goal: "Good
accustomed to the opaque behaviour of their
Governance." They have begun to execute their goal in
development partners, demonstrate and expect the
the nation through the eradication of poverty, provision
same kind of behaviour from RRN.
of livelihood, and the creation of good health, better
However, RRN in Siraha has established and
education, self–governance and a corruption–free
demonstrated transparency in its projects with their
society. Though the conflict has produced duress
concerned stakeholders. Siva Charan Mahato of
throughout the nation, it also has produced some
Mohanpur, Siraha says, "People feel very positive about
unlikely good results. It has decreased the number of
cases of fraud in the rural areas, which has a chance to
RRN's programme and its strategies to execute the
projects." He added, it would be much better if the local
save the ill society yet from the depths of forgery and
people were enrolled as RRN staff. In fact, his belief
corresponds with RRN's finding in its Annual Report
The Siraha district, population of 5,25,840 and a density
2004 in which it is pointed out that "The project staff,
of 338 persons per km, is the not the only area of the
with the exception of technical experts, should be local."
country facing stagnation; it seems as it is a reality for
Our job is not just to talk about action, but to actually
the whole nation. Despite this difficult situation, RRN
has successfully sown the seeds for corruption–free
reconcile the communities and create from within them,
development work in Siraha and the projects it has
a corruption free society. The road to destination Siraha
has been built, now it is our turn to walk on the road.
executed are transparent, which seems to be a
radios, calculators, watches and B/W televisions. In the future,
he is interested in expanding his service centre and managing
all the maintenance equipment. Dambar hopes that at some
Yubaraj Adhikari, SMO, RRN, Solukhumbu
point in the future, local consumers will buy and service their
electronic items locally instead of going outside for these
Dambar Singh Rai, 28, married, of Lokhim VDC–2,
Solukhumbu was a local unemployed young man. He worked
daily as a labourer on the agricultural lands of the other farmers As the case of Dambar shows, RRN's programmes have the
in order to sustain his six family members. When Rural
opportunity to create livelihoods and self–employment through
Reconstruction Nepal started the Rural Community training courses. With such initiatives, the local poor people canInfrastructure and Livelihood Support Programme (RCILSP) in
also receive empowerment and encouragement. As Dambar
Solukhumbu in November 2004, he took the opportunity to
reflects, "Now I am a successful entrepreneur in my
enrol himself in RRN/DFID's 45– day electro–mechanic
community. I do not need to go elsewhere to find a job like my
maintenance training.
friends must do. I can afford all my family's expenses through
this profession."
Upon completion of the training, Dambar established a service
and sales centre for electronic equipment, in Lokhim VDC–4,
In the future, Dambar thinks to take a refresher training course,
Sitakhum. Today, he is servicing the electronic equipment for as well as receive additional training in colour television and CDpeople throughout the Lokhim, Jubu and Deusa VDCs, and
player maintenance which are in public demand. He would like
includes a door–to–door service and participation in the weekly RRN to renew the initial seed money, which could support the
Haat bazaar to increase business profits. RRN has helped
extension of his service centre.
Dambar to establish his service centre with 6000.00 as seed
money. In addition, Dambar has invested NRs. 7000.00 of his In conclusion, it can be said that anyone can achieve success
through strong motivation, hard work and the extension of a
own money. As of July 2005, he has served nearly 345 persons. good business/training opportunity. Self–employment and
He earns around NRs.4000–4500 per month in the financial independence are important hallmarks ofmaintenance and selling of electronic equipments, such as confidence–building. ?
10 : RRN Newsletter
Volume 9, Issue 3, December 2005
Better Water Use? Manage Knowledge
UNESCO–IHE, Delft, Netherlands
Background and Problem Description
organising this process – on both personal and
organisational levels.
any organisations throughout the world haveemerged with the common objective of
Knowledge Management aims to facilitate the supply
providing better water service facilities to
of the right knowledge to the right person at the
their local communities. However, such organisations
right time. The development of electronic media has
do not work in tandem.
offered new tools that have made it easier to find,accumulate and transfer information. Other tools
Nepal is one of the countries in the world where
have included face–to–face interactions, and
people lack adequate acccess to water and
networks among like–minded organisation including
sanitation. Among other factors, lack of effective
international and national forums. In Nepal, the
information flow has been realised as one of the
difficulty comes if related people on projects become
major contributing hindrances to development
unavailable, leave the organisation, or do not
initiatives. People still do not
package and store information in
realise that information is a
a way that is easy to access.
valuable resource, comparable tohuman and financial resources.
Management aims to
Field studies, evaluation reports,
facilitate the supply of
training notes, research the right knowledge to Knowledge Management can be
publications, and case study
practiced on three levels. The
the right person at the
reports are at times difficult to
first is the personal level on
access. They are sometimes kept
right time. The
which individuals acquire and
in undisclosed locations, are not
create knowledge, manage
user–friendly and/or are
documents, share learning and
voluminous. Often the existence
electronic media has
collaborate with colleagues.
of reports or documents that sit in
offered new tools that Ideally, every person takes
the drawers of individuals are
responsibility for what he or she
have made it easier to
unknown to others and hence,
knows, does not know or wants
are duplicated– a waste of
find, accumulate and to know. This makes it easier to
financial resources.
implement KM initiatives on the
transfer information. organisational level with a focus
In Nepal, expertise information
on creating, capturing and
within such reports does not reach other experts
re–using knowledge to attain the organisation's
within the field, and as such, it has become very
objectives. Efforts on this level should be directed at
difficult for coordination and synergy to occur within
establishing a culture of openness and knowledge
this sector. Organisations publish resource materials
sharing as well as encouraging face–to–face and
with important information, but circulate only among
interpersonal communications. Finally, KM can take
a handful of individuals and organisations without
the form of networking, where staff members come
systematic information sharing on a wider scale.
together to share information, skills and experiences.
Why Knowledge Management (KM)?
Data is comprised of numbers and facts, and
In Nepal, the constraints on the personal level
information is often organised into this useful form.
include ignorance, lack of a standard system, lack of
Knowledge is the ability to use information to achieve
knowledge and skill, lack of relevant human
a useful end. Knowledge management is about
resources, unclear and unbalanced job responsibility,
Volume 9, Issue 3, December 2005
RRN Newsletter : 11
and a lack of basic facilities like electricity, computers
– Strengthening of the existing information sharing
or internet access.
At the community level, constraints are the continued
– Development of resource centres
enforcement of traditional practices (and an
– Promotion of face to face communication
unwillingness to change), lack of training support,
and lack of basic facilities in the rural areas includingthe knowledge and skills to use ICT tools.
– Networking at national and international levels to
create and share success stories
Lastly, the constraints at the organisational level
– Discussion forums
include unhealthy competition, lack of innovation,working without understanding its relevance, lack of
For scaling up the practice of knowledge
training support, unclear job responsibility,
management, the following is suggested:
inappropriate distribution of ICT resources within the
– Development of strategic planning
organisation, and a lack of the proper utilisation ofavailable resources or facilities. Many organisations
– Weekly sharing
have libraries but in many cases, they are not
– Access to information, ICT and its use– Sharing – internal and external
Knowledge is power. Many
– Creation of opportunities for capacity building
benefits can be achieved with
through participation in meetings, trainings,
its management such as the
workshops, seminars and conferences
possibility to change from
– Field visits (community level)
unhealthy to healthy
– Exposure visits (national and international level)
competition, give rise to a new
– Agreement/coordination among like–minded
organisations for a common understanding
culture of innovation and
creativity, as well as increase
– Access to ICT and its use
in efficiency and effectiveness.
– Regularisation of sharing
– Define Knowledge and KM according to the Nepali
systematically managed and cannot be accessed byall. Some organisations have not yet developed their
– Consensus building, and being proactive to grab
websites, which can often serve as a very effective
opportunities for sharing, and advocacy
tool for information dissemination.
– KM with the active participation of government
Recommendations and Scaling Up
Knowledge is power. Many benefits can be achievedwith its management such as the possibility to
– Knowledge management explained, online
change from unhealthy to healthy competition, give
rise to a new culture of innovation and creativity, as
– Knowledge management: worth the effort?!
well as increase efficiency and effectiveness.
Workshop report, 20 September 2004 jointlyorganised by Nepal Water for Health (NEWAH)
Further actions for the knowledge management
– Design of and practical experiences with the
– Replication of success stories
Learn@WELL knowledge management module by
– Promotion of new ICT technologies
Jaap Pels and Frank Odhiambo ?
12 : RRN Newsletter
Volume 9, Issue 3, December 2005
RRN's Work with Conflict–Affected People in the
Context of Jiwan Ra Jibika Karyakram, Phase II
(JJ Phase II), a Life and Livelihood Programme
Programme Coordinator, RRN Centre
What does RRN stand for? (Concept and
Why JJ Phase II?
Since the outbreak of the People's War (on 13
RN from the very beginning of its
February 1996), as of August 2005 at least 365
establishment has been endeavouring to
children have been killed, several dozens seriously
injured, more than 2,000 orphaned and more than
PROSPERITY and thereby IMPROVE the LIVES of the
35,000 have been displaced. Approximately 12,786
people have lost their lives, 5,205 are missing andmany others have been abducted. As a result, the
For the last one and half decades, RRN has worked
live of many children, youth and women have been
to achieve its mission and
adversely affected either
goals by delivering services
economically, mentally or/and
RRN's community based
and utilities to those people in
physically. If no efforts are
need. The organisation has
project, Jiwan Ra Jibika
made to overcome their
done this through the
Karyakram; a Life and
problems, they may suffer
implementation of a wide
even more and their situation
range of programmes varying
might drastically worsen
from the construction of
addresses the plight of
large–scale infrastructure conflict–affected children,
facilities like road construction,
RRN's community based
establishment of micro–hydro
youths and single women project, Jiwan Ra Jibika
electricity, the protection of
Karyakram; a Life and
implemented with the
water springs and the
Livelihood Programme
observation of the local financial support of World addresses the plight of
cultural festivals through the
process of people's
youths and single women
implemented with the financial support of WorldEducation. This programme has successfully seen
Moreover, despite the threat of risk while
equitable project benefits in the target community.
implementing its programmes, the field staff of RRN
The present ongoing programme is the outcome of
and its volunteers have with full enthusiasm and
the phased out programme, Asahaya Bal Balikakolagi
dedication pushed on in order to reach the poor
Jiwan Ra Jibika Karyakram. Because of the
people in the conflict zones.
overwhelming demand at the grass–roots level and
Recently, RRN has initiated more than a half dozen
the need to continue to support the target
full fledged programmes aimed to attain its
population, the second phase of the programme has
millennium goals through the Four Fold Principles.
begun after extensive modification in the project
Jiwan Ra Jibika Karyakram (JJ Phase II); a Life and
design and models. Once more, this second phase
Livelihood Programme is among the newly
has been made possible by the financial support of
operational RRN community based projects.
the World Education.
Volume 9, Issue 3, December 2005
RRN Newsletter : 13
What is the aim of JJ II?
Jiwan Ra Jibika Karyakram, Phase II in this new
Who can benefit from the project outcome?
broadened module aims to support the childrenaffected by the conflict by providing them with the
The following target people can ultimately enjoy the
opportunities to ensure basic education in formal
project's benefits:
schools and a normal life through the process of
– Conflict affected displaced orphans, disabled and
psychological treatment.
children at risk;
Similarly, this programme addresses the efforts made
– Conflict affected displaced youths and widows;
to improve the economic and social status of the
conflict affected youths and single women throughsmall scale income generating enterprises and
– Youths at risk and vulnerable to conflict.
employment, with more vocational and livelihood
What will we achieve during the project cycle?
trainings opportunities becoming available for them.
During the project period, it has been proposed that
In order to ensure that quality education and that the
in order for the project undertaking to be successful,
economic status of the schools are up to par, this
the following activities in the project districts must
programme targets the neediest schools by assisting
them with some infrastructural support andfederalising the Parents Teachers Association (PTA)
– 30 project staff, including the social workers, will
so to make them more capable through the
be trained on TOT through a 5–day Psychosocial
distribution of peace materials in the schools.
Counselling Training at the district level, who inturn will conduct the community based trainings
The specific goals and objectives of the Jiwan Ra
in the project districts;
Jibika Karyakram, Phase II are:
– At least 90 social workers who have played key
– To assist the conflict affected and displaced
roles in the communities will receive a 3– day
youths and widows by ensuring they receive the
Community Based Psychosocial Counselling
proper opportunities for generating income
Training at the community–wide level, and will
through the support of livelihood trainings
ultimately assist the programme in delivering
(Enterprises Development Training) and
counselling services to the conflict affected
vocational education (Vocational Skill
Development Training);
– A minimum of 900 conflict affected children,
– To provide community based psychosocial
youths and widows shall receive counselling
counselling and referral services to the conflict
services on different matters;
affected and displaced orphans, disabled childrenand youths, children and youths at risk and the
– 100 children, youths and widows who have been
single women so that they can attempt to live
severely affected by the conflict shall receive the
their lives normally;
appropriate assessment and referral services onrelated matters;
– To manage an academic scholarship programme
for ensuring basic education for the conflict
– More than 500 displaced, conflict affected and
affected and displaced orphans, disabled children
orphaned children will continue their basic
and the children at risk through the process of
education and will be provided with enrolment in
enrolling them in formal schooling;
formal schools through academic scholarships.
– To support and enhance the participation of the
– Four Education Motivators will be assigned to the
communities and the stakeholders in the schools
programme and will be made well versed in the
of the conflict affected areas and assist these
management of PTA and quality education
schools in running more smoothly and make them
through the process of PTA Training;
more capable by ensuring the quality of educationthey dispense.
– 40 PTAs in 40 schools will be made financially
sound by involving them in income generating
14 : RRN Newsletter
Volume 9, Issue 3, December 2005
activities through the formation of the PTA and
– Strengthen the district –level coordination and the
will receive support with matching funds.
information flow system in the context of the
Additionally, these PTAs will be brought into a
children, youths and the widow;
strong networking chain and will have regularmeetings at the district–wide level;
– Provide community based trainings to the social
workers and volunteers to ensure effective
– 200 youths and widows affected by the conflict
will hopefully have their lives transformed intobetter ones by employing them in certain
– Provide psychosocial counselling services to the
vocational activities. They will also receive
conflict affected children, youths and single
vocational skill development trainings;
– 160 vulnerable students will be involved either off
– Establish adequate linkages and assist in the
time or after school in income generating
referral services of the worst conflict affected
vocational activities and will receive a six months
long school based vocational training course at
– Make available the opportunities of education and
school. This will help them to continue their
employment to conflict affected children through
formal education;
the process of scholarship support and school
– Some 8 economically weak schools in the conflict
based vocational training;
affected areas will receive physical support for
– Manage viable market–based vocational skill
their rehabilitation and thereby increase the
training for the youths and single women
smooth operation of their service facilities;
– More than 100 single women (widows) will be
– Manage livelihood trainings for single women
enlisted to enhance their skills and knowledge
(widows) and provide them with in–group micro–
base by developing and running micro enterprises
finance support in running small–scale
and providing them with opportunities to improve
their life style through the process of incomegenerating activities, livelihood trainings and
– Develop mechanisms for creating jobs
micro finance support;
employment and for ensuring job employment forthose who have received vocational skills
– 25 schools will be chosen as ‘zones of peace' and
mechanisms to ensure the quality of educationwithin them will be carried out, as well as the
– Provide assistance for infrastructural support to
distribution of peace materials.
schools and arrange vocational skills trainings andmaterials for students in schools;
How will we achieve the goals and objectives
to ensure that the target population benefits?
– In order to ensure quality education in schools,
the Parents Teachers Association will also be
In order to successfully implement the project
provided with assistance in income generation;
activities and achieve the proposed result of theprogramme, the following strategies and
– Provide the necessary materials to schools for
methodologies will be employed:
peace education.
– Enhance the capacity building of the community
The implementation of this programme
so that standards of identifying conflict affectedchildren can be made by the community;
This project is being implemented in six districts offour cluster areas as follows:
– In order to involve the agencies working in the
communities in identifying the children and help
1. Bhojpur and Sankhuwasabha Districts
them to maintain systematic records, the
2. Jhapa and Morang Districts
communities will provided with community–based
3. Surkhet District
4. Rolpa District
Volume 9, Issue 3, December 2005
RRN Newsletter : 15
The project has been designed for a period of 18
– If we are to reach the target community, a
months from June 15, 2005 to December 2006.
thorough primary baseline survey in which thecommunity participates should be executed.
What have we achieved in JJ I & II so far?
– An information sharing and orientation on the
The following are the beneficiaries of different
projects should also be disseminated amongst
groups who have been receiving a variety of service
different locally–based stakeholder groups.
deliveries from the project:
Children / Youths
Youths / Widows
Boys Girls
Female Widows Total
Scholarship Support
Vocational Trainings
Capacity Building
1876 1511 3387
School Strengthening
Support / PTA etc
What have we learned from the project?
– The design and planning of the projects should be
done following a thorough interaction with the
If we are to achieve the objectives of the project and
field staff.
deliver services to the target population, we shouldkeep in mind that the following must be transformed
– A concrete and a cost effective network system
for ensuring a smooth flow of information shouldbe established in the conflict areas.
– Prior to the implementation of any development
projects, the executing agency should conduct an
– The recruitment of Community Level Mobilisation
orientation for the project team.
staff should be selected from the project areas. ?
16 : RRN Newsletter
Volume 9, Issue 3, December 2005
Knowledge Management: an essential tool
Gender and Social Justice Unit, RRN
After reading Cecial's paper entitled "Better Water
GSJU and its Structure
Use? Manage Knowledge" (page 11) focusing on
Knowledge Management (KM), I began to think
about the issues that the Gender and Social Justice Unit
(GSJU) has started working on, that is the issues related
to gender and social exclusion. Gender and social
exclusion is a cross–sectoral factor in the development
process that is not an issue on its own, but rather a
Small Working Team at
I realised that to create a political will that would enable
gender mainstreaming on an organisational level, firstly
Advisory Committee - 3
we should sensitise the organisation's decision–makersas well as other actors from different levels (i.e. from the
central, regional and district levels including community
level) about such matters. To do so, more collaborative
Small Working Team at
work must occur with the other staff members of the
organisation. Unless and until the sharing of knowledgehappens in practice, developmental change will be
impossible. In order to incorporate mainstream gender
understanding on the different levels of the
organisation, facts and figures will only serve to keep us
informed about the present context while the actual
Advisory Committee - 1 (RC)
Advisory Committee - 1 (RC)
sharing of knowledge and the use of that knowledge will
facilitate the flow of that knowledge to the right person
at the right time. (See the article on page 11 for more
information on this concept.) The sharing of knowledge
and the use of knowledge ought not to be sufficientunless it is practiced on the personal level,
organisational level and when networking with other
like–minded stakeholders from both national and
works, and will then assess how various development
approaches affect the lives of the rural poor men and
GSJU heading towards more collaborative work
women and other disadvantaged groups like ethnic
minorities and Dalits. The team will also be responsible
The RRN's Gender and Social Justice Unit (GSJU) has
for monitoring and evaluating the implementation and
begun gearing up to actively begin the process of
impact of RRN's development projects and policy
sensitising the staff members of the organisation to the
advocacy initiatives from a gender and social inclusion
need for increased gender awareness in all RRN's work
perspective. I am sure that the team will be able to
on both the individual and organisational levels. For
utilise our individual skills and collectively use them to
instance, recently, a Working Team (WT) under the
work together to meet the goals of the WT.
Gender and Social Justice Unit (GSJU) has been formed.
This was the first achievement of the unit itself, and
In today's ever–changing workplace, more work is being
successfully brought together many staff members to
performed in a team capacity. Thus, GSJU, too, saw fit
begin the work on sensitising and practicing the
to utilise a working team that can serve as a cord
treatment of women as equal partners in the social
between the community and central administration
development process of Nepal. The team will be
levels in order to meet RRN's ultimate vision of creating
responsible for addressing gender and social
a world where there is JUSTICE, EQUALITY, PEACE
inclusion/exclusion issues at different levels, such as the
and PROSPERITY for all citizens– men and women and
organisational and communal levels at which RRN
disadvantage groups (DAGs) alike. ?
Volume 9, Issue 3, December 2005
RRN Newsletter : 17
An Overview of the School Support Programme
Er. Nirajan Pokharel
District Engineer, RRN Khotang
‘Good education and health are the their schools every year.
fundamental rights of children'. However, inunderdeveloped countries like Nepal, access
Since October 2004, RRN has initiated the Rural
to social services is problematic. Strikes, Bandhas,
Community Infrastructure and Livelihood Support
and the use of schools as headquarters by the
Programme (RCILSP) in 15 different VDCs in the
security forces and the Maoists both, are some
Khotang district– that is Dhitung, Houchour,
factors that have acted as a constraint to quality
Nunthala, Nerpa, Chiuridanda, Khalle, Laphyang,
Temma, Yamkha, Dandagaun, Saptesworchhitapokhari, Chhorambu, Batase, Mattim, and
Khotang is a remote district in the eastern region of
Faktang, In these VDCs, there is one higher
Nepal with 76 VDCs. In Khotang district, there are
secondary school, 14 secondary schools, 11 lower
four higher secondary schools, 57 secondary schools,
secondary schools and 77 primary schools.
58 lower secondary schools, 345 primary schools and45 educational child development centres. But
One of the major activities of the RCILSP is the
almost all schools suffer from poor infrastructure
integrated support element. Support is given for
and/or a disruptive learning environment. Due to the
building construction (rehabilitation or new
lack of furniture, many students are forced to sit on
construction), roofing the school buildings, and
moist ground, and stones or straw mats, which they
toilets and furniture. The school building support
must carry from their own home. In the rainy season,
programme is comprised of two kinds of scheme. For
many students are forced to sit on a wet surface in
primary schools, two–room blocks are constructed
the classroom. The old CGI sheets and thatch
with each room measuring 14'x18' and in secondary
coverings of the school buildings often leak during
schools, two room blocks are constructed with each
the rainy season. Such poor infrastructural
room measuring 14'x22'. Up until September 2005,
conditions are the reason that many children leave
11 school blocks have been constructed. RRN also
18 : RRN Newsletter
Volume 9, Issue 3, December 2005
financially supported the acquisition of non–local
demand from the other VDCs in Khotang that this
materials, as well as transportation and skilled labour
programme be implemented in their schools as well.
costs. Additionally, the local community supportedthe project through use of local labour to construct
The community participation in the construction of
the school blocks. The cost of schemes varied from
the school buildings has been very encouraging.
NRs 130000 to 224000, of which, the community was
Many of the community and school leaders have
responsible for 25%to 30% of the total cost.
praised the work of RRN's RCILSP. The Headmistressof the Dalit Janajagaran primary school, Dhitung
In the roofing support programme, new GI sheet are
Urmila Devi Aryal said, "RRN has reached the Dalit
put on the existing buildings. The cost of the scheme
community in providing the benefits of the project.
varied from NRs 64000 to 167000. In the toilet
The work it has done has been exemplary." The
support programme, a two–room toilet with a septic
President of the Users' Committee of the
tank is built in the schools. Separate toilets are made
Namobuddha Primary school, Nunthala, Shanti Devi
for girls and boys. Up until September 2005, four
Tamamg added, "RRN has done great work in our
roofing support schemes and one toilet support
area and we are hopeful that another new
scheme had been completed.
programme can be implemented here." The
The school support programme of the
RCILSP has been found to be a very
effective mechanism in improving the
educational sector. The community
has started to see new possibilities
with the activity of RRN.
The furniture support programme provides wooden
Headmaster of the Jalapa secondary school,
desks, benches, tables, chairs, cupboards, armed
Nunthala, Hem Raj Rai also remarked that, "RRN has
benches, black boards, etc, to the classrooms. Again,
done very good work in a difficult environment."
the local community is supported with the use of
Lastly, the Users' Committee President of the
local hardwood and local carpenter labour. By
Roshabhanjyang primary school, Sapteswor
September 2005, 33 school furniture support
Chhitapokhari, Balram Dahal said, "RRN proved that
schemes have been completed. The cost of schemes
if the people want development activity, it is still
varied from NRs 20000 to 60000.
possible despite living in the conflicting situation. We
Overall impression and impact
hope that RRN would launch broad supportprogrammes in the coming days."
Through the school support programme, 10515(5185 male, 5330 female) students have benefited.
Conclusion and Recommendations
Among them, have been 1503 Dalits, 4182 Hill ethnic
The school support programme of the RCILSP has
groups and 5030 BCN. More than 85% of the
been found to be a very effective mechanism in
children are from poor and marginalised groups.
improving the educational sector. The community
So far, the construction activity has been quick and
has started to see new possibilities with the activity
the infrastructure has been constructed in clear view.
of RRN. Yet our task is not finished. In Khotang
The selection and implementation of the schemes
district, more educational sector improvement is
has been fair and transparent. RRN has successfully
needed. In the coming days, more broad school
assisted the Dalit, poor and marginalised
support programmes should be launched like the
communities with the implementation of this
school fencing playground scheme, the addition of
programme. As such, there has been growing
drinking water provisions and other importantinfrastructural structures. ?
Volume 9, Issue 3, December 2005
RRN Newsletter : 19
The Exposure Visit of RRN's
Western Senior Staff Members
A nine–day exposure visit programme was organisedfor the senior staff members from six districts(Kanchanpur, Bardiya, Banke, Dang, Salyan andRolpa) from November the 20th to the 27th, 2005.
The objective was to share and learn from theexperiences of others, thereby broadening theknowledge of the staff. The visit was planned to takeplace in the eastern districts where RRN's activitieswere taking place. The district coordinators, theproject engineers, social mobiliser officers and the
Exposure Team Observing Irrigation Scheme in Saptari
assistant to the social mobiliser officers allparticipated in the exposure visit. During the event,
utilised more advanced tactics than the western
we visited the rehabilitation schemes of the irrigation
region in every aspect. The project schemes were
projects, the drinking water supply programme sites,
implemented with excellent efforts and were
culverts and check dams; attended the briefing
completed in good form. The collaboration sought
orientation session held by the regional coordinators,
with other stakeholders in the eastern region seems
district coordinators; and participated in the informal
to have been a very positive experience, and indeed
interactions with the UG and RRN staff in the eastern
increased RRN's credibility in helping the rural people
region. It was a great learning session for all who
improve their quality of life. As a whole, we saw
broader ideas being implemented pertaining totechnical, social–cultural diversity, geological aspects
We were highly inspired by the friendly and forward
of the programmes, and the community reacted very
nature of the community people and the staff, the
positively towards the development efforts initiated
beauty of the nature and well implemented project
by RRN. The people of the communities were very
schemes, which we will all remember fondly. We
open and proactive in their communities'
were most fascinated to learn about some of the
development efforts. It was noticed that the Siraha
schemes which utilised different technologies, the
and Saptari districts were highly influenced by the
cultural differences between the eastern and western
culture of Bihar–India. We were very impressed by
regions, and the greater number of VDCs in the
the community dialogue which stressed the
eastern districts as compared to western region.
maintenance of transparency and visibility in theproject schemes. The community owned the projects
The exposure visit was worth the planning effort, as
themselves, and members participated equally on
it was an eye opening experience in how such
the projects, with representation by all gender, ethnic
innovative ideas implemented in the eastern region
and ethnic minority groups exhibited. The
as a canal gate check dam, water filtration bed, the
collaboration of other stakeholders on the project
construction of a strong retaining wall, and furniture
schemes was also commendable.
design could be replicated here in the westernregion.
Reported by: Ruplal Aidi. Monitoring Officer,Nepalgunj, Banke
It was observed that the eastern communities
Advisors: Dr. Arjun Karki, Dr. Rishi Adhikari
Editorial Team: Dr. Neeraj Narayan Joshi, Karen Bernstein, Premkala Nembang, Ruth Segal
For more information, please contact:
Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN), GPO Box: 8130, Lazimpat, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Tel: 977–1–4415418, Fax: 977–1–4418296, Email: [email protected], Website:
20 : RRN Newsletter
Volume 9, Issue 3, December 2005
MINISTÈRE DES AFFAIRES ÉTRANGÈRES & LE COMITÉ D'INFORMATION MÉDICALE (Ministère des Affaires Étrangères – Maison des Français à l'Étranger) Mémento à l'usage des professionnels de santé La Société de Médecine des VoyagesetLe Comité d'Information MédicaleMinistère des Affaires Étrangères –Maison des Français de l'Étranger EXPATRIATION ET SANTÉ,Mémento à l'usage des professionnels de santé
Enhanced photo-Fenton Process for Tetracycline Degradation using Efficient Hydrogen Peroxide Dosage Evelyn Yamal-Turbay*, Esther Jaén, Moisès Graells, Montserrat Pérez-Moya Departament d'Enginyeria Química, EUETIB, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, c/Comte d'Urgell, 187, 08036 Barcelona, Spain Abstract The remediation of water solutions containing Tetracycline antibiotic (TC) using photo-Fenton