
Services Available from Ryan's
Dispensing of all Types of Prescriptions
Regardless of what type of valid prescription you may have, we
Tel: (045) 524747
are happy to fill it for you. This includes Medical Card (GMS) Pre-scriptions, Hospital Prescriptions, Psychiatric Prescriptions, Health
Fax: (045) 528706
Amendment Prescription, Private (including Drug Payment
Scheme) and prescriptions on the Long Term Illness Scheme.
Tel:(046) 9731046
Fax: (046) 9773853
Free Diabetic Screening
Offered to all people in our community over the age of
Tel/Fax: (046) 9737744
Available Free of Charge with no obligation.
Ryan's Pharmacy will not diagnose a person as being
diabetic, but based on the results of the screening, we
Tel/Fax: (046) 9552988
will advise you to consult your GP if required.
The screening takes about 5 minutes to preform, and
we would appreciate it if you arrange an appointment
Tel/Fax: (057) 9353767
beforehand. This helps us to ensure that the screening
is preformed in the best circumstances possible.
Free Needles Disposal Service
This service is available to ALL diabetic patients in the
community. We will provide a Sharps Bin FREE OF CHARGE.
The Sharps Bin is used to dispose of used needles, lancets and bio-hazardous waste in a safe and easy manner.
When full, simply return the Sharps Bin to any Ryan's Pharmacy, and we will give you another empty one to replace it.
[email protected]
caring for life.

caring for life.
Ryan's Pharmacy are happy to prepare your regular monthly
Please give this card(s) to a member of our pharmacy team, so we
Generic medicines are medicines made by companies when the
prescriptions in advance. Simply phone in your order and we'll have it
can register you on our system. It is recommended that you use the
patent on a drug expires. These companies can produce the
ready for you.
same pharmacy each month.
medicine much cheaper, as they did not have to undertake the
initial research and development of the original brand.
Do you pay to much for your medicines?
If you have misplaced or lost your DPS card, our pharmacist will be
Generic medicines MUST meet the same rigorous quality and
We at Ryan's Pharmacy would like to highlight to you the ways to save on
happy to retrieve your details for you.
safety standard as the original brand and therefore are virtually
the cost of you and your family's medicine.
The Long-Term Illness Scheme (LTI Book)
the same, only cheaper.
General Medical Card (GMS) Scheme
This scheme allows people with certain conditions, to obtain the
Ask your Ryan's Pharmacist if there is a generic alterative for our
medicine and we could save you money!
Some people qualify for free medicine under this scheme,
medicines and appliances they require for the treatment of their
condition, without any charge. No means testing is involved, if you
Can I get over the counter medicines on my GMS or DPS card?
suffer from any of the conditions included in the scheme you will get
Persons with low income (This is means tested.)
There are many over the counter products available on the GMS or DPS
your medicines free of charge.
When prescribed by your doctor, sometimes the dispensary packaging
All Irish residents over 70 years old
Conditions included: Diabetes, Haemophilia, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Phenyke-
may vary in appearance.
People who qualify will receive a GMS Card (Also known as a Medical Card),
tonuria, Cyctic Fibrosis, Multiple Scherosis, Spina Bifida, Muscular Dystrophy,
Below we have given a short list of some popular products that are available.
which should be produced each time they visit their GP and Pharmacy.
Parkinsonism, Leukemia, Mental Disability, Hydrochephalus. Contact your local
This list is not exhaustive, so ask a member of our dispensary staff if you
health center for details.
want to know at about a product not on the list.
If you do not qualify for a GMS Card, or your medicines are not covered under the scheme, you may be entitled to get it free through the
Head Lice & Scabies:
Did you know Medicines are Tax Deductible?
hardship scheme, which considers both the applicant's financial
Exputex, Viscolex and Pulmoclase
Ascabiol, Lyclear Cream and Derbac M
circumstances and the medical necessity for the supply of the medicines.
When you spend more that a set amount on certain medical
expenses throughout the year, you may be able to claim tax relief
Drugs Payment Scheme (DPS)
on their expenses.
Beconase Nasal Spray
Everybody resident in Ireland that does not have a GMS Card is
Some of the cost or you prescribed medicated can be claimed
Flixonase Nasal Spray
Daktarin Cream, Powder and Oral Gel,
entitled to a DPS Card and should ensure their family is registered on
against your tax.
Vividrin Eye Drops
Canestan Cream, Pessaries and Duo Pack
the DPS, even if you do not have any medical expenses at the
moment. One never knows when they may need medicines.
At the end of each year, simply ask Ryan's Pharmacy to do a
Haycrom Eye Drops
and Mycostatin Oral Suspension
printout of all prescribed medicines dispensed.
Under the DPS, a family pays a maximum of 85 euros per calendar
Zirtek Tablets (generic brands also available)
With this printout and a completed MED 1 form (available in all
month (subject to change by the Dept. of Health) for approve
Ryan's Pharmacies) you can claim your tax refund.
medicines and appliances.
Silcocks Base, Emulsifying Ointment,
Motilium tablets, Imodium capsules
This tax refund can also be claimed on GP/Dentist/Hospital
To apply, simply ask a member of Ryan Pharmacy Staff for an
Consultant and Physiotherapy bills, so keep all receipts.
Aqueous Cream, Cocois Oint,
Colpermin capsules, Colocac tablets
application form and they will be please to help you apply.
Nizoral Shampoo, Zovirax Cream
Fybogel, Lactulose, Normacol and
All you need is the PPS (Personal Public Service) numbers of all family
For more information, see the Revenue information leaflet
members covered.
"Taxation and Medical Expenses ", contact your local tax office
and Hydrocortisone 1% Cream
Gaviscon (liquid and tablets)
If you do not have the PPS numbers for each family member, please
or visit www.revenue.ie
Ear & Eye Drops:
Pain Relief Tablets and Creams:
phone Dept. of Social Welfare on 01-7043000 and they will be able
Is There a Less Expensive Substitute To Your Medicine?
Tears Natural, Liquifilm tears,
Solpadeine capsules
to issue they numbers. You will receive a white, wallet sized card
Many medicines on prescription and over the counter (OTC) have a
Gel Tears, Vidisic Gel and Lacrilube
Paracetamol tablets (generic of Panadol)
from the Health Service Executive (HSE) for each member of the
generic alternative that can cost significantly less that the brand
Ibuprofen tablets (generic of Nurofen)
Maxilief soluble tablet (generic of Solpadeine)
Source: http://www.ryanspharmacy.ie/Affordable%20Medicines.pdf
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Health Care Guideline Diagnosis and Treatment of Respiratory Illness in Children and Adults How to cite this document:Snellman L, Adams W, Anderson G, Godfrey A, Gravley A, Johnson K, Marshall P, Myers C, Nesse R, Short S. Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement. Diagnosis and Treatment of Respiratory Illness in Children Copies of this ICSI Health Care Guideline may be distributed by any organization to the organization's