Driver alert Lane Departure Warning Bigger, better sound
MonDeo heralDs saFer Motoring era
Driver alert
New Ford Mondeo goes on sale from
next month featuring two potentially
life-saving technologies. The flagship
model is the first Ford to offer a safety
system which warns if the driver is at
risk of falling asleep. It's also equipped
with a device designed to stop
accidental lane straying. This is the
story of their development …

Tens of thousands of accidents are caused
development of Driver Alert and is an expert
the car should be positioned relative to the lane
on Europe's roads each year by tired drivers
on drowsy driver behaviour.
markings. It then measures where the vehicle
nodding off at the wheel. Fatigue kills and the
"Driver fatigue is a serious problem and one
actually is and if the difference is significant,
problem is that many motorists don't recognise
that can affect anyone," Nieh explains. "When a
the system issues a warning.
the warning signs until it is too late. Fall asleep
driver becomes drowsy they tend to drift off line
"Let's imagine the driver is tired, their
driving at 120 km/h (33 metres per second)
as they lose concentration and they might make
concentration levels start to drop and the
and there's a chance you'll never wake up…
sudden corrective steering inputs. What we've
vehicle starts to drift from side-to-side" says
Ford has taken a huge step towards reducing
developed is a Driver Alert system that picks up
Nieh. "The software will detect this change in
the risks drowsy drivers pose to themselves and
on these erratic driving movements by detecting
the vehicle's behaviour, triggering a two stage
other road users. The company has just launched
warning process.
technology that actually analyses driver perform-
The Driver Alert system comprises a small
"First a soft warning will pop up in the instru-
ance and then warns if their concentration levels
forward-facing camera connected to an on-board
ment cluster as a text message and will stay
computer. The camera is mounted on the back
there for 10 seconds with an accompanying
It's called Driver Alert and it's the latest in
of the rear view mirror and is trained to identify
chime. If the driver continues to demonstrate
a long line of driver assistance technologies
lane markings on both sides of the vehicle.
drowsy behaviour, a hard warning will appear
Ford has brought to market in recent years.
When the vehicle is on the move, the computer
in the instrument cluster which the driver must
Ford engineer Margareta Nieh worked on the
looks at the road ahead and predicts where
acknowledge by pressing an okay button!
"If the driver fails to acknowledge the hard
warning, the system can only be re-set by stopping the car and opening the driver's door.
Margareta Nieh biography
The system then recognises that perhaps you
Driver fatigue facts and stats
Margareta Nieh joined Ford in 2002 and is
have changed drivers or that you have had a
Research carried out by UK road safety organisation RoSPA
currently based at the company's technical
rest and can continue."
(Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents) reveals almost
centre in Merkenich, Germany. Married, with
Although Driver Alert's camera is trained to
one-in-five serious motorway crashes are caused by drivers
a three year-old daughter, she is passionate
look for lane markings on both sides of the road
falling asleep at the wheel.
about her work as an electrical engineer.
it will function if markings on just one side are
According to RoSPA, sleep-related crashes
"I've got a brilliant job," she says. "We have
detected. The system can be switched off via
are most likely to happen:
an excellent team here at Merkenich and I
the instrument cluster.
"The technology is very clever," says Nieh.
• On long journeys on monotonous roads,
especially enjoy testing new products.
"It's been programmed to recognise intentional
such as motorways
I get to develop innovative technology with
lane changing manoeuvres so it won't issue a
• Between 2am and 6am
a super bunch of people so working for Ford
warning whenever you overtake for example."
• Between 2pm and 4pm (especially after
Because Driver Alert works by detecting
eating, or taking even one alcoholic drink)
"This is a very exciting time to work in the
sideways deviations, in theory a driver could fall
• After having less sleep than normal
industry. Car electronics have evolved massively
asleep and not trigger the system if the vehicle
in recent years, enabling us to really push the
• After drinking alcohol
continues in a straight line. In tests however it
boundaries. The next generation Focus is a
• If taking medicines that cause drowsiness
has proved incredibly accurate.
great example. It really moves the game on
"The initial technology was developed by
• On journeys home after night shifts
from a technological perspective. I'd love one!"
our colleagues at Volvo," explains Nieh "They
The organisation concludes: "Most of the things that drivers
put sleep deprived drivers behind the wheel
do to fight off sleepiness when driving are ineffective for
on public roads with scientists sitting next to
more than around 10 minutes. They are only useful in an
them and the detection rates were excellent.
emergency to provide time for the driver to find somewhere
"The system was also extensively tested using
safe to stop and rest.
data from a Virttex car simulator in North Ameri-
"The only measures that have an effect in reducing sleepi-
ca. The drivers taking part had not slept for
ness when driving are taking a nap of around 15 minutes
23 hours. On this occasion the system achieved
and taking at least 150mg of caffeine (at least two cups of
a 100 per cent detection rate!"
strong coffee or equivalent). However, even these measures
Driver Alert makes its debut in the new Ford
are no substitute for sleep. Drivers need to plan trips to
Mondeo and the technology will be rolled out to
include a rest stop every two hours!"
other Ford models in the future.
2 Ford Technology Newsbrief 08-2010

Lane Departure Warning System
lane Departure
Warning system
Ford has an impressive track record of
developing driver safety aids and the
company is continuing this trend with
the launch of a Lane Departure Warning
system on New Mondeo.
Safe and simple. System can be
turned on or off with this switch.
It's taken two years to develop and it uses the
The Lane Departure Warning System also
same forward facing camera as Driver Alert to
features a graphic in the vehicle instrument
read lane markings in the road ahead. If it detects
display cluster. An outline of a car is depicted
the car is crossing into another lane, it vibrates
with a green line on each side representing lane
the steering wheel to raise the alarm.
markings. If the vehicle strays into another lane,
Ford engineer Dirk Gunia led the development
the relevant line in the graphic turns red.
of the system: "Driver Alert and Lane Departure
So how does the system react to an overtaking
Warning are two separate systems but they work
manoeuvre for example? "It has been pro-
on a similar principle.
grammed to recognise certain manoeuvres,"
"Lane Departure Warning has been developed
adds Gunia. "If you indicate to move left or right,
to reduce the risk of unintentional lane departure.
this suppresses the system. It understands you
Say for example a driver is temporarily distracted
intend to change lane and therefore it will not
adjusting the audio and the vehicle veers off
course, as soon as the vehicle touches the lane
The Ford Lane Departure Warning System is
marking, the system turns on an electric motor
very effective at warning drivers of impending
mounted on the steering column which causes it
danger, and an even more sophisticated version
to vibrate. It's an instant, physical warning."
that will actually steer a vehicle away from trouble is under development by Ford engineers.
"This new technology, which we call Lane
Keeping Aid, is still in development," says Gunia. "It takes Lane Departure Warning one-step further in that it will physically intervene, poten-tially avoiding a collision.
"Whereas Lane Departure Warning sends a
vibration to the steering wheel, Lane Keeping Aid is connected to the car's electronic power steering system. If the camera detects the vehicle
Mirror-mounted camera
is about to unintentionally stray into another lane,
keeps an eye on the road.
it smoothly intervenes by applying a steering force to keep the vehicle on course."
3 Ford Technology Newsbrief 08-2010
Ford has developed a new generation of
Ford is also strengthening its exclusive global
audio systems for its European vehicles,
partnership with Sony by introducing an all-new, mid-range Sony-branded system which will debut
bigger, better sounds
combining exceptional sound clarity,
in new C-MAX and Grand C-MAX.
superb looks and easy-to-use controls.
This system features a totally new gloss black
control panel, full colour TFT centre mounted display and nine loudspeakers including one in the centre dash
Topping the range is a 265 Watt Premium Sound
which significantly improves the staging of the sound.
System, which made its debut in new S-MAX and
There's also the option of DAB (standard in some
Galaxy and is also available in the new Mondeo.
markets) including a clever feature which searches for
Developed in conjunction with Sony, it features an
a radio station in FM if the DAB signal is too weak and
eight-channel amplifier unit, an all-new speaker system
then reverts back to DAB when the signal improves.
including an instrument panel-mounted centre unit
Sony is also available with the all new SD card based
plus a large, 18-litre subwoofer. It also boasts full DSP
navigation system.
(Digital Signal Processor) functionalities which ensure
Ford's Alan Norton explains: "Our premium sound
pinpoint sound accuracy and enables listeners to
system has been very well received since its launch
adjust the sound to their personal tastes, ideal for the
in S-MAX and Galaxy earlier this year. We've targeted
discerning audiophile. All S-MAX, Galaxy and Mondeo
sound quality and radio reception excellence as key
vehicles have a minimum of 8 loudspeakers, with 13
priorities in the new C-MAX and Grand C-MAX systems
in the Galaxy Premium Sound System.
to deliver a superior quality audio experience for our
Radio performance is excellent. All Galaxy, S-MAX
customers. All new CD systems are also MP3 compati-
and Mondeo models now come fitted with two
ble. We've also made high-level connectivity available
concealed antenna systems as standard. This, coupled
for all-series. This includes Bluetooth phone and
with the latest radio technology, delivers the best-
Bluetooth music streaming, USB, iPod, and voice
possible radio signal reception, even under demanding
control coupled with hands free operation."
conditions. The new C-MAX and Grand C-MAX are benefiting too, every new C-MAX uses the same radio technology with one roof mounted and one concealed
Ford's C-MAX and Grand C-MAX audio systems
Torque Vectoring Control
have also undergone major change. They now feature
six speakers and are operated via a Ford integrated control panel with a mobile phone style layout.
Ford Technology
Newsbrief 08-2010
Did you know ?
vehicle so the driver can tell instantly whether a
Ford's Rear View Camera system features
parking space is too narrow. Because it features a
industry first visual guidelines to make reversing
centre line, it's especially helpful when attempting
Published by Ford of europe, Communications
as simple and safe as possible?
to hook up a trailer.
and Public affairs · Contact: Don hume,
The system made its European debut in Ford Kuga
Ford's Rear View Camera also has exceptional low
and uses an exterior camera embedded in the rear
light capability. This, combined with the intensity of
If you need images and text related to this newsletter's
of the vehicle that sends colour images to a video
the vehicle's reversing lamps, helps deliver a clear
topics, please lookup
display in the navigation system whenever reverse
image even in dark parking areas.
gear is selected.
FoE Press Kits online:
Rear View Camera is currently available on Mondeo,
FoE on Twitter:
The advantage with Ford's system is that the image
Kuga, S-MAX, Galaxy, and will also feature on C-MAX,
FoE on YouTube:
is overlaid with lines that mark the width of the
Grand C-MAX and the next generation Focus.
FoE on Facebook:
4 Ford Technology Newsbrief 08-2010
BOCK_C22_0321570448 pp3.qxd 12/1/08 3:50 PM Page 519 INFERENCES FOR THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TWO PROPORTIONS ON THE COMPUTER It is so common to test against the null hypothesis of no difference between the two true proportions that moststatistics programs simply assume this null hypothesis. And most will automatically use the pooled standarddeviation. If you wish to test a different null (say, that the true difference is 0.3), you may have to search for away to do it.
ARTICLE IN PRESS Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis xxx (2010) xxx–xxx Contents lists available at Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis Short communication Determination of metformin in mouse, rat, dog and human plasma samples bylaser diode thermal desorption/atmospheric pressure chemical ionizationtandem mass spectrometry John G. Swales , Richard Gallagher, Raimund M. Peter