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Bibio 2015 pré-finale

RWANDA, 2015
François Lagarde The University of Texas at Austin TABLE DES MATIÈRES Introduction 1) DOCTORATS, MAÎRISES 2) HISTOIRE; 1994; TÉMOIGNAGE 2.1 Histoire; Archéologie 2.2 Génocide; Guerre 3) ECONOMIE; FINANCE 3.1 Économie; Technologie 4) AGRICULTURE; RESSOURCES 4.1 Agriculture; Élevage; Sylviculture; et Al. 5.1 Politique Nationale 5.2 Affaires Régionales; EAC 5.3 Relations Internationales 5.4 Réfugiés; Diaspora 5.7 Nations Unies 6.1 Société; Culture 6.3 Réconciliation 6.6 Linguistique; Sociolinguistique 7.1 Santé publique 7.2 Santé mentale 7.3 Gacaca; Transitional Justice; Droit rwandais 9) LITTÉRATURE; FILM 8.1 Littérature; Littérature juvénile; Récits de voyage; Critique littéraire 8.2 Film; Critique Introduction    Cette  bibliographie,  comme  les  précédentes1,  recense  les  publications  portant  en   tout  ou  en  partie  sur  le  Rwanda  qui  ont  été  publiées  en  2015.   Ces  livres,  articles  de  revue  (hors  comptes  rendus),  chapîtres  de  livre,  rapports   ainsi  que  quelques  publications  électroniques  sont  massivement  anglophones.  Les  publications  francophones  représentent  moins  d'un  sixième  du  total.  Quelques  travaux  en  langues  européennes  sont  inclus.  Les  publications  en  kinyarwanda  ne   sont  pas  recensées,  sauf  exception.  Nos  efforts  pour  nous  associer  avec  un  bibliographe  connaissant  le  kinyarwanda  n'ont  pas  abouti.   On  retrouve  grosso  modo  les  principaux  sujets  listés  dans  les  bibliographies   précédentes.  La  classification  par  discipline  est  pratique  et  n'a  pas  de  valeur  herméneutique.  Elle  est  à  l'occasion  critiquable  mais  on  n'a  pas  voulu  multiplier  les   sous-­‐classes  et  il  a  parfois  fallu  forcer  tel  sujet  à  s'insérer  dans  telle  classe.   Des  erreurs  de  transcription  ou  de  classification  sont  à  craindre;  des  omissions   sont  certaines.  Ce  sera  donc  sauf  erreur  qu'on  remarquera  qu'en  2015:   -­‐  Les  maîtrises  et  les  doctorats  sont  nombreux  et  pour  plusieurs  d'un  grand   intérêt;  mais  il  semble  qu'une  seule  thèse  ait  été  défendue  en  France  au  cours  de   l'année.  L'université  rwandaise  continue  de  produire  un  grand  nombre  de  travaux  de  maîtrise,   dont  plusieurs  de  valeur,  mais  ils  restent  inaccessibles,  sinon  pour  quelques  publications  chez  des  éditeurs  internet.   -­‐  Les  publications  portant  sur  la  santé  publique,  physique  ou  mentale,  restent  les   plus  nombreuses,  ainsi  que  celles  sur  le  TPIR.   -­‐  Les  questions  économiques  et  sociales  sont  étudiées  de  manière  fragmentée.  On   note  que  le  problème  des  ressources  devient  essentiel,  La  question  foncière  reste  d'actualité  depuis  plus  d'un  demi-­‐siècle.  Celles  de  l'eau  et  des  conséquence  du   changement  climatique  sur  le  Rwanda  prennent  une  importance  nouvelle.   -­‐  Très  peu  de  travaux  d'histoire,  disons  coloniale  et  pré-­‐coloniale,  ont  été  publiés   en  2015.  Les  archives  belges  restent  peu  exploitées,  alors  qu'elles  se  sont  ouvertes   pour  les  années  de  la  Révolution  et  de  l'Indépendance.   -­‐  Le  génocide  et  l'après-­‐génocide  (mémoire;  réconciliation;  gacaca)  restent  un   important  sujet  d'étude,  mais  "1994"  commence  à  s'éloigner  dans  le  temps,  du  moins  chez  les  chercheurs  non  engagés.   -­‐  La  "politique  nationale"  et  les  relations  internationales  continuent  de  faire   l'objet  d'accusations  et  de  débats.  La  relation  franco-­‐rwandaise  reste  d'une  actualité  problématique.   -­‐  Les  productions  littéraires  et  les  films  portant  sur  le  Rwanda  du  génocide   Nous  avons  oublié  de  recenser  les  travaux  de  M.  Venant  Rutunga  dans  les   bibliographies  précédentes.  On  trouvera  la  liste  de  ses  nombreuses  publications  (Agriculture,  1981-­‐2014)  à  http://www.editions-­‐sources-­‐du-­‐  .    A  nouveau,  notre  souhait  est  qu'en  dépit  de  ses  limitations,  cette  bibliographie   soit  utile,  en  particulier  aux  étudiants.                                                                                                                  1  http://umr-­‐developpement-­‐societes.univ-­‐­‐haut/recherche/projets-­‐de-­‐recherche/afrique-­‐des-­‐grands-­‐lacs-­‐publications-­‐et-­‐recensions-­‐bibliographiques/bibliographies-­‐sur-­‐le-­‐rwanda/   DOCTORATS, MAÎRISES Aldaach, Haidar Shakuir, Remote sensing based predictive decision support system for assessment of environmental conditions for epidemic cholera, West Virginia University, 2015, Master of Science Alias, Lara, Burundi and Rwanda: a comparative study of sexual violence in genocide, University of Amsterdam, 2015, Master of Art Alusala, Nelson, An analysis of strategic-military issues in the ending of civil wars: a case study of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1994-2004, University of Pretoria, 2015, PhD Anderson, James, A Test of the Household Separation Hypothesis in Rwanda, University of San Francisco, 2015, Master of Science Baison, George, Outcomes of Laparotomy at a Large Referral Center in Rwanda, Harvard Medical School, PhD Bau, Natalie Danielle, Essays at the Intersection of Development and Education Economics, Harvard University, 2015, PhD Bayisenge, Jeannette, Changing Gender Relations? Women's Experiences of Land Rights in the Case of the Land Tenure Reform Program in Rwanda, Göteborgs Universitet, 2015, PhD Bell, Kristin, Victims' voices: Sexual violence in the Armenian and Rwandan genocides, Northeastern University, 2015, PhD Benitez, Ryan, Making the case for humanitarian intervention: national interest and moral imperative, Naval Postgraduate School, 2015, Master of Arts Berry, Marie, From violence to mobilization: war, women, and political power in Rwanda and Bosnia-Herzegovina, University of California, Los Angeles, 2015, PhD Bouelangoye, Ulrich, A four-case-study assessment of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM): Ghana, Mauritius, Rwanda and South Africa, University of Johannesburg, 2015, Master of Arts Brandts, J., Hoe draag je een gezamenlijke schuld? Een onderzoek naar de verklaringen voor de westerse stellingname tegenover post-genocidaal Rwanda, Universiteit Utrecht, 2015, Maîtrise Bunnik, Rosalie, The Politics of Discourse: the United Nations Secretariat and Genocide in Rwanda, Leiden University, 2015, Master of Arts Carroll, Makeda Aminah, Five-year resistance trends of bacterial isolates in Kigali, Rwanda,Yale University, 2015, Master of Public Health Chalmers, William, Never Again: The Genocide Convention in Review, Seton Hall University, Masters of Art Childress, Stephen, From Revolution To Ruin: A Preliminary Look at Rwanda's First Two Presidents, Grégoire Kayibanda and Juvénal Habyarimana, and Their Administrations, University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2015, PhD Coutts, Alexander, Essays on the Role of Beliefs in Experimental and Development Economics, New York University, 2015, PhD Crichton, Ryan, The open health information mediator: an architecture for enabling interoperability in low to middle income countries, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2015, Master of Science Corrigan, Louise, The Exalted Women of Rwanda, Lunds Universitet, 2015, Master of D'Aoust, Olivia, Post-war economics: micro-level evidence from the African Great Lakes Region, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2015, Doctorat Davis, Stephanie, The sun is yellow, the bird is black : fostering a progressive pedagogy in rural Rwanda, Bank Street College of Education, 2015, Master of Science Desma, Hellen Tunya, Economic effects of the East African community: Are there increased trade flows in the case of Rwanda?, University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, 2015, Master of Arts Dittrich, Viviane, Present at the completion: Creating legacies at the International Criminal Tribunals, London School of Economics and Political Science, 2015, PhD Ephgrave, Nicole, Sexual Violence at Nyarubuye: History, Justice, Memory. A Case Study of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide, University of Western Ontario, 2015, PhD Feehan, Dennis, Network reporting methods, Princeton University, 2015, PhD Forcier, Angela, "If you keep your problems in your stomach the dogs cannot steal them": trauma, forgiveness, and con-viviality in Rwanda: An ethnographic study following the healing and rebuilding our communities (HROC) project in Gisenyi, Rwanda, University of Cape Town, 2015, Master of Science Friedlander, Elliott Ware, Towards learning for all: understanding the literacy ecology in rural Rwanda, Stanford University, 2015, PhD Froidbise, Audrey, Behind the Scenes of the Plastic Bag Ban in Rwanda: Connections to Culture, Power and Sustainability, Lunds universitet, 2015, Master of Arts Frydenlund, Erika, ‘Home was Congo': Refugees and durable displacement in the borderlands of 1,000 hills, Old Dominion University, 2015, PhD Furphy, Patricia, Multivariate analysis of war crime behaviour: implications for the International Criminal Court, John Moores University, 2015, PhD Gahizi, Thacien, La construction du sentiment d'exister chez les adolescents ayant grandi dans les Villages d'enfants SOS dans l'après-génocide au Rwanda: Approche développementale et systémique, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2015, Doctorat Grant, Andrea Mariko, Living under ‘quiet insecurity': religion and popular culture in post-genocide Rwanda, University of Oxford, 2015, PhD Habimana Kabano, Ignace, Pregnancy loss and neonatal mortality in Rwanda: The differential role of inter-pregnancy intervals, Utrecht University, 2015, Doctorat Habyarimana, Hilaire, Investigation of attitudes and classroom practices of educators and learners in relation to English as the medium of instruction at four primary schools in Rwanda, University of the Witwatersrand, 2015, PhD Harris, Laurie, Epidemiology of Respiratory Illness in Endangered Mountain Gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) at a One Health Interface in Africa, University of California, Davis, 2015, PhD Hayden, Eleanor, 'We killed them because they were Tutsi': the construction of the 'enemy' identity in pre-genocidal Rwanda and Nazi Germany, Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam, 2015, Master of Arts Henriques, Gisela, Exploring the contribution of new genetic markers of drug resistance in human malaria parasites, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 2015, PhD Holch Schmidt, Amalie, Fattigdom, Ungdom og Etnicitet: Risikofaktorer for Udbruddet af den Voldelige Konflikt i Rwanda i 1994? [Poverty, Youth and Ethnicity: Risk factors of violent conflict's outbreak in Rwanda in 1994], Roskilde University (Danemark), 2015, Master of Arts Honeyman, Catherine, Governing transformations : entrepreneurship education and the rise of Rwanda's post-developmental state, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2015, PhD Howell, Kelly, The United Nations Force Intervention Brigade: Peace enforcement as a conflict management strategy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, University of Oregon, 2015, Master of Arts Imaniriho, Dan, Appropriation des politiques éducatives dans un contexte de dépendance économique : réflexion sur le fonctionnement du réseau d'acteurs éducatifs au Rwanda, Université catholique de Louvain, 2015, Doctorat Ingabire, Angelique, Building a Corporate Brand by Influencing Employees through Internal Branding, Roskilde University, 2015, Master of Arts Isaac, John, The Influence of Social Determinants on Health-Related Outcomes, Behaviors and Decision-Making in Five African Nations: A Demographic and Health Study, The Claremont Graduate University, 2015, PhD Kaweesi, Edward, Human-Security, State-Capacity and Post-Conflict Reconstruction: An analysis of the question of development oriented governance in Post-Genocide Rwanda, 1994-2005, Universität Erfurt, 2015, Doctorat Kisira, Simon, Evaluation of the Budgetary Allocation Policy on the Levels and Quality of Public Agriculture Budgets and Expenditures in Malawi and Rwanda, University of Johannesburg, 2015, Master of Arts Kuradusenge, Claudine, Hutu Diaspora Narrative: Conflict of Identity, Identity in Conflict, George Mason University, 2015, Master of Science Laksanasopin, Tassaneewan, Microfluidic-based Point-of-Care Testing for Global Health, Columbia University, 2015, PhD Lannes, Laurence, An analysis of health service delivery performance in Rwanda, London School of Economics and Political Science, 2015, PhD Larsen, Josefine Kühnel, Peace by peace: the construction of national-military identity in post-genocide Rwanda, Københavns Universitet, 2015, PhD Lawton, Stephanie, A girl with a book: Improving girls' secondary education in the developing world, University of Colorado at Denver, 2015, Master of Social Science Leegwater, Margot, Sharing Scarcity: Land Access and Social Relations in Southeast Rwanda, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2015, PhD Lemmer, Georges, You make me feel good? Family environment and mental health in Rwandan family reared children and adolescents, Université de Fribourg, 2015, Maîtrise Love, Ephraim Robert, Time Series Analysis of MODIS NDVI data with Cloudy Pixels: Frequency-domain and SiZer analyses of vegetation change in Western Rwanda, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2015, Master of Science Mahoro, Nkubamugisha Paul, Prévalence de l'ESPT dans la population rwandaise: diversités de figures cliniques et comorbidités, Université de Genève, 2015, Doctorat Manirakiza, Vincent, La problématique de l'urbanisation spontanée face à la modernisation de la ville de Kigali (Rwanda), Université Catholique de Louvain, 2015, Doctorat Martino, Robin, Matrix and edge effects on the maintenance of ecological function in an afromontane protected area, Antioch University, 2015, PhD Mbembe, Binda, Good Governance and Foreign Direct Investment: A Legal Contribution to a Balanced Economic Development in the East African Community (EAC), Utrecht University, 2015, Doctorat McCreesh, Nicola, Modelling the effects of temperature changes on Schistosoma mansoni transmission, Durham University, 2015, PhD Michaux, Kristina, Assessing the impacts of home fortification with micronutrient powders on anemia, growth, and diarrhea in children aged 6-24 months living in rural Rwanda, University of British Columbia, 2015, Master of Science Mollvik, Lia, Are Children Seeds or Are They Soil? A Comparison between Martha Nussbaum's Capability Approach and Utilitarian Philosophy applied to Critical Thinking in the Rwandan Education System, Uppsala Universitet, 2015, Master of Arts Morrison, Shelley, Intercultural intervention in a U.S. corporate internship program for college graduates from Rwanda: An exploratory study, University of the Pacific, 2015, Master of Arts Moser Jr, Joseph, Impossible Forgiveness: Levinas and Rwanda in Dialogue, Northwestern University, 2015, PhD Muhayisa, Assumpta, Situation familiale des enfants issus du viol commis pendant le génocide au Rwanda: approche systémique, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2015, Doctorat Muhire, Innocent, Climate change and variability and their impacts on the yields of major food crops in Rwanda, University of Johannesburg, 2015, PhD Mugume, Peter, Environmental Conflicts Management in Rwanda: The Role of Decentralization. Institution, Göteborgs Universitet, 2015, PhD Mugwaneza, Alain-Bernard, Le royaume du Rwanda au miroir de la propagande missionaire: une mise en perspective historio-culturelle des articles publiés dans la revue missionaire (Pères blancs) ‘Grands lacs' à l'heure du mouvement des conversions massives: 1934-1940, Université de Fribourg, 2015, Maîtrise Mulindahabi, Charline, Obedience troubled? Exploring meanings of obedience in the post-genocide Rwanda, Göteborgs Universitet, 2015, PhD Musafili, Aimable, Child survival in Rwanda: Challenges and potential for improvement: Population- and hospital-based studies, Uppsala Universitet, 2015, PhD Mushuhukye, Benjamin, Memory as a Tool to National Reconciliation in the Post 1994 Genocide in Rwanda, eScholarship, University of California 2015, Master of Arts Ngaw, Raymond, Measuring quality of life in Africa: An alternative approach to economic development and the interpretation of progress, California State University, 2015, Master of Arts Nkurunziza, Joseph, Human Capital Development in Rwanda: Effects of Education, Social Protection and Rural Development Policies, Utrecht University, 2015, PhD Ntamazeze, Janvière, Trust and Capabilities: Experiences from Rwanda's Informal Financial Institutions, Göteborgs Universitet, 2015, PhD Ntirenganya, Jean Bosco, Rwandan University EFL Teachers' Perceived Difficulties in Implementing Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), Minnesota State University, 2015, Master of Arts Nowotny, Jordan, Local Perceptions of Justice and Identity Following Mass Participation in Rwanda's Gacaca Courts, University of Illinois-Chicago, 2015, PhD Nzayisenga, Marie Jeanne, Food (in)security in rural Rwanda: women's understanding, experiences and coping strategies, Göteborgs Universitet, 2015, PhD Obodoruku, Benedicta, Human information behavior among African refugees in Tanzania: An exploratory study of the Nyarugusu camp, Long Island University, 2015, PhD Ong'are, Peter Okeno, Music and reconciliation in the aftermath of the 1994 Rwandan genocide, Durham University, 2015, PhD Pagh, Mia, Educating a Nation: Civic Education and Governance in Rwanda, Roskilde University, 2015, Master of Arts Plourde, Philippe, Les enjeux de la relocalisation des acquittés des juridictions pénales internationales: analyse juridique d'une liberté qui ne rime pas avec facilité, Université Laval, 2015, Maîtrise Rahong, Séverin, La cour pénale internationale et les États africains, Université de Perpignan, 2015, Doctorat Rayens, Kelly, The Use of Improved Technology and Market-Based Incentives to Increase Forest Resource and Biodiversity Conservation in Rwanda, University of Kentucky, 2015, Master of Science Rieder, Philippe, Comparative Reconciliation Politics in Rwanda and Burundi, 2015, Concordia University, PhD Rusine-Bahunde, John, HIV drug resistance and hepatitis co-infections in HIV-infected adults and children initiating antiretroviral therapy in Rwanda, University of Amsterdam, 2015, PhD Rutayisire, Antoine, Designing a model of leadership development for missional pastors in the Anglican Church of Rwanda, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2015, Doctorat Rwunguko, Jean d'Amour, Quantification of transport demand of hybrid lighter than air in Rwanda through stated preference methods, Stellenbosch University, 2015, Master of Science Sayi, Takudzwa Sharon, Relationships between marriage and fertility changes in six Sub- Saharan African countries, Princeton University, 2005, PhD Scholz, Anton, Hutu, Tutsi and the Germans: Racial Cognition in Rwanda Under German Colonial Rule, Leiden University, 2015, Maîtrise Seitzinger, Paul, The influence of electoral institutions on the de-escalation of post- conflict situations, Leiden University, 2015, Maîtrise Silver, Camara; Edward, Kissi, The US Response To Genocide In Rwanda: A Reassessment, University of South Florida, 2015, Master of Arts Sibomana, Emmanuel, The role of distance education materials in addressing the professional development needs of high school English teachers in Rwanda, The University of the Witwatersrand, 2015, Phd Steflja, Izabela, (In)Humanity on Trial: On the Ground Perceptions of International Criminal Tribunals, University of Toronto, 2015, PhD Tegegn, Bertukan, Rural women land rights in Africa: comparative analysis of Ethiopia with selected African countries, Addis Ababa University, 2015, Master of Art Thomas, Debby, The Moderating Effects of Power Distance and Collectivism on Empowering Leadership and Psychological Empowerment and Self-Leadership in International Development Organizations, Regent University, 2015, PhD Tlapek, Sarah Myers, The Role of Trauma and Mental Health Problems in the Perpetration of Intimate Partner Violence in Post-Genocide Rwanda, Washington University-St. Louis, 2015, PhD Tuyisenge, Germaine, Mothers' Perceptions and Experiences of Accessing Maternal Health Care: Exploring the Role of Community Health Workers and Continuing Professional Development in Rwanda, University of Western Ontario, 2015, Master of Arts Ueberschär, Nicole, Spatial disparities in health center utilization in Huye District (Rwanda), Humboldt University of Berlin, 2015, Doctorat Umubyeyi, Aline, Intimate partner violence and its mental health and help seeking implications for young adults in Rwanda, Göteborgs Universitet, 2015, PhD Uwajeneza, Pauline, Continuous Professional Development in Rwanda: The Experience of Midwives who Participated in the Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO) Educational Program, University of Western Ontario, 2015, Master of Science Uwamahoro, Claire, Effectiveness of Isoniazid preventive therapy on incidence of tuberculosis in adult people living with HIV in selected Districts of Rwanda, University of Zambia, 2015, Master of Science Uwineza, Jeannette, Entre-nous et Chez nous: aménagement d'espaces d'intervention pour la reconstruction psychique du survivant infecté par le VIH au Rwanda post-génocide, Université Catholique de Louvain, 2015, Doctorat Uzamukunda, Stephanie, Improving the existing farming systems toward a climate smart agriculture in Musanze district of Rwanda, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2015, Master of Science Van Geel, B., Screening of malnutrition in children under 5 years and provision of information in the rural areas of the Great Lakes region, Delft University of Technology, 2015, Master of Science Van Nuil, Jennifer Ilo, Abanyasida: Emergent subjectivities and socialities in Rwandan associations for people living with HIV, Wayne State University, 2015, PhD Wakelam, Sheila, A Post Occupancy Evaluation of the Education Spaces at the Ngeruka Health Center in Rwanda: Can the Design of the Built Environment Effect Healing?, Arizona State University, 2015, Master of Science Williams, Timothy, The things they learned: aspiration, uncertainty, and schooling in rural Rwanda, University of Bath, 2015, PhD Zaytzeff, Ariane, Performing Cultural Memory After the Genocide of the Tutsi: Near- Memory and the Reinvention of Culture in Rwanda, New York University, 2015, PhD HISTOIRE; TÉMOIGNAGE 2.1 HISTOIRE; ARCHEOLOGIE Adler, Alfred, "Anthropologie et histoire", L'Homme, 213, 2015, pp. 119-146. Bates, Robert, When Things Fell Apart: State Failure in Late-Century Africa, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015, 202 p Beloff, Jonathan, "The Historical Relationship between Religion and Government in Rwanda", in Rectenwald, Michael; Almeida, Rochelle; Levine, George (eds), Global secularisms in a post-secular age, Boston: De Gruyter, 2015 pp. 205-222. Cron, Karl; Amini, Maren, Who killed Dian Fossey?, s.l.: Karl H. Cron Edition, 2015, Deploige, Guy; Jacquij, Philippe, Les bijoux de l'Indépendance: Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, 1960-1990, Bruxelles: Musée royal de l'armée et d'histoire militaire, 2015, 301 p. Gakuba, Laurent, Histoire du Rwanda, XIXe siècle: Règne sanglant du roi Kigeri IV Rwabugiri (1853-1895), Paris: Les Editions du Panthéon, 2015, 272 p. Giblin, John, "Archaeological Ethics and Violence in Post-genocide Rwanda", in Ruibal, Alfredo; Moshenska, Gabriel (eds), Ethics and the archaeology of violence, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2015, pp. 33-49. Kisak, Paul (ed), The Iron Age: Iron & Ancient Civilizations, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015, 78 p. Lenoble-Bart, Annie (ed), Missionnaires et églises en Afrique et à Madagascar (XIXe- XXe siècles),Turnhout, Belgique: Brepols, 2015, 600 p. Mugesera, Antoine, Les conditions de vie des Tutsi au Rwanda de 1959 à 1990: Persécutions et massacres antérieurs au génocide de 1990 à 1994, Toulouse: Izuba, 2015, 360 p. Mugesera, Antoine, "Ingérences des militaires belges au Rwanda en 1963-64", La Nuit rwandaise, 9, 2015, 7 p. Nolan, Francis, Les Pères Blancs entre les deux guerres mondiales: histoire des missionnaires d'Afrique (1919-1939), Paris: Éditions Karthala, 2015, 432 p. Riot, Thomas, "A Roundabout Revolution: Rethinking the Decolonization of Rwanda by the Practices of the Catholic Scouting Movement, 1954-1964", The International Journal of the History of Sport, 32-7, 2015, pp. 939-951. Saur, Léon; Miara, Yannick, "Interview avec Léon Saur: les pièges de l'évidence", La Nuit rwandaise, 9, 2015, 49 p. Saur, Léon, "La Belgique a-t-elle encore peur de son passé colonial ?", La Nuit rwandaise, 9, 2015, 11 p. Schmitt, Stefan; Sozer, Amanda; Fowler, Gillian; Mazoori, Dallas, "Physicians for human rights: the role of forensic archaeology in transitional justice contexts", in Groen, M.; Márquez-Grant, N.; Janaway, R. (eds), Forensic archaeology: A global perspective, Chichester, UK: John Wiley, 2015, pp. 471-478 Van Suijlekom, Amber, Etnisch onderscheid in koloniaal Rwanda: Een onderzoek naar het Belgisch bestuur in Rwanda, Onderzoeksseminar III ‘Koloniale Ervaring', Universiteit Utrecht, 2015 (?), 28 p. Watkins, Sarah, "Umutoni: Why Histories of African Homosexualities Matter", Internet: Notches: (re)marks on the history of sexuality, January 13, 2015. 2.2 GÉNOCIDE; GUERRE Amoureux , Jack ,"Living in and beyond genocide in Rwanda", in Idem, A Practice of Ethics for Global Politics: Ethical Reflexivity, New York: Routledge, 2015, pp 142-171. Bartrop, Paul, Jacobs, Steven (eds), Modern Genocide: the definitive resource and document collection, Volume 4: Rwandan genocide, other atrocities, and international law, Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2015, pp. 1669-1846. Behuria, Pritish, "Peasants in Power: the Political Economy of Development and Genocide in Rwanda", Journal of Agrarian Change, 15-4, 2015, pp. 606-609. Berlatsky, Noah; Chalk, Frank, Rwanda, Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2015, Bonnier, Evelina; Poulsen, Jonas; Rogall, Thorsten; Stryjan, Miri, Preparing for genocide: community work in Rwanda, Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics, Uppsala University, 2015 Brewaeys, Philip; Toch, Albert, Traqueurs de genocidaires: sur les traces des tueurs rwandais, Bruxelles: Renaissance du Livre, 2015, 192 p. Burnet, Jennie, "Rape as a weapon of genocide: gender, patriarchy, and sexual violence in Rwanda", in Randall, Amy (ed), Genocide and Gender in the Twentieth Century: A Comparative Survey, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015, pp 140-161. Campbell, Bradley, The geometry of genocide: a study in pure sociology, Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2015, 272 p. Cooper, Tom; Fontanellaz, Adrien, The Rwandan Patriotic Front 1990-1994, (Africa@War Series), Solihull, UK: Helion & Company, 2015, 72 p. 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from Lester R. Brown, Eco-Economy: Building an Economy for the Earth (W. W. Norton & Co., NY: 2001) © 2001 Earth Policy Institute®. All Rights Reserved. Stabilizing Population by Reducing Fertility by Reducing Fertility World population has more than doubled since 1950. Those bornbefore 1950 are members of the first generation in history to wit-ness such a doubling during their lifetime. Stated otherwise, morepeople have been added to the world's population since 1950 thanduring the 4 million preceding years since we first stood upright.1

Plastic . Reconstructive . Aesthetic Suite 304, Level 3. 135 Macquarie Street. T 02 9252 8200 F 02 9251 0300 Management of ageing skin Advice for patients regarding home skin care and cosmeceuticals Patients, friends and family are constantly asking me what products to use on their skin. Essentially they all want to know the same thing – how to reverse (or at least minimise) the effects of ageing. They are understandably confused by the huge number of ‘cosmeceutical' products on the market and easily misguided by flashy advertising campaigns and pushy sales reps. Often they end up spending large sums of money on a variety of products and treatments only to be disappointed by poor results.