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Hill's Pet Nutrition
Thirst for Knowledge Webinar Series
"Behaviour and Gastrointestinal
With Dr. Amanda Cole
Proudly brought to you by Hil 's Pet Nutrition (Australia), and supported by Vet Education Pty Ltd
As veterinarians we treat viruses and we vaccinate against them, we prophylactical y treat for external andinternal parasites, but rarely do we think about vaccinating against stress - emotional, and its consequentialphysiological stress. As with prophylaxis for any il ness, we first need to be able to identify the clinical signs,triggers, and pathophysiology of the condition to be able to identify "at risk" animals that require our
We have known for a long time that one can be scared "s****less", but now we are putting that science touse to provide a more holistic approach to the diagnosis and management of stress and gastrointestinaldisease. In the last few decades, scientific inroads have recognised the link between the health of the brainand the health of the gut, recognising that emotional stress can result in, and or exacerbate, gastrointestinal
dysfunction and vice versa.
Is an emotional and physical response to a threat.
Is an emotional and physical response to a perceived threat or an inability to control a situation.
1. Social Stress:
Presence of unfamiliar animals
Presence of unfamiliar people
Absence of familiar animals
Absence of familiar people
2. Environmental Stress:
Novel environments
Changes in routine
3. Physical Stress
Adoption and re-homing
Changes within the household dynamic (new animals, new people, new home)
Prolonged confinement (orthopaedic surgeries)
Storm or firework seasons
Anxiety disorders (generalised, separation)
The Four F's are a reflex, immediate, subconscious behavioural response to stress. There is no input from
the higher centres of the brain in these responses, they are automatical y triggered and can occur within
0.03 sec of amygdala activation.
This is the dog equivalent of ‘playing dead'. Via evolution, ‘freezing' by standing very stil , may have been away of indicating that a dog was not threatening, or helped it to hide from a predator. Some dogs expressthe freeze response by walking very slowly, as if they are in slow motion or swimming through jel y.
Many dogs wil flee from a situation if given the opportunity. This may involve moving away, or hiding.
Subtle signs can include moving away from a person/object/stimulus the dog finds threatening, or moving
towards something which makes a dog feel safe, eg their family or a crate.
Aggression is a common expression of fear. The ‘fight' response is just another expression of distress. An
animal who is running away (‘flight' response) and an animal who is trying to bite (‘fight' response) is
experiencing the same level of fear emotional y; it is simply expressed in a different way.
These behaviours are displacement behaviours, are behaviours which are normal, but inappropriate or out
of context of the situations. Human equivalents are laughing at a funeral, twiddling your hair or thumbs,
biting your fingernails, or constantly checking your phone.
These ‘fiddle' signs are often one of the earliest signs of discomfort. Different dogs may ‘fiddle' differently.
Yawning when not tired
Lip licking when no food is present/not hungry
Shaking off when coat is not wet
Mounting (animals, people or objects) when desexed
Hypervigilance; constantly scanning the room when nothing has altered.
Scratching when not pruritic
Checking their ano-genital region when they haven't recently toileted
Penile crowning/Erection when not engaged in intercourse
When an animal experiences emotional stress the limbic system initiates a cascade activating the HPA axis
to cause physiological changes including:
Increased heart rate
Increased respiratory rate
Tense muscles (facial grimace, furrowed brow)
Vomiting, diarrhea
1. Recognise when an animal is stressed
2. Reduce exposure to stress triggers
3. Reduce the intensity of stress triggers
4. If the animal is in its ‘Danger brain' (Amygdala) use kindness and treats to bring it back to its
‘Thinking brain' (Pre-frontal cortex).
5. If needed correct the chemical imbalance of anxiety disorders via medication
6. Address any physical factors that may be contributing to emotional stress via pain relief, GIT
protection etc.
7. Change the animal's emotional response to triggers via counter-conditioning
Never do the fol owing when treating anxiety:
1. Never ignore an animal's expression of fear or anxiety
2. Never make the threat/stimulus bigger when an animal is afraid or anxious
3. Never blame or label a behaviour as dominant/naughty/cranky or spiteful - it is simply fearful.
4. Never use punishment
The BGA is a bidirectional feedback loop between the GIT tract and the CNS, whereby neurochemicalchanges in the brain affect the GIT and microbiota changes in the GIT affect the brain. Emotional stress hasbeen linked to:
Increased gut motility
Changes in the bacterial flora
Delayed gastric emptying
Increased permeability
Increased pain sensitivity
Release of pro-inflamatory mediators
If we know that stress is inevitable (boarding, orthopaedic surgeries etc) what should we do to help protect
Short-term anxiolytics (benzo's, trazodone)
Pheromone therapy
Hil 's prescription Diet™ i/d Stress
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3. Frank D, Bélanger MC, Bécuwe-Bonnet V, et al. Prospective medical evaluation of 7 dogs
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14. Ostojic,L, Tkalcic, M, Clayton, N.S. Are owners' reports of their dogs' 'guilty look' influenced by the
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Published Ahead of Print on August 13, 2008, as 10.2105/AJPH.2007.129353 Cost Savings From the Provision of Specific Methodsof Contraception in a Publicly Funded Program Diana Greene Foster, PhD, Daria P. Rostovtseva, MS, Claire D. Brindis, DrPH, M. Antonia Biggs, PhD, Denis Hulett, BA, and Philip D. Darney, MD Unintended pregnancies occur increasingly Objectives. We examined the cost-effectiveness of contraceptive methods
4.4 Welche Krankheitsstadien gibt es? Stadium 1: Die Krankheit entwickelt sich aus einem normalen Leistungsniveau. Stadium 2: In der Folge nimmt die/der Betroffene leichte Störungen wahr. Die Merkfähigkeit und das Gedächtnis sind beeinträchtigt. Namen und Termine werden vergessen. Bei manchen Situationen fehlt die Erinnerung und öfters werden Dinge verlegt.