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18 Pulse 30 July 2008
Annular rash on
24Ten top tips
A GPSI's guide to
new osteoporosis
medicine crammer
What helps
the glans
prevent migraine
underlying causes and investigate further
for neuromuscular disorders of the gut. If
delayed GI motility is identified I often useprokinetics, probiotics and sometimes
specialist Professor
antibiotics if bacterial overgrowth issuspected or confirmed on breath testing.
• Consider screening for
Qasim Aziz answers
In really difficult cases where nothing
works, a multidisciplinary approach with
coeliac disease in those
Dr Linden Ruckert's
psychologists, dieticians and pain
with persistent diarrhoea
management experts can be helpful.
questions on the role
but also those with
The new NICE guidelines recommend
functional dyspepsia and
of stress, whether IBS
3 serological screening for coeliac disease in
patients with IBS. I have read prevalence levels
constipation with
is a useful term and
of one in 300 to one in 100 in the adult
bloating and flatulence
population. Are symptoms a reliable guide to
the use of probiotics
the possibility of coeliac disease? How far
• Food intolerance – rather
should we pursue this as IgA-based screening
IBS is said to affect 20% of the population.
may give a false negative?
than a true allergy – is
1 Do you think it is a useful or meaningful
I agree with NICE that IBS patients should
more likely in patients
be screened for coeliac disease because this
The term is useful insofar as it suggests that
is easily treatable and a misdiagnosis can
with functional GI disease there is no obvious and readily recognised lead to considerable morbidity. I routinely
pathology for the symptoms. But I often
perform serological tests for coeliac disease
• Amitriptyline can be
find physicians lose interest in patients
in patients with diarrhoea-predominant
useful in IBS patients, but
once they are labelled as having IBS and
symptoms. But because of the varying
this is where mistakes are made because
presentation of this condition I would
SSRIs less so, unless there
sometimes treatable causes for symptoms
consider serological screening for patients
is underlying depression
are missed. The differential diagnosis of IBS
with functional dyspepsia and even
is very wide and many different conditions
constipation associated with bloating and
• Evidence now supports
can produce symptoms identical to this
flatulence. I request small bowel biopsies
condition – like coeliac disease. Or IBS can
for patients undergoing upper GI
the use of probiotics in
be a manifestation of hitherto undiagnosed
endoscopy and would consider referral for
patients with IBS
conditions such as connective tissue and
endoscopy and biopsy if the serological test
neurological disorders or diabetes. So IBS
was positive. There is a small chance of a
• Some patients labelled
often becomes a diagnosis of convenience
false negative serological test for coeliac
for doctors when an easy solution is not
disease. But in cases with considerable
as having IBS actually
suspicion – especially those who respond
have very treatable
very well to a gluten-free diet – a small
Foregut problems such as functional
bowel biopsy should be considered after a
pathologies on further
2 dyspepsia are very difficult to manage.
gluten challenge if necessary.
Do you have any tips?
It should be noted latent coeliac disease
Milder cases of functional dyspepsia can
is increasingly being recognised in patients
• Slow transit constipation
often be managed by PPIs and eradication
with abnormal serology but normal biopsy,
Helicobacter pylori, but management can
or even normal serology and biopsy but
be very frustrating in more resistant cases.
with tissue transglutaminase antibodies
Again, one has to explore underlying
present in the small bowel mucosa1.
causes. In patients with a previous history
Patients with latent coeliac disease often
of gastroenteritis, psychological stress or
respond well to a gluten-free diet.
a strong history of atopy I look into the
• A trial of cholestyramine
dietary history carefully as there is evidence
Many patients develop IBS and have it
for increased small bowel permeability in
attributed to stress and yet they have
these conditions, which can potentially
been stressed for ages. It doesn't answer the
suggestive symptoms can cause delayed hypersensitivity reactions
‘why now' question…
be offered in primary care (see question 5, opposite).
I agree. More often than not, once the
Food elimination in selected patients
diagnosis of IBS or another functional
to avoid complex testing
who are well motivated can be very
GI disorder (FGID) is made there is a
rewarding. I also explore the possibility of
misconception that symptoms must be
searchmedica.co.uk The GP's search engine
30 July 2008
Pulse 19
Motoring expenses and what you can claim for access to a second car
Business briefing, page 28 •
IBS patients
related to stress. Although I don't disagree
test to common food allergens.
should be
that stress can exacerbate and perpetuate
Instead I tend to try dietary therapy, in
screened for
GI problems, there can still be an
the form of eliminating the two most
underlying pathology.
common foods that cause intolerance in my
(gut wall
pictured left
These patients have often been ill for
experience – wheat and dairy products.
with missing
a long time and suffer considerable
I might consider a proper elimination diet
morbidity. They may have lost their jobs
for patients who are well motivated and at
and/or partners and have an uncertain
the severe end of the spectrum.
future. It is understandable that they willbe stressed, anxious and depressed.
How do you use amitriptyline or SSRIs in
It is increasingly recognised that IBS
IBS and how do you ‘sell' them? Especially
symptoms should be considered within
as there's the problem of constipation with
the framework of biological, psychological
them too.
and social factors2. I work closely with
I tend to use amitriptyline in IBS patients
colleagues in psychiatry and psychology
to manage their pain and visceral
to manage these patients, but often find
hypersensitivity – that is excessive
underlying biological causes for symptoms
sensitivity to experimental gut stimulation.
which are worsened by the psychological
It's a useful strategy, particularly in patients
co-morbidity. Once the biological factor
with diarrhoea-predominant symptoms
is treated it is very rewarding to see a
as the drug has anticholinergic effects.
remarkable improvement in psychological
But I have often used it in patients with
health. Nevertheless, there are some
constipation as well, where pain is a major
patients with considerable psychological
feature. I often compensate for the use of
issues who need to be dealt with very
amitriptyline by using additional doses
sensitively by colleagues experienced in
of laxatives and more often than not
managing such patients.
constipation does not get worse in thesepatients.
Patients are very keen on the idea of
Other drugs that I sometimes use in
5 testing for food ‘allergies' or intolerance.
patients with pain as a predominant
How useful is this in practical terms? I note the
symptom are pregabalin or duloxetine.
NICE guidance recommends avoidance of
I don't use SSRIs very much unless there
is an underlying depressive disorder.
I agree that a large number of FGID patients
I ‘sell' these drugs by explaining the
describe food-related symptoms. I don't
importance of brain-gut communication
regard this as a food allergy but rather as
for normal gut function and why pain is
intolerance. It is rare for a food allergy to
caused by abnormal communication.
develop in adults because these allergies
I explain to them that the nerves in the
are usually evident from childhood. There
gut are too sensitive and they are sending
is evidence for increased gut permeability
exaggerated signals to the brain and that
in patients with IBS and it is therefore
low-dose amitriptyline reduces the
conceivable that delayed hypersensitivity
intensity of these signals and hence reduces
reactions develop to food antigens getting
pain. I also explain that the doses used to
past the mucosal barrier. Indeed evidence
treat depression are much higher and most
of increased IgG-mediated food
accept this explanation.
hypersensitivity has been reported3.
A delayed hypersensitivity reaction could
What is the role of probiotics?
take up to 72 hours to manifest. Hence
I am using probiotics increasingly
it is not surprising that there is a poor
frequently. The role of bacterial flora in
correlation between dietary intake and
normal gut function is in no doubt and
symptoms in IBS patients. Of course,
evidence suggests that abnormal flora can
consuming too much junk food will also
lead to abnormal gut immune responses in
have more direct effect – for instance, from
patients with IBD and IBS. Probiotics have
the direct effect of fat on gut function – and
been shown to normalise the ratio of
needs to be explored in patients.
plasma pro-inflammatory versus anti-
When I suspect food intolerance I don't
inflammatory cytokines in patients with
organise allergy tests unless I suspect an
IBS4. I tend to use VSL3, now available OTC
immediate IgE-mediated hypersensitivity
in most pharmacies. I recommend a
to food. In that case I will consider a RAST
starting dose of one sachet a day,
searchmedica.co.uk The GP's search engine
20 Pulse 30 July 2008
1 Kaukinen K, Collin P and Mäki M.
3 Lea R, Whorwell PJ. The role of food
Latent coeliac disease or coeliac
intolerance in irritable bowel syndrome.
disease beyond villous atrophy?
Gastroenterol Clin North Am.2005;34:247-55
4 Quigley EM. Probiotics in irritable bowel
2 Levy RL, Olden KW, Naliboff BD et al.
syndrome: an immunomodulatory strategy?
Psychosocial aspects of the functional
J Am Coll Nutr 2007;26:684S-90S Review.
going up to two if necessary in patients
and pains, which are then diagnosed as
manometry and anorectal physiology
with previous gastroenteritis, frequent
fibromyalgia or even ME.
studies are also helpful. The mainstay of
antibiotic use and abnormal gut motility
treatment is lifestyle advice and adequate
Dr Linden Ruckert considers
where bacterial overgrowth is likely.
Some people seem to have lifelong
laxatives. However, in cases where standard
Professor Aziz's answers to
constipation. How do you explain
laxative therapy fails, more novel forms of
I have had a number of patients with
‘slow-transit' problems? Is there an identifiable
treatment, such as sacral nerve stimulation
8 ‘low-grade inflammatory changes' on
abnormality and how should we manage it?
and antigrade continence enema (ACE)
• The question of food intolerance
rectal biopsy attributed to the bowel prep and
There is increasing evidence that
procedures to irrigate the colon, can be
comes up time and again so it is
diarrhoea. Do you think some patients might
slow-transit constipation is related to
tried. Surgery should normally be avoided
interesting to know about delayed
have a ‘low-grade' chronic inflammatory
neuromuscular dysfunction of the
in these patients but in very intractable
hypersensitivity and small bowel
gastrointestinal tract. Increasingly
cases there may be a role for it.
Yes. Numerous studies in patients with a
abnormalities are being identified in the
history of gastroenteritis who have gone on
enteric nervous system in these patients.
Who might need cholestyramine? Is there
• It might be worth supporting a
to develop IBS have shown persistence of
Why this dysfunction occurs from
an easy way to identify such patients in
supervised exclusion diet but resisting
low-grade chronic inflammatory processes
childhood in some patients is not clear,
‘allergy testing'
in mucosal biopsies. It has been suggested
although developmental defects of the
Cholestyramine is used in patients with
• I will continue screening for coeliac
that IBS patients may have abnormal
enteric nervous system in this condition
bile salt malabsorption, which can occur in
disease in IBS and the notion of latent
anti-inflammatory cytokine production,
have been reported.
terminal ileal disease such as Crohn's
coeliac disease is helpful
predisposing them to low-grade
These patients can be investigated in a
disease or in patients who have had surgical
• The explanation of the use of
number of ways. Their condition can be
resection of the terminal ileum. However, a
amitriptyline in IBS is a useful form of
It is now known that stress can activate
differentiated from other causes of
number of cases of bile salt malabsorption
the immune system by causing
constipation such as obstructed defecation
are idiopathic. One needs to consider this
words to try with patients
degranulation of mast cells within the gut
caused by pelvic floor dyssynergia, using
diagnosis when patients complain of
• It is interesting to note that SSRIs are
wall, leading to release of inflammatory
transit studies with either radio-isotopes or
diarrhoea that is suggestive of steatorrhoea
mediators. Indeed, there is evidence that
simple radiological markers. Whole-colon
where all other causes have been excluded.
• The idea of a low-grade inflammatory
patients who are stressed by significant life
We can do a SeCHAT test to diagnose
process in the whole GI tract is an
events are more likely to develop post
bile salt malabsorption. However, if this
interesting one that might be
infective IBS, compared with those subjects
test is difficult to organise in primary
acceptable to patients as part of a
not exposed to such stressors.
care then an empirical treatment with
Extra online at
It is important to remember that brain-
cholestyramine in a patient with suggestive
gut communication can occur not only via
pulsetoday.co.uk/clinical history may be considered.
Dr Linden Ruckert is a GP in north London
the nerves but also via the immune system.
Professor Qasim Aziz is professor of
Go online to read Professor Aziz's views on bowel
So it is not surprising that peripheral and
neurogastroenterology at Barts and the London
disturbance and damage in childbirth. You can also
central factors combine to produce
School of Medicine
post your own question in the comment box and
symptoms. Low-grade inflammation may
Competing interests Professor Aziz is currently trialling a new IBS drug
Professor Aziz will answer the first two.
well lead to fatigue and generalised aches
Source: http://www.vsl3.ca/worddocs/PULSE%20article%20NTK%20(30%20July%2008).pdf
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