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Camps for Children with Special Needs (Summer 2014) The following is a listing of some camps and nofshonim (short-stay camps and respite facilities) for children with special needs for Summer 2014 and beyond. Each program has it own target population (i.e. children with visual impairment, children with autism, etc.) and should be contacted directly for more details including price (if applicable), exact location, etc.
Zichron Menachem trip to Holland for children with cancer
The campers will spend the first two days of camp in Israel for group bonding activities and
will then fly as a group (about 220 people), which will visit various tourist sites, parks,
amusement parks and more.
The trip is for young people with cancer ages 6-30 who are currently in treatment.
When? 6-16.7.2014
The group is accompanied by a team of oncologists , nurses and a pharmacist with a mobile
hospital to avoid the need for a hospital visit, as well as psychologists, photographers,
security guards and an experienced staff of guides.
Registration is through the Zichron Menachem website:Phone: 02-6433001
ILAN Summer Camps 2014
Every year ILAN operates summer camps for children and youth ages 7-21 with physical
disabilities enrolled in regular education and special education schools.
There is also a summer camp for adults ages 21-30. The camps take place on kibbutzim, moshavim and in communities across the country. All campers go to a 5-day sleepover camp and each camper has a personal volunteer from the host kibbutz/community. The camps have a variety of workshops and special activities geared for ILAN campers that are challenging and fun. When? July and August
How do I register? Fill out the required forms that can be downloaded from
ILAN:and send with your payment to ILAN via fax: 03-5249828,
email:or mail: Y.L. Gordon St. 9, Tel Aviv 63458.
Following receipt of the forms, details about the date and location of the camp will be sent to
the family.
For more information, contact the 2014 national camp coordinators: Meirav – 050-7672728,
Michal - 052-3084178
Camp Shutaf
Ages 6-12
– A diverse program that includes art, drama, sports, self-defense, cooking, hip-
hop dancing, a day trip and pool day once a week.
Ages 13-21 – Meet at camp in the morning and go for outside activities that can include self-
defense, volunteering at a soup kitchen, meeting with the local community, visiting
businesses in the area to identify potential job opportunities, pool day.
When? 3-21.08.14, Sunday – Thursday 8:45 – 14:00
Staff: Each group of 12 children or adolescents have a team leader, 3 adult counselors and 2
For more information and discount requests: Marci – 052-6948904,
Email:Shutaf website:
The Young Trainer Dog Training Camp (The Dogs for People Organization)
Moshav Beit Ezra (near Ashdod)
Who? High-functioning children with special needs
What? Dog care and training
When? 1.7.14-21.7.14 (it is also possible to sign up for only some days of camp)
Contact: Asia -052-2888147,
ELIYA – Association for Blind and Visually Impaired Children
Vacation for families with a blind or visually impaired child ages 4-15. When? 11-13.08.14
Location: Kfar Tavor Field School
A bus leaving from Gan Eliya in Petach Tikva will be available for participating families.
For more information and registration: Iris Yunas – 03-9336840 ext. 108 / 055-6680055 or Nora – 052-6988679 The camp is designed for blind and visually impaired children ages 6-14 and includes fun and challenging activities. When?: 1-21.07.14 08:00-14:30, except Fridays
Where?: City Park, Levon St., Petach Tikva
Transportation is the responsibility of the parents (through the municipal transportation
departments). ELIYA will send more information to anyone who is interested.
For more information and registration: Iris Yunas – 03-9336840 ext. 108 / 055-6680055 or Nora – 052-6988679 Big Idea Summer Camp
An international technology summer camp held in Israel for high-functioning children with
autism or Asperger's syndrome ages 7-18.
For more information about the program: 03-5285177, Community center camps
Community center camps are open to children with special needs, who will be integrated into
appropriate groups by the camp coordinators. The number of spots is limited, and you should
contact your local community center for more information.
MARSHAL Tel Aviv Camp
During July-August
Where? MARSHAL Tel Aviv, Mendele Mocher Sforim St. 20, Tel Aviv
Who? Blind and visually impaired children from first grade and up, and their siblings
What's included? Trips, various activities, a light meal and transportation
For more information and registration: 03-7248040
Fairytale Summer Camp at the Variety Center in Jerusalem
Children with special needs in grades 1-5
Where? Variety Center in Jerusalem, Diskin St. 17
When? 1-24.07.14, Sunday – Thursday from 8:30 to 13:30
What? The camp combines various experiential activities from different fields of creativity,
movement, music and drama along with various outdoor activities such as swimming, visiting
the zoo, challenging sports activities and more…
For more information contact: Chen, camp coordinator: 02-5391928 or the Variety Center
front desk: 02-5391911
Camp Akim Beer Sheva
Where? Youth hostel in Arad
Who? Children ages 8-21 with intellectual developmental disabilities
What? The camp features a host of various social and sports activities, air-conditioned
rooms, pool time, other challenging activities, and more …
For more information: Tel: 08-6231190, Mobile: 052-6056215
Shema Tel Aviv Camp
1-21.7.14, Sunday – Thursday 8:00 – 13:00
Where? Shema, Derekh HaShalom 34, Tel Aviv
Who? Deaf and hearing impaired children in 1-6 grades
What? Activities, performances, crafts, trip to an amusement park, pool, visit to Ariel Sharon
Park, trip to Stalactites Cave, visit to Meymadion, day with deaf and hearing impaired
soldiers, sports and more. Details will be sent to participants.
Transportation: The price includes transportation from the camper's home to Shema and
back (except for isolated locales).
Each day the children will receive a roll and juice and each camper will receive a camp shirt
and hat.
Cost: 1450 NIS
For information and registration, email:or call: 03-5715656
Camp Ken L'Adam
Children with intellectual developmental disabilities, emotional problems, autism and/or
rehabilitation needs (in separate groups).
Ages: Preschool, primary through high school (in separate groups)
Where? Moshav Gia 51 , the Krempaf family
What? Activities with animals, gardening, painting and crafts, story time and guided imagery
The duration and character of the workshops wil be customized to the campers' needs and
each group of children will have a program built according to its needs and capabilities.
The camp is run by a social worker and a qualified educational consultant and therapuetic drawing classes will be led by a certified instructor. The lawn is accessible for wheelchairs and children who are not independent will be accompanied by a staff member. Breakfast and lunch will be served. For more information: 052-2503984 Mikan Vemeala
Camp preparing children with learning disabilities for first grade.
Small group up to eight children, personal attention for each child, carefully selected quality supportive counselors . The camp will be led and administered by Yasmin Amran, certified in the Rami Katz method, and a special education teacher with extensive experience working with children with learning disabilities. Contact: Yasmin – 054-4901835,
Alei Siach (חיש ילע ןושפונ הנחמ)
Children with various disorders including autism and intellectual
developmental disabilities. The site is not accessible for children with physical disabilities, with
the exception of babies in folding strollers.
Ages: Boys up to age 9 and girls of all ages.
Dates of camp: August 7-13 August with a volunteer for every child.
Where? Beer Yaakov Campus
Phone: Shlomit - 02-5477908 (morning hours only)
Camp Or Menachem
Where? Yeshurun School , Zelig Bass St. 17 , Petach Tikva
Who? Children with cancer and their siblings
Parents interested in participating are invited to join the staff.
For information and registration: 052-8337890, Jezreel Valley Regional Council Camp for Children and Youth with Special
Where? Jezreel Valley communities, for Jezreel Valley residents only.
What? Challenging activities, nature walks, experiential activities, transportation, breakfast
and lunch.
To register: Dikla – 050-4318032, email the child's name, teudat zehut number, age, parent's
name, hometown, telephone and email address to
Dog Training Camp for Children with Special Needs
06.07.14-27.08.14 from Sunday – Thursday, 8:00 to 12:00
Where? Lapid (7 minutes drive from Modi'in)
What? Experiential learning about dogs, including learning about training dogs and
interacting with them.
For details: 052-8341756, Email:
Camp Open Space – Riding with Dr. Ofer Komorovsky
Throughout the month of July in two week sessions, 8:00 to 16:00
Where? Hatirosh 13, Kfar Shmuel, (you can enter "חותפה בחרמה תווח" in Waze)
Who? Children from age 5 through adolescence with special needs. The camp specializes in
those on the autistic spectrum. The camps has children without special needs who
accompany the participants throughout the day and help them interact with their environment
and with the other campers.
What? Campers go horseback riding accompanied by the professional,
experienced therapeutic staff, enjoying the experience (on horseback or in a carriage), as well
as time and space to choose what they want to do while accompanied by a personal
counselor. They also participate in various workshops such as baking bread on a tabun, drum
circles, art workshops, and more.
For details: Tel: 08-9211506, 054-4392252, Fax: 077-6150277, Email:
Krembo Wings
is the only youth movement in Israel for children and young adults with special
needs, providing weekly social activities for young people with any type of motor, cognitive or
sensory disability and their able-bodied peers.
Each year Krembo Wings offers participants, their parents and the volunteer youth counselors
the chance to take part in an enjoyable three-day summer camp vacation at Beit Kay in
Nahariya, designed for both children and adults alike. The goal of the camp is to provide a fun
and relaxing vacation for children with special needs and their families. During the three-day
summer camp, two able-bodied youth counselors accompany each child with special needs
throughout the activities. This gives the parents and siblings the opportunity to enjoy a
relaxing vacation of their own.
The camp's activities are varied and suited to youth and parents alike. The camp's enrichment activities are run by professional staff and include story-telling; dancing; yoga; swimming-pool activities; a magic show; an arts and crafts room; chocolate-making workshops; theatrical performances and outdoor training activities (such as horseback riding and zip-lining). All the activities are specially designed to be available to all of our participants, even those in wheelchairs. For more information about Krembo Wings activities and branches across the country:or call 09-8852385 (office) or 054-6720700 (Avner) Savion in Jerusalem (םילשוריב דוס חיש תתומע –
ןויבס ןושפונ)
Who? Children with autism and intellectual developmental disabilities.
Ages: 5 years old and up.
Phone: 02-6405024
Yafia (ןופצב עיפי ןושפ נ
Throughout the year.
Who? Children with intellectual developmental disabilities at all levels of functioning.
All ages.
Phone: 04-6551014 , 050-2188498 (Louis)
Reinforcement activities and activities adapted for summer.
Magical Moments Motel (םימוסק םיעגר תינולמ)
The facility operates at the Dead Sea throughout the year.
Who? Children and adults with cystic fibrosis and psoriasis.
The facility is appropriate for all ages.
The nofshon is designed for children and their families.
Phone: 03-6780303
Beit Tamar in Jerusalem (םילשוריב רמת תיב)
The nofshon operates throughout the year.
Who? Children with physical and intellectual disabilities.
Ages: 8-21
Accommodation only, no activities. Children must be accompanied by a chaperon.
Phone: 02-6448601
Ezer Mizion's Relief Project (ןויצמ רזע –
הלקה טקיורפ)
Who? Children with autism and intellectual developmental disabilities.
Ages: 3- 21
The nofshon takes place with host families.
Host families can be requested by the child's parents and may be neighbors, friends, or an aide/teacher from the child's educational institution. Host families must be approved by an Ezer Mizion/Ministry of Social Affairs social worker. Ezer Mizion has a database of host families around the country that can be used if the child's parents do not have one they would like to request. Phone: 03-6144456, 03-6144457 or 03-6144433
Agam (םגא ןושפונ)
Operates one weekend per month in the Agam School, Raanana.
Who? Children with intermediate to severe intellectual developmental disabilities.
Ages: 7 -21
Phone: 09-7481063
Gan Hayeled in Haifa (הפיחב דליה ןג)
Nofshon on weekends
Who? Children of all ages with special needs who are officially recognized by the Ministry of
Social Affairs and Social Services' Department of Services for People with Intel ectual
Developmental Disabilities (רגפמה םדאל תוריש) or the National Unit for People with Autism
(םיטסיטואל תיצראה הדיחיה).
Ages: 4 years old and up.
Phone: 04-8377139 .
Beit David
Nofshon in Mevasseret Zion for women and adolescent girls with intellectual
developmental disabilities.
The nofshon operates throughout the year and during school breaks and holidays.
Participants are integrated into all of the residence's regular activities including employment, leisure and recreation programs. Contact: Chaya Levy (director of the residence) or Debbie: 02-5341127
Fax: 02-5795846
Tsad Kadima's Educational-Rehabilitation Summer Camp
Where? Kibbutz Hanaton (Lower Galilee)
The camp is run by a professional staff. It has a an active schedule with continuous and
intensive activities according to its guiding educational principles. The first half of the day will
be devoted to programs aimed at promoting the children's motor abilities, and the second half
of the day will include activities that are social and experiential in nature.
Objectives of the camp: Developing of independence and promoting functional skills Providing active recreational and social experiences Experiencing a new environment outside the home The camp is designed for people aged 15-25 with cerebral palsy or other motor impairments For registration, please contact Karen Calderon: 052-8827892 Shalva Nofshon in Jerusalem
Shalva operates a nofshon in Jerusalem for children with intellectual development disabilities
who function at different levels.
Ages: 6-21
The nofshon operates throughout the year.
Telephone: 02-6519555, 02-6275077
AMICHAI Nofshonim
Children and adolescents officially recognized by one of the Ministry of Social Affairs and
Social Services divisions (Department of Services for People with Intellectual Developmental
Disabilities (רגפמה םדאל תוריש), the Unit for People with Autism (םזיטואב לופיטל הדיחיה) or the
Rehabilitation Division (םוקישה ףגא)) are entitled to 15 nights a year away from home, which
are referred to by the Ministry as respites days (ןושפונ ימי).
Every weekend, there is a nofshon at the Hod Hasharon Recreation Center. Transportation is
not provided as part of the nofshon and the families are responsible for transporting the
children to and from the center. The children are divided into groups that meet one weekend a
month/once every two months. Participants cannot come one time, and must commit to the
entire year. Groups are divided by age and level of functioning. Children with lower
functioning levels have a staff member for every two children. Activities include cooking meals
together and a wide variety of leisure activities.
Email: Hila -Website:Facebook:


VOL 1 NUMERO 2. AGOSTO 2008 Trabajos de Investigación Caracterización de Perfiles Proteicos y Peptídicos en Characterization of Protein and Peptide Profiles in Chronic Dr. Jorge Gamonal A. Periodontitis. Hernández M, Obregón F, Pozo P, Barriga A, Valenzuela MA. 53 Prof. Dr. Javier Botero. Univ. del Valle, Colombia.

Effect of tetracycline residues in pig manure slurry on tetracycline-resistant bacteriaand resistance gene tet(M) in soil microcosmsAgersø, Yvonne; Wulf, Gitte; Bräuner, Elvira; Halling-Sørensen, Bent; Jensen, Lars Published in:Environment International Document VersionEarly version, also known as pre-print Citation for published version (APA):Agersø, Y., Wulf, G., Bräuner, E., Halling-Sørensen, B., & Jensen, L. (2006). Effect of tetracycline residues inpig manure slurry on tetracycline-resistant bacteria and resistance gene tet(M) in soil microcosms. EnvironmentInternational, 32, 876-882.