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Medical Care



Prescribing Information RelaxaTM
Polyethylene Glycol 3350 Powder for Oral Solution Red Leaf Medical Inc. Date of Preparation: 12 – 4055 Sladeview Crescent Date of Revision: <March 07, 2014> Submission Control No: 126786 RelaxaTM Package Insert Page 1 of 13 Table of Contents
RelaxaTM Package Insert Page 2 of 13 RelaxaTM
Polyethylene Glycol 3350 Powder for Oral Solution PART I: HEALTH PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION

Dosage Form /
Clinically Relevant Non-medicinal
There are no non-medicinal ingredients
RelaxaTM is indicated for the treatment of occasional constipation in adults (≥ 18 years).
RelaxaTM should not be used in patients who are hypersensitive to polyethylene glycol.
RelaxaTM should not be used in patients with a known or suspected bowel obstruction.
RelaxaTM is contraindicated for use in children under 18 years of age unless advised by a


RelaxaTM should not be used in subjects with kidney disease except under the supervision of a
Patients with symptoms suggestive of bowel obstruction, appendicitis, or inflamed bowel, (fever,
nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain or bloating) should consult a physician to rule out these
RelaxaTM Package Insert Page 3 of 13 conditions before initiating RelaxaTM therapy (see contraindications).
Patients presenting with symptoms of constipation, should be advised that changes to lifestyle
measures like adequate fibre and fluid intake, and regular exercise can result in consistent bowel
habits, and these measures should be tried before attempting any medical therapy for
Patients should not take any type of laxative for more than one (1) week, unless recommended
by a physician. Overuse or extended use of any laxative may cause dependence for bowel
If no constipation relief is seen, the patient should be instructed to see a physician.
RelaxaTM should not be taken within two (2) hours of another medicine because the desired
effect of the other medicine may be reduced.
Patients with severe diarrhea symptoms should stop using RelaxaTM and contact a physician
Elderly patients experiencing diarrhea should stop using Relaxa™ and contact a physician
Patients developing an allergic reaction (e.g. rash, swelling, difficulty breathing) should stop
using RelaxaTM and contact a physician immediately.

Special Populations:
Pregnant Women: No clinical studies have been performed in pregnant women, therefore
RelaxaTM should be avoided in pregnant women unless clearly needed and directed by a
Nursing Women: No clinical studies have been performed in nursing women, therefore
RelaxaTM should be avoided in nursing women unless clearly needed and directed by a
Pediatrics: The safety and efficacy of RelaxaTM for use in children under age 18 years have not
been established. Do not use in children (<18 years of age), unless advised by a physician.
Elderly Patients: No dose adjustment is recommended for elderly patients solely on the basis of
their age. However, if diarrhea occurs, RelaxaTM should be discontinued.
RelaxaTM Package Insert Page 4 of 13 MONITORING AND LABORATORY TESTS
No clinically significant changes in laboratory values have been reported.


Occasional nausea, abdominal cramping or bloating and flatulence have been reported. High
doses may also cause loose, watery and more frequent stools, especially in the elderly.
Rare instances of severe allergic reactions have been reported in users of other medications
containing polyethylene glycol 3350.
No specific drug interactions have been demonstrated. However, the desired effect of other
medications may be reduced if taken with laxatives. Avoid taking Relaxa ™ within two (2)
hours of taking another medication.

The normal dose in adults is 17 grams (about 1 heaping tablespoon) of RelaxaTM per day (or as
directed by a physician) to be stirred in a cup (250 mL or 8 ounces) of water, juice, soda, soft
drink, coffee, tea, or any other non-alcoholic beverage until completely dissolved.
Treatment for two to four days (48 to 96 hours) may be required to produce a bowel movement.
This product should be used for up to one week or as directed by a physician.
Special Patient Populations:
Pregnant or Nursing Women: RelaxaTM
should be avoided in pregnant women or nursing
women unless clearly needed and directed by a physician (see WARNINGS AND
Elderly Patients: No dose adjustment is recommended for elderly patients solely on the basis of
their age. However, if diarrhea occurs, RelaxaTM should be discontinued (see WARNINGS
RelaxaTM Package Insert Page 5 of 13 Pediatrics: The safety and efficacy of RelaxaTM for use in children under 18 years have not
been established. Do no use in children (<18 years of age), unless advised by a physician (see

There have been no reports of accidental overdosage. In the event of an overdose, dehydration
due to diarrhea may result. The patient should stop taking RelaxaTM and drink plenty of water.
Polyethylene glycol 3350 is an osmotic agent which causes water to be retained with the stool.
Constipation relief with polyethylene glycol 3350 has been demonstrated in subjects with occasional constipation. Results from clinical studies have shown that it may take 2 to 4 days to produce a bowel movement. An in- vitro study showed indirectly that polyethylene glycol 3350 was not fermented into
hydrogen or methane by the colonic microflora in human feces. Polyethylene glycol 3350
appears to have no effect on the active absorption or secretion of glucose or electrolytes. There is
no evidence of tachyphylaxis.
Store in a dry place at room temperature at 15° - 30°C (59° - 86°F).


No special handling is required.

is available as a powder form for oral administration after dissolution in water, juice,
soda, coffee, tea, or any other non-alcoholic beverage.
RelaxaTM is available in bottles of 510g. The dosing scoop included with each bottle is pre-
measured for a single dose of 17 grams when filled to the rim.
Composition of Product: RelaxaTM contains polyethylene glycol 3350.
RelaxaTM Package Insert Page 6 of 13 PART II: SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION
Drug Substance:
Proper name: Polyethylene glycol 3350 Chemical name: Polyethylene glycol Molecular formula and molecular mass: HO[ CH2CH2O ]nH Structural formula: Physicochemical properties: White powder, fully soluble in water.
A number of published studies have been performed to investigate the efficacy and safety of
polyethylene glycol for constipation.
A study conducted by Di Palma et al (2007) compared polyethylene glycol 3350 to Zelnorm
(tegaserod) in the treatment of patients with chronic constipation. Two hundred and thirty seven
(237) subjects were randomized in an open label study to either 17g of polyethylene glycol 3350
in a single daily dose or 6 mg tegaserod b.i.d. for 28 days. Subjects were enrolled based on the
modified ROME criteria as noted in the above trial. The primary efficacy endpoint was
calculated based upon the patient reported ROME criteria during the week.2
Fifty percent of the polyethylene glycol 3350 subjects were responders compared to 30.8% of the
tegaserod subjects. The authors concluded that while polyethylene glycol 3350 and tegaserod are
safe for use in chronic constipation polyethylene glycol has superior efficacy and caused fewer
side effects such as headache and produced greater improvement of constipation symptoms.
Di Palma et al (2002) also evaluated the safety and effectiveness of three single doses of
polyethylene glycol 3350 laxative (51, 68, and 85 g) and placebo in constipated patients.
Subjects who met one or more of the ROME II criteria and who had satisfactory stool less than
three times per week, were enrolled into the study. Twenty–four adult subjects were randomized
to receive a single dose of placebo or polyethylene glycol laxative at doses of 51, 68 or 85 g.
Frequency of bowel movement was the primary efficacy variable compared across doses.
RelaxaTM Package Insert Page 7 of 13 Secondary efficacy variables included the various ROME II criteria. The average time to first bowel movement after a 68-g dose of polyethylene glycol 3350 was 14.8 hours compared to 27.3 hours for placebo. Complete evacuation was reported by 100% of subjects for the second bowel movement in the polyethylene glycol group compared to 60% in the placebo group. The investigation showed that a 68-g dose of polyethylene glycol 3350 laxative provided safe and effective relief of constipation in adults within a 24-h period, without loss of control.4 Di Palma et al (2007) performed a randomized placebo controlled trial to investigate the safety and efficacy of polyethylene glycol over a six month period. Subjects were randomized to either placebo or polyethylene glycol as a single daily dose of 17g for 6 months. Constipation was defined based on modified ROME criteria, where on average satisfactory stool was less frequent than three per week and one or more of the ROME criteria were met; straining in more than 25% of defecations, lumpy or hard stools in more than 25% of defecations, and a sense of incomplete evacuation in more than 25% of defecations.1 A total of 309 subjects were randomly assigned in a 2:1 ratio to polyethylene glycol or placebo. The ITT population consisted of 304 subjects as two subjects did not receive any medication after randomization. Study subjects treated with polyethylene glycol achieved a statistically significant benefit over placebo (p<0.001). Polyethylene glycol treatment resulted in a rapid increase in the number of successfully treated patients in the first month, with the maximum response by the second month. The difference between polyethylene glycol and placebo was statistically significant at all study months. Di Palma et al (2000) also conducted a randomized, multicenter, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of polyethylene glycol 3350. A total of 151 adults with less than 2 bowel movements in a 7-day period were randomized to receive polyethylene glycol -3350, 17 g or placebo for 14 days. Effective treatment was defined as >3 bowel movements per 7-day period. By the second week of treatment, polyethylene glycol resulted in 4.5 bowel movements weekly compared to placebo at 2.7 movements weekly. No statistically or clinically significant differences between placebo and laxative groups were detected for laboratory measurements. These authors confirmed that polyethylene glycol laxative is safe and effective for the short term treatment of constipation as it increases bowel movement frequency and was well tolerated by study subjects.5 Cleveland et al (2001) evaluated the safety and effectiveness of polyethylene glycol 3350 in patients reporting a history of constipation. Twenty-three male and female patients over the age of 18 with a known history of constipation were enrolled in this study. Patients were randomly assigned to receive either polyethylene glycol or placebo over a 14-day treatment period, followed by a second 14 day period with an alternate test article. The laxative solution contained 17g of polyethylene glycol 3350 per 250 mL dose. RelaxaTM Package Insert Page 8 of 13
Polyethylene glycol laxative therapy resulted in a dramatic increase in bowel movement
frequency compared with placebo. This effect was most pronounced by the second week of
therapy, when the mean weekly bowel movement frequency increased to once per day
(7.0/week) for polyethylene glycol laxative versus once every second day (3.6/week) for placebo
(P = 0.0001). 6
Patients with mild constipation had twice as many bowel movements as those with severe
constipation. All of the mildly constipated patients rated polyethylene glycol therapy as
The authors concluded that polyethylene glycol laxative is an effective agent for patients who are
typically treated for constipation, as well as for patients with more severe disease.6
Ramkumar et al conducted a systematic literature review of randomized, controlled trials
addressing the efficacy and safety of various medical therapies in adult patients with chronic
constipation. Polyethylene glycol therapy was given a Grade A recommendation (good evidence
in support of the use of a modality in the treatment of constipation) and a Level 1 (good evidence
– consistent results from well-designed, well-conducted studies) evidence of strength.7
Polyethylene glycols are generally considered to be inert and possess a low order of toxicity in animals and humans. Administration of 0.5 g high-molecular mass (polyethylene glycol)/kg Body Weight in the form of an aqueous solution caused no visible signs of intoxication. No mortality occurred. Histological examination revealed small areas of round-cell infiltration, expanded vessels in the kidneys, and a plethoric spleen. A dose of 2.5 g/kg Body Weight of polyethylene glycol with molecular mass (M= 2,000000 and 7,000000) was not lethal to rats or mice. In the last case, the acute effect threshold was 0.5 g/kg Body Weight. In the same doses, polyethylene glycol synthesized on an organocalcium compound was not lethal. The acute effect threshold was not established.3 Rats and mice received 3.1 g polyethylene glycol/kg Body Weight in aqueous solutions with
molecular mass (M = 5,000000) for 12 months. There were no manifestations of toxic action.2
Reproductive Toxicity:
In a 2-year feeding study, oral and parenteral administration of polyethylene glycol caused no
effect on reproduction.8

RelaxaTM Package Insert
Page 9 of 13 REFERENCES
1. DiPalma, JA, Cleveland MB, McGowan J, Herrera JL. A randomized, multicenter, placebo-controlled trial of polyethylene glycol laxative for chronic treatment of chronic constipation. Am J Gastroenterol. 2007 Jul;102(7):1436-41. 2. DiPalma, JA, Cleveland MB, McGowan J, Herrera JL. A randomised multicentre comparison of polyethylene glycol laxative and tegaserod in treatment of patients with chronic constipation. Am J Gastroenterol. 2007 Sep;102(9):1964-71. 3. Sheftel, VO. Polyethylene Glycols Indirect Food Additives and Polymers: Migration and Toxicology. Lewis 2000 pp.1114-1116. 4. Di Palma JA, Smith JR, Cleveland MvB Overnight Efficacy of Polyethylene Glycol Laxative. Am J Gastroenterol. 2002 Jul; 97(7); 1776-79. 5. DiPalma, JA, DeRidder, PH, Orlando, RC, Kolts, BE, Cleveland M vB. A randomized, placebo-controlled, multicenter study of the Safety and Efficacy of a New Polyethylene Glycol Laxative. Am J Gastroenterol. 2000 Feb;95(2):446-450. 6. Cleveland vB. M, Flavin DP, Ruben RA, Epstein RM, Clark GE New Polyethylene Glycol Laxative for Treatment of Constipation on Adults: A randomized double-blind, placebo controlled study. Southern Medical Journal 2001 May; Vol. 94, No. 5; 478-81. 7. Ramkumar D, Rao Satish SC Efficacy and Safety of Traditional Medical Therapies for Chronic Constipation: Systematic Review. Am J Gastroenterol. 2005;100;936-71. 8. Pashankar DS, Bishop WP. Efficacy and optimal dose of daily polyethylene glycol 3350 for treatment of constipation and encoporesis in children. J Pediatr. 2001 Sep;139(3):428-32. RelaxaTM Package Insert Page 10 of 13 IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ
Polyethylene Glycol 3350
BEFORE you use RelaxaTM talk to your healthcare
Powder for Oral Solution
If you have or have ever had a bowel obstruction This leaflet is part III of a three-part "Prescribing
(blockage in the intestine) and if you have symptoms information" published when RelaxaTM was approved for sale
suggestive of bowel obstruction, appendicitis, or in Canada and is designed specifically for Consumers.
inflamed bowel (fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain or bloating). This leaflet is a summary and will not tell you everything about
• If you have any kidney problems. RelaxaTM. Contact your doctor or pharmacist if you have any
• If you are allergic to polyethylene glycol or any other questions about the drug.
medications, food, etc. • About your medical conditions and medications. • If you are pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant, ABOUT THIS MEDICATION
or if you are breast feeding. What the medication is used for:
Consult a physician immediately if your condition persists or Relaxa TM is a laxative used to treat occasional constipation.
Lifestyle changes may help produce more regular bowel Should unusual cramps, bloating or diarrhea occur when taking Relaxa TM consult a physician.
• Eat a well-balanced diet that includes fibre-rich foods, such as unprocessed bran, whole grain bread and fresh If you are elderly, stop use and contact a physician immediately if fruits and vegetables. you experience diarrhea. • Drink plenty of fluids and exercise regularly. Overuse or extended use may cause dependence for bowel What it does:
function. Do not take a larger dose of Relaxa TM, take it more
Relaxa TM works by holding water in the stool to soften the stool
often, or take it for a longer period of time than your physician and increases the number of bowel movements. It is in a class of medications called osmotic laxatives. When it should not be used:
Do not use RelaxaTM:
• if you are allergic to polyethylene glycol. • if you have a known or suspected bowel obstruction. No specific drug interactions have been demonstrated. However, • in children under 18 years of age unless recommended by the desired effect of other medications may be reduced if taken with laxatives. Avoid taking Relaxa ™ within two (2) hours of
• if you are pregnant or breastfeeding unless clearly needed taking another medication. and recommended by a physician. Tell your physician and pharmacist what prescription and What the medicinal ingredient is:
nonprescription medications, vitamins, nutritional supplements, Polyethylene glycol 3350. and herbal products you are taking. What the important non-medicinal ingredients are:
There are no non-medicinal ingredients. Usual Adult Dose:
What dosage forms it comes in:
RelaxaTM is available as a powder form for oral administration
17g of Relaxa TM powder once per day or as directed by your
after dissolution in water, juice, soda, coffee, tea, or any other non- physician or healthcare provider. alcoholic beverage. Direction on how to use Relaxa TM:
RelaxaTM is available in bottles of 510g. The dosing scoop
included with each bottle is pre-measured for a single dose of 17 • Use the measuring scoop provided to measure a single grams when filled to the rim. dose (17 grams) of powder. • Pour the measured powder (17 grams) into a cup RelaxaTM Package Insert Page 11 of 13 containing 8 ounces (250 mL) of water, juice, soda, SERIOUS SIDE EFFECTS, HOW OFTEN THEY
coffee, tea or any other non-alcoholic beverage. HAPPEN AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT THEM
Stir until completely dissolved and then drink the solution. Symptom / effect
Talk with your
Stop taking
doctor or
It may take 2 to 4 days (48 to 96 hours) for Relaxa TM to produce a
seek urgent
You may discontinue taking the drug after you have had several satisfactory bowel movements.
Relaxa TM
should be used for one week or as directed by a
There have been no reports of accidental overdose. In the event of an overdose, dehydration (with symptoms such as thirst, dry mouth, dry eyes not making tears, no perspiration, etc.) due to as hives, itching, diarrhea may result. In the case of accidental overdose, stop taking Relaxa TM , drink plenty of water and contact a physician or a
poison control centre. Missed Dose:
If you miss a dose, take the next dose as normal on the next day. Never take a double dose of Relaxa™ to make up for a missed
This is not a complete list of side effects. For any unexpected
Relaxa TM may cause side effects. Tell a physician if any of these
effects while taking Relaxa TM contact your doctor or
symptoms are severe or do not go away: HOW TO STORE IT
Store in a dry place at room temperature at 15° - 30°C (59° - 86°F). Keep the container tightly closed. Keep out of reach of children. SERIOUS SIDE EFFECTS, HOW OFTEN THEY
Symptom / effect
Talk with your
Stop taking
doctor or
seek urgent
cramping, and flatulence. RelaxaTM Package Insert Page 12 of 13 IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ
You can report any suspected adverse reactions associated
with the use of health products to the Canada Vigilance
Program by one of the following 3 ways:
1. Report online at

2. Call toll-free at 1-866-234-2345
3. Complete a Canada Vigilance Reporting Form and:
Fax toll-free to 1-866-678-6789, or
Mail to : Canada Vigilance Program
Health Canada
Postal Locator 0701C
Ottawa, ON K1A OK9
Postage paid labels, Canada Vigilance Reporting form and
the adverse reaction reporting guidelines are available on
the MedEffect™ Canada Web site at

NOTE: Should you require information related to the
management of side effects, contact your health professional.
The Canada Vigilance Program does not provide medical


This document plus the full product monograph, prepared for
health professionals can be found at:
or by contacting the sponsor, Red Leaf Medical Inc. at:
This leaflet was prepared by Red Leaf Medical Inc.
Last revised: March 07, 2014.
RelaxaTM Package Insert Page 13 of 13



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