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Medical Care




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CASE REPORT Intracerebral haemorrhage and We report on a 65-year-old woman who presented with acute right-sided weakness because of an intracerebral (thalamic) haemorrhage.As a Qigong enthusiast with a long-standing history of hypertension,she developed a stroke syndrome soon after practising Qigong onemorning. Following neurological recovery, the patient exhibited erraticblood pressure responses while practising Qigong, despite the factthat resting blood pressure was normal. The haemodynamic responsesto exercise are discussed and a review of the therapeutic implicationsof practising Qigong is presented.

Draft kea husbandry manual 1sept 2010 website

Kea (Nestor notabilis) Husbandry Manual Tamsin Orr-Walker Kea Conservation Trust Kea Conservation Trust Prepared by Tamsin Orr-Walker Kea Conservation Trust This husbandry manual sets new standards and expectations for the captive husbandry of kea in New Zealand. The minimum standards throughout this document are designed to provide the minimum welfare guidelines for captive kea. It is hoped that all kea holders will strive for the best practice standards outlined here and even better, exceed them. This husbandry manual has been the subject of extensive consultation with captive holders, experienced vet's, the Captive Management coordinator and industry participants. This husbandry manual is considered best practise by the KCT and ZAA and in line with the WAZACS. It has been submitted to the Department of Conservation for formal approval in terms of the Department of Conservation Captive Management Standard Operating Procedure. This document is dedicated to Ariki, Hopara and Sweety (Nauhea) and for all other kea in captive facilities throughout New Zealand; here's to a brighter future for you all!

Journal of the Laser and Health Academy Vol. 2010, No.1; Novel Laser Therapy in Treatment of Onychomycosis Jasmina Kozarev,1 Zdenko Vižintin2 1Dr.Kozarev Dermatology Laser Clinic., Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia 2Fotona d.d., Ljubljana, Slovenia ABSTRACT include dermatophytes (fungi that invade only dead

‘KSR' has made it easier to prove obviousness Particularly in pharmaceutical cases, this is an increasingly viable patent invalidity defense. By Mark Jansen and Byron ChinIn KSR International Co. v. Teleflex Inc., 550 U.S. 398 (2007), the U.S. Supreme Court heralded more promise in obviousness challenges to patent validity. The Court rejected the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit's "teaching, suggestion and motivation" (TSM) test for patent obviousness as a "rigid preventative rule" and instructed lower courts to take a more "expansive and flexible approach," one applying "common sense" and recognizing that the "combination of familiar elements according to known methods is likely to be obvious when it does no more than yield predictable results."

KOMAR UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Environmental Health Course Syllabus Course Title Environmental Health Course Code Department Engineering (Health, safety & Environment) Course Code Course Code Assistant Lecturer Ahmed A. Maaroof

Hidden devices in the school setting

in the School Setting Types of devices • Vagus nerve stimulator • Baclofen pump • Implantable defibrillator • Vascular devices • Shunt • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation • Electrical muscle stimulator • Diaphragmatic pacer Vagus Nerve Stimulator Vagus Nerve Stimulator • This device is implanted under the left chest. A second incision, made along the

Script psychot ii

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hiller Stichworte aus den gezeigten Folien zur Vorlesung Klinische Psychologie II Thema: Schizophrenie-Spektrum und andere psychotische Störungen II Therapie der Schizophrenie Mehrere Ansatzpunkte entsprechend des Vulnerabilitäts-Stress-Modells Phasenspezifische Behandlung der Schizophrenie 1. Phase: Behandlung der akuten Symptomatik 2. Phase: Behandlung residualer Symptome und Vorbeugung von Rückfällen (Nachbehandlungsphase) evtl. weitere Phase: Behandlung chronischer Fälle


Die Zeitung der KleintierKlinik Hannover Parvovirose – immer auch wenn die Welt heut- noch eine aktuelle zutage eine digitale ist und wir mit Nachrichten so-zusagen im Sekundentakt Erkrankung überfl utet werden, halten wir an unserer tie-risch gut! in Zeitungsform fest. Somit freuen wir uns, Sie wieder mit wichtigen Informationen zu Tieren und aus


DIE VERENGTEN ATEMWEGE Dabei steht die Entzündung der Atemwegsschleimhaut im Mittelpunkt, das führt zur Schwel ung und Schleimabsonderung in den Bronchien. Dadurch kann die Luft beim Ein- und Ausatmen nur erschwert und mit deutlich größerer Kraftanstrengung durch die Atemwege strömen. Die äußeren Zeichen einer solchen Verengung der Atemwege (= obstruktive Bronchitis): • Beschleunigung der Atmung