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JANT-PALI, MAHENDERGARH Notice on Measures for avoiding Dengue Fever
Concerning the recent outbreak of dengue fever in and around National Capital Region Delhi, it is informed to all concerned that Dengue fever is transmitted through mosquitoes infected with the dengue virus and not through contact with infected humans. Once infected, individuals will experience mild symptoms and overall mortality rates are low. Regardless, due to possible high fever and other uncomfortable flu-like symptoms, University authorities recommend avoiding areas with high mosquito populations, using insect repellent when outdoors, and avoiding bare skin exposure as much as possible. Symptoms of dengue fever manifest in three to seven days after infection and include sudden fever, intense headaches, and pain in the joints. If you think you have been infected with the dengue virus, please consult a physician immediately. When you are outside, please make sure you take precautions and be aware of the following in order to reduce the chances of mosquito bites:  Avoid skin exposure by wearing full covered clothes.
Avoid black or dark-coloured clothes (Mosquitoes are drawn to dark colours.)
Use insect repellent (Repellents are also effective when used on clothing or apply creams
like odomas to the skin.
Avoiding areas stagnant with water and dirty areas.
Using mosquito nets while sleeping
Cleaning corners of your room, balconies, coolers, etc.
In case of fever, rashes, itching etc. after being bitten by a mosquito, please consult your
doctor or the staff in the medical centre.

Assistant Registrar
1. PA to hon'ble Vice Chancellor (for kind information of the hon'ble Vice Chancellor) 2. Registrar, Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh 3. Dean, Students Hostel, Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh 4. Warden, Boys Hostel, Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh 5. Warden, Girls Hostel, Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh 6. Caretaker, Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh Asst. Registrar
Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne tropical disease caused by the dengue virus.

Symptoms and Signs :-

 Dengue triad: High fever, severe headache, skin rash
Sudden onset high fever biphasic or saddleback in nature, breaking & returning for 1-2
Severe headache (typically located behind the eyes), severe muscle and joint pains so it is
also called break bone fever.
 Characteristic skin rash similar to measles. In some disease develops into the life threatening dengue haemorrhagic fever, resulting in bleeding, low levels of platelets and blood plasma leakage or into dengue shock syndrome when low blood pressure occurs.  During critical phase : lymphadenopathy, mouth & nose bleeding, low blood pressure,
accumulation of fluid in the chest (pleural effusion), accumulation of fluid in abdominal cavity (ascites), depletion of fluid, organ dysfunction, gastrointestinal bleeding.  During recovery phase : altered level of consciousness, seizures, itching, slow heart rate,
peeling of the skin, slow heart rate, fatigue .  Dengue shock syndrome.
Dengue hemorrhagic fever – usually affects children less than 10 years of age.
 Children
cold and Gastroenteritis and have a greater risk of severe complications.  The incubation period (time between exposure and onset of symptoms) ranges from 4 to 7 days. Therefore, travellers returning from endemic areas are unlikely to have dengue if fever or Transmission :-
 Dengue virus is primarily transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes particularly Aaegypti. The virus has five different types; infection with one type usually gives lifelong immunity to that type but only short-term immunity to the others. Subsequent infection with a different type increases the risk of severe complications.  Blood products.
 Organ donation.
Predisposition :-
 High body mass index.
 Viral load.
Risk Factors :-
 Living or travelling in tropical areas.  Prior infection with a dengue fever virus. Previous infection with a dengue fever virus increases the risk of having severe symptoms if one is infected again. Complications :-
 If severe, dengue fever can damage the lungs, liver or heart. Blood pressure can drop to dangerous levels causing shock and in some cases death. Mechanism :-

 When a mosquito carrying dengue virus bites a person, virus enters the skin. It binds to white blood cells (WBC) and reproduces inside the cells. WBC respond by producing a number of signalling proteins e.g. cytokines and interferons which are responsible for symptoms.  Severe disease is marked by capillary permeability and disordered blood clotting. Diagnosis :-
 On examination: - Lymphadenopathy, Pleural effusion, Ascites.  Low white blood cell count (WBC), positive tourniquet test or any warning sign.  The earliest change is a low white blood cell count, low platelets and metabolic acidosis. Elevated level of Aminotransferase (AST and ALT) rising haematocrit and hypoalbuminemia  Demonstration of fluid on ultrasound in case of dengue shock syndrome.  Check for the virus or antibodies to the virus. Treatment :-
 No specific treatment. There is no vaccine to prevent dengue fever.  Drink plenty of fluids.  Intravenous fluids with electrolyte replacement to maintain urinary output of 1 ml/kg/hr.  Acetaminophen can alleviate pain and reduce fever.  Avoid Aspirin, Ibuprofen and Naproxen Sodium.  Transfusion with packed red blood cells or whole blood to replace blood loss.  During recovery phase intravenous fluids are discontinued to prevent a state of fluid overload or else loop diuretic e.g. furosemide if the patient is outside the critical phase. Prevention :-
The best way to prevent the disease is to prevent bites by infected mosquitoes. This involves protect
oneself and making efforts to keep the mosquito population down.
To protect oneself:  Stay away from heavily populated residential areas, if possible.  Use mosquito repellents, even while indoors.  When outdoors at dawn, dusk, early evening wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants tucked into socks, socks, shoes.  When indoors, live in air conditioned room and in well screened houses.  Make sure window and door screens are secure and free of holes. If sleeping areas are not screened properly or air conditioned, use mosquito nets.  To decrease mosquito population get rid of old automobile tires, cans and flower pots.  Use insect repellent 10% DEET, Permethrin.  Generalised spraying of environs with Organophosphate or Pyrethroid Insecticides. Asst. Registrar 15th of April, 2015
 Heads/In charges of all Departments, Sections, Hostels:- Please disseminate to all


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NZAHT FINGERPRINTS NEWSLETTER Editor; [email protected] Position vacant: Editor of Fingerprints. Yes its official I am resigning after 9 fantastic years in the role. It is a role that keeps you in touch with the association and you get to read it all first hand! If you are interested in filling this role, come talk to me at the conference. This years conference; Hand TRAUMA 10-12 September, Langham Hotel. The guest speakers and timetable looks great and I‟m looking forward to it. Well done to the conference committee for a very professional job—glad to hear you are having a bit of fun along with the work. Fond farewell to our President Suzanne and thanks for being so great to work with. This newsletter is brought to you from the South.