Product information
VITA Farbkommunikation
VITA Farbkommunikation
VITA shade taking
VITA shade communication
VITA shade reproduction
VITA shade control
Date of issue: 06.13
VITA shade, VITA made.

VITA SUPRINITY® – Glass ceramic. Revolutionized.
Product description
VITA Zahnfabrik offers VITA SUPRINITY, a new generation of glass ceramic material
products. With the aid of an innovative manufacturing process, the glass ceramic is
enriched with zirconia (approx. 10 % by weight). The result is the world‘s first
zirconia reinforced lithium silicate ceramic (ZLS)*.
This new glass ceramic features a special fine-grained and homogeneous structure which guarantees excellent material quality and consistent high load capacity, as
The new generation of glass ceramics: VITA SUPRINITY.
well as long-term reliability. Moreover, the material also offers outstanding processing characteristics such as easy milling and polishing.
Thanks to the excellent translucency, fluorescence and opalescence of this new glass ceramic material, VITA SUPRINITY provides excellent esthetic properties. VITA SUPRINITY covers a wide range of indications that includes anterior and posterior crowns, suprastructures on implants, veneers, inlays and onlays.
*) This class of material is a joint development of VITA Zahnfabrik, DeguDent GmbH and Fraunhofer-Institut for Silicate Research ISC.
VITA SUPRINITY® Product benefits
Excellent load capacity:
Thanks to excellent mechanical load capacity, VITA SUPRINITY ensures high
reliability and long-term clinical success.
The new generation of glass ceramics for high load capacity.
Outstanding reliability:
The result of continuous load tests and the Weibull modulus show that VITA
SUPRINITY offers durable restorations and a maximum level of reliability.
Increased reliability thanks to a zirconia reinforced glass ceramic matrix.
Simple processing:
This new glass ceramic features high firing stability and can be crystallized without
using an auxiliary firing paste. Moreover, the material can be easily reworked
manually and polished. After polishing, VITA SUPRINITY exhibits an excellent
surface quality.
Processing made easy
VITA SUPRINITY® Product benefits
Top view of 30°wedge:
Top view of 30°wedge:
VITA SUPRINITY, 200 x magnification
Lithium disilicate ceramic, 200 x magnification
Pictures provided by: VITA R&D
Optimal precision:
Compared to lithium disilicate ceramics, VITA SUPRINITY reveals improved edge
stability after milling with Sirona's MC XL system. As a result, restorations with
higher precision are guaranteed.
High process reliability:
VITA SUPRINITY ensures high processing reliability. As a result, temperatures
during the crystallization process, that are slightly below or above the standard
temperature, do not have any significant influence on dimensional stability or
mechanical properties.
Reliable and user-friendly: milling, firing and processing.
Outstanding esthetics:
Thanks to the excellent translucency, fluorescence and opalescence, esthetically
pleasing results can be achieved with VITA SUPRINITY. Plus, the natural play of
colors can be perfectly reproduced with VITA VM 11 veneering material.
VITA SUPRINITY restorations impress with a natural play of colors.
VITA SUPRINITY® Indications, variations, geometries, shades
Range of indications:
VITA SUPRINITY can be used for a wide range of indications including anterior and
posterior crowns, suprastructures on implants, veneers, inlays and onlays.
VITA SUPRINITY is the zirconia reinforced lithium silicate ceramic in the precrystal-
lized state. A fully crystallized version, VITA SUPRINITY FC, is also available.
Ideal for a variety of indications.
VITA SUPRINITY is available in the geometry LS-14 (18 x 14 x 12 mm).
Range of shades:
VITA SUPRINITY is available in the shades 0M1, A1, A2, A3, A3.5, B2, C2 and D2.
Moreover all block shades are available in two translucency levels (T = Translucent
and HT = High Translucent).
VITA SUPRINITY® Polishing Set (clinical / technical)
Product description
The VITA SUPRINITY Polishing Sets were developed for reliable, efficient and
material-specific surface treatment of zirconia reinforced lithium silicate ceramic
(ZLS) restorations in dental practices and laboratories. The sets include various
polishing instruments for pre- and high-gloss polishing.
These instruments are suitable for careful and gentle polishing of occlusal surfaces, cusps, fissures and restoration contact points. These polishing instruments ensure a brilliant shine on the finished restoration.
Excellent final results:
Highly esthetic and plaque-resistant surfaces are produced with these instruments.
Precise concentricity, matched grit sizes and the individual geometries of the
instruments guarantee superior results.
Simple and safe handling:
The easy and fast way to an excellent shine.
The instruments provide removal capacity that can be easily controlled with minimal wear. Good handling without polishing paste enables simple and fast processing. Safe use of these clinical instruments is guaranteed through sterilizati-on.
Gentle and careful processing:
These instruments, which were developed especially for VITA SUPRINITY, ensure
gentle and careful processing.
As a result, for example, the risk of possible formation of microcracks is reduced.
VITA SUPRINITY® – Characterization with VITA AKZENT® Plus
Product description
With the 19 VITA AKZENT Plus stains you can characterize the shade of any dental
ceramic material easily and efficiently, regardless of the restoration‘s CTE. These
new fluorescent stains allow internal staining of restorations during layering as
well as staining and glazing of external surfaces.
Depending on the user's preferred method of processing and the relevant area of application, VITA AKZENT Plus stains are available as powders and ready-to-use pastes. The glazing Body Stains and Glaze materials are also available as sprays.
Three different application forms are available:
for unlimited flexibility and cost-effectiveness
ready-to-use pastes with uniform consistency and homogeneous pigmentation
ready-to-use, easy-to-apply glaze and finishing agent stains
With 19 shades and 3 application forms, VITA AKZENT offers dental practices and
laboratories a complete range of products for numerous characterization options.
Whether you're working on internal coloring, surface characterization or fine
glazing: with VITA AKZENT Plus fluorescent stains, you can adapt your restoration
easily and effortlessly.
VITA AKZENT Plus can not only be used for characterizing VITA SUPRINITY
restorations, the stains are also suitable for all other dental ceramic materials
regardless of the restoration‘s CTE.
The stains enable outstanding shade characterization.
VITA SUPRINITY® – Individualization with VITAVM®11
Product description
VITA VM 11 is a low-melting fine-structure feldspar ceramic that has been develo-
ped especially for individualizing crown substructures made of zirconia reinforced
lithium silicate ceramic (ZLS).
Due to its individual CTE, a separate veneering material is required for this new gene-ration glass ceramic. The perfectly matched CTE values of substructure and veneering materials help minimize stress to ensure superior bonding and veneering reliability that is free of warping.
Highly esthetic restorations:
The high translucency and warm shades of VITA VM 11 in combination with the
opalescent effect of VITA SUPRINITY create highly esthetic restorations with a vivid
play of colors.
Reliable bonding:
Stress-free and reliable bonding is ensured through a perfect match of both CTE
Simple processing:
Excellent stability, minimal shrinkage and high edge stability are distinctive features
of VITA VM 11. Thanks to the excellent moisture absorption of VITA SUPRINITY,
multiple layering without liner firing or washbake is possible.
Unsurpassed firing stability:
The outstanding firing properties of VITA VM 11 result in very high dimensional
stability even after several firings.
Excellent grinding and polishing properties:
Thanks to the proven fine structure of VITA VM 11, its smooth and densely sealed
surface can be easily and quickly polished.
VITA SUPRINITY® Data and assortments
VITA SYSTEM 3D-MASTER® and Classical range of shades
VITA SUPRINITY High Translucent
18 x 14 x 12 mm 5 pieces
18 x 14 x 12 mm 5 pieces
18 x 14 x 12 mm 5 pieces
18 x 14 x 12 mm 5 pieces
18 x 14 x 12 mm 5 pieces
18 x 14 x 12 mm 5 pieces
18 x 14 x 12 mm 5 pieces
18 x 14 x 12 mm 5 pieces
18 x 14 x 12 mm 5 pieces
18 x 14 x 12 mm 5 pieces
18 x 14 x 12 mm 5 pieces
18 x 14 x 12 mm 5 pieces
18 x 14 x 12 mm 5 pieces
18 x 14 x 12 mm 5 pieces
18 x 14 x 12 mm 5 pieces
18 x 14 x 12 mm 5 pieces
System compatibility:
VITA SUPRINITY can be processed with Sirona's CEREC or inLab MC XL systems, software version 4.2 or higher. Practices or
laboratories with a Sirona milling system with a different system configuration can alternatively select lithium disilicate ceramic in
the material menu for processing.
VITA SUPRINITY® Polishing Set clinical / technical
2-stage polishing system with pre- and
Polishing Set clinical
high-gloss polishers for the contra-angle
VITA SUPRINITY Polishing Set technical
VITA SUPRINITY® Data and assortments
AKZENT Plus range of shades
• Translucent glazing stains
• For modifying the shade effect of
the base material
• For natural surface effects
VITA SUPRINITY® Data and assortments
VITA AKZENT® Plus assortments
Quantity Content Material
EFFECT STAINS Powder materials, ES01-ES14
BODY STAINS Powder materials, BS01-BS05
FINISHING AGENT (glazing material)
Quantity Mixing plate incl. shade sample disc
Working Instructions
Quantity Content Material
BODY STAINS PASTE materials, BS01-BS05
FINISHING AGENT PASTE (glazing material)
Shade sample disc
Mixing plate, crystal glass (70 x 95 mm)AccessoriesWorking Instructions
Quantity Content Material
Shade sample disc
Working Instructions
With the unique VITA SYSTEM 3D-MASTER, all natural tooth shades can be systematically determined and perfectly repro-duced.
Please note: Our products must be used in accordance with the instructions for
use. We accept no liability for any damage resulting from incorrect handling or
usage. The user is furthermore obliged to check the product before use with regard
to its suitability for the intended area of application. We cannot accept any liabi-
lity if the product is used in conjunction with materials and equipment from other
manufacturers that are not compatible or not authorized for use with our product.
Furthermore, our liability for the accuracy of this information is independent of the
legal basis and, in as far as legally permissible, shall always be limited to the value
as invoiced of the goods supplied, excluding value-added tax. In particular, as far
as legally permissible, we do not assume any liability for loss of earnings, indirect
damages, ensuing damages or for third-party claims against the purchaser. Claims
for damages based on fault liability (culpa in contrahendo, breach of contract,
unlawful acts, etc.) can only be made in the case of intent or gross negligence. The
VITA Modulbox is not necessarily a component of the product. Date of issue of this
information: 06.13
VITA Zahnfabrik is certified according to the Medical Device Directiveand the following products bear the
US 5498157 A AU 659964 B2 EP 0591958 B1
CEREC® and inLab® are registered trademarks of Sirona Dental Systems GmbH, Bensheim, Germany.
1971E – 0613 (X.) S – V
VITA Zahnfabrik H. Rauter GmbH & Co.KGPostfach 1338 · D-79704 Bad Säckingen · GermanyTel. +49(0)7761/562-0 · Fax +49(0)7761/562-299Hotline: Tel. +49(0)7761/562-222 · Fax +49(0)7761/ · [email protected]
McNeil, a Johnson & Johnson Subsidiary FDA Case StudyWarren AdisHagan School of Business, Iona College, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Recommended CitationAdis, Warren (2014) "McNeil, a Johnson & Johnson Subsidiary FDA Case Study," Communications of the IIMA: Vol. 14: Iss. 3, Article2.Available at: This Article is brought to you for free and open access by CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Communications of the IIMA byan authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact .
Hong Kong NAME OF THE MEDICINE Human prothrombin complex, powder for injection. DESCRIPTION Prothrombinex®-VF is a sterile freeze-dried powder containing purified human coagulation factors II, IX and X and low levels of factors V and VII. It is prepared from blood collected from voluntary donors. The concentrate is prepared by adsorption of coagulation factors from plasma onto an