Microsoft word - ap1 takehome_213_skin_skeleton-formatted.docx
A&P 1 Take home Exam Name Sign Here _ DUE DATE: April 15 (No late exams accepted without a severe deduction of points. I do accept a postmark with that date on it!) Anatomy & Physiology 1 – C Shuster Madison College Take home Exam 1. Place your name and class section on the cover sheet in the space provided. You will be handing in both the cover sheet and the exam booklet together, so do not separate them. You may write on the exam booklet if you wish. 2. You will need 1 scantron only. 3. Use a #2 pencil ONLY!! Make sure your scantron is clean, devoid of bends, tears, staples, creases, etc. Anything you do that causes the scantron machine to mis-grade your scantron is your responsibility. 4. If you make erasures on you scantron, do them cleanly without removing the letter underneath the pencil mark. If you make a lot of erasures, you may want to check your scantron after the instructor has graded them. 5. If you wish, you may make a xerox copy of this exam. The Questions marked with an asterix (*) cover topics that are likely candidates for the final exam. 6. Significant Ambiguity Declaration (S.A.D.). If a student feels that a question is significantly ambiguous, the student may do the following: