
International Journal of Research in
Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics
ISSN Print: 2278 – 2648 IJRPP Vol 3 Issue 1 Jan - Mar -2014
ISSN Online: 2278- 2656 Journal Home page: www.ijrpp.com
Research article Open Access
A prospective study of the pattern of drug use in primary
dysmenorrhea in a tertiary care hospital
Ramya Sugumar*1, Vasundara Krishniah2, Suvarna2, H.P.Pundarikaksha2, Prathap.B1,
Gladius Jennifer H1.
1Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences, Madurantakam, Kanchipuram District, Tamil
Nadu, India – 603308.
2Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka, India – 560070
*Corresponding author: Ramya Sugumar.
Email address : [email protected]
To study the pattern of drug use in primary dysmenorrhea in a tertiary care hospital.
Materials and Methods
This prospective study of nine months duration was carried in Obstetrics and Gynecology OPD, in a tertiary care
teaching hospital among 100 patients with PD. The analysis was done for the pattern of drug use, prescribing
frequency of individual drug, to evaluate association between severity of dysmenorrhea and prescription pattern and
adequacy of prescription details.
The mean age of the patients was 22.32 ± 4.5 years. Majority (61%) of patients experienced severe dysmenorrhea.
Mefenamic acid with dicyclomine combination was most frequently (72%) prescribed, followed by mefenamic acid
alone (16%) and diclofenac (12%) and none were prescribed hormonal preparations. Although majority (43%) of the
patients with severe dysmenorrhea were prescribed mefenamic acid with dicyclomine combination, the severity of
dysmenorrhea did not influence the prescription pattern and choice of drug (p>.05). Instructions regarding dose,
frequency and duration of drug administration were present in the prescriptions.
In our present study, NSAIDs and their combination with antispasmodics were prescribed most frequently. Majority
of the drugs were prescribed by their brand names. Instructions regarding the prophylactic benefit of NSAIDs were
not present in the prescriptions.
Keywords: Drug use study, NSAIDS, Primary dysmenorrhea, Tertiary care hospital.
gynecological disorder characterized by painful
adolescent girls is particularly high.3 The medical,
menstruation in the absence of any underlying pelvic
social and economic consequence of PD are
Ramya sugumar et al / Int. J. of Res. in Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics Vol-3(1) 2014 [80-84]
substantial causing interference with daily activities,
The study was conducted after prior approval from
disruption of educational and social life leading to
Institutional Ethics Committee. The data from 100
school absenteeism and loss of labour.3
patients fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria
Prostaglandins (PGs) have a well recognized
were recorded and analyzed. For each patient,
pathophysiological role in PD by inducing intense
demographic data, menstrual history (including onset,
uterine contractions, decreasing uterine blood flow,
duration and severity of dysmenorrhea and its
increasing peripheral nerve hypersensitivity and
associated symptoms), prescription details including
resulting in pain. Patients with PD usually present
name of drug, dose, route and frequency of
with colicky suprapubic pain, nausea, vomiting,
administration, and also prescription by generic or
diarrhea and rarely syncopal attacks.1
brand names were documented on a case record form.
The pharmacological measures for PD include various
Inclusion criteria
(NSAIDs), antispasmodics and hormonal therapy.
Data of patients with PD between 12-35 years of age
NSAIDs which are PG synthesis inhibitors form the
and with regular menstrual cycle (28±7 days).
main stay of treatment. Among them the most
Exclusion criteria
commonly used are ibuprofen, mefenamic acid,
Data of patients with underlying pelvic pathology
(abnormal USG) indicating secondary dysmenorrhea.
Hormonal therapy in the form of oral contraceptive
Statistical analysis was done using SPSS version
pills (OCPs) are reserved for patients with suboptimal
19.0. The characteristics of demographic details,
or lack of response to NSAIDs. Medroxy
dysmenorrhea and drug prescription patterns were
progesterone acetate, levonorgestral releasing intra
described using descriptive statistics. The association
uterine device and leuprolide are the other hormonal
of prescription pattern and severity of pain was
agents that may be used.5
analyzed using Chi square test (p<.05 considered
PD being a common gynecological disorder requires
statistically significant).
adequate treatment failing which it may be
responsible for the silent suffering among young
women.6 However, there is no unanimity or universally accepted and standardized guidelines
Total of 100 prescriptions of patients with PD were
regarding the choice of drug therapy, criteria for
analyzed. Their mean age and mean age at menarche
selection, the dose, frequency and duration of
was 22.32 ± 4.5 and 12.8 ±1.7 years respectively. The
administration. Hence the present study is taken up to
age distribution of the patients is given in Table 1.
study the pattern of drug use in PD.
Majority (93%) of them were from urban
background. Dysmenorrhea was experienced on 1st day of menstrual flow by majority (76%) of patients,
1 day before menstrual flow in 13% patients, 2 days
Study design
before menstrual flow in 6% patients and >2 days
A prospective observational study.
before menstrual flow in 5% patients. Mean duration
of dysmenorrhea was 2.2 days with 74% of patients
Study duration
experiencing pain in the first 2-3 days of menstrual
Nine months from March 2012 – November 2012
cycle. Figure 1 shows the severity of dysmenorrhea
among the patients which was categorized using
Study subjects
verbal multi dimentional scoring system.7 The drug
100 consecutive patients attending Obstetrics &
prescribing pattern was as follows: A majority (72%)
Gynecology OPD, KIMS Hospital and Research
of patients were prescribed a combination of
Centre, Bangalore and diagnosed as PD by the
mefenamic acid (250mg) + dicyclomine (10mg) (MA
+ Di) t.i.d, followed by mefenamic acid (250mg)
(MA) t.i.d in 16% and diclofenac (50mg) (D) in 12%
Study procedure
patients respectively. Among the patients with severe dysmenorrhea 42% were prescribed MA+Di, 10%
Ramya sugumar et al / Int. J. of Res. in Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics Vol-3(1) 2014 [80-84]
MA, and 9% were prescribed D. Among those with
The prescribing pattern for PD included mefenamic
moderate dysmenorrhea 29% were prescribed MA +
acid with dicyclomine combination (most commonly
Di, 6% MA and 3% patients were prescribed D. One
prescribed), mefenamic acid alone and diclofenac
percent patients with mild dysmenorrhea were
which are among the most commonly preferred drugs
prescribed MA + Di (Table 2). There was no
for PD.4 None of the patients were prescribed OCPs
statistically significant relationship between drug
as they are indicated only when there is suboptimal or
prescription and severity of dysmenorrhea (p>.05)
lack of response to NSAIDs and when contraception
is required in addition to pain relief.5 The severity of
dysmenorrhea did not influence the prescribing
pattern indicating that severity of pain was not taken
Though PD is common in adolescents, in our study
as a criteria for choice of drug in PD (p>.05, Table
only 27% belonged to adolescent age group (12-19
2). Most of the drugs were prescribed by their brand
years) (Table 1). This may probably be due to lack of
names which may undermine the essential drug
awareness regarding existing medical treatment for
concept. Instructions to the patients regarding dose,
dysmenorrhea, practice of non-pharmacological
frequency and duration of drug administration were
methods and prevalence of self medication practice in
present in all prescriptions but prophylactic analgesic
them.8,9,10,11,12 The mean age at menarche was 12.8
benefit of NSAIDs (that they can be taken 1-2 days
years which was akin to the previous studies.13,14,15
before the onset of menstruation) was not present. If
Majority (93%) of the patients were from urban
advice is given to the patients with severe
background and only 7% were from rural, indicative
dysmenorrhea to take NSAIDs prophylactically the
of better awareness and accessibility to institutional
burden of pain and its consequences can be reduced
health care facilities among the urban population.
With respect to onset of dysmenorrhea, in our study
To conclude, the drug prescription pattern for PD
majority (76%) of the patients experienced it on 1st
included NSAIDs and antispasmodics which were
day of menstrual flow which is similar to the results
prescribed irrespective of the severity of pain. The
of previous studies.16 The mean duration of
results of this study along with other extensive drug
dysmenorrhea was 2.2 days and majority(74%) of
utilization studies on primary dysmenorrhea will be
patients experienced pain on 1st 2-3 days of menstrual
helpful in the future for the appropriate and efficient
cycle which is in accordance with previous study and
treatment and thereby decrease the social and
probably because PG levels are highest during first
economic consequences associated with it.
two days of menses.6
Table 1. Age distribution of patients
Age group % of patients
Ramya sugumar et al / Int. J. of Res. in Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics Vol-3(1) 2014 [80-84]
Figure 1: Dysmenorrhea severity based on verbal multidimensional scoring system
Dysmenorrhea severity
Table: 2 Pattern of drug prescription and severity of dysmenorrhea
Dysmenorrhea severity MA MA + Di D
*Chi square test
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Source: http://www.ijrpp.com/File_Folder/IJRPP_14_611%20Ramya%20Sugumar.pdf
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AJCN. First published ahead of print February 25, 2015 as doi: 10.3945/ajcn.114.093294. Community-based management of severe acute malnutrition in India:new evidence from Bihar1–3 Sakib Burza, Raman Mahajan, Elisa Marino, Temmy Sunyoto, Chandra Shandilya, Mohammad Tabrez, Kabita Kumari,Prince Mathew, Amar Jha, Nuria Salse, and Kripa Nath Mishra Background: An estimated one-third of the world's children who are