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April 2016.qxd

A publication of Meade School District April 2016
Post-prom organizers Volume 12, Issue 8 Members of the Sturgis Brown by parents even though it cost more High School Post-Prom Commit- than $7,000 to put on the event.
tee are asking for help in hosting Thankfully, area businesses were this year's party following the high very generous with their donations.
Staff Retirement and school prom Saturday, April 23. According to Anderson, stu- Recognition Reception Post-prom, which will be held dents who attend post-prom will from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. in the east be able to participate in a variety gym at the high school, is free to the of games and activities including students, even if they do not attend entertainment by a comedic hyp- Jumpstart to Kindergarten prom. However, those students notist. The photo booth was a big must sign-up at the high school hit last year and so will be avail- office prior to the end of school April able again this year for students to 22 if they want to attend post-prom.
capture those special moments This Old School House In order to keep this event free, parents of all junior and senior stu- Students will have numerous dents are being asked to donate a opportunities to win door prizes.
New social studies curriculum minimum of $10 per family.
Also, several grand prizes will be "Considering everything that is awarded at the conclusion of the available at post-prom, this is a event but students must be present pretty fair amount to request per to win. Those prizes include I-Pads, 2016-17 school calendar family," said Pam Anderson, chair- Go-Pro cameras, laptops, head- person of Post-Prom Committee.
phones, a senior college package "This event," Anderson said, "is consisting of microwave, refrigera- being held to provide a safe, fun tor, laundry baskets and bags, plus and memorable night. We want the many other prizes.
students to attend. We want them Pizza, sandwiches, vegetables, to make the safe choice of staying fruit, desserts and beverages will at the school and having a great be available throughout the event. time at post-prom instead of mak-ing an unsafe decision and riskingtheir health and life." Last year $1,080 was donated "To Build Knowledge and Skills for Success Today and Tomorrow"
‘An Evening in Paris' is theme of prom The Sturgis Brown High School prom, the has a date with a junior or senior. Freshmen are theme of which is "An Evening in Paris," will be not allowed to attend.
held Saturday, April 23, in the west gym at the Out-of-town dates are welcome but must be under the age of 21 and must be signed up in the Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for students. Parents main office prior to prom.
and other visitors will also be admitted beginning Tickets are $35 per person and will go on sale at 6:30 p.m. through the doors on the far west end Monday, April 4, in the student services office.
of the gym. Grand march begins at 7:30 p.m. fol- Guest passes are also available in the student lowed by the dance from 8:30-11 p.m.
services offices. Juniors and seniors who have All currently enrolled seniors and juniors may fulfilled their magazine sale requirements receive attend prom. A sophomore may attend if he or she free admission.
POST-PROM: Volunteers and donations needed continued from Page 1 The Sturgis Rally Charities "We try to make sure every number of students who are Foundation has donated $2,000 student in attendance ends up interested in bowling, a sign-up and the Scooper Booster Club with a door prize," said sheet will be available in the has given $1,500, but donations Anderson, "and we have huge school office the week of prom.
of money, merchandise and gift prizes that are given away at 3 To donate money or food, help certificates are still needed.
a.m. This helps us to keep the decorate the gym, work in the "What is not donated," said students at the school until the kitchen, monitor games, work at Anderson, "we will buy using the the door or hand out tickets, con- money given given to us by area Anderson added that Sturgis tact Anderson at 915-497-1267 or businesses and others. If any local Strikers Bowling Alley is offering business would like to donate an unlimited bowling for $12 a per- Heather Erlenbusch at 605-787- item, a basket of goodies, gift cer- son once post-prom is over until 9748 or; tificate or even cash, we would 6 a.m. A full kitchen will be open.
or Shonda Jolley at 605-347-0851 greatly appreciate it," she said.
In order to get an idea of the Piedmont talent show is April 29-30 Kristine Hubbard, editor Piedmont Valley Elementary School students and staff will take to Meade School District 46-1 the stage April 29 and April 30 to showcase their talents in an effort to 1230 Douglas Street Sturgis, S.D. 57785 raise money for the Piedmont Valley Elementary School PTA.
The annual PTA-sponsored talent show will be held in the new gym Phone: 605.347.2523 x3 at the school. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. both nights for the dessert buf- fet with the talent show beginning at 7 p.m. Admission is $5 for adults, Questions or comments about $3 for students or $20 for a family. Tickets are available at the school the contents of this publication office. For those not wanting the dessert buffet, admission is $1.
should be directed to the editor.
Acts include dancing, singing, instrument playing, baton twirling, Contents may be reprinted or gymnastic routines, taekwondo, poetry readings and skits. Almost 60 otherwise reproduced as long as students and staff will be performing at one or both shows.
proper attribution is given.
The money raised will enable the PTA to bring outside talent such as authors and artists into the school.
2 In Touch
April 2016

Four running for Meade School Board Four people have filed petitions to run for the three Meade SchoolBoard seats up for election June 7.
Vying for the three three-year positions are incumbents BobBurns of Black Hawk, and BryceRichter of Sturgis, former boardmember Curtis Johnson ofPiedmont, and newcomer Elden and excavation company. Richter, and is a professional irrigation and Curt Nupen of Piedmont is not an ag and commercial lender with landscape contractor. Rice is a First National Bank in Newell and dentist in Rapid City.
Burns, who is in his seventh the current board president, is A story about the candidates year on the board, is owner of completing his third year. Johnson will appear in the May issue of In Earthorizons Inc., a construction was on the board from 2010-12 Retirement, recognition reception is May 11 A reception will be held Wednesday, May 11, to School. This free event, sponsored by the Meade honor the Meade School District employees who School Board, is open to the public.
are retiring, those who have worked 15, 20, 30 and Those attending must make reservations so 35 years, and those who have been selected as that an accurate count can be taken. To reserve a teacher of the year and professional technical sup- spot, call the superintendent's office at 347-2523 port staff of the year.
extension 2. Deadline for reservations is May 3.
The program and buffet reception will begin at A story about the honorees will run in the May 5:30 p.m. in the west gym at Sturgis Brown High issue of In Touch. Judges needed for senior presentations The senior English teachers their senior cumulative projects.
steps include an annotated bibli- at Sturgis Brown High School are The presentations will take place ography, a research paper, and in need of people willing to judge during the third and fourth blocks project or product that is an students' oral presentations for on Tuesday and Wednesday, extension of the research.
April 19-20.
Each student will speak about Senior Experience Fair All senior English students the research paper, product appli- must complete a cumulative proj- cation, lessons learned and any Public viewing of the SBHS ect, the purpose of which is to challenges encountered while senior experience projects demonstrate their knowledge doing the project. Upon comple- will be held from and maturity gained during the tion of the 8-9 minute speech, the 5:15-6:15 p.m.
course of their education.
judges will ask questions about Monday, April 18, The project is a four-part the phases of the project.
process, the last step of which is To serve as a judge, call the high school commons.
the oral presentation. The other high school at 347-2686.
April 2016 In Touch
‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' is annual children's show on May 2-3 The drama students at Sturgis Brown High Cast members include Nathan Wise, Aslan; School will present "The Lion, the Witch and the Gwen Hoops, White Witch; Tayhgen McGrath, Lucy; Wardrobe" for their annual spring children's show.
Levi O'Dell, Edmund; Natalie Hilton, Susan; The production, dramatized by Joseph Brendan Van Pelt, Peter; Keith Grant, Mr. Beaver; Robinette from the story by C.S. Lewis, faithfully Rileigh Kronmiller, Mrs. Beaver; Claire Hilton, recreates the magic and mystery of Aslan, the great Unicorn; Abbie Barker, Centaur; Griffin Davies, lion, his struggle with the White Witch, and the Tumnus; Drew Concha, Fenris Ulf; Chyann Cody, adventures of four children who inadvertently wan- Dwarf; Elijah Yantis, Father Christmas; Emily der from an old wardrobe into the exciting, never-to- Linneweber, Elf; Jacob Harms, White Stag; Jennifer O'Dell, Tanner Granum, Michelle Freundt and The action features chases, duels and escapes Kaylee Wheeler, Aslan's Followers; Karlee Smith, as the witch is determined to keep Narnia in her Ella Terkildsen, Claire Scarborough and Mikayla possession and to end the reign of Aslan.
Schmitz, Witch's Army.
This is a story of love, faith, courage and giving, Crew members include Claire Hilton, Gwen and the triumph of good over evil.
Hoops and Sierra Lippert, costumes; Kaylee Performances for Meade School District stu- Natalie Hilton, Claire dents will take place during the morning and after- Scarborough and Skye Grenstiner, publicity; Elijah noon of Monday and Tuesday, May 2 and 3. The Yantis, Kaylee Wheeler and Thomas Griffee, props; public performance is set for 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 3, and Felicia Todd and Kaitlin Gill, lights.
at the Sturgis Community Center Theatre. There is Senior Samantha Colvin is directing the produc- no admission but donations are accepted.
tion under the guidance of June Dill.
Sturgis ‘Jumpstart to Kindergarten' is May 3 As a way to ensure that children are ready to the children and information for the parents. A snack enter school to learn and succeed, the staff at will also be provided. Parents will be able to move Sturgis Elementary is sponsoring a program that from station to station with their child, meet the will help bridge the transition from preschool or kindergarten teachers, and tour the building.
home environments to kindergarten.
The stations are designed to provide parents The program, Jumpstart to Kindergarten, will be and children with an experience similar to what a held 5-6:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 3, at Sturgis kindergarten student may experience in a class- Elementary School.
room setting. For further information, call Principal All parents of preschool-aged children are Chantal Ligtenberg or Assistant Principal David encouraged to attend. Activities will be provided for Olson at 347-2386.
Nominations sought for Hall of Fame Nominations for the next class of inductees into the Sturgis Brown High School Athletic Hall of Fame are being accepted until Friday, April 29. The categories of nominees are athlete; coach, adviser oradministrator; and community member or contributor. The nomination form and criteria are available atthe SBHS activity director's office and main office and on the school district 4 In Touch
April 2016

This Old School House April 23, 1937, meeting of the
April 12, 1943, meeting of the Board of
Board of Education of the City
Education of Independent School District No. 12:
of Sturgis:
It was moved by [G.B.] Anderson and seconded It was moved by [H.T.] Snyder by [Roy] Sparks that the treasurer purchase $5,000 and seconded by [Rod] Cruickshank that the teach- of Series B-1944 7/8ths per cent Treasury ers hired for 1937-38 are to be under the supervision Certificates, out of the general fund. Said action of the Superintendent as to their subjects assigned being taken in line with the requests now being to them. Contracts are to be drawn and entered into made to aid the war effort in every possible manner.
with each teacher containing the usual provisions Motion carried unanimously.
and the additional provisions (1st) that each teacherbe absolutely prohibited from subscribing to the doc-trines of communism or atheism in any form, eitherby spoken word or written opinion in the classroom,and (2nd) that if the status of any women teachershall change at any time during the school year,whereby such teacher should not be dependentupon the income derived from such teaching, thenthe Board of Education reserves the right to termi-nate such contract without prior notice and withoutrecourse against the District by reason of the termi-nation of such contract. Motion carried unanimously.
Sept. 9, 1940, meeting of the Board of Education
of Independent School District No. 12:

Whereas, due to legislative and executive action of our government in calling the National Guard andconscription of others for military service it appearsthat such action may effect members of our teachingstaff, and Whereas this Board desires to cooperate with the interest of the law in preserving the position of theteaching staff for the period of training or for one year,therefore, Be it resolved by this Board of Education of this District, that if and when any teacher be called for The 1944 Sturgis High School annual, the cover of
training in any military service, that such teacher which is pictured above, was dedicated as follows:
shall be given one years leave of absence, with the "To those who once attended Sturgis High School,
privilege to return and resume his position at the end and who now are serving their country in order that
of such year.
peace may again reign in a free world of free men,
we reverently dedicate this, the 1944 Mato Paha."

Motion for the adoption of the resolution was The dedication page was followed by 12 pages con-
made by [A.A.] Lushbough and seconded by [Earl] taining photos of 173 service men and women and a
Minturn. Motion carried unanimously.
list of 95 more for whom photos were not available.
April 2016 In Touch

water or elec-tricity.
Won: Sturgis Brown High
School sophomore Grayson
Nelson was named the grand
prize winner at the 61st annual High Plains Regional Science and Engineering Fair held recently on the campus of South Dakota School of Mines and Technology in Rapid City.
Nelson placed first in the bio- components. For this year's com- logical science division with his petition, those components were exhibit titled "Devolution of two boneless airline breasts, two Ampicillin Resistance in E. coli." legs and two boneless thighs.
He also was named recipient of She was then judged on safety the United States Air Force and sanitation, quality of cuts, Certificate of Achievement and amount of waste, and presenta- the Yale Science and Engineering tion of the cuts.
Association Award.
Culinary arts teacher Coleen Nelson will now represent the Keffeler is also the ProStart region at the 2016 Intel Inter- national Science and Engineering Michael Hagen.
Excellence Awards Dinner.
Fair May 8-13 in Phoenix, Ariz.
"Coleen was the clear choice Named: Coleen Keffeler,
for this award based on her pas- Won: The Sturgis Brown High
the culinary arts and ProStart sion for making industry connec- School ProStart team of seniors teacher and career and technical tions with her class, her commu- Sabrina Day, Felicia Todd and
education coordinator at SBHS, nity involvement and her commit- Chris Van Asma took first place
has been named the 2016 South ment to the ProStart program," in the culinary competition at the Dakota ProStart Educator said Seanna Regynski, coordina- ninth annual South Dakota Excellence Award winner by the tor for South Dakota ProStart ProStart Invitational held recently S.D. Retailers Association Pro at Mitchell Technical Institute.
Start Program.
ProStart is a nationwide high The trio will now represent the Keffeler, who has taught for 31 school curriculum developed by state at the National ProStart years, the last 26 at SBHS where the National Restaurant Associa- Invitational April 29-May 1 in she is in her sixth year of teaching tion Educational Foundation. It Dallas, Texas.
ProStart, will join the other states' helps prepare high school stu- The students had to prepare a top educators in Chicago on May dents for leadership positions in three-course meal in 60 minutes 19 for the National Restaurant the workplace by teaching skills using only two butane burners Association Educational Foun- which are crucial in any place of and with no access to running dation's Pro-Start Educator 6 In Touch
April 2016
Board awards bid for high school remodel; gets first look at capital outlay budget During a recent special meeting, the Meade Administrative Building, and purchasing new social School Board awarded the Sturgis Brown High studies textbooks and materials for all grades K-12.
School office/front entrance remodel project to low Technology enhancements and debt service also bidder Scull Construction of Rapid City.
continue to push the budget higher, according to Scull's bid, which included replacing the existing windows along the south exterior wall, was The new education funding bill changed how $551,100. The next closest bid was $560,300 from districts request property tax funds. "We will move Rangel Construction Company of Rapid City.
from a levy request of $3 per $1,000 of valuation," Meade School District Superintendent Don explained Burditt, "to a total dollar amount based Kirkegaard said the project will begin immediately upon the approved budget for ad valorem taxes." after school lets out in May so that it can be com- A public hearing on the 2016-17 budget, of pleted before school starts in August.
which the capital outlay fund is part, will be held at Also during that special meeting, School the board's regular June meeting. Action on that Business Manager Brett Burditt explained the pro- budget will take place at the board's annual meeting posed 2016-17 capital outlay budget, saying it will be more conservative than in the past.
The preliminary capital outlay budget can be The proposed expenditure budget of found by clicking on this link: $5,213,206 represents an 8.4 percent increase or $401,971 more than last year. Burditt said there isalso a $308,137 contingency.
NOTE: The April 11 school board meeting will
Factors contributing to that increase include the begin at 6:30 p.m., which is an hour later than remodeling of the SBHS front entrance and main usual. Check the district website for the agenda and office, renovating the second floor of the Williams background information for that meeting.
Common Sense Parenting classes to be offered Meade School District social changing their children's behav- The six-week class will be worker Ginger Johnson, who is iors through teaching positive held from 6-8 p.m. on Mondays also a certified Common Sense behaviors, social skills and meth- as follows: April 4, 11, 18, 25 and Parenting class trainer, is offering ods to reduce stress in crisis situ- May 2 and 9. Location is the con- Common Sense Parenting class- ations, and to provide parents ference room at Piedmont Valley es in April and May at Piedmont with practical strategies for Elementary School.
Valley Elementary School.
enhancing parent-child communi- To register or for more infor- The group-based class for cation and building robust family mation, contact Johnson at 499- parents focuses on teaching 9477 or
practical skills to increase chil-dren's positive behavior, SBHS band concert is April 7 decrease negative behavior, and The instrumental music department at Sturgis Brown High School model appropriate alternative will be presenting a small ensemble and jazz band concert at 7 p.m.
behavior. Goals are to equip par- Thursday, April 7, in Room 111 (lecture hall) at the high school. The ents with a logical method for concert is open to the public. Director is Rebecca Fahey.
April 2016 In Touch
New social studiesmaterials proposed;on display until April 11 The selection process for new social studies mate- rials began more than a year ago when staff membersbegan reviewing textbooks and other materials.
In explaining that process to the school board, teacher Kerry Skinner said, "We looked at how well thesocial studies standards were addressed, the accessi-bility to on-line textbooks for enrichment lessons, andhow the books and materials would engage our stu-dents in the learning process." She added, "You reallycan judge a book by its cover. Books geared towardtech savvy students need to look inviting and entertain-ing to pique their curiosity." The materials are on display until April 11 at the public libraries in Piedmont, Whitewood and Sturgis
and include:
K-5: Pearson's "My World Social Studies"
Sturgis Williams Middle School teacher Kerry
Skinner, the Instructional Council chairman for

6-12: McGraw-Hill series including textbooks on
social studies for the district, appeared before the
U.S. history, world geography, world history, Meade School Board at its March meeting to explain
economics and psychology the process followed in selecting the proposed new
9-12: Pearson Magruder's "American Government"
social studies curriculum.
Students, staff celebrate Month of the Military Child April is celebrated throughout the nation as the symbolizes all branches of the military, as it is a Month of the Military Child. This special designation combination of Army green, Marine Red, and Coast offers citizens the opportunity to honor the service Guard, Air Force, and Navy blue. The goal of "Purple of the nation's youngest heroes, the military chil- Up!" is for military youth to actually see the support dren. Established by former Secretary of Defense in their school, youth groups and community.
Caspar Weinberger in 1986, the designation Other school activities celebrating the military acknowledges the significant role military youth play child include a special assembly April 15 at Sturgis in the communities.
Williams Middle School when all military children at In 2011, the "Purple Up! for Military Kids" initia- the school will be recognized.
tive began and is now also celebrated nationwide.
Military children and children of veterans at both In support of this initiative, the students and staff of Sturgis Elementary School and Piedmont Valley Meade School District are being encouraged to Elementary are creating photo displays for their wear purple on April 15 in honor of military children.
school of their heroes, country of deployment and Wearing the color purple is a visible way to show years of service. All district elementary children are support and thank military youth for their strength also being encouraged to browse the books about and sacrifices. Why purple? Purple is the color that military families on display at their school libraries.
8 In Touch
April 2016
Smarter Balanced assessment is this month Meade School District students in grades three science test during their regular science classes on through eight and grade 11 will be taking the state April 5-7. The seventh and eighth-graders will take assessment, Smarter Balanced, this month.
the English and math tests April 11-14, while the The assessment is done on a computer and sixth-graders will test on April 18-21. Snacks and measures student achievement in relation to state breaks will be held regularly for the students, and standards in the areas of English language arts lunch will be provided for staff on testing days.
and mathematics. In addition to providing overall Specific testing dates aren't scheduled at scores in those two subjects, reports will provide Piedmont Valley Elementary, but rather times and information regarding reading, writing, listening days within the testing window are selected based and research, and math concepts and procedures, on what is best for the students at that time. Snacks problem solving and and water will be modeling data analy- available so the stu- sis and communicat- ing reasoning.
hydrated and full of Juniors at Sturgis energy throughout Brown High School the testing. The stu- will take the Dakota dents will be treated STEP science test on to a celebration at April 8, the Smarter the conclusion of the Balanced math test on April 14, and the English test on April Rural Principal Bev hand out "Do Your will begin with a mini- Best on the Test" breakfast followed by pencils to all test- two hours of testing. Kim Smiley, who teaches sixth, seventh and eighth grades
takers. In addition, While the juniors are at the Union Center School, sent this photo of the bulletin the Whitewood PTO
testing, the freshmen board in the hallway of their school. "It is full of tips for test will provide snacks
and sophomores will taking that we hope will inspire our students to do their best for the students at
on the test," she said.
be registering for next that school.
year's classes and working with SDMyLife, which is In preparation for the test, the students at an online career development program. The sen- Sturgis Elementary School have spent extra time iors don't have to report to school until 10 a.m. on improving their keyboarding skills, said Principal the four testing days, but if they do arrive early, the Chantal Ligtenberg. To encourage the test-takers, library will be available for them to do their work the first and second grade students made good luck and confer with teachers, if needed.
cards for the older students with each card contain- Sturgis Williams Middle School Principal Ann ing Smarties candy.
Nonnast said the testing at the middle school will Upon completion of the final test, the Sturgis encompass almost the entire month of April. As a Elementary students will attend a special assembly motivational kickoff, a pep rally will be held April 4.
titled "Kaleidoscope." In addition, all students at the The eight-graders will then take the Dakota STEP school will be treated to an extra recess.
April 2016 In Touch
Girls basketball camp features pro player Mahoney Girls in fourth through ninth grades will have an of SBHS, was a five-year basketball letter winner. As opportunity to work with basketball standout Megan a senior, she was named the Gatorade and USA Mahoney during the Sturgis Brown High School Today South Dakota Player of the Year, High School Scooper Girls Basketball Camp set for May 31-June Girls Athlete of the Year by the Sports Writers 2 at Grunwald Auditorium in Sturgis.
Association, and Miss Basketball South Dakota. She This is the fifth summer that Mahoney has attended Kansas State University where she was a returned home to lead a basketball camp at her four-year basketball letter winner. She is a former member of the WNBA Connecticut Sun and Houston Students entering grades four through six will Comets and is currently playing professional basket- attend from 9 a.m. to noon while those in grades seven ball overseas for Team Villeneuve of France.
through nine will attend from 1-4 p.m. Cost is $60 This is the third year that head coach Jordan which includes a camp t-shirt. For each additional sib- Proefrock has worked with Megan Mahoney at the ling, the cost is $40. Deadline to register is May 20.
camp. "Every year the camp gets better and more Participants will work with the Scooper basket- girls come out and participate," said Proefrock.
ball players, coaching staff and Mahoney while "Going forward with this camp, I hope that all the learning about the fundamentals of basketball.
campers can take more of their own time to work on Emphasis will be placed on sportsmanship, team- individual skills. I also hope they watch and listen to work and having fun through competition.
Megan and are motivated to become better individ- Mahoney, a Piedmont native and 2001 graduate ual and team players." The registration form is available on the school Megan Mahoney, above, demonstrates a
Some of the fourth through sixth grade students, above, gather
dribbling drill during a session at last
around Megan Mahoney before the start of one of the sessions
year's basketball camp.
during last year's three-day camp.
10 In Touch
April 2016
Meade School District Calendar for 2016-17 The following is the approved calendar for the 2016-17 school year. Any snow days will be made up by adding additional days at the end of the school calendar. Furthermore, Feb. 20 (Presidents' Day), March 17(Spring Break), and April 17 (Easter Monday) could be used as make-up days at the discretion of the MeadeSchool Board upon recommendation of the Superintendent.
Aug. 23-25, 2016 Martin Luther King Jr. Day First Day of School High School: 4-7 p.m.
Middle School: 4-7 p.m.
Middle & High Schools: 4-7 p.m. Feb. 16, 2017 Middle School: 4-7 p.m.
Presidents' Day (no school) High School: 4-7 p.m.
Elementary Schools: 4-7 p.m. Oct. 4, 2016 Elementary Schools: 4-7 p.m. Feb. 21, 2017 All Schools: 4-7 p.m.
Elementary Schools: 4-7 p.m. Feb. 23, 2017 Inservice Day (no school) Inservice Day (no school) Native Americans' Day (no school) Spring Break (no school) Inservice Day (no school) Good Friday/Easter Monday Thanksgiving Vacation (no school) Nov. 23-25, 2016 Inservice Day (no school) Christmas Vacation (no school) Inservice Day (no school) Last Day of School April 2016 In Touch
Directory for Meade School District 1230 Douglas Street, Sturgis, S.D. 57785 Bev Rosenboom, principal.269-2264 Don Kirkegaard.347-2523 x2 Toll-free 1-877-522-6251 16375 Atall Road, Union Center, S.D. 57787 1230 Douglas Street, Sturgis, S.D. 57785 21309 Elm Springs Road, Wasta, S.D. 57791 Brett Burditt.347-2523 x1 Toll-free 1-877-522-6251 Buildings and Grounds
Highway 34 Box 22, Enning, S.D. 57737 12940 E. Highway 34, Sturgis, S.D. 57785 Cody King, maintenance foreman.347-2649 15998 Cross S Road, Hereford, S.D. 57785
18010 Opal Road, Opal, S.D. 57765 1230 Douglas Street, Sturgis, S.D. 57785 Kristine Hubbard.347-2523 x3 1700 Highway 34, Union Center, S.D. 57787
Curriculum and Technology
1610 Fulton Street, Sturgis** Piedmont Valley Elementary School
Jeff Ward, director.347-4454 16159 Second Street**P.O. Box 90, Piedmont, S.D. 57769 Food Service
Ethan Dschaak, principal.787-5295 1121 Ball Park Road, Sturgis, S.D. 57785Joe Schaffer, director.347-3601 Sturgis Brown High School
12930 E. Highway 34, Sturgis, S.D. 57785
Toll-free 1-888-568-3514 1121 Ball Park Road, Sturgis, S.D. 57785 Pete Wilson, principal.347-2686 Marcia Potts.347-2610 Chad Hedderman, assistant principal.347-2686Mike Paris, activities director.347-4487 School Social Worker
1121 Ball Park Road, Sturgis, S.D. 57785Ginger Johnson.347-2386 Sturgis Elementary School
1121 Ball Park Road, Sturgis, S.D. 57785
Chantal Ligtenberg, principal.347-2386 1230 Douglas Street, Sturgis, S.D. 57785 Dave Olson, assistant principal.347-2386 Chrissy Peterson, director.347-2523 x4Deb Kerstiens, assistant director.347-2523 x4 Sturgis Williams Middle School
1425 Cedar Street, Sturgis, S.D. 57785
Harlow's School Bus Service
Toll-free 1-888-567-8274 2237 West Sherman, Sturgis, S.D. 57785 Ann Nonnast, principal.347-5232 Andy Ellingsen, transportation manager.347-5066 Dave Olson, assistant principal.347-5232 Woodle Field
Whitewood Elementary School
600 Woodland Dr., Sturgis**.347-2003 603 Garfield, Whitewood, S.D. 57793Bev Rosenboom, principal.269-2264 **Not a mailing address



A New Option for Exercise by Cynthia Mascott f a Curves International fitness resistance of confined liquid, it pro- club hasn't already opened in vides an opposing force in both your neighborhood, chances directions, engaging a different set Iare that one soon will. The of muscles depending on whether gym, designed especially for women the user is pushing or pulling. How