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copE With
Offering mums and dads opportunities to make
social connections and share parenting ideas.
What is Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST)?
BCST is a hands-on therapy founded in Osteopathy. There is no physical manipulation, making it a very gentle therapy for all ages, from newborn to the elderly. It works with the body's ability food, glorious food! this issue of our contents regional Parents centre newsletter focuses on al things food and looks at some of the issues parents may encounter around kids and food. to reorganise & heal itself through the knowledgeable touch of the therapist. Children & babies When your child has an al ergy there is an article on baby led Weaning, respond really well as BCST isn't invasive & they get to play during the sessions. which is an alternative approach to starting solids, by raelene fraser of onewa Parents Are you pregnant or a new mum?
centre. there is also an article on "fussy eaters", with some guidelines to judge where your child 10 Meet one of our volunteers
BCST can help a woman's body cope with pregnancy and prepare for birth. BCST can may have a problem with being a fussy eater, or 11 fussy eaters
also help the woman's body return to the pre-pregnant state after birth, especially if if their behaviour is normal. there has been medical intervention. Conditions BCST is used for include: Kim ainsworth, from papakura parents 12 gestational diabetes diary -Morning sickness -Congestive Headaches -Pubic Bone Pain centre, gives her account of what it is like to be a mum of a child with severe food al ergies and 16 al ergy friendly recipes
there are some tried and tested al ergy friendly -Birth Anxiety -Pelvic preparation for birth -Birth Trauma 19 parents centre fundraiser recipes from parents. -Baby blues & PND -Body realignment -Exhaustion i've written an article of what it is like to have 20 baby factory shopping day discount
gestational diabetes (as i've had it twice!) – the How is your baby?
counties Manukau area has one of the highest rates of gestational diabetes, with 10% of all manukau parents centre
BCST can be great to calm an unsettled
pregnancies being diagnosed with gestational Po box 97 028, Manukau crying baby, dealing with reflux, colic
sleeping and feeding issues. Births
additional y, you'l find news and upcoming events from Papakura, franklin and Manukau which involve medical intervention (e.g. Parents centres and a profile of one of our Franklin parents centre
forceps, ventouse, caesarean) may volunteers, Helen Hogg, Manukau Parent Po box 378, Pukekohe cause health problems for some babies later in life. CST can address these issues now, centre's new Vice President, treasurer, and rather than waiting to see if problems arise. For the toddler, CST is often used to help Membership co-ordinator. with ear infections, digestive problems & behavioural issues. papakura parents centre
Angela Wheeler
Angela is a registered Craniosacral Therapist (PACT Inc), (Manukau Parents centre) Childbirth Educator & International Tutor of BCST with over 12yrs clinical experience. by advertising with us, you will be supporting the work we do and get your message out The Villa -12 Wesley Street, Pukekohe,
to families in the area. Prices start from just $25 for a voucher sized advert and we offer a ph: 0800 CRANIO (272646)
20% discount for a years' worth of advertising and two free adverts for businesses offering a permanent discount of at least 10% to our Emily harrop-Smith,
PC members receive a $10 discount on all initial sessions.
[email protected] or (09) 268 0226.
For more information, visit
WhAt'S oN
hot topic SESSioNS
toilet training
this is a practical and informative workshop
you're welcome to attend any course, packed with loads of tips and strategies to make activity, or event no matter which centre ‘We are very happy toilet training easier. this session now includes a you belong to. Keep up-to-date with what is with the class – free copy of Potty talk normally worth $19.95. the happening at your Parents centre by liking it's a must do for 6 weeks and 1 saturday topics covered include: first baby' session in either the 3rd • developmental readiness for toilet training or 4th week of the course. • Key issues including gender differences course dates for 2014:
• How to positively reinforce behaviour outdoor explorers – our weekly outdoor play and august 4th – september • equipment needed to toilet train effectively walking group – is free and open to all parents/ 8th september 22nd – october 27th • Methods parents can use and adapt to meet caregivers and children under 5. Meet outside the november 10th – december 15th their child's and family's needs visitors centre at the auckland botanical gardens, date:thursday 25 september 2014, 7.30 – 9.15pm Hill road, Manurewa at 10am on fridays. connect baptist church, 75 everglade drive, Prepare for the birth of your baby with our seven bAby ANd you
Manukau. $25.00 single/$30.00 couple* for FrANkliN pArENtS cENtrE
weekly session antenatal course. these interactive Baby and You is a course for mums with new babies. Parents centre members. $30.00 single/$40.00 FitNESS SESSioN
and enjoyable courses are facilitated by a qualified it runs for five weekly morning sessions and covers couple* for non-members. * couples will receive tuesdays at 10.30am at the colin lawrie field in child Birth educator and will prepare you fully topics such as settling and feeding, first aid, baby one copy of the book. to book: contact belinda on Pukekohe. bring your push chair and children. go for your journey ahead. courses are held in
massage, play and water safety. it's facilitated by 09 269 3683 or e-mail manukau@parentscentre.
on a 2-3 km walk fol owed by a 30 minute exercise Pukekohe, Papakura and Manukau.
a qualified child birth educator and there are guest session. al fitness levels catered for. check franklin cost is $175. the course fee includes both parents
speakers on different topics. cost is $40 for members Parents centre facebook page for cancel ations (does (or parent and birthing partner) and one year of and $60 for non-members.
pArENtiNg With purpoSE courSE
not run in the rain). al for only $2! membership to Parents centre. Here's a chance to think about the kind of parent Franklin
september 10th – october 8th you want to be and learn more about why your moviNg & grooviNg SESSioNS
July 10th – 14th august 7-9pm (including saturday october 29th – november 26th children act the way they do. come along to get Moving and grooving runs every thursday 26th of July 10-12 noon). contact franklin@ 9.30am – 11am, during term time. $1 per session manukau and papakura
• conscious parenting to build self-esteem for Parents centre families or $2 for non-member manukau:
thursday mornings 10am-12pm, 28 august - 25 • reducing stress and increasing co-operation families. Music, morning tea, and play (and a tuesdays 7pm-9:30pm for 7 weeks. september. email [email protected] • the causes of challenging behaviour in children chance to talk to other parents). course dates for 2014:
for more information. • a range of non-physical discipline techniques Held at the taha Wahia-Woodside girl guide Hall, 26th august – 7th october • creating a vision for the future of your family 68 everglade drive, Manukau.
28th october – 9th december moviNg ANd muNchiNg
this programme was designed by Parents centre email [email protected] these sessions cover introducing and feeding your new Zealand for parents with children under 6 30 yEArS oF mANukAu pArENtS cENtrE
baby solids and development and are targeted for years. it is fantastic for parents to attend together MPc wil celebrate 30 years of service this august. the night which the course is run parents of babies aged 4-10 months. cost is $25 for but individual parents will benefit too. babies are We'l be celebrating with an evening event in august. on will be determined by Parents centre members and $35 for non members.
check out our facebook page for more details. the cbe and confirmed Franklin
When: thursdays for 6 weeks, 7 august to 11 1 month prior to ‘Real y interesting email [email protected] to register september 2014, 7.30pm – 9.30pm. Porse course that taught me a your interest for our next course.
offices, 180 great south road, takanini.
lot and now I feel a lot manukau and papakura
$30 (single) or $40 a couple for Parents centre included on each more prepared' email [email protected] or cal Jo on Members, $40 (single) or $50 a couple for non- course including 1 09) 298 6666 to enrol or to register for the next members. to book: contact belinda on 09 269 evening weekly for 3683 or e-mail [email protected] 4 mpc/ppc/fpc
WhEN your
child hAS AN
Free Fun For under 5s.
Free coFFee For You.
two weeks after my son started daycare, fairly straight forward and a trawl of the shopping i got the call i had been dreading. aubrey, aisles usually turns up one or two products in each (also known as Mr two), is allergic to both category which he can have. Last Wednesday of the dairy and eggs. aubrey had eaten some cheese eating and socialising outside of the home does muffin and his body had started to swell. daycare presents some challenges. Having to rely on other month until November, had followed our emergency plan to the t and i people to read and interpret labels correctly can 10am – 12pm.
arrived to collect a swollen, scratchy, subdued, but be quite nerve-wracking. sometimes people don't otherwise unharmed little boy. a timely reminder grasp the importance of ensuring his food is safe to for us to always be vigilant and not to take his food eat, or even think we are exaggerating his allergies. allergies lightly. i have been asked whether he can have yoghurt We first suspected aubrey was allergic to instead of cream and a lot of people do not realise milk at 6 months old. While playing with mashed whey powder, an ingredient in many store bought potato, welts appeared around his mouth. after baked goods, is a dairy by-product. researching and a visit to the doctors, we decided as a precaution pre-planning menus before we go anywhere has to avoid dairy until eight months when, under our now become the norm. i find a stash of homemade doctor's supervision, we gave him 2 ml of milk. sausage rolls, cupcakes and pizza dough in the Within minutes his skin was swollen, itchy and red, freezer a must and when attending family events he a reaction that lasted exactly five hours. wears a bandana with a warning not to offer it's heart-breaking to see him in pain and frightening to witness. We have been very lucky We have attended a few different playgroups that to date on the three occasions he has had and i have found some more allergy aware than a reaction his airways have not been affected, others. We don't attend any which do not have However, because the symptoms can be different a set morning tea time as he needs to be closely every time, aubrey always has antihistamine and an watched in case he was to accept food from epinephrine autoinjector just in case. another child or pick something up off the floor. as a family we have found adapting to aubrey's in six months' time, aubrey will go back and diet surprisingly easy. He was breastfed until 16 have another allergy skin prick test and we hope months old and after some research we decided that by three years old he will have started to grow not to introduce a milk alternative as he is a good out of his dairy allergy and by five, eggs. until Terms and conditions apply, see eater and is quite happy with water. We can follow then we will just keep on reading all the labels and for full details.
a standard vegan + meat diet so cooking at home is hiding the Whittakers chocolate! 6 mpc/ppc/fpc
WES 0643 MC Mummy Mornings A5 FP press_FA.indd 1 A different approach to iNtroduciNg SolidS
toby cormac
Finnigan born
by raelene fraser and that was certainly the case with local mum, Spencer charles
Baby-led weaning (blW) is a method of introducing solids which puts the baby in Mary and her daughter, charlotte. "charlotte's first Ernest brier,
charge of the process. it allows babies to food was a chicken sandwich i was having for lunch born 25th May 8lb sean finnigan.
control their solid food intake by self-feeding from that she grabbed out of my hand," says Mary.
the very beginning of the weaning process with no "i didn't try spoon feeding at all. a friend was need for spoon-feeding, purees or mashes. your blW her child and it just made perfect sense. i child is encouraged to explore food at their own must admit that part of my desire to try blW was pace, and you help them along by providing a driven by laziness—i didn't want to have to puree selection of food in a size and shape that they can or mash foods, or make different meals. the blW easily manage.
approach was convenient for us as a family; we'd Sean mackay
While there's nothing new about giving babies sit down to meals at the same time and eat the finger foods, blW involves only giving baby finger same thing. and there was no juggling of feeding Born 9th april, 6lb foods. the theory is that pureeing food was charlotte and ourselves because she'd feed herself." meila Sharon
15oz. first baby of stuart and sandra required when solid food were started when babies "the thing i liked most about the blW were three-to-four months old and not able to approach is that charlotte had total control of properly eat, requiring food that could slide straight what went in her mouth. We were able to let her down. by six months, babies are already able to do everything at her own pace. at six months we pick up items, place them in their mouths and are were giving her whole pieces of food—toast for starting to learn how to chew. they are therefore breakfast, pieces of cucumber and whole pears." able to feed themselves if given the opportunity.
Parents who take the blW approach tend Joshua harrison
under the blW approach: to have a much more relaxed approach to the mearns, born 4th
• baby sits with the rest of the family at amount of food being eaten focusing instead on the mealtimes and joins in when ready benefits of their child learning to eat. "Milk is still Anthony bull
• baby is encouraged to explore food as soon as their main source of nutrients, so ‘food under one stacey & clinton 10th June, 8lbs.
their interested, by picking it up with their is just for fun'," says Mary.
blW isn't hugely popular in new Zealand and • food is offered in pieces that are the shape and mary certainly got a mixed response from other size baby can handle easily mums and healthcare professionals. "While a lot of • baby self-feeds from the start, rather than being people were concerned, especially when they saw spoon-fed by someone else charlotte chomping away on a piece of cucumber • it's up to the baby how much to eat and how at six-months-old, you have to be strong in your Jordan Eva
quickly they widen the range of foods they belief of what you're doing and why you're doing it. there's a really good online forum which has been according to gill rapley, a uK Health Visitor (like a great source of support, especially when you have a Plunket nurse) who first coined the term blW, if days that you doubt yourself," says Mary.
max harford
John browne
given the chance, almost all babies will show their if you'd like more information about baby-led parents that they are ready for something other Weaning, read baby-led Weaning: Helping your than milk simply by grabbing a piece of food and baby to love good food by gill rapley and tracey 8 mpc/ppc/fpc
taking it to their mouths.
Murkett, available for loan from the library.
FuSSy EAtErS by amy Wildash
food neophobia is the official term for the less, have lower immunity and digestive problems. fear of eating new or unfamiliar foods. Most Picky eating can cause social issues as it becomes children demonstrate neophobic behaviour difficult for them to take part in social events such as towards vegetables and fruit however some wil be birthday parties. worse than others. most children grow out of this so how do you know if your child's eating stage and establish a varied and healthy diet.
behaviour is a cause for concern? for example: for some children food presents a more sometimes my daughter wil focus on one food group significant issue. Picky eaters wil refuse a wide range on her plate. she may decide to just eat al the meat Volunteer Profile: Helen Hogg
of food and usual y consume a very limited range and leave the vegetables and pasta. at the next meal of food. they are unwil ing to experiment and have or the next day, she may focus on the vegetables. child's Name: elwood Harry Hogg, 16 months.
very strong food likes and dislikes. Picky and fussy other days she wil give everything on her plate a What do i do for parents centre: Vice President,
moving to nZ i have become gardening crazy, even eaters can be a cause for concern as they do not good go. However, if i look at her diet over the period treasurer & Memberships for Manukau Parents though my attempts usually fail, i just keep trying compensate for their lower vegetable and fruit intake. of a week, she wil easily cover al the bases. this table and know that i will nail it eventually (i'm an consequently they may miss out on nutrients, weigh may help you if you think you may have a fussy eater.
Why did i volunteer for parents centre: i strongly
optimist) i am a movie fan, am attempting to teach believe that everybody should Volunteer in a way myself to knit and enjoy all the new challenges NormAl EAtEr
it'S A problEm WhEN…
that works for them, i was a new mother and new that having a house and toddler bring me, as both toddlers often refuse new foods older children refuse to taste all to new Zealand – i had taken the Parents centre are new to me.
May take 10-15 exposures before antenatal & baby and you course, got a wonderful What is the best part of volunteering: the
coffee group and had some time on my hands and knowledge that i am helping to provide a service mixEd Food diShES
Will eat mixed food dishes.
mixed food dishes are refused.
decided that i liked who Parents centre were and to my community and the friendships i have made that volunteering for them suited my skills along being on the committee.
vEgEtAblE Food group
May have vegetable preferences.
an entire food group is refused.
with my need (meeting new parents, attending Do you have a bit of time to help? Volunteering
May have a favourite yoghurt flavour children insist on eating only one hot topics etc).
for Parents centre is both rewarding and fun – but will eat others too.
brand and one flavour of yoghurt.
What else i enjoy: being born & bred in london
and your help is really important in keeping our Keeping a food diary for three days may help you decide if you need to see your doctor about your i didn't have a clue about gardening, but since centres running.
child's eating behaviour. see your health professional if you are concerned about their health, growth or development. vAcANciES For pApAkurA pArENtS cENtrE:
if you can help, contact
How can you HelP your cHilDren DeVeloP HealtHy eating Habits.
Membership Officer – enter membership Provide a variety of food available to your family.
be a good role model by eating a variety of foods details into a database and send out or belinda on (09) 269 3683
and trying new ones.
membership cards. vAcANciES For FrANkliN pArENtS cENtrE:
Course Coordinator – Help organise courses.
Secretary/Membership officer – take the prepare the same meals for the whole family.
avoid pressuring children to eat certain foods or restricting foods. try to avoid focussing on the Secretary – take minutes for meetings, check meeting minutes, enter membership details into toddler at meal times.
the mail and email.
a database and send out membership cards.
if you can help, contact papakura@
Marketing – help promote franklin Parents a good rule of thumb is parents decide what is create a positive mealtime environment.
available, when and where. children decide how centre to midwives, other lMcs and the much they eat. pay attention to the presentation of vAcANciES For mANukAu pArENtS cENtrE
Marketing – help promote Manukau Parents Committee members to assist others in their get your child involved in the growing, purchase and share regular mealtimes, and have a routine, centre to midwives, other lMcs and the roles – help with a variety of other tasks to keep preparation of food.
children eat more when they eat with others.
our centre running smoothly.
Funding and Grants – apply for grants to help if you can help, contact franklin@
persist with new foods and recipes.
focus on eating at meal times, turn off the tv etc.
our centre running.
references: bowden, J. "fussy eaters: when should you worry?" in new Zealand Healthy food guide february 2014.
10 mpc/ppc/fpc
abigail and isaac diAbEtES
dEcEmbEr 14th 2013
i've had christmas functions every day for the past
five days and have nearly finished al my work
deadlines for the year. i'm 17 weeks pregnant and
over christmas. over our much anticipated christmas stil feeling sick and tired; al day, every day. My 4 holiday. over our 7th wedding anniversary. over year old is attending his last week of kindy for the Valentines and easter. i remember how restricted i felt year and i'm working on my laptop while shaking my last time, and that was only for a few weeks. this is for leg up and down furiously every chance i get in the five months.
one risk factor – age – i am over 30 – 31 with my son on the diet. i am trying to see this as an adventure labtests waiting room. i'm feeling anxious about the and now 35 with this pregnancy. no other risk factors. and to try new and healthy foods. sometimes it glucose tolerance test i am doing. the leg shaking is How is Gestational Diabetes diagnosed in
although if you have gestational diabetes once, it is works. sometimes it doesn't. like when i walk past a intentional. i'm trying to burn off a little of the 75g likely you have it again. and while i've known second food shop like a dairy or bakery and know that i can of glucose i just drank. some people complain about Women normal y have a screening test to check time mums who have beaten those odds, i haven't. i eat nothing from them. it feels like i have been given the drink, but i just imagine it is a flat Jol y lemonade, whether they had diabetes before pregnancy with have it again.
an eating disorder. My new diabetes midwife came such as you'd find at a child's birthday party. in my their first blood test. the Hba1c test checks on how today with my testing kit – first result – a bit too high first pregnancy i failed this test which meant i was much glucose is attached to Haemoglobin and gives What are the risk factors for Gestational Diabetes?
although it wasn't quite too hours after i ate. i am diagnosed with gestational diabetes. i know shaking a sort of "three month average for glucose" which the risk factors for gestational diabetes are: going to have to be stricter with my diet. i hate testing my leg is "cheating the test" but i don't care; i real y can be used to diagnose diabetes. if this is passed, • being of Maori, Pacific or asian descent myself. it is so hard to psych myself up to push the don't want to be diagnosed again this pregnancy.
Zealand, most women are screened with a "one hour" • being overweight or obese button on the finger pricker. sometimes it barely hurts glucose test at around 24-28 weeks. if you fail this • Having a close family member (parent or sibling) and other times it hurts a lot. i have to test five times What is Gestational Diabetes?
test, or have a risk factor for gestational diabetes, you a day now – before breakfast and lunch and two hours gestational diabetes is a condition in pregnancy are given a two hour fasting test cal ed the glucose • being over 30 after breakfast, lunch and dinner. that's a lot of finger where women who have not been previously tolerance test, or gtt. see "the tests" for more • Having had a previous stil birth or spontaneous diagnosed with diabetes have higher levels of glucose in their blood. it is caused by the placenta • Having had a previous large baby (greater than 9 What does Gestational Diabetes mean for
manufacturing hormones that create insulin dEcEmbEr 21St 2013
resistance and by an increased need for insulin i am feeling angry. i'm through denial – eating those • Having a history of pregnancy-induced high Many women can manage their blood sugar levels because of the growing foetus. it often gets worse four christmas biscuits isaac brought home from blood pressure, urinary tract infections, or through diet and exercise. exercise helps to lower during pregnancy.
Kindy and firmly in the next stage of grief; anger. i'm polyhydramnious (too much amniotic fluid) blood sugar levels. a gestational diabetes diet is one angry that i have this again. i'm angry at my husband • Having Polycystic ovary syndrome (Pcos) lower in carbohydrates, with a recommendation to DeceMber 16th 2013
as he has al the risk factors for diabetes and i'm the gestational diabetes occurs in around 4% of eat lower gi carbohydrates (e.g., wholegrains) so that the leg shaking didn't work. i lie on my son's bed one who has it. He's the one who has close family pregnancies worldwide, but in 10% of pregnancies your body can manage the slower-releasing sugars. with tears streaming down my face. my midwife has members with diabetes – his dad, mum and sister. My in the counties Manukau region.
carbohydrates should be spread through the day just cal ed to let me know that i have failed the gtt closest relative is my grandmother's brother who got JANuAry 12th 2014
(three meals and snacks) rather than consumed all and have been again diagnosed with gestational it in his 60s or 70s. i'm what you'd cal average weight back from our holiday. i survived christmas eve, at once in big meals. you are given recommended diabetes. she has referred me to the diabetes team – he's overweight. even my ethnicity is the ‘safe' one – christmas and avoided most of the temptations of guidelines of carbohydrates to eat and it is important at the superclinic. i am feeling upset at the thought i'm Pakeha and he is Maori, who are higher risk along sugary and high carb foods. i scoured the supermarket not to cut out carbohydrates entirely as you and your of being on a low carb diet over the next five months. with people of Pacific and asian ethnicities. i do have reading labels and looking for lower gi foods i can eat baby need them.
12 mpc/ppc/fpc
JANuAry 14th 2014
a dietician (to look after your diet). if you are in the your due date, or possibly sooner if there are any acceptance. find a support group – like my one i first time at the superclinic. Met with an obstetrician, public system, while you are assigned a diabetes concerns about your baby's growth. if you have an found on facebook – who understand what you are an endocrinologist and a dietician. cried twice. at the midwife, you are likely to see different specialists each induction, you wil give birth at a hospital. if you are going through.
moment my numbers are ok, but i have been told i visit. i would strongly recommend getting support diet control ed and your baby decides to come by • exercise is your friend! talk to your lMc about am likely to go on medication, which i didn't have to through an online support group, such as gestational him or herself before the induction date, (but not any safe options to include exercise in your day – from do last time i had gd.
diabetes Mammas on facebook. other mums can earlier than 37 weeks) you may be able to have your youtube antenatal yoga workouts to a walk after provide meal ideas, tips for coping, and emotional baby at a maternity unit.
dinner – exercise wil help manage your blood sugar What about medication?
support. i found my group and the friends i made, was Medication can help control blood sugars. there one of the silver linings of gestational diabetes. aPril 29th, 2014
• Write down questions you have and take these are two types of medication used in new Zealand good news! My sugars are stil control ed wel by along to your appointments. don't be afraid to for gestational diabetes – Metformin (which is a FEbruAry 25th, 2014
diet and exercise. i haven't put any weight on this advocate for what you want.
tablet) and insulin (which you inject yourself with). another superclinic visit and more tears. My baby pregnancy, but the last scan showed that baby is While it is hard being on a "gestational diabetes Metformin helps by decreasing the amount of is measuring smal . the words were "we want to now at the 12th percentile, so they are no longer diet", know that it is for your baby and you can do glucose you absorb from your food and decreasing do another scan to see if she is just smal , or if she worried about her growth. My induction has it. it does get easier as you get further along and the amount of glucose made by your liver. it also can is stopped growing." at that point my heart and been booked for my due date on May 19th and understand what works (and doesn't work) increasing your body's response to insulin, a natural brain switched off at those horrible words "stopped my midwife has suggested i start taking evening substance that controls the amount of glucose in the growing." suddenly the dietary restrictions and Primrose oil and drink raspberry leaf tea and will and if you do need to go on medication to control blood and increase the use of sugar by your muscles. worries about possibly going on medication or having do stretch-and-sweeps to see if we can start my your blood sugars, don't feel defeated. sometimes a common side effect is an upset stomach. insulin is an induction meant nothing. i could lose this baby.
labour without medication before my due date.
that placenta is just too good at getting sugars for made by the body. While insulin injections are not too painful (everyone who has used it told me it is What are complications of Gestational Diabetes?
Tips for Managing Gestation Diabetes
Emily had Abigail two days before her due date
better than the finger pricks), too much can cause With uncontrol ed gestational diabetes, babies may • Be prepared to encounter the stages of grief and scheduled induction on the 17th May. The birth
you to have a very low blood sugar level, which can receive too much glucose and grow "too big". about – denial, bargaining, anger, depression and went well and Emily's sugars are back to normal.
be dangerous. it is important to not to try and avoid 20% of babies are 90th percentile or higher. With medication at al costs: your diet needs to meet your control ed gestational diabetes, babies may be at FOR  ALL  INQUIRIES  
and your baby's nutritional requirements. starving higher risk of being growth restricted. babies may yourself and your baby and denying him/her essential also develop low blood sugars after birth as a result VISIT  US  AT  
nutrients is as risky as diabetes.
of being used to producing a lot of their own insulin to manage the high amounts of sugars they are 633  Whitford  Rd,  Whitford  
JANuAry 21St 2014
i've found something that has real y helped me – a support group of other women with gestational mArch 24th, 2014
diabetes on facebook. it is hard for other people to the baby is stil growing. another superclinic understand what it is like to be pregnant in a food- appointment and yet another obstetrician. every fil ed world and not be able to eat certain foods. and appointment so far i have seen someone different. if you do "slip" and eat certain foods you worry that this one talked about inducing at either 39 weeks, you have harmed your baby. the constant monitoring 38 weeks "or sooner". i felt like saying ‘when did "or and timing of eating and thinking about what you can sooner" come on the table?', but didn't see any point and cannot eat is also exhausting. but these women in arguing when i would probably see another person understand – they're going through it too.
at my next appointment, where the decision wil be made.
What support is out there?
We believe passionately that early learning years set the foundation for life.
if you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes, you'll What can I expect for my birth?
We provide children with an environment that is nurturing, respectful, safe, loving and
have extra medical support provided by a diabetes normal y, with gestational diabetes, your medical offers a sense of belonging. We encourage you visit us so we can work in partnership with
Midwife, an endocrinologist (to look after blood team won't want you to go too far beyond your due you to nurture your child's growth and development.
sugars), an obstetrician (to look after your baby) and date, so an induction wil probably be scheduled on 14 mpc/ppc/fpc
PH:  530  8726  
PH:  530  8726  
R  IES    
PH:  530  8726  
PH:  530  8726  
tfo SIT  
yl S    AT
earni    [email protected]  
tfo SIT  
yl S    AT
earni    [email protected]  
even if your child doesn't have an allergy, it is very useful to have a few good allergy friendly recipes on hand, for visiting children and adults that may have allergies. Here are two parent and child-tested recipes.
helen's banana cupcakes
a mixing bowl, sift over half of the icing sugar and (Dairy, egg & nut Free)
whisk al the ingredients together. use an electric For the cupcakes
whisk, which takes about 4 min's.
200g Mashed ripe bananas* sift in the remaining icing sugar and continue to 4tbsp Mil ed flaxseed whisk until thick and glossy. chil the icing in the 100ml sunflower oil fridge until you are ready to spread it over the 100g golden caster sugar cupcakes. once the cupcakes are cold, top with 175 gluten free self raising flour the buttercream icing and decorate (i used thawed 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda frozen blueberries). *you could use Mashed For the buttercream icing
The first years of a child's life are strawberries or raspberries, whatever is in season.
A lifetime of natural play 60g dairy-free Margarine when positive foundations are set for lifetime experiences and a lifetime of 2 tbsp rice Milk (or other dairy free milk) and learning starts here loving relationships. You are helping ½ tsp vanil a extract Katie's gluten free/wheat free
a baby's brain to grow when you 250g golden icing sugar chocolate chip cookies
choose to build secure attachment 1/2 cup butter softened relationships based on love, trust and Preheat the oven to 180 (fan 160 or gas mark 4), line 1/4 cup coconut oil respect. With PORSE you choose a a 12 hold muffin of cupcake tine with paper cases.
3/4 cup coconut sugar special person to care for your child, in a settled home environment, with Place the flaxseed in a bowl with 6 tablespoons of 2 tsp vanil a extract natural play and learning.
water, then stir together and set aside to thicken up.
Pour the sunflower oil into a large mixing bowl, add 1/2 tsp baking soda Home educators with the sugar and beat together until combined. spaces available now! stir in the flaxseed and water mixture until 3 cups almond flour (if you like them a little dense Want to find out more about PORSE? incorporated. add the mashed banana, then sift in add a couple tablespoons of coconut flour) Call now to discuss your childcare the flour and bicarbonate of soda and use a metal 1 1/2 cups chocolate chips options with us now.
In-home childcare work & training spoon to fold them into the mixture. divide the Call 0800 023 456 mixture evenly between the paper cases and bake Preheat oven to 350. use a baking paper liner on in the oven for 20-25 minutes or until springy to the cookie sheet. Mix butter, coconut oil and sugar in touch. remove from the oven and transfer to a wire mixer. Mix in vanil a and eggs. Mix in baking soda rack to cool completely.
and salt. add almond flour. fold in chocolate chips. buttercream icing
Portion out with a smal ice cream scoop. bake for Place the Margarine, rice milk and vanil a extract in about 11 minutes.
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wHy buy a Kit?
inner health
Everyone should have more than
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Here's your chance to get your family a on products on sale or in a special promotion. franklin ray's gym offers a gym, exercise classes & personal great first aid kit and support Manukau code: fPc; Manukau code: MPc; Papakura code: PPc. trainers. a $4 per hour crèche (bookings required) is FirSt Parents centre at the same time…
available as wel as a fitness class designed for mums these large, quality first aid kits are excel ent value for baby on the move
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section that you have 15% discount as part of Parents centre card. $25 wil be donated to Parents centre for a new swimmer booking in for a term of swimming.
the first aid Kit we're sel ing as part of our fundraiser 23b springs road, east tamaki, ph (09) 272 2029 is a large, carry kit with transparent fold-out Present your membership card for a 15% discount. 2 Fulton Swim School
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WITH COUPON ONLY! VALID FOR ONE DAY ONLY! If you would like to receive information from The Baby Factory via email. 13 SEPTEMBER 2014
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Claims/Systems News 02 Encourage Pregnant Women 04 Children Added to Insure Oklahoma To Reach 39-week Mark Before Delivery 07 MHSAS Explained: 03 Optimizing Glaucoma Eye New Eligibility Status in MMIS 08 Prescription Limit Changes 05 ‘Kids Corner' Debuts06 Living Choice Providers Needed09 Black Women at Higher Risk for Early Breast Cancer 10 OHCA Avoids Deeper Provider

International Journal of Research in Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics ISSN Print: 2278 – 2648 IJRPP Vol 3 Issue 1 Jan - Mar -2014 ISSN Online: 2278- 2656 Journal Home page: Research article Open Access A prospective study of the pattern of drug use in primary dysmenorrhea in a tertiary care hospital