Woodside Medical Centre
Jardine Crescent, Coventry CV4 9PL
Tel: 024 7669 4001 Fax: 024 7669 5639
Health Professionals Working Within The Primary Health Team
The Primary Care Team based in the health centre give patients the opportunity to access
treatment locally for physiotherapy, chiropody, occupational therapy and social work support.
The Health Visitor
The health visitor based at the centre is available to give advice on all aspects of health and has
The Partners
routine contact with all antenatal patients and children.
District Nurses
Dr Christopher M Taggart (Male)
MB ChB MRCGP DRCOG Family Planning Certificate
(Qualified Manchester 1981) GMC:2713955
The district nurses visit patients who are unable to leave their homes. They provide nursing care
and undertake general assessments.
Dr Bhupinder Bains
(Qualified India 1986) GMC:3625196
Dr Eve Athey-Pollard
The midwives run antenatal clinics weekly in the practice. They look after expectant mothers
(Qualified Birmingham 2004) GMC:6098249
throughout their pregnancies and for 10 days after the birth.
Dr. Charles Averill
(Male) BSC (Hons) MBChB MRCGP
Community Psychiatric Nurse
(Qualified Warwick 2006) GMC:6146490
The nurse works closely with psychiatrists and the general practitioners and monitors the
General Practice Registrars
treatment of the mentally ill in the community.
Our practice is a training/teaching practice, and is a general partnership. Our registrars are fully
How To Register With The Surgery
qualified and have a great deal of hospital experience. Registrars are attached to our practice
Please call into the surgery to collect the necessary registration forms. It will be necessary for
for six to twelve months and patients find their fresh, enthusiastic approach adds to the health
you and your family members aged five and over to make an appointment for a registration
care we provide.
medical with the practice nurse.
You will be registered with the practice. However, patients have the right to stipulate a preferred GP.
We teach medical students from time to time. You will always be asked if you mind having a
You will be given the soonest medical registration appointment available. Please ensure that you
student sitting in on a consultation.
attend this appointment.
Please note that if you move outside the practice catchment area, you will be required to find
The Administration Team
Practice Manager
Mrs V Godwin
Practice Secretary
Beth Taylor
A map of the practice area is shown on the back cover of this booklet. Please note that we are
Five part-time receptionists
not able to register patients who live outside the practice area.
The above team are here to welcome and help with all administrative and non-medical matters.
Surgery Opening Hours
Every member of staff is bound by the same rules of confidentiality as the doctors and nurses.
Practice Nursing Sisters
Mrs S Devlin
Miss L Abbott
Mrs J Lewis
The practice nurses are available to be seen by appointment only. They are able to attend to
There may be appointments outside the above hours (Monday to Friday) for those unable to
dressings, minor injuries and ailments, suture removal, blood pressure checks and baby and
attend during these times. Please ask reception for further information.
travel vaccinations. They also run various health promotion clinics and give advice on a variety
From time to time it may be necessary to change these opening times. However, notices will be
of health matters.
displayed, in advance, informing patients of any changes.
For the latest information click to:
For 24 hour information click to::

When The Surgery Is Closed
We ask all patients to consider whether their problem really needs a doctor's urgent attention when
Gary Franklin
the surgery is closed. Remember you will be seen immediately at the surgery when it is open.
For urgent medical attention when the surgery is closed: dial 111
For an emergency: dial 999
Andy Hawkins
All consultations are by appointment. Please try to give us as much notice as possible for routine
appointments, so that we can offer a wider range of times and the doctor of your choice.
If you cannot keep your appointment, please let us know so that someone else can use the slot.
If you do not attend three appointments within a 12-month period, and these have not been
extending a hand of friendship and support
cancelled, you will be asked to register with another practice.
We understand every family is different and we will tailor all
You can now book a routine appointment with a doctor online. To take advantage of this facility you
will need to apply. For further details either see the surgery website:
arrangements to suit your needs and requirements.
or ask one of the receptionists for an application form.
Specialist Themed Funeral Division
If you feel your problem is urgent and cannot wait, you will be seen the same day but not
Compassionate & Personalised Service – All Faiths
necessarily by the doctor of your choice.
Available 24 Hours a Day to Provide all the Help, Support
If it is necessary for you to speak to the doctor on the telephone, the staff will offer you a suitable
and Guidance You Need
time to avoid interrupting surgeries. It does help if you are able to give reception staff some details
Pre-payment Funeral Plans
about your problem. If appropriate, one of the practice nurses can give advice by telephone.
Will Writing Service
Consultations are available for patients aged 16 years or over on request if a patient has not had
Home Visits at Any Time (by appointment)
a consultation or attended a clinic within three years.
Floral Tributes & Memorials
Consultations are available to patients aged 75 or over on request if a patient has not had a
Private Chapels of Rest
consultation within the last year.
Home Visits
For a Complete Professional and Personal Service
Home visits are for patients who are too ill to come to the surgery. If you need a home visit
at an Affordable Price
please telephone before 10.00am. Further information about symptoms may be requested by
the receptionist to enable the doctors to determine the priority and timing of visits. Please
Help and Advice with DSS and Social Fund
remember the doctor can do more for you in the surgery than at home, so it is in your own
Both Happily Accepted
interest to attend the surgery if at all possible.
Nurse Clinics
Serving the community of:
Serving the community of:
The practice nurses see patients with various chronic diseases including:
Coventry, Balsall Common,
Marston Green, Chelmsley Wood,
Hypertension Asthma Diabetes Heart Disease
Berkswell, Meridan
Tile Cross, Fordbridge,
and all surrounding areas
Castle Bromwich and all surrounding areas
We are offering ‘Lifestyle Checks'. Why not have a health check with our practice nurse Joanne
Tel: (024) 76 47 3000
Tel: (0121) 779 5577
Lewis. Book an appointment via reception.
333 Tile Hill Lane, Tile Hill, Coventry
50 Station Road, Marston Green
Smoking Cessation Advice
If you would like to give up smoking why not make an appointment with our practice nurse,
Joanne Lewis. She will talk through your options during a half hour consultation and further
support sessions will be arranged as and when appropriate.
Attract more business by placing your advert here. Simply call 0800 0234 196.
For 24 hour information click to::

Hancock & Brown Ltd
The doctors are recognised by the Primary Care Trust to perform minor operations. Consult
your doctor and they will make the necessary arrangements.
Est. 1979
Phone: 01676 534158
Test Results
Fax: 01676 534415
To help our busy receptionists please call in personally for results or telephone after 10.00am.
Remember, patients over 16 years of age should personally receive their results.
Capture the sun
Repeat prescription items can be ordered online. Details of how to apply are available on our
Central Heating:- Gas, Oil, L.P.G.
and save money
website: or ask one of the receptionists for an application form.
Unvented Hot Water Cylinders
Patients on regular medication do not always need to see a doctor for a repeat of their medicines.
Boiler service & repairs
If you are issued with a computer slip attached to your prescription, this should be returned to
Air to Water Heat Pumps
the surgery when you need further medication, after ticking the items you require. Your new
Solar Panel
Underfloor Heating
prescription should normally be available for collection after two working days. Alternatively, you
Ground Source Heat Pumps.
may post your request to the surgery, enclosing a stamped addressed envelope for its return or
Bathroom Design & Installation
request your medication via email. The practice email address is: [email protected]
Phone for a free quote.
If you use the post please remember to allow additional time.
In order to avoid errors, we prefer not to accept requests for repeat prescriptions by telephone
or without a request slip. Where possible give exact drug names when ordering.
Medication prescribed will be reviewed on a periodic (usually annual) basis. However, this may
vary, dependent upon the medication/patient condition.
24 Oakley, Oldwich Lane, Fen End, Nr Kenilworth. CV8 1QE
Emergency Contraception
Your local Plumbing and Heating Engineer
Please read the following information carefully and do not hesitate to speak to the nurse or
doctor if you have any questions. If you have any medical problems you should inform the
Putting up a couple of shelves is one thing, but trying a bit of DIY on your plumbing
practice immediately to ensure that emergency contraception is safe for you.
or heating system can not only be dangerous and expensive, but could also drop you
Emergency Pills And How They Work
in hot water with the law! Many people are happy to do minor jobs like changing a tap
Emergency pills must be started within 72 hours (three days) of unprotected sex. They contain
washer but for anything else you are best to leave it in the hands of the professionals.
the hormone progesterone and work by making the lining of the womb unsuitable for a pregnancy
DIY interference with plumbing and heating systems can result in serious damage,
to develop and sometimes by delaying the release of an egg from the ovary. This is NOT the
expensive repair bills and potential health hazards.
same as an abortion.
The DIY householder is subject to the same regulations and controls as the professional
How To Take These Pills
TURE plumber and everything connected to a water supply has to comply with statutory
• You will be given two pills (Levonelle)
requirements. Minimum standards for sanitary plumbing and drainage installations are
• Take both pills when they are given to you
laid down by law in the interest of public health and safety. Contravention can lead to
What Happens Next
TISING FEA prosecution and the possible imposition of substantial fines.
Your next period may arrive earlier, on time or later than usual. It can also be lighter or heavier
than normal. If your period is shorter or lighter than usual, or has not occurred four weeks after
ADVER Gas boilers are another no-go area for the DIY enthusiast. Only engineers registered
with Gas Safe (formerly Corgi) are permitted to work on these complex and, potentially
taking the emergency contraception pill, please request a pregnancy test from the doctor, nurse,
lethal, pieces of equipment. Don't take the risk of endangering your property, your
pharmacy or family planning centre.
own or your family's health or risk breaking the law. For your plumbing and heating
Are You A Carer?
problems always call the expert services of your local professional plumbing and
Irrespective of your age, do you provide or supervise a substantial amount of care on a regular
heating engineer.
basis of a child, relative, partner or neighbour who is unable to manage on their own due to
illness, disability, frailty, mental distress or impairment. If the answer is yes, then you are a
From a new outside tap to a new bathroom or full central heating system, talk to the
carer. If you have not let your doctor know already, when attending the surgery next please
experts who will give you sound advice based on many years' experience.
complete one of our carer forms, available in reception.
To advertise your business to our patients on low cost, easy payment terms call 0800 0234 196.
For 24 hour information click to::
If you would like support or advice, discuss this with your GP and they will provide information
of how to access the support you require. The Carers Advice Centre hold a weekly clinic at
Limbrick Wood Surgery and appointments are available to patients from Woodside Medical
Centre. If you would like to attend one of these clinics ask for further information at reception.
Vaccinations are carried out during normal surgery times with the practice nurse. It is extremely
important for all children to be vaccinated and the doctors strongly recommend these be given.
Adult Vaccinations Routine And Travel
We are a registered YELLOW FEVER VACCINATION CENTRE and as such are able to give the
vaccination to anyone visiting an area where it is required, including patients not usually registered
with the practice. There is a fee for this vaccination. We carry out full travel immunisations by
appointment with the practice nurse and are able to advise you on the vaccinations required for
all areas. Due to the risk of contracting AIDS and hepatitis during visits abroad, an emergency
travel kit is available from chemists including syringe, needle, sutures, dressings, plasters and
disposable gloves. It is advisable to have one kit per family.
Mount Nod
Each autumn we carry out an influenza vaccination programme for the elderly and chronically
sick. If you suffer from asthma, diabetes, a heart condition, bronchitis, you are pregnant, a carer
or if you are over 65 years of age and would like a flu injection, please contact the surgery in
September for an appointment. If you are unable to come to the surgery it may be possible for
a nurse to visit you at home.
Non-NHS Services
Mount Nod
Certain services are not covered by the NHS such as insurance reports and pre-employment
medicals. A list of fees for these services is available at reception.
Physical violence and verbal abuse are a growing concern. GPs, practice nurses and other
and Delivery Service
practice staff have the right to care for others without fear of being attacked or abused.
If you would like to benefit from this service, just complete this form and hand it in at Mount Nod and Bannerbrook
We ask that you treat your GP and practice staff in a respectful manner.
Pharmacy. This form is for Mount Nod and Bannerbrook Pharmacy records only.
Any patient who is violent or abusive will be removed from the practice register immediately.
Name (please print) .
Comments, Suggestions And Complaints
Your Address .
Our aim is to give you the highest possible standard of service. If you have any concerns, please
contact the practice manager.
Your Doctor's Name . Surgery .
Patient Participation Group
Your Tel. No. (work) . Mobile .
Would you like to become a member of our Patient Participation Group? We meet bi-monthly,
Your Email Address .
usually on a Wednesday between 5.00 - 6.00pm. Alternatively, if you are interested but cannot
find time to attend the meetings, would you like to keep in touch via email? Further details are
I would like to authorise Mount Nod and Bannerbrook Pharmacy to keep my repeat prescription form and collect my
available on the Patient Participation Group Noticeboard in the waiting area or via the practice
repeat prescriptions on my behalf from the surgery shown above. I would like to collect my prescription from the
pharmacy/have my prescription delivered (delete as appropriate). Should I wish to change this arrangement I will
Signed . Date .
There is easy access for wheelchairs. Disabled access is via the main entrance. All consulting
rooms are on ground level. There is also a specially adapted toilet for disabled patients. Please
Please note, we will also send a copy of this record to your doctor's surgery
ask the staff if you encounter any difficulties.
Attract more business by placing your advert here. Simply call 0800 0234 196.
For 24 hour information click to::
Your medical records are held on the surgery computer; this improves administration and recall.
Let our practice
We are registered as a user with the Data Protection Registrar.
Access To Patient Information
We may sometimes be required to share your clinical data with other health care professionals
or anonymously with the Primary Care Trust for audit purposes.
promote your
For teaching purposes, consultations are sometimes video-recorded. You will always be asked
for your permission if the camera is in use.
Freedom Of Information – Publication Scheme
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 obliges the practice to produce a Publication Scheme. A
Publication Scheme is a guide to the ‘classes' of information the practice intends to routinely
make available. This scheme is available from reception.
Self Help Information
Colds, Coughs And Stuffy Noses
These are caused by viruses and there is no cure. Antibiotics can only kill bacteria which are
completely different organisms. To relieve headaches, sore throats and aching muscles, or to
bring down the fever, take paracetamol.
Vomiting And Diarrhoea
To prevent dehydration drink plenty of fluids. Dioralyte or Rehidrat are available at the chemist
and are useful for young children. If vomiting is a problem take small sips of fluid every few
minutes. No milk or solids should be given for 24 hours. Symptoms should settle within 24/48
To place an eye catching
hours; however, if they persist see your doctor.
Back Pain
Back pain usually begins as a strain caused by a poor lifting technique. Always bend your knees
advertising feature in our vitally
and keep your back straight when lifting. Rest your back on a firm bed and maintain good
posture when walking. Painkillers and rest are usually all that is required.
important Practice Booklets and
Burns And Scalds
Immediately run plenty of cold water over the affected area for at least 10 minutes. Then cover
with a dry dressing. Larger burns or areas where the skin is broken will need medical attention.
our indispensable Appointment
On the first day a rash appears as small red patches. Within a few hours of these developing,
small blisters appear in the centre of these patches. During the next three or four days further
Cards and Website
patches will appear and earlier ones will turn crusty and fall off. Oily calamine lotion may be
applied to soothe the often severe itching. Cool baths may also help. The most infectious period
is from two or three days before the rash appears, and up to five days after this date. Children
simply phone Jenny Mellenchip
may return to school as soon as the last crusts have dropped off.
German Measles (Rubella)
The rash appears during the first day and usually covers the body, arms and legs in small pink
now on 0800 612 1516.
patches and doesn't itch. No other symptoms are usually present apart from occasional aching
joints. It is infectious from two days before the rash appears, until the rash disappears in
about four or five days from that date. The only danger is to unborn babies and therefore it is
important that all contacts are informed in order that anyone who may be pregnant can contact
their doctor. Immunisation can prevent this disease.
For 24 hour information click to::
Generate more business
The rash is blotchy and red and appears on the face and body around the fourth day of illness.
with a Pay - Monthly
It is at its most infectious from two or three days before the rash appears until eight or ten days
after that date. Immunisation can prevent this disease.
website from OPG
Symptoms are swelling of the glands in front of one ear often followed after a couple of days,
We will design and launch a top quality bespoke
by swelling in front of the other ear. It is infectious from two or three days before the swelling
business-generating website for you, update it
appears until eight or ten days after that date. If the pain is severe you should consult your
regularly at your request and provide on-going
doctor. Immunisation can prevent this disease.
advice and support every working day.
Head Lice
These creatures, contrary to popular belief, prefer clean hair and are therefore not a sign of poor
from £22.50 per month
personal hygiene. Medicated head lotion can be obtained from the chemist without prescription.
There is no up-front payment and no extras,
The Family Medicine Chest
with an option to choose a pay-as-you-go, stop-
Here is a list of useful medicines and dressings with a description of their uses. All are quite
cheap and worth stocking at home in readiness for minor illnesses. Keep them in a box or
To find out more simply call
cupboard with a lock - or store them well out of reach of children.
0800 612 1408
Paracetamol Mixture: For relief of pain or fever in young children.
or email us at [email protected]
Paracetamol Tablets: For adults and older children. Good for headaches, colds, sore throats
and painful bruises.
Why your business needs a website
Sedative Cough Linctus or Pastilles: For dry or painful coughs - but not coughs caused by
WITHOUT a website, your business or practice is invisible to the two thirds of prospective
common colds.
clients that use the Internet to locate products and services, and this figure grows daily.
Menthol Crystals: Add to hot water to make steam inhalations for treating catarrh and dry or
Worse still, if your competitors have a website and you don't, then they are picking up
painful coughs.
your share of the prospects for your type of business when they search online.
Vapour Rub: Again, for steam inhalations. Also useful for children with stuffy noses or dry
Pay As You Go websites are proving to be a godsend to small and medium-sized businesses
coughs. Rub on the chest and nose.
across the UK and Ireland.
Antiseptic Solution: One teaspoon diluted in warm water for cleansing cuts and grazes.
Introduced by OPG Ltd, who have been building websites for more than eight years, and TISING FEAwhose innovative ideas have been helping businesses to grow and prosper for over 30
Calamine Lotion: For dabbing (not rubbing) on insect bites, stings and sunburn.
years, they provide businesses and professional practices with 24/7 access to their targeted
Rehydration Sachets: For treatment of diarrhoea.
Dressing Strips and Non-Allergic Tape: For minor cuts.
A website not only saves you money on brochures and other such material, it greatly increases the effectiveness of your current advertising because, in effect, you are open for
3" Wide Crepe Bandage: To keep dressing in place. To support sprained or bruised joints.
business around the clock.
Cotton Wool: For cleaning cuts and grazes.
Uniquely, the Pay - Monthly service comes with Web Partner support. This ‘phone-a-friend' facility will provide answers to your queries and help you develop your site as your
Thermometer/Fever Scan: For fevers.
business grows.
Tweezers: For removing splinters.
So if you don't yet have a website, or are unhappy with the one you have, call today for an informal chat on 0800 612 1408. You'll be glad you did!
Attract more business by placing your advert here. Simply call 0800 0234 196.
For 24 hour information click to::
PRACTICE BOOKLETS are specially prepared by
Neighbourhood Direct Ltd A MEMBER OF THE OLDROYD
Keenans Mill, Lord Street, St Annes-on-Sea, Lancs FY8 2ER
Tel: 01253 722142 Fax: 01253 714020
Website: Email: [email protected]
COPYRIGHT WARNING: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in
any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher.
The practice would like to thank the various advertisers who have helped to produce this booklet. However, it must be pointed
out that the accuracy of any statements cannot be warranted, nor any products or services advertised, be guaranteed or endorsed.
For the latest information click to:
Our Practice Map
Our practice area is defined by
the map below. Please note that
we do not register patients who
live outside this area.
Lime Tree Park
Useful Telephone Numbers
Local Chemists
Boots Pharmacy, 116 Jardine Crescent .7646 6824
Mount Nod Chemist, 126 Sutherland Avenue.7647 0352
KK Mistry, 34 Station Avenue.7646 1900
Lloyds Pharmacy, 343 Tile Hill Lane.7646 6172
Bannerbrook Pharmacy, Bannerbrook, Tile Hill .7642 2120
NHS 111
For medical advice out of hours .111
Walsgrave.7696 4000
Social Services, Canley.7646 6851
Coventry Primary Care Trust, Christchurch House
Greyfriars Lane, Coventry.7655 2225
Samaritans.7667 8678
Citizens Advice Bureau.0845 120 2920
Alcohol Advisory Service.7622 6619
RELATE (Marriage Guidance).7622 5863
CRUSE (Bereavement Care).7667 0714
Coventry Community Drug Team.7663 0135
Practice Booklets are published by Neighbourhood Direct Ltd. 01253 722142
DISKUSSIONSBEITRÄGE DISCUSSION PAPERS The impact of antimicrobial drug consumption and alcohol-based hand rub use on the emergence and spread of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing strains – A time series analysis Klaus KaierUwe Frank Christian Hagist Elisabeth Meyer No. 31 – Oktober 2008 gs-Universität Freiburg The impact of antimicrobial drug consumption and alcohol-
Toxicité à long terme d'un herbicide Roundup et d'un maïs modifié génétiquement pour tolérer le Roundup Gilles-Eric Séralini*, Emilie Clair, Robin Mesnage, Steeve Gress, Nicolas Defarge, Manuela Malatesta, Didier Hennequin, Joël Spiroux de Vendômois *Correspondance à Traduit en français par les auteurs. Résumé : Nous avons étudié pendant 2 ans sur des rats les effets sanitaires d'un maïs transgénique tolérant à l'herbicide Roundup (introduit dans l'alimentation à 3 doses de 11, 22 et 33%), cultivé avec ou sans épandage de cet herbicide, ou bien de Roundup seul dans l'eau de boisson (à partir de 0,1 parties par milliard). Les femelles, dans tous les groupes traités, sont mortes 2 à 3 fois plus que dans le groupe-témoin, et plus rapidement. Cette différence a été observée dans 3 groupes de mâles nourris avec l'OGM. Tous les résultats obtenus sont hormono-dépendants et liés au sexe,, avec des profils pathologiques comparables dans presque tous les cas. Les femelles ont développé plus fréquemment de grosses tumeurs mammaires et avant le groupe témoin, l'hypophyse étant le second organe le plus touché ; l'équilibre hormonal a été modifié par les traitements à base d'OGM et de Roundup. Chez les mâles traités, les nécroses et congestions du foie étaient de 2,5 à 5,5 fois plus élevées. Cette pathologie a été confirmée macroscopiquement, et en microscopie optique et électronique. Les néphropathies rénales progressives chroniques marquées et sévères étaient généralement de 1,3 à 2,3 plus élevées. Les mâles présentaient jusqu'à 4 fois plus de grosses tumeurs palpables, qui apparaissaient jusqu'à 600 jours plus tôt que le groupe témoin. Les données biochimiques ont confirmé des déficiences chroniques significatives des reins ; pour tous les traitements et les deux sexes, 76% des altérations des paramètres physiologiques étaient liés aux reins. Ces résultats peuvent s'expliquer par les perturbations endocriniennes non linéaires (non proportionnelles à la dose) causées par le Roundup, ainsi que par la surexpression du transgène dans l'OGM, et ses conséquences métaboliques.