Pii: s0031-9384(00)00321-8
Physiology & Behavior 71 (2000) 87±94
Effects of (ÿ)-hydroxycitric acid on appetitive variables
Richard D. Mattes*, Leslie Bormann
Department of foods and Nutrition, Purdue University, 212 Stone Hall, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1264, USA
Received 25 January 2000; received in revised form 18 April 2000; accepted 25 May 2000
( ÿ )-Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) reportedly promotes weight loss, in part, through suppression of hunger. However, this mechanism has
never been evaluated in humans in a controlled study. Eighty-nine mildly overweight females were prescribed 5020-kJ diets for 12 weeks as
part of a double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel group study. Forty-two participants ingested 400-mg caplets of Garcinia cambogia 30±60
min prior to meals for a total dose of 2.4 g/day (1.2 g/day HCA). Forty-seven participants ingested matched placebos. Weight and body
composition were assessed at baseline and every other week for 12 weeks. Food intake and appetitive variables were assessed at baseline and
monthly for 12 weeks. Both groups lost body weight with the active group achieving a significantly greater reduction (3.7 3.1 kg versus
2.4 2.9 kg). No effects of the HCA were observed on appetitive variables. The active treatment group did not exhibit better dietary
compliance or significant correlations between appetitive variables and energy intake or weight change. This study does not support a satiety
effect of HCA. D 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Garcinia cambogia; Hydroxycitric acid; Hunger; Weight loss; Human; Appetite
serotonin-and norepinephrine-reuptake inhibitor, appears
promising, but may increase blood pressure and heart rate
Dietary approaches for the management of obesity have
in some patients [16]. It also has the potential to promote
been largely unsuccessful due, in part, to feelings of hunger
dependency if abused [16]. Attempts to manipulate satiety
that undermine adherence to weight loss regimens. Pharma-
hormones such as cholecystokinin or bombesin to achieve
cologic agents designed to suppress hunger have promoted
sustained weight loss have proven elusive [17].
weight loss, but are often accompanied by unacceptable side
The limited success and potential complications of these
effects. Amphetamine-based anorexiants are effective in
pharmacologic weight loss aids has led to a large and
some patients, but leave them feeling anxious and are prone
growing market for alternative therapies such as herbal
to abuse and chemical dependency [33]. This limits their
products. Garcinia cambogia, grown primarily in Southeast
long-term use and cessation typically results in prompt regain
Asia, is one popular representative. The dried and cured
of body weight. Beta-phenethylamine derivatives have lower
pericarp of the fruit of this species contains up to 30% by
abuse potential but may still cause insomnia, anxiety and
weight of ( ÿ )-hydroxycitric acid (HCA) [19]. These rinds
irritability [33]. While useful in many patients, their limited
are used in regional cooking practices and are reported to
efficacy prompted research into a new class of agents, ones
make meals more filling [4]. This claim is bolstered by
acting on serotonergic neurotransmission. Dexfenfluramine
cursory observations from clinical studies [2]. A satiety
hydrocholoride and fenfluramine hydrochloride were widely
effect has been demonstrated experimentally in rats and
effective, but were implicated in the development of cardiac
associated with weight reduction [26,36,37]. Because HCA
valvulopathy [15] and withdrawn from the market. The most
does not appear to enter the brain, it does not elicit CNS side
recent introduction in this class of drugs, Sibutramine, a
effects that may limit its acceptability.
HCA may promote weight reduction through sup-
pressed de novo fatty acid synthesis, increased lipid
oxidation and reduced food intake [22]. Enhanced satiety
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-765-494-0662; fax: +1-765-494-
may account for the reported suppression of energy con-
E-mail address:
[email protected] (R.D. Mattes).
sumption. One potential mechanism accounting for the
0031-9384/00/$ ± see front matter D 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
PII: S0031-9384(00)00321- 8
R.D. Mattes, L. Bormann / Physiology & Behavior 71 (2000) 87±94
satiety effect of HCA may involve inhibition of ATP
sition determined, completed chemosensory function tests
citrate lyase. This would limit the availability of acetyl
and received dietary guidance. They were then randomly
coenzyme A (acetyle CoA) for lipid synthesis during
assigned to receive either caplets of G. cambogia or place-
carbohydrate feeding. As a result, carbon is diverted to
bo. A log of hunger ratings and activities was kept over the
glycogen synthesis. Based primarily on studies with mice
next 24 h. During that week, participants were called twice
[7,8] and rats [24], it has been argued that glycogen levels
and asked to keep 24-h diet records. One week after the
serve as a primary signal for energy regulation. However,
initial meeting, they began their 12-week diet. Exercise was
this has been questioned by findings from human clinical
encouraged, but no formal regimen was prescribed. Diet
trials [31,34]. Further, the efficiency of carbohydrate con-
records and hunger and activity logs were kept and chemo-
version to fat under conditions of energy excess in humans
sensory function was assessed during weeks 4, 8 and 12. At
is extremely low [13] so inhibition of this pathway would
the end of weeks 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12, participants reported
be expected to hold limited consequence.
to the laboratory for repeat assessments of body weight and
A second possible mechanism for an anorectic effect of
composition. The protocol was approved by the Human
HCA holds that by reducing acetyl CoA, malonyl CoA
Subjects Review Committee of Purdue University.
levels are depressed thereby reducing negative feedback on
carnitine acyltransferase [21]. This leads to increased lipid
transport into the mitochondria and inefficient oxidation
with resultant ketone body formation. Ketones are purported
Participant eligibility criteria included: 18±65 years old;
appetite suppressants, however, several groups have failed
10±50 lb over ideal body weight [23]; interested in losing
to observe an association between ketosis and reported
10±20 lb; not adhering to any prescribed diet or taking
hunger level [3,32].
medications (except birth control); and self-reported normal
Despite an hypothesized prominent role of HCA-induced
taste and smell function. A total of 167 individuals were
satiety on reduced energy intake and weight loss, there has
recruited. An error in coding of pill bottles provided to the
been little experimental evaluation of this action in humans.
researchers (detected after the study, but prior to data
Given the mechanistic issues raised above, recent evidence
analyses) resulted in 28 participants receiving a mixture of
that HCA may not promote weight loss [14] and widespread
active and placebo pills. Thus, these participants were
use of products containing HCA for weight management,
excluded from analyses. Based upon pill counts (ingestion
the question of whether HCA is an appetite suppressant
of at least 80% of the administered caplets) and attendance
warrants further consideration. The present study was de-
at requisite evaluation sessions, a total of 106 individuals
signed to assess the effect of G. cambogia on appetitive
were deemed compliant with study procedures. Among the
indices and their relationship with weight loss during
non-compliant group, 20 had been assigned to active treat-
moderate energy restriction.
ment and 13 to placebo. Only 17 of the eligible sub-sample
were male. Because the small number of males precluded
meaningful gender-specific analyses and there are reports of
sex differences in appetitive ratings [24,28,43], including to
HCA treatment [2], as well as well known differences in
2.1. General protocol
energy intake, analyses were focused on the 89 compliant
females. Eighty-seven participants were Caucasian, with
Participants were recruited by public advertisement into a
one African American and one Asian. Table 1 contains
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-
other baseline characteristics of the total sample as well as
group design study. During an initial baseline visit, all
the active treatment and placebo treatment groups. Only
participants completed health, demographic and dietary
disinhibition scores differed significantly between groups
restraint questionnaires, had their body weight and compo-
(t = 2.07, p = 0.042).
Total sample (N = 89)
Active treatment (N = 42)
Placebo treatment (N = 47)
Body mass index (kg/m2)
Weight loss goal (kg)
Cognitive restraint
(Three-Factor Eating Ques-
tionnaire (TFEQ))
Disinhibition (TFEQ)
R.D. Mattes, L. Bormann / Physiology & Behavior 71 (2000) 87±94
ability, itchiness and distractability (the ancillary appetitive
questions) on scales ranging from not at all'' to extre-
mely.' During another baseline day and weeks 4, 8 and 12,
participants also coded hunger by outlining the place(s) on a
gender-appropriate human figure where they felt the sensa-
tions they associate with hunger occurred [9] These areas
were cut out of the form and weighed. They were coded into
three regions Ð head and neck, trunk, limbs.
Dietary restraint was assessed by the TFEQ [35].
2.6. Body weight and composition
Body weight was measured on a clinical scale with
subjects wearing only a hospital gown. They voided just
prior to weighing. Measurements were obtained at approxi-
mately the same time of day for each individual. Fat mass,
fat-free mass and body water were determined by bioelec-
trical impedance analysis (Tanita Body Fat Analyzer, TBF-
105, Tanita, Skokie, IL).
2.7. Dietary assessment
Fig. 1. Self-reported hourly hunger ratings obtained over a 24-h period on a
nine-point category scale during the pre-treatment week and week 12 of
Energy and nutrient intake were determined with version
treatment by participants receiving active treatment or placebo.
7.2 of The Food Processor nutrient database (ESHA Re-
search, Salem, OR).
Participants were counseled to adhere to a 1200-kcal
exchange diet [1] that contained about 30% of energy from
fat. They were provided reference materials, recipes and
trained to estimate portion sizes with true-size portion
charts. Active treatment participants were required to
ingest two 400-mg caplets of G. cambogia or matched
placebo three times per day (30±60 min before each
meal). The source of HCA used in the study was G.
cambogia extract (Citrin1 standardized for a minimum of
50% HCA). Its purity was determined by HPLC. Thus, the
total dose of HCA in the active treatment group was 1.2 g/
day. Placebo treatment participants took identical caplets at
the same schedule.
2.4. Appetitive questionnaires
Hunger, desire to eat, prospective consumption (how
much food do you think you could eat right now?) and
fullness (the primary appetitive questions) were evaluated
by having participants indicate the intensity of the sensation
they ascribed to each on a nine-point category scale each
waking hour for 1 day at baseline and during weeks 4, 8 and
12. End anchor descriptors are listed in Figs. 1 and 2. In
Fig. 2. Mean ( SE) peak and nadir self-reported hunger ratings obtained
addition, participants indicated how intensely they experi-
over a 24-h period prior to treatment (B) or at weeks 4, 8 and 12 of
enced feelings of stomach growling, headache, thirst, irrit-
treatment with active compound or placebo.
R.D. Mattes, L. Bormann / Physiology & Behavior 71 (2000) 87±94
2.8. Energy expenditure
2.10. Statistical analysis
Energy expended in physical activity was determined
Body weight, energy and macronutrient intake, appetitive
by questionnaire [30] completed at baseline and weeks 4,
ratings and sensory function were explored by repeated
measures analysis of variance with treatment as a between
group factor. Where appropriate, paired t-tests were used for
2.9. Sensory function
post hoc comparisons. For the appetitive variables, the
primary metric used was the mean self-reported rating
Participants rated an array of commercially available
during the time each individual was awake on a recording
foods for sensation intensity using nine-point category
day. Associations between the appetitive variables and both
scales with end anchors of no (sweetness, saltiness, fat)
dietary intake indices and weight loss outcome were as-
at all'' and extremely (sweet, salty, high fat).'' Pleasantness
sessed by Pearson correlation coefficients. The criterion for
was also rated on a nine-point category scale with end
statistical significance was set at p < 0.05, but where multi-
anchors of extremely pleasant'' and extremely unplea-
ple comparisons were conducted, the Bonferroni correction
sant.'' Single bite-sized samples of foods were presented in
was applied.
random order and consumed. A water rinse was interspersed
between samplings. Ratings were obtained at baseline and
weeks 4, 8 and 12. Seventeen foods were selected to be
representative of eight overlapping general categories.
A statistically significant loss of weight was observed
over the 12-week study period in both the active (t = 7.80,
Low sweet±low fat
Peaches Lite (Del Monte Foods,
p < 0.001) and placebo (t = 5.65, p < 0.001) treatment
San Francisco, CA), Golden Loaf,
groups. The mean loss with active treatment was 3.7 3.1
fat-free and cholestrol-free
kg whereas the value was 2.4 2.9 kg for the placebo group.
(Entemanns Foods, Totowa, NJ)
The difference in weight loss between groups was also
High sweet±low fat
Glazed Donuts Light (Entemanns
statistically significant (t = 2.26, p = 0.026). The decrease
Foods), Peaches in Heavy Syrup
in fat mass was not significantly different between groups
(Del Monte Foods),
(active = ÿ 4.1% and placebo = ÿ 3.0%), but the reduction
in waist circumference was significant (active = ÿ 3.96 cm,
Ice Cream (Prarie Farms Dairy,
placebo = ÿ 2.22 cm (t = 2.72, p = 0.008)). Relative to base-
line, both groups reported significant reductions in energy
Low sweet±high fat
consumption during the diet period ( ÿ 1756 409 kJ/day
(Entemanns Foods)
Ð active, ÿ 1574 322 kJ/day Ð placebo). Mean daily
High sweet±high fat
Glazed Buttermilk Donuts
intake tended to be lower during active treatment compared
(Entemanns Foods), Vanilla Ice
to placebo (5534 315 versus 6191 239 kJ/day), but the
Cream (Prarie Farms Dairy),
difference was not significant (t = 1.68, p < 0.1). There was
Honey-Roasted Peanuts
no significant group difference in energy expenditure at any
time point or a change over time.
Winston-Salem, NC)
Fig. 1 depicts the hunger patterns of participants at
Low salt±low fat
White Corn, air-popped (American
baseline and the end of the 12-week study. Because parti-
Popcorn, Sioux City, IA), Unsalted
cipants awoke and retired at different times of day, data are
Original Sourdough Recipe Hard
presented only when 10 participants were awake. Between
Pretzels (Wege Pretzel,
800 and 2200 h, 30 individuals were awake in each group.
Ratings were coded as missing when participants were
High salt±low fat
Original Sourdough Pretzels
asleep. While hunger did change over the 24-h recording
(Wege Pretzel), Low-Fat Original
periods (e.g, baseline Ð F(14,728) = 8.44, p < 0.001; week
Potato Crisps (Frito-Lay,
12 Ð F(14,560) = 8.93, p < 0.001), no significant group
differences were observed at any time point during baseline
Low salt±high fat
White Corn, air-popped (American
or weeks 4, 8 or 12. Mean ratings were also comparable
Popcorn), coated with
across the study period. Peak and nadir values were similar
between the groups at baseline and at the end of weeks 4, 8
(Land O' Lakes, Arden Hills,
and 12 and were stable over the study period (Fig. 2). Group
MN), Unsalted Cocktail Peanuts
variance in reported hunger was significantly greater in the
active treatment group at baseline (F test for variance,
High salt±high fat
Cocktail Peanuts (Nabisco Foods),
p < 0.05), but the group variances during treatment were
Potato Chips (Frito-Lay)
not significantly different.
R.D. Mattes, L. Bormann / Physiology & Behavior 71 (2000) 87±94
Fig. 3. Self-reported hourly desire to eat,'' prospective consumption'' and fullness'' ratings obtained over a 24-h period on a nine-point category scale
during the pre-treatment week and week 12 of treatment by participants receiving active treatment or placebo.
The patterns of responses for desire to eat, prospective
treatment effect and time by treatment interaction were
consumption and fullness at baseline and week 12 are
not significant. No other significant treatment or time
presented in Fig. 3. Active treatment participants reported
effects were observed. Ratings of itchiness, which were
a higher desire to eat than the placebo treated participants
not expected to vary in relation to the treatment, also did
only at 600 h during baseline (t = 3.07, p = 0.004). This
not differ between groups or over time.
isolate finding is likely artifactual. Fullness and prospective
With a correction for multiple testing, there were no
consumption ratings were similar at all time points from
significant group differences in the rated sweetness, salti-
baseline to the end of the study.
ness, fat level or pleasantness of the test foods at baseline or
Table 2 contains self-reported 24-h mean appetite-re-
any time during treatment.
lated sensations by active and placebo treated participants
Baseline mean appetitive sensations did not correlate
at baseline and weeks 4, 8 and 12. Mean thirst ratings
significantly with weight change in the full sample (Pearson
were higher during baseline relative to all other assess-
correlation coefficients ranged from ÿ 0.19 (hunger) to 0.05
ments (all p < 0.05) in the full sample. However, the
(fullness), placebo sub-group (r = ÿ 0.24 (hunger) to 0.12
24-h mean (SD) appetite-related sensations (and a malingering check itchiness'' at baseline and weeks 4, 8 and 12 treatment for participants receiving active
treatment and placebo. Ratings of 1.0 = not at all, 9.0 = extremely
R.D. Mattes, L. Bormann / Physiology & Behavior 71 (2000) 87±94
(fullness)) or active treatment sub-group (r = ÿ 0.08 (hun-
individuals [6,20,26,40,41] but pharmacologic enhancement
ger) to 0.26 (fullness)). Among the placebo-treated partici-
of satiety has proven effective at reducing energy intake and
pants, the only appetitive variable significantly correlated
weight [12,25]. The present data on appetitive indices are
with weight change was mean hunger ratings at week 8
unequivocal. No significant treatment effects were observed
(r = ÿ 0.40, p = 0.01). No significant associations were ob-
on mean, peak or nadir hunger ratings, mean ratings of
served in the active treatment group at any time point.
desire to eat, prospective consumption, fullness or sensa-
Similarly, correlations between appetitive variables and
tions of thirst, stomach growling, headache, distraction,
energy intake or change of energy intake were of a low
irritability or, as a check on malingering, itchiness. Prior
order and not-statistically significant. Among active treat-
support for an appetitive effect was based on anecdote [4]
ment participants, correlation coefficients between hunger
and data interpreted without a control treatment or pure
ratings at baseline and treatment weeks 4, 8 and 12 ranged
HCA formulation [2]. The appetitive indices also were not
from ÿ 0.21 to 0.02 for energy intake and from ÿ 0.16 to
significantly associated with energy intake or body weight
0.20 for change of energy intake from baseline. Correlations
change within the active treatment participants. An associa-
between the appetitive variables of desire to eat, prospective
tion between satiety effects and weight reduction has been
consumption and fullness and the intake variables of energy
reported in rats [27,37,38]. However, the effect is transient
consumption and change of energy consumption ranged
[11]. The association was examined at weeks 4, 8 and 12 of
from ÿ 0.30 to 0.27.
this study and was not apparent at any time point. It is
possible that it lasted less than 4 weeks. A diminution of
appetite suppression over this time frame has been noted [2]
yet, interestingly, weight loss reportedly continued in that
study. The weak and transient nature of appetitive effects of
Consistent with the prescribed and reported reduction of
HCA raise questions about its clinical significance. While
energy intake, participants in both the active and placebo
negative findings are always open to methodological ques-
treated groups lost weight over the study period. The active
tions, the consistency of our data across appetitive indices,
treatment group achieved a significantly, albeit modest in
larger sample size and use of more rigorous methodology
absolute terms, greater reduction. This finding is consistent
lends credence to our findings. Unlike most other published
with several early reports [5,38], but not with a recent, larger
work, our study also entailed ingestion of the active pills
and more vigorously controlled trial [13]. However, such
30±60 min prior to meals when, based on animal studies,
comparisons must be made with caution as there were
the HCA reaches peak efficacy [36]. The administered dose
differences in the formulations and doses administered and
was modest and blood samples were not collected to
study populations. Earlier reports were typically based on
confirm effective plasma levels were achieved, but the
combination products (e.g., HCA plus chromium) (e.g., Ref.
weight loss results suggest the dose was adequate to elicit
[2,5,10]) so efficacy cannot be ascribed to the HCA alone.
Interestingly, more consistent weight loss is reported with
Increased blood ketones and hepatic or muscle glycogen
lower doses of HCA (i.e., approximately 750 mg/day
levels have been posited as potential mechanisms for the
[2,5,10]) compared to higher doses (i.e., 1300±1500 mg/
satiety effect of HCA [21,22]. These indices were not
day [14,29,39]). Further, several had small sample sizes
measured in the present study but two recently published
[5,39] and/or lacked a placebo control [2]. The work by
trials [14,18], involving participants on diets with macro-
Heymsfield et al. [14], which yielded no effect, involved
nutrient compositions similar that used here, have failed to
males and females whereas the present report is limited to
note shifts associated with HCA use.
females. In fact, the males in our study exhibited more
Alteration of the rewarding properties of foods can lead
variable weight responses and if included in the sample, the
to reduced intake independent of hunger status [42]. How-
significant difference from placebo treatment was elimi-
ever, the lack of effect of HCA on either taste intensity or
nated. Heymsfield et al. [14] reported controlling for gender
hedonic ratings for foods suggests this also is unlikely to
did not influence their findings, but our data suggest a
account for the present findings.
gender-specific weight-loss response remains a possibility.
To the extent that hunger sensations are sufficiently
Additionally, studies of rats suggest obese animals are more
unpleasant that they compromise dietary compliance, it
resistant to the weight reducing effects of HCA than the lean
was hypothesized HCA would lead to higher rates of dietary
[11]. The study population used by Heymsfield et al. [14]
adherence relative to placebo-treated controls. However,
included a higher proportion of markedly obese individuals
study attrition rates were comparable in the two groups
than the present sample.
(20 from active and 13 from placebo), as noted by others
The primary focus of our work concerned the effects of
[14]. These data suggest the addition of HCA does not
HCA on appetitive variables and whether these could
promote improved compliance with a reduced energy diet.
account for any noted effects on weight loss. The associa-
However, given the lack of effect on hunger, they do not
tion between appetitive sensations, food intake and body
address the more general question of whether amelioration
weight is weak in non-dieting and dieting, free-living
of hunger serves this function.
R.D. Mattes, L. Bormann / Physiology & Behavior 71 (2000) 87±94
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REVUE PUBLIÉE TOUS LES TROIS MOIS PAR UN GROUPE DE PROFESSEURS DE L'INSTITUT D'ÉTUDES THÉOLOGIQUES FACULTÉ DE THÉOLOGIE DE LA COMPAGNIE DE JÉSUS – BRUXELLES OCTOBRE-DÉCEMBRE 2014 J.-M. CARRIÈRE S.J. Une loi qu'on ne peut saisir?Remarques sur la loi nouvelle dans l'Évangile de Jean . . . . . . . . . Le Synode extraordinaire des évêques sur la famille . . . . . . . . .
Contribución de la Cooperación Internacional y de la Sociedad Civil al desarrollo del Perú Contribución de la cooperación internacional y de la sociedad civil al desarrollo del Perú © COEECICalle Coronel Zegarra 270 - Jesús María1a ed. - Junio, 2016 Hecho el Depósito Legal en la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú N° 2016-07950 Licencia Creative Commons 3.0:Atribución - No Comercial - Compartir bajo la misma Licencia.Este material puede ser reproducido, copiado o regalado siempre y cuando sea sin fines de lucro y se reconozcan a los distintos autores.