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NQF #0548 Suboptimal Asthma Control (SAC) and Absence of Controller Therapy (ACT), Last Updated Date: Apr 03, NATIONAL QUALITY FORUM
Measure Submission and Evaluation Worksheet 5.0

This form contains the information submit ed by measure developers/stewards, organized according to NQF's measure evaluation
criteria and process. The evaluation criteria, evaluation guidance documents, and a blank online submission form are available on
NQF #:
0548 NQF Project: Pulmonary Project
(for Endorsement Maintenance Review)
Original Endorsement Date: Aug 05, 2009 Most Recent Endorsement Date: Aug 05, 2009 Last Updated Date: Apr 03, 2012
De.1 Measure Title: Suboptimal Asthma Control (SAC) and Absence of Control er Therapy (ACT)
Co.1.1 Measure Steward: Pharmacy Quality Alliance, Inc.
De.2 Brief Description of Measure:
Rate 1: The percentage of patients with persistent asthma who were dispensed more than 3
canisters of a short-acting beta2 agonist inhaler during the same 90-day period. Rate 2: The percentage of patients with persistent asthma during the measurement year who were dispensed more than three canisters of short acting beta2 agonist inhalers over a 90-day period and who did not receive control er therapy during the same 90-
The full detailed measure specifications have also been submit ed as a separate at achment.
2a1.1 Numerator Statement: Rate1: From the date of each prescription fil , count al of the canisters of short acting Beta2 Agonist
Inhalers dispensed at that fil and dispensed within 90 days of that fil . If the patient receives 3 or more canisters in at least one 90 day period, then the patient is compliant for the numerator. Short-Acting Inhaled Beta Agonists: albuterol MDI, albuterol HFA, pirbuterol, levalbuterol HFA Rate 2: Patients who were not dispensed a control er therapy medication during the same 90-day period where they received more than three canisters of short-acting beta-agonist medication.
2a1.4 Denominator Statement: Rate 1: Step 1: Identify patients 5 - 50 years of age as of the last day of the measurement year.
Step 2: Identify patients who were dispensed at least two consecutive fil s for any asthma medication during the measurement year. Step 3: Exclude patients identified in step 1 who meet any of the following criteria: • Any patient who fil ed one or more COPD medications during the measurement year. • Any patient who fil ed one or more prescriptions for pulmozyme during the measurement year. • Any patient who fil ed one or more nasal steroid medications during the measurement year. Short-Acting Inhaled Beta Agonists: albuterol MDI, albuterol HFA, pirbuterol, levalbuterol HFA Long-Acting Beta Agonists: salmeterol, formoterol Inhaled Corticosteroids: beclomethasone, budesonide, flunisolide, fluticasone, fluticasone/salmeterol, mometasone, triamcinolone Leukotriene Inhibitors: zafirlukast, montelukast, zileuton Xanthines: long acting theophyl ine Mast Cell Stabilizers: nedocromil, cromolyn COPD Medications: tiotropium, ipratropium/albuterol MDI, ipratropium MDI Nasal Steroids: beclomethasone, budesonide, flunisolide, fluticasone, mometasone, triamcinolone Rate 2: Step 1: Identify patients 5 - 50 years of age as of the last day of the measurement year. Step 2: Identify patients who were dispensed at least two consecutive fil s for any asthma medication (Table ACT-A: Asthma See Guidance for Definitions of Rating Scale: H=High; M=Moderate; L=Low; I=Insufficient; NA=Not Applicable NQF #0548 Suboptimal Asthma Control (SAC) and Absence of Controller Therapy (ACT), Last Updated Date: Apr 03, Medications) during the measurement year. Step 3: Exclude patients identified in step 1 who meet any of the fol owing criteria • Any patient who fil ed one or more COPD medications during the measurement year. • Any patient who fil ed one or more prescriptions for pulmozyme during the measurement year. • Any patient who fil ed one or more nasal steroid medications during the measurement year. Step 4: For the remaining patients, identify those who were dispensed more than five canisters of a short-acting beta-agonist medication during the same 90-day period in the measurement year. It is those patients who, from the date of each prescription fil , had at least 3 canisters of short acting Beta2 Agonist Inhalers dispensed at that fil or dispensed within 90 days of that fill. Note: This is a count of canisters dispensed, not prescriptions fil ed. If a patient received 2 canisters at one fil , it counts as 2 canisters.
2a1.8 Denominator Exclusions:
1.1 Measure Type: Process
2a1. 25-26 Data Source: Electronic Clinical Data : Pharmacy
2a1.33 Level of Analysis: Health Plan

1.2-1.4 Is this measure paired with another measure?

De.3 If included in a composite, please identify the composite measure
(title and NQF number if endorsed):
STAFF NOTES (issues or questions regarding any criteria)
Comments on Conditions for Consideration:
Is the measure untested? Yes No If untested, explain how it meets criteria for consideration for time-limited
1a. Specific national health goal/priority identified by DHHS or NPP addressed by the measure (check De.5):
5. Similar/relator submitted measures (check 5.1):
Other Criteria:
Staff Reviewer Name(s):

Importance to Measure and Report is a threshold criterion that must be met in order to recommend a measure for endorsement. All three subcriteria must be met to pass this criterion. See Measures must be judged to be important to measure and report in order to be evaluated against the remaining criteria.

1a. High Impact: H M L I
(The measure directly addresses a specific national health goal/priority identified by DHHS or NPP, or some other high impact aspect of healthcare.)
De.4 Subject/Topic Areas
(Check al the areas that apply): Pulmonary/Critical Care : Asthma
De.5 Cross Cutting Areas (Check al the areas that apply):
1a.1 Demonstrated High Impact Aspect of Healthcare:
Af ects large numbers, A leading cause of morbidity/mortality,
Patient/societal consequences of poor quality See Guidance for Definitions of Rating Scale: H=High; M=Moderate; L=Low; I=Insufficient; NA=Not Applicable NQF #0548 Suboptimal Asthma Control (SAC) and Absence of Controller Therapy (ACT), Last Updated Date: Apr 03,
1a.2 If "Other," please describe:

1a.3 Summary of Evidence of High Impact
(Provide epidemiologic or resource use data):
Asthma is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases; becoming increasingly more commonplace over the past twenty years. In 2009, an estimated 12.8 mil ion Americans (including 4.1 mil ion children under 18) had an asthma at ack. This represents 48% of the 24.6 mil ion people who currently have asthma. (ALA 2011) In 2006, 13.3 mil ion clinical visits (hospital, outpatient, emergency department, and physician of ices) were at ributed to asthma. Low-income populations, minorities, and children living in inner cities experience have higher prevalence of asthma and more emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and deaths due to asthma. The burden of asthma fal s disproportionately on non-Hispanic black, American Indian/Alaskan Native, and Puerto Rican populations (CDC, 2008). The incidence rate, and subsequently the number of asthma-related health visits, is expected to increase by an additional 100 mil ion global y by 2025 (World Health Organization, 2007). Pharmacologic therapy is used to prevent and control asthma symptoms, improve quality of life, reduce the frequency and severity of asthma exacerbations, and reverse airflow obstruction (NHLBI/NAEPP). Medications for asthma are usual y categorized into long-term control er medications used to achieve and maintain control of persistent asthma and quick-reliever medications used to treat acute symptoms and exacerbations. Regularly scheduled, daily, chronic use of SABA is not recommended. (NHLBI/NAEPP The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Asthma Education and Prevention Program, Expert Panel Report 3: Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma states the frequency of SABA use can be clinical y useful as a barometer of disease activity, because increasing use of SABA has been associated with increased risk for death or near death in patients who have asthma. Use of more than one SABA canister every 1–2 months is also associated with an increased risk of an acute exacerbation that requires an ED visit or hospitalization. Thus, the use of more than one SABA canister (e.g., albuterol, 200 puf s per canister), predominantly for quick-relief treatment during a 1-month period, most likely indicates overreliance on this drug and suggests inadequate control of asthma. (NHLBI/NAEPP 2007)
1a.4 Citations for Evidence of High Impact cited in 1a.3:
American Lung Association. Epidemiology & Statistics Unit, Research
and Program Services. 2010. Asthma. Available from: ht p:/ disease/asthma/. (January 2012) American Lung Association. Trends in Asthma Morbidity and Mortality Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Research and Program Services Division July 2011 (January 2012) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Asthma: A Presentation of Asthma Management and Prevention. 2009. Available from: ht p:/ . (January 2012) World Health Organization. 2007. Global surveil ance, prevention and control of chronic respiratory diseases: a comprehensive National Heart Lung and Blood Institute/National Asthma Education and Prevention Program. Expert panel report 3: guidelines for the diagnosis and management of asthma. Washington (DC) (January 2012)
1b. Opportunity for Improvement: H M L I
(There is a demonstrated performance gap - variability or overal less than optimal performance)
1b.1 Briefly explain the benefits (improvements in quality) envisioned by use of this measure:
This measure wil help clinicians, health plans, prescription drug plans and pharmacists identify patients who are exhibiting medication-use pat erns that indicate poorly control ed asthma, and to determine if those patients are receiving preventive/control er
1b.2 Summary of Data Demonstrating Performance Gap
(Variation or overal less than optimal performance across providers):
[For Maintenance – Descriptive statistics for performance results for this measure - distribution of scores for measured entities by
quartile/decile, mean, median, SD, min, max, etc.]
PQA collaborated with Advanced Pharmacy Concepts to conduct additional testing of the PQA asthma measures in 2010. The testing used data from 3 health plans with members in the commercial (employer-based) segment. The results reveal a significant performance gap in both the excessive use of short-acting beta agonists (suboptimal control) as wel as the underuse of controller medications. The results of the analysis are shown below. Table 1. Health Plan Performance- Suboptimal Control See Guidance for Definitions of Rating Scale: H=High; M=Moderate; L=Low; I=Insufficient; NA=Not Applicable NQF #0548 Suboptimal Asthma Control (SAC) and Absence of Controller Therapy (ACT), Last Updated Date: Apr 03, Denominator Numerator Performance Rate Plan A 28,284 4,166 14.7% Plan B 2,867 509 17.8% Plan C 1,713 145 8.5% Total: 32,864 4,820 14.7% Table 2 - Use of Control er Medications Denominator Numerator Performance Rate Plan A 4,166 1,904 45.7% Plan B 509 299 58.7% The data were also analyzed at the pharmacy level using the data from the 3 health plans. There were 804 pharmacies that had at least 10 asthma patients that met the eligibility criteria. The rate of suboptimal control ranged from 0% to 23.3% across the 804 pharmacies. The rate of controller medication utilization ranged from 33.3% to 75% across the evaluated pharmacies. Thus, there was significant variation and significant room for improvement in both rates. Further testing is underway within the Mississippi Medicaid population and wil be completed in 2012.
1b.3 Citations for Data on Performance Gap: [For Maintenance –
Description of the data or sample for measure results reported
in 1b.2 including number of measured entities; number of patients; dates of data; if a sample, characteristics of the entities included]
The testing results were not published, but the ful report is available from PQA.
1b.4 Summary of Data on Disparities by Population Group: [For
Maintenance –Descriptive statistics for performance results
for this measure by population group]
Since prescription drug claims data do not contain data on race or ethnicity, no analyses of racial/ethnic disparities have yet been conducted with this measure. However, our current analyses with the Mississippi Medicaid population wil provide us with estimates that could be compared to the results in the commercial y-insured population that we conducted in 2010. This wil help us identify how scores may dif er by insurance status.
1b.5 Citations for Data on Disparities Cited in 1b.4: [For
Maintenance – Description of the data or sample for measure results
reported in 1b.4 including number of measured entities; number of patients; dates of data; if a sample, characteristics of the entities N/A
1c. Evidence (Measure focus is a health outcome OR meets the criteria for quantity, quality, consistency of the body of evidence.)
Is the measure focus a health outcome? Yes No If not a health outcome, rate the body of evidence.
Quantity: H M L I Quality: H M L I Consistency: H M L I
Quantity Quality Consistency Does the measure pass subcriterion1c?

Yes IF additional research unlikely to change conclusion that benefits to patients outweigh
harms: otherwise No
Yes IF potential benefits to patients clearly outweigh potential harms: otherwise No
Health outcome – rationale supports relationship to at least
Does the measure pass subcriterion1c?
one healthcare structure, process, intervention, or service Yes IF rationale supports relationship
1c.1 Structure-Process-Outcome Relationship (Briefly state the measure focus, e.g., health outcome, intermediate clinical
See Guidance for Definitions of Rating Scale: H=High; M=Moderate; L=Low; I=Insufficient; NA=Not Applicable NQF #0548 Suboptimal Asthma Control (SAC) and Absence of Controller Therapy (ACT), Last Updated Date: Apr 03, outcome, process, structure; then identify the appropriate links, e.g., structure-process-health outcome; process- health outcome; intermediate clinical outcome-health outcome):
The focus of the measure is to (1) determine the percentage of the population regularly using short acting beta agonist inhalers. Regular use of short acting beta agonists is linked in inadequately control ed asthma. (2) determine the percentage of patients regularly using SABAs that are not prescribed an inhaled corticosteroid. Inhaled corticosteroids are indicated when asthma is not controlled with first line therapy.
1c.2-3 Type of Evidence
(Check all that apply):
Clinical Practice Guideline, Systematic review of body of evidence (other than within guideline development)
1c.4 Directness of Evidence to the Specified Measure
(State the central topic, population, and outcomes addressed in the body
of evidence and identify any dif erences from the measure focus and measure target population):

1c.5 Quantity of Studies in the Body of Evidence (Total number of studies, not articles): NHLBI guidelines for asthma
management (v. 2007) were based on over 400 studies.
1c.6 Quality of Body of Evidence (Summarize the certainty or confidence in the estimates of benefits and harms to patients
across studies in the body of evidence resulting from study factors. Please address: a) study design/flaws; b) directness/indirectness of the evidence to this measure (e.g., interventions, comparisons, outcomes assessed, population included in the evidence); and c) imprecision/wide confidence intervals due to few patients or events): The evidence for NHLBI guidelines
for asthma management with medications was graded as "A" which is the highest rating for evidence.
1c.7 Consistency of Results across Studies (Summarize the consistency of the magnitude and direction of the ef ect):

1c.8 Net Benefit (Provide estimates of ef ect for benefit/outcome; identify harms addressed and estimates of ef ect; and net benefit
- benefit over harms):

1c.9 Grading of Strength/Quality of the Body of Evidence. Has the body of evidence been graded? Yes

1c.10 If body of evidence graded, identify the entity that graded the evidence including balance of representation and any

disclosures regarding bias: According to the National Guideline Clearinghouse, the NHLBI guidelines for medication use in
asthma was graded as "A" by the NHBLI panel.
1c.11 System Used for Grading the Body of Evidence:

1c.12 If other, identify and describe the grading scale with definitions:
Expert consensus by NHLBI.

1c.13 Grade Assigned to the Body of Evidence:

1c.14 Summary of Controversy/Contradictory Evidence:

1c.15 Citations for Evidence other than Guidelines(Guidelines addressed below)

1c.16 Quote verbatim, the specific guideline recommendation (Including guideline # and/or page #):
Safety of Inhaled Short-Acting Beta2-Agonists Key Points: Safety of Inhaled Short-Acting Beta2-Agonists SABAs are the most ef ective medication for relieving acute bronchospasm (Evidence A). Increasing use of SABA treatment or using SABA >2 days a week for symptom relief (not prevention of EIB) general y indicates inadequate control of asthma and the need for initiating or intensifying anti-inflammatory therapy (Evidence C). See Guidance for Definitions of Rating Scale: H=High; M=Moderate; L=Low; I=Insufficient; NA=Not Applicable NQF #0548 Suboptimal Asthma Control (SAC) and Absence of Controller Therapy (ACT), Last Updated Date: Apr 03, Regularly scheduled, daily, chronic use of SABA is not recommended (Evidence A). The Expert Panel recommends the use of SABA as the most ef ective medication for relieving acute bronchoconstriction; SABAs have few negative cardiovascular ef ects (Evidence A). The Expert Panel does not recommend regularly scheduled, daily, long-term use of SABA (Evidence A).
1c.17 Clinical Practice Guideline Citation:
National Heart Lung and Blood Institute/National Asthma Education and Prevention
Program. 2007. Measures of asthma assessment and monitoring: Expert panel report 3: guidelines for the diagnosis and management of asthma. Washington (DC): National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI);
1c.18 National Guideline Clearinghouse or other URL: ht p:/

1c.19 Grading of Strength of Guideline Recommendation. Has the recommendation been graded? Yes

1c.20 If guideline recommendation graded, identify the entity that graded the evidence including balance of representation
and any disclosures regarding bias: NHLBI

1c.21 System Used for Grading the Strength of Guideline Recommendation:

1c.22 If other, identify and describe the grading scale with definitions:
NHLBI panel

1c.23 Grade Assigned to the Recommendation:

1c.24 Rationale for Using this Guideline Over Others:
Based on the NQF descriptions for rating the evidence, what was the developer's assessment of the quantity, quality, and

consistency of the body of evidence?
1c.25 Quantity: High 1c.26 Quality: High1c.27 Consistency: High
Was the threshold criterion, Importance to Measure and Report
, met?
(1a & 1b must be rated moderate or high and 1c yes) Yes No
Provide rationale based on specific subcriteria:
For a new measure if the Committee votes NO, then STOP.

For a measure undergoing endorsement maintenance, if the Committee votes NO because of 1b. (no opportunity for
improvement), it may be considered for continued endorsement and al criteria need to be evaluated.

Extent to which the measure, as specified, produces consistent (reliable) and credible (valid) results about the quality of care when Measure testing must demonstrate adequate reliability and validity in order to be recommended for endorsement. Testing may be conducted for data elements and/or the computed measure score. Testing information and results should be entered in the appropriate field. Supplemental materials may be referenced or at ached in item 2.1. See
S.1 Measure Web Page
(In the future, NQF wil require measure stewards to provide a URL link to a web page where cur ent
detailed specifications can be obtained). Do you have a web page where current detailed specifications for this measure can be
S.2 If yes, provide web page URL:
2a. RELIABILITY. Precise Specifications and Reliability Testing: H M L I
2a1. Precise Measure Specifications.
(The measure specifications precise and unambiguous.)
2a1.1 Numerator Statement (Brief, narrative description of the measure focus or what is being measured about the target
See Guidance for Definitions of Rating Scale: H=High; M=Moderate; L=Low; I=Insufficient; NA=Not Applicable NQF #0548 Suboptimal Asthma Control (SAC) and Absence of Controller Therapy (ACT), Last Updated Date: Apr 03, population, e.g., cases from the target population with the target process, condition, event, or outcome):
Rate1: From the date of each prescription fil , count al of the canisters of short acting Beta2 Agonist Inhalers dispensed at that fil and dispensed within 90 days of that fil . If the patient receives 3 or more canisters in at least one 90 day period, then the patient is compliant for the numerator. Short-Acting Inhaled Beta Agonists: albuterol MDI, albuterol HFA, pirbuterol, levalbuterol HFA Rate 2: Patients who were not dispensed a control er therapy medication during the same 90-day period where they received more than three canisters of short-acting beta-agonist medication.
2a1.2 Numerator Time Window
(The time period in which the target process, condition, event, or outcome is eligible for inclusion):

2a1.3 Numerator Details
(Al information required to identify and calculate the cases from the target population with the target
process, condition, event, or outcome such as definitions, codes with descriptors, and/or specific data col ection items/responses:
Long-Acting Beta Agonists: salmeterol, formoterol Inhaled Corticosteroids: beclomethasone, budesonide, flunisolide, fluticasone, fluticasone/salmeterol, mometasone, triamcinolone Leukotriene Inhibitors: zafirlukast, montelukast, zileuton Xanthines: long acting theophyl ine Mast Cell Stabilizers: nedocromil, cromolyn
Short-Acting Inhaled Beta Agonists: albuterol MDI, albuterol HFA, pirbuterol, levalbuterol HFA
2a1.4 Denominator Statement (Brief, narrative description of the target population being measured):
Rate 1: Step 1: Identify patients 5 - 50 years of age as of the last day of the measurement year. Step 2: Identify patients who were dispensed at least two consecutive fil s for any asthma medication during the measurement year. Step 3: Exclude patients identified in step 1 who meet any of the fol owing criteria: • Any patient who fil ed one or more COPD medications during the measurement year. • Any patient who fil ed one or more prescriptions for pulmozyme during the measurement year. • Any patient who fil ed one or more nasal steroid medications during the measurement year. Short-Acting Inhaled Beta Agonists: albuterol MDI, albuterol HFA, pirbuterol, levalbuterol HFA Long-Acting Beta Agonists: salmeterol, formoterol Inhaled Corticosteroids: beclomethasone, budesonide, flunisolide, fluticasone, fluticasone/salmeterol, mometasone, triamcinolone Leukotriene Inhibitors: zafirlukast, montelukast, zileuton Xanthines: long acting theophyl ine Mast Cell Stabilizers: nedocromil, cromolyn COPD Medications: tiotropium, ipratropium/albuterol MDI, ipratropium MDI Nasal Steroids: beclomethasone, budesonide, flunisolide, fluticasone, mometasone, triamcinolone Rate 2: Step 1: Identify patients 5 - 50 years of age as of the last day of the measurement year. Step 2: Identify patients who were dispensed at least two consecutive fil s for any asthma medication (Table ACT-A: Asthma Medications) during the measurement year. Step 3: Exclude patients identified in step 1 who meet any of the fol owing criteria • Any patient who fil ed one or more COPD medications during the measurement year. • Any patient who fil ed one or more prescriptions for pulmozyme during the measurement year. • Any patient who fil ed one or more nasal steroid medications during the measurement year. Step 4: For the remaining patients, identify those who were dispensed more than five canisters of a short-acting beta-agonist See Guidance for Definitions of Rating Scale: H=High; M=Moderate; L=Low; I=Insufficient; NA=Not Applicable NQF #0548 Suboptimal Asthma Control (SAC) and Absence of Controller Therapy (ACT), Last Updated Date: Apr 03, medication during the same 90-day period in the measurement year. It is those patients who, from the date of each prescription fil , had at least 3 canisters of short acting Beta2 Agonist Inhalers dispensed at that fil or dispensed within 90 days of that fil . Note: This is a count of canisters dispensed, not prescriptions fil ed. If a patient received 2 canisters at one fil , it counts as 2
2a1.5 Target Population Category
(Check al the populations for which the measure is specified and tested if any): Adult/Elderly
Care, Children's Health
2a1.6 Denominator Time Window
(The time period in which cases are eligible for inclusion):

2a1.7 Denominator Details (
Al information required to identify and calculate the target population/denominator such as definitions,
codes with descriptors, and/or specific data col ection items/responses):
Short-Acting Inhaled Beta Agonists: albuterol MDI, albuterol HFA, pirbuterol, levalbuterol HFA Long-Acting Beta Agonists: salmeterol, formoterol Inhaled Corticosteroids: beclomethasone, budesonide, flunisolide, fluticasone, fluticasone/salmeterol, mometasone, triamcinolone Leukotriene Inhibitors: zafirlukast, montelukast, zileuton Xanthines: long acting theophyl ine Mast Cell Stabilizers: nedocromil, cromolyn COPD Medications: tiotropium, ipratropium/albuterol MDI, ipratropium MDI Nasal Steroids: beclomethasone, budesonide, flunisolide, fluticasone, mometasone, triamcinolone
2a1.8 Denominator Exclusions (Brief narrative description of exclusions from the target population):

2a1.9 Denominator Exclusion Details
(Al information required to identify and calculate exclusions from the denominator such as
definitions, codes with descriptors, and/or specific data collection items/responses):

2a1.10 Stratification Details/Variables (Al information required to stratify the measure results including the stratification variables,
codes with descriptors, definitions, and/or specific data col ection items/responses ):

2a1.11 Risk Adjustment Type (Select type. Provide specifications for risk stratification in 2a1.10 and for statistical model in
2a1.13): No risk adjustment or risk stratification 2a1.12 If "Other," please describe:

2a1.13 Statistical Risk Model and Variables
(Name the statistical method - e.g., logistic regression and list al the risk factor
variables. Note - risk model development should be addressed in 2b4.):

2a1.14-16 Detailed Risk Model Available at Web page URL
(or at achment). Include coef icients, equations, codes with
descriptors, definitions, and/or specific data col ection items/responses. At ach documents only if they are not available on a webpage and keep at ached file to 5 MB or less. NQF strongly prefers you make documents available at a Web page URL. Please
supply login/password if needed:

2a1.17-18. Type of Score:

2a1.19 Interpretation of Score
(Classifies interpretation of score according to whether bet er quality is associated with a higher
score, a lower score, a score fal ing within a defined interval, or a passing score):
See Guidance for Definitions of Rating Scale: H=High; M=Moderate; L=Low; I=Insufficient; NA=Not Applicable NQF #0548 Suboptimal Asthma Control (SAC) and Absence of Controller Therapy (ACT), Last Updated Date: Apr 03,
2a1.20 Calculation Algorithm/Measure Logic
(Describe the calculation of the measure score as an ordered sequence of steps
including identifying the target population; exclusions; cases meeting the target process, condition, event, or outcome; aggregating data; risk adjustment; etc.):

2a1.21-23 Calculation Algorithm/Measure Logic Diagram URL or attachment:

2a1.24 Sampling (Survey) Methodology. If measure is based on a sample (or survey), provide instructions for obtaining the
sample, conducting the survey and guidance on minimum sample size (response rate):

2a1.25 Data Source (Check al the sources for which the measure is specified and tested). If other, please describe:
Electronic Clinical Data : Pharmacy
2a1.26 Data Source/Data Collection Instrument (Identify the specific data source/data collection instrument, e.g. name of
database, clinical registry, col ection instrument, etc.):

2a1.27-29 Data Source/data Collection Instrument Reference Web Page URL or Attachment:

2a1.30-32 Data Dictionary/Code Table Web Page URL or Attachment:
2a1.33 Level of Analysis (Check the levels of analysis for which the measure is specified and tested): Health Plan

2a1.34-35 Care Setting (Check al the settings for which the measure is specified and tested): Ambulatory Care : Ambulatory
Surgery Center (ASC), Ambulatory Care : Clinician Of ice/Clinic, Pharmacy
2a2. Reliability Testing. (Reliability testing was conducted with appropriate method, scope, and adequate demonstration of
2a2.1 Data/Sample (Description of the data or sample including number of measured entities; number of patients; dates of data; if
a sample, characteristics of the entities included):
Initial testing was conducted in 2007-08 using prescription claims data from multiple health plans. The testing was conducted by NCQA and Advance Pharmacy Concepts. Details were provided in the initial submission. The results from this 2008 testing are listed in 2a2.2 and 2a2.3
2a2.2 Analytic Method (Describe method of reliability testing & rationale):
NCQA testing of the Suboptimal Asthma Control (SAC) and Absence of Control er Therapy (ACT) Measures from August 2008 NOTE: These measures had denominator criteria of more than 5 canisters of a short acting beta agonist used during the 3-month period rather than the current measures that use criteria of more than 3 SABA canisters. Measure Testing Summary – 2008 Suboptimal Asthma Control and Absence of Control er Therapy In order to provide varying perspectives of pharmacy services and the measures, the field-test was structured to include a cross- section of health plans and pharmacies. Pharmaceutical claims data for prescriptions fil ed at both retail and mail-order pharmacies See Guidance for Definitions of Rating Scale: H=High; M=Moderate; L=Low; I=Insufficient; NA=Not Applicable NQF #0548 Suboptimal Asthma Control (SAC) and Absence of Controller Therapy (ACT), Last Updated Date: Apr 03, were analyzed from three plans and one national prescription drug plan. Plan enrol ment ranged from approximately 3,330 to nearly 1.7 mil ion members, and included commercial, Medicaid and Medicare populations Plans participated in the field-test by providing pharmacy claims data under the terms of a formal data-sharing agreement. The field-test research protocol for this research was reviewed and approved by the Chesapeake Research Review Institutional Review Board (IRB). Al claims information was blinded; plan names were stripped from associated data. Data were analyzed and reported at the aggregate pharmacy level and at the plan level for each health plan or prescription drug plan. ELIGIBLE POPULATION The unit of analysis for each measure was the plan and pharmacies, at an aggregate level. Enrol ment information was not available in the pharmacy claims database so an algorithm was developed to serve as a proxy: al enrolled health plan members that fil ed any two prescriptions, with 150 days between the first fil and the last fil over a 12-month period, were eligible for the The algorithm ensured that the members included in the measures had adequate claims information for calculating the ful measure specification. Since the algorithm used only prescriptions as the basis for inclusion in the eligible population and did not use diagnosis codes to identify specific clinical conditions, there is a potential for members who do not suf er from the clinical condition of interest (e.g., asthma, diabetes, heart failure) to be included in the measure. However, some measures examined conditions for which coding has not been accurately defined, making the prescription algorithm a more accurate method for identification. AGGREGATE PHARMACY PERFORMANCE RATE CALCULATION General y, a denominator of 30 or more results in enough observations (or opportunities to serve patients) to achieve a normal distribution and calculate a valid rate; therefore, performance rates for each measure were calculated only for pharmacies that had a minimum sample size of 30 patients who met the eligible population criterion. In addition, performance rates were not calculated for plans with 10 or fewer pharmacies meeting the minimum sample size criterion. This additional requirement was added because an accurate reflection of pharmacy performance cannot be determined with 10 or fewer pharmacies. HEALTH PLAN PERFORMANCE RATE CALCULATION In addition to the aggregate pharmacy performance rate, an overal health plan performance rate was calculated for each plan. The health plan rate provides a benchmark for comparison to the aggregate pharmacy rates and also acts as an additional data quality check. Because al of the participating plans had large enrol ment, there was no minimum sample size criterion for calculating the heath plan rate. ATTRIBUTION METHODOLOGY In most cases, an ongoing relationship between a pharmacy and a patient must be established before the pharmacy can be considered accountable for the ongoing management of services that patients receive. The exception to this is a "never-never" situation—a dispensation that should never occur: two contraindicated medications being dispensed at the same time. Specific rules were established to define how the pharmacy- patient link should be applied in order to determine which pharmacy wil be considered accountable for pharmacy services rendered to a patient. These rules were applied in addition to the continuous enrollment criterion previously discussed. It is necessary to accurately attribute patients to a particular pharmacy and to provide pharmacies with a reasonable number of opportunities to render services. To achieve this, a balance must be sought between providing a sufficient number of opportunities with patients and holding pharmacies accountable for services provided to patients. The more rigorous the methodology (i.e., requiring more fil s or a higher percentage of fil s before a patient is at ributed to a pharmacy), the more restrictive the attribution is, leading to a reduced number of at ributable patients/events. It is equal y likely that pharmacy performance can benefit from prior services that patients received elsewhere, as it can suffer from patients for whom there was inadequate time to af ect health For this project, the fol owing at ribution methods were applied across al measures. 1. For measures where a performance event (i.e., prescription fil ) qualifies for the denominator of the measure, the pharmacy that fil s the prescription is assumed to be accountable (for safety or ef iciency measures). 2. For measures where patients who quality for the denominator of a measure receive prescriptions from only one pharmacy during See Guidance for Definitions of Rating Scale: H=High; M=Moderate; L=Low; I=Insufficient; NA=Not Applicable NQF #0548 Suboptimal Asthma Control (SAC) and Absence of Controller Therapy (ACT), Last Updated Date: Apr 03, the measurement period, patients are at ributed to that pharmacy. 3. For measures where patients who qualify for the denominator use more than one pharmacy during the measurement year for medications within an identified drug class, patients are at ributed to the pharmacy that fil ed the majority of the prescriptions in that drug class or drug classes. Some issues that arose in determining the appropriate attribution method for each measure included the impact of patients utilizing more than one pharmacy; patients who travel frequently or live in dif erent geographic locations for a portion of the year; and patients who use both mail order and retail pharmacies. At ribution issues also arose when initial data analysis revealed high utilization of mail order pharmacies in the two plans that of ered mail order as an option to members. Given the high utilization in the two plans and PQA's mission to report meaningful information to help consumers, employers, plans and other health care decision makers make informed choices; the TEP recommended that mail order pharmacies be held to same standard of care as retail or community pharmacies. Accordingly, mail order pharmacy claims were included in the analysis and patients were at ributed to the mail order pharmacies in the same way as they were at ributed to retail or community pharmacies.
2a2.3 Testing Results
(Reliability statistics, assessment of adequacy in the context of norms for the test conducted):
2008 TESTING RESULTS Suboptimal Asthma Control assesses the percentage of patients with persistent asthma who were dispensed more than five canisters of a short-acting beta2 agonist inhaler over any three-month period. Measure Considerations Overal , denominators sizes for measure were quite smal . Suboptimal Asthma Control The number of eligible patients with at least one prescription during the measurement period ranged from 1–18,991. The overal health plan performance rate ranged from 0.0 percent–6.9 percent, which demonstrates minimal variation and room for improvement. While the rates among health plans show smal percentages of suboptimal care, an opportunity exists to identify those patients who are using a high quantity of the targeted medications. Table SAC-A Health Plan Performance - Suboptimal Asthma Control Plans Denominator/Eligible patients Numerator Performance Rate Plan 3 18,991 1,302 Plan 4 7,598 444 5.8% At the pharmacy level, the number of pharmacies with each plan that had any eligible patients ranged from 1–5,707. Only one plan had any pharmacies that met the minimum sample size criterion of 30 or more eligible patients: Plan 3, with 99 pharmacies. The performance rates for their retail and mail order pharmacies were 3.7 percent and 26.3 percent, respectively, demonstrating variation between the two types of pharmacies and room for improvement. The Suboptimal Asthma Control measure presented challenges related to at ribution. At ribution for this measure is dependent not only where the patient fil s their asthma medications, but also on how many canisters of short- acting beta2 agonists inhalers they fil and where they fil them. Concerns were raised about how best to at ribute these patients given that they may be fil ing the medications that qualify them for the numerator at a dif erent pharmacy than the medications that made them eligible for the measure. Additional testing was performed to investigate how many patients fil ed the prescription for their canisters at a different pharmacy than their other asthma medications. The overwhelming majority fil ed the prescriptions at the same pharmacy; however, up to 8 percent fil ed their short-acting beta2 agonist medication at a dif erent pharmacy, then where they fil ed their other asthma medications meaning that those patients would be misat ributed. See Guidance for Definitions of Rating Scale: H=High; M=Moderate; L=Low; I=Insufficient; NA=Not Applicable NQF #0548 Suboptimal Asthma Control (SAC) and Absence of Controller Therapy (ACT), Last Updated Date: Apr 03, Absence of Control er Therapy TESTING RESULTS Absence of Control er Therapy assesses the percentage of patients with persistent asthma who should be receiving control er therapy. Specifical y, those patients who were dispensed more than five canisters of a short- acting beta-agonist medication during any consecutive three-month period who were not dispensed a control er therapy. Absence of Control er Therapy The number of eligible patients with at least one prescription during the measurement period ranged from 0–1,302. The overal health plan performance rate ranged from 0.0 percent–48.4 percent, which demonstrates substantial variation and room for improvement. At the pharmacy level, the number of pharmacies with each plan that had any eligible patients ranged from 0–450. None of the plans had pharmacies that met the minimum sample size criterion of 30 or more eligible patients, therefore, performance rates could not be calculated. Given the relatively smal numbers of pharmacies with any eligible patients, this measure has lit le utility at the pharmacy level but is useful at the health plan level. Table ACT-A: Health Plan Performance-Absence of Control er Therapy Plans Denominator/Eligible Patients Numerator Performance Rate 2b. VALIDITY. Validity, Testing, including al Threats to Validity: H M L I
2b1.1 Describe how the measure specifications
(measure focus, target population, and exclusions) are consistent with the
evidence cited in support of the measure focus (criterion 1c) and identify any differences from the evidence:
original testing information was provided within original submission. Additional evidence in support of this measure comes from a study of the relationship of beta-agonist use and hospitalization risk: Schatz et al. Validation of a ß-agonist long-term asthma control scale derived from computerized pharmacy data. Journal of Al ergy and Clinical Immunology. 2006;117:995-1000. This study showed that asthma patients who used greater than 1 SABA per month (>12 per year) had a hospitalization rate that was nearly double that of patients who used 0.5 to 1 SABA per month (hospitalization rate of 13.1% vs 7.0%).
2b2. Validity Testing. (Validity testing was conducted with appropriate method, scope, and adequate demonstration of validity.)
2b2.1 Data/Sample
(Description of the data or sample including number of measured entities; number of patients; dates of data; if
a sample, characteristics of the entities included):
Initial testing was conducted in 2007-08 using prescription claims data from multiple health plans. The testing was conducted by NCQA and Advance Pharmacy Concepts. Details were provided in the initial submission.
2b2.2 Analytic Method (Describe method of validity testing and rationale; if face validity, describe systematic assessment):
Please see information provided in section 2a2.2
2b2.3 Testing Results
(Statistical results, assessment of adequacy in the context of norms for the test conducted; if face validity,
describe results of systematic assessment):
Please see information provided in section 2a2.3
POTENTIAL THREATS TO VALIDITY. (Al potential threats to validity were appropriately tested with adequate results.)
2b3. Measure Exclusions. (Exclusions were supported by the clinical evidence in 1c or appropriately tested with results
demonstrating the need to specify them.)
2b3.1 Data/Sample for analysis of exclusions
(Description of the data or sample including number of measured entities; number
of patients; dates of data; if a sample, characteristics of the entities included):
Initial testing was conducted in 2007-08 using prescription claims data from multiple health plans. The testing was conducted by NCQA and Advance Pharmacy Concepts. Details were provided in the initial submission and in section 2a2.2 and 2a2.3 See Guidance for Definitions of Rating Scale: H=High; M=Moderate; L=Low; I=Insufficient; NA=Not Applicable NQF #0548 Suboptimal Asthma Control (SAC) and Absence of Controller Therapy (ACT), Last Updated Date: Apr 03, 2b3.2 Analytic Method (Describe type of analysis and rationale for examining exclusions, including exclusion related to patient
Please see information provided in section 2a2.2
2b3.3 Results
(Provide statistical results for analysis of exclusions, e.g., frequency, variability, sensitivity analyses):
Please see information provided in section 2a2.3
2b4. Risk Adjustment Strategy. (For outcome measures, adjustment for dif erences in case mix (severity) across measured
entities was appropriately tested with adequate results.)
2b4.1 Data/Sample (Description of the data or sample including number of measured entities; number of patients; dates of data; if
a sample, characteristics of the entities included):
no risk adjustment strategy is used.
2b4.2 Analytic Method (Describe methods and rationale for development and testing of risk model or risk stratification including
selection of factors/variables):

2b4.3 Testing Results
(Statistical risk model: Provide quantitative assessment of relative contribution of model risk factors; risk
model performance metrics including cross-validation discrimination and calibration statistics, calibration curve and risk decile plot, and assessment of adequacy in the context of norms for risk models. Risk stratification: Provide quantitative assessment of relationship of risk factors to the outcome and dif erences in outcomes among the strata):

2b4.4 If outcome or resource use measure is not risk adjusted, provide rationale and analyses to justify lack of
adjustment: .
2b5. Identification of Meaningful Differences in Performance. (The performance measure scores were appropriately analyzed
and discriminated meaningful dif erences in quality.)
2b5.1 Data/Sample
(Describe the data or sample including number of measured entities; number of patients; dates of data; if a
sample, characteristics of the entities included):
ongoing assessment with multiple health plans.
2b5.2 Analytic Method
(Describe methods and rationale to identify statistical y significant and practical y/meaningful y dif erences
in performance):
Please see information provided in section 2a2.2
2b5.3 Results
(Provide measure performance results/scores, e.g., distribution by quartile, mean, median, SD, etc.; identification of
statistically significant and meaningfully differences in performance): Please see information provided in section 2a2.3
2b6. Comparability of Multiple Data Sources/Methods. (If specified for more than one data source, the various approaches
result in comparable scores.)
2b6.1 Data/Sample
(Describe the data or sample including number of measured entities; number of patients; dates of data; if a
sample, characteristics of the entities included):

2b6.2 Analytic Method (Describe methods and rationale for testing comparability of scores produced by the dif erent data sources
specified in the measure):

2b6.3 Testing Results
(Provide statistical results, e.g., correlation statistics, comparison of rankings; assessment of adequacy in
the context of norms for the test conducted):
See Guidance for Definitions of Rating Scale: H=High; M=Moderate; L=Low; I=Insufficient; NA=Not Applicable NQF #0548 Suboptimal Asthma Control (SAC) and Absence of Controller Therapy (ACT), Last Updated Date: Apr 03, 2c. Disparities in Care: H M L I NA (If applicable, the measure specifications al ow identification of disparities.)
2c.1 If measure is stratified for disparities, provide stratified results (Scores by stratified categories/cohorts): no stratification is
used other than by insurance line-of-business (Medicare, Medicaid, Commercial) 2c.2 If disparities have been reported/identified (e.g., in 1b), but measure is not specified to detect disparities, please
2.1-2.3 Supplemental Testing Methodology Information:

Steering Committee: Overal , was the criterion, Scientific Acceptability of Measure Properties, met?
(Reliability and Validity must be rated moderate or high) Yes No
Provide rationale based on specific subcriteria:
If the Committee votes No, STOP

Extent to which intended audiences (e.g., consumers, purchasers, providers, policy makers) can understand the results of the measure and are likely to find them useful for decision making.
C.1 Intended Purpose/ Use
(Check al the purposes and/or uses for which the measure is intended): Public Reporting, Quality
Improvement (Internal to the specific organization), Quality Improvement with Benchmarking (external benchmarking to multiple
3.1 Current Use
(Check al that apply; for any that are checked, provide the specific program information in the fol owing
questions): Regulatory and Accreditation Programs, Quality Improvement with Benchmarking (external benchmarking to multiple organizations), Quality Improvement (Internal to the specific organization)
3a. Usefulness for Public Reporting: H M L I
(The measure is meaningful, understandable and useful for public reporting.)
3a.1. Use in Public Reporting - disclosure of performance results to the public at large
(If used in a public reporting program,
provide name of program(s), locations, Web page URL(s)). If not publicly reported in a national or community program, state the reason AND plans to achieve public reporting, potential reporting programs or commitments, and timeline, e.g., within 3 years of endorsement: [For Maintenance – If not publicly reported, describe progress made toward achieving disclosure of performance
results to the public at large and expected date for public reporting; provide rationale why continued endorsement should be The measure is available for public reporting. URAC recently adopted this measure as part of its accreditation programs for health plans and pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs). In 2013, URAC wil begin public reports on this measure and others in their accreditation programs. The National Business Coaliation on Health uses this measure within their eValue8 program which evaluates health plan performance and publicly shares the results. We are also encouraging Medicaid programs to use the asthma measure and have recommended it through the AHRQ-coordinated ef ort to select pediatric measures for Medicaid.
.Provide a rationale for why the measure performance results are meaningful, understandable, and useful for public
reporting. If usefulness was demonstrated (e.g., focus group, cognitive testing), describe the data, method, and results: The
measure is important because it identifies patients with poorly control ed asthma as evidenced by their excessive use of short- acting reliever medications, and it then assesses whether those patients with poorly-controlled asthma had received any controller/preventive medication.
3.2 Use for other Accountability Functions (payment, certification, accreditation).
If used in a public accountability program,
provide name of program(s), locations, Web page URL(s):
See Guidance for Definitions of Rating Scale: H=High; M=Moderate; L=Low; I=Insufficient; NA=Not Applicable NQF #0548 Suboptimal Asthma Control (SAC) and Absence of Controller Therapy (ACT), Last Updated Date: Apr 03, 3b. Usefulness for Quality Improvement: H M L I
(The measure is meaningful, understandable and useful for quality improvement.)
3b.1. Use in QI.
If used in quality improvement program, provide name of program(s), locations, Web page URL(s):
[For Maintenance – If not used for QI, indicate the reasons and describe progress toward using performance results for
The measure is being used by the Indian Health Service for QI within their clinics and pharmacies. Several PBMs are using the measures for QI for their commercial y-insured patients. We can provide contact information upon request.
3b.2. Provide rationale for why the measure performance results are meaningful, understandable, and useful for quality
improvement. If usefulness was demonstrated (e.g., QI initiative), describe the data, method and results:
The measure is important because it identifies patients with poorly control ed asthma as evidenced by their excessive use of short- acting reliever medications, and it then assesses whether those patients with poorly-controlled asthma had received any controller/preventive medication. The measure is easily calculated from prescription drug claims and is highly actionable.
Overal , to what extent was the criterion, Usability, met? H M L I
Provide rationale based on specific subcriteria:

Extent to which the required data are readily available, retrievable without undue burden, and can be implemented for performance measurement.
4a. Data Generated as a Byproduct of Care Processes: H M L I
4a.1-2 How are the data elements needed to compute measure scores generated? (Check al that apply).
Data used in the measure are:
generated by and used by healthcare personnel during the provision of care, e.g., blood pressure, lab value, medical condition
4b. Electronic Sources: H M L I
4b.1 Are the data elements needed for the measure as specified available electronically
(Elements that are needed to
compute measure scores are in defined, computer-readable fields): ALL data elements in electronic claims

4b.2 If ALL data elements are not from electronic sources, specify a credible, near-term path to electronic capture, OR
provide a rationale for using other than electronic sources:
4c. Susceptibility to Inaccuracies, Errors, or Unintended Consequences:
4c.1 Identify susceptibility to inaccuracies, errors, or unintended consequences of the measurement identified during
testing and/or operational use and strategies to prevent, minimize, or detect. If audited, provide results:
Studies of prescription claims accuracy indicate that 99% of claims contain accurate data elements that are necessary for calculation of this measure.
4d. Data Collection Strategy/Implementation: H M L I
A.2 Please check if either of the following apply (regarding proprietary measures):
4d.1 Describe what you have learned/modified as a result of testing and/or operational use of the measure regarding data
collection, availability of data, missing data, timing and frequency of data collection, sampling, patient confidentiality, time
and cost of data collection, other feasibility/implementation issues (e.g., fees for use of proprietary measures):
The users of this measure have indicated that it is easy to use.
Overal , to what extent was the criterion, Feasibility, met? H M L I
Provide rationale based on specific subcriteria:

See Guidance for Definitions of Rating Scale: H=High; M=Moderate; L=Low; I=Insufficient; NA=Not Applicable NQF #0548 Suboptimal Asthma Control (SAC) and Absence of Controller Therapy (ACT), Last Updated Date: Apr 03, Does the measure meet al the NQF criteria for endorsement? Yes No
If the Committee votes No, STOP.

If the Committee votes Yes, the final recommendation is contingent on comparison to related and competing measures.

If a measure meets the above criteria and there are endorsed or new related measures (either the same measure focus or the same target population) or competing measures (both the same measure focus and the same target population), the measures are compared to address harmonization and/or selection of the best measure before a final recommendation is made.
5.1 If there are related measures (either same measure focus or target population)
or competing measures (both the same
measure focus and same target population), list the NQF # and title of al related and/or competing measures:
0620 : Asthma - Short-Acting Beta Agonist Inhaler for Rescue Therapy
5a. Harmonization
5a.1 If this measure has EITHER the same measure focus OR the same target population as

Are the measure specifications completely harmonized? No

5a.2 If the measure specifications are not completely harmonized, identify the differences, rationale, and impact on

interpretability and data collection burden:
PQA has considered whether our measure NQF 0548, Suboptimal Asthma Control (SAC) and Absence of Control ed Therapy (ACT) should be harmonized with NQF 0620 Use of Short-Acting Beta Agonist Inhaler for Rescue Therapy. While both measures measure the use of short-acting beta agonists in asthmatic patients, the measures are distinctly dif erent. NQF 0548 measures two rates of poor asthma control- 1. frequent use of short-acting beta agonists in a short time period (3 months) and 2. the population identified in rate one that also have no control er medication in the same period. Both rates indicate over utilization of a rescue medication and need for additional therapeutic intervention. Measure 0620 also uses patients with asthma as the denominator, but measures those patients that have received a refil of a short-acting beta agonist in a 24 month period. This rate may be useful to identify those that have not refil ed this medication. The measure does not provide information about over utilization or poor asthma control. Since these two measures, NQF 0548 and 0620, measure very dif erent aspects of use of short-acting beta agonists in an asthmatic population, they should not be harmonized.
5b. Competing Measure(s)
5b.1 If this measure has both the same measure focus and the same target population as NQF-endorsed measure(s):

Describe why this measure is superior to competing measures (e.g., a more valid or ef icient way to measure quality); OR
provide a rationale for the additive value of endorsing an additional measure. (Provide analyses when possible):
Co.1 Measure Steward (Intel ectual Property Owner): Pharmacy Quality Al iance, Inc., 9687 South Run Oaks Dr., Fairfax
Station, Virginia, 22039
Co.2 Point of Contact:
Dave, Nau, dnau@pqaal, 859-537-8462-
Co.3 Measure Developer if different from Measure Steward: Pharmacy Quality Al iance, Inc., 9687 South Run Oaks Dr., Fairfax
Station, Virginia, 22039
Co.4 Point of Contact:
David, Nau, Senior Director, [email protected], 859-537-8462-
Co.5 Submitter: David, Nau, Senior Director, dnau@pqaal, 859-537-8462-, Pharmacy Quality Alliance (PQA)
Co.6 Additional organizations that sponsored/participated in measure development:
See Guidance for Definitions of Rating Scale: H=High; M=Moderate; L=Low; I=Insufficient; NA=Not Applicable NQF #0548 Suboptimal Asthma Control (SAC) and Absence of Controller Therapy (ACT), Last Updated Date: Apr 03, Co.7 Public Contact: Dave, Nau, dnau@pqaal, 859-537-8462-, Pharmacy Quality Alliance, Inc.

Workgroup/Expert Panel involved in measure development
Ad.1 Provide a list of sponsoring organizations and workgroup/panel members' names and organizations. Describe the
members' role in measure development.

Ad.2 If adapted, provide title of original measure, NQF # if endorsed, and measure steward. Briefly describe the reasons for
adapting the original measure and any work with the original measure steward:
Measure Developer/Steward Updates and Ongoing Maintenance

Ad.3 Year the measure was first released: 2009
Ad.4 Month and Year of most recent revision: 06, 2011
Ad.5 What is your frequency for review/update of this measure? every year
Ad.6 When is the next scheduled review/update for this measure? 06, 2012
Ad.7 Copyright statement:
Ad.8 Disclaimers:
Ad.9 Additional Information/Comments:
Date of Submission
(MM/DD/YY): 10/18/2011

See Guidance for Definitions of Rating Scale: H=High; M=Moderate; L=Low; I=Insufficient; NA=Not Applicable



El acto administrativo. Referencias Legislativas • Ley 30/1992, de 26 de noviembre, de Régimen Jurídico de las Administraciones Públicas y del Procedimiento AdministrativoComún. • Ley 29/1998, de 13 de julio, reguladora de la Jurisdicción Derecho Administrativo 1. El acto administrativo 5. La obligación de resolver y los actos presuntos

January 2008 SMART Holiday Party 2007 was a huge success, and all of us enjoyed the talented performances, tasty food, lively music, great dancing, and wonderful CD gifts. Many thanks to all who helped Class for out at the SMART Holiday Parents of Party 2007. Thanks to Bill Stinebaugh and Eggleston Services for the use of the