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Effects of diclofenac, aceclofenac and meloxicam on the metabolism of proteoglycans and hyaluronan in osteoarthritic human cartilage

British Journal of Pharmacology (2000) 131, 1413 ± 1421 ã 2000 Macmil an Publishers Ltd Al rights reserved 0007 ± 1188/00 $15.00 E€ects of diclofenac, aceclofenac and meloxicam on the metabolism of proteoglycans and hyaluronan in osteoarthritic 1Laurent Blot, 1Annette Marcelis, 2Jean-Pierre Devogelaer & *,1,2Daniel-Henri Manicourt 1ICP Christian de Duve Institute of Cellular Pathology, Saint-Luc University Hospital, Catholic University of Louvain in

Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea (Actos cuya publicación es una condición para su aplicabilidad) REGLAMENTO (CE) No 1013/2006 DEL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO Y DEL CONSEJO de 14 de junio de 2006 relativo a los traslados de residuos EL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO Y EL CONSEJO DE LA UNIÓN EUROPEA, Basilea de 22 de marzo de 1989 sobre el control de losmovimientos transfronterizos de residuos peligrosos y de

Compilation and Review of Published and Unpublished Tea Tree Oil Literature A report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation by CF Carson, KA Hammer, TV Riley RIRDC Publication No 05/151 RIRDC Project No UWA-75A © 2005 Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation. All rights reserved. ISBN 1 74151 214 X ISSN 1440-6845 Compilation and Review of Published and Unpublished Tea Tree Oil Literature Publication No. 05/151 Project No. UWA-75A The views expressed and the conclusions reached in this publication are those of the author and not necessarily those of persons consulted. RIRDC shall not be responsible in any way whatsoever to any person who relies in whole or in part on the contents of this report. This publication is copyright. However, RIRDC encourages wide dissemination of its research, providing the Corporation is clearly acknowledged. For any other enquiries concerning reproduction, contact the Publications Manager on phone 02 6272 3186. Researcher Contact Details


the times Saturday October 11 2014 the times Saturday October 11 2014 6 Body + Soul Body + Soul 7 The good back guide: what the experts do to beat the pain Almost 80 per cent of us suffer back pain "The simplest thing to do is go hands- will still function as a paperclip. People You could also try standing on one free or use a head set," Loatey says.

Functional expression of a proton-coupled organic cation (h+/oc) antiporter in human brain capillary endothelial cell line hcmec/d3, a human blood-brain barrier model.

Functional expression of a proton-coupled organic cation (H+/OC) antiporter in human brain capillary endothelial cell line hCMEC/D3, a human blood-brain barrier model. Keita Shimomura, Takashi Okura, Sayaka Kato, Pierre-Olivier Couraud, Jean-Michel Schermann, Tetsuya Terasaki, Yoshiharu Deguchi To cite this version: Keita Shimomura, Takashi Okura, Sayaka Kato, Pierre-Olivier Couraud, Jean-Michel Scher-mann, et al. Functional expression of a proton-coupled organic cation (H+/OC) antiporter inhuman brain capillary endothelial cell line hCMEC/D3, a human blood-brain barrier model.Fluids and Barriers of the CNS, BioMed Central, 2013, 10 (1), pp.8. <10.1186/2045-8118-10-8>. <inserm-00785327>

Microsoft word - au awrri proposal 2014.doc

Project Proposal Water Resources Research Institute Program Section 104, Water Resources Act of 1984 Alabama Water Resources Research Institute In support of the Research Proposal Examination of bacterial levels in water and sediment for the development of refined monitoring protocols for inland recreational waters Principal Investigator

Microsoft word - resumenes editados.docx

Anestesia Ambulatoria Cirugia de la apnea obstructiva del sueño-SAOS. Estrategia anestesica con uso de TAIÉ. W.F Beneficio de la anestesia local en la mucosa orofaringea en videoendoscopia digestiva alta. Baldo MG; Acosta AP. Anestesia Raquidea Selectiva Vs Anestesia General para Histeroscopía Terapeutica De Brahi JI; Priotto A. Utilidad de la ecocardiografía transesofágica durante el intraoperioperatorio de tumores


Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter Trial of Aerosolized Albuterol Versus Placebo in Acute Lung Injury ARDS Clinical Network ARDSNet Study 06 – Version II October 31, 2007 Michael A. Matthay MD, Protocol Committee Chair Roy Brower, MD, Protocol Committee Co-Chair ALTA VersionII Page 1 of 75 ARDSNet Study 06 October 31, 2007


E,RISKINGDEATHM LIFE, GIVING LIFE, RISKING DEATH MATERNAL MORTALITY IN BURKINA FASO More than 2,000 women die in Burkina Faso every year from complications of pregnancy and childbirth. Most of these deaths could be prevented. Some women die because they cannot reach a health facility capable of treating them, or because they arrive too late. Many lose their livesbecause their relatives cannot pay the fees demanded by medical

Human cd36 elisa 196-02


Digestive Diseases and Sciences, Vol. 50, No. 3 (March 2005), pp. 509–513 ( C CASE REPORT Multifocal Gastric Carcinoid Tumor in a Patient with Pernicious Anemia Receiving Lansoprazole TAN ATTILA, MD,* RAJ SANTHARAM, MD,* DENNIS BLOM, MD,† RICHARD KOMOROWSKI, MD,‡ and TIMOTHY R. KOCH, MD*

ESSAY ZUR ANALYSE VON VERDIS OTELLO - JANINE CHRISTGEN ESSAY ZUR ANALYSE VON VERDIS OTELLO - JANINE CHRISTGEN 1. Zur langjährigen Genese von Verdis „Schokoladenprojekt" Verdis Otello zeigt sich als ein Opernprojekt, welches in seiner Genes viele Jahre in Anspruch nehmen sollte. Zwischen den ersten Gesprächen mit Boito (1879), über eine mögliche

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ha identificado que el metabolismo de esta droga se produce presentarse en las primeras semanas y, generalmente, disminuyen con el principalmente en el hígado e incluye la O-metilación, hidroxilación y uso continuo de la medicación. El profesional indicará a los pacientes si ha identificado que el metabolismo de esta droga se produce principalmente en el hígado e incluye la O-metilación, hidroxilación y


Suplement / Suplemento Auditório Victor de Sá Auditório Agostinho da Silva 10h00 – 11h00 - Sessão 1 : Cosméticos e Sociedade 12h15 – 13h15 - Sessão 2 : O Estado da arte o de Resumos 15h30 – 16h30 - Sessão 3 : Compreender a pele - combater o envelhecimento III Congresso Nacional de Ciências DermatocosméticasII Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências Cosmetológicas

Newsletter of JVPA Trend of Restructuring of Veterinary Products Industry and Volume 37 Current Status of Animal Business/ Traceability System of Cattle and Current Efforts JVPA DIGEST, Volume 37 March 2010 Review: Trend of Restructuring of Veterinary Products Industry and Current Status of Reference Information: M&A of Veterinary Products Companies

Polyethylene glycol vs. sodium phosphate for bowel preparation: a treatment arm meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Juluri et al. BMC Gastroenterology 2011, 11:38 Polyethylene glycol vs. sodium phosphate forbowel preparation: A treatment arm meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Ravi Juluri1*, George Eckert2 and Thomas F Imperiale3,4,5 Background: Results of meta-analyses of randomized trials comparing PEG and NaP are inconsistent and have notincluded trials comparing either or both preps to less traditional ones.AIM: To perform a meta-analysis by treatment arm.

Concussion parent manual.indd

Concussion Guide The Human Motion Institute at Randolph Hospital Concussion Guide for Parents GFELLER-WALLER CONCUSSION AWARENESS ACT The Gfeller-Waller Concussion Awareness Act was created to help educate, and prepare for concussions in high school and middle school athletics. The law is named for two North Carolina football players who died as a result of concussion related injury and whose deaths could have been prevented with proper preparation.

Si no visualizas correctamente este boletín, pulsa aquí ACTOS SONRISAS 2015-2016 SONRISAS MADRID El pasado martes 17 de noviembre SONRISAS MADRID estuvimos en el Centro Educación El pasado 4 de noviembre parte del equipo de Sonrisas Especial Madrid hizo entrega de un cuadro del Pintor Madrileño

Reglamento orgnico del ayuntamiento de pamplona

Gabinete de Alcaldía Alkatetzako Kabinetea REGLAMENTO ORGÁNICO DEL AYUNTAMIENTO DE PAMPLONA. Pza Consistorial s/n, 3º 31001 Pamplona Udaletxe Plaza z/g, 3º 31001 Iruña Gabinete de Alcaldía Alkatetzako Kabinetea El Pleno del excelentísimo Ayuntamiento de Pamplona con fecha 27 de febrero de 1998, aprobó el Reglamento Orgánico del Ayuntamiento de Pamplona.

Maqueta- a4/4

Revista de laAsociación Madrileña de Veterinarios de AMVAC Animales de Nº 5 - Septiembre - Octubre 2004 dermatosis faciales caninasUn enfoque práctico y sistemático de estos problemas Aproximación a laEhrlichiosis caninaUna revisión completa y actual desde su etiología hasta su tratamientoVetMADRID 2005"Medicina y Cirugía del Aparato Locomotor" distintas fÓrmulas jurídicas paracrear una empresa¿Cuál es la forma jurídica más apropiada para crear una empresa?Honorarios Mínimos OrientativosComparativa entre los distintos Colegios Provinciales que los publican


Infezioni e Colore di Classe di condizioni isolamento notifica (vedere tabella parte (se obbligo di 1 – 3 mesi in media (sino a Sempre momento Postesposizione professionale: entro le prime 6 mesi) l'infezione HIV 2 – 4 ore dal possibile contagio professionale e non oltre le 24 ore, assunzione di terapia profilattica antiretrovirale (contattare U.O. di Malattie Infettive).

Functional Brain Imaging Alterations in Acne Patients Treated With Isotretinoin J. Douglas Bremner, M.D. Objective: Although there have been after 4 months of treatment with isotreti- case reports suggesting a relationship be- noin (N=13) or an antibiotic (N=15). Negar Fani, M.S. tween treatment with the acne medica-

J Autism Dev Disord (2012) 42:2569–2584DOI 10.1007/s10803-012-1513-0 Microglia in the Cerebral Cortex in Autism Nicole A. Tetreault • Atiya Y. Hakeem •Sue Jiang • Brian A. Williams • Elizabeth Allman •Barbara J. Wold • John M. Allman Published online: 31 March 2012 ! Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012 We immunocytochemically identified microg- capillaries into brain tissue. The brain has its own immune

Crofton Woods Elementary School May 2015 Newsletter Mark Your Calendar 5th Grade PARCC End of Year Mathematics Assessment Mrs. Truly & Mrs. McSweegan's classes 9:00 am – 11:00 am Mr. Incorvati & Mr. Furlow's classes 11:00 am – 1:00 pm PTA Meeting – 7:00 pm CWES Homepage 2nd Grade field trip to Science Center

Adea abstract preparation

2015 ADEA ABSTRACT SUBMISSION PREPARATION Oral presentations and E-Poster presentations Selecting Your Program Streams The Program Organising Committee (POC) accepts submissions of abstracts of original contributions on any topic related to the following program streams: 1. Scientific 2. Program Evaluation/Review of Resource Delivery/Quality Improvement Activity 3. Clinical Practice/Case Studies/Service Delivery

Extracting medication information from discharge summaries

Extracting Medication Information from Discharge Summaries Scott Halgrim, Fei Xia, Imre Solti, Eithon Cadag Özlem Uzuner University of Washington University of Albany, SUNY Seattle, WA 98195, USA Albany, NY 12222, USA (, a task Abstract we refer to as the i2b2 challenge in this paper. In the past decade, there has been extensive re-


Guía de Práctica Clínica sobre el Manejo de la Depresión Mayor en el Adulto GUÍAS DE PRÁCTICA CLÍNICA EN EL SNSMINISTERIO DE SANIDAD Y CONSUMO Guía de Práctica Clínica sobre el Manejo de la Depresión Mayor en el Adulto GUÍAS DE PRÁCTICA CLÍNICA EN EL SNSMINISTERIO DE SANIDAD Y CONSUMO Esta GPC es una ayuda a la toma de decisiones en la atención sanitaria. No es de obligado cumplimiento ni sustituye al juicio clínico del personal sanitario.


Perioperative fasting in adults and children: guidelines fromthe European Society of AnaesthesiologyIan Smith, Peter Kranke, Isabelle Murat, Andrew Smith, Geraldine O'Sullivan, Eldar Søreide, Claudia Spiesand Bas in't Veld This guideline aims to provide an overview of the present surgery in adults and children, although patients should not knowledge on aspects of perioperative fasting with assessment

A list of australia's most dangerous pesticides v9 no reach references

A list of Australia's most dangerous pesticides July 2010 Jo Immig, Coordinator, National Toxics Network organic pollutant on the basis of its persistence, transported long distances. It found endosulfan Over 8000 pesticide and veterinary products are was "likely, as a result of its long-range registered for use in Australian agriculture, environmental transport, to lead to significant

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome The Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Birmingham, Alabama This Educational Bulletin discusses the pathophysiology, risk factors, clinical features, and management and pre-vention associated with ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). (Fertil Steril 2008;90:S188–93. 2008 byAmerican Society for Reproductive Medicine.)

You need your family now more than ever

Level 2 HAPS Building John Hunter Hospital +61 2 4921 4095 [email protected] Myasthenia Gravis Background: Myasthenia gravis (MG) is an acquired autoimmune disorder characterised clinically by weakness of skeletal muscles and fatigability on exertion. The first reported clinical description was in 1672. Pathophysiology: The antibodies in MG are directed toward the acetylcholine receptor (AChR) at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) of skeletal muscles. The hallmark of MG is muscle weakness that increases during periods of activity and improves after periods of rest. Certain muscles, such as those that control eye and eyelid movement, facial expression, chewing, talking, and swallowing are often, involved in the disorder. The muscles that control breathing and neck and limb movements may also be affected. What causes myasthenia gravis? MG is caused by a defect in the transmission of nerve impulses to muscles. It occurs when normal communication between the nerve and muscle is interrupted at the neuromuscular junction - the place where nerve cells connect with the muscles they control. Normally when impulses travel down the nerve, the nerve endings release a neurotransmitter substance called acetylcholine. Acetylcholine travels through the neuromuscular junction and binds to acetylcholine receptors which are activated and generate a muscle contraction. In MG, antibodies block, alter, or destroy the receptors for acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction which prevents the muscle contraction from occurring. These antibodies are produced by the body's own immune system. Thus, MG is an autoimmune disease because the immune system - which normally protects the body from foreign organisms - mistakenly attacks itself. Frequency: In the United States MG is uncommon. Estimated annual incidence is 2 per 1,000,000. Mortality/Morbidity: Recent advances in treatment and care of critically ill patients have resulted in marked decrease in the mortality rate. The rate is now 3-4%, with principal risk factors being age older than 40 years, short history of severe disease, and thymoma. Previously, the mortality rate was as high as 30-40%. Sex: The female-to-male ratio is said classically to be 6:4, but as the population has aged, the incidence is now equal in males and females. Age: MG presents at any age. Female incidence peaks around 30 years of age, whereas male incidence peaks at age 60-70. Average age of onset is 28 years in females and 42 years in males. Transient neonatal MG occurs in infants of myasthenic mothers. History: MG is characterized by fluctuating weakness increased by exertion. Weakness increases during the day and improves with rest. Presentation and progression vary.

Novartis: it's an uphill climb to the bottom

Healthcare European Pharmaceuticals Novartis It's an uphill climb to the bottom from Equal Weight Earnings and execution headaches: With the sector at a 30% premium to the EU market (1yr fwd PE) earnings and execution uncertainties are not en vogue, which is why we now rate Novartis a relative UW (was EW). The company's top-line growth is >50% dependent on two launch products (Entresto in heart failure and Cosentyx in


CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE Cardiogenic Shock Due to Myocardial Infarction: Diagnosis, Monitoring and TreatmentA German-Austrian S3 Guideline Karl Werdan, Martin Ruß, Michael Buerke, Georg Delle-Karth, Alexander Geppert, Friedrich A. Schöndube Provided they reach hospital, patients with acute myocardial infarction have a more than 90%

World J Surg (2013) 37:285–305 Guidelines for Perioperative Care in Elective Rectal/PelvicSurgery: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERASÒ) SocietyRecommendations J. Nygren • J. Thacker • F. Carli • K. C. H. Fearon •S. Norderval • D. N. Lobo • O. Ljungqvist •M. Soop • J. Ramirez Ó Enhanced Recovery After Surgery, The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, and International Association for SurgicalMetabolism and Nutrition 2012

Shareholder Class Actions The Liberty White Paper Series Executive Summary Australia is now the second most likely jurisdiction, outside North America, in which a company will face In the aftermath of the HIH Royal Commission, it has been recommended2 that personal duties and liabilities under the Corporations Act be extended beyond directors and officers to corporate officers,

Le bulletin d'information thérapeutique pour les malades Mars 2007 Nous avons l'habitude que la question du sida chez les femmes, la prise en comptede leurs spécificités (hors transmission mère/enfant), leur place dans les essais, ne Protocoles est le bulletin d'information soient ni entendues et ni présentées, et quand elles le sont, c'est avec beaucoup de


1st Annual Newsletter Dear Sir or Madame, It is my pleasure to present the First Annual Newsletter concerning the IntelliDrug project - the project which addresses the need of new, less invasive and more controlled drug delivery. The outcome of IntelliDrug is an intra-oral device, which will provide new therapeutic opportunities for people suffering from chronic diseases and drug addiction.

Chemistry and applications of nanocrystalline cellulose and its derivatives: a nanotechnology perspective

Chemistry and Applications of Nanocrystalline Cellulose and its Derivatives: a B. L. Peng,1,2 N. Dhar,1 H. L. Liu2 and K. C. Tam1* 1. Department of Chemical Engineering, Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L 3G1 2. State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering and Department of Chemistry, East China University of Science and

Microsoft word - pierce_provincetheol_gh

I Shall Gather Them Back From the Countries and Bring Them Back to Their Own Land (Ezk:34.18) Emma Pierce Abstract: Mental illness is not ordinarily considered to be the domain of Theology. Here I propose to ask the question: Should it be? This is a question for practical theology. What would theology make of the experience of mental illness if it heard it first-hand, through the voice of the witness rather than second-hand, through the filter of the analyst's interpretation? My point here is very simple: understanding as distinct from knowledge about any human experience can only be truly gained by listening to the voice of the witness speak their experience as experience. In this paper I invite theological reflection on only one aspect of mental illness, but it is one of the several aspects universal to every mental illness. Depression! The question for theological reflection is this: Is this an illness as posited by the Human Sciences, or is it an ordinary part of the human condition so misunderstood that it is fostered and nurtured into mental illness by secular ears that do not recognise the existential dimension that underpins depression?1

Awp008 1.1

Brain Advance Access published February 12, 2009 Brain 2009: Page 1 of 11 A JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY OCCASIONAL PAPERHubris syndrome: An acquired personalitydisorder? A study of US Presidents andUK Prime Ministers over the last 100 years David Owen1 and Jonathan Davidson2 1 House of Lords, London, UK2 Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, USA

Gebrauchsinformation: Information für Patienten 149641Xtandi CAP 40 WRAP Dieses Arzneimittel unterliegt einer zusätzlichen Überwachung. Einnahme von Xtandi zusammen mit anderen Arzneimitteln Dies ermöglicht eine schnelle Identifizierung neuer Erkenntnisse über Informieren Sie Ihren Arzt, wenn Sie andere Arzneimittel einnehmen,

acusBio er Winter 2014 > In this issue < • Updates for Alliance Group • Partnering with European experts could be key to improving dairy cow fertility • How can dairy farmers be green without going red? Photo source: Christine Moeller Preparing for battle: breeding towards

Helminthoses parasitaires et santé publique

HELMINTHOSES PARASITAIRES ET SANTE PRINCIPALES HELMINTHOSES PUBLIQUE On peut subdiviser les helminthes parasites en 4 grandes Jean Dupouy-Camet catégorie selon leur mode de contamination (tableau I) : Service de Parasitolologie 1/ Contamination par ingestion d'aliments souillés par Université Paris Descartes Hôpital Cochin

Be captivated by the history of Jaipur's Amber Fort Welcome to IndiaDear Traveller,Welcome to your APT tour through India. This Tour Hints booklet has been specially prepared to answer many of the questions you may have regarding your holiday, and to assist you with your travel preparations before you leave home.On tour, your APT Tour Director will share their vast array of knowledge as they guide you through the treasures of their country, revealing its secrets and rich history. With a small group of like-minded and adventurous travellers, you'll soak up the sights and sounds for an experience like no other.

Microsoft word - orthospec - faqs.doc

Orthospec™ ESWT Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Pre and Post Treatment Briefly describe the procedure (i.e., shockwave delivery, length of procedure, anesthesia, physician, technician, consumables, etc) The Orthospec™ utilizes electrohydraulic, spark gap technology. The treatment procedure is a non-invasive, outpatient procedure intended to treat chronic heel pain caused by Plantar Fasciitis. The treatment regimen calls for one 25 minute treatment session, providing a total of 3800 shocks. It is recommended that this procedure be performed by a qualified, Medispec trained, medical professional under the supervision of a physician. During the procedure, there is no anesthesia or sedation provided to the patient. Imaging is not required.

â•œthe lingha boys of siem reapâ•š a baseline study of sexually-exploited young men in siem reap, cambodia

University of Nebraska - Lincoln "The Lingha Boys of Siem Reap" A Baseline Study of Sexually-Exploited Young Men in Siem Reap, CambodiaJarrett DavisChab Dai, [email protected] Glenn MilesLove146, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Davis, Jarrett and Miles, Glenn, ""The Lingha Boys of Siem Reap" A Baseline Study of Sexually-Exploited Young Men in Siem Reap,Cambodia" (2012). Fourth Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Trafficking, 2012. Paper 12.

Microsoft word - 4 paper

Health Informatics- An International Journal (HIIJ) Vol.2, No.4, November 2013 PREDICTIVE COMPARATIVE QSAR ANALYSIS OF AS 5-NITROFURAN-2-YL DERIVATIVES MYCO BACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS H37RV Doreswamy1 and Chanabasayya .M. Vastrad2 1Department of Computer Science Mangalore University , Mangalagangotri-574 199, Karnataka, 2Department of Computer Science Mangalore University , Mangalagangotri-574 199, Karnataka,

bei Atemwegserkrankungen Ein Projekt der Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin im Rahmen des Deutschen Zentrums für Infektionsforschung, gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung. Sehr geehrte Patientin, sehr geehrter Patient, im April 2014 veröffentlichte die Weltgesundheits- Bei über 80 Prozent der (unkomplizierten)

Microsoft word - perigen defence residual insecticide.doc

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Perigen® Defence Residual Insecticide Date of Issue: January 5th, 2004 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE / MIXTURE AND SUPPLIER Product name: Perigen® Defence Residual Insecticide Other names: Product code: Recommended A liquid insecticide concentrate for use in general purpose pest control and

Advances in diagnostic and therapeutic ultrasound imaging

C H A P T E R 3 3-D US Imaging of the Carotid Arteries Aaron Fenster, Grace Parraga, Anthony Landry, Bernard Chiu, Michaela Egger,and J. David Spence Determining the severity of carotid atherosclerotic stenosis has been an importantstep in establishing patient management pathways and identifying patients who canbenefit from carotid endarterectomy versus those who should be treated using life-style and pharmaceutical interventions. Recently a number of research groups havedeveloped phenotypes other than carotid stenosis using noninvasive imaging. Mon-itoring carotid plaque progression/regression and identifying vulnerable orhigh-risk plaques that can lead to thrombogenic events using noninvasive imagingtools now involve multiple disciplines and multiple modalities, including imageprocessing.

Predictors of incorrect inhalation technique in patients with asthma or copd: a study using a validated videotaped scoring method

JOURNAL OF AEROSOL MEDICINE AND PULMONARY DRUG DELIVERY Original Research Volume 23, Number 5, 2010ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.Pp. 1–6DOI: 10.1089=jamp.2009.0785 Predictors of Incorrect Inhalation Technique in Patients with Asthma or COPD: A Study Using a Validated Videotaped Scoring Method Geert N. Rootmensen, M.D.,1 Anton R.J. van Keimpema, M.D., Ph.D.,1,2 Henk M. Jansen, M.D., Ph.D.,1 and Rob J. de Haan, Ph.D., R.N.3

Analele Universitatii din Craiova, Seria Agricultura – Montanologie – Cadastru (Annals of the University of Craiova – Agriculture, Montanology, Cadastre Series) Vol. XLIV 2014 INFLUENCE OF STAGE AND NUMBER OF LACTATION ON SUCCESS OF THE ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION IN DAIRY COWS Constantin Găvan1, Vergil Motorga2 1. Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture Craiova, street Libertății no.19, Craiova, Dolj, Romania 2. Agricultural Research and Development Station Șimnic, Street Balcești, no. 45, Craiova, Romania Keywords: artificial insemination, calving interval, days open, estrous detection.

AstaPure® – the sustainable antioxidantCreate dietary supplements that appeal to ethical consumers © 2016 Algatechnologies. All rights reserved. Ethical supplements take centre-stageSustainability has been a key trend in the food and beverage sector for the past decade, and promises to be a major factor for many years to come. Increasingly the dietary supplements

Giving a rats summer 2015

"GRDC Project UA00124 – Understanding and management of resistance to Group M, Group L and Group I herbicides" The Australian Glyphosate presents a summary of the research on Sustainability working Group had how to keep those fence lines free of INDEX FOR THIS ISSUE its annual face-to-face meeting in resistant weeds. Adelaide last August and discussed a range of topics critical to keeping

Ashrae sample #

éu ditioniq er En mmuu S610 President's Message Welcome to the 2016–2017 Ottawa Valley Chapter ASHRAE season. I'd like to start by extending my sincere thanks to all members of the Board of Governors (BOG), Executive and the various committees for their m cooperation and tremendous contribution over the 2015–

Vitamin e supplementation and lifespan in model organisms

Contents lists available at Ageing Research Reviews Vitamin E supplementation and lifespan in model organisms I.M.A. Ernst , K. Pallauf , J.K. Bendall , L. Paulsen , S. Nikolai , P. Huebbe , T. Roeder , G. Rimbach a Institute of Human Nutrition and Food Science, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Hermann-Rodewald-Straße 6-8, D-24118 Kiel, Germany b Zoological Institute, Zoophysiology II, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Olshausenstraße 40, D-24098 Kiel, Germany

Adf water final report

Maintaining Food Safety by Protecting Irrigation Water from Faecal Contamination Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture ADF Project Final Report, February 1, 2010 Prepared by Chris Yost Contact information: Chris YostCanada Research ChairBiology Department, University of Regina3737 Wascana ParkwayRegina, SK [email protected] Water quality in Saskatchewan is directly impacted by a variety of human activities.

For additional resources, please visit Look for other topics in APIC's Elimination Guide Series, including: Catheter-Related Urinary Tract Infections MRSA in Long-Term Care Copyright © 2008 by APIC All rights reserved. No Part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher.


The Effect of Inhaled Fluticasone Propionate inthe Treatment of Young Asthmatic ChildrenA Dose Comparison Study HANS BISGAARD, JOHN GILLIES, MARCELLE GROENEWALD, and CLAIRE MADENon behalf of an International Study Group Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark; Hamilton, New Zealand; Pretoria, South Africa;and Glaxo Wellcome Research and Development, Greenford, United Kingdom

Efecto a nivel celular y molecular de agentes antitumoralesCellular and molecular effect of antitumor agents Silvia Ramírez-Sánchez*, Gildardo Rivera* La biología celular y molecular es un área de investigación de gran impacto y rápido creci-miento, la cual se ha convertido en un punto esencial para el desarrollo de nuevos agentes quimioterapéuticos con niveles bajos de toxicidad, particularmente para el cáncer. Aunque la era de la quimioterapia comenzó en los años 40, actualmente es necesario desarrollar nuevas terapias antitumorales que permitan tener un tratamiento apropiado para cada paciente y tipo de tumor, siendo necesaria la identificación de componentes celulares y moleculares involucrados en los procesos de carcinogénesis, para el desarrollo de agentes quimioterapéu-ticos que intervengan en la restauración o destrucción selectiva de las células cancerígenas. Actualmente, se ha demostrado que ciertos medicamentos, como los antibióticos (tetracic-linas, sulfonamidas y b-lactamas) y otros compuestos químicos (quinoxalinas) que son uti-

Journal of Clinical Laser Medicine & SurgeryVolume 21, Number 3, 2003© Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.Pp. 000–000 Two-Year Follow-Up Results of Copper Bromide Laser Treatment of Striae L. LONGO, M.D.,2 M.G. POSTIGLIONE, M.D.,1 O. MARANGONI, M.D.,2 and M. MELATO, M.D.3 Objective: The aim of our study was to follow-up 15 patients with stretch marks treated positively with theCuBr laser (577–511 nm) in 1998–99 and followed-up for 2 years. Materials and Methods: The patients wereItalian women, young to middle age (average 30 years old), with skin coloration classified as Fitzpatrick II–III.Biopsies were taken on some patients before the treatment and 1 month after the first treatment. Double-blindhistological, histochemical and photographic evaluation was performed. Results obtained as well as to the con-tradictory effects reported elsewhere in the literature were compared. Results: On average, the results werepositive and there were some pathogenic considerations that justified the use of laser.


Perception and Practice of MalariaProphylaxis in Pregnancy among Healthcare Providers in IbadanOnyeaso N.C, Fawole A.O ABSTRACTThe study assessed knowledge and practice of health care providers on current concepts on malaria prophylaxis inpregnancy. 497 randomly selected respondents at the three levels of care in two local governments in Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria were interviewed using a self-administered questionnaire. Respondents were selected from 45 healthfacilities: 48 (9.7%) community health extension workers (CHEWS), 139 (28.9%) auxiliary nurses, 220 (44.3%) formallytrained nurses and 90 (18.1%) medical doctors. Only 57 (11.5%) respondents were knowledgeable about current WHOstrategies for malaria prevention in pregnancy. Three hundred and eighty six respondents (77.7%) were aware of intermittentpreventive treatment (IPT). Awareness about IPT was highest among CHEWS (95.8%). Pyrimethamine was prescribedmainly by healthcare providers in the secondary (60.6%) and primary (60.3%) levels of care (X2 = 11.54, p < 0.01).Chloroquine was prescribed by 42.5% of respondents. Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine was significantly more commonly prescribedby primary health care providers than in other levels of care (X2 = 15.07, p < 0.01). Prescription for insecticide treated netswas high. Respondents' practice of anti-malarial chemoprophylaxis was influenced by the cadre of the health care providerand level of practice. There are several knowledge gaps on current malaria prevention strategies in pregnancy amonghealthcare providers. Multiple strategies are required to improve health care workers' knowledge and practice of malariaprevention during pregnancy. (Afr J Reprod Health 2007; 11[2]:60-69).

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Questioning the use of NSAIDs Given Inflammation is a Perfectly Healthy Response Following Acute Musculoskeletal Injuries Written by: Dr. Bahram Jam, PT Advanced Physical Therapy Education Institute (APTEI), Thornhill, ON, Canada July 14, 2014 Article published on "Clinical Library" Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory The use of prescription NSAIDs is reported

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ZYPREXA® NAME OF THE MEDICINE ZYPREXA® (olanzapine). ZYPREXA® Zydis® (olanzapine). Chemically, olanzapine is 2-methyl-4-(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)-10H-thieno[2,3-b] [1,5]benzodiazepine and its empirical formula is C17H20N4S. Olanzapine is a yellow crystalline solid, practically insoluble in water with a molecular weight of 312.44. The CAS number for olanzapine is 132539-06-1.

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Al-Faisal College Sydney, Australia Asthma Policy This policy addresses issues in relation to: Safe and Supportive Environment – Student Welfare 3.6.2 (See also Medical Care Policy and Anaphylaxis Policy) Purpose: The purpose of this document is to:  improve understanding of asthma and its management in the school environment.  increase confidence in recognising an asthma episode and providing asthma first aid.

ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATISMVol. 46, No. 5, May 2002, pp 1309–1318DOI 10.1002/art.10262© 2002, American College of Rheumatology A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Adjuvant Methotrexate Treatment for Giant Cell Arteritis Gary S. Hoffman,1 Maria C. Cid,2 David B. Hellmann,3 Loic Guillevin,4 John H. Stone,3 John Schousboe,5 Pascal Cohen,4 Leonard H. Calabrese,1 Howard Dickler,6 Peter A. Merkel,7

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P-2310 Copper Ionization for Inactivating E. coli, Coliphage MS2, and Bacillus Atrophaeus Spores in Irrigation Water for Fruits and Vegetables Otto "Chip" D. Simmons, III and Jose Garzon, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering ,NC State University METHODS AND MATERIALS Food borne outbreaks of gastroenteritis occur despite extensive measures by the

Photo by: Heather Elizabeth Pitts Journal of undergraduate anthropology 2 Spring 2014 The Journal of Undergraduate Anthropology aims to create a place for those pursuing anthropology to share their research and view that of their peers. Founded at Binghamton University in 2011, the Journal is an annual online publication. The editorial board is comprised of undergraduate students from within the State University of New York system, but submissions are accepted from a national audience. General inquiries can be sent to [email protected]. View the Journal online at

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A.N.D.O.S. onlus Nazionale Via Lanzone, 47; 20123 Milano TELEFONO: Sede della Presidenza Associazione Nazionale Donne Operate al Seno COMITATI RACCONTANO Oglio Po Pagina 2 Senigallia Pagina 4 " Il bello delle donne". LE NOVITA' -RICERCA In difesa delle ovaie e della fertilità Pagina 5


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C A S E R E P O R T Hellenic Journal of Atherosclerosis 1(1):65–67 Case report of rhabdomyolysis possibly associated to the interaction of ciprofloxacin with simvastatin N. Fountoulakis, L. Khafizova, M. Logothetis, G. Fanti, J.A. Papadakis Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital of Heraklion, Heraklion Crete, Greece,

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Methods of inducing 2.1 Sweeping (stripping) the membranes 3.1 Amniotomy used alone 3.2 Amniotomy with oxytocic drugs versus amniotomy 3.3 Amniotomy with oxytocic drugs versus oxytocic 4.1 Routes and methods of administration 4.2 Hazards of oxytocin administration 5.2 Prostaglandin E2 versus prostaglandin F 5.3 Routes and methods of administration 5.4 Hazards of prostaglandin E2 administration


Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (2008) 61, 353 – 361doi:10.1093/jac/dkm468Advance Access publication 10 December 2007 Broad-spectrum in vitro antibacterial activities of clay minerals against antibiotic-susceptible and antibiotic-resistant bacterial Shelley E. Haydel1,2*, Christine M. Remenih1 and Lynda B. Williams3 1Center for Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology, The Biodesign Institute, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ,

Volume 6 • Number 1 Volume 5 • Number 3 Official Newsletter of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Official Newsletter of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery The PIP Problem CONGRESS What happened? Claude Mas, founded a company called PIP See pages 14-17 (Poly Implants Prothèses) for information about the

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DES CONDUITES À RISQUES AUX TROUBLES Dr Jean Chambry CH Fondation Vallée Université Paris VII/ Paris 11 Inserm C'EST QUOI UN ADOLESCENT DIFFICILE? REPÈRES Troubles du comportement: notion de norme Héritage atavique Instinct au service de la vie Notion subjective Ce qui fait intrusion

1H MR Spectroscopy: Clinical Applications Roland Kreis, Ph.D. Department of Clinical Research, MR Spectroscopy and Methodology, University & Inselspital, CH-3010 Bern, Switzerland Correspondence to: Roland KreisUniversity and InselspitalMR Center 1CH-3010 Bern (x41) 31 632 8174 (x41) 31 382 24 86 On clinical MR systems the proton is the most widely used nucleus for applications of

Effective intervention – the AODT Court celebrates two years of making a difference Can't touch this! Can cellphones be seized and searched? Clients recording legal advice – should we go there? ISSUE 41 21 NOVEMBER 2014 The Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Court recently held a training day at ADLSI's Chancery Chambers premises. Among those pictured are Court Pou Oranga, Rawiri Pene (front centre), flanked by Judge Lisa Tremewan and Judge Ema Aitken. Also present were Judge Philippa

Growth factors for rotator cuff repair

for Rotator Cuff Repair LawrenceV. Gulotta, MD, Scott A. Rodeo, MD KEYWORDS! Tendon biology ! Cytokines ! BMP ! Growth factors! Gene therapy ! Repair scaffolds Rotator cuff repair surgeries are one of the most common procedures performed byorthopedic surgeons, with over 250,000 performed annually in the United Statesalone. Despite its prevalence, there is concern regarding the ability of the rotatorcuff to heal back to the insertion site on the humerus following repair. Clinical studieshave shown radiographic failures at the repair site at 2 years in anywhere from 11% to95% of patients, depending on the size and chronicity of the tear, presence of fattyinfiltration, and the age and general health status of the Although patientswith re-tears or failed healing may have pain relief, these studies show that they haveinferior functional results when compared with patients with healed An un-derstanding of the histology and biology that occur during the healing process maylead to therapies that can improve the healing rate and improve the functional resultsof patients following repair.

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Veja nesta edição Dicionário Sefaradi de SobrenomesDictionary of Sephardic Surnames Judeus no Colégio Pedro II, RJ O alfaiate Aldo Campagnano, vítima italianado "Holocausto" O Libelo de Damasco J.L. Cardozo de Bethencourt Minhas Memórias de um Mundo Perdido Os Judeus de Itapicuru

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A peptide with HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitoryactivity from the medicinal mushroom Russula paludosa Jianbin Wang H.X. Wang , T.B. Ng a Department of Chemistry, Peking University, Beijing 100080, Chinab State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology and Department of Microbiology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, Chinac Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong, China

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Published Ahead of Print on August 13, 2008, as 10.2105/AJPH.2007.129353 Cost Savings From the Provision of Specific Methodsof Contraception in a Publicly Funded Program Diana Greene Foster, PhD, Daria P. Rostovtseva, MS, Claire D. Brindis, DrPH, M. Antonia Biggs, PhD, Denis Hulett, BA, and Philip D. Darney, MD Unintended pregnancies occur increasingly Objectives. We examined the cost-effectiveness of contraceptive methods

Asian consensus on irritable bowel syndrome

Asian consensus on irritable bowel syndromeKok-Ann Gwee,1 Young-Tae Bak,2 Uday Chand Ghoshal,3 Sutep Gonlachanvit,4 Oh Young Lee,5Kwong Ming Fock,6 Andrew Seng Boon Chua,7 Ching-Liang Lu,8 Khean-Lee Goh,9Chomsri Kositchaiwat,10 Govind Makharia,11 Hyo-Jin Park,12 Full-Young Chang,13 Shin Fukudo,14Myung-Gyu Choi,15 Shobna Bhatia,16 Meiyun Ke,17 Xiaohua Hou18 and Michio Hongo19


El acto administrativo. Referencias Legislativas • Ley 30/1992, de 26 de noviembre, de Régimen Jurídico de las Administraciones Públicas y del Procedimiento AdministrativoComún. • Ley 29/1998, de 13 de julio, reguladora de la Jurisdicción Derecho Administrativo 1. El acto administrativo 5. La obligación de resolver y los actos presuntos

and pains would be overdiagnosed.Ó to 2.3 percent above the 1990 level, to Some preexisting categories were re- 1,369 million metric tons. tested but none removed. In the past, The governmentÕs own carbon emis- 2 emissions may put gay activists lobbied to have homosex- reduction goal beyond reach sion numbers will be published later uality erased from the DSM register;

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The following rules are subject to changes to conform to the World Anti-Doping Code and theInternational Standards. For the latest versions see the WADA - Prohibited List or the World Archery website: refer to for the definition of technical terms. At the 2003 Congress held in New York, World Archery adopted the World Anti-Doping Code (the "Code"). TheseAnti-Doping Rules are adopted and implemented in conformance with World Archery's responsibilities under theCode, and are in furtherance of World Archery's continuing efforts to eradicate doping in the sport of Archery.Anti-Doping Rules, like competition rules, are sport rules governing the conditions under which sport is played.Athletes accept these Rules as a condition of participation. Anti-Doping Rules are not intended to be subject to orlimited by the requirements and legal standards applicable to criminal proceedings or employment matters. Thepolicies and minimum standards set forth in the Code and implemented in these Anti-Doping Rules represent theconsensus of a broad spectrum of stakeholders with an interest in fair sport and should be respected by all courtsand adjudicating bodies.