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Remove the muzzle and give rule 37(b) teeth: advocating for the imposition of sanctions for rule 26(c) protective order violations in the eleventh circuit

Remove the Muzzle and Give Rule 37(b) Teeth: Advocating for the Imposition of Sanctions for Rule 26(c) Protective Order Violations in the Eleventh CircuitAmber M. Bishop Follow this and additional works at: Recommended CitationAmber M. Bishop (2014) "Remove the Muzzle and Give Rule 37(b) Teeth: Advocating for the Imposition of Sanctions for Rule 26(c)Protective Order Violations in the Eleventh Circuit," Georgia State University Law Review: Vol. 31: Iss. 2, Article 5.Available at:

Engineering Formal Metatheory Arthur Chargu´eraud Benjamin C. Pierce University of Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania Stephanie Weirich University of Edinburgh University of Pennsylvania rem proving; D.3.1 [Programming Languages]: Formal Defini- Machine-checked proofs of properties of programming languages tions and Theory—Syntax have become a critical need, both for increased confidence in largeand complex designs and as a foundation for technologies such as

RFID in MEDICARE RFID in Denmark 2014 RFID/IOT integrated in object solutions Partner in iPack VINN Excellence Center- A Research Innovation Platform in Area of Intelligent RFID solutions for Smart Package - © Ambigua Medito AB – Lucas Åhlström Introduction of theInternet Of Things! THE NEW ELECTRONIC INTEGRATION TO USE RFID

Cns drugs 14: 329-341, nov 2000

CNS Drugs 2000 Nov; 14 (5): 329-341 © Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. Does Disulfiram Help to PreventRelapse in Alcohol Abuse? Colin Brewer,1 Robert J. Meyers2 and Jon Johnsen3 1 The Stapleford Centre, London, England2 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA3 Psykiatrisk Ungdomsteam, Asker og Bærum, Sandvika, Norway

Microsoft word - qdn 10 version finale

CENTRE HOSPITALIER SPECIALISE DE 15 ter rue St Ouen - B.P. 223 - 14012 CAEN Cedex - Tel : 02 31 30 50 59 / Fax : 02 31 30 50 10 Nouveaux principes actifs . 2 Sortie de réserve hospitalière . 14 Changements d'indications et de posologies . 16 Divers (nouvelles formes/nouveaux dosages, changement decomposition, nouvelles associations, nouvelle présentation,

Flexible Spending Accounts Eligible Expense Guide Healthcare & Dependent Care Eligible Expense Guide This guide will provide a detailed listing of a healthcare and dependent care FSA spending account. It lists general expenses allowed by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), however, it is not an exhaustive list and if you have a question regarding an expense not listed, please call the RPG Consultants FSA Department at (212) 947-4800 ext. 215. How to use this guide 1. Healthcare & Dependent Care: Sections contain an easy-to-read chart listing common expenses. 2. Expense Type: Expenses are displayed alphabetically within their category. Examples of the expense are listed beneath the expense. 3. Eligible for Reimbursement: This guide will state if the expense is generally reimbursable from your FSA. However, there are certain exceptions or requirements for many expenses. It is important that you read the Special Exceptions or Requirement related to the expense. 4. Special Exceptions or Requirements: Follow the instructions provided to ensure your particular expense is eligible. Tip: To quickly search for an expense, click the search icon and type in the item You are looking for. Example: You're searching for glasses, just type in ‘eye glasses.' General rules for eligible expenses In order for RPG Consultants to consider an expense eligible, the expense must: • Be allowed by the IRS; • Be allowed by your employer's FSA plan; • Be incurred during your employer's plan year or during the 2 ½ month extension period, if allowed by your employer's plan; • Be for you or a qualified dependent • Not be reimbursed through another plan • Not be used as a dependent day care credit or healthcare deduction on your personal tax return. To obtain reimbursement for an eligible healthcare or dependent care expense, you must complete a reimbursement request, which can be found on our web site and must be accompanied by a detailed receipt or other supporting documentation. Definition of a qualifying dependent Healthcare and dependent care expenses must be for you or a qualified dependent in order to be eligible for your FSA. The definition of "dependent." Please note: Generally speaking, a qualifying child must: • Reside with you for more than half the year1; • Be younger than 27 years of age • Not provide over half of his/her own support.



Food and Chemical Toxicology 45 (2007) 2219–2227 Antioxidant activities of the flaxseed lignan secoisolariciresinol diglucoside, its aglycone secoisolariciresinol and the mammalian lignans enterodiol and enterolactone in vitro Chun Hu a, Yvonne V. Yuan b,*, David D. Kitts a a Food, Nutrition and Health, University of British Columbia, 2205 East Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4

Microsoft word - juan josé vagni- diego buffa.doc

LOS JUDEOMARROQUÍES EN SUDAMÉRICA: una experiencia migratoria singular Juan J. Vagni, docente-investigador del Centro de Estudios Avanzados de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Programa de Estudios sobre Medio Oriente [email protected] Diego Buffa, docente-investigador del Centro de Estudios Avanzados de la Universidad

10 - sutherland

USING ENZYMES TO CLEAN UP PESTICIDE RESIDUES Tara Sutherland and Robyn Russell from CSIRO Entomology in Canberra, Australia, and Michael Selleck ofOrica Australia Pty Ltd. describe exciting work being done on the use of enzymes to clean up pesticideresidues Current research focuses on several major insecticide classes Increasing pesticide use in recent years has led to public

"La Tolerancia no ha provocado nunca ninguna guerra civil; la Intolerancia ha cubierto la tierra de matanzas." (Voltaire) La Intolerancia es uno de los grandes desafíos al y la violencia hacia los diferentes produciendo numerosas que la humanidad debe hacer frente en este siglo. víctimas y fracturando las sociedades.

Crystal structure of equine serum albumin in complex with cetirizine reveals a novel drug binding site

Contents lists available at Molecular Immunology Crystal structure of equine serum albumin in complex with cetirizine reveals a novel drug binding site Katarzyna B. Handing , Ivan G. Shabalin , Karol Szlachta , Karolina A. Majorek , a Department of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22908-0736, USA b New York Structural Genomics Research Consortium (NYSGRC), USA

Lithium batteries technical handbook

Chapter 6 Avoiding Hazards and Preventing Quality Problems Avoiding Hazards . 8 9 Preventing Quality Problems . 9 0 Chapter 6 Case Study and Explanation To store batteries, place each of the batteries in the sections provided on the designated tray in such a way that they will not make contact with one another. 2,000 new batteries were taken out from the 20-piece

Artículos de investigación Efecto de la suplementación de capsaicina como estimulante inmunológico en pollos RossFernando Sanabria-Naranjo*, MVZ, Esp. , Mauricio Mendoza-García, Ing. Agroindustrial, Ph.D. Facultad de Administración de Empresas Agropecuarias, Universidad Santo Tomás, Colombia Recibido: 7 de marzo del 2013 Aprobado: 10 mayo del 2013

Microsoft word - mary proof_lifeshotz how to get energy without caffeine.docx

The Surprising Reasons You Shouldn't Get Your Energy From Caffeine (And 8 Ways To Get True Energy) Millions of people struggle with fatigue – grogginess, brain fog, lack of quality sleep or sleep quantity, or even low physical energy for basic tasks of daily living, like going up and down stairs or cleaning the garage. Sound familiar? What's worse, caffeine – the most popular drug on the planet that people rely upon to combat fatigue – has daunting side effects, including extreme addiction. While a nice cup of coffee here and there is likely harmless, large doses, especially in combination with the sugar and other additives you'll find in everything from carbonated energy drinks to fancy coffee beverages at your local coffee shop, can result in caffeine toxicity or overdose side effects. What you're about to learn in this article will surprise you: caffeine and coffee don't provide actual energy, but simply FAKE ENERGY. In a nutshell, they temporarily squeeze huge amounts of adrenaline from your adrenal glands, resulting in a longer-term drop in your energy levels and even greater dependence on these compounds to get you through the day. How Caffeine Works To Give You "Fake Energy" So how exactly does caffeine give you this "fake energy"? Caffeine's primary mechanism of action is achieved via boosting the levels of the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine and acetylcholine. Dopamine affects levels of concentration by blocking adenosine receptors in your forebrain, receptors that would normally signal your brain to be tired when it's supposed to be tired, like at bedtime. Caffeine also increases the release of adrenaline, which stimulates the sympathetic nervous system to make your heart beat faster, send more blood to your muscles, and tell your liver to release sugar into the bloodstream for energy. And caffeine can do more than that. For example, it can help muscles contract by causing the sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle fibers to release calcium ions. It has been shown to reduce the percentage of maximum exertion that any given level of exercise requires. It also increases circulating and intracellular glucose and fatty acid availability. Research also shows that the amount of caffeine we consume matters. Consumption of 3 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body weight (about one to one and a half cups of brewed coffee) appears to not produce some of the energizing effects, and as much as 6 mg/kg may be needed. That's a lot of coffee, especially for women, considering that high

Incidence and Risk Factors for Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (+) Lesions After Intracranial Stenting and Its Relationship With Symptomatic Ischemic Complications Keun Young Park, MD; Byung Moon Kim, MD; Dong Joon Kim, MD; Dong Ik Kim, MD; Ji Hoe Heo, MD; Hyo Suk Nam, MD; Young Dae Kim, MD; Dongbeom Song, MD Background and Purpose—Little is known about high-signal lesions in magnetic resonance diffusion-weighted imaging


Scandinavian Sarcoma Group and Oncologic Center, Lund, Sweden Euroboss I A European treatment protocol for bone sarcoma in patients older than 40 years February 1, 2003 Euroboss I Scandinavian Sarcoma Group& Oncologic centerLund, Sweden EUROBOSS I A European treatment protocol for bone sarcoma inpatients older than 40 years

VISIT Report of NVBDCP World bank District Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh -Dr Sunil Gitte, Deputy Director and team About District:Kondagaon is a district separated from bastar district on 24 January 2012 and formed as 27th district of Chhattisgarh state in t This is a tribal district. Thus the culture and the customs are different here from the other parts of the state. The population of the

Contrast media

CONTRAST MEDIA TUTORIAL Jessica B. Robbins, MD Myron A. Pozniak, MD For questions, comments, or permission to use any or all of this tutorial, please or 608/263-8312 University of Wisconsin, Department of Radiology, Madison, WI © 2010 Portions of this information are reprinted with permission of the American College of Radiology.

Malaria resources Division of Laboratory Medicine Royal Perth Hospital Contents History Malaria is a protozoal disease transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito, caused by minute parasitic protozoa of the genus Plasmodium, which infect human and insect hosts alternatively. It is a very old disease and prehistoric man is thought to have suffered from malaria. It probably originated in Africa and accompanied human migration to the Mediterranean shores, India and South East Asia. In the past it used to be common in the marshy areas around Rome and the name is derived from the Italian, (mal-aria) or "bad air"; it was also known as Roman fever. Today some 500 hundred million people in Africa, India, South East Asia and South America are exposed to endemic malaria and it is estimated to cause two and a half million deaths annually, one million of which are children. Fishermen and traders, long before British colonisation, probably introduced the disease into northern Australia and in the past malaria was not uncommon in the northern parts of the country. In Western Australia an explosive outbreak of falciparum malaria occurred at Fitzroy Crossing in 1934 which at first was mistaken for influenza and resulted in 165 deaths. WHO declared Australia free of malaria in 1981, however since that time 9 patients have contracted locally acquired malaria. The so called "airport malaria" has become a problem in recent years. A publican working in an establishment close to London's Heathrow Airport became acutely ill and was found to be suffering from falciparum malaria; he had never been out of the country. A lady driving her car past the same airport became ill with malaria although she too had never been out of the country. Four workers unloading a cargo plane at Amsterdam airport became infected with malaria. It is assumed that infected mosquitoes were carried on planes from Africa and released at the destination airport.

Ramset Chemset Injection Reo 502 ITW Australia Pty Ltd (Ramset) Chemwatch Hazard Alert Code: Issue Date: 09/09/2015 Version No: Print Date: 09/09/2015 Material Safety Data Sheet according to NOHSC and ADG requirements Initial Date: Not Available SECTION 1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE / MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY / UNDERTAKING

EL PROCEDIMIENTO DE SELECCION DEL CONTRATISTA* (Segunda parte) Dr. Rodolfo Carlos Barra 74.- IMPUGNABlLIDAD DE LOS ACTOS DEL PROCEDIMIENTO En supra, Cap. IV, parág. 23 se desarrolló, al analizar el elemento "procedi- miento" como requisito esencial del contrato administrativo. la doctrina de los "actos coligados" como característica fundamental del procedimiento contractual


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Molecular Investigation of Staphylococcus aureus, coa and spa Genes in Ahvaz Hospitals, Staff Nose Compared With Patients Clinical Samples Parviz Afrough 1, *, Mohammad Reza Pourmand 2, Amir Arsalan Sarajian 3, Morteza Saki 1, Sadegh Saremy 41 Department of Laboratory Sciences, Golestan Hospital, Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, IR Iran

artículo de investigación rev Med chile 2016; 144: 965-971 Factores asociados con el éxito de la 1departamento de enfermedades terapia antitabaco en pacientes tratados respiratorias, clínica santa María. santiago, chile. con vareniclina: 10 años de experiencia 2departamento de Medicina Preventiva, clínica santa María.

DIAGNOSTIC AUTOMATION, INC. 23961 Craftsman Road, Suite D/E/F, Calabasas, CA 91302 Tel: (818) 591-3030 Fax: (818) 591-8383 [email protected] See external label Enzyme Immunoassay for the Quantitative Determination of Chloramphenicol in Food Cat #5126-8 Recovery (spiked samples)


Volume 9, Issue 3, December 2005 E D I T O R I A L RRN's Contribution towards Easing the Present Difficult Situation Nepal used to be a land of peace. It is now up on RRN's agenda. As well as addressing some of going through an unpleasant and awkward the root causes of the conflict, such as situation characterised by political instability, discrimination, poverty, marginalisation, inequality

Informational Shocks, O-Label Prescribing and the Eects of Physician Detailing Bradley T. Shapiro∗ This Version September 1, 2015 (Preliminary Version. Comments Welcome.) Promotional strategies employed by pharmaceutical rms to convince physicians to prescribe their products are the subject of considerable regulatory scrutiny. In partic- ular, regulators worry that rms may use sales reps to try to convince physicians to


J. K. GIBSON-GRAHAM DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN GEOGRAPHY, THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES, UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS E L POSESTRUCTURALISMO ES UNA APROXIMACIÓN TEÓRICA AL CONOCIMIENTO Y LA sociedad que acoge la incertidumbre de los significados, el poder cons- titutivo del discurso y la efectividad política de la teoría y la investigación.Las autoras exploran tres conceptos/estrategias posestructuralistas –la de-construcción, la genealogía y la performatividad– resaltando su uso en lageografía económica. El artículo concluye con una exploración acercade la manera como el posestructuralismo transforma y politiza la práctica dela investigación social. Al respecto se consideran tres proyectos de investi-gación posestructuralistas que se involucran en producir o desestabilizarformaciones discursivas, y de esta forma participan en la construcción depoder, subjetividad y posibilidad social.PALABRAS CLAVES: reconstrucción, genealogía, performatividad, investigaciónsocial, investigación-acción.

Mw3598 review

Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (1997) 40, 622–630 Antibiotic susceptibilities of mycoplasmas and treatment of David Taylor-Robinsona and Christiane Bébéarb aMRC Sexually Transmitted Diseases Research Group, Department of Genitourinary Medicine, the Jefferiss Wing, Imperial College School of Medicine at St Mary's, Paddington, London W2 1NY, UK;b

MCP 200, MCP 300, MCP 500 Modular Circular Polarimeter Series ::: Superior Optical Instruments MCP: Modular Circular Polarimeter Series ➤ Circular polarimeters for high-quality analysis The MCP series provides a range of high-quality The right color for your measurement polarimeters for research and industry. They measure With the multiple wavelength option you are

Like PDK at www. Computer programming goes back to school Learning programming introduces students to solving problems, designing applications, and making connections online. By Yasmin B. Kafai & Quinn Burke We are witnessing a remarkable comeback of computer programming in schools. In the 1980s, many schools featured Basic, Logo, or Pas-

Prescribing Information RelaxaTM Polyethylene Glycol 3350 Powder for Oral Solution Red Leaf Medical Inc. Date of Preparation: 12 – 4055 Sladeview Crescent Date of Revision: <March 07, 2014> Submission Control No: 126786 RelaxaTM Package Insert Page 1 of 13 Table of Contents RelaxaTM Package Insert

Detecting bacillus spores by raman and surface-enhanced raman spectroscopy (sers)

Detecting Bacillus Spores by Raman and Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) Raman spectroscopy has been employed to detect Bacillus cereusspores, an anthrax surrogate, collected from a letter as it passed Intensity (arbitrary units) through a mail sorting system. Raman spectroscopy also has the capability to identify many common substances used as hoaxes. A

An update on amine oxidase inhibitors: multifaceted drugs

Contents lists available at Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological An update on amine oxidase inhibitors: Multifaceted drugs Mee-Sook Song Dmitriy Matveychuk , Erin M. MacKenzie , Maryana Duchcherer Darrell D. Mousseau Glen B. Baker a Neurochemical Research Unit, Department of Psychiatry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canadab Cell Signalling Laboratory, Department of Psychiatry, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada