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Informationsdienst Soziale Sicherheit Von der Leyens »Rentenpaket«: Gut gemeint – schlecht gemachtDGB: Vorschläge sind zur Bekämpfung der Altersarmut unzureichend Armut bedroht sind – wie Lang-zeitarbeitslose, Erwerbsgemin- Zuschuss zu Niedrig-Renten, etwas höhere Erwerbsminderungsrenten, höhere Zuverdienstmöglichkei- derte oder Personen mit Lücken ten für Teilrentner, Altersvorsorgepflicht für Selbstständige und Anhebung des Reha-Deckels ab 2017. in den Erwerbsbiografien – wür-Das sind die wichtigsten Inhalte des »Rentenpakets«, das Bundesarbeitsministerin Ursula von der den von den Reformplänen kaum Leyen am 22. März vorgelegt hat.

Section i_ii

ANABOLICS,10th ed. ISBN-10: 0-9828280-0-4 ISBN-10: 0-9828280-1-2 This information was gathered from sources including, but not limited to medical journals, pharmaceutical reports, laboratory reports, textbooks, as well as interviews with medical experts, athletes, andsteroid distributors. Neither the author nor publisher assumes any liability for the information presented. Thisbook is intended to provide a compendium of information for the reader. None of the information is meant to beapplied and is for entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to provide nor replace medical advice. Readersare advised that the substances described in this reference book are to be used only under a physician's care andmay be prohibited in certain jurisdictions. Readers should consult with appropriate medical authorities before usingany drug, and proper legal authorities on the status of substances described herein. Neither the publisher norauthor advocate readers engage in any illegal activities.

Material safety data sheet

Material Safety Data Sheet for 18650C4 Cylindrical Cells Section 1 Chemical Product and Company Identification Product information: Trade name: lithium ion cells Nominal voltage: 3.7V Rated capacity: 2200mAh Lithium-equivalent content: 0.57g Manufacture information: Manufacturer: Shenzhen BAK battery Co., Ltd


Clarification of hypertension – Diagnosis of primary hyperaldosteronism Marc Beineke The significance of the aldosterone/renin ratio (ARR) in the diagnosis of normo- alaemic and hypokalaemic primary hyper- aldosteronism, the most common causes of secondary hypertension Epidemiology of primary

Pii: s0305-0491(97)00183-6

Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Vol. 116B, No. 2, pp. 269–277, 1997 ISSN 0305-0491/ 97/$17.00 Copyright  1997 Elsevier Science Inc. Seasonal Levels of Reproductive Hormones and Their Relationship to the Antler Cycle of Male and Female Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) George A. Bubenik,a Dieter Schams,b Robert J. White,c Janice Rowell,c John Blake,d and Ludek Bartosd


ACE inhibitors for sarcopenia—as good as exercise training? 10. Nair N, Oka RK, Waring LD et al. Vascular compliance versus 20. Swartz CM, Young MA. Low serum testosterone and myocar- flow-mediated dilatation: correlation with cardiovascular risk dial infarction in geriatric male inpatients. J Am Geriatr Soc factors. Vasc Med 2005; 10: 275–83.

Une double opportunité pour fin juin : Nicox (COX) et Celyad (CYAD) Les informations contenues dans ce document, puisées aux meilleures sources, ne sauraient engager notre responsabilité en cas d'erreur ou d'omission. Reproduction interdite sans autorisation préalable. Nicox, deux décennies de patience

a un été à Bayeux Les Médiévales : Un nouveau complexe de loisirs avenue de la Vallée des Près Un jardin pour Salomé Le 19 mai dernier a été inauguré le Jardin de Salomé, baptisé en hommage à Salomé Girard, jeune Bayeusaine victime de l'attentat survenu à EmbEllir la villE

Why do females live longer than males?

Why Do Females Live Longer Than Males? Abstract. In most countries, females live several years longer than men, due to genetic and hormonal differences; they than males. Many biological and behavioral reasons have been benefit more from advances in medical science and economic presented in the scientific literature to explain this "female ad-

TABLE OF CONTENTS .  .  .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   .  .  .   .  .  .  .  .  .    .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  

Microsoft word - populærvitenskaplig sammendrag.doc

The use of anticholinergicantiparkinson agents in Norway Epidemiology, toxicology and clinical implications Thesis for the degree of Doctor Philosophiae Trondheim, November 2010 Norwegian University of Science and Technology Faculty of Medicine Department of Laboratory Medicine, Children's and Women's Health NTNUNorwegian University of Science and Technology

Leading transformation: conversations with leaders on driving change

Leading Transformation Conversations with Leaders on Driving Change The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a global manage-ment consulting fi rm and the world's leading advisor on business strategy. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses. Our customized approach combines deep in-sight into the dynamics of companies and markets with close collaboration at all levels of the client organization. This ensures that our clients achieve sustainable compet-itive advantage, build more capable organizations, and secure lasting results. Founded in 1963, BCG is a private company with 74 offi

3D Cell Culture: A Review of Current Techniques Brad Larson, Senior Applications Scientist, Applications Department, BioTek Instruments, Inc., Winooski, VT Over the last decade, a central focus of drug discovery efforts has been the incorporation of in vitro testing models that better mimic in vivo conditions found within the target patient. An initial step saw a move away from biochemical assays using purified drug target, in favor of a cell-based approach which utilized over-expression of drug target in common host cell lines, such as CHO and HEK-293. The quest for greater physiological relevance proceeded to the use of primary cells, preferably human if supply was adequate, and the reliance on endogenous expression of drug target should detection technology be sensitive enough. A large percentage of these cell types, being naturally adherent, allowed simple culturing workflows that seeded cells in a coated microplate well, incubating the microplate to encourage the cells to attach in a two dimensional (2D) monolayer before performing the prescribed assay. While providing initial improvements over biochemical and immortalized cell lines, an abundance of evidence now supports the reality that culturing cells in this 2D manner is often problematic and is a relatively poor model for in vivo conditions and behaviors. Using a 2D model, attrition rates of drug candidates for cancer were approximately 95%1, stemming from in vitro drug efficacy values that did not translate to the clinic, as well as unforeseen toxicity issues. In 2011 alone, out of approximately 900 anti-cancer therapies in clinical trials or under Federal Drug Administration review2, only twelve achieved approval3; resulting in the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars that were spent on pre-clinical and clinical trials. The reason for these shortfalls can be traced to using conventional 2D conditions, where extracellular matrix (ECM) components, cell-to-cell and cell-to-matrix interactions, important for differentiation, proliferation and cellular functions in vivo, are lost4.

Powerpoint presentation

Corporate Presentation Biotheranostics Overview  Commercial stage molecular diagnostics company  CLIA and CAP accredited lab based in San Diego,  129 employees  Recently spun-out of bioMérieux; VC backed  Two high value proprietary tests on the market, addressing large unmet medical needs  Only one of three companies to have two tests approved for

Petroleum csg

Health, Safety, Environment and Community Petroleum Management System Heat Stress Management PETROLEUM CSG HSEC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROCEDURE HEAT STRESS MANAGEMENT Petroleum HSEC Procedure No: PHSE-13-P10 Date: May 9, 2012 Revision: 0.1 Owner: Kim Phillips, Occupational Health and Hygiene Manager

Bozen2008 169.182

Systems Chemistry, May 26th – 30th, 2008, Bozen, Italy The Chemistry of Signal Transduction in Harald Lanig and Timothy Clark Na¨gelsbachstraße 25, 90152 Erlangen, Germany Received: 28th October 2008 / Published: 16th March 2009 Signal transduction proteins in biological systems must be very flexibleto undergo the allosteric changes necessary for their function. It iscurrent practice to investigate the modes of action of these systemsby X-ray spectroscopy of the different states trapped as crystals. Un-fortunately, the forces acting on the proteins by packing effects maylead to distortions comparable to the changes that occur during theallosteric movements. This makes it questionable as to whether X-raystructures can be used to deduce induction mechanisms. In this work,we show for DNA-binding tetracycline repressor proteins that molecu-lar dynamics simulations offer an interesting alternative for determin-ing the induction state and possible mechanisms switching betweenthem. Based on data sampled for different repressor classes with sev-eral force field parameter sets, we show that MD simulations haveconvincing advantages over the analysis of static structures influencedby crystal packing.

Greentech 4-07.indd

N e w s l e t t e r vol. 10, no. 4 - 2007 "the recent initiative of EU Commission to identify "lead markets for biobased products" has shown that there is a need for realistic surveys in the EU-markets for RRMs and RRM based products.In the last edition of Green Tech letters 3/2007 the French Agency ADEME published the results of the ALCIMED survey on existing markets and future perspectives in France.


Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 20 (8): 893-899, 2014 © IDOSI Publications, 2014 Studying the Factors Affecting Osteoporosis in Women with the Logistic Regression Analysis 1Bülent K l ç, Y 2 avuz Ta k ran, 3A. Serdar Yücel and M urat Korkmaz 1Orthopedist, Tekirda , Turkey 2Kocaeli University School of Physical Education and Sports, Kocaeli, Turkey

Estimada Esteticista: Laboratorios Biobel, S.A. de C.V. consciente de la necesidad de toda profesional de conocer a fondo los productos que utiliza, ha elaborado este manual de trabajo que describe cada producto de las líneas Biobel y DU con sus componentes, indicaciones y modo de empleo. Estamos seguros de que este manual de consulta facilitará tu trabajo y podrás

Parameter identification for a local field potential driven model of the parkinsonian subthalamic nucleus spike activity

Contents lists available at journal homepage: Parameter identification for a local field potential driven model of theParkinsonian subthalamic nucleus spike activity Kostis P. Michmizos Damianos Sakas , Konstantina S. Nikita a Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USAb Evangelismos Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greecec National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece

Reducing Maternal Mortality in Tanzania: Health Facility Assessment in Kigoma Summary Health Facility Assessment of Emergency Obstetric & Neonatal Care Services (EmONC) in Kigoma Region, Tanzania: Selected Findings Tanzania has the fourth highest number of maternal deaths in Sub-Saharan Africa and the sixth highest in the world (World Health Organization, 2014). The

Exploring polymorphism in molecular compounds using high pressure

High-Pressure Crystallography Francesca P. A. Fabbiani Emmy-Noether Jr. Research Group Introduction to high-pressure Dr. Michael Ruf Experimental setup Product Manager, SC-XRD Madison, WI, USA Dr. Francesca P. A. Fabbiani  High-pressure crystallography with Collecting high-pressure data, emphasis on single-crystal X-ray structure determination

La toxicomanie : guide d'information

Marilyn Herie, Ph.D., TSI Tim Godden, M.S.S., TSI Joanne Shenfeld, M.S.S. Colleen Kelly, M.S.S., TSI Guide d'information Guide à l'intention des personnes aux prises avec une toxicomanie et de leur famille Marilyn Herie, Ph.D, TSI Tim Godden, M.S.S., TSI Joanne Shenfeld, M.S.S. Colleen Kelly, M.S.S., TSI Un Centre collaborateur de l'Organisation panaméricaine de la santé et de

Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 51 (1) 2016 Y. Lazzaroff et al. - Análisis citogeográfico en Turnera krapovickasii Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 51 (1): 153-167. 2016 AnálIsIs cItogeográfIco en turnerA krApovIckAsII YANINA LAZAROFF1, E. M. SARA MORENO1,2, AVELIANO FERNÁNDEZ1 y VIVIANA G. SOLÍS NEFFA1,2 Summary: Cytogeographic analysis in Turnera krapovikasii (Passifloraceae). Turnera krapovickasii is

Scola notes+en+vue+du+synode+extraord inaire+des+ÈvÍques+sur+la+famille.pdf

REVUE PUBLIÉE TOUS LES TROIS MOIS PAR UN GROUPE DE PROFESSEURS DE L'INSTITUT D'ÉTUDES THÉOLOGIQUES FACULTÉ DE THÉOLOGIE DE LA COMPAGNIE DE JÉSUS – BRUXELLES OCTOBRE-DÉCEMBRE 2014 J.-M. CARRIÈRE S.J. Une loi qu'on ne peut saisir?Remarques sur la loi nouvelle dans l'Évangile de Jean . . . . . . . . . Le Synode extraordinaire des évêques sur la famille . . . . . . . . .

Volume 03 / Issue 03 / September 2015 Page 50 JTO Peer-Reviewed Articles Prevention of Ramsay Refaie, Simon Jameson and Mike Reed The Basis of the Periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) can be a catastrophic When Charnley wrote about complication fol owing joint replacement surgery. The financial

n Reimbursement and Documentation Requirements n Examples of Qualifying Health Care Expenses n Non-qualifying Health Care Expenses Reimbursement and documentation requirementsREIMBURSEMENT REQUIREMENTSAll health care claims must be submitted and Reimbursement may be made only for expenses n You must substantiate the expense as

Microsoft word - tschg_betaeubung_final.doc

Bundestierärztekammer e. V. Französische Straße 53, 10117 Berlin, Tel. 030/2014338‐0, [email protected], Die Betäubung muss in tierärztlicher Hand bleiben Im Rahmen der begrüßenswerten Diskussion um die Abschaffung von betäubungslosen Eingriffen an Tieren ist beabsichtigt, dass Landwirte nicht nur den Eingriff, sondern auch die Betäubung aus Kostengründen selbst durchführen dürfen. Bisher ist nach § 5 Abs. 1 Satz 2 des Tierschutzgesetzes die Betäubung von schmerzhaften Eingriffen von einem Tierarzt durchzuführen. Die Änderung des Tierschutzgesetzes sieht nun vor, dass Tierhalter eine ab dem Jahr 2019 vorgeschriebene Betäubung für den Schenkelbrand und die Kastration von Ferkeln selbst durchführen dürfen. Der am 13. Dezember im Bundestag zur Abstimmung stehende Wortlaut des Gesetzes ist aus Sicht der Tierärzteschaft nicht geeignet, eine Verbesserung des Tierschutzes herbeizuführen. Im Gegenteil, der Tierschutz wird gefährdet. Außerdem sind die Vorschriften widersprüchlich und aus fachlicher Sicht unrealistisch. Wir fordern, auf diese schmerzhaften und chirurgischen Eingriffe ganz zu verzichten und die Betäubung in tierärztlicher Hand zu belassen. Andernfalls soll zumindest im § 5 Abs. 1 nach Satz 4 der Satz ergänzt werden: „Dies gilt nicht für Lokalanästhetika". Damit würde verhindert, dass Mittel mit Missbrauchspotenzial und Nebenwirkungen in die Hände von Laien gelangen. Wir fordern, dass im Rahmen der Verordnung nach § 6 Abs. 6 (Ferkelkastration) darauf hingewirkt wird, dass noch zu entwickelnde Mittel, die für die Schmerzausschaltung bei der Ferkelkastration dem Landwirt ausgehändigt werden dürfen, praktikabel angewendet werden können und innerhalb von weniger als einer Minute wirken. Andernfalls würde die „Betäubung" eine Verbrauchertäuschung darstellen. Da die Wirkung nur kurzzeitig anhält, muss zusätzlich die Anwendung von Mitteln, die den postoperativen Schmerz lindern, vorgeschrieben werden. Das gilt auch für den Schenkelbrand. Die Abgabe von Mitteln zum Zweck der Schmerzausschaltung an den Landwirt ist auf Anwendungsgebiete zu beschränken, die aus zwingenden organisatorischen und wirtschaftlichen Gründen vom Tierhalter durchgeführt werden müssen. Begründung: 1. Verfügbare Arzneimittel Nach dem Wortlaut von § 5 Abs. 1 soll es sich um für diesen Zweck zugelassene Tierarzneimittel handeln. Diese sind derzeit nicht vorhanden. Zum Schenkelbrand: Ein Mittel, das äußerlich angewendet wird und den Schmerz bei einer Verbrennung dritten Grades ausschaltet, ist derzeit nicht vorhanden. Zur Ferkelkastration: NSAID wie Meloxicam, das schon jetzt zur Linderung postoperativer Schmerzen beim Schwein zugelassen ist, können den Operationsschmerz nicht ausschalten, wie es das Gesetz verlangt. Lokalanästhetika, die bisher verfügbar sind, wirken erst nach einigen Minuten, sodass der Kastrationsvorgang bei der üblichen Vorgehensweise (ohne Wartezeit) ohne Betäubung erfolgen würde. Außerdem lindern diese Mittel den postoperativen Schmerz nicht.

Documento descargado de http:// el 05/11/2013. Copia para uso personal, se prohíbe la transmisión de este documento por cualquier medio o formato. DOCUMENTO DE CONSENSO Consenso de expertos sobre la detección y el manejo clínico de la Lluís Masana, Fernando Civeira, Juan Pedro-Botet , Isabel de Castro, Miguel Pocoví, Núria Plana, Rocío Mateo-Gallego, Estíbaliz Jarauta y Àngels Pedragosa

Vorhees et al. Behavioral and Brain Functions 2011, 7:41 Effects of periadolescent fluoxetine andparoxetine on elevated plus-maze, acousticstartle, and swimming immobility in rats while onand off-drug Charles V Vorhees1*, LaRonda R Morford2, Devon L Graham1, Matthew R Skelton1 and Michael T Williams1* Rationale: Whether selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) exposure during adolescent brain developmentcauses lasting effects remains unresolved.

Publikationen / publications

NUMISMATICS OF THE ISLAMIC WORLD Institute for the History Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University NUMISMATICS OF THE ISLAMIC WORLD Note: Arabic words are rendered here in a temporary and provisional transcription. The correct forms are found in the printed catalogue. Comprehensive Series: Taqî al-Dîn al-Maqrîzî (d. 1442): Kitâb Shudhûr al-'uqûd fî dhikr al-nuqûd. Texts and Studies. Collected and Reprinted. Ed. F. Sezgin. 346 pp. 2003 (Numismatics of the Islamic World. 1). ISBN 3-8298-8001-4. Contents: O.G. Tychsen (Ed.): Almakrizii historia monetae Arabicae . (1797) A.-I. Silvestre de Sacy: Traité des monnoies musulmanes, traduit de l'arabe de Maqrizi. (1796-97, repr. 1905) A.-I. Silvestre de Sacy: Notice de quelques monnoies arabes . supplément au Traité des monnoies musulmanes de Maqrizi. (1797, repr. 1905) T.C. Tychsen: Commentatio de rei numariae apud Arabes origine et progressu . (1800-03) C.M. Fraehn: Die Chosroën-Münzen der frühern Arabischen Chalifen. (1822) E. Minost: Au sujet du Traité des monnaies musulmanes de Maqrizi. (1936-37) General Studies on Islamic Coins. Collected and Reprinted. Ed. Fuat Sezgin. Vol. I. 334 pp. 2003 (Numismatics of the Islamic World. 2). ISBN 3-8298-8002-2 Contents: J.J. Reiske: Briefe über das arabische Münzwesen. (1781-82) J.G. Eichhorn: Nachtrag zu Reiske's Briefen über das arabische Münzwesen. (1785-86) A.-I. Silvestre de Sacy: Lettre au rédacteur sur les travaux de M. Fraehn, relatifs à la numismatique musulmane. (1823) C.M. Fraehn: Extrait d'une lettre de M. Froehn [sic] à M. le baron Silvestre de Sacy. (1824) Vol. II. 430 pp., 2 plates. 2003 (Numismatics of the Islamic World. 3). ISBN 3-8298-8003-0. Contents: F. de Saulcy: Lettres sur quelques points de la numismatique arabe. I-X. (1839-42) F. de Erdmann: Lettre à M. Reinaud. (1841) F. de Erdmann: Lettres à M. Reinaud. (1843) A. Krafft: Remarques adressées à M. Mohl sur la lettre VIII de M. de Saulcy à M. Reinaud. (1843) F. de Saulcy: Lettres sur quelques points de la numismatique arabe. XI. (1845) G.H.F. Nesselmann: Zur arabischen Numismatik. (1857) C. Barbier de Meynard: Coup d'oeil sur les monnaies musulmanes, par Djevdet-Éfendi, traduit sur le texte turc. (1862) O. de Schlechta: Compte-rendu d'une découverte importante . par S.E. Subhi Bey,

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Recommended Guidelines of the American Association of Endodontists for theTreatment of The Recommended Guidelines of the American Associationof Endodontists for the Treatment of Traumatic Dental Injuries are intended to aid the practitioner in the management and treatment of dental injuries. Practitionersmust always use their own best professional judgment. The

Oral morphine to other oral analgesics

Opioid Conversion Ratios - Guide to Practice 2013 Updated as Version 2 - November 2014 ©2013. The EMR PCC grants permission to reproduce parts of this publication for clinical and educational use only, provided that the Eastern Metropolitan Region Palliative Care Consortium is acknowledged. Requests to reproduce this document, for purposes other than those stated above, should be addressed to:

Biochemical Journal Immediate Publication. Published on 12 Apr 2006 as manuscript BJ20060409 The life-extending gene Indy encodes an exchanger for Krebs-cycle Felix Knauf1,2, Nilufar Mohebbi1, Carsten Teichert1, Diana Herold1, Blanka Rogina3, Stephen Helfand3, Maik Gollasch1, Friedrich C. Luft1 and Peter S. Aronson2* 1Franz Volhard Clinic at the Max Delbruck Center, HELIOS Kliniken – Berlin, Medical Faculty of the Charité, Humboldt University, D-13125 Berlin, Germany

Quality Innovation Education Is modern life fracturing Alessandro Ferretti Stress - Modern day epidemic Work-related stress, depression or anxiety accounted for 39% of all work-related illnesses in 2013/141. The UK annual total of working days lost due to stress, depression or anxiety is 11.3 million1 The WHO estimate that up to 70-90% of doctor's visits are for stress related issues2

Pii: s0378-5173(99)00147-7

International Journal of Pharmaceutics 186 (1999) 119 – 125 A compartmental absorption and transit model for estimating oral drug absorption Lawrence X. Yu a,*, Gordon L. Amidon b a Glaxo Wellcome Inc., Fi6e Moore Dri6e, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA b College of Pharmacy, The Uni6ersity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA

This leaflet describes the various ways in which Barrett's Oesophagus is treated. There are two aimsin treating Barrett's Oesophagus: to relieve the symptoms of acid reflux and to prevent it developinginto cancer. Treatment of acid reflux soon as you get symptoms. People with Barrett's Oesophagus Rennies and Tums, and most of often have bad acid reflux but,

Business Process Services Incentive Programme THE BUSINESS PROCESS SERVICES (BPS) INCENTIVE PROGRAMME Please note the following before completing the form: 1. Please ensure that you have read this form fully and understood it. 2. Applications must be signed by the authorised representative of the company and dated before submitting.

Microsoft word - cap.salacongregazioni.doc

DEFINIZIONE TECNICA ED ECONOMICA DEI LAVORI ART. 1. OGGETTO DELL'APPALTO L'Appalto ha per oggetto tutte le opere occorrenti per la realizzazione del progetto di restauro della "Sala Congregazioni" di Palazzo Civico. La campagna di saggi stratigrafici effettuata sulle pareti, sui manufatti lignei, sul cassettone e i saggi di pulitura effettuati sulle tele a soffitto, hanno reso possibile ipotizzare una sequenza di interventi relativi al

EZB SCHAFFT UNSICHERHEIT – EINE ANALYSE AUS SICHT DES MITTELSTANDS Wer spart, hat später mehr. Diese Überzeugung ist in unserer sinkender Preise. Um eine Deflation in der Euro-Zone zu verhin- Gesel schaft tief verankert – gilt aber nicht mehr. Es ist ein Kul- dern, will sie die Kreditvergabe in Gang bringen, damit mehr kon- turbruch, den die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) verursacht. Der


POWERbreathe Guide for Indoor Rowers Fletcher Sport Science In collaboration with Professor Alison McConnell – Centre for Sports Medicine and Human Performance, Brunel University 2. The importance of the breathing muscles to rowing 3. How do you train the inspiratory muscles 4. Using POWERbreathe as part of the warm up

Nutrition and Food KiwifruitOverview of Potential Health Benefits Keith Singletary, PhD Kiwifruit belongs to the genus Actinidia (Actinidiaceae) and is derived brought to New Zealand in the early 20th century, where it from a deciduous woody, fruiting vine. It is composed of different was eventually domesticated, renamed, and sold world- species and cultivars that exhibit a variety of characteristics and sen-

5255 E. Stop 11 Road, Suite 405Indianapolis, IN 46237 Page 1 of 5 A Division of Otolaryngology Associates Pre-Appointment Packet Balance Point Assessment Insurance Information Your doctor has recommended Balance Function Testing to help determine the cause of your symptoms of dizziness, motion sickness, and/or unsteadiness. The findings help guide your doctor in choosing the best form of treatment.

"MOBILITY" I Exposure 7 Yasmin Hage-Meany • Sandra Iché • Eshan Rafi • Mahmoud Safadi • Merve Ünsal December 18, 2015 > January 29, 2016Opening Reception : December 18, 2015 • 6pm to 9pm Naming this year's edition of Exposure Mobility points certain visual dimension. "The body is not a thing, it is a

A SHARED DECISION-MAKING™ PROGRAM this program content, including this booklet is copyright protected by health Dialog Services Corporation (HDSC), a related entity of Bupa health Dialog Pty Limited (Bupa Health Dialog), who is licensed to use the material in Australia. You may not copy, distribute, broadcast, transmit, perform or display this program or any part thereof, without permission from Bupa health Dialog. You may not modify the contents of this program without permission from Bupa health Dialog. You may not remove or deface any labels or notices affixed to the program package. © Bupa health Dialog Pty Limited 2012

Microsoft word - managingringwormjune8th,2005.doc

Managing Ringworm in the Sport of Judo Report from Sports Medicine and Science Committee Introduction Due to the close contact inherent in the sport of judo, athletes are more susceptible to skin disorder transmissions. Many types of skin disorders exist and we will not be able to cover them all in this report. The focus will be on one particular skin condition affecting many judo athletes over the past 3 years… "Ringworm".


Expansion of the phragmoplast during plant cytokinesis:a MAPK pathway may MAP it outRyuichi Nishihama* and Yasunori Machida† Plant cytokinesis involves the formation of a cell plate. This is details of cell-plate maturation have been revealed through accomplished with the help of the phragmoplast, a plant- the observation of cryofixed tobacco cells by Samuels et al.

250 mg/g powder for oral administration with the drinking water or milk /milk substitute Target species: cattle (calves) and pigs Statement of the active substance(s) and other ingredient(s): 1.0 g powder contains:Pharmacological active substance: Tetracycline hydrochloride 250 mgExcipients:Glucose monohydrate. Indications:Cattle (calves) and pigs:For therapy and metaphylaxis of infectious diseases of the respiratory- and gastro-intestinal tract and infections of the urinary tract in calves and pigs (with the exception of systemic E. coli and Salmonella infections), caused by bacteria sensitive to tetracycline. Contraindications:Hypersensitivity to tetracyclines.Severe disturbances of hepatic or renal function.Do not use in ruminating cattle (calves older than 6 weeks).Resistance to tetracyclines.Adverse reactions:On corresponding disposition, allergical or anaphylactic reactions may occur. In this case withdraw tetracycline hydrochloride immediately and initiate appropriate countermasures (parenteral administration of glucocorticoids and antihistaminics). Gastro-intestinal disturbances with vomiting and diarrhoea may be observed in rare cases when the product is administered to fasting animals. In long-term treatment pay attention to superinfections e.g. with Candida spp. In animals with disturbed fluid balance, the danger of functional disturbance of the kidneys is increased. Tetracycline may cause liver damage. During therapy intensive light insolation on skin with poor pigmentation often causes photodermatitis. Target species:Cattle (calves) and pigs.Dosage for each species, route(s) and method of administration:Pigs:

Philippine bidding documents

PHILIPPINE BIDDING DOCUMENTS Procurement of Goods Procurement of Various Batangas State University Batangas State University Bidding Documents (Based on Revised IRR of RA 9184, Fourth Edition, December 2010) REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY SECTION I INVITATION TO BID PROCUREMENT OF VARIOUS MEDICINES

Microsoft word - 079_zusatzprotokoll doping.doc

Zusammenfassung.2 Zuständige Ressorts / Betroffene Amtsstellen .2 Bericht der Regierung . 3 1. Ausgangslage. 3 1.1 Allgemeines. 3 1.2 Situation in Liechtenstein. 5 1.3 Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur Zusatzprotokolls . 8 2.1 Die wichtigsten Merkmale des Übereinkommens . 8 2.2 Hauptziele Zusatzprotokolls . 9 3. Erläuterungen Zusatzprotokoll . 10 4. Verfassungsmässigkeit . 14

„Ein riskantes Geschäft"Im Oktober ist in den Räumlichkeiten der Biberacher Kreissparkasse die Ausstel ung „Mehr Gesundheit – eine Aufgabe für Generationen" zu sehen. Diese zeigt einen Einblick in die Geschichte des Pharmaunternehmens Boehringer Ingelheim und in den Entwicklungsprozess eines Medikaments. Über die Erforschung von Wirkstoffen, die gesel schaftliche Verantwortung und die Zulassung des sogenannten Frauen-Viagras sprachen wir mit Heidrun Thoma und Dr. Stefan Kreuzberger, die von Ingelheim bezie-hungsweise Biberach aus die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit verantworten.

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HORMONAL INTRAUTERINE THE PILL (combined pill) SYSTEM (IUS) A small T-shaped frame containing levonorgestrel, a progestin hormone. Once inserted into the uterus by a physician, the IUS slowly releases the hormone, which thins the lining of the uterus and A once daily oral contraceptive containing the thickens the cervical mucus, preventing passage

Efficient usage of hydrogen peroxide in tetracycline degradation via photo-fenton process

Enhanced photo-Fenton Process for Tetracycline Degradation using Efficient Hydrogen Peroxide Dosage Evelyn Yamal-Turbay*, Esther Jaén, Moisès Graells, Montserrat Pérez-Moya Departament d'Enginyeria Química, EUETIB, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, c/Comte d'Urgell, 187, 08036 Barcelona, Spain Abstract The remediation of water solutions containing Tetracycline antibiotic (TC) using photo-Fenton