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Product information VITA Farbkommunikation VITA Farbkommunikation VITA shade taking VITA shade communication VITA shade reproduction VITA shade control Date of issue: 06.13 VITA shade, VITA made. VITA SUPRINITYVITA SUPRINITY Polishing KitVITA AKZENT PlusVITA VM 11 VITA SUPRINITY® – Glass ceramic. Revolutionized. Product descriptionVITA Zahnfabrik offers VITA SUPRINITY, a new generation of glass ceramic material products. With the aid of an innovative manufacturing process, the glass ceramic is enriched with zirconia (approx. 10 % by weight). The result is the world‘s first zirconia reinforced lithium silicate ceramic (ZLS)*.

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RESEARCH ARTICLE SUMMARY ◥ lease of the TetR-Clr4 initiator (TetR-Clr4-I)from DNA. RESULTS: Cells containing the reporter gene in combination with the expressionof TetR-Clr4-I formed pink colonies on low- Epigenetic inheritance uncoupled adenine medium lacking tetracycline, in-dicating ade6+ silencing. The establishment from sequence-specific recruitment of heterochromatin resulted in high levelsof H3K9 methylation (H3K9me), which was

Dermatitis por malassezia en el perro

CANINE ATOPY AN UPDATE ON PATHOGENESIS, DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT Didier-Noël CARLOTTI, Dip ECVD Introduction A revised nomenclature for veterinary allergy has been proposed by Halliwell and the members of the International Task Force on Canine Atopic Dermatitis in 2006 [Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 114: 207-208]. 1. Hypersensitivity: Objectively reproducible clinical signs initiated by exposure to a defined

Investigación Captopril por vía oral y sublingual en pacientes con urgencia hipertensiva Captopril orally and sublingually in patients with hypertensive urgency 1Arquimides Mackelin Ortega Vázquez, 2Norma Elena Corona Amador. 1Adscripción: UMF 56 León; Guanajuato. 2Adscripción: HGZ/UMF 21 León; Guanajuato. Resumen Introducción La Urgencia hipertensiva se presenta generalmente en enfermos con hipertensión arterial sistémica. El 1% de los pacientes hipertensos tendrán crisis hipertensiva de la cual el 76% será Urgencia hipertensiva y 24% emergencia ( Papaduopulos D,2010). Objetivo Evaluar si el Captopril sublingual es mejor para el control de la urgencia hipertensiva que el captopril vía ora en los pacientes atendidos en urgencias de la UMF 56 de Julio a Diciembre del 2013. Material y métodos Se realizó un estudio cuasi experimental, el tamaño de la muestra se calculó de la diferencia entre dos proporciones, con un nivel de confianza del 95%, con 40 pacientes en cada uno de los grupos (sublingual Vs oral); por casos consecutivos y de forma aleatoria se asignó al grupo oral o sublingual, en ambos casos se administró molida la tableta de captopril. La población de estudio fueron los derechohabientes que acudieron al servicio de urgencias de UMF 56 de Julio a Diciembre del 2013, y que cumplieron los criterios de diagnóstico de urgencia hipertensiva. Resultados Captopril molido sublingual mostro mayor rapidez en cuanto el control de la Tensión Arterial Media ≤ 100mmHg y disminución TAM ≥ 20%, Comparando los promedios de control de las TAM de ambos grupos encontramos una diferencia estadísticamente significativa de P= 0.0035. Conclusión Observamos que el 16.25% de la muestra desconocía ser hipertenso. El 82.35% (42 pacientes) de los pacientes descontrolados son manejados con un anti-hipertensivo. Encontramos una relación directamente proporcional del índice de masa corporal y al grado de descontrol de hipertensión a su ingreso.

„DAS UNSICHTBARE WIEDER SICHTBAR MACHEN!" Im Rahmen des einzigartigen Projekts „Topothek" kann die Bevölkerung daran teilhaben, die regionale wie private Geschichte Österreichs nicht nur online für alle verfügbar zu machen, sondern auch für die Nachwelt festzuhalten. Text: Sabine Edith Braun Laut ist es im Himberger Gemeindearchiv. aus dem Bildungs- und Heimatwerk, der selbst

GUM DISEASE?? YOU COULD BE AR RISK!! GUM DISEASE  Loose Teeth  Bleeding Gums  Bone Loss  Bad Breath & Odor  Tartar Buildup  Plaque &Bacteria HEALTHY TEETH & GUMS  NO Loose Teeth!!  NO Bleeding Gums!!  NO Bone Loss!!


PD Dr med WP Bieger NeuroStress Guide EINLEITUNG Der vorliegende NeuroScience-Guide ist als Anleitung für Patienten, Ärzte und Therapeuten gedacht. Er soll einen Einblick in die Funktionsweise des Neuroendokriniums und in die Grundlagen neuroendokriner Funktionsstörungen und deren Behandlung vermitteln. Die von uns entwickelte „NeuroStress"-Diagnostik wird vorgestellt und physiologische Behandlungsformen besprochen. Schon lange gibt es hochwirksame Substanzen für die natürliche Behandlung psychoneurovegetativer Störungen, die allerdings durch die Entwicklung der modernen Psychopharmaka verdrängt wurden. Die unbefriedigenden Ergebnisse der Antidepressiva haben die traditionellen Behandlungskonzepte jedoch wieder ins Bewusstsein gerückt. Unser aktuelles ganzheitliches diagnostisch-therapeutisches Konzept greift die bewährten Verfahren auf und verbindet sie mit innovativen Diagnose- und Behandlungsformen aus den USA. Eingangsüberlegungen: 1. Die Zahl neurovegetativer Störungen und psychischer Krankheiten nimmt weltweit stark zu. Damit auch die Nachfrage nach neuen diagnostischen Möglichkeiten und effzienten, gut verträglichen Behandlungen. Seit Jahren steigt die Zahl psychischer Störungen in den westlichen Industrieländern. Man geht davon aus, dass bis zu 60% der Krankheitsfälle in der täglichen ärztlichen Praxis psychischer Natur sind bzw. eng mit psychischen Belastungen verbunden sind. Schon heute entfallen viele Krankheitstage auf psychische Störungen, ihre Zahl nimmt ständig zu, während die Gesamtzahl krankheitsbedingter Fehltage seit Jahren zurückgeht. Besonders gravierend ist die Zunahme der Depressionen. Während Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen, Herzinfarkt, sogar die häufigsten Krebserkrankungen (Lungen-, Brust- und Prostatakrebs) seit einigen Jahren abnehmende Tendenz zeigen, nimmt der Anteil von Depressionen ständig zu. Die WHO geht in einem ihrer jüngsten Gesundheitsberichte (2006) davon aus, dass bereits in den nächsten 5-10 Jahren Depressionen die zweithäufigste medizinische Krankheitsursache überhaupt sein werden. 2. Psychopharmaka werden heute in enormem Maße eingesetzt, sie sind mit >65 Mrd € die umsatzstärkste pharmazeutische Präparategruppe. Ihre Wirksamkeit, vor allem die der Antidepressiva, ist jedoch begrenzt. Die Nebenwirkungen sind zahlreich und zum Teil lebensbedrohlich. Immer wieder werden Zweifel am Aussagewert von Psychopharmakastudien geäußert, die Publikation von klinischen Studien mit Antidepressiva erfolgt offensichtlich nach willkürlichen Kriterien (NEJM, 2008). In einer kürzlichen Metaanalyse wurde die fehende Wirksamkeit von Antidepressiva bei leichten bis mittelschweren Depressionen konstatiert (PloS Medicine, 2008). Nur bei schweren Depressionen findet sich ein Vorteil von Antidepressiva gegenüber Placebos. 3. Die Neurobiologie psychischer Störungen wird seit Jahren intensiv untersucht, neue Untersuchungsverfahren wie MRT, PET, SPECT, Immunologie oder Molekulargenetik haben das Verständnis der zentralen Prozesse enorm verbessert. Neue Diagnose- und Behandlungsverfahren können daher stärker auf Wissen und weniger auf Zufallsbeobachtungen wie bisher basiert werden. STRESS Als eines der zentralen Geschehen gilt chronischer Stress, der vielfach zu bleibenden psychovegetativen Störungen führt. Ein kürzlich erschienenes Buch des Bonner Psychiaters Prof. Benkert (2006) hat den Begriff der „StressDepression" geprägt und damit „Stress" als ganz wesentlichen Grund für psychische Störungen einschließlich Depressionen in den Mittelpunkt

Clinical Effectiveness Programme SDcep Drug Prescribing For Dentistry Dental Clinical Guidance Clinical Effectiveness Programme SDcep The Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme (SDCEP) is an initiative of the National Dental Advisory Committee (NDAC) and is supported by the Scottish Government and NHS Education for Scotland. The programme aims to provide user-friendly, evidence-based guidance for the dental profession in Scotland.

Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 539 (2013) 9–19 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and salicylic acid interaction with thehuman erythrocyte membrane bilayer induce in vitro changes inthe morphology of erythrocytes Mario Suwalsky a,⇑, Jessica Belmar a, Fernando Villena b, María José Gallardo c,Malgorzata Jemiola-Rzeminska d, Kazimierz Strzalka d

Your guide to dementia services in RichmondApril 2012 Foreword Patients, relatives and carers often see their GP as the first port of call when seeking advice about various aspects of dementia care. Issues that arise are rarely solved by medical school knowledge alone. They are often complex and require a holistic approach. Navigating the

David carmichael

What GlaxoSmithKline Does Not Seem to Want Anyone to Know About Paxil Individuals of al ages should be closely monitored for suicidal and homicidal thoughts and behaviours for at least 1-month after they start taking Paxil and after they increase their dosage. They should also be closely monitored after they stop taking Paxil. By David Carmichael

ACTA PARITARIA Nº 2 --- En la Ciudad de Luján, en la sede de la Universidad Nacional de Luján, a los veinticinco días del mes de febrero del año dos mil once, siendo las doce treinta horas, se reúne la Comisión Paritaria Nivel Particular del sector No Docente, con la presencia de los señores Gabriel CASCALLARES, y Sergio CERCOS en representación de la parte empleadora y los señores Daniel VILLA, Juan RAMOS y Karina LOPEZ en representación de la parte trabajadora a fin de tratar los siguientes temas: 1.- Asignación definitiva categoría personal No Docente: Antonio CARABALLO. 2.- Ingreso personal No Docente - Dirección de Bienestar Universitario- Departamento de Deportes para prestar servicios en la Delegación Universitaria San Fernando. TRI-LUJ: 3244/2010. 3.- Acta Dictamen Selección de Aspirantes para cubrir un cargo de Bibliotecario en el Centro Regional Campana. 4.- Solicitudes de incorporación de personal:

Lc/ms/ms analysis of the endogenous dimethyltryptamine hallucinogens, their precursors, and major metabolites in rat pineal gland microdialysate

Received: 20 March 2013, Revised: 20 May 2013, Accepted: 23 May 2013 Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/bmc.2981 LC/MS/MS analysis of the endogenousdimethyltryptamine hallucinogens, theirprecursors, and major metabolites in ratpineal gland microdialysate Steven A. Barkera*, Jimo Borjiginb, Izabela Lomnickaa and Rick Strassmanc

Leading article

Professor C C de Silva Oration 2000 Multimodal treatment in the management of paediatric malignancies in Sri Lanka R S Jayatilake1 Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2000; 29: 70-84 (Key words: paediatric malignancy, multimodal treatment, Sri Lanka) Introduction The success brought about by the rational com- Childhood cancers form a specific group of tumours bination of the three important therapeutic mo-

Are the adverse effects of glitazones linked to induced testosterone deficiency?

Center for Sexual Medicine Center for Sexual Medicine Papers Are the Adverse Effects ofGlitazones Linked to InducedTestosterone Deficiency? Carruthers, M, TR Trinick, E Jankowska, AM Traish. "Are the adverse effects ofglitazones linked to induced testosterone deficiency?" Cardiovascular Diabetology7:30. (2008) University

Stock control methods for your customers

Stock Control methods for your customers Stock Control methods for your customers Stock supply philosophy mSupply is designed for situations such as a central supply facility within a country or region, orwithin a hospital where the supply of stock to Customers is controlled by the supplying facility. Thatis, supply of stock to Customers is managed by the supplying store.

Effectiveness of different interdental brushes on cleaning the interproximal surfaces of teeth and implants: a randomized controlled, doubleblind crossover study

Nardnadda Chongcharoen Effectiveness of different interdental brushes on cleaning the interproximal surfaces of teeth and implants: arandomized controlled, double-blindcross-over study Authors' affiliations: Key words: Circum® brush, efficacy, implant dentistry, interdental brushes, interproximal Nardnadda Chongcharoen, Martina Lulic, Niklaus cleaning, oral hygiene, periodontology, plaque removal

Tetracycline Treatment Retards the Onset and Slows theProgression of Diabetes in Human Amylin/Islet AmyloidPolypeptide Transgenic MiceJacqueline F. Aitken,1,2 Kerry M. Loomes,1,2 David W. Scott,1,3 Shivanand Reddy,1Anthony R.J. Phillips,1,2,4 Gordana Prijic,1 Chathurini Fernando,1 Shaoping Zhang,1,2Ric Broadhurst,5 Phil L'Huillier,5 and Garth J.S. Cooper1,2,3,6

Java based distributed learning platform

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2 (2014) 135-139 DAVID PUBLISHING Quality Control Properties of Some Brands of Veterinary Albendazole Boluses Common in Nigeria Fidelis Aondover Gberindyer, Patrick Azubuike Onyeyili and Joel Aondohulugh Bosha Department of Veterinary Physiology, Pharmacology and Biochemistry, University of Agriculture, PMB 2373 Makurdi, Benue State,

‘Reflection' Gold Show Garden call of the wild A sophisticated palette with wispy grasses, including Panicum ‘Heavy Metal' and P. virgatum, creates a carefully orchestrated wild and casual planting style for this design. Silver and white, with accents of pink and yellow, contrasts with the boathouse, which is clad with Oregon timber that has been burned to create

Application of bioaugmentation to improve the activated sludge system into the contact oxidation system treating petrochemical wastewater

Bioresource Technology 100 (2009) 597–602 Contents lists available at Bioresource Technology Application of bioaugmentation to improve the activated sludge systeminto the contact oxidation system treating petrochemical wastewater Fang Ma a,b,*, Jing-bo Guo a,b, Li-jun Zhao c, Chein-chi Chang d, Di Cui a,b a School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, PR Chinab State Key Lab of Urban Water Resources and Environment, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, PR Chinac School of Chemical Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249, PR Chinad Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD 21250, USA

Licaval: combination therapy in acute and maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder

Campos et al. Trials 2010, 11:72 Open Access LICAVAL: combination therapy in acute and maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder Rodolfo N Campos, Luis F Costa, Danielle S Bio, Márcio G Soeiro de Souza, Carla RL Garcia, Frederico N Demétrio, Doris H Moreno and Ricardo A Moreno* Background: The challenge of Bipolar Disorder (BD) treatment is due to the complexity of the disease. Current guidelines represent an effort to help clinicians in their everyday practice but still have limitations, specially concerning to long term treatment. LICAVAL (efficacy and tolerability of the combination of LIthium and CArbamazepine compared to lithium and VALproic acid in the treatment of young bipolar patients) study aim to evaluate acute and maintenance phase of BD treatment with two combined drugs.

Determination of metformin in mouse, rat, dog and human plasma samples by laser diode thermal desorption/atmospheric pressure chemical ionization tandem mass spectrometry

ARTICLE IN PRESS Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis xxx (2010) xxx–xxx Contents lists available at Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis Short communication Determination of metformin in mouse, rat, dog and human plasma samples bylaser diode thermal desorption/atmospheric pressure chemical ionizationtandem mass spectrometry John G. Swales , Richard Gallagher, Raimund M. Peter


Zur Wintertagung 2004: Berichte von der Baustelle "Unterrichtskultur mit Neuen Mit Ankündigung zur Arbeitstagung im Mai Inhaltsverzeichnis Tagungsnachlese Mind Maps der AG zu Bärbel Barzels Eingangsvortrag Linkliste zur Tagung Zu Kleinvieh Nr. 10 Zu Kleinvieh Nr. 14 StummesSchreibgespräch (Zusammenfassung) Tagungs- und AG-Termine MUED Frauenschuh Impressum Der MUED-Rundbrief erscheint vier Mal im Jahr in Appelhülsen mit einer Auflage von 700 Exemplaren. MUED e.V., Bahnhofstr. 72, 48301 Appelhülsen Tel.: 0209/606 Fax.: 02509/996 516 e-mail: [email protected] Redaktion dieses Rundbriefs: Antje Kunze, Christa Schmidt und Michael Bockhorn-Vonderbank, Berlin

Microsoft word - ayurveda for her.doc

Ayurveda for Her Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa, R.H., C.D.-N. November 1, 2002 Ayurveda, the ancient holistic healing system of India, is a complete approach to health and lifestyle management. This system incorporates diet, exercise, life activityroutines, psychotherapeutic practices, massage, and, of course, botanical medicine, whichis the foundation of Ayurvedic therapeutics.

Nj lawyer magazine

Top 10 Tips for Defending Mass Torts in New Jersey by James J. Ferrelli and Alyson B. Walker New Jersey is home to many mass torts—asbestos, hormone replacementtherapy (HRT), NuvaRing, Vioxx, Fosamax, Accutane, and Bextra/Celebrex—toname just a few. With plaintiffs filing numerous cases in the Garden State, it'seasy to fall into the mindset that New Jersey is for plaintiffs. But don't get caughtin that trap and become complacent, filing rote motions and litigating onautopilot. With the right strategy and tactics, New Jersey can be for defendantstoo. Here are our top 10 tips for defending mass torts in New Jersey:

Spring/Summer 2016 Experience your MNjcc 750 Spadina (at Bloor) (416) 924-6211 · Miles Nadal JCC • Welcome Israel L MAY 29, 2016 Walk for MNCC.indd 1 15/01/2016 10:47:23 AM JEWISH EDUCATION IN THE HEART OF The Downtown Jewish Community School (DJCS) provides high-quality


Development Bank December 9 – 10, 2004 "Una Aproximación al Enfoque de Derechos en las Estrategias y Políticas de Desarrollo de América Latina" Víctor Abramovich CELS (Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales, Argentina) Documento preparado para: "Derechos y Desarrollo en América Latina: Una Reunión de Trabajo" Santiago, Chile Diciembre 9 y 10 del 2004

Journal of the American College of Cardiology Vol. 58, No. 8, 2011 © 2011 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation ISSN 0735-1097/$36.00 Published by Elsevier Inc. Age- and Sex-Related Differences inAll-Cause Mortality Risk Based on CoronaryComputed Tomography Angiography Findings Results From the International MulticenterCONFIRM (Coronary CT Angiography Evaluation forClinical Outcomes: An International Multicenter Registry)of 23,854 Patients Without Known Coronary Artery Disease

Revised paper a_study_in_malari

Jacob B. Minah and Florence M. MargaiThe use of malaria nosodes to reduce malaria prevalence in vulnerable communities* This pilot study was designed to assess the effectiveness of malaria nosodes as a homeopathic prophylaxis. The primary goal was to reduce malaria parasitic density among residents in a low-income community in Freetown, Sierra Leone. In 2006, 731 participants were recruited and tested for malaria and after receipt of their test results, healthy subjects were enrolled in a double-blind, randomized study. The implementation of the clinical study was then carried out in four phases. About half of the subjects (54%) were assigned to a homeopathic group and during the beginning of each phase (every 4 months), they were administered 5 granules of malaria nosode D200. The remaining 45% of the participants were in the control group and they received 5 placebo granules per phase. Within a year, the malaria parasitic load decreased significantly among all residents. However, the overall efficacy of the homeopathic therapy could not be confirmed after the second phase of the study. Despite this setback, the results of this study generated information regarding the malaria-risk profiles and treatment seeking behaviors of residents in the community. The results also provided valuable insights and meaningful strategies for developing full scale intervention programs in vulnerable communities.

Microsoft word - dhaen_compiled.doc

Neuroendocrinology David A. Gutman and Charles B. Nemeroff For publication in: Textbook of Biological Psychiatry The occurrence of psychiatric symptoms such as thought disturbances and depressed mood in patients with primary endocrine disorders is common; in addition a significant percentage of patients with psychiatric disorders demonstrate a consistent pattern of endocrine

Ps201500508_pap_ps 1.3

GLOBAL MENTAL HEALTH REFORMS Outpatient Mental Health Services in Mozambique: Useand TreatmentsBradley H. Wagenaar, M.P.H., Ph.D., Vasco Cumbe, M.D., M.P.H., Manuela Raunig-Berhó, B.A., Deepa Rao, M.A., Ph.D.,Brandon A. Kohrt, M.D., Ph.D., Andy Stergachis, Ph.D., Manuel Napúa, M.D., Kenneth Sherr, M.P.H., Ph.D. To describe current outpatient mental health service use and

Ordination Dr. Holger Förster, FA für Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde; Klessheimerallee 93, 5020 Salzburg; 0662-434560; – Ausgabe 3 – Förster News Ausgabe 3 Jänner 2011 Entwurf, Layout, Text, Druckmanagement, Bereitstellung: Julia Schulz (PR-Beauftragte und Ordinationsassistentin) Ordination Dr. Holger Förster, FA für Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde;

Revisedryansusmita_may 20

Similarity in Network Structures for in vivo and in vitro Data fromthe Japanese Toxicogenomics Project Ryan Gill1, Somnath Datta2, Susmita Datta 1 Department of Mathematics, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292, USA2 Department of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY40202, USA

Principal insurance company overturns denial of long term disability benefits for attorney suffering from stage iii breast cancer and side effects of treatment

Principal Insurance Company Overturns Denial of Long Term Disability Benefits ForAttorney Suffering from Stage III Breast Cancer and Side Effects of Treatment Information provided by Dell & Schaefer - Published: 2011-10-17 Disability Attorneys dissected the disability denial and discovered all of the glaring inconsistencies between Principal'sassertions in its denial letter and the actual documentation in the claim file.

Comparative safety and efficacy of glibenclamide in the elderly

EML Section 18.5 – Insulin and other medicines used for diabetes Comparative Safety and Efficacy of Glibenclamide in the Elderly Should elderly patients with type 2 diabetes be treated with glibenclamide (glyburide) or different HARINDER CHAHAL For WHO Secretariat Table of Contents List of Tables

Diagnostic Study Report Pharmaceutical Cluster - CUTTACK & BHUBANESWAR Sri Bijaya Kumar Panda, CDA Sri Digambar Satapathy, CDA & Sri Biranchi Narayan Sahoo, CDA Cluster Development Cell, Industries Directorate, Orissa & UNIDO, MSME Cluster Development Programme Pharmaceutical Industry - Structure and Performance Evolution - A Global Perspective International Scenario

Fino_Final_12.18 (Do Not Delete) 3/18/2013 9:30 PM PERSONAL FACTORY OR CATALYST FOR PIRACY? THE HYPE, HYSTERIA, AND HARD REALITIES OF CONSUMER 3-D PRINTING INTRODUCTION . 473 I. BACKGROUND . 476 II. FILE-SHARING AND THE COURTS: A REVIEW OF THE CASE LAW . 480 A. The Sony Doctrine and Staple Articles of Commerce . 481 B. Grokster: Sony's Unresolved Conflicts . 484

Strategies for prevention of scars: what can we learn from fetal skin?

Dermatologic surgery Strategies for prevention of scars: what can we learn fromfetal skin? Mohammad Reza Namazi1, MD, Mohammad Kazem Fallahzadeh2, MD, andRobert A. Schwartz3, MD, MPH 1Stem Cell and Transgenic Technology Research Center, Shiraz University of Fetal wound healing occurs rapidly and without scar formation early in gestation. Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran,


Vol. 4/1, pp. 13–27 in Plant Ecology, © Urban & Fischer Verlag, 2001 Evolution and Ectomycorrhizas:their role in forest ecosystemsunder the impact of acidifying pollutants WSL Swiss Federal Research Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, 8903 Birmensdorf,Switzerland; e-mail: [email protected] The physiologically active lateral rootlets of all main trees in temperate forests arecolonised by ectomycorrhizal fungi, forming so-called ectomycorrhizas. These symbi-otic organs are the sites of exchange of nutrients, mainly P and N, provided from thefungal partner, and C from the host. Emerging from the ectomycorrhizas, fungal hy-phae exploit the soil for the mobilisation and absorption of water and nutrient ele-ments. By doing so, they connect the tree roots intimately with the soil and provideanchorage. The deposition of acidifying pollutants into forest ecosystems is a poten-tial threat to the health and vitality of forest trees because it leads to the acidificationand eutrophication of forest soils. Pollutants are also a threat to the functioning of ec-tomycorrhizas. Increased N concentrations in the soil lead to enhanced fungal N up-take and storage, and to enhanced N transfer to the host plants, and therefore tohigher plant biomass of above ground parts. In consequence, there is a decrease of Callocation to the plant roots. This in turn leads to reduced ectomycorrhization, and toreduced production of external mycelia and fruiting bodies. Soil acidification leads toenhanced availability of Al, heavy metals, and radionuclides in the soil, all of whichcan be toxic to plants and fungi. Reduced growth of roots and hyphae are amongstthe first symptoms. In ectomycorrhizas, the hyphae of the fungal tissues contain vac-uolar polyphosphates which have the ability to bind Al, heavy metals, radionuclidesand N. These electronegative polymers of phosphates represent an effective storageand detoxifying mechanism which otherwise is lacking in roots. Therefore, ecto-mycorrhizas have the potential to increase the tolerance of trees to acidifying pollu-tants and to the increased availability in the soil of toxic elements.

Archived at the Flinders Academic Commons: This is the publisher's copyrighted version of this article. The original can be found at: © 2006 Australian Journal of Primary Health Care Published version of the paper reproduced here in accordance with the copyright policy of the

Contents The Minister for Defence and the Department of Defence 1.1 The Minister The Constitution vests supreme command of the Defence Forces in the President and also provides that the exercise of such command shall be regulated by law. The governing legislation is contained in the Defence Acts, 1954-2011, which provide that military

Focused crawling in depression portal search: A feasibility study Thanh Tin Tang David Hawking Department of Computer Science, ANU Canberra, Australia Canberra, Australia Nick Craswell Ramesh S. Sankaranarayana Microsoft Research Department of Computer Science, ANU Canberra, Australia quality when judged against the best available scientific