‘Reflection' Gold Show Garden
call of the wild
A sophisticated palette with wispy grasses, including Panicum
‘Heavy Metal' and P. virgatum, creates a carefully orchestrated
wild and casual planting style for this design. Silver and white,
with accents of pink and yellow, contrasts with the boathouse,
which is clad with Oregon timber that has been burned to create
a charcoal-like surface. Designer Ian Barker said his aim was to
show how a naturalistic planting style, popular in Europe and
North America, can be adapted for Australian gardens.
1. Verbascum ‘Polar Summer' 2. Polygonum ‘Summer Dance'
3. Nyssa sylvatica ‘Forum' 4. Rudbeckia laciniata
5. Achillea ‘Mondpagode'
These designs, made
‘Chateau de Carlton'
with jewel-coloured
succulents, show
off the versatility
of these popular,
plants, which come
in myriad intricate
textures. Studio Gi,
who designed this
repeated pattern
its symphony.
on May 28,
at 6.30pm
‘Kidsense': Achievable Gardens (2nd)
photogra a
phy VIRGIN ti
on ABC TVn One of my gardening high points each year
is discovering new plants, design trends and
planting styles at the Melbourne International
Flower & Garden Show (MIFGS). There is
a real sense of excitement at the show, as it attracts
some of Australia's best designers who create thrilling
show gardens displaying their design and building
child's play
skills, and gardening ideas. This year, the displays
A woven, nest-like pod cubby and graduating spiral tunnel are
featured simple shelters and pared-back hardscaping,
highlights of designer Fiona Webber's colourful and playful children's
which allowed the intricate plantings to steal the show.
garden, which abounds with sensory elements. Bright yellow and
Most gardens had restrained colour schemes, but
orange cushions match the edible flowers on nasturtium plants.
celebrated plant diversity. Foliage had a ‘natural' look,
A silver ‘river' of common everlasting (Chrysocephalum apiculatum
Display gardens at garden shows often yield great design and planting ideas
rather than being tightly clipped, and ‘hot' plants
‘Yorke Peninsula') flanks a tiny, fragrant chamomile lawn.
to try out at home. Here are a few of the themes and plant combinations that
included grasses, succulents, dwarf conifers, compact
1. Lamb's ears (Stachys byzantina) 2. Weeping lillypilly (Waterhousea
stood out this year at the Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show
natives and plants with silver or purple foliage.
floribunda) 3. Edible canna (Canna indica var. edulis)

‘The Greenery Garden Centre Show Garden'
Best in Show
" The garden was designed to
‘Nature' Bronze Show Garden
show real planting combinations
with normal and popular species"
This garden, by Vivid Design for The Greenery Garden Centre in
Heidelberg, uses different levels for interest, and the hardscape has
a central sitting area created from classic red brick and Australian
bluestone. Its gorgeous plant selection includes well-loved classics
such as Gardenia ‘Aimee Yoshiba', windflowers (Anemone japonica),
Arthropodium cirratum ‘Matapouri Bay' and clipped Rhaphiolepis indica.
However, it was the abundance of delicate white flowers on Hydrangea
paniculata ‘Sundae Fraise' that had visitors ‘oohing and ahhing'. The
green and white juvenile flower racemes will develop pink autumn tones.
Designer Carolyn Blackman says the garden was designed to display
real planting combinations alongside normal and popular plant species.
"We wanted the garden to show that the plants should, and can, provide
structure and form in the garden, as well as decoration."
eccentric sheds
1. Portuguese laurel (Prunus lusitanica) 2. Iris japonica variegata
Why have a garden shed when you can
3. Rhaphiolepis ‘Snow Maiden' 4. Euphorbia ‘Silver Swan' 5. Arthropodium
have a real treehouse! This whimsical
cirratum ‘Matapouri Bay' 6. Bay tree (Laurus noblis ‘Miles Choice')
greenhouse (above) is stuffed so full
7. Magnolia grandiflora ‘Teddy Bear' 8. Heuchera ‘Fire Alarm'
of shade-loving indoor plants that they
appear to be escaping through the
window! Who says a garden has to be
serious? This Dali-esque building (below)
is turning the world on its side. It comes
‘The Golden Afternoon'
complete with an overgrown bicycle –
Achievable Gardens (3rd)
perfect as an unusual garden sculpture.
green & clean
burgundy foliage is
Fescue lawn left lush and long,
and textural plantings of dwarf
splashes of fresh
conifers provide softness to a
white coneflower
green and white design with
(Echinacea purpurea
a Nordic ambience. The pergola
‘Alba'). This colour
is lined with ash timber and the
scheme was one of
the most popular
oversized concrete landings
colour palettes at
provide balance. Designer Peta
the show. In this
Donaldson selected all the plants
garden, designed by
specifically for their foliage.
Jaz Rhodes, it is
Featured foliage plants included
Pinus thunbergii ‘Yatsabusa'
variety of textures,
and P. strobus ‘Merrimack'.
including a carpet
1. Green diosma (Coleonema
of Ajuga ‘Caitlin's
compactum) 2. Juniperus
Giant', kidney weed
‘A Garden Called Frank'
conferta 3. Red maple
(Dicondra repens) and
Gold Show Garden
the green-grey foliage
(Acer Autumn Blaze)
of woolly bush.
‘ Breakfast in Bed' Momentum
Energy Sustainability Award
This cottage-style
" Mostly native plants team with
courtyard designed
by Claudine Reynolds
takes recycling and
a combination circular metal
outdoor dining to
a new level, using an
water feature and firepit"
old chest of drawers as
a vegetable bed and an
apple tree espaliered
on a white bedstead.
Cafe-style white
great outdoors
furniture stands out
Designer Lincoln Flynn shows how to create an upmarket bush campsite
against the grey walls
in your own backyard, teaming mostly native plants with a combination
and feathery clumps
circular metal water feature and firepit. A metal cut-out fence screen has
of lawn chamomile
pots of cascading Dichondra argentea ‘Silver Falls', and a curved gabion
(Chamaemelum nobile).
Vegies include Black
wall seating area with a table provides the perfect place to relax.
Toscana kale, Detroit
1. Eucalyptus cladocalyx ‘Vintage Red'
‘Refuge' Achievable Gardens (1st)
beetroot, dwarf purple
2. Banksia spinulosa ‘Birthday Candles'
beans, rainbow chard.
‘ Do the NT' Gold Show Garden
stream of echeveria
succulents spilling
from a terracotta
pot, offset by the
coppery-pink flower
heads of Sedum
‘Autumn Joy' – one
of the ‘it' plants at
‘Right of Way'
the show. A stand of
Silver Show Garden
Dianella tasmanica
natural habitat
‘Blaze' adds a touch
Created by Candeo Design to represent the
of strappy foliage.
clever contrasts
diversity of flora in the Northern Territory,
This display shows how a laneway can be
this garden uses Australian plants in a
transformed into a place of beauty using
naturalistic way. Plants left unclipped so they
a selection of tough grasses and pretty
look wispy and delicate surround a billabong
cottage-garden perennials. The designer,
with bronze brolga sculptures and native
Daniel Tyrell, has created a traditional
waterlilies. The grey and green foliage
bluestone cobbled path to contrast with
combination creates a patchwork tapestry
a modern fence, spray-painted with
effect, combining Westringia ‘Wynyabbie
colourful graffiti by Conrad Bizjak.
Gem', grey cotton head (Conostylis
In the natural-looking garden, a froth of
candicans) and flannel flowers (Actinotus
helianthi) to complement the bright green
grass seeds on Miscanthus oligostachyus
of Crowe 1
‘Eileen Quinn' and Panicum virgatum
a saligna ‘Starlet', Lomandra
‘Rubrum' dance through edibles such
‘Lime Tuff', red kangaroo paw (Anigozanthos
as parsley, bronze fennel and caraway.
‘Rampage') and the white pom-pom flowers
Drought-tolerant beauties Agastache
of mulla mulla (Ptilotus nobilis).
aurantiaca ‘Sweet Lili' and A. rugosa
1. Yellow kangaroo paw (Anigozanthos
‘Heronswood Mist' team with plants
‘Bush Matilda') 2. Westringia ‘Wynyabbie
commonly found on degraded laneways,
Gem' 3. Queensland bottle tree
including common tansy (Tanacetum
(Brachychiton rupestris) 4. Cycas seemannii
‘Revelling in Levels'
vulgare) and verbena.
Investigating context-aware clues to assist navigation for visually impaired people Nicholas A. Bradley, Mark D. Dunlop Department of Computer and Information Sciences University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, G1 1XH, UK Tel: +44 (0) 141 552 4400, Fax: +44 (0) 141 552 5330 E-mail: {Nick.Bradley, Mark.Dunlop} Abstract. It is estimated that 7.4 million people in Europe are visually impaired [1]. Limitations of traditional mobility aids (i.e. white canes and guide dogs) coupled with a proliferation of context-aware technologies (e.g. Electronic Travel Aids, Global Positioning Systems and Geographical Information Systems), have stimulated research and development into navigational systems for the visually impaired. However, current research appears very technology focused, which has led to an insufficient appreciation of Human Computer Interaction, in particular task/requirements analysis and notions of contextual interactions. The study reported here involved a small-scale investigation into how visually impaired people interact with their environmental context during micro-navigation (through immediate environment) and/or macro-navigation (through distant environment) on foot. The purpose was to demonstrate the heterogeneous nature of visually impaired people in interaction with their environmental context. Results from a previous study involving sighted participants were used for comparison. Results revealed that when describing a route, visually impaired people vary in their use of different types of navigation clues – both as a group, when compared with sighted participants, and as individuals. Usability implications and areas for further work are identified and discussed.
This page intentionally left blank Laurie Rozakis, Ph.D. The State University of New York Farmingdale State College New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi San Juan Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto Copyright © 2007, 1999 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Manufacturedin the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means,or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.