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Security Guards A guide for newcomers to British Columbia Security Guards A guide for newcomers to British Columbia Contents 1. Working as a Security Guard [NOC 6541] . 2 2. Skills, Education and Experience . 7 3. Finding Jobs . 9 4. Applying for a Job . 11 5. Getting Help from Industry Sources . 12  1. Working as a Security Guard [NOC 6541]

Microsoft powerpoint - intervention dr

E. Billaud - 10/2012 E. Billaud - 10/2012 E. Billaud - 10/2012 E. Billaud - 10/2012 E. Billaud - 10/2012 E. Billaud - 10/2012 E. Billaud - 10/2012 Épidémiologie de l infection par le VIH En 2008, le nombre de personnes infectées est estimé à environ 152 000


Investigating context-aware clues to assist navigation for visually impaired people Nicholas A. Bradley, Mark D. Dunlop Department of Computer and Information Sciences University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, G1 1XH, UK Tel: +44 (0) 141 552 4400, Fax: +44 (0) 141 552 5330 E-mail: {Nick.Bradley, Mark.Dunlop} Abstract. It is estimated that 7.4 million people in Europe are visually impaired [1]. Limitations of traditional mobility aids (i.e. white canes and guide dogs) coupled with a proliferation of context-aware technologies (e.g. Electronic Travel Aids, Global Positioning Systems and Geographical Information Systems), have stimulated research and development into navigational systems for the visually impaired. However, current research appears very technology focused, which has led to an insufficient appreciation of Human Computer Interaction, in particular task/requirements analysis and notions of contextual interactions. The study reported here involved a small-scale investigation into how visually impaired people interact with their environmental context during micro-navigation (through immediate environment) and/or macro-navigation (through distant environment) on foot. The purpose was to demonstrate the heterogeneous nature of visually impaired people in interaction with their environmental context. Results from a previous study involving sighted participants were used for comparison. Results revealed that when describing a route, visually impaired people vary in their use of different types of navigation clues – both as a group, when compared with sighted participants, and as individuals. Usability implications and areas for further work are identified and discussed.


[ RESIDENT'S CASE PROBLEM ] MICHAEL S. CROWELL, PT, DPT¹šDEHC7DM$=?BB" PT, DSC, OCS, FAAOMPT² Medical Screening and Evacuation: Cauda Equina Syndrome in a Combat Zone Low back pain (LBP) is a prevalent condition, particularly in cific LBP, nerve root syndrome (radicu- primary care clinics, with billions of dollars spent each year

Chronic fatigue syndromeprm

CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME (Myalgic Encephalitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) ©2012 Keith Berndtson, MD CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME Keith Berndtson, MD Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a difficult-to-treat medical condition whose cause is not yet known. In its 23 October 2009 issue, Science published a study by researchers from the Whittemore-Peterson Institute (WPI), The Cleveland Clinic, and the National Cancer Institute implicating a potential causative role for a retrovirus known as XMRV.1 This study reported that, compared to healthy people, persons with CFS are 18 times more likely to have XMRV DNA in their blood. Retroviruses, including the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are know to activate other latent viruses including several from the Herpesvirus family. Unfortunately for sufferers, two years later the XMRV hypothesis went down in flames as several subsequent studies failed to confirm the genetic presence of XMRV in any CFS patients.2 One study claimed to have proved that the original research had found contaminated DNA. Until the fall of 2011, XMRV presented a big challenge to retroviral researchers, as the studies were hard reconcile, meaning one or more of the research teams were getting it wrong. CFS research is famous for producing false leads and misinterpretations of data.3 Nothing gets attention like controversy. CFS is now drawing the attention of a new crop of disciplined, scientific minds. For patients with CFS, and the clinicians who treat them, this is a step in the right direction. On August 23, 2010 a study appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by Lo and colleagues reporting the presence of DNA fragments from a class of retrovirus known as MLV (mouse leukemia virus). MLVs were present in 85% of 37 CFS patients tested, and in 7% of 44 controls.4 These findings appeared to confirm some role for retrovirus in the pathobiology of CFS, but it was still unknown what role XMRV or MLV retroviruses play in CFS. Some observers felt that these retroviruses interact with other infectious or environmental agents to complicate and worsen CFS severity.5 Some observers were convinced that these viruses play a major causative role in CFS. Still others argued that the data were unclear that these viruses were even present in patients with CFS. In its 1 July 2011 issue, Science published an editorial expression of concern about the October 2009 study.6 In that issue, a study by Tobias Paprotka and a national team of virology experts established that the XMRV DNA found by the WPI team was a

usa, quell'uom di multiforme ingegnoDimmi, che molto errò, poich'ebbe a terraGittate d'Ilïòn le sacre torri;Che città vide molte, e delle gentiL'indol conobbe; che sovr'esso il mare- Molti dentro del cor sofferse affanni,Mentre a guardar la cara vita intende,E i suoi compagni a ricondur: ma in-darnoRicondur desïava i suoi compagni,Ché delle colpe lor tutti periro.Stolti! che osa-ro vïolare i sacriAl Sole Iperïon candidi buoiCon empio dente, ed irritâro il nume,Che del ritorno il dì lor non addusse.Deh! parte almen di sì ammirande coseNarra anco a noi, di Giove figlia e diva.Già tutti i Greci, che la nera ParcaRapiti non avea, ne' loro alber-ghiFuor dell'arme sedeano e fuor dell'onde;Sol dal suo regno e dalla casta donnaRimanea lungi Ulisse: il riteneaNel cavo sen di solitarie grotteLa bella venera-bile Calipso,Che unirsi a lui di maritali nodi-Bramava pur, ninfa quantunque e diva.E poi-ché giunse al fin, volvendo gli anni,La destinata dagli dèi stagioneDel suo ritorno, in Itaca, novelleTra i fidi amici ancor pene durava.Tutti pietà ne risentìan gli eterni,Salvo Nettuno, in cui l'antico sdegnoPrima non si stancò, che alla sua terraVenuto fosse il pellegrino illustre.Ma del mondo ai confini e alla remotaGente degli Etïòpi (in duo divisa,Ver cui quinci il sorgente ed il cadente-Sole gli obbliqui rai quindi saetta)Nettun condotto a un ecatombe s'eraDi pingui tori e di montoni; ed iviRallegrava i pensieri, a mensa assiso.In questo mezzo gli altri dèi raccoltiNella gran reggia dell'olimpio Gio-veStavansi. E primo a favellar tra loroFu degli uomini il padre e de' celesti,Che il bello Egisto rimembrava, a cuiTolto avea di sua man la vita Oreste,L'inclito figlio del più vecchio Atride.™Poh!∫ disse Giove, ™incolperà

Microsoft word - 26medicines.doc

House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts Safety, quality, efficacy: regulating medicines in the UK Twenty-sixth Report of Session 2002–03 House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts Safety, quality, efficacy: regulating medicines in the UK Twenty-sixth Report of Session 2002–03


Clin Genet 2010: 78: 471–477 © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Printed in Singapore. All rights reserved Short Report Refining the phenotype associated withMEF2C haploinsufficiency Novara F, Beri S, Giorda R, Ortibus E, Nageshappa S, Darra F, F Novaraa, S Berib, R Giordab, dalla Bernardina B, Zuffardi O, Van Esch H. Refining the phenotype

En lo principal : interpone recurso de protección.

: Especial. : Recurso de protección. Recurrente : ANTONIO HORVATH KISS y otros. : 6.234.975-1 Abogado Patrocinante y Apoderado : MARCELO CASTILLO SÁNCHEZ : 10.396.227-7 Recurrido : Comisión de Evaluación Ambiental de la Región de Aysén.


Original Article Effect of Pioglitazone HDL Levels of Type-2 Diabetics Pak Armed Forces Med J 2016; 66(2):212-15 EFFECT OF PIOGLITAZONE ON SERUM HIGH DENSITY LIPOPROTEIN (HDL) LEVELS OF TYPE-2 DIABETICS Muhammad Zohaib Iqbal, Raheel Iftikhar*, Khurshid Muhammad Combined Military Hospital Multan Pakistan, *Pakistan Armed Forces Base Samunigli Quetta Pakistan

Nutrient-sensitized screening for drugs that shift energy metabolism from mitochondrial respiration to glycolysis

Nutrient-sensitized screening for drugs that shift energy metabolism from mitochondrial respiration to glycolysis Vishal M Gohil1–3,7, Sunil A Sheth1–3,7, Roland Nilsson1–3, Andrew P Wojtovich4,5, Jeong Hyun Lee6, Fabiana Perocchi1–3, William Chen1–3, Clary B Clish2, Cenk Ayata6, Paul S Brookes4,5 & Vamsi K Mootha1–3 Most cells have the inherent capacity to shift their reliance on glycolysis relative to oxidative metabolism, and studies in model systems have shown that targeting such shifts may be useful in treating or preventing a variety of diseases ranging from cancer to ischemic injury. However, we currently have a limited number of mechanistically distinct classes of drugs that alter the relative

TERMS OF REFERENCE 1 Assignment Title: Hiring Services of a Survey Firm to Conduct One Round of School & Household Surveys Impact Evaluation of Phase II of the Supplemental Stipends Pilot Program in Punjab Duration: April 1, 2015 – June 30, 2015 1. INTRODUCTION Under the Second Punjab Education Sector Reform Program (PESRP II), supported by international Development Partners (DPs), the Government of Punjab (GOP) is seeking an experienced survey research firm in Pakistan to conduct household and school surveys for a rigorous impact evaluation of Phase II of the Supplemental Stipends Pilot in Punjab (SSPP-II). The impact evaluation of SSPP-II was launched in April 2014 and employs a prospective experimental design, where selected middle and secondary government schools serving girls in tehsils with low school participation rates in existing stipend districts were randomly assigned to two treatment groups corresponding to different supplemental benefit levels, and one control group. The survey research firm is required to conduct extensive school and household sample surveys in identified communities served by SSPP-II. The firm is expected to undertake all activities related to survey data collection, entry, processing and quality-control.

copE With Aug/Sept Offering mums and dads opportunities to make social connections and share parenting ideas. What is Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST)? BCST is a hands-on therapy founded in Osteopathy. There is no physical manipulation, making it a very gentle therapy for all ages, from newborn to the elderly. It works with the body's ability

Full-mouth disinfection: another choice for periodontal therapy Artículo extraído de la revista RAOA, Revista de la Asociación Odontológica Argentina, Vol. 97 – Nº4 – Agosto/Septiembre de 2009 Resumen El raspaje radicular realizado por sectores ha mostrado mejorar el cuadro de la patología gingivo-periodontal. Este insume varias sesiones y determinado tiempo de tratamiento.

conosciamola insieme PresentazioneLe persone a cui viene diagnosticata una malattia mieloproliferativa cronica del sangue (mielofibrosi, policitemia vera o trombocitemia essenziale) oltre alla reazione naturale di ansia e paura per una malattia di questo tipo, spesso sono disorientate perché le informazioni sono scarse, oppure scritte in linguaggio tecnico e quindi difficili da capire.Che malattia è? Quali sono i sintomi? Come si cura? Come evolve nel tempo? Come cambierà la mia vita quotidiana? Queste sono le domande che tutti noi pazientici poniamo, per cui chiediamo ai medici di darci risposte chiare.Per questo AIL, insieme al Gruppo AIL Pazienti MMP Ph-, ha promosso la realizzazione di questa collana di opuscoli, di facile lettura e con tutte le informazioni essenziali. Quindi non un trattato scientifico ma una guida pratica, scritta espressamente per noi.Scopo di questi opuscoli è aiutarci a convivere con la nostra malattia. Saper riconoscere quali sono i sintomi tipici e i "segnali d'allarme" rende più facile il nostro rapporto e il nostro dialogo con gli specialisti ematologi. Tutto questo si traduce in un monitoraggio più attento ed in cure più tempestive ed efficaci.Ciascun opuscolo è scritto da specialisti ematologi, ossia dai migliori esperti sull'argomento. Il contributo del Gruppo Pazienti è stato quello di stimolare la massima attenzione alla chiarezza del linguaggio e alla spiegazione di tutti i termini scientifici. Essere consapevoli della nostra malattia e aver capito "come funziona" è importantissimo per seguire al meglio le cure prescritte e prevenire eventuali complicazioni. Quindi è utile sia per noi sia per i nostri medici curanti. Ma non solo: capire la malattia ci aiuta anche a viverla con maggiore serenità, senza lasciarci condizionare e mantenendo una buona qualità di vita. Buona lettura!

Copyright 2008 by the American Psychological Association 2008, Vol. 53, No. 3, 357–369 DOI: 10.1037/a0012973 Advanced Regression Methods for Single-Case Designs: Studying Propranolol in the Treatment for Agitation Associated With Traumatic Daniel F. Brossart Texas A&M University Wayne State University Richard I. Parker, James McNamara, and Timothy R. Elliott Texas A&M University


Femtosecond-assisted intrastromal corneal cross-linking forearly and moderate keratoconus M. Balidis,1,2 V.E. Konidaris,2 G. Ioannidis,1,3 A.J. Kanellopoulos4,5 months. Our study demonstrates the safety and efficacy ofthe proposed method. Purpose: To evaluate the effect of Femtosecond-assisted Key words: keratoconus, femtosecond, cross-linking.

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Pol. J. Sport Tourism 2014, 21, 147-150 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BETA ENDORPHINS AND EMOTIONAL STATE IN PHYSICALLY ACTIVE INDIVIDUALS AGED 45-55 (A REPORT ON A PILOT STUDY) IEVA KUNDZIÒA , JURIS GRANTS Latvian Academy of Sport Education, Department of Anatomy , Department of Skiing Mailing address: Ieva Kundziòa, Latvian Academy of Sport Education, Department of Anatomy,

«…auf das Wohlwollen der Pharmaindustrie angewiesen»Ein Gespräch über Transparenz in der Forschung Welche Fragestellungen über- Ruedi Spöndlin: Was gibt es an der haupt untersucht und welche Transparenz der Forschung zu kritisie- Unsere Gesprächspartner Studienergebnisse veröffentlicht werden, hängt zu stark von den Jose Xavier Girau: Problematisch ist


Necrotic Enteritis: Managing without Antibiotics Dr. Linnea J. Newman Schering-Plough Animal Health (presented at the PIC's Poultry Health Conference on November 14, 2000) The medical community has expressed concern that antibiotic use in food animals may promote the development ofantibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria that could threaten the human population. While the true relationship betweenantibiotic use in animals and antibiotic-resistant bacteria in humans has yet to be determined, there has been a strong outcryfrom consumers to eliminate antibiotic use from food animal production.

Ashok K A et al / Journal of Pharmacreations Vol-3(1) 2016 [40-63] Journal of Pharmacreations Pharmacreations Vol.3 Issue 1 Jan- Mar- 2016 Journal Home page: Research article Open Access New RP HPLC method for the simultaneous estimation of terbutaline


Weekly Newsletter Information for November 7-13, 2014 Weekly Newsletter Brought to you by PSU – Corporate and Personal Security PSU is a security consultancy company with offices in Beijing and Shanghai. We have the experience, insight and resources to provide our clients with preventive, investigative and protective security solutions throughout the entire People's Republic of China. We ensure that our clients have the practical means necessary to address risks in the best possible way by adding operational support where and when it is needed.

Microsoft word - annual report 2007 final 1 _repaired_

Executive Summary This report contains information on the objectives, accomplishments, constraints and activities of the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board for 2007. The proposed achievements for 2008 are also included. An organisational chart was developed proposing four divisions with total staffing of twenty-three persons headed by the Registrar. The Board is currently staffed with nine persons.

Freitag 14

Die Ost-West-W Schöne neue Welt Kurz mal etwas Stolz Rachel Vogt über Tom Mustroph über Die Schriftstellerin »Second Life« und das das Schutzkorsett für Luo Lingyuan über Reichtum richtige Leben im falschen Anti-Mafia-Zeugen und Nationalgefühl Konrad Ege Stehaufmännchenim Dämmerlicht NOCH 21 MONATE GEORGE BUSH IM WEISSEN HAUS ■ Doch schonjetzt werden die Karten neu gemischt

Les effets secondaires de la corticothérapie générale

PREVENTION DES COMPLICATIONS DE LA CORTICOTHERAPIE GENERALE DANS LES PEMPHIGUS DE L'ADULTE Catherine Prost Squarcioni Centre de Références Maladies Rares NET-DBAI-IDF Hôpital Saint Louis et hôpital Avicenne La cortisone, découverte en 1935, a transformé l'évolution de nombreuses maladies inflammatoires et auto-immunes (en particulier celle des pemphigus) qui étaient auparavant constamment mortelles. Depuis, la cortisone a été abandonnée au profit de nouvelles molécules encore plus efficaces et provoquant moins d'effets secondaires ; de nombreux progrès ont été faits pour prévenir ces derniers. Avant d'aborder précisément ce sujet, quelques remarques pour expliquer notre jargon médical et notre démarche thérapeutique dans les pemphigus. La corticothérapie générale s'utilisant de la même manière dans les différentes formes de pemphigus, en particulier dans les pemphigus vulgaires et les pemphigus superficiels, nous parlerons de pemphigus sans plus de précision. • On entend par corticothérapie générale (ou systémique) l'administration de corticoïdes par voie orale (par la bouche), intramusculaire ou intraveineuse (piqûres). En France, nous utilisons indifféremment :

AgentSheets®: an Interactive Simulation Environment with End-User Programmable Agents Alexander Repenning AgentSheets Inc., Gunpark Drive 6560, Boulder, Colorado, 80301, email: [email protected] Center for LifeLong Learning and Design, Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado at Boulder, Campus Box 430, Boulder, Colorado 80309-0430, email: [email protected]

Microsoft word - sangalli_lamieri.docx

A spatial econometric model for productivity and innovation in the manufacturing industry: the role played by geographical and sectorial distances between firms° Ilaria Sangalli*, Marco Lamieri** Abstract The paper assesses spillovers from total factor productivity (TFP) in the Italian

Schilddrüsenunterfunktion (Hypothyreose): International gilt Jean Dodds als die große Kapazität rund um die Schilddrüsenunterfunktion. Auf Bitte einiger Afghanenfreunde habe ich, unter Einbeziehung ihrer Veröffentlichungen im Internet unteeinen ihrer aktuellen amerikanischen Vorträge (gab es als Skript, Vortrag gehalten Juni 2002) frei übersetzt - was ohne ein englisch-deutsches medizinisches Fachwörterbuch nicht ganz einfach gewesen ist. Hinhaltlich ergänzt habe ich diesen Vortrag aus anderen Quellen (siehe Internetreferenzen am Schluss). Da es sich um einen Fachaufsatz handelt, sei allen, die mit dem Thema noch nicht vertraut sind, deals Vorab-Lektüre dringend empfohlen. Eine der im Text erwähnten Tabellen (No. 3) habe ich noch nicht eingescannt. Die Basis bildet, ergänzt um Artikel aus den Links am Ende, ein Referat von einem Seminar über Autoimmunkrankheiten beim Hund vom Sonntag 09. Juni 2002 präsentiert von der C.I.M.D.A. (Canine Immune Mediated Disease Awareness) Doch zuvor noch eine knappe Wiederholung der wichtigsten Fakten über die Schilddrüse: Ein Überblick „Was ist Schilddrüsenunterfunktion" = Hypothyreose? Die Schilddrüsenfehlfunktion ist eine der häufigsten enokrinen Probleme bei Hunden. Praktisch alle Rassen sind betroffen. Während epidemische Daten spärlich sind, scheinen Schilddrüsenfunktionsstörungen immer häufiger in bestimmten Rassen und Linien aufzu- tauchen, besonders bei großen Hunden. Diese Tatsache deutet auf einen genetischen Vererbungsmodus hin. Die Schilddrüse ist an der Stoffwechselregulation aller Zellfunktionen beteiligt. Aus diesem Grund führt eine Reduktion der Schilddrüsenfunktion zu einer breiten Spanne von klinischen Symptomen. Das macht es so schwierig, ohne geeignete Labortests und eine erfahrene, professionelle Interpretation der Ergebnisse eine exakte Diagnose auf diese Krankheit zu stellen. Die häufigste Form der Schilddrüsenunterfunktion [Anmerkung: englisch „Hpothyroidism" oder deutsch „Hypothyreose"] ist die autoimmune Schilddrüsen- entzündung [Anmerkung: englisch „Hypthyroiditis"], eine familiale Autoimmunerkrankung mit Erbdisposition. In diesem Fall greift das tiereigene Immunsystem das Schilddrüsengewebe an und zerstört schließlich die Schilddrüse. Der Körper wird dies für eine Weile durch eine erhöhte Produktion von Schilddrüsenhormonen kompensieren, aber wenn die Reserven erst einmal erschöpft sind, wird das Tier die klinischen Symptome für Schilddrüsenunterfunktion ausprägen. Die Schilddrüsenphysiologie Die Schilddrüse besteht aus zwei Lappen rund um die Luftröhre. Es wurde festgestellt, dass sie wenigstens zwei miteinander verwandte Hormone produziert: Thyroxine (T4, Tetrajodthyronin) und Tri-Jodothyronin (T3). Der einzige strukturelle Unterschied besteht aus 3 Jodionen, die dem T3-Hormon angeheftet sind, und 4 Atomen an dem T4-Hormon. Rund 90% der ausgeschütteten

Microsoft word - vamv045_toc_150129

****Published February 2015*** MarketVIEW: Cholesterol (PCSK9) vaccines (CAT: VAMV045) Product Name MarketVIEW: Cholesterol (PCSK9) vaccines Description Global vaccine commercial opportunity assessment Contents Executive presentation + 1 forecast model Therapeutic Area Publication date

Updated draft report leeuwenhoeck prr feb

Initiating Coverage Report PRIMA BIOMED Switching into higher gear in immune therapy Date: 11 February 2015 Prima BioMed Country: Australia AUD 0.036 ISIN Code: Reuters Code: PRR.AX, NASDAQ:PBMD Market Cap (AUD m): EV (AUD m): Cash & cash eq. (AUD m):


002_B-repariert #365:002_B 03.01.2008 10:26 Uhr Seite 118 118 BKLINISCH-THEORETISCHE INSTITUTE Institut für Experimentelle und Klinische Pharmakologie und ToxikologieLehrstuhl für Klinische Pharmakologie und ToxikologieInstitute of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and ToxicologyChair of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

Pre-departure orientation packet

PRE-DEPARTURE ORIENTATION PACKET TABLE OF CONTENTS IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS STUDYING ABROAD Pace University Contact Information Study Abroad Office- NYC Study Abroad Office- Pleasantville One Pace Plaza, Suite W-207 861 Bedford Road New York, NY 10038 Kessel Student Center, 213 Pleasantville, NY 10570

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report May 28, 2010 / Vol. 59 U.S. Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use, 2010 Adapted from the World Health Organization Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use, 4th edition department of health and human services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Early Release

Research and the Approval Process An agent sequentially collects information to obtain a principal's approval, such as a pharmaceutical company seeking FDA approval to introduce a new drug. To capture suchenvironments, we study strategic versions of the optimal stopping time problem …rst proposedby Wald (1945). Our ‡exible model allows us to consider di¤erent types of rules and commit-ments by the principal as well as strategic withholding of information by the agent. We shedlight on current regulation and proposed reforms of the drug approval process. The modelalso captures situations such as a …rm seeking antitrust approval to merge with a competitor,a manager proposing a project to the …rm's headquarters or an author submitting a paper toan editor.


Characterising patients and controls with brain graphs constructed from fMRI data September 28, 2012 Systems Biology DTC University of Oxford Network science is a novel method of investigating the structure and function of the brain. We used network analysis in an attempt to distinguish between braingraphs constructed from fMRI data from patients and controls. The nodes in thebrain graphs are spatial regions of interest and the strength of their connectionis the correlation of the blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal of pairs ofnodes. The first data set contained little temporal information, so we performeda spectral clustering method on the communicability networks generated fromthe data. We found that there was some distinction between healthy and brain-damaged individuals. The second data set contained time-series data, whichallowed us to construct time-dependent adjacency matrices. The patients werediagnosed with schizophrenia, and the data was taken with the patients andcontrols taking the drugs Aripiprazole, Sulpiride, or a placebo. We performedtime-dependent community detection on the multilayer networks and the meanflexibility of the network was found. We found that for all drugs, the controlshad a higher mean network flexibility than the patients.

24965 doha flu clinical guide#4.indd

Interim National Pandemic Infl uenza Management Plan for ISBN: 0 642 82886 5 Online ISBN: 0 642 82887 3 Publications Approval Number: 3816 © Commonwealth of Australia 2006 This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the Commonwealth. Requests and

Physical Therapy Treatment Effectiveness forOsteoarthritis of the Knee: A Randomized Comparison of Supervised Clinical Exercise and Manual Therapy Procedures Versus a Home ProgramGail D Deyle, Stephen C Allison, Robert L Matekel,Michael G Ryder, John M Stang, David D Gohdes, Jeremy P Hutton, Nancy E Henderson and Matthew BGarberPHYS THER. 2005; 85:1301-1317.


Behaviour Research and Therapy 45 (2007) 699–713 Dyadic predictors of outcome in a cognitive-behavioral program for patients with generalized anxiety disorder in committed relationships: A ‘‘spoonful of sugar'' and a dose of non-hostile criticism may help Richard E. Zinbarga,b,, Jeong Eun Leea, K. Lira Yoona aPsychology Department, Northwestern University, 102 Swift Hall, Evanston, IL 60208-2710, USA

Up to date uk

Summer 2007 Turn-around for trees Promotional Pointers Garden MessengerPlant Promotions for 2007 Plant SpotlightHelping you pick the winners! For beautiful blossom in spring and attractive fruits and foliage in autumn,Malus or ornamental apple, is hard to beat. Add to this their compact size andthe availability of varieties that are resistant to scab and mildew and you've gotthe ideal tree for most gardens. This fact is reflected in the way that many gar-den writers list Malus among their top small garden trees.

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FOODDRINKEUROPE GUIDELINES ON REGULATION (EC) NO 1334/2008 ON FLAVOURINGS AND CERTAIN FOOD INGREDIENTS WITH FLAVOURING PROPERTIES FOR USE IN AND ON FOODS Table of Contents Executive SummaryThe present Industry Guidelines on the "Regulation (EC) No 1334/2008 on flavourings and certain food ingredients with flavouring properties for use in and on foods" are intended to provide a common understanding of the major issues to be taken into account by food business operators, flavourings producers and other stakeholders.

A Journal of Rhetoric in Society Research Update: Pain Medication and the Figure of the Pain Patient University of Birtish Columbia Present Tense, Vol. 2, Issue 2, 2012. Research Update: Pain Medication and the Figure of the Pain PatientJudy Z. Segal Coalition, pain patients are "treated as complainers, malingerers, and drug seekers" (Walton). Clearly, there is some

W I N T E R 2 0 1 3 Alumni Journal INSIDE THIS ISSUE "Progress by Degrees - The Future of Counselling/Psychotherapy as a Graduate Profession" by Eoin Stephens Dr. William Glasser 1925 - 2013 Psychiatrist and Author Positive Psychotherapy Book Review: Understanding and Treating Sex Addiction: Lecturer Profile: Jade Mullen VOLUME 12, ISSUE 1

FYI: OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF PRO-LIFE PHILIPPINES Prolifers file case against condom ads QUEZON CITY, June 17, 2010--PROLIFERS filed a motion for intervention against action star Robin Padilla and DKT Phils. Inc. in Quezon City Regional Trial Court Branch 96, joining the Ang Kapatiran Party who had earlier filed a suit to stop the promotion

The Effect of Caffeine on Heart Rate During Submaximal Exercise as Subjects Become Habituated to Caffeine Melody S. Axtell Mentor: Ted Anderson, Ph.D., Kinesiology Committee: Ryan Botts, Ph. D., Math/Computer Science, Brandon Sawyer, Ph.D., Biology/Kinesiology Abstract Caffeine is the most commonly used stimulant in the world. Caffeine is consumed by athletes and fitness enthusiasts to boost performance in both aerobic endurance events such as a marathon, as well as anaerobic high intensity activities such as weight lifting. Common means of consumption of caffeine include drinking coffee before exercise or taking a pre-workout energy drink in which caffeine is usually combined with additional ergogenic ingredients. With regular use, caffeine's effectiveness can diminish. Recent research suggests that tolerance, or habituation, may be established in a very short amount of time. This study examines the rate at which college students become habituated to the effect of caffeine as measured by their daily performance of a sub-maximal fitness test, the Queens College Step Test. Results of this study will be used as a first step in defining a schedule of caffeine supplementation that maximizes caffeine effectiveness in terms of physical performance while avoiding tolerance or habituation issues. The results of this study confirm that a tolerance to caffeine can be established with four days of continual use, but that the rate at which habituation and tolerance to caffeine occurs are specific to individuals. This study also confirms that low doses of caffeine (3mg/kg) are effective at producing enhanced physical performance in submaximal exercise. Introduction Caffeine as an ergogenic aid is supported by previous research.1 Caffeine can improve physical performance for both endurance and power activities, as well as being able to mask feelings of fatigue.1 These three areas of physical performance are affected by caffeine in different ways. It is thought that caffeine improves endurance performance by increasing free fatty acid availability thus sparing glucose during endurance events. This is accomplished by stimulating the production of hormone sensitive lipase by increasing catecholamine levels.2,3 There are many factors which alter caffeine's effect on heart rate in individuals during exercise. The factors are important to understand for athletes interested in taking caffeine as an ergogenic aid, these factors include the activity being performed, the structure of caffeine and how it metabolizes physiologically, fitness level and gender, and timing of ingestion of caffeine. Caffeine is popular for it's effect on energy levels. Caffeine molecular structure is similar to that of adenosine.4 This makes caffeine a competitive inhibitor to adenosine. When adenosine receptors bind with adenosine molecules our bodies experience relaxation, fatigue, and sleep, but when adenosine receptors are bound to caffeine molecules, signals for the body to relax, feel fatigued and to ultimately sleep are not sent. This is thought to be the mechanism whereby caffeine blocks signals of fatigue.5 Caffeine does not necessarily give us energy, but it allows for the biochemical pathway to increase energy and delay fatigue, which may improve athletic performance.

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CONSENSO Y GUÍA DE LA ASOCIACIÓN PSIQUIATRICA MEXICANA PARA EL MONITOREO Y MANEJO DE LAS ALTERACIONES SECUNDARIAS AL USO DE EDITOR Dr. Wazcar Verduzco Fragoso AUTORES Dr. Carlos Aviña Cervantes Médico Psiquiatra. Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía "Manuel Velasco Suárez". Dra. Claudia Becerra Palars Coordinadora Clínica de Trastornos del Afecto Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría "Ramón de la Fuente"

Prior authorization criteria

Prior Authorization Criteria for Select Drugs on the Peoples Health 2012 Formulary The following are prior authorization group names that appear for select drugs on the 2012 Peoples Health formulary. Descriptions for each of these group names are found on the corresponding pages of this document. To determine if your drug has a prior authorization requirement, use the Peoples Health online Pres

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Thomas N. Hangartner, PhD, FAAPM 1900 Kress Wood Circle Kettering, Ohio 45429 Phone: (937) 293-4109 Brunnen, Switzerland Dipl. Phys. ETH,Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich Teaching Certificate (Secondary Education),Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich Dr. sc. nat.,Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich

2 marandi

Persian Literary Studies Journal (PLSJ) Vol. 2, Nos. 2-3, 2013 On the Flying Carpet of Orientalism: Reading Anita Amirrezvani's The Blood of Flowers Seyed Mohammad Marandi Associate Professor of English Ph.D. Candidate Literature English Literature University of Tehran, Iran

Pediatric Depression in Primary Care: Assessment and Management Epidemiology. Depression is surprisingly common in the pediatric population, and the risk of depression increases with age into adolescence and young adulthood. Major depressive disorder (MDD) affects approximately 3% of prepubertal children and 4 to 8% of adolescents at any one time. Prepubertal girls and boys are affected equally, but female


Guidelines für kardiovaskuläre Erk rankungen in der klinischen Praxis ( ESC / AGLA ) Dr. med. Karl Nüesch Kardiologie FMH Medical manager FH/EMBA Marktstrasse 11, 9435 Heerbrugg • Vortrag über die aktuellen Richtlinien • Fallpräsentation 1 • Fallpräsentation 2 • Diskussion


User Manual for the i60XX Series Copyright Statement Information contained in this document provides solely the description of the current status of the product but not an intended guarantee, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. UROVO Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred

Engaging workplaces in tb care and control

Multidrug-resistant Tuberculosis Charles L. Daley, MD National Jewish Health Chair, Global GLC, WHO and Stop TB Partnership Disclosures • World Health Organization – Chair, Global GLC • Otsuka – Chair, Data Monitoring Committee for clinical trials of delaminid Multidrug-resistant Tuberculosis • Pathogenesis and Transmission of Drug

Nausea: Assessment and Management Medical Resident/Oncology Fellow Competency Assessment Tool Palliative Care Domain: Pain and Symptom Management Table of Contents Introduction for the Learner (Resident/Oncology Fellow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Nausea: Assessment and Management Introduction for the Learner (Resident/Fellow)

Schweizerische Vereinigung für Offizielles Mitteilungsblatt der Schweizerischen Vereinigung für Parapsychologie 7. Jg / Nr. 37 – Juli/August 2007 Parapsychologie, Brückfeldstr. 19, Tel. 031 302 00 33, Fax 031 302 00 50 Ich bin eine Seele Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] Liebe Leserinnen, liebe Leser, Ich habe einen Körper

Census of the Vegetation Present At Wild at Tuli, Central Tuli Block, Botswana The central Tuli Block is a relatively understudied and isolated area in terms of scientific research. Its landscape and climate closely resembles that to be found on the South side of the Limpopo River, which it abuts, but has experienced very little of the scientific research that has been conducted on the South African side of the border. For this reason we felt it was necessary to perform a census of the vegetation in the area simply to get a better understanding of the diversity of plants and what this would mean for the mammal and bird species which are and could be found in the area. Plants are the base unit for most ecosystems on land and as such it is essential to know which plant species are in an area which is being conserved so you can better understand the reasons for animal distributions, populations and fluctuations as well as knowing whether or not prospective reintroductions of previously extinct species would be successful in the area or areas similar to it.

Driven to make a dif erence People focused. Healthcare simplified. Giving people the best healthcare possible Patients deserve the best possible care, but they also deserve the best possible experience. We help you give them both. How? By making your work easier: removing the barriers that hold you back, providing you with advanced, effective and intuitive medical technology, and freeing up the time and energy you need to connect with your col eagues – and, most important of al , your patients.

How to use an article about harm

How to Use an Article about Harm Mitchell Levine, Stephen Walter, Hui Lee, Ted Haines, Anne Holbrook, Virginia Moyer, for the Evidence Based Medicine Working Based on the Users' Guides to Evidence-based Medicine and reproduced with permission from JAMA. (1994;271(20):1615-1619). Copyright 1995, American Medical Association. • Introduction

Forecasting a Moving Target: Ensemble Models for ILI Case Count Predictions Pejman Khadivi∗† Jiangzhuo Chen‡ Patrick Butler∗† Elaine O. Nsoesie‡§¶ Sumiko R. Mekaru§ John S. Brownstein§¶ Madhav V. Marathe∗‡ Naren Ramakrishnan∗† ever, traditional surveillance reports are published with Modern epidemiological forecasts of common illnesses, a considerable delay and thus recent research has fo-


A Guide to Asthma Medications and Delivery Devices February 20, 2009 This program was made possible through an unrestricted grant from: Monaghan Medical Corporation, Lupin Pharmaceuticals Inc., and Forest Laboratories Inc. American Association for Respiratory Care 9425 N. MacArthur Blvd., Suite 100 Irving, Texas 75063 Phone: (972) 243-2272

APA Format–6th Edition OVERVIEW–The American Psychological Association (APA) style is widely accepted in the social sciences and other fields, such as education, business, and nursing. The APA citation format requires parenthetical citations within the text rather than endnotes or footnotes. Citations in the text provide brief information, usually the name of the author and the date of

Fda drug safety communication: fda modifies monitoring for neutropenia associated with schizophrenia medicine clozapine; approves new shared rems program for all clozapine medicines

FDA Drug Safety Communication: FDA modifies monitoring for neutropenia associated with schizophrenia medicine clozapine; approves new shared REMS program for all clozapine medicines Safety Announcement [09-15-2015] The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is making changes to the requirements for monitoring, prescribing, dispensing, and receiving the schizophrenia medicine clozapine, to address continuing safety concerns and current knowledge about a serious blood condition called severe neutropenia. Severe neutropenia is a dangerously low number of neutrophils, white blood cells that help fight infections. Severe neutropenia can be life-threatening. Treatment with clozapine may improve the symptoms of schizophrenia in patients who do not respond adequately to standard antipsychotic treatments. Symptoms of schizophrenia include hearing voices, seeing things that are not there, and being suspicious or withdrawn. Clozapine is also effective in reducing the risk of repeated suicidal behavior in patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. We previously communicated safety information associated with clozapine i There are two parts to the changes in the requirements for treating patients with clozapine. First, we have clarified and enhanced the prescribing information for clozapine that explains how to monitor patients for neutropenia and manage clozapine treatment. Second, we approved a new, shared risk evaluation and mitigation strategy (REMS) called the Clozapine REMS Program. The revised prescribing information and the Clozapine REMS Program will improve monitoring and management of patients with severe neutropenia. The shared REMS is also expected to reduce the burden and possible confusion related to having separate registries for individual clozapine medicines. The requirements to monitor, prescribe, dispense, and receive all clozapine medicines are now incorporated into the Clozapine REMS Program. The Clozapine REMS Program replaces the six existing clozapine registries maintained by individual clozapine manufacturers. The shared REMS requires prescribers, pharmacies, and patients to enroll in a single centralized program. Patients who are currently treated with clozapine will be automatically transferred to the Clozapine REMS Program. In order to prescribe and dispense clozapine, prescribers and pharmacies will be required to be certified in the Clozapine REMS Program according to a specific transition schedule starting October 12, 2015 (see Additional Information for Prescribers section and Additional Information for Pharmacies section for more details). The monitoring recommendations for neutropenia caused by clozapine treatment have changed. Clozapine can decrease the number of neutrophils in the blood, in some cases causing severe

Misdiagnosis of Serotonin Syndromeas Fibromyalgia and the Role ofPhysical TherapistsGregory M Alnwick GM Alnwick, PT, DPT, is Staff Background and Purpose. Physical Therapist and Master Cli- With increased use of serotonergic medications, a nician, Genesis Rehabilitation Ser- condition triggered by serotonin excess within the brain and spinal cord has emerged