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Summer 2007
Turn-around for trees Promotional Pointers Garden MessengerPlant Promotions for 2007 Plant Spotlight
Helping you pick the winners!
For beautiful blossom in spring and attractive fruits and foliage in autumn,Malus or ornamental apple, is hard to beat. Add to this their compact size andthe availability of varieties that are resistant to scab and mildew and you've gotthe ideal tree for most gardens. This fact is reflected in the way that many gar-den writers list Malus among their top small garden trees.
The challenge for retailers is to get people buying plants. For this reason, 65 cultivars of Malus were and planting trees – on the face of it they don't recently studied by the plant certification body seem to offer the quick benefits that customers ‘Naktuinbouw' in Holland. They focused on have come to expect. But sell their strengths in commercially important features of the plants an imaginative way and you could see this product including colour of buds, blossom and fruit, as Malus ‘Golden Hornet' group become a real winner. It's all about hitting well as their susceptibility to disease.
consumer hot-buttons and with blossom, foliage and fruit on offer, there is plenty opportunity to Malus ‘Evereste' (PERPETU) was awarded the stars including ‘Golden Hornet' with light purple- get the message across.
highest commendation of three crowns for its out- white flowers and beautiful fruits and ‘Rudolf', with standing characteristics. A small tree reaching dark-purple to pink flowers, fabulous foliage and Research organizations have an essential role to approximately 4.5m, it has a wide pyramidal crown, yellow fruits.
play in this process because they can focus on blossom that ranges from light purple to pink-white A further 20 varieties performed well in the tests.
characteristics that impact on the marketability of and orange/red fruits. Seven others received two All successful varieties are listed in the tables below.
Awarded three crowns Flower bud colour Dark purple pink Light purple pink/white Awarded two crowns‘Adirondack' Purple pink ‘Donald Wyman' Purple red ‘Golden Hornet' Dark purple pink Light purple white Orange yellow Dark purple pink ‘Red Sentinel' Light pink Light pink/white Purple red Brown purple Dark purple pink Yellow with orange blush toringo ‘Brouwers Beauty' Purple red Light pink/white Yellow orange yellow Other positively judged cultivars ‘John Downie' baccata ‘Street Parade' ‘Van Eseltine' ‘Red Jade' ‘Red Silver' ‘Red Splendor' ‘Weepcanzam' (CANDIED APPLE) toringo ‘Sargent's Elegant' toringo ‘Rosea' s = for special purposes; these plants have a specific ornamental or user value and therefore a wide application is not always possible.
Turn-around for trees
Making trees a number one consumer priority is a tough assignment. But the very aspects that make them
challenging as a product group can be turned around to make them highly desirable.
Sowing the seed for trees
available at the information gazebo.
features that bring benefits throughout the year.
In general, a tree is not an impulse purchase.
A ‘tree line' staff member who is never too far from Think of ornamental apple (see product feature) The right tree can transform a garden and provide the trees will be able to help with basic plant needs, which delivers blossom, foliage and fruit, or fabulous enhanced amenity for years to come.Trees have big as well as getting the tree into the trolley. It's also Acer palmatum with wonderful foliage right through personalities and matching the tree to the situation essential that tree lines look tidy and attractive.
the growing season. Evergreens can offer warmth is essential for success.This extends beyond merely Static information on ‘how to plant a tree' is a great and interest in the winter months and magnolia or soil types and situation, certain trees ‘fit' in certain help to remind even experienced gardeners of the cherry mark spring with beautiful flowers. Appeal situations.This would be a great subject for a feature basic procedure and a delivery service (free within to customers' environmental consciousness.Trees in a gardening club newsletter, or for in-store POS a certain radius of the centre?) will ensure that do make the world a better place for everyone and to help customers make their choice. Mood posters bigger trees aren't broken before they get home.
shade, better air quality, habitat for wildlife and are also handy for getting customers on track for Offering a planting service (at a cost) can make a being plugged into the rhythms of the year are all trees, and can help to ‘sow the seed' when they are huge difference to sales if you have the capability becoming key consumer triggers.
visiting for other products.
and on big-ticket trees is very desirable as it's in your interests to know that the tree has been Be part of something bigger
planted correctly.
Why not look into a partnership project with a tree Remove the barriers to purchase and you will see charity, wildlife group or community initiative.Trees your tree sales increase.
Think big
can change lives, here and in other parts of the world.
Most people don't want loads of trees so they'll be Tree promotions can be an effective way of bringing When it comes to trees, customers usually plan, or more willing to pay for a bigger specimen that looks some new elements to the shop floor that can really at least think in advance what they want.They will good from the start. Stock well grown specimens add interest.Visit the new Green City initiative then use the facilities of the centre to confirm their and highlight the benefits of bigger stock.
website at to get in the choice, because potentially a tree represents a long- picture with trees and their wider benefits. Plus look term commitment. For this reason, make sure there Promote the benefits
up the United Nations Billion Tree Campaign for are plenty of reference books and product posters Many trees suitable for gardens offer a range of more inspiration See you at the 2007 shows!
Don't miss Plantarium
Four Oaks
Visit Groot Groen Trade Show
22nd to 25th August • Boskoop 4th and 5th September 3rd to 5th October • Zundert Make sure to visit us at the See you at the premier hardy nursery Dutch Pavilion. Come along Put a date in your diary stock trade show.
and find out about the new features in our promo- for this annual show tional campaign for 2008 and what's in it for you! including hardy nursery Throughout the pavilion there'll be top quality pro- stock and suppliers duct and the opportunity to speak with the sup- to the landscape and pliers. Plus look out for the Garden Messenger plants and themes in John Stanley's ‘Lifestyle Display Gardens' as part of this year's retail seminar sessions.
Entice and entertain Summer is here! At this time of year holidays, tennis and the sheer heaven ofjust lazing in the sun are your competition! Make sure it's game set and matchto you by creating some summer fun for your customers to ensure footfall.
Serve up super summer days out Go garden wild
such as solidago with its prairie look are ideal to It's summer holidays so give families a wildlife promote – strong solidago yellows glowing under themed event to increase footfall and get them the summer sun will blast the sleepiness out of any spending. Get your customers going garden wild planteria on even the hottest summer afternoon.
with a themed promotion of all things wild and There are masses of opportunities for add-on sales wonderful. Wildlife magnets such as buddleia and here too – from bird food and feeders to bird lavender are perfect to include. Plus perennials baths and water features. Plus you could really get the summer holidays off to a swinging start for local families with a few extra activities (space allowing) – anything from a bug hunt round the centre to inviting your local Bird of Go for local branding
Prey centre to bring along a few Farmers markets are ever increasing in popularity feathered friends too! – this is one farm cart to definitely jump on! Why not host your local farmers market in your car Go for high culture
park or if space is tight invite along a few individual They do it in parks all round the local producers or craftspeople? Be sure to have country – why not at your garden your own special stand promoting top and soft centre? Offer your customers a fruits for the garden.
night of culture by bringing in a local quintet or quartet to give a recital.
Keep the pressure on!
You could include a glass of bubbly From start to finish keep the heat on to benefit and some strawberries in the ticket sales in your planteria. Remember entertain and price to get the party going.
entice your customers. It's your job to get them Decorate the seating area with some out of their deckchairs. Don't let you customers stylish planters – try echinacea and just loll in the garden this season – at least not flowering grasses and make sure there until they've spent some money at your centre are some on sale to take home too.
and done some gardening.
A1 for impact!
Have you got your A1 posters up for ‘Summer into Autumn'? Every retailer receiving the Garden Messenger seasonal POS packs should have received a white poster tube last December containing 4 stunning seasonal plant promotion posters – 1 for each season of the year. Make sure you dig out the gorgeous ‘Summer into Autumn' poster and get it up on the shop floor.
Use your A1 poster to get maximum attention for your promotional activities.
Spot on for giving your customers ideas as soon as they walk into the centre, put it up in the entrance area.
Alternatively, these posters will look great in the café or at the entrance to the planteria where it will do a great job of catching your customers' attention.
Don't stop there…Visit for more materials and information.
If you need more copies of the A1 set please e-mail: [email protected]
Get sales soaring with these great promotional plants and themes GARDEN MESSENGER PLANT PROMOTIONS FOR 2007 Summer chic with echinacea
Red hot and gorgeous with red flowering
Garden wild with buddleia and solidago
and flowering grasses
and foliage plants
The wilder garden chimes with many consumer Promote this selection of plants as the perfect back- Sell more summer with burnished colours to keep trends. Use it to promote buddleia and solidago this drop to fun in the sun for you, your family and the garden looking hot. Create a celebrity-quality month. Show how Buddleia davidii will keep children friends.They're very stylish and reflect the mood of presentation that will fire your customers' imaginations! absorbed with dancing clouds of butterflies. ‘Black hot summer days. Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Hameln' Include sumptuous velvety clematis glowing deep rich Knight' (dark purple flowers) or ‘Royal Red' are is compact, with bottle-brush flowerheads. Pennisetum red - try ‘Rouge Cardinal'. Acer palmatum is a fabulous good choices, as are ‘White Profusion', with its huge, orientale is a mound forming grass with dark green foliage plant that catches fire (depending on variety), fragrant blooms or the delightful ‘Fascinating' which leaves and bears beautiful flowerheads up to 14cm as the leaves begin to turn. Potentilla presents perennial produces lilac-pink flowers. Solidago looks wonderfully long. Zebra grass (Miscanthus) or Reed grass red choices at this time of year. Use the vivid reds of naturalistic. ‘Goldenmosa', ‘Crown of Rays' or ‘Cloth (Calamagrostis) both have loads to offer. The perfect ‘Gibson's Scarlet' to colour the ground level of the of Gold' are all good choices. Easy to care for and partner for flowering grasses is Echinacea or display. Also include Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus) tolerant of dry conditions, these are perfect for the Coneflower. Echinacea purpurea is an absolute winner, and its glorious autumn reds.
summer garden.
flowering from August through to October.
Top fruits for all gardens with
Fabulous foliage with
Perfect for gifts and decorations with
Malus and Pyrus
Picea and Helleborus
Wow – there is nothing like offering your customers Here's an exciting range of evergreen shrubs with Put plants at the centre of Christmas in your store a plant that they can enjoy eating the fruits from.
stunning foliage and sumptuous sounding names such this year. Mix tradition and contemporary style for an There are plenty of options of trees for small gardens as ‘Silver Queen',‘Golden Prince' and ‘Emerald ‘n' Gold'.
eye-catching Picea and Helleborus planting combo, the and orchards from the two top fruit families Malus Fully hardy and able to cope with the winter frosts result – exquisite evergreen foliage and the extra and Pyrus. And with lots of cultivars grown to provide to come, these cultivars are superb for your winter special surprise of flowers at this time of year.This is culinary and dessert apples and pears you could get a patio range. Stimulate your customers to pep up the THE gift for a mum who's got it all or ideal for adding full on fruit fest going in your centre.Why not include patio as the grey weather sets in with some striking to the festive décor. Put together a display with a everything from apple and pear dunking to pear flan colourful foliage. A generous display showing off the couple of choices of attractive planters ready to go and apple pie? Make your autumn event top of silver, golds and shades of green in the range will and a gift wrapping service to make this a Christmas highlight these winter treasures and get them flying offer your shoppers can't refuse.
out the door.
Up to Date appears twice a year (July and January) and is published by Plant Publicity Holland • PO Box 81 • 2770 AB Boskoop • Holland
Tel: 0031 172 217550 • Fax: 0031 172 218350 • Email: [email protected] • Website: UK & Rep. Of Ireland Bureau • PO Box 252, Carlisle, Cumbria CA6 6YA • Contacts: Mark and Amanda Long • Tel/Fax: 01228 577277 Email: [email protected] • Websites: or Design and production: KopArt Amstelveen • The Netherlands Campaign financed with the assistance of the European Community


Microsoft word - project_inescmat_proposal_february2013update_3.docx

INESC MAT - Media Arts and Technology Description of the Research Project 1 Project Proposal 1.1 Summary of the Research Programme This research program aims at achieving innovation in various scientific and technological fields within the domain of Media Arts and Technology. Expected outcomes wil range from knowledge production (high-impact scientific publications and publications in the general media) to innovative prototypes and modular technologies of use to industry as wel as end-users. Media Arts and Technology (MAT) research fuses emergent media, computer science, engineering, and electronic music and digital art research, practice, production, and theory. This relatively new field of inquiry focuses on cultural content (music, video and film, TV, radio, performing arts, etc.) and its integration with the most recent Information and Communication Technologies, including the field of Human Computer Interaction. The research areas comprise a vast number of aspects ranging from multimedia processing and analysis, new media formats, content creation, searching, integration, adaptation, diffusion and presentation. The application domains of MAT range from improvements in conventional areas such as computer graphics, sound and music computing and artificial intel igence through enablers of new media industries up to new development of health therapies, education, fashion, and tourism, for example.

Microsoft word - pre_menstrual_syndrome_april_2012.docx

ACUPUNCTURE AND PRE-MENSTRUAL SYNDROME About pre-menstrual syndrome Most women of reproductive age experience at least mild premenstrual symptoms at some time in their lives (O'Brien 1987). However, around 2–10% of women have premenstrual symptoms that severely disrupt daily living (O'Brien 1987, DTB 1992, Wittchen 2002). These more troublesome symptoms are usually termed ‘premenstrual syndrome' (PMS), if they comprise recurrent psychological and/or physical symptoms that occur specifically during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and usually resolve by the end of menstruation (O'Brien 1987).