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INESC MAT - Media Arts and Technology
Description of the Research Project
1 Project Proposal
1.1 Summary of the Research Programme
This research program aims at achieving innovation in various scientific and technological fields within the domain of Media Arts and Technology. Expected outcomes wil range from knowledge production (high-impact scientific publications and publications in the general media) to innovative prototypes and modular technologies of use to industry as wel as end-users. Media Arts and Technology (MAT) research fuses emergent media, computer science, engineering, and electronic music and digital art research, practice, production, and theory. This relatively new field of inquiry focuses on cultural content (music, video and film, TV, radio, performing arts, etc.) and its integration with the most recent Information and Communication Technologies, including the field of Human Computer Interaction. The research areas comprise a vast number of aspects ranging from multimedia processing and analysis, new media formats, content creation, searching, integration, adaptation, diffusion and presentation. The application domains of MAT range from improvements in conventional areas such as computer graphics, sound and music computing and artificial intel igence through enablers of new media industries up to new development of health therapies, education, fashion, and tourism, for example. INESC Porto has been supporting MAT transdisciplinary research for some years now developing television production technologies, in col aboration with broadcasters such as BBC and RTP as wel as industry (Snel and Wilcox, MOG Solutions). These activities expanded to other areas in distribution in the digital domain (DRM, Content adaptation, media management and archives). More recently, within the col aborative framework with American universities (CMU and UT Austin) new activities emerged in the cross-section of technology with arts (sound, image and performing arts) as wel as communication sciences. These activities are essential to support academic curricula and the development of new entrepreneurial projects at INESC Porto and UP in the context of the Creative Industries incubator PINC, launched by UPTEC, as these strongly contribute to new niches of content production – IPTV, Transmedia, Multiplatform, design for media, sound for media, online media, games and new forms of interactive storytel ing made possible by the digital technologies. Moreover, the m4m – Music for Media initiative supported by ON2, wil start in October at UP and wil create an international network of excel ence in the area of music and new media, bringing together some of the best educational institutions in the world for developing a joint strategy regarding academic programs and research in the field. The last decade has seen a profusion of easy-to-use technologies that enable general users to seamlessly create audiovisual content of very high quality (e.g. Apple's GarageBand, iMovie, Photoshop, Final Cut). Likewise, advances in technology are facilitating the access to content, promoting its ubiquitous-ness in a variety of application areas with different needs. The goal of the proposed project is to develop smart, simple-to-operate, interactive technologies, thus contributing to improve the state-of-the-art in generalized access to high-level audiovisual content creation and consumption. The project wil look beyond quality and easiness of use, incorporating intel igent techniques that enable applications and content to seamlessly adapt to restrictions or characteristics of users and environments. In developing this type of technology, we aim at providing better tools for use, among others, in professional artistic applications, education, and assisted living. To attain these goals, this project proposes to explore and combine different approaches and conduct and fuse research within different scientific fields, based on the expertise of its research team and the most recent advances in the related state-of-the-art. We envision that generative computational technologies wil soon be able to produce high–quality, high-level content (such as music or computer animation), and this is a consequent next step in the development of these accessible technologies. Current developments in machine learning and artificial intelligence, and their applications to music creation, video and data analysis, and computer graphics animation are redefining what is understood by computational intel igence and creativity. The field of information retrieval has greatly improved in the past decade, and large amounts of information can nowadays be accessed swiftly and selectively by computational means. Semantic technologies are evolving at a fast pace, enabling to transparently extract meaning from data and build additional knowledge. Adding semantics to content and applications enable to obtain transparent, pervasive and self-adaptive knowledge that can be used in an automatic way to shape content and applications. Consequently, systems that possess a memory, reasoning capability, that can be accessed fast and reshaped/modified through learning are in the verge of being created. These systems wil be "creative," in the sense they wil be able to produce new information from existing one in a critical and cultural y-informed fashion, and wil be able to take into account the users' preferences and taste. Moreover, they wil be capable of discriminating the quality and meaning of the input data and make decisions based on that discrimination thus adopting the appropriate behavior. However, the best avenue to extract and quantify user's preference and how to include it in the computer-based algorithms is far from being understood. The two leading alternatives are based on user modeling by means of Bayesian principles or alternatively using reinforcement learning paradigms from control theory. Another issue is the ability to create contents integrating multiple media, seamlessly converting between multiple formats, adapting to multiple platforms and understanding, integrating and sharing user experiences. New trends include the increasing access to on-line content through mobile devices, the process of sharing tagging and classifying personal content, as wel as the integration of different personalised services. When successful, this wil have a remarkable impact in audiovisual content creation as they wil ease and improve the workflow of professionals in these areas, as wel as enable non-professional users to produce better quality content. The facilitated interaction between users and these generative technologies wil open up disruptive applications for education – e.g., such as in systems that are able to train musicians – and entertainment – e.g., such as in systems that enable non-professional musicians to make music with other professional or non professional musicians, or systems that guide professionals or nonprofessionals finding content and re-purposing it. This project wil be a col aboration between two research units at INESC Porto (UTM and USIG), and FEUP, the Polytechnic Institute of Porto and Porto Catholic University. 1.2 Relevance of the Research Programme
1.2.1 International Trends
In the last few decades, advances in computer-based technologies have irrevocably changed the way people work and live across the globe. Although these changes have been fueled by fundamental technical advancements at the infrastructure level, the way people interact with these technologies; the way one can promote access to massive amounts of information in the digital domain; and the way al this information gets delivered to the user seamlessly, has become a central issue. The solution to these problems demands a multidisciplinary approach. With the impact of technology in our cultural milieu (music, video and film, TV, radio, performing arts, etc.) research in Media, Art and Technology is playing an increasingly important role understating how new forms of multimedia content shape our society and can be used to produce innovation in many application domains. The research in the interactive digital media addresses multimedia processing and analysis, new media formats, content creation, searching, integration, adaptation, delivery and presentation of new media. They also tackle other emergent areas like robotic technologies, end-to-end immersion that could play an important role in developing markets for artificial forms of entertainment, caregiving and human assistance. By combining scientific, technological and artistic methodologies, this type of research aims on the one hand at understanding, modeling, and producing digital media using computational approaches; and on the other hand at understanding how artificial agents and robots can effectively interact with humans in real-life environments. Research and educational programs in Media, Art and Technology have been flourishing around the world. A listing compiled in 2010 containing some of the most relevant Some of these programs appear under other denominations, such as Art and Technology or Art and Science. In essence, these programs combine computer science (CS), electrical and computer engineering (ECE), and visual and/or sonic arts. They general y combine educational and research components, often co-existing at the same institution (e.g. MIT, CMU). The goals of these programs are manifold: to tackle the increasing complexity in creating and producing technological artifacts such as operating systems with visual interfaces for several platforms, games, websites, etc.; to devise new strategies for understanding massive amounts of data through visualization/sonification; to improve and promote the interaction between humans and computers, which are increasingly present in our lives. The increasing number of projects INESC Porto has had in MAT-related areas in the past five years is converging with the international trend in this field of inquiry. The proposed research line and project address topics requiring a multidisciplinary effort, using teams that wil comprise artists, scientists and technologists, in order to address complex problems in which the boundaries between art, science and technology are blurred. Moreover, these actions are seen as a crucial step for consolidating the Media, Arts and Technology research investment that has been done in Porto and the Northern region in the past five years, mostly promoted by INESC Porto but also in col aboration with other important players in this field at the educational level such as the co-beneficiaries of this project – University of Porto, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, and the Catholic University of Porto. 1.2.2 Scientific Advances and Strengthening of Competencies
This project will be a col aboration between two research units at INESC Porto (UTM
and USIG), and FEUP, the Polytechnic Institute of Porto and Porto Catholic
University. By teaming up different units and researchers that have produced
important individual contributions in MAT we aim at strengthening the inter-
disciplinary and inter-unit research efforts towards attaining higher goals of increased
complexity. A project such as the one being proposed requires very high expertise
from different fields that can only be successful y accomplished through a multi-
disciplinary effort involving researchers from different groups. This latter aspect is
also considered strategical y important by INESC Porto's leadership, as the
multidisciplinary effort is key to solving the increasing complexity posed by scientific
We foresee this multidisciplinary effort wil improve our competences to address the fol owing research topics: 1. Design better audiovisual environments: We are (almost) constantly
surrounded by audiovisual information – both natural and artificial. There is no doubt that improvements in the audio and visual behaviors of the artificial audiovisual objects that surround us wil enhance the affective and emotional character of these objects and consequently our quality of living. 2. Recommending and adapting content to users preferences and
constraints: today, users are faced with a plethora of multimedia applications
and content, many of which offer similar value although, in many cases,
presenting slight variations. These may seem negligible to the users but in fact
might make a difference depending on the situation the user is in, his/her
contextual characteristics or own preferences. An essential aspect is the
development of mechanisms that enable systems to autonomously take
actions, contributing to the creation of "Multimedia context-aware
3. Creation of intelligent, smart environments: to develop new multimedia
applications making use of interactive and immersive media technologies to provide users more engaging and enhanced experiences. An interesting feature is indeed the possibility to enhance learning through col ective, rich-media experiences and in active, engaging way. 4. Efficient distribution of HD and 3D immersive content: the distribution of
HD and 3D immersive content impose tight requirements on systems and networks. Guaranteeing Quality of user Experience (QoE), while delivering 3D content over the Future Internet, is the most important factor to achieve user acceptability. However, there are stil a number of technological chal enges that need to be overcome, namely in: i) systems for capturing and generating 3D content, and the diversity of 3D content representation formats; i ) heterogeneous technologies and varying performances of fixed and mobile networks to deliver the 3D content; i i) rendering mechanisms required by 3D displays and spatial audio systems; iv) understanding users' expectations and their usage environment characteristics. 5. Use of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 within traditional media sectors: the
audiovisual media landscape is facing important changes. In the very recent years, the Web has experienced a dramatic level of expansion driven by the introduction of new rich media and the proliferation of social networks. 6. Address social and ethical concerns: Research in multimedia has the
potential to contribute to maintaining and furthering the richness of human culture. While globalization and connectivity have the tendency to establish a rather uniform audiovisual culture, it is of utmost importance that this research should aim towards maintaining, promoting and respecting cultural diversity The present effort wil ultimately help to train multidisciplinary researchers in a
multicultural society.
Research in MAT is a highly multidisciplinary domain.
However, the boundaries of academic disciplines involved are quite sharp. The
increasing need for specialists in this domain wil require a decisive growth in the size
and quality of existing relevant educational programmes and the creation of new
ones with a particular focus on a broad integration of Arts and Sciences, and on
promoting cross-cultural integration.
1.2.3 Contribution to National and Regional Agendas
The contribution for the Innovation Plan of the Northern Region of Portugal can be demonstrated by the ful y compliance with its systemic view of innovation: the program proposed by INESC TEC has a significant impact on knowledge creation, development of competences, technology transfer and creation of start-ups. More specifical y, and referring to the objectives of the Plan, an important contribution is expected to comply with the fol owing objectives: Objective 1 - R&D reinforcement: the general objective of the Program is the consolidation of existing competences and the reinforcement of critical mass in a number of R&D areas where outstanding performance was achieved and recognized at a national and international level, both regarding the scientific results and the valorization and technology transfer capabilities Objective 3 - Interactions: networking activities are essential for the development of the Program that organizes and orchestrates a considerable critical mass of human and other resources in different research groups and institutions Objective 4 - New technology intensive activities: al projects in the Program propose the development of novel and relevant technologies and know-how, with a considerable number of valorization opportunities to be explored, completely in-line with the strong and active involvement in nearly al of the Northern Region Technological Poles and Clusters Objective 5 – New activities focusing on cultural and environmental assets: an emerging but fast growing activity in the three sectors referred as strategic in the Plan of the Northern Region of Portugal - Ocean, Creative Industries and Tourism – will be reinforced and consolidated by the Program Objective 6 - Technology intensification in traditional sectors: INESC TEC wil continue to work tightly and reinforce the over two decades partnership with industries in the so-cal ed traditional sectors, namely footwear, textiles and garments, wood, metal and mechanic and construction Objective 7 - General purpose technologies: the Program is largely dedicated to develop state-of-the-art information and communication technologies, electronics and other horizontal technologies which are in fact enabling technologies in many areas of application From the above, it may be concluded that the proposed Integrated Program is total y aligned with the Innovation Plan of the Northern Region of Portugal. The contributions to the Col ective Efficiency Strategies – i.e. Technological Poles and Clusters – in place in the region wil be of great relevance given the very high involvement of INESC TEC research units in nearly al of them. This involvement started with direct contributions at the very early stages of the design and implementation of these instruments of public policy both near the Ministry of Economy and Innovation and CCDR-N. In particular, the MAT project is perfectly aligned with the ongoing concentration of creative industries in the North region of Portugal. Further, the MAT project provides a clear answer to the current political wil of fostering cultural and creative industries in Portugal, in particular in this region. INESC Porto, the leader of INESC TEC and of the present Program, is a founding member of the fol owing Technological Poles and Clusters: Produtech (Production Technologies), TICE (ICT and Electronics), Moda (Fashion), Energia (Energy), Floresta (Forest), Mar (Ocean) and Indústrias Criativas (Creative Industries). Moreover, INESC TEC is actively involved in many on-going projects with other research institutions, companies and other stakeholders within the scope of these initiatives. Final y, senior staff and directors of INESC TEC have assumed responsibilities in the coordination, management and governance of the fol owing Technological Poles and Clusters: • Produtech (Production Technologies) – Executive Director • TICE (ICT and Electronics) – member of the Board of Directors and Vice- President of the Board of Directors • Moda (Fashion) – member of the Founders Council • Energia (Energy) – President of the Scientific Council This is another evidence of the solid contribution that INESC TEC has offered and continues to offer to these Col ective Efficiency Strategies that the Northern Region considers vital as wel as of the recognition that the stakeholders contributing to those initiatives endorse to INESC TEC. 1.3 Project Structure and Plan
The main goals of this project being the development of innovative products and services in the domain of Media Arts and Technology for use to industry and end-users, in order to reach the widest possible impact we will focus on three different types of media: Music, Video, and Games. The project is therefore structured in three Work Packages (WP), namely WP1: Connected Music Creation, WP2: Social TV, and WP3: Serious Games for Effective Learning. Each WP is described in continuation. In addition to the tasks of al WP, there wil be a transversal task of project management and dissemination. Project Manager: Fabien Gouyon
Work Package 1: Interaction with Music Information
Traditional y, scientific endeavours with music as object of study have addressed two main aspects, alternately: (1) description or (2) generation of musical information. While the former rather focuses on emulating human perceptual and cognitive capabilities with computers (such as e.g. perception of rhythm, or music categorization, etc.), the latter focuses on theory and tools related to the creative process of music composition. Time has now arrived for shifting the focus from processing musical information, either descriptively or generatively, to interaction with musical information. A paradigm shift is necessary towards blending in the same tools and technologies both descriptive and generative aspects, and focus on use-based research. This Work Package builds on work developed in the last 5 years at INESC Porto on Music Information Retrieval, Musical Robotics and Automatic Music Generation, and at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (núcleo regional norte) on Tangible Interaction and Network Music. WP1 wil include the fol owing tasks: 1. Task 1.1: Computational description and generation. This task deals with the development of algorithms and software modules for both description and generation of musical data. Algorithms wil be designed after a careful study of the state-of-the-art, and a special focus wil be put on real-time processing capabilities. 2. Task 1.2: Tangible interfaces. Music is not only heard but also felt, and although many aspects of music cal for data processing, other aspects are very much linked with physicality. The objective of this task wil therefore be the development of tangible interfaces for music creation. 3. Task 1.3: Recommendation. Interacting with music implies looking for, browsing, and retrieving data. But in the context of this project, we advocate that it also implies finding the best col aborators available at any given instant. In this task, in the context of connected networks of users and music data, we wil therefore focus on the development recommendation engines for both data and users. WP1 Leader: Fabien Gouyon WP1 Team Members: Carlos Guedes, Artur Pimenta Alves, Fernando Almeida, Fabien Gouyon, Georgios Sioros, Luis Gustavo Martins, Pedro Carvalho, Matthew Davies, Pedro Silva, Ana Rebelo, João Lobato Oliveira, Ricardo Morla, Contract Researcher UCP, Research Fel owship BPD INESC TEC, Research Fel owship BPD INESC TEC, Research Fel owship BI INESC TEC, Research Fel owship BI INESC TEC Work Package 2: Social TV
The audiovisual media landscape is facing important changes that are driven by the digital convergence phenomena, together with the enthusiastic acceptance by the general public of emergent technologies and the "on-line" paradigm. In the very recent years, the Web has experienced a dramatic level of expansion, driven by the introduction of new rich media and the proliferation of social networks. As technology is evolving, we are witnessing a strong integration of digital television with Internet-like multimedia applications. It is now possible to watch TV, or any multimedia content, on a number of different terminal devices, either fixed or portable, and presenting quite diversified hardware and software characteristics. Audiences of all ages are changing the way they consume content. They are gradual y assuming the role of content producers, emerging within this dual scenario of heterogeneity-integration and traditional media players are seeing themselves confronted with new chal enges. This new paradigm offers many advantages to the viewer, notably, lower costs, engaging interactivity, mobility, scheduling flexibility, increased levels of participation, integration of different media, namely natural video with virtual reality, 3D and virtual games. Technology advances potentiate new levels of personalization, socialization and adaptability to various usage contexts and thus, it is no longer expected that one content be presented independently, in a static way, using single formats and through single delivery platforms. In this context, the ability to create contents integrating multiple media, seamlessly converting between multiple formats, adapting to multiple platforms and understanding, integrating and sharing user experiences, assumes especial importance. New trends include the increasing access to on-line content through mobile devices, the process of sharing tagging and classifying personal content, as wel as the integration of different personalised services. The objective of this WP is to investigate and develop new methods and technologies to enable further advance of the current state of the art in various related scientific and technology topics essential to the implementation of the above referred paradigm of creation, distribution and consumption of audiovisual contents. An appropriate laboratorial infrastructure wil be setup in order to al ow researchers in content production to develop new types of content. The work package structure and methodology is driven by the need to balance and promote the interoperation of the relevant research topics as wel as with the other WPs of the Line of Research. The work plan has been drawn to al ow excel ing S&T chal enges to be surmounted along the way towards the achievement of the desired outcomes in the most effective way. Three tasks compose this WP, each one addressing specific S&T topics that together contribute to the achievements of the WP goal. 1. Task 2.1: Content creation and management. This task wil look into the process of creating and managing content in different formats and to different platforms and consumption scenarios. It wil investigate aspects related to different narrative approaches, integration of different types of media formats, repurposing of content and on the metadata required to manage al the production, distribution and consumption process. New transmedia and multiplatform content wil be produced and evaluated. New types of interactive content including animation and serious games wil also be developed and tested in different areas of application. To support the integration of al the concepts, workflows and types of contents, the requirements for a flexible, scalable and efficient media asset management system wil be investigated. 2. Task 2.2: Content adaptation and personalisation. This task addresses the problems of accessibility (through different networks and protocols), usability (using different devices) and, ultimately, acceptability by anyone, anywhere, at anytime. Given the diversity of usage scenarios and the increasing amount of media content, adaptation and recommendation systems are crucial to guarantee the success of a new application. Aspects related to both efficient and semantical y-rich forms of describing not only to user preferences but also to the context of usage have to be taken into account so that novel and efficient mechanisms that enable the creation of true context-aware environments, effectively meeting users' expectations, may be developed. 3. Task 2.3: Social Interaction. This task wil address the problem of the integration of the traditional media channels (radio, TV) and media consumption paradigms with the ongoing and growing experiences on the Web3.0. It wil exploit the concepts of participatory media to enhance the functionalities and services a content provider can deliver. It wil investigate new forms of increasing user engagement and satisfaction by semantical y analysing content created by the audience, enabling to: 1) establish clusters of users based on a number of inferred characteristics, promoting social links; 2) categorize the reaction of audience and/or clusters inferring the level of acceptance and appreciation of the distributed content; 3) establish levels of engagement and satisfaction of users, triggering the publication of additional/wanted content. WP2 Leader: Paula Viana WP2 Team Members: Artur Pimenta Alves, Fernando Almeida, Fabien Gouyon, Jaime Cardoso, Maria Teresa Andrade, Paula Viana, Ricardo Morla, Pedro Carvalho, Miguel Leitão, Helder Oliveira, Luis Miguel Lopes Teixeira, Eurico Carrapatoso, Research Fel owship BI INESC TEC, Research Fel owship BPD INESC TEC, Research Fel owship BPD INESC TEC, Research Fel owship BI INESC TEC, Research Fel owship BI INESC TEC Work Package 3: Serious Games for Effective Learning
Serious games use digital game technology for purposes other than pure
entertainment, on the basis of the notion of meaningful play. The concept of
meaningful play is related to the fact that actions and outcomes are both discernable
an integrated in the larger concept of game design.
Serious Games have been used with success in distinct areas, from military (flight
simulators are some of the early developments) to health, driving, management and
education, among others. Despite the technological issues of game engines being in a state of maturity, promoted by the solid evolution of the entertainment market, there are stil scientific and methodological issues to address. Most serious games lack a proper evaluation of the effectiveness of the solution to the overal definition of learning objectives and acquired skil s. Although most of preliminary evaluations point to good results, confirmed from some of the more in depth studies, a proper methodology should be defined in order to be adopted in the workflow of serious games development. Furthermore, there is also a need to define methodologies that are able to systematize the process from the initial definition of learning objectives to the correct selection of the game mechanics, integrated with the creative process of game design. This research should be based on the theoretical basis in game theory and education to provide in depth knowledge on the fundamental issues that connect from meaningful play to effective learning. The pure integration of the more standard software engineering methodologies with the creative issues in game design, addressing storytel ing, character development and level design is stil an open issue. In order to be able to achieve the learning objectives, serious games have to define a nonlinear sequence of game levels in order to adapt to the student/practitioner experience. This is one the main ingredients for a successful learning experience and is one of the most complex processes in game/level design. Besides, most of game design must be developed in realistic scenarios and should be adapted to the distinct realities and cultural differences of the users. Considering a game that is meant for learning the managing activities of a specific city it wil be very different from country to country. So, the key is to be able to automate level design from a consistent game mechanics and a specification on the user environment. This lead could improve performance and efficiency in game design. Final y, serious games can only be effective in corporate environments if there is a possibility to certify this learning process in order to be accepted as a valid in order for a professional to be licensed to perform a specific professional activity. The state of the art is stil in need for a proper methodology to guide the development of certified training programs based on serious games. From this rationale we propose a work package for the research of novel methodologies for the efficient design of serious games, developed as effective learning devices to achieve the specified learning outcomes on a certified training program. The WP is composed with distinct tasks to address fundamental research at the most relevant scientific issues in serious games development that can leverage a consolidated basis for applied research with distinct industrial and governmental partners. This WP is composed by the fol owing tasks: 1. Task 3.1: Literature review on serious games, game theory, education, psychology, sociology and game based learning. This task comprises also a survey on the current state of the art of technological aspects and methodologies for serious game design and on evaluation and assessment of game based learning. 2. Task 3.2: Framework for game design based on learning outcomes. Serious game design is based on learning outcomes, that define what kind of skil s and knowledge the user is supposed to achieve after playing the game. Based on the results of task 1 we intend to classify the typical learning outcomes and study the proposed game designs. Based on this research a framework wil be defined in order to easily define the proper game design to a set of learning outcomes. 3. Task 3.3: Development of a game engine for educational games. A game engine wil be selected and some modules wil be added in order to develop a specific API that provides the functionality require by the framework developed In task 2, enabling rapid prototyping and development of serious games. 4. Task 3.4: Procedural content generation of educational games. Serious games are based on a specific game mechanics, but for each specific learning outcome a series of levels have to be created to define a sequence of chal enges that provides learning. Procedural content generation methods wil al ow for the automation of this process. 5. Task 3.5: Framework for the assessment and evaluation of educational games. Assessment and evaluation is essential to verify if a specific game is able to provide the desired learning outcomes. A framework wil be defined in order o increase efficiency and efficacy in this process. 6. Task 3.6: Certification of game based learning courses. Serious games are developed in contexts that wil provide skil s for a certain professional to be licensed to perform specific activities in is work. But a specific training program must be defined in order to certify the professional in order to be able to exert that activity. A set of guidelines wil be defined and tests wil be conducted in order to assure the definition of certification programs. WP3 Leader: António Coelho WP3 Team Members: Alexandre Carvalho, António Coelho, António Augusto Sousa, Miguel Leitão, Artur Pimenta Alves, Fernando Almeida, Fabien Gouyon, Luís Magalhães, Maximino Bessa, José Lino Oliveira, José Miguel Losa, Lígia Silva, Ricardo Morla, Eurico Carrapatoso, Luís Torres Pereira, Vitor Manuel Filipe, Pedro Carvalho, Research Fel owship BPD FEUP   1.4 Expected Scientific Outcomes
Basic research efforts wil produce high-impact scientific publications. Namely, we
aim in the project at the publication of 10 journal papers in high impact journals (e.g.
ACM and IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, etc.),
and 12 papers in high impact peer-reviewed conferences (e.g. ACM Multimedia,
IEEE Conference on Multimedia and Expo, ICASSP, etc.).
The project wil have a significant impact on education, assisted living, entertainment
and creative and cultural industries. Therefore, we expect that the project wil be
featured in the general national media (Newspapers, radio, TV, blogosphere, etc.).
An objective of the project wil also be the proposal of 3 research projects to
National or International funding agencies
(one per line of work, i.e. Music, Video
and Serious Games), and the proposal of 2 research projects to the European
, taking advantage of the complementarities between the 3 lines of
work: one project targetting novel applications and technology transfer (probably
through the instrument of STREP EU projects), and another project targetting a better
European cooperation both in terms of education and basic research (probably
through the instrument of EU Networks of Excel ence).
In order to foster at an international level the relevance of the research and
development done, the project wil also comprise the organization of national and
international scientific events
Final y, in order to provide an answer to the needs of the blooming creative industries
in Europe and to boost the relatively new field of Media Arts and Technologies in
European universities, the project wil aim at the development of some modular
software units
, with open licences when relevant/possible, therefore being usable
(and augmenting their impact and reusability by third parties) for academic teaching,
advanced training, as wel as targeted consulting and development.
1.5 Exploitation of Results
Each Work Package in the project wil target the development of a full-fletched
working prototype: a prototype for musical interaction, a prototype for integrated
audiovisual data consumption on the Web
, and a prototype for game-based
learning courses for certification
These technological developments wil aim at general patent submissions after the end of the project, when the technology wil be mature enough. Expected outcomes of each Work Package in the project wil also account for
modular software technologies, opening the way to licensing specific parts of the
technology developped, relatively soon in the project timeline. This wil permit to
satisfy a wide range of potential clients requiring tailored response to their specific
needs. This scenario is especial y relevant in the domain of new media, where a rich
ecosystem of smal to medium companies typical y externalize the development of
technologies, and focus on software integration.
Further technology transfer may be reached via the incubation of a company in the
domain of one of the Work Packages, depending on what appears the most
promising some months after the project start.
1.6 Project Governance within INESC TEC Associate Laboratory
The governance model of the BEST CASE program relies on the coordination of INESC Porto, as leader institution of INESC TEC. The several projects are executed by the Research Units of INESC TEC, and there is a double check system put in place: 1. Through the project coordinators; 2. Through the Council of Research Units (RU), where al the coordinators of the RU meet with the Board of Directors and take management decisions. Furthermore, the SAB (Scientific Advisory Board) of INESC TEC acts as an independent auditor for the scientific quality of the work developed. This is the usual operating way of INESC TEC, wel documented in the reports regularly sent to FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology). At INESC TEC, one has been able to implement with success a chain of command and responsibility where researchers are accountable. The model at INESC Porto is that a periodic evaluation of researchers is performed (every 3 months) and a scale of benefits and rewards is applied as a function of productivity and target meeting degree. With adaptations, al Units of INESC TEC fol ow a similar policy. The basic management tool is the annual Plan and Budget, prepared in November each year to regulate activity in the fol owing year. The Plan is composed of several targets to be met by each Unit, which are accepted by their Coordinators as a compromise to be met. It includes targets about scientific activity (including publications, theses and projects) and management targets (such as related to human resources, contracts or operational margins to be attained as to secure the financial health of the institution). The Plan wil natural y include the activities developed under the BEST CASE program. A large degree of autonomy is granted to the Units in devising the strategy and tactical moves to meet the planning targets accepted. However, as a general policy line, all Units are invited to maintain a mix of activities from basic science to technology transfer and knowledge valorization. The Board keeps the role of devising mechanisms to stimulate cross-Unit cooperation. The activity of the projects and of the Program wil be subject to periodical reporting. The progress of the work in each project and compliance with its targets wil be measured by indices of productivity and ratios such as: 1. papers published/papers predicted; 2. events organized/events predicted; 3. manpower contracted/manpower predicted; 4. prototypes produced/prototypes predicted. The actual indices to be adopted may vary slightly with each project. At Board level, the management priorities are to assure sustainability of the institute and maintain focus on its mission. 1.7 Human Resources: Existing and Proposed
The Telecommunications and Multimedia Unit of INESC Porto has more than 70 researchers, 35 of them with a PhD degree and develops its activity in some of the key areas, traditional and emerging, of the telecommunications sector: communication networks, audio and video processing, multimedia services and optical communications. Most of these areas are included in the general framework of the MAT paradigm and, consequently, in line with the main objectives of the project. The team members have extensive expertise within the multimedia area that wil be complemented with new post-doc that wil develop their work within the project and improve the existing know-how. The activity that has been developed for several years by the Telecommunications and Multimedia unit has been supported also by research from other units from INESC Porto, namely in the information systems and computer graphics areas. The USIG (Information and Computer Graphics Systems) unit wil provide most of the knowledge on computer graphics, augmented reality and serious games and strongly support WP3. The team knowledge is also important for WP1 and WP2 as the project aims at looking to multimedia services and approaches in an integrated manner. The School of Arts of the Catholic University has had a strong contribution in the area of audio and music processing in the last few years. By attracting young PhD researchers and promoting international cooperation with wel -know foreign universities, UCP was able to set up a dynamic team with strong international relations and experience on the participation in projects. INESC Porto and UCP have already successful y col aborated in the past, both on common projects as wel on the orientation of young researchers. University of Porto and the Polytechnic of Porto are ful members of INESC Porto. Faculty members from both institutions are integrated research members of INESC Porto's team. Their engagement in the project wil contribute to a faster dissemination of results ate graduate level and to possible adaptations of the curricula in each of the schools. INESC Porto has a vast experience in coordinating multi-national working groups including significant experience in EU Research with participation in more than 91 R&D Projects, with an experienced management team capable to deal with the complexity of the program. This complexity of the program and the need to maintain a global scientific perspective in different project activities enables the establishment of a Program Coordination (PC), which wil be the ultimate authority for strategic, technical and dissemination decisions. The PC is also in charge of possible conflict resolution if not solved by the individual project coordination. The human resources al ocation to the project is described in table 5.1 of annex A. Considering the reinforcement of the research team, the project MAT has a clear commitment to create scientific job, as can be seen in the project budget, with research contracts and research fel owships al ocated in a asignificant part of the project's duration. This is expected not only to enable attracting experienced international researchers but also to integrate young PostDoc. The usual recruiting procedure is an open cal published electronical y in several sites, namely the mandatory site of FCT ( INESC TEC also has a database on contacts of individuals and institutions, especial y focused on Europe and Latin America, which al ows the direct dissemination of the cal s. Some examples of channels where our offer is published: • Employment and procurement of FEUP • Employment and procurement of FCUP • Employment and procurement of IPP • Employment and procurement of ISEP • Employment and procurement of FEP • • National Newspapers • Newsletter (INESC TEC) • Research Fel owships Forum • Net-empregos website • Employment and procurement English, Spanish and Brazilian Universities • Publication through [email protected] (( (mathematics and statistics), (physics and engineering), (computer science), (life science, medicine and chemistry)) • Academic Keys This publication wil provide access from international researchers to Best Case job opportunities. However, the contracting of international researchers cannot be guaranteed due to the open nature of the cal . Nevertheless, through this process INESC Porto contracted in the period 2005-2010 a total of 19 researchers with PhD degree and 11 were foreigners. INESC TEC does not have a target in terms of number of international/foreign researchers to contract – the target is on quality, regardless of nationality. It is expected that the trend in the past may be maintained. 1.8 Project Budget
The Budget of the project can be seen in the fol owing table (table 1), reflecting mainly: • The need to hire skil ed manpower mainly with Doctoral degrees either with contracts or research fel owships. • The financial support for missions to attend conferences and scientific • Financial support for scientific and technical equipment necessary to daily work of the manpower intended to work on the project. • Budget also includes a component for laboratory equipment able to accommodate research work and post-graduated courses in this scientific area. This table presents values for each beneficiaries of the project, where is it clear the emphasis given to human resources. Contract "To be hired" Contract "Hired" Research Fellowships Scientific and Technical Equipment Goods and Services Patent Registration Demonstr., Promotion and Dissemin. Licensed Auditors Adaptation of Buildings and Facilities (less than 10% of Total Investment) ERDF Subvention 85% Self financing 15% Table 1: Overal budget for MAT project
2 Research Team Curriculum (2006-2011)

The research team curriculum is detailed in Annex A. 3 Institution
3.1 Governance Model of INESC TEC Associate Laboratory
The governance model of the BEST CASE program relies on the coordination of INESC Porto, as leader institution of INESC TEC. The several projects are executed by the Research Units of INESC TEC, and there is a double check system put in place: 1. Through the project coordinators; 2. Through the Council of Research Units (RU), where al the coordinators of the RU meet with the Board of Directors and take management decisions. Furthermore, the SAB (Scientific Advisory Board) of INESC TEC acts as an independent auditor for the scientific quality of the work developed. This is the usual operating way of INESC TEC, wel documented in the reports regularly sent to FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology). At INESC TEC, one has been able to implement with success a chain of command and responsibility where researchers are accountable. The model at INESC Porto is that a periodic evaluation of researchers is performed (every 3 months) and a scale of benefits and rewards is applied as a function of productivity and target meeting degree. With adaptations, al Units of INESC TEC fol ow a similar policy. The basic management tool is the annual Plan and Budget, prepared in November each year to regulate activity in the fol owing year. The Plan is composed of several targets to be met by each Unit, which are accepted by their Coordinators as a compromise to be met. It includes targets about scientific activity (including publications, theses and projects) and management targets (such as related to human resources, contracts or operational margins to be attained as to secure the financial health of the institution). The Plan wil natural y include the activities developed under the BEST CASE program. A large degree of autonomy is granted to the Units in devising the strategy and tactical moves to meet the planning targets accepted. However, as a general policy line, al Units are invited to maintain a mix of activities from basic science to technology transfer and knowledge valorization. The Board keeps the role of devising mechanisms to stimulate cross-Unit cooperation. The activity of the projects and of the Program wil be subject to periodical reporting. The progress of the work in each project and compliance with its targets wil be measured by indices of productivity and ratios such as: 1. papers published/papers predicted; 2. events organized/events predicted; 3. manpower contracted/manpower predicted; 4. prototypes produced/prototypes predicted. The actual indices to be adopted may vary slightly with each project. At Board level, the management priorities are to assure sustainability of the institute and maintain focus on its mission. 3.2 Contribution of the Programme/Project to the Consolidation of
INESC TEC Associate Laboratory
The Project includes the participation of two units of INESC Porto (Telecommunications and Multimedia, leader; Information and Computer Graphics Systems) and three Universities (University of Porto - UP, Polytechnic Institute of Porto – IPP and Catholic University - UCP). These groups wil contribute differently to the Project, but their work wil be multidisciplinary, as explained in the project proposal (section 1 of this document). Although some of these research units have already col aborated in the past, this Project wil represent an opportunity to strengthen the links and generate new connections that wil contribute to the consolidation of INESC TEC as an Associate Laboratory. It is important to stress the multidisciplinary character of the Project and of its team. As a result, the scientific links between the units participating in this project wil be increased in number and robustness, with a positive effect on the Associate Laboratory consolidation and on its external relations. 3.3 Beneficiaries involved in this specific Project and justification for
its involvement
In al research lines, INESC TEC involves INESC Porto and other beneficiaries in the col ective effort. The beneficiaries in the BEST CASE program beside INESC Porto are mostly its associates: INESC Porto is a private, nonprofit institution and its associates participating in the program are the UP - University of Porto (represented mainly by the Faculties of Engineering, Sciences and Economy) and the IPP - Politechnical Institute of Porto (represented by ISEP, the School of Engineering of the IPP). In special cases two other beneficiaries are also involved: the Catholic University and the University of Minho. The first enters the Program specifical y in the Research Line devoted to Media Art Technology, because of the on-going col aboration in this field. The second is the hosting institution for a research group that is in transition to integrate INESC TEC – a case recognized by FCT and foreseen in the research plans approved by this agency. INESC TEC and these beneficiary institutions have a policy of sharing the research effort and resources and this policy is translated into the program. Human resources as wel as investment are shared and al ocated to actions according to the best interest of the institutions and activity success. This research line integrates the work of two units of INESC Porto (Telecommunications and Multimedia, leader; Information and Computer Graphics Systems), and three Higher Education Institutions (UP, IPP and UCP). All the beneficiaries have already proved experience in participating in scientific activities related to the MAT project. Nevertheless, the fast evolution that has been happening not only in technologic but also in social aspects related to the way arts and technologies can be used to create new services led to emergent concepts that require the integration of al the individual knowledge. Consequently, this partnership wil provide the capability of addressing this new scenario and assure a diversity of skil s that are complementary in the several major areas of research. 4 Economic and Financial Aspects
Under the terms provided in document number 9 entitled "Orientação de Gestão" of
2009, the Application "MAT", submitted within the Cal "Programas Integrados de
IC&DT"– SAESCTN-PIIC&DT/1/2011(Integrated Programme for Scientific Research
and Technological Development), does not fit the type of projects which generate
revenue, as outlined in Article 55 of Regulation (EC) number 1083/2006 of 11 July
The total budget for the proposed project is 739,280.73€ - 85% will be funded by structural funds (ERDF), and remainder wil be total y funded by the project's beneficiaries own funds. The values outlined for each budgetary item were calculated based on the best possible estimations made while the application was being completed. These estimations fol owed strict criteria regarding the reasonability and suitability of the costs involved relatively to the expected results. It is important to highlight that this volume of investment represents a significant own funds effort from the beneficiary entities, which is proof of the consortium's level of interest and commitment. The project's level of investment (739,280.73€) simply represents a percentage of the total estimated volume of R&TD expenses resulting from the activity of each beneficiary entity in the years fol owing the start of the project, and wil be co-funded by the funds resulting from the other activities that wil be conducted by each beneficiary entity. 5.1 Research team members
Researchers to be financed by the operations of the Program Contracting
Full Time
Contract Type(2)
Artur Pimenta Alves Maria Teresa Andrade João Miguel Queiroz BPD - Pós-Doutoramento BPD - Pós-Doutoramento BI - Investigação BGCT - BI - Investigação BGCT - BI - Investigação BGCT - BPD - Pós-Doutoramento BPD - Pós-Doutoramento BI - Investigação BGCT - BI - Investigação BGCT - BPD - Pós-Doutoramento Luis Gustavo Martins Teresa Antunes Martins Maria Luis Vidigal Pinto da Silva Torres Dilva Maria Tavares Rola Ana Paula Ferreira da Conceição Cláudia Carneiro Researchers involved in the project but not financially allocated to the operations of the Program Status   Contract   Jaime  Cardoso   Hired   Faculty   Ricardo  Morla   Hired   Faculty   Fernando  Luís  Almeida   Hired   Fellowships   Porto   Hired   Fellowships   Porto   Georgios  Sioros   Hired   Fellowships   Porto   Alexandre  Miguel  Barbosa   Valle  de  Carvalho   Hired   Faculty   António  Fernando   Vasconcelos  Cunha  Castro   Hired   Faculty   António  Augusto  Sousa   Hired   Faculty   José  Miguel  Ferreira  de   Hired   Faculty   Luís  Gonzaga  Mendes   Hired   Faculty   Maximino  Esteves  Correia   Hired   Faculty   Luís  Torres  Pereira   Hired   Faculty   Vitor  Manuel  Filipe   Hired   Faculty   José  Lino  Marques  de   Hired   Technician   Porto   Lígia  Alexandra  Ferreira  da   Hired   Technician   Porto   Luís  Miguel  Lopes  Teixeira   Hired   Faculty   Matthew  Davies   Hired   Fellowships   Porto   Hélder  Oliveira   Hired   Fellowships   Porto   Ana  Maria  Rebelo   Hired   Fellowships   Porto   Eurico  Carrapatoso   Hired   Faculty   Fabien  Gouyon   Hired   Researcher   Porto   Pedro  Carvalho   Hired   Researcher   Porto   Artur  Pimenta  Alves   Hired   Researcher   Porto   Maria  Teresa  Andrade   Hired   Faculty   Hired   Faculty   João  Lobato  Oliveira   Hired   Fellowships   Porto   5.2 Publication Summary
SINCE 2006
Number of Publications
Type of Publication
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
International Journals with Scientific Referees National Journals with Scientific Referees Conference Proceedings with Scientific Other Publications International Journals with Scientific Referees National Journals with Scientific Referees Conference Proceedings with Scientific Other Publications International Journals with Scientific Referees National Journals with Scientific Referees Conference Proceedings with Scientific Other Publications 5.3 Main Publications on MAT topic
Details of Publications
FONSECA, B., CARRAPATOSO, E., "Coview: A Cooperative Architecture for Digital Video Editing", SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal, December 2006, p.482-491. SANTOS CARDOSO, J., CORTE REAL, L., "A Measure for Mutual Refinements of Image Segmentations", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, August 2006, vol.15, no.8, p.2358-2363. CARDOSO, M.J., SANTOS CARDOSO, J., et al., "Interobserver agreement and consensus over the esthetic evaluation of conservative treatment for breast cancer", The Breast, February 2006, vol.15, no.1, p.52-57. BERTI, E., SANTOS CARDOSO, J., CARDOSO, V., CAVAGLIÀ, M., "Matched filtering and parameter estimation of ring down waveforms", Physical Review D, Vol. 76, No. 4, 104044, November 2007. CARDOSO, M.J., SANTOS CARDOSO, J., et al., "Turning subjective into objective: a new tool for the evaluation of breast cancer conservative treatment cosmetic results - The BCCT.core", The Breast, October 2007, vol.16, no.5, p.456-461. KORMENTZAS, G., ANDRADE, M.T., ASGARI, H., SKIANIS, C., "Service Management Enhancements to IMS architecture", International Journal of Network Management, September 2007, vol.17, no.5, p.363-371. SANTOS CARDOSO, J., PINTO DA COSTA, J., "Learning to classify ordinal data: the data replication method", Journal of Machine Learning Research, July 2007, vol.8, p.1393-1429. OLIVEIRA, J.M., CARRAPATOSO, E., "A Constraint- Based Approach to Dynamically Adapt Multimedia Interfaces", Journal of Mobile Multimedia, June 2007, vol.3, no.2, p.179-196. SANTOS CARDOSO, J., CARDOSO, M.J., "Towards an intelligent medical system for the aesthetic evaluation of breast cancer conservative treatment", Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, June 2007, vol.40, no.2, p.115-126. CARDOSO, M.J., SANTOS CARDOSO, J., et al., "Factors Determining Esthetic Outcome after Breast Cancer Conservative Treatment", The Breast Journal, March-April 2007, vol.13, no.2, p.140-146. WIDMER, G., ROCCHESSO, D., VÄLIMÄKI, V., ERKUT, C., GOUYON, F., PRESSNITZER, D., PENTTINEN, H., POLOTTI, P., VOLPE, G., "Sound and Music Computing: Research Trends and Some Key Issues", Journal of New Music Research, vol.36, no. 3, 2007, pp. 169-184. CAMPOS, M.J., MAGALHÃES, A., ALMEIDA, T., COSTA, S., VRIELING, C., CHRISTIE, D., JOHANSEN, J., SANTOS CARDOSO, J., "Is Face-Only Photographic View Enough for the Aesthetic Evaluation of Breast Cancer Conservative Treatment?", Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, December 2008, vol.112, no.3, p.565-568. OLIVEIRA, J.M., CARRAPATOSO, E., "Dynamic Generation of SMIL-Based Multimedia Interfaces", Journal of Multimedia, October 2008, vol.3, no.4, p.14- 25. HEIL, J.M., BROCKHOFF, J., GEBAUER, G., JENETZKY, E., CAMPOS, M.J., SANTOS CARDOSO, J., STANTON, A., SOHN, C., "A comprehensive approach to measure cosmetic and functional results of breast conserving therapy - design and first results of a pilot study", European Journal of Cancer Supplements, vol.6, no.7, pp. 206-206, April 2008. CAMPOS, M.J., SANTOS CARDOSO, J., WILD, T., KROIS, W., FITZAL, F., "Comparing two objective methods for the aesthetic evaluation of breast cancer conservative treatment", European Journal of Cancer Supplements, vol.6, no.7, pp. 209-209, April 2008. IMMINK, M., PUTTER, H., VISSER, J., BARTELINK, H., SANTOS CARDOSO, J., CAMPOS, M.J., NOORDIJK, E.M., POORTMANS, P.M., WARLAM-RODENHUIS, C.C., STRUIKMANS, H., "Long-term cosmetic changes after breast conserving therapy for patients with stage I and II breast cancer treated in the EORTC "boost versus no boost" trial", European Journal of Cancer Supplements, vol.6, no.7, p.134-134, April 2008. LAGRANGE, M., MARTINS, L.G., MURDOCH, J., TZANETAKIS, G., "Normalized Cuts for Predominant Melodic Source Separation", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, February 2008, vol.16, no.2, p.278-290. PINTO DA COSTA, J., ALONSO, H., SANTOS CARDOSO, J., "The unimodal model for the classification of ordinal data", Neural Networks, January 2008, vol.21, no.1, pp. 78-91. MARTINS, A.C., FARIA, L., VAZ DE CARVALHO, C., CARRAPATOSO, E., "User Modeling in Adaptive Educational Technology & Society, vol.11, Issue 1, January 2008, pp.194-207. AZEVEDO, I.S., CARRAPATOSO, E., VAZ DE CARVALHO, C., "Effective characterisation of learning objects", International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication, 2008, vol.2, no.3, pp. 236-246. Campos, M.J., Cardoso, J.S., Wild, T., Krois, W., Fitzal, F., "Comparing Two Objective Methods for the Aesthetic Evaluation of Breast Cancer Conservative Treatment", Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, vol.116, no.1, p.149-152, July 2009. Cardoso, J.S., Rebelo, A.M, Guedes, C.A., Pinto da Costa, J., "Staff Detection with Stable Paths", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol.31, no.6, p.1134-1139, June 2009. GUEDES, C., REBELO, P., "Reflections on music programming for conferences: The case of SMC 2009", Computer Music Journal, September 2010, vol.34, no.3, VIANA, P., PIMENTA ALVES, A., "A Semantic management of media and devices", Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, August 2010, vol.49, no.1, p.37-62. HEIL, J., DAHLKAMP, J., GOLATTA, M., ROM, J., DOMSCHKE, C., CARDOSO, M.J., et al., "Aesthetics in Breast Conserving Therapy: Do Objectively Measured Results Match Patients' Evaluations?", Annals of Surgical Oncology, August 2010. GOUYON, F., BARBOSA, A., SERRA, X., "Special issue on Sound and Music Computing - Editor's notes", Computer Music Journal, August 2010, vol.34, no.3. CASTRO, H.F., PIMENTA ALVES, A., SERRÃO, C., CARAWAY, B., "A New Paradigm for Content Producers", IEEE Multimedia, April 2010, vol.17, no.2, p.90-93. CARRERAS, A., BARBOSA, V., ANDRADE, M.T., DOGAN, S., "A Platform for Context-Aware and Digital Rights Management-Enabled Content Adaptation", IEEE Multimedia, April 2010, vol.17, no.2, p.74-89. LIDY, T., SILLA, C., CORNELIS, O., GOUYON, F., RAUBER, A., KAESTNER, C., KOERICH, A., "On the Suitability of State-of-the-art Music Information Retrieval Methods for Analyzing, Categorizing and Accessing Non-Western and Ethnic Music Collections", Signal Processing, April 2010, vol.90, no.4, p.1032-1048. REBELO, A.M., CAPELA, G., SANTOS CARDOSO, J., "Optical recognition of music symbols: A comparative study", International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, March 2010, vol.13, no.1, p.19-31. ANDRADE, M.T., DOGAN, S., CARRERAS, A., BARBOSA, V., ARACHCHI, H., DELGADO, J., M. KONDOZ, A., "Advanced delivery of sensitive multimedia content for better serving user expectations in Virtual Collaboration applications", Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, February 2011 (on-line). MARQUES, G., LANGLOIS, T., GOUYON, F., "Short- term feature space and Music Genre Classification", Journal of New Music Research, June 2011, vol. 40, Issue 2, p.127-137. GOUYON, F., BARBOSA, A., SERRA, X., "Special issue on Sound and Music Computing", Computer Music Journal, August 2010, vol.34, no.3. BERNARDINI, N., SERRA, X., LEMAN, M., WIDMER, G., GOUYON, F., et al, "Roadmap for Sound and Music Computing" 2007, GOUYON, F., "Computational Rhythm Description", April 2008, VDM Verlag. KONDOZ, A., DOGAN, S., PEREIRA, F., ANDRADE, M.T., RUELA, J., et al, "Visual Media - Coding and Transmission", Wiley, May 2009 LOPES, C., DAVID, G., "Higher Education Web Information System Usage Analysis with a Data Webhouse", Lecture Notes on Computer Science, May 2006, vol.3983, p.78-87. CALISTRU, "Multidimensional Descriptor Indexing: Exploring the BitMatrix", Lecture Notes on Computer Science 2006, vol.4071, p.401-410. FONSECA, B., CARRAPATOSO, E., "SAGA: A Web Services Architecture for Groupware Applications", Lecture Notes on Computer Science 2006, vol.4154, p.246-261. OLIVEIRA, J.M., CARRAPATOSO, E., "Using Context Information for Tailoring Multimedia Services to User's Resources", Lecture Notes on Computer Science, October 2007, vol.4787, p.138-148. NUNES, S., RIBEIRO, C., DAVID, G., "Use of Temporal Expressions in Web Search", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, March 2008, vol.4956, p.580-584. GOUYON, F., HERRERA, P., GÓMEZ, E., CANO, P., BONADA, J., LOSCOS, A., AMATRIAIN, X., SERRA, X., "Content processing of music audio signals", Sound to sense, sense to sound: A state-of-the-art, Logos Verlag, p.83-160. CARDOSO, J.S., SOUSA, R.J., TEIXEIRA, L.F., CAMPOS, M.J., "Breast Contour Detection with Stable Paths", Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 25 (Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies), p.439-452, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009. TIMMERER, C., ANDRADE, M.T., MARTIN, A.L., "End- to-End Management of Heterogeneous Environments Enabling Quality of Experience", July 2010, High-quality visual experience, Springer p.457-476 CARDOSO, M.J., SANTOS CARDOSO, J., "Towards a computer-aided medical system for the aesthetic evaluation of breast cancer conservative treatment", SABCS - 29th San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, December 2006, San Antonio, USA. BORCOCI, E., ASGARI, A., ANDRADE, M.T., BRETILLON, P., AHMED, T., "An Integrated Approach for End-to-End Quality of Service Offering in Multi- domain Heterogeneous Environment", MobiMedia 2006 - European Symposium on Mobile Media Delivery, September 2006, Alghero, Sardinia, Italy. ANDRADE, M.T., CASTRO, H., CARVALHO, P.M., SOUTO, P., BRETILLON, P., FEITEN, B., "Context- aware content adaptation: a systems approach", MobiMedia 2006 - European Symposium on Mobile Media Delivery, September 2006, Alghero, Sardinia, Italy. KOTTI, M., MARTINS, L.G., BENETOS, E., SANTOS CARDOSO, J., KOTROPOULOS, C., "Automatic Speaker Segmentation Using Multiple Features and Approaches", Proceedings of ICME 2006 - IEEE 2006 International Conference on Multimedia & Expo, July 2006, Toronto, Canadá. ANDRADE, M.T., SOUTO, P., CARVALHO, P.M., CIOBANU, L., "Content Adaptation Decision to Enhance the Access to Networked Multimedia Content", WIAMIS 2006 - 7th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, April 2006, Seoul, Korea. TEIXEIRA, L.F., "Integrated Multimedia Authoring and Framework", International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, April 2006, Seoul, Korea. KOTTI, M., BENETOS, E., KOTROPOULOS, C., P. M. MARTINS, L.G., "Speaker Change Detection using BIC: A comparison on two datasets.", ISCCSP 2006 - 2006 Second International Symposium Communications, Control and Signal Processing, March 2006, Marrakech, Morocco. RIBEIRO, C., DAVID, G., CALISTRU, C.M., "Multimedia in Cultural Heritage Collections: A Model and Applications", ICADL 2007 - The 10th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries, December 2007, Hanoi, Vietnam. REBELO, A.M., CAPELA, A., PINTO DA COSTA, J., GUEDES, CARDOSO, J., "A Shortest Path Approach for Staff Line Detection", AxMedis 2007 - Third International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-channel Distribution, November 2007, Barcelona, Spain. SANTOS CARDOSO, J., CARDOSO, M.J., "Breast Contour Detection for the Aesthetic Evaluation of Breast Cancer Conservative Treatment", CORES 2007 - Fifth International Conference on Computer Recognition Systems, October 2007, Wroclaw, Poland. CARDOSO, M.J., SANTOS CARDOSO, J., et al. , "Is face-view only enough for the aesthetic evaluation of breast cancer conservative treatment (BCCT)?", Proceedings Nottingham International Breast Cancer Conference, September 2007, Nottingham, UK. GOUYON, F., "Microtiming in "Samba de Roda" - Preliminary experiments with polyphonic audio", SBCM 2007 - 11º Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Musical, September 2007, S. Paulo, Brasil. MARTINS, L.G., BURRED, J.J., TZANETAKIS, G., LAGRANGE, M., "Polyphonic Instrument Recognition using Spectral Clustering", Proceedings of ISMIR2007 - 8th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, September 2007, Vienna, Austria. RIBEIRO, C., DAVID, G., CALISTRU, C.M., "A Historic Documentation Repository for Specialized and Public Access", ECDL 2007 - 11th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, September 2007, Budapest, Hungary. AKHGAR, B., SIDDIQI, J., RAHMAN, F., ATTIAS, R., BENAMOU, N., ANDRADE, M.T., DORI, J., HASHAVIA, B., "Semantic Modelling of Digital Multimedia System and Application", MSA'07 - The 2007 International Conference on Multimedia Systems and Applications, June 2007, Las Vegas, USA. OLIVEIRA, Telecommunications Middleware to Dynamically Adapt Multimedia Services", IWSSIP 2007 - 14th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, June 2007, Maribor, Slovenia. LAGRANGE, M., MARTINS, L.G., TZANETAKIS, G., "Semi-Automatic Mono to Stereo Up-mixing using Sound Source Formation", Proceedings of 122nd AES Convention, May 2007, Vienna, Austria. SIDDIQI, J., RAHMAN, F., AKHGAR, B., SHAH, N., KORDA, N., ATTIAS, R., BENAMOU, N., ANDRADE, M.T., DORI, J., HASHAVIA, B., "Collaborative Access through Semantically Enhanced Distributed & Diversified Cultural Content", CTS 2007 - The 2007 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems, May 2007, Orlando, USA. GONÇALVES, B., CALISTRU, C.M., RIBEIRO, C., Multidimensional Multimedia Descriptor Indexing", ICDE 2007 - 2007 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering, April 2007, Istanbul, Turkey. GOUYON, F., DIXON, S., WIDMER, G., "Evaluating low- level features for beat classification and tracking", ICASSP 2007 - 2007 International Conference on Acoustics, April 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. SIDDIQI, J., AKHGHAR, B., SHAH, N., RAHMAN, F., KORDA, N., ATTIAS, R., ANDRADE, M.T., DORI, J., HASHAVIA, B., BENAMOU, N., "A System for Semantically Enhanced, Multifaceted, Collaborative Access: Requirements and Architecture", ITNG 2008 - 5th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, April 2007, Las Vegas, USA. CARVALHO, P.M., ANDRADE, M.T., ALBERTI, C., CASTRO, H., CALISTRU, C.M., DE CUETOS, P., "A unified data model and system support for the context- aware access to multimedia content", WMSRM 07 - Workshop Multimedia Semantics - The Role of Metadata, March 2007, Aachen, Germany. LAGRANGE, M., MARTINS, L.G., TEIXEIRA, L.F., TZANETAKIS, G., "Speaker Segmentation of Interviews Using Integrated Video and Audio Change Detections", CBMI 2007 - Fifth International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing 2007, Bordeaux, France. OLIVEIRA, J.M., CARRAPATOSO, E., "Evaluating the Adaptation of Multimedia Services using a Constraints- based Approach", WMMP 2008 - The First International Workshop on Mobile Multimedia Processing, December 2008, Tampa, Florida, USA. RODRIGUEZ, V., CARRERAS, A., BARBOSA, V.H., DELGADO, J., ANDRADE, M.T., "A Semantic Model for the Authorisation of Context-Aware Content Adaptation", SAMT 2008 - 3rd International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies, December 2008, Koblenz, Germany. COSTA, B., GOUYON, F., SARMENTO, L., "A Prototype for Visualizing Music Artist Networks", ARTECH 2008 - 4th International Conference on Digital Arts, November 2008, Porto, Portugal. OLIVEIRA, J., GOUYON, F., REIS, L., "Towards an Interactive Framework for Robot Dancing Applications", ARTECH 2008 - 4th International Conference on Digital Arts, November 2008, Porto, Portugal. NESS, S., WRIGHT, M., MARTINS, L.G., TZANETAKIS, G., "Chants and Orcas: Semi-Automatic Tools for Audio Annotation and Analysis in Niche Domains", Multimedia 2008 - ACM International Conference on Multimedia, October 2008, Vancouver, Canada. OLIVEIRA, J., GOUYON, F., REIS, L., "Robot Dance based on Online Automatic Rhythmic Perception", iRobot 2008 - 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Robotics, IBERAMIA Conference, October 2008, Lisbon, SANTOS CARDOSO, J., CAPELA, G.A., REBELO, A.M., GUEDES, C.A., "A Connected Path Approach for Staff Detection on a Music Score", ICIP 2008 - 2008 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, October 2008, San Diego, USA, p.1005-1008. SOUSA, R.J., SANTOS CARDOSO, J., PINTO DA COSTA, J.F., CARDOSO, M.J., "Breast Contour Detection with Shape Priors", ICIP 2008 - 2008 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, October 2008, San Diego, USA, p.1440-1443. TEIXEIRA, L.F., MARTINS, L.G., LAGRANGE, M., TZANETAKIS, G., "MarsyasX: multimedia dataflow processing with implicit patching", Multimedia 2008 - ACM International Conference on Multimedia, October 2008, Vancouver, Canada. TIMMERER, C., ANDRADE, M.T., CARVALHO, P.M., ROGAI, D., CORDARA, G., "The Semantics of MPEG- 21 Digital Items Revisited", 2nd International Workshop on the Many Faces of Multimedia Semantics, in conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2008, October 2008, Vancouver, Canada. ALMEIDA, T., MAGALHAES, A., COELHO, F.E., SOUSA, R.J., SANTOS CARDOSO, J., CAMPOS, M.J., "Is Asymmetry Enough for the Aesthetic Evaluation of Breast Cancer Conservative Treatment (BCCT)?", ORBS2008 - The International Meeting of Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery, September 2008, Nottingham , UK. ARACHCHI, K., HEWAGE, C., DOGAN, S., MRAK, M., BARBOSA, V.H., ANDRADE, M.T., KONDOZ, A.M., "Context-aware adaptation of SVC scalability structure for improved coding efficiency", ELMAR 2008 - 50th International Symposium Electronics in Marine, September 2008, Zadar, Croatia. BORCOCI, E., PINTO, A.A., MEHAOUA, A., FANG, L., WANG, N., "Resource Management and Signalling Architecture of a Hybrid Multicast Service for Multimedia Distribution", MMNS 2008 - 11th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Management of Multimedia and Mobile Networks and Services, September 2008, Samos Island, Greece. NETO, A., CERQUEIRA, E., CURADO, M., MONTEIRO, E., MENDES, P., "Scalable Multimedia Group Communications through the Over-provisioning of Network Resources", IEEE MMNS - IEEE International Conference on Management of Multimedia and Mobile Networks and Services, September 2008, Samos Island, Greece. PENHA, R., RODRIGUES, P., GOUYON, F., MARTINS, L.G., GUEDES, C., BARBOSA, A., "Digitópia - Platform for the Development of Digital Music Communities", DRHA 2008 - Conference on the Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts, September 2008, Cambridge, UK. PINTO, A.A., PEREIRA RICARDO, M., "SMIz - Secure Multicast IPTV with efficient support for video channel zapping ", NAEC 2008 - Networking and Electronic Commerce Conference, September 2008, Lake Garda, Italy. CAPELA, G., SANTOS CARDOSO, J., REBELO, A.M., GUEDES, C.A., "Integrated Recognition System for Music Scores", ICMC2008 - International Computer Music Conference 2008, August 2008, Belfast, Northern Ireland. PENHA, R., RODRIGUES, P., GOUYON, F., MARTINS, L.G., GUEDES, C., BARBOSA, A., "Studio Report: Digitópia at Casa da Música", ICMC2008 - International Computer Music Conference 2008, August 2008, Belfast, Northern Ireland. TZANETAKIS, G., MARTINS, L.G., TEIXEIRA, L.F., et al., "Interoperability and the Marsyas 0.2 runtime", ICMC2008 - International Computer Music Conference 2008, August 2008, Belfast, Northern Ireland. CAPELA, G., REBELO, A.M., SANTOS CARDOSO, J., GUEDES, C.A., "Staff Line Detection and Removal with Stable Paths", SIGMAP2008 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications (SIGMAP 2008), July 2008, Porto, Portugal, p.263-270. CASTRO, H., ANDRADE, M.T., PIMENTA ALVES, A., "Governed Media Distribution based on Nonrestrictive DRM", TEMU 2008 - International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia, July 2008, Ierapetra, Crete, Greece. COELHO, F.E., BATISTA, L., F. TEIXEIRA, L., SANTOS CARDOSO, J., "Automatic System for the Recognition of Amounts in Handwritten Cheques", SIGMAP2008 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications (SIGMAP 2008), July 2008, Porto, Portugal, p.320-324. TIMMERER, C., LUGMAYR, A., MACKAY, M., LINDSAY, A., FANG, L., MEHAOUA, A., SIDIBÉ, M., CASTRO, H., CARVALHO, P.M., ANDRADE, M.T., SOUTO, P., et al., "An Integrated Management Heterogeneous Contents, Networks, and Terminals enabling Quality of Service", EUMOB 2008 - 2nd European Symposium on Mobile Media Delivery, July 2008, Oulu, Finland. BARBOSA, ARACHCHI, H., DOGAN, S., ANDRADE, M.T., et al., "A scalable platform for context-aware and DRM-enabled adaptation of multimedia content", ICT Mobile & Communications Stockholm, Sweden. SHAO, B., MATTAVELLI, M., RENZI, D., ANDRADE, M.T., CIOBANU, G., CARVALHO, P.M., et al. , "A multimedia terminal for adaptation and end-to-end QoS control", ICME 2008 - 2008 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo, June 2008, Hannover, Germany. ANDRADE, M.T., SOUTO, P., "Using MPEG-21 and 2008 IEEE-TTTC - International Conference on Automation, Quality & Testing, Robotics, May 2008, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. LAGRANGE, M., MARTINS, L.G., TZANETAKIS, G., "A Computationally Efficient Scheme for Dominant Harmonic Source Separation", Proceeding of ICASSP 2008 - 2008 IEEE International Conference on Audio, Speech, and Signal Processing, April 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. SHAO, B., MATTAVELLI, M., ANDRADE, M.T., KELLER, S., CIOBANU, G., CARVALHO, P.M., "Multimedia Terminal Architecture: An Inter-Operable Approach", AICCSA'08 - The 6th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, April 2008, Doha, Qatar. LOPES, C., KAN, L., POPOV, A., MORLA, R., "PRT Simulation in an Immersive Virtual World", SimuTools08 - First International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques for Communications, Networks and Systems, March 2008, Marseille, France. VIANA, P., ASSIS, P., SILVA, L., "An Intelligent TV Anytime Based Video on Demand System", ECUMICT 2008 - 3rd European Conference on the Use of Modern Information and Communication Technologies, March 2008, Gent, Belgium. S. CARDOSO, J., TEIXEIRA, L.F., CARDOSO, M.J., "Automatic Breast Contour Detection in Digital Photographs", Proceedings of HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics 2008, January 2008, Funchal, Portugal. Sousa, R.J., Barbero, B., Cardoso, J.S., "An Ordinal Data Method for the Classification with Reject Option", ICMLA2009 - Eighth Int. Conf. on Machine Learning and Applications, Miami Beach, USA, Dec. 2009. Cardoso, J.S., "Stable Text Line Detection", WACV2009 - IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, Snowbird, USA, Dec. 2009. Andrade, M.T., Costa, A., "Enabling Semantic search in structured P2P Networks via distributed Databases and Web Services", WWW/Internet 2009 - IADIS Int. Conf., Rome, Italy, Nov. 2009. Castro, H., Alves, A.P., "Cognitive Object Format", KEOD 2009 – Int. Conf. on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, Funchal, Portugal, Oct. 2009. Costa, S., Magalhães, A., Sousa, R.J., Santos Cardoso, J., Campos, M.J., "Prediction Model of Asymmetry in Breast Cancer Conservative Treatment (BCCT)", ORBS 2009 - The Int. Meeting of Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery, Nottingham, UK, Sept. 2009. Naveda, L, Gouyon, F., Guedes, C.A., Leman, M., "Multidimensional microtiming in Samba music", SBCM 2009 - 12º Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Musical, Recife, Brasil, Sept. 2009. Madison, G., Gouyon, F., Ullen, F., "Musical Groove is Correlated With Properties of the Audio Signal as Revealed by Computational Modelling, Depending on Musical Style", SMC 2009 - 6th Sound and Music Computing Conf., Porto, Portugal, July 2009. Carreras, A., Andrade, M.T., Barbosa, V.H., Dogan, S., et al, "Contextual Information in Virtual Collaboration System beyond Current Standards", WIAMIS 2009 - 10th Int. Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, London, UK, May 2009. Barbosa, V.H., Andrade, M.T., "MULTICAO: A Semantic Approach to Context-aware Adaptation Decision Taking", WIAMIS 2009 - 10th Int. Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, London, UK, May 2009. Sarmento, L., Gouyon, F., Oliveira, E., "Music Artist Tag Propagation with Wikipedia abstracts", ECIR 2009 - European Conf. on Information Retrieval, Toulouse, France, April 2009. Campos, M.J., Costa, S., Santos Cardoso, J., et al, "Aesthetic Results Evaluation of Reduction Mammaplasties in Breast Cancer Treatment", IBCM-2 - Interconference Breast Cancer Meeting, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, April 2009. Costa, S., Sousa, R.J., Santos Cardoso, J., Campos, M.J., "Prediction of the aesthetic result in breast cancer conservative treatment", IBCM-2 - Interconference Breast Cancer Meeting, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, April 2009. Sarmento, L., Gouyon, F., Costa, B., Oliveira, E., "Visualizing Networks of Music Artists with RAMA", WEBIST 2009 - 5th Int. Conf. on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Lisbon, Portugal, March 2009. Oliveira, H.P., Cardoso, J.S., "Image Retargeting Using Stable Paths", VISAPP2009 – Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Lisbon, Portugal, Feb. 2009. PINTO DA COSTA, J., SOUSA, R.J., CARDOSO, J., "An all-at-once Unimodal SVM Approach for Ordinal Classification", ICMLA 2010 - The Ninth International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, December 2010, Washington, USA. CARDOSO, J., SOUSA, R.J., "Classification Models with Global Constraints for Ordinal Data", ICMLA 2010 - The Ninth International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, December 2010, Washington, USA. MAGALHÃES, A.T., OLIVEIRA, H.P., COSTA, S., CARDOSO, J., CARDOSO, M.J., "Value of photographic side-views in the objective evaluation of the aesthetic results of breast cancer conservative treatment", CTRC- AACR 2010 - 33rd Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, December 2010, San Antonio, USA. PINTO, T., REBELO, A.M., GERALDI, G., CARDOSO, J., "Content aware music score binarization", ACCV 2010 - The Tenth Asian Conference on Computer Vision, November 2010, Queenstown, New Zealand. AMARAL, I., COELHO, F.E., PINTO DA COSTA, J., CARDOSO, J., "Hierarchical Medical Image Annotation Using SVM-based Approaches", ITAB 2010 - The 10th Technology and Applications in Biomedicine, November 2010, Corfu, Greece. OLIVEIRA, H.P., MAGALHÃES, A., CARDOSO, M.J., CARDOSO, J., "Improving the BCCT.core Model With Lateral Information", ITAB 2010 - The 10th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine, November 2010, Corfu, Greece. COSTA, S., SOUSA, R.J., MAGALHAES, A., CARDOSO, J., CARDOSO, M.J., "A Preliminary Model to the Automatic Prediction of Aesthetic Results in Breast Cancer Conservative Treatment", SIS 2010 - 16th SIS World Congress, October 2010, Valencia, Spain. LOBATO OLIVEIRA, J., NAVEDA, L., GOUYON, F., LEMAN, M., REIS, L., "Synthesis of Dancing Motions Based on a Compact Topological Representation of Dance Style", IROS 2010 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, October 2010, Taipei, Taiwan. SORDO, M., GOUYON, F., SARMENTO, L., "A Method for Obtaining Semantic Facets of Music Tags", ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, September 2010, Barcelona, Spain. OLIVEIRA, H.P., MAGALHÃES, A., CARDOSO, M.J., CARDOSO, J., "An accurate and interpretable model for BCCT.core", EMBC 2010 - 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, September 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina, p.6158-6161. CARDOSO, J., DOMINGUES, I.C., AMARAL, I., MOREIRA, I., PASSARINHO, P., SANTA COMBA, J., CORREIA, R., CARDOSO, M.J., "Pectoral muscle detection in mammograms based on polar coordinates and the shortest path", EMBC 2010 - 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, September 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina, p.4781-4784. DOMINGUES, I.C., CARDOSO, J., AMARAL, I., MOREIRA, I., PASSARINHO, P., SANTA COMBA, J., CORREIA, R., CARDOSO, M.J., "Pectoral muscle detection in mammograms based on the shortest path with endpoints learnt by SVMs", EMBC 2010 - 32nd Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, September 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina, p.3158-3161. LOBATO OLIVEIRA, J., GOUYON, F., MARTINS, L.G., REIS, L., "IBT: A Real-Time Tempo and Beat Tracking System", ISMIR 2010 - The Eleventh International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, August 2010, Utrecht, The Netherlands. NAVEDA, L., GOUYON, F., LEMAN, M., "Modeling Musical Structure from the Audience: Emergent Rhythmic Models from Spontaneous Vocalizations in Samba Culture", ICMPC2010 - International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition 2010, August 2010, Seattle, USA. CARDOSO, J., REBELO, A.M., "Robust staffline thickness and distance estimation in binary and gray- level music scores", ICPR 2010 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition, August 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, p.1856-1859. LOPES, M.A., GOUYON, F., KOERICH, A., OLIVEIRA, L., "Selection of Training Instances for Music Genre Classification", ICPR 2010 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition, August 2010, Istanbul, Turkey. BERNARDES, G., GUEDES, C., PENNYCOOK, B., "Style emulation of drum patterns by means of evolutionary methods and statistical analysis", SMC 2010 - The 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference, July 2010, Barcelona, Spain. MARQUES, G., LOPES, M.A., SORDO, M., LANGLOIS, T., GOUYON, F., "Additional evidence that common low- level features of individual audio frames are not representative of music genres", SMC 2010 - The 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference, July 2010, Barcelona, Spain. BALTAZAR, A., GUEDES, C.A., PENNYCOOK, B., GOUYON, F., "A real-time human body skeletonization algorithm for Max/MSP/Jitter", ICMC 2010 - International Computer Music Conference, June 2010, New York, USA. FERREIRA, M., MORLA, R., "Second Life In-World Action Traffic Modeling", NOSSDAV 2010 - The 20th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video, June 2010, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. SIOROS, G., GUEDES, C., "A formal approach for high- level automatic rhythm generation", BRIDGES 2011 - MATHEMATICS, MUSIC, ART, ARCHITECTURE, CULTURE, July 2011, Coimbra, Portugal. K. GKONIS, P., Z. PATRIKAKIS, C., G. ANADIOTIS, A., I. KAKLAMANI, D., ANDRADE, M.T., et al., "A Content- Centric, Publish-Subscribe Architecture delivering Mobile Context-Aware Health Services", FNMS 2011 - The 20th Future Network and Mobile Summit, June 2011, Warsaw, Poland. NETO, A., SOUSA, R.J., CARDOSO, J., BARRETO, G., "Diagnostic of pathology on the vertebral column with embedded reject option", ibPRIA2011 - The fifth Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, June 2011, Las Palmas Gran Canaria, Spain. SOUSA, R.J., OLIVEIRA, H.F., CARDOSO, J., "Feature selection with complexity measure in a quadratic programming setting", ibPRIA2011 - The fifth Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, June 2011, Las Palmas Gran Canaria, Spain. PINTO, T., REBELO, A.M., GIRALDI, G., CARDOSO, J., "Music score binarization based on domain knowledge", ibPRIA2011 - The fifth Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, June 2011, Las Palmas Gran Canaria, Spain. SIOROS, G., GUEDES, C., "Automatic Rhythmic Performance in Max/MSP: the kin.rhythmicator", NIME 2011 - 11th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, May 2011, Oslo, Norway. OTEBOLAKU, A., ANDRADE, M.T., "Context Representation for Context-Aware Mobile Multimedia Content Recommendation", IMSA 2011 - The 15th IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications, May 2011, Washington, USA. ROCHA, A.J.D.S., CARVALHO, A., "Proposta para um Web Feature Service Temporal", Proceddings of XATA'2006 XML - Aplicações e Tecnologias Associadas, February 2006, Proceddings of XATA'2006, Portalegre, Portugal, p.212-223. CARVALHO, A., RIBEIRO, C., DE SOUSA, A.A., "Spatial TimeDB - Valid Time Support in Spatial DBMS", IADC 2006 - 2nd International Advanced Database Conference 2006, San Diego, USA. COELHO, A., BESSA, M., DE SOUSA, A.A., FERREIRA, F.N., "Expeditious Modelling of Virtual Urban Environments with Geospatial L-systems", SIACG 2006 - Ibero American Symposium in Computer Graphics, July 2006, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. MOREIRA, P., REIS, L.P., DE SOUSA, A.A., "Best Multiple-View Selection: Application to the Visualization of Urban Rescue Simulations", CompIMAGE 2006 - Computational Modelling of Objects Represented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications, October 2006, Coimbra, Portugal. MOREIRA, P., REIS, L.P., DE SOUSA, A.A., "A Survey on Interactive Rendering Techniques", SIACG 2006 - Ibero American Symposium in Computer Graphics, July 2006, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. CARVALHO, A., RIBEIRO, C., DE SOUSA, A.A., "A Spatio-Temporal Database System Based on TimeDB and Oracle Spatial", September 2006, IFIP-International Federation for Information Processing, vol.205. GOMES, M., ROCHA, A.J.D.S., COELHO, A.C., SOUSA, A.A., "Acesso Interoperável a Informação Geográfica Distribuída para Disponibilização de Modelos Urbanos 3D em Dispositivos Móveis", XATA'2006 XML - Aplicações e Tecnologias Associadas, February 2006, Portalegre, Portugal. COELHO, A., BESSA, M., DE SOUSA, A.A., NUNES FERREIRA, F., " Expeditious Modelling of Virtual Urban Environments with Geospatial L-systems ", Journal Computer Graphics Forum, December 2007, vol.26, no.4, p.769-782. GONÇALVES, R., DE SOUSA, A.A., GONÇALVES, G., SOUSA, J., DIAS, P., "Real-time Projection of Video Images in Virtual Scenarios", 9th IFF Science Days - 9th IFF Science Days: Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality for Engineering, Testing and Operating Technical Systems, June 2007, Magdeburg, Germany FARIA, B., DE SOUSA, A.A., REIS, L.P., "A didactic application for creating new sights from multiple images using Light Fields", VIPIMAGE 2007 - Conferência Internacional "VIPIMAGE - ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing", October 2007, Porto, Portugal. MARTINS, J., SILVA, J., DE SOUSA, A.A., "Sistema de Realidade Aumentada Baseado em Padrões Rectangulares de Dimensões Desconhecidas", 15 EPCG - 15º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica, October 2007, Porto Salvo, Portugal. REBELO, C.A., COELHO, A., CRUZ, F., DE SOUSA, A.A., NUNES FERREIRA, F., "Prototipagem rápida de ferramentas de autoria e visualização para Computação Gráfica", 15 EPCG - 15º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica, October 2007, Porto Salvo, Portugal. BANDEIRA, A., DE SOUSA, A.A., OLIVEIRA, C., LOPES, E., TORRÃO, S., "Improving collaboration and communication: a Videoconference room in FEUP as a mean to share teaching and learning resources among universities", VideoFunet Conference 07 - 1st VideoFunet Conference, May 2007, Tampere, Filand CARVALHO, A., DE SOUSA, A.A., RIBEIRO, C., COSTA, E., "A Temporal Focus + Context Visualization Model for Handling Valid-Time Spatial Information", Information Visualization, October 2008, vol.7, no.3, CARVALHO, A., DE SOUSA, A.A., RIBEIRO, C., "A Temporal Focus + Context VisualIzation Model for Handling Valid Time Spatial Information", AGILE2008 - 11th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, May 2008, Girona, Spain. PEREIRA, J.E., COSTA, L.M., CABRITA, A.M., COUTO, P.A., FILIPE, V.M., MAGALHÃES, L.G., FORNARO, M., DI SCIPIO, F., GEUNA, S., MAURICIO, A.C., VAREJÃO, A.S., "Methylprednisolone fails to improve functional and histological outcome following spinal cord injury in rats", Experimental Neurology, a Journal of Neuroscience Research, November 2009, vol.220, no.1, p.71-81. GONÇALVES, A., MAGALHÃES, L.G., CHALMERS, A., "High Dynamic range - A gateway for predictive ancient lighting", ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, July 2009, Article 3, vol.2, no.1. ROCHA, T., GONÇALVES, M., MAGALHÃES, L.G., GODINHO, F., BESSA, M., "Accessibility and Usability on the Internet for people with intellectual disabilities", DSAI 2009 - The International Conference on Software Development for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion 2009, Lisbon, Portugal. CARVALHO, R., PORTELA, L., VARAJÃO, J., MAGALHÃES, L.G., "Actividades do gestor de sistemas de informação", ADM 2009 - Congresso International de Administração 2009, Ponta Grossa, Brazil. SOUSA RODRIGUES, N.C., MAGALHÃES, L.G., MOURA, J., SANTOS, F., MORGADO, L., CHALMERS, A., "ArchHouseGenerator - A Framework for House Generation", Slactions 2009 - Internacional Conference Life, Imagination and work using metaverse platforms 2009, Braga, Portugal. CUNHA, N., MOREIRA, M., VAREJÃO, A., COSTA, L., PEREIRA, J., COUTO, P., MELO-PINTO, P., BULAS- CRUZ, J., MAGALHÃES, L.G., FILIPE, V., "Colour Marker Segmentation in Biomechanics Applications", RECPAD 2009 - 15th Edition of the Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition 2009, Aveiro, Portugal. URBANO, C., MAGALHÃES, L.G., MOURA, J.P., BESSA, M., MARCOS, A.F., "Desenvolvimento de um operador de tone mapping para dispositivos com ecrã pequeno", 17º EPCG - 17º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica 2009, Covilhã, Portugal. PEREIRA, F., MOURA, J.P., BULAS-CRUZ, J.A., MAGALHÃES, L.G., CHALMERS, A., "Efficient use of Multiple Hardware Components for Image Synthesis", 17º EPCG - 17º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica 2009, Covilhã, Portugal. VAREJÃO, A.S., COSTA, L.M., PEREIRA, J.E., COUTO, P.A., FILIPE, V.M., MAGALHÃES, L.G., MELO-PINTO, P., BULAS-CRUZ, J., MAURÍCIO, A.C., GEUNA, S., "The effect of gait speed on three- dimensional analysis of hindlimb kinematics during treadmill locomotion in rat", 11º Meeting SPN - 11º Meeting Portuguese Society for Neurosciences 2009, Braga, Portugal. MORAIS, R., CUNHA, C.R., PERES, E., BESSA, M., REIS, M.C., "Contextualized Ubiquity: A New Opportunity for Rendering Business Information and Services", Centeris´2009 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems 2009, Proceedings of CENTERIS'2009, Ofir, Portugal, p.573-581 PERES, E., LIBERATO, N., BESSA, M., "Events Promotion: An E-Business Solution", 13th IBIMA conference on - 13th IBIMA conference on Knowledge Managemet and Innovation in Advancing Economies 2009, vol.11, no.11, Marrakech, Maroc, p.255-265. LIBERATO, N., PERES, E., VARAJÃO, J., BESSA, M., "LBES:Location-Based E-Commerce System", Centeris´2009 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems 2009, Ofir, Portugal, p.145-151. CUNHA, V., LEITÃO, M., "Exploração da Remoção Hierárquica por Oclusão em Simulações em Tempo Real", 17º EPCG - 17º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica 2009, Covilhã, Portugal. DORES, A.R., CARVALHO, I., ABREU, C., GUERREIRO, S., ALMEIDA, I., ROMERO, L., NUNES, J., LEITÃO, M., BARBOSA, J., CALDAS, A.C., "New Answers for Old Questions in the Domain of the Cognitive Rehabilitation", IADIS 2009 - IADIS International Conference www/Internet 2009 2009, Rome, Italy. DORES, A.R., CARVALHO, I., ABREU, C., NUNES, J., LEITÃO, M., CALDAS, A.C., "Virtual Reality: Application to Cognitive Rehabilition after Acquired Brain Injury", DSAI 2009 - The International Conference on Software Development for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion 2009, Lisbon, Portugal. RODRIGUES, N., LINO OLIVEIRA, J., COELHO, A., "Adapting traditional web applications to new user interfaces provided by rich internet applications", IADIS 2009 - IADIS International Conference www/Internet 2009 2009, vol.2, Rome, Italy, p.395-398. FREITAS, M., DE SOUSA, A.A., COELHO, A., "Evaluation of Visualization Features in Three- Dimensional Location-Based Mobile Devices", GRAPP 2009 - Fourth International Conference in Computer Graphics Theory and Applications 2009, Proceedings, Lisbon, Portugal, p.328-336. FREITAS, T., COELHO, A., ROSSETTI, R., "Improving Digital Maps Through GPS Data Processing", IEEE ITSC09 - 12th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2009, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, p.480-485. RODRIGUES, R., COELHO, A., REIS, L.P., "Modelação Expedita de Edifícios Monumentais a partir de Descrições Textuais" [Expeditious Modelling of Monumental Buildings from Textual Descriptions], 17º EPCG - 17º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica 2009, Covilhã, Portugal, p.35-43. ORTEGA, M.D.R., COELHO, A., DE SOUSA, A.A., ALVARADO, L.O., "Modelling a virtual urban environment with realistic terrain features", 17º EPCG - 17º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica 2009, Covilhã, Portugal, p.313-314. CARVALHO, A., DE SOUSA, A.A., RIBEIRO, C., COSTA, E., FRANCHIN, W., "Interactive focus + context visualization of spatio-temporal urban data models", GeoViz 2009 - Contribution of Geovisualization to the concept of the Digital City 2009, Hamburg, Germany. MOREIRA, P.M., REIS, L.P., DE SOUSA, A.A., "Jumping Jack: A Parallel Algorithm for Non-Monotonic Stream Compaction", GRAPP 2009 - Fourth International Conference in Computer Graphics Theory and Applications 2009, Lisbon, Portugal, p.137-146. MOREIRA, P.M., REIS, L.P., DE SOUSA, A.A., "New Algoritms for GPU Stream Compaction: A Comparative Study", GRAPP 2009 - Fourth International Conference in Computer Graphics Theory and Applications 2009, Lisbon, Portugal, p.119-128. MARTINS, J., SILVA, J., DE SOUSA, A.A., "Reconhecimento de Fachadas de Edifícios em Imagens de Ambientes Urbanos", 17º EPCG - 17º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica 2009, Covilhã, Portugal. FRANCHIN, W., CARVALHO, A., MOREIRA, J., DE SOUSA, A.A., RIBEIRO, C., "An importer of virtual 3D City Models datasets into a spatiotemporal database" [Um importador de modelos de cidades virtuais 3D para base de dados espaço-temporal], September 2009, INFORUM (Xata) 2009. BESSA, M., BULAS-CRUZ, J.A., CHAMBERS, A., "Selective Rendering for 3D Maps: High-Fidelity Graphics on Mobile Devices" 2009. COSTA, L., PEREIRA, J., FILIPE, V., COUTO, P., MAGALHÃES, L.G., BULAS-CRUZ, J., MAURICIO, A.C., GEUNA, S., VAREJÃO, A., "The Effect of Gait Speed on Three-Dimensional Analysis of Hindlimb Kinematics during Treadmill Locomotion in Rats", REVIEWS IN THE NEUROSCIENCES 2010, vol.21, no.6, p.487-497. (ISI, IF=2.60) URBANO, C., MAGALHÃES, L.G., MOURA, J.P., BESSA, M., MARCOS, A., CHALMERS, A., "Tone Mapping Operators on Small Screen Devices: An Evaluation Study", Computer Graphics Forum, December 2010, vol.29, no.8, p.2469-2478. RODRIGUES, N., MAGALHÃES, L.G., MOURA, J.P., CHALMERS, A., SANTOS, F., MORGADO, L., "ArchHouseGenerator - A Framework for House Generation_", Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, May 2010, vol.2, no.5. REIS, M.G., CABRAL, L., PERES, E., BESSA, M., et al. , "Using IT Based Exercises in Primary Math Teaching of Children with Cerebral Palsy and Mental Retardation: A Case Study", Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, July 2010, vol.9, no.3, p.106-118. CRUZ-CUNHA, M.M., REIS, M.G., VARAJÃO, J., BESSA, M., MAGALHÃES, L.G., BARBOSA, L., BARREIRA, J., "Realidade Aumentada e Ubiquidade na Educação", Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje, November 2010, vol.5, no.4, p.167-174. PERES, E., LIBERATO, N., BESSA, M., VARAJÃO, J., "Ubiquitous System for Events Promotion", Communications of the IBIMA, February 2010, vol.2010. ROMPANTE, C., PERES, E., MORAIS, R., BESSA, M., REIS, M.C., "Contextualized Ubiquity: A New Opportunity for Rendering Business Information and Services_", Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, December 2010, vol.5, no.3, p.55-64. FERREIRA, P.M.T., ROSSETTI, R.J., COELHO, A., "Information Systems for Public Transport Users", ITSC 2010 - 13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2010, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. FREITAS, T.R., COELHO, A., ROSSETTI, R.J., "Correcting Routing Information through GPS Data Processing", ITSC 2010 - 13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2010, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. FREITAS, M., SOUSA, A., COELHO, A., "A visualization paradigm for 3D map-based mobile services", Communications in Computer and Information Science 2010, Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics. Theory and Applications, vol.68, p.89-103. RODRIGUES, R.M., COELHO, A., REIS, L.P., "Data model for procedural modelling from textual descriptions", IEEE CEC 2010 - IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2010, Barcelona, Espanha, BRANDÃO SILVA, P., COELHO, A., "Procedural Modeling for Realistic Virtual Worlds Developement", SLACTIONS 2010 - Research Conference in the Second Life World 2010, Porto, Portugal. BRANDÃO SILVA, P., COELHO, A., "Procedural Modeling of Urban Environments for Digital Games Development", ACE2010 - 7th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Tecnology 2010, Taipei, Taiwan. CRUZ, A., SOUSA, A., COELHO, A., "Using games to promote student integration in universities trough the use of virtual worlds", SLACTIONS 2010 - Research Conference in the Second Life World 2010, Porto, Portugal. RODRIGUES, R.M., COELHO, A., REIS, L.P., "Procedural Modelling of Monumental Buildings from Textual Descriptions", GRAPP 2010 - Fifht International Conference in Computer Graphics Theory and Applications 2010, Angers, France, p.130-133. MAGALHÃES, H., PINTO, A., SOUSA, A., "Plotting and Navigation through Data using Dynamic Charts", SVG Open - 8th International Conference on Scalable Vector Graphics 2010, Paris, France. MARTINS, J., SILVA, J.A., SOUSA, A., "Façade Tracking System for Outdoor Augmented Reality", WSCG 2010 - International Conferences in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2010, Praga, Chezk Republic. MIRANDA, J.C., BLANCO, X.A., SOUSA, A., GUTIERREZ, D., ORVALHO, J., ORVALHO, V., "Painting on Canvas: A Facial Sketching Control System", SCA 2010 - ACM Symposium on Computer Animation 2010, Madrid, Spain. PORTELA, L., CARVALHO, R., VARAJÃO, J., MAGALHÃES, L.G., "A review of Chief Information Officer' main skills", WSKS 2010 - 3rd World Summit on the Knowledge Society 2010, Corfu, Greece. REIS, M.G., PEREIRA, L.C., PERES, E., BESSA, M., et al. , "Using Digital Exercises to Help Children with Cerebral Palsy in Primary Math Teaching: A Case Study_", April 2010, 10th International Educational Technology Conference, vol.3, p.1664-1670. DIAS, L.J., COELHO, A., "Novos Serviços Turísticos para Mobile Advertising", INFORUM 2010 - INFORUM- Simpósio de Informática 2010, Braga, Portugal, p.415- JACOB, J., COELHO, A., "Geo Wars - The Development of a location-based game", Videojogos2010 - Conferencia de Ciências e Artes dos Videojogos 2010, Lisbon, Portugal. ORTEGA, M.D., ALVARADO, L., FEITO, F., COELHO, A., SOUSA, A., "Hacia una ciudad virtual", CEIG 2010 - Congreso Espanol de Informatica Grafica 2010, Valencia, Spain. MOREIRA, P.M., REIS, L., SOUSA, A., "i-opt:Intelligent Optimization for Computer Graphics and Visualization", Proceedings of CISTI'2010 - 5ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação 2010, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. ORVALHO, V., MIRANDA, J., SOUSA, A., "What a feeling: Learning Facial Expressions and Emotions", Videojogos2010 - Conferencia de Ciências e Artes dos Videojogos 2010, Lisbon, Portugal. TEIXEIRA, R., VARAJÃO, J., BESSA, M., MAGALHÃES, L.G., "Agenda Digital Local: um caso português" [Local Digital Agenda: the Portuguese case- study], CAPSI2010 - 10ª conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação, October 2010, Viana do Castelo, Portugal. TEIXEIRA, R., VARAJÃO, J., BESSA, M., PERES, E., "Projectos Digitais: uma reflexão e pontes para o futuro" [Digital Projects: one reflection and bridges to the future.], June 2010, 5ª Conferencia Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de Información, vol.1, p.185-191. JACOB, J., COELHO, A., "Issues in the Development of Location-Based Games", International Journal of Computer Games Technology 2011. CORREIA MELO, M., BRANDÃO SILVA, P., MAGALHÃES, L.G., BESSA, M., COELHO, A., MOURA, J., ROCHA, A., FERREIRA, F., CRUZ, J., SOUSA, A., "3DWikiU - 3D Wiki For Urban Environments", SIACG - 1st Ibero-American Symposium in Computer Graphics, June 2011, Guimarães, Portugal. OLIVEIRA, L., CORREIA RODRIGUES, A., NUNES, H., DIAS, L.J., COELHO, A., OLIVEIRA, J.M., CARRAPATOSO, E., LEITÃO, M.J., "Plataforma Web de Informação Geográfica para o Turismo" [GIS Web Plataform for Tourim], Actas de CISTI'2011 - CISTI'2011-6ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, June 2011, Chaves, Portugal. COELHO, A., SILVA, L., OLIVEIRA, L., SILVA, A., MARTINS, F., CARVALHAIS, J., "THE CONCEPT OF VINEYARD PARCEL FOR THE DOURO DELIMITED REGION", OIV 2011 - World Congress of Vine and Wine, June 2011, Porto, Portugal. FRADEIRA GONÇALVES, M., ROCHA, T., MAGALHÃES, L.G., PERES, E., BESSA, M., CHALMERS, A., "Identifying Different Visual Patterns in Web users Behaviour", SCCG 2011 - 27th Spring conference on Computer Graphics , April 2011, Bratislava, Slovakia. COELHO, A., DIAS, L.J., "A mobile advertising platform for eTourism", ENTER 2011 - 18th ENTER eTourism Conference 2011, Innsbruck, Austria. CRUZ, A., COELHO, A., SOUSA, A., "Game Design Evaluation Study for Student Integration", SGDA 2011 - Second International Conference on Serious Games Developmente and Applications 2011, Lisbon, Portugal. COELHO, A., KATO, E., XAVIER, J., GONÇALVES, R., "Serious Game for Introductory Programming", SGDA 2011 - Second International Conference on Serious Games Development and Applications 2011, Lisbon, Portugal. CRUZ, A., COELHO, A., SOUSA, A., "Technical Analisys and Approaches for Game Development in Second Life", Actas de CISTI'2011 - CISTI'2011-6ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação 2011, First Iberian Workshop on Serious Games and Meaningful Play (SGaMePlay'2011), vol.2, Chaves, Portugal. Barbosa, Álvaro; Gouyon, Fabien; Serra, Xavier. eds. 2009. Proceedings of SMC 2009, 6th Sound and Music Computing Conference - SMC 2009 ed. 6, 1 vol., ISBN: 978-989-95577-6-5. Porto: SMC Network. Barbosa, Álvaro. 2008. Displaced Soundscapes. ed. 1, 1 vol., ISBN: 978-3-8364-7154-1. Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM-Verlag Barbosa, Álvaro. ed. 2008. Proceedings of ARTECH 2008 - 4th International Conference on Digital Arts ed. 4, 1 vol., ISBN: 978-989-95776-3-3. Porto: Escola das Artes - Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Barbosa, Álvaro. 2010. Performance musical em rede. In Criação musical e tecnologias: teoria e prática interdisciplinar, ed. Damien Keller, 188 - 208. ISBN: 978- 85-63046-01-7. São Paulo, Brasil: Goiânia: Anppom. Barbosa, Álvaro; Lourenço, Sofia; Coimbra, Daniela; Clemente, Miguel. 2009. "Do pianists play with their Teeth?", Trabalho apresentado em International Symposium on Performance Science (ISPS 2009), In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Performance Science (ISPS 2009), Auckland Barbosa, Álvaro; Penha, Rui; Rodrigues, Paulo; Gouyon, Fabien; Martins, Luis; Guedes, Carlos. 2008. "Studio Report: Digitópia at Casa da Música", Trabalho apresentado em International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 08), In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 08), Belfast Barbosa, Álvaro. 2008. "Ten-Hand Piano: A Networked Music Installation", Trabalho apresentado em International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2008), In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2008), Genova Barbosa, Álvaro. 2008. "CSCW for Music Applications: The Public Sound Objects Project ", Trabalho apresentado em Computer Supported Cooperative Work Conference 2008 (CSCW 08) , In Video Program of the Computer Supported Cooperative Work Conference 2008 (CSCW 08); , San Diego. Barbosa, Álvaro; Costa, Joana; Coimbra, Daniela. 2006. "Shared Soundscapes: A social environment for collective music creation", Trabalho apresentado em 9th International Conference on Music and Cognition (ICMPC 9), In Proceedings of th 9th International Conference on Music and Cognition (ICMPC 9), Bologna Sá, Cristina F. A. 2009. Design e Interfaces. In As Artes Tecnológicas E a Rede Internet Em Portugal, ed. Maria Teresa Cruz and José Gomes Pinto, 36 - 42. Lisboa: Vega. Sá, Cristina F. A. 2009. Interactividade e Webdesign em Portugal (Análise Empírica). In As Artes Tecnológicas E a Rede Internet Em Portugal, ed. Maria Teresa Cruz and José Gomes Pinto, 106 - 115. Lisboa: Vega. Sá, Cristina F. A. 2009. "Desmontando a Mediação Total: Novas Ferramentas Para Romper O Encerramento Especular Criado Pela Intermitência Da Dispersão/Convergência De Meios", Trabalho apresentado em VI SOPCOM - Sociedade dos Media, In VI SOPCOM VIII LUSOCOM, Lisboa. Sá, Cristina F. A.; Cortez, Nuno. 2008. "Futurologia No Passado -Possibilidades Entre O Homem E O Computador", Trabalho apresentado em Artech 4th International Conference on Digital Arts, In Artech 4th International Conference on Digital Arts, Porto. Martins, Luis G. 2009. A Computational Framework for Sound Segregation in Music Signals – an Auditory Scene Analysis Approach for Modeling Perceptual Grouping in Music Listening. ed. 1, ISBN: 978-3-8383-2091-5. Alemanha: Lambert Academic Publishing. Martins, Luis G; Lagrange, Mathieu; Tzanetakis, George. 2010. Modeling grouping cues for auditory scene analysis using a spectral clustering formulation. In Machine Audition, ed. Wenwu Wang, 22 - 60. ISBN: 9781615209194. UK: IGI Global. Tzanetakis, George; Martins, Luis G; McNally, Kirk; Jones, Randy. 2010. "Stereo Panning Information for Music Information Retrieval Tasks", Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 58, 5: 409 - 417. Lagrange, Mathieu; Martins, Luis G; Murdoch, Jennifer; Tzanetakis, George. 2008. "Normalized Cuts for Predominant Melodic Source Separation", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 16, 2: 278 - 290. Oliveira, João; Gouyon, Fabien; Martins, Luis G; Reis, Luís. 2010. "IBT: A Real-Time Tempo and Beat Tracking system", Trabalho apresentado em International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), In Proc. International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), Ultrcht. Ness, Steven; Theocharis, Anthony; Tzanetakis, George; Martins, Luis G. 2009. "Improving automatic music tag annotation using stacked generalization of probabilistic SVM outputs", Trabalho apresentado em ACM international conference on Multimedia, In Proceedings of the seventeen ACM international conference on Multimedia, Beijing. Ness, Steven; Wright, Matthew; Martins, Luis G; Tzanetakis, George. 2008. "Chants and orcas: Semi-automatic tools for audio annotation and analysis in niche domains", Trabalho apresentado em ACM Multimedia 2008 – Workshop "The Many Faces of Multimedia Semantics (MS)", In Proc. ACM Multimedia 2008 – Workshop "The Many Faces of Multimedia Semantics (MS)", Vancouver. Teixeira, Luis F; Martins, Luis G; Lagrange, Mathieu; Tzanetakis, George. 2008. "MarsyasX: multimedia dataflow processing with implicit patching", Trabalho apresentado em ACM Multimedia, In Proc. ACM Multimedia, Vancouver. Penha, Rui; Rodrigues, Paulo; Gouyon, Fabien; Martins, Luis G; Guedes, Carlos; Barbosa, Álvaro. 2008. "Studio Report: DIGITÓPIA at Casa da Música", Trabalho apresentado em International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), In Proc. International Computer Music Conference 2008 (ICMC2008), Belfast. Tzanetakis, George; Martins, Luis G; Teixeira, Luis F; Castillo, Carlos; Jones, Randy; Lagrange, Mathieu. 2008. "Interoperability and the Marsyas 0.2 runtime", Trabalho apresentado em International Computer Music Conference 2008 (ICMC2008), In Proc. International Computer Music Conference 2008 (ICMC2008), Belfast. Lagrange, Mathieu; Martins, Luis G; Tzanetakis, George. 2008. "A Computationally Efficient Scheme for Dominant Harmonic Source Separation", Trabalho apresentado em 2008 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2008), In Proc. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2008), Las Vegas. Martins, Luis G; Burred, Juan J; Tzanetakis, George; Lagrange, Mathieu. 2007. "Polyphonic Instrument Recognition using Spectral Clustering", Trabalho apresentado em 8th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR2007), In Proc. 8th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR2007), Viena. Lagrange, Mathieu; Martins, Luis G; Teixeira, Luis F; Tzanetakis, George. 2007. "Speaker Segmentation of Interviews using Integrated Video and Audio Change Detectors", Trabalho apresentado em Fifth International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI-2007), In Proc. Fifth International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI-2007), Bordéus. Kotti, Margarita; Martins, Luis G; Benetos, Emmanouil; Cardoso, Jaime; Kotropoulos, Constantine. 2006. "Automatic Speaker Segmentation Using Multiple Features and Distance Measures: A Comparison of Three Approaches", Trabalho apresentado em ICME 2006 - IEEE 2006 International Conference on Multimedia & Expo, In Proc. ICME 2006 - IEEE 2006 International Conference on Multimedia & Expo, Toronto. Kotti, Margarita; Benetos, Emmanouil; Kotropoulos, Constantine; Martins, Luis G. 2006. "Speaker Change Detection using BIC: A comparison on two datasets.", Trabalho apresentado em Second International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing, In Proc. Second International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing, Marrakech. 5.4 R&D Projects
Activity Activity
Short Name
Content-centric, publish-subscribe Maria Teresa Andrade PROG - EU service model for the Internet Enhanced Digital Cinema Maria Teresa Andrade PROG - EU End-to-End QoS through Integrated Management of Content, Networks Maria Teresa Andrade PROG - EU and Terminals Semantically Enhanced, Multifaceted, Collaborative Access to Cultural Maria Teresa Andrade PROG - EU Heritage Networked Audiovisual Media Technologies Web3.0 Platform for the hospitality Maria Teresa Andrade PROG - NAT market On-line daily news platform for young people Intelligent Web system to support the management of a social network on music Picture Archiving and Communication System with Semantic Search Engine Tourism portal for the Douro region José Manuel Oliveira Advanced objective method for the evaluation of the aesthetic result of Breast Cancer Conservative Treatment On demand Immersive-TV for communities of Media Producers and Consumers Controller driven adaptive and dynamic music composition systems Optical recognition system for handwritten music scores Análise acustica e aerodinâmica da produção de fala por pacientes com Aníbal Ferreira parelesia unilateral das pregas vocais Computational Auditory Scene Analysis Framework for Sound Segregation in Music Signals Mechanisms of Musical Groove and applications 3D models for aesthetic evaluation and prediction of breast cancer interventions Sensing and Understanding human User-Tracking2.0 User-Tracking for Web traffic Intelligent and secure Webmail System to Support Personal Organization Context-aware and personalized Maria Teresa Andrade SERV - NAT multimedia services UMTS based access to a prototypical networked Personalized Video Recorder Networked Personalized Video UP campus wide TV network Alexandre Carvalho Complete Ambient Assisted Living Experiment Efficient management and visualization of spatiotemporal urban data, Consulting and development of a PROG - NAT POR Norte regional Portal for the Douro region. Oceanic Observatory of the Iberian Coast Development of a regional solution for the integration of georeferenced content in AMAVE portal Collaborative virtual reality system for PROG - NAT FCT/POFC urban environments Intelligent collaborative surveillance PROG - NAT POFC/POR robot for the security area Support for scientific research in Alexandre Carvalho undergraduate UP Expeditious virtual reconstruction of cultural heritage sites 5.5 Business Incubation
Xarevision (Digital Signage and Corporate TV) Palcos da Realidade (Procedural 3D Modeling and Serious Games) Tecla Colorida (Educational Software) Cimbalino Filmes 5.6 Partnerships
PROJECT MAT - OTHER OUTCOME (organisation of conferences, collaborations in PhD programmes, etc.)
Organisation of Sound and Music Computing Conference Collaboration in MAP-Tele and MAP-i Doctoral Programmes and Digital Media Programme Supervision of PhD thesis future places festival Participation in programmes with CMU and University of Texas at Austin Organisation of Virtual Worlds and Computer Graphics conferences Collaboration in MAP-i Doctoral Programmes Supervision of PhD thesis Participation in programmes with CMU and University of Texas at Austin Artech conference Co-Organisation of Sound and Music Computing Conference Supervision of phd thesis Organisation of Olhares de Outono Festival


Pii: s1062-1458(01)00427-5

zone, algorithms to discriminate supraventricular tachycar- dia (SVT) from VT may be activated. Even with the inclu-sion of atrial intracardiac electrograms in SVT discrimina- My Defibrillator Fired: What to Do? tion algorithms, 20% or more of ICD therapies areinappropriate (Figure 1). ICDs also incorporate sophisti-cated information storage and diagnostic capabilities,

Nutrient-sensitized screening for drugs that shift energy metabolism from mitochondrial respiration to glycolysis

Nutrient-sensitized screening for drugs that shift energy metabolism from mitochondrial respiration to glycolysis Vishal M Gohil1–3,7, Sunil A Sheth1–3,7, Roland Nilsson1–3, Andrew P Wojtovich4,5, Jeong Hyun Lee6, Fabiana Perocchi1–3, William Chen1–3, Clary B Clish2, Cenk Ayata6, Paul S Brookes4,5 & Vamsi K Mootha1–3 Most cells have the inherent capacity to shift their reliance on glycolysis relative to oxidative metabolism, and studies in model systems have shown that targeting such shifts may be useful in treating or preventing a variety of diseases ranging from cancer to ischemic injury. However, we currently have a limited number of mechanistically distinct classes of drugs that alter the relative