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****Published February 2015***
MarketVIEW: Cholesterol (PCSK9) vaccines (CAT: VAMV045)
Product Name
MarketVIEW: Cholesterol (PCSK9) vaccines
Global vaccine commercial opportunity assessment
Executive presentation + 1 forecast model
Therapeutic Area
Publication date
Catalogue No
Cardiovascular disease(s) (CVD) are prominent within the 10 leading causes of death in high-income countries. The most
common manifestations of CVD are coronary heart disease (CHD), ischaemic stroke, and peripheral arterial disease (PAD).
Raised low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), smoking, and uncontrolled hypertension are major risk factors the
development of CVD. By 2030 almost 24.3M people/year globally are predicted to die from CVD.
Currently Statins (HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors) are the most effective drug class for reducing LDL-C but differ in their LDL-C
lowering capacity. In addition, several novel therapies are in development to reduce LDL-C levels in patients with severe
hypercholesterolemia. These include PCSK9 inhibitors (monoclonals) of which Sanofi's SAR236553 (REGN727) PRALUENTTM
and Amgen's evolocumab RAPATHATM have now been filed for registration in both the US and EU. Both monoclonals were
shown to reduce LDL-C levels by 40 to 60% in combination with statins/ezetimibe in high-risk patients and those with
homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia. CVD outcomes studies are now ongoing.
Some companies (Pfizer and AFFiRiS AG) are also investigating the possibility of preclinical PCSK9 vaccines that could help
reduce LDL-C levels in high-risk patients who cannot achieve guideline LDL-C treatment goals. Vaccines could have the added
benefit of lower cost and less frequency of administration than monoclonals.
This MarketVIEW product contains a comprehensive MS Excel-based model + summary presentation which forecasts the
potential commercial value of PCSK9 (cholesterol) vaccines + monoclonals across major Western1 markets until 2030. The
model contains value ($ m) and volume (mio doses) predictions per product type along with timeframe, pricing and penetration
estimates for all target populations. The product also includes an in depth review of latest epidemiological trends, lipid lowering
treatments/guidelines and latest developments in R&D.
1 SECONDARY PREVENTION - US, Canada, Australia, UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Other Europe and Australia

VacZine Analytics has closely monitored all significant source material pertaining to PCSK9 inhibitors, coronary heart disease
(CHD), ischaemic stroke, and peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and other target groups. Source materials used are literature
articles, government websites, medical bodies and associations, conference proceedings etc. Previously published research by
VacZine Analytics in the field of novel vaccines has also been utilised.
Published February 2015 (CAT No: VAMV045)
****This product is composed of two forecast models and a summary presentation Author's note Contents Executive Summary Commercial model: key model outputs PCSK9 vaccines: predicted venues by scenario to 2030 PCSK9 vaccines: predicted revenues by region to 2030 PCSK9 vaccines: predicted volume to 2030 Patient numbers: PCSK9 vaccines versus anti-PCSK9 mAbs to 2030 Cardiovascular disease (CVD): background and epidemiology Cardiovascular disease: a major cause of death The economic burden of cardiovascular disease (US) The economic burden of cardiovascular disease (EU) Secondary causes of hyperlipidemia most commonly encountered in clinical practice Managing CVD: EU and US lipid guidelines – background Major changes in new US ATP IV guidelines Focus on CVD risk groups CVD risk groups: Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (heFH) LDL-C treatment goals LDL-C treatment goals: comparing EU to US LDL-C treatment goals: ESC/EAS LDL-C treatment targets LDL-C treatment goals: intervention strategies by risk group/ LDL-C LDL-C lowering treatments Statins: lipid lowering intensity levels Drivers of statin choice Patient subgroups: statin benefits outweigh risks Side effects of statins LDL-C lowering treatment uptake: general Hospitalized CVD patients discharged on statin therapy, 1996-2006, by EU country LDL-C lowering treatment uptake: by risk group LDL-C goal achievement in CVD patients LDL-C goal achievement in heFH patients Anti-PCSK9 monoclonal antibodies: Novel LDL-C lowering agents Background to PCSK9 inhibitors PCSK9 role in LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) metabolism PCSK9 inhibition strategies

PCSK9 monoclonal antibodies: current status
Broad target populations for anti-PCSK9 mAbs
PCSK9 monoclonal antibodies: overview of competitor activity
Sanofi Aventis - alirocumab (SAR236553)
Sanofi Aventis - alirocumab: Phase II data
Sanofi Aventis - alirocumab: ODYSSEY program
Sanofi Aventis - alirocumab: Phase III - ODYSSEY results
Submissions of alirocumab (SAR236553) - PraluentTM
PraluentTM - market opportunity (US/EU5/Japan)
Amgen - evolocumab (REPATHATM)
Evolocumab: example Phase III data (TESLA Part B)
Evolocumab: market opportunity (US/EU5/Japan)
Pfizer – bococizumab
Summary of anti-PCSK9 mAbs: outcomes studies
PCSK9 - other targetted therapies
Concerns with anti-PCSK9 monoclonals
Other remaining questions regarding PCSK9 inhibitors
PCSK9 vaccines: background and overview of R&D
PCSK9 vaccine: key model assumptions
The role of a PCSK9 vaccine
PCSK9 vaccine: Target Product Profile (TPP)
PCSK9 vaccine development - AFFiRiS AG
PCSK9 vaccine development – Pfizer
PCSK9 vaccine development – Pfizer (preclinical data)
Pros and cons of PCSK9 vaccine approach
PCSK9 vaccine: modelling commercial potential
Key model inputs: countries & target populations
Key model inputs: vaccine market penetration
Key model inputs: vaccine dosing/pricing
Key model inputs: vaccine discontinuation rate
Key model inputs: summary table
Methodology: definition of risk groups
Modelling methodology
Risk groups modelled
CVD hospital discharges
Death rates CHD
Coronary revascularisation (TCA and CABG combined), hospital discharges
Transluminal coronary angioplasty (TCA) and coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) discharges
Methodology: stroke incidence
Appendix: Anti-PCSK9 monoclonals: List of major clinical trials
ODYSSEY program - overview of Phase III trials
Phase III trials of evolocumab
Phase III trials of bococizumab
About VacZine Analytics
PAGES: 90 MS PowerPoint slides, fully referenced/sourced. Available in .pdf form
Contents – Vaccine demand model TX vaccine (MS Excel-based)
Title sheet
Vaccine – Value
Vaccine – Volume Patients – mAbs Secondary prevention Country worksheets US Canada France Germany Italy Spain UK Other Europe Australia Source material Key inputs Vaccine price summary Coronary revascularisation TCA CABG PAD Stroke US discharge trends heFH LDL-C goals WHO Statins in CVD patients Clinical trials Total population Back page
Worksheets 35 interconnected
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VacZine Analytics (R) is a trading division of Assay Advantage Ltd, UK Company Number: 5807728
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About VacZine Analytics:
VacZine Analytics is an established strategic research agency based in the United Kingdom. Its aim is to provide
disease and commercial analysis for the vaccine industry and help build the case for developing new vaccines and
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VacZine Analytics (R) is a trading division of Assay Advantage Ltd, UK Company Number: 5807728
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The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging©Volume 9, Number 2, 2005 RECENT DATA ON THE NATURAL HISTORY OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE RECENT DATA ON THE NATURAL HISTORY OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE: RESULTS FROM THE REAL.FR STUDY F. CORTES, S. GILLETTE-GUYONNET, F. NOURHASHEMI, S. ANDRIEU, C. CANTET, B. VELLAS, THE REAL.FR GROUP Service de Médecine Interne et Gérontologie Clinique, Pavillon JP Junod, 170 avenue de Casselardit 31300 Toulouse (France) (F Cortes, S Gillette-Guyonnet, F Nourhashemi,
Package ‘NRAIA' Title Data sets from Nonlinear Regression Analysis and Its Applications'' Maintainer Douglas Bates <[email protected]> Author R port by Douglas Bates <[email protected]> Description Datasets from Bates and Watts (1988) Nonlinear Regression Analysis and Its Applications'' with sample code. Depends lattice, stats License GPL (>= 2)