Strategies for prevention of scars: what can we learn from fetal skin?
Dermatologic surgery
Strategies for prevention of scars: what can we learn fromfetal skin?
Mohammad Reza Namazi1, MD, Mohammad Kazem Fallahzadeh2, MD, andRobert A. Schwartz3, MD, MPH
1Stem Cell and Transgenic Technology
Research Center, Shiraz University of
Fetal wound healing occurs rapidly and without scar formation early in gestation.
Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran,
Studying the mechanisms of scarless repair can lead to novel scar-preventive
2Dermatology Department, Shiraz
approaches. In fetal wounds, collagen is deposited early and is fine and reticular with
Medical School, Shiraz University of
Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran, and
less cross-linking. Several important differences of fetal vs. postgestational wound-healing
3Department of Dermatology and
response have been determined, such as the presence of less inflammation, higher
Pathology, New Jersey Medical School,
hyaluronic acid concentration and a greater ratio of collagen type III to type I. Compared
with typical wounds, there are also altered ratios of signaling molecules, such as higher
ratios of transforming growth factor (TGF)-b3 to TGF-b1 and -b2, and matrix metallo-
Dr. Mohammad Kazem Fallahzadeh,
proteinases to tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases. Furthermore, fetal fibroblasts do not
Dermatology Department
exhibit TGF-b1-induced collagen production compared with their mature counterparts.
Patterning genes (homeobox genes) involved in organogenesis are more active in the
fetal period and are believed to be the ‘‘first domino'' in the fetal cutaneous wound repair
regulatory cascade. The recommended scar-preventive agents, such as Scarguard
MD, silicone gel and sheet, Seprafilm Bioresorbable Membrane, topical hyaluro-
Funding sources: None.
nan, onion extract, oral tamoxifen and 585-nm pulsed dye laser are reviewed in this
Conflict of interest: None.
study. Despite the lack of supporting evidence, there is a widespread false presumption
that the acceleration of healing with the widely assumed scar-preventive commercial
agents is associated with decreased scar formation. Humans are erroneously inclined to
make a negative correlation between the healing rate and the degree of scar formation,
while such a correlation does not exist in reality. Despite the importance of scar preven-
tion, no FDA-approved therapy for this purpose is available in the 21st century, which
reflects the important challenges, such as the presence of redundant pathways, that
these approaches are facing.
and diffuse fasciitis. The principles of anti-scarring therapy
based on modulation of pro-scarring vs. anti-scarring fac-
Scar formation is a major clinical problem resulting in
tors appear to be promising for all the above-mentioned
adverse cosmesis, loss of function, especially if over joints,
conditions, indicating that studies in the skin could have a
and hindrance of growth in children. Scars also have a dra-
broader clinical application.
matic impact on the patient's quality of life, and have beenassociated with anxiety, social avoidance, and depression.1
Therefore, prevention of scar formation has long beenimportant. Scar reduction is not only important to derma-
Scar and fibrosis are the end result of surgical and non-
tologists, but is also salient in many other conditions, such
surgical skin injury. Aggressive wound healing may have
as adhesions and strictures resulting from surgical proce-
once offered an evolutionary advantage for survival at the
dures in abdominal and pelvic cavities, spinal cord rup-
expense of scar formation. Amazingly, fetal cutaneous
tures, scarification of hand tendons after injury, corneal
wounds, especially in the first 6 months of gestation, heal
abrasions, glomerulonephritis, cirrhosis, human vascular
without scar formation.2 Many clinicians hope that
restenosis lesions, myocardial infarction, systemic sclerosis,
understanding the remarkable reparative capabilities of
ª 2011 The International Society of Dermatology
International Journal of Dermatology 2011, 50, 85–93
Dermatologic surgery
Strategies for prevention of scars
Namazi, Fallahzadeh, and Schwartz
the fetus may lead to the development of new wound-
better influx of fibroblasts.12 By the nature of its hygro-
healing therapies that reduce or prevent scar formation
scopic properties, HA can occupy 10,000 times its own
and fibrosis.
volume. Thus, HA allows proliferating cells to avoid
Fetal monkey lip incisional wounds heal with restora-
inhibitory contacts.13 Hyaluronic acid synthesis precedes
tion of normal appendage and dermal collagen architec-
mitosis and dissociates the dividing cell from its substra-
ture in midgestation. At the start of the third trimester,
tum, permitting cell movement.13
these wounds do not restore appendage (hair follicle and
Fetal fibroblasts have more surface receptors for HA
sebaceous gland) architecture, but still heal with a normal
than adult fibroblasts, enhancing fibroblast migration.2
collagen pattern. Thus, a ‘‘transition wound'' phenotype
Experimental tympanic membrane perforations in rats
occurs. By the mid-third trimester, the wounds heal with
treated with HA not only close faster but also heal with
a typical scar pattern, i.e. no appendages and collagen
much less scar tissue than the untreated controls.12
scar.3 The transition point in a human fetal skin modelalso occurs after the second trimester of gestation.4
Scarless wound-healing physiology
It is notable that not all fetal tissues share the anti-scar-
ring properties of fetal skin; fetal wounds in the dia-
Transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b)
phragm and the gastrointestinal tract heal by fibrosis and
Transforming growth factor-b is secreted by most cells
contraction, as in the adults.5,6 Fetal cutaneous wound
involved in wound healing, including neutrophils, lym-
healing is not only scarless but also rapid. The rapid epi-
phocytes, macrophages, keratinocytes, and fibroblasts.
thelialization of fetal wounds may occur in part because
Transforming growth factor-b is first released from
of early deposition of tenascin and fibronectin, which are
degranulating platelets.14 Interestingly, TGF-b upregulates
thought to be necessary for migration and cell anchoring,
its own production in an autocrine pattern, leading to
respectively.7 As discussed below, overexpression of vas-
TGF-b overproduction and scar formation.14 Transform-
cular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) may be another
ing growth factor-b is a potent chemoattractant of macro-
reason for rapid healing of fetal wounds. How is scarless
wound healing different than the scarring wound healing?
extracellular matrix synthesis and prevents its degradation
In scarless wounds, collagen is rapidly deposited in a fine
by upregulating the expression of tissue inhibitors of me-
reticular pattern indistinguishable from uninjured skin. In
talloproteinases (TIMPs) and downregulating the expres-
contrast, adult scarring wounds have disorganized and
sion of proteases. Three highly homologous TGF-b genes
thick collagen bundles with more collagen cross-linking.7
in mammals, designated TGF-b1, -b2 and -b3, have been
Interestingly, amniotic fluid is neither essential nor suf-
identified.14 Shah et al.15 treated adult rodent wounds
ficient for scarless repair. Fetal marsupials develop outside
with isoform-specific neutralizing antibodies either alone
the uterus in a maternal pouch and heal cutaneous
or in combination. Exogenous addition of neutralizing
wounds without scar.8 Adult sheep skin transplanted onto
antibody to TGF-b1 alone resulted in some reduction in
the backs of fetal sheep bathed in the amniotic fluid of
the inflammatory and angiogenic responses, as well as
the intrauterine environment heal with scarring of inci-
reduction of extracellular matrix deposition in the early
stages with a marginal reduction in cutaneous scarring.
By contrast, neutralizing antibody to TGF-b2 alone hadlittle effect on the inflammatory or angiogenic responses,
Structure of fetal vs. postnatal wounds
and no effect on the resultant scar. However, when neu-
Several structural and molecular differences between adult
tralizing antibodies to TGF-b1 and TGF-b2 were adminis-
and fetal wounds exist.
tered together, the synergistic effect resulted in a dramaticamelioration of scar formation. Surprisingly, exogenous
Ratio of collagen types
addition of TGF-b3 to cutaneous wounds in adult rodents
Type I collagen is the predominant collagen of both adult
also produced the same effects. Wounds treated with
and fetal extracellular matrix. However, fetal skin has a
TGF-b3 showed a marked reduction in the immunoreac-
higher ratio of type III to type I collagen; with maturation,
tivity for TGF-b1 and TGF-b2 on Days 5 and 7 post-
the relative amount of type III collagen decreases.10,11
wounding compared with untreated control wounds.
TGF-b3 is thus believed to downregulate TGF-b1 and
Hyaluronic acid (hyaluronan, HA)
A glycoprotein called HA-stimulating activity (HASA) is
Fetal wounds have higher ratios of TGF-b3 to TGF-b1
found in fetal skin and is absent in adult wounds. This
and TGF-b2, favoring less scar formation.16,17
glycoprotein is suggested to be responsible for an increase
Additionally, in a recent study by Rolfe et al.18 it has
in HA and the resulting enhanced fluidity, which allows
been shown that fetal fibroblasts, in comparison with
International Journal of Dermatology 2011, 50, 85–93
ª 2011 The International Society of Dermatology
Namazi, Fallahzadeh, and Schwartz
Strategies for prevention of scars
Dermatologic surgery
mature fibroblasts, respond differently to TGF-b1 stimu-
lation and fail to demonstrate the TGF-b1-induced pro-
The fetal skin is relatively hypoxic. Midgestational fetal
duction of collagen (mRNA and protein). This different
lamb tissue pO2 is about 16 mmHg, whereas adult tissue
response is due to a comparatively short-lived or rapid
pO2 ranges from 45 to 60 mmHg. TGF-b1 production by
phosphorylation of several components of the TGF-b1
fetal fibroblasts may be blunted in hypoxemic condi-
signaling pathways.
tions.14 Physiologically low oxygen concentrations in fetal
Interestingly, healing of oral mucosal wounds produces
skin upregulate hypoxia-inducible factor 1, which is a
less scarring compared with skin. Expression of Integrin
potent transcriptional regulator of oxygen-dependent
avb6 is increased in oral mucosal epithelium during
genes such as VEGF and TGF-b3.21 Vascular endothelial
wound healing; this protein enhances the secretion of
growth factor, a mitogen for endothelial cells, increases
both TGF-b1 and TGF-b3. In a recent study by Eslami
twofold in scarless wounds, while its expression remains
et al., expression of TGF-b molecules and b6 integrin was
unchanged in scarring fetal wounds. Interestingly, one
assessed in experimental human gingival wounds, and the
novel, non-protein angiogenic factor is nicotine, which
gingiva and skin of red Duroc pigs by means of real-time
acts through nicotinic acetylcholine receptors to stimu-
polymerase chain reaction, gene microarrays, and immu-
late angiogenesis. The use of nicotine accelerates angio-
nostaining.17 As with human wounds, b6 integrin expres-
genesis and wound healing in the diabetic mouse
model.20 On the other hand, it is shown that endostatin,
postwounding, and remained enhanced for more than
an angiogenesis inhibitor, minimizes scarring of mouse
49 days. The expression levels of b6 integrin and TGF-b3
wounds.20 It is difficult to interpret these results given
were markedly higher in the pig gingival wounds com-
that VEGF is expressed more in scarless healing. There-
pared with cutaneous wounds. It was concluded that the
fore, the role of VEGF in scarless healing needs more
prolonged expression of Integrin avb6 resulting in a
higher concentration of activated TGF-b3 protected gingi-val wound epithelium from scar formation.
Fibroblasts and myofibroblastsFibroblasts are major players in wound healing after
Decorin, fibromodulin, and lysyl oxidase
developmental maturity; by gaining contractile proteins
Decorin is a proteoglycan component of connective tissue.
such as a-smooth muscle actin they transform into myofi-
It binds to type I collagen fibrils and plays a role in
broblasts. These cells have certain clinical features of
matrix assembly. Decorin's name is a derivative of the
smooth muscle cell, and contribute to scar formation and
fact that it ‘‘decorates'' collagen. Fibromodulin is a small
contraction; however, their presence during fetal wound
interstitial proteoglycan, which may participate in the
healing is controversial. Some studies have shown their
assembly of the extracellular matrix as it interacts with
absence22 while others, such as Cass et al.,23 have shown
type I and type II collagen fibrils and inhibits fibrillogene-
their presence. In the above-mentioned study by Rolfe
sis in vitro. It may also downregulate TGF-b activities by
et al.,18 fetal fibroblasts exposed to TGF-b1 have been
sequestering TGF-b in the extracellular matrix. Decorin is
found to be capable of maturation into myofibroblasts;
downregulated in fetal wounds, while fibromodulin is
however, this differentiation was found to be quicker and
more transitory compared with mature fibroblasts with
Lysyl oxidase levels also increase during fetal skin
less production of collagen.
development, perhaps resulting in higher collagen cross-
The contractile forces generated by myofibroblasts may
alter the orientation of collagen fibrils and contribute toscarring. Adult fibroblasts need to proliferate first before
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) and TIMPs
being able to lay down collagen, while fetal fibroblasts
Scarless wounds have a higher ratio of MMP to TIMP,
are capable of proliferating simultaneously while making
favoring remodeling and less accumulation of colla-
collagen. As a result, collagen deposition is delayed in
gen.2,19 This may be due to decreased expression of TGF-
adult wound healing, contributing to scar formation.7,12
b1, as it decreases MMP and increases TIMP expression,
Additionally, fetal fibroblasts at early gestation express a
favoring collagen accumulation and scarring.20
lower level of TGF-b receptor II than fetal cells later ingestation. It is also demonstrated that receptor tyrosine
Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and fibroblast
kinases express differentially between fetal and adult rat
growth factor (FGF)
fibroblasts, suggesting that further elucidation of the
Scarring wounds have higher levels of the profibrotic
TGF-b receptor signaling process in fetal fibroblasts may
cytokines PDGF and FGF. Platelet-derived growth factor
help to understand how fetal cells respond to TGF-b
is a potent mitogen and chemoattractant for fibroblasts.2
differently from adult cells.24 Moreover, as mentioned
ª 2011 The International Society of Dermatology
International Journal of Dermatology 2011, 50, 85–93
Dermatologic surgery
Strategies for prevention of scars
Namazi, Fallahzadeh, and Schwartz
earlier, fetal fibroblasts have more HA receptors than
such as fibrinogen and other proteins. Steric hindrance by
adult fibroblasts.
the HA matrix may alter the chemotactic gradient, andthereby influence the magnitude and nature of the inflam-
matory response. Hyaluronic acid also serves as a high-
Recently, Kong et al.25 identified a novel, previously
capacity free radical scavenger. It is suggested that the
unidentified group of E-cadherin-positive cells in the
presence of HA has a physical effect on the fibrin matrix
blood of fetal and adult mice, and named them ‘‘Dot
that forms. Hyaluronic acid also limits fibrin formation
cells''. Dot cells have a tiny dot shape with a diameter
through binding to the fibrinogen molecule, with the
between 1 and 7 lm. It is suggested that Dot cells are
resultant prevention of excessive collagen deposition.13
relatively primitive cells or stem cells because of their
The balance of cytokines in the fetus favors HA expres-
unusually small size and expression of stem cell markers
sion. Proinflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1 and tumor
such as E-cadherin, integrin b1 and CD34 by these cells.
necrosis factor-alpha, which downregulate HA expres-
The percentage of Dot cells in fetal mice blood is more
sion, are underexpressed in the fetal wounds, whereas in
than 20 times higher compared with adult blood. Dot
adults there is upregulation of these cytokines in response
cells migrate to wounds and differentiate into dermal
to wound healing. As mentioned previously, HASA also
cells, which release less interstitial collagen and reduce
contributes to the higher production of HA in fetal skin.
scarring. Transplantation of Dot cells to adult mice healsskin wounds with less scarring due to reduced smooth
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
muscle actin and collagen expression in the repair tissue.
Recent studies indicate that upregulated ACE may partici-
These results infer that Dot cells are a previously uniden-
pate in cutaneous pathological scar formation,30 suggest-
tified component in scarless wound healing.
ing that ACE inhibitors may exert an anti-scar effect.
Moreover, ACE inhibitors also retard Smad3 function,
Inflammation and HA
which plays an important role in the TGF-b-induced
Scarless fetal wounds have less inflammatory infiltrate,
which may lead to improvement in the final wound-heal-ing process. Decreased inflammation may be partly due to
decreased fetal platelet degranulation and aggregation
Homeobox genes are transcription factors that are impli-
with the resultant lower levels of the chemoattractants
cated in the patterning and cell type specification events
TGF-b and PDGF.2 Moreover, fetal neutrophils may not
during development. Human homeobox genes MSX-1,
possess the chemotactic ability of adult neutrophils.25
MSX-2, and MOX-1 are differentially expressed in skin
Both interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8, which are important in
development. Moreover, fetal scarless repair is associated
chemotaxis and activation of inflammatory cells, are sig-
with decreased expression of HOXB13 and increased
nificantly lower in early fetal fibroblasts. Treating adult
PRX-2 expression.2 This implies that PRX-2 activation is
mouse wounds with IL-10, which has an anti-inflamma-
an important stimulant to dermal generation. Conversely,
tory effect through decreased production of IL-6 and
HOX-B13, which is strongly expressed in normal second
IL-8, reduces inflammation and helps produce scarless
trimester fetal skin, is markedly downregulated in
healing. This may have therapeutic implications in human
response to wounding. Thus, HOX-B13 may be an inhib-
adult wounds.2,26–28
itor of dermal proliferation, and its constant expression
Insomnia, through increasing IL-6 levels,29 might pre-
may be involved in maintaining a static dermal architec-
dispose patients to scar formation. If proven by controlled
ture rather than promoting dermal growth.32
studies, this concept can have therapeutic implications,
Hox genes, another subgroup of homeobox genes,
especially after myocardial infarction, severe burns and
encode for a family of transcription factors that are major
regulators of tissue migration and cell differentiation dur-
High levels of HA may also contribute to decreased
ing embryogenesis. In a recent study, Jain et al.33
inflammation of fetal wounds. In in vitro systems, the
reported the increased expression of Hox gene Hoxd8 in
chemotactic and random migration of white blood cells
excisional wounds of mid-gestational mice compared with
can be inhibited by HA. The phagocytic activity of mono-
the normal skin samples of mid-gestational mice and exci-
nuclear phagocytes is also inhibited by even a relatively
sional wounds of late-gestational mice; therefore, it is
low concentration of HA (£0.05 mg/ml). Therefore, HA
proposed that this gene may have anti-scarring effects in
exerts biomechanical regulation over processes such as
fetal wound healing. Conversely, expression of another
inflammation through its ability to modify the activity of
Hox gene Hoxd3 was found to be increased in both exci-
cells involved in the inflammatory response.13 The HA
sional wounds and normal skin samples of mid-gesta-
molecular network is able to exclude large molecules,
tional mice compared with late-gestational mice; hence,
International Journal of Dermatology 2011, 50, 85–93
ª 2011 The International Society of Dermatology
Namazi, Fallahzadeh, and Schwartz
Strategies for prevention of scars
Dermatologic surgery
this gene is considered to be expressed constitutively in
Table 1 Comparison of fetal vs. adult wound healing
the skin of mid-gestational mice.
It is likely that fetal mammals have the ability to heal
large skin defects made early in gestation because tran-scription factor patterning genes, such as homeobox
Collagen deposition
genes, are more active in the fetal environment. As a
Thick, disorganized,
result, researchers have hypothesized that transcription
less cross-linking
more cross-linking
factors, like homeobox genes, may be the ‘‘first domino''
Collagen type III to
in the fetal cutaneous wound repair regulatory cascade.32
How these homeobox genes may coordinate scarless
Tenascin and fibronectin
fetal wound repair is currently under investigation. Sev-
Lysyl oxidase levels
eral possible targets have been identified, including the
TGF-b1 and -b2 to TGF-b3
promoter regions of members of the TGF-b superfamily,
various cellular adhesion molecules, and cell surface pro-
TGF-b1-induced collagen
teins such as integrins.32
Decorin and fibromodulin
Improvement of scar cosmesis with age
MMP to TIMP ratio
Wound healing is delayed in old age, but there is less
PDGF and FGF levels
scarring. Diminished inflammatory responses due to
impaired macrophage and T-cell functions, loss of fibro-
Fibroblast HA and TGF
blast responsiveness and motility, as well as reduced
quantity and distribution pattern of various growth fac-
tors, including TGF-b, and their receptors may contribute
to this effect. Estrogen upregulates TGF-b1 through bind-
HA (and tissue fluidity)
ing to its receptors on fibroblasts. The decline of estrogen
Inflammation (and
inflammatory cytokines)
after menopause may explain decreased scarring in the
postmenopausal period. Systemic hormone replacementtherapy for 3 months accelerates re-epithelialization and
HA, hyaluronan; HASA, HA-stimulating activity; FGF,
collagen deposition of acute wounds in postmenopausal
fibroblast growth factor; MMP, matrix metalloproteinases;
PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor; TGF, transforming
In normal aging skin, the levels of proteases such as
growth factor; TIMP, tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases;
MMPs increase, while the levels of proteolytic inhibitors
VEGF, vascular endothelial-derived growth factor.
(e.g. TIMPs) decrease, leading to less scar formation.35,36
TGF-b3 increases at Day 7 postwounding in old mice,
while TGF-b1 and TGF-b2 increase at all time points in
and growth factor profile. In addition, the larger exci-
the wounds of younger mice. This may also explain the
sional wounds may stimulate the formation of myofibro-
better cosmesis of wound healing in aging.12
blasts in the wound, resulting in scar formation.32
The differences between fetal and adult wound healing
• Occlusive therapy can reduce scar formation. Occlu-
discussed above are summarized in Table 1.
sive therapy includes silicone gels and sheets, non-siliconeocclusive sheets, cordran tape and Scarguard MD
Accepted, potentially useful and questionable strategies
(Redrock Laboratories, Great Neck, NY, USA; see
for minimizing scars
below). Occlusion can reduce pro-inflammatory/pro-fibrotic
• The use of proper surgical techniques, which ensure
cytokine levels. Increased temperature, even 1 C, due to
minimal tension and inflammation, and avoiding incisions
occlusion can upregulate collagenase expression.34
over the midchest and joints, which are scar-prone sites,
Topical silicone gel has been employed for scar reduc-
can lead to better cosmetic results.34
tion since the 1980s. It is probably of value by enhancing
As mucosal wounds heal with reduced scar formation
wound hydration as occlusive therapy with both silicone-
when compared with skin,26 when possible there should
and nonsilicone-based therapies appears to be of equal
be consideration of endoscopic surgical technique.37
Larger wounds may be more likely to heal with scar
Scarguard MD is a new topical over-the-counter med-
formation. It is not unreasonable to assume that larger
ication containing silicone, vitamin E and hydrocortisone.
wounds may extend the time of the healing response, thus
In a pilot study on 12 patients, Scarguard MD was
exposing wound tissues to a different extracellular matrix
applied twice daily after removal of a mole, and nothing
ª 2011 The International Society of Dermatology
International Journal of Dermatology 2011, 50, 85–93
Dermatologic surgery
Strategies for prevention of scars
Namazi, Fallahzadeh, and Schwartz
was applied after removal of a second mole. After
less angiogenesis, and less collagen and fibronectin. Inter-
2 months, nine out of the 12 patients described a reduc-
estingly, the tensile strength of the scars of these wounds
tion in erythema and better cosmesis of the scar at the
was comparable with controls.47 Whether these antibod-
site treated with Scarguard MD compared with the site
ies are capable of reducing scar formation should be
that was not treated with Scarguard MD. These results
answered by the above-mentioned trials. Activation of
must be interpreted with caution, however, as the
latent TGF-b requires binding of the latent TGF-b to the
improved cosmesis may be the result of occlusion of
mannose 6-phosphate/insulin-like growth factor-2 recep-
a wound rather than the Scarguard MD product. An
tor in the presence of plasmin/urokinase. Activation could
in vitro study showed that Scarguard MD may stimulate
be blocked by mannose 6-phosphate or by antibodies to
the release of inactive collagenase precursors that may
the mannose 6-phosphate receptor.14
inhibit scar formation and reduce existing scars.34
Another potential target of therapy is connexin 43
• Seprafilm (Genzyme Corporation, Cambridge, MA,
(Cx43), which mediates TGF-b signaling. Studies on
USA) is a type of absorbable barrier film composed of
Cx43 antisense-based gene therapy to prevent scar forma-
tion are under way. As lithium increases Cx43 expression,
nate.40 After application, by absorbing moisture from the
patients who are taking it may exhibit increased suscepti-
application site, the dry film acquires a gel consistency
bility to scar formation. MicroRNAs, which are single-
over 24 hours.40 This product decreases the incidence of
stranded RNA molecules partially complementary to one
adhesion formation, and enhances the repair of damaged
or more messenger RNA molecules, may be employed to
tissues by acting as an occlusive barrier between damaged
downregulate gene expression.46
tissue sites.40 Several studies have reported the effective-
Smad3 plays an important role in the TGF-b-induced
ness of Seprafilm in reducing postoperative intra-abdomi-
fibrosis. Downregulation of Smad3 expression in fibro-
nal adhesion formation.40–42 This product has also been
blasts by small interfering RNA (siRNA) can signifi-
shown to facilitate ileostomy closure.43
• Topical application of HA or saponins, which upre-
attenuate the process of fibrosis. RNA interference is a
gulate HA, could exert an anti-scarring effect.44 The
process in which brief RNA sequences, called siRNA,
effects of topical exogenous HA on the healing of dermal
block signals from a particular gene. This process, called
wounds have been investigated by many independent
gene silencing, inhibits the gene from carrying out its
investigators in recent years. Most researchers have found
function. However, this approach is facing some chal-
that HA provides a beneficial effect with regard to the
lenges, such as the need to develop improved siRNA
quality of tissue repair scar formation. The results indi-
delivery strategies that combine high specificity and effi-
cate that the greatest benefit is achieved using highly puri-
ciency with a low immunostimulatory and tumorigenic
fied, high-molecular-weight HA at a concentration more
than 1 mg/ml, and under conditions in which the HA is
• Tamoxifen is shown to downregulate the production
maintained at the wound site on a continuous basis for a
of TGF-b1, basic FGF and VEGF.49,50 Some in vivo
prolonged period of time. In studies in which HA failed
reports indicate that it delays wound healing but amelio-
to promote or enhance the wound repair process, testing
rates scar formation.46
conditions were suboptimal. Low-molecular-weight and/
• Starting at the day of suture removal, 585-nm pulsed
or very dilute HA preparations rapidly diffuse from the
dye laser treatment has improved the quality and cos-
injured site. The purity of exogenous HA is critical in
metic appearance of surgical scars in a controlled study
order to limit contaminating substances, such as proteins,
on 11 patients.51 Both 585-nm pulsed dye laser and the
endotoxin, etc., which may be inflammatory in nature
neodymium : yttrium-aluminum-
and may produce undesirable biological effects.13
garnet laser treatment of acne scars in the same patient
The synthesis of HA appears to be limited by glucosa-
showed both lasers to be effective modalities for the treat-
mine availability.45 Thus, administration of adequate
ment of acne scars.52
amounts of glucosamine by mouth during the first few
• Botulinum toxin has shown improvement in several
days after surgery or trauma has been hypothesized to
patients when injected into the muscle underlying a
enhance HA production in the wound, thereby promoting
wound immediately after surgery.53 A recent evaluation
swifter healing and also diminishing complications related
of 19 patients found botulinum toxin type A injections of
to scarring, such as adhesion bands.45
value in the treatment of hypertrophic scars.54
• For reduction of scar formation, clinical trials for the
• An investigator-blinded, controlled study showed that
use of TGF-b3 and neutralizing antibodies to TGF-b1
the onion extract gel significantly improved scar softness,
redness, texture and global appearance at the excision
antibody-treated wounds contained fewer macrophages,
International Journal of Dermatology 2011, 50, 85–93
ª 2011 The International Society of Dermatology
Namazi, Fallahzadeh, and Schwartz
Strategies for prevention of scars
Dermatologic surgery
• A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study
did not demonstrate efficacy of imiquimod, an anti-fibro-sis cytokine inducer, on scar cosmesis.56
1 Rumsey N, Clarke A, White P. Exploring the
• Vitamin E, a TGF-b inhibitor, was shown to be inef-
psychosocial concerns of outpatients with disfiguring
fective topically.57
conditions. J Wound Care 2003; 12: 247–252.
• In one report, cyclooxygenase (Cox)-2 inhibition by
2 Colwell A, Longaker M, Lorenz PH. Fetal wound
celecoxib, which can decrease wound inflammation, was
healing. In: Falabella AF, Kirsner RS, eds. WoundHealing. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis, 2005:
shown to decrease scar deposition,58 but work by others
suggested that antagonism of Cox-2 had no effect on the
3 Lorenz HP, Whitby DJ, Longaker MT, et al. Fetal wound
morphology of healed wounds.59
healing: the ontogeny of scar formation in the non-
• Commercial products made by snail's secretion, such
human primate. Ann Surg 1993; 217: 391–396.
as BIO SKIN CARE Cream (Andes Natural Skin Care,
4 Lorenz HP, Lin RY, Longaker MT, et al. The fetal
Carson City, NV, USA) and Eilcina are claimed to have
fibroblast: the effector cell of scarless wounds repair.
anti-scarring properties. In support of this claim, an early
Plast Reconst Surg 1995; 96: 1251–1259.
study reported that a secretion from the mollusk Crypto-
5 Longaker MT, Whitby DJ, Jennings RW, et al. Fetal
mphalus aspersa (SCA) stimulated skin regeneration after
diaphragmatic wounds heal with scar formation. J Surg
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Journal of Clinical Anesthesia (2010) 22, 373–378 Percutaneous aortic valve replacement: overview andsuggestions for anesthestic management☆ Hermann Heinze MD (Assistant Professor)a,⁎, Holger Sier MD, (Staff Cardiac Surgeon)b,Ulrich Schäfer MD (Senior Cardiologist)c, Matthias Heringlake MD, PhD (Professor)a aDepartment of Anesthesiology, University of Lübeck, 23538 Lübeck, GermanybDepartment of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of Lübeck, 23538 Lübeck, GermanycDepartment of Cardiology, Asklepios Klinik St. Georg, 20099 Hamburg, Germany