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Stock control methods for your customers

Stock Control methods for your customers Stock Control methods for your customers
Stock supply philosophy
mSupply is designed for situations such as a central supply facility within a country or region, orwithin a hospital where the supply of stock to Customers is controlled by the supplying facility. Thatis, supply of stock to Customers is managed by the supplying store.
Regardless of who controls the supply of stock, it needs to be made principally on the basis ofinformation about the Customer's anticipated usage. mSupply has two methods of arriving atquantities to be supplied to Customers: (If you can think of better names, please tell us!) Defining the list of items to be included in the re-supply
Both the imprest and stock history methods require a stocktake of the Customer's stock. The list ofitems to be included in the Customer's stocktake is defined. These lists are specific to each customer,.
Master Lists and Local lists and how to create and assign customers to them are covered Lists are defined for each customer in the Edit Customer window. Click on Item lists in the side barmenu.
mSupply documentation wiki - Last update: 2016/05/23 01:33 This displays the window in which you create the required lists.
Printed on 2016/07/27 19:20 Stock Control methods for your customers Adding a Local List
First, click on Add Local list and in the panel that appears, enter a name for your list then click OK - inthe example we've named it Items_Imprest.
Adding items to a List
Select the list to highlight it, and you're ready to compile it. Click on Add Item to do this, and repeatuntil you've added all the items you require. Our example (below) shows that one item (Ibuprofen)has been added, and a second item (Prednisolone) is being added.
Only if you are using the is it necessary to enter imprest quantities. If you mSupply documentation wiki - Last update: 2016/05/23 01:33 are not using the Imprest system, the Imprest Quantity field should be left blank.
Entering an Imprest Quantity
We'll now add another item, Haloperidol 5mg tablets, with an imprest quantity of 200, todemonstrate how it's done.
1. Click on the Add item icon to bring up the standard search window.
2. Type the first few letters: hal, followed by the Tab key.
3. From the list, select: HALOPERIDOL TABS 5MG by double clicking on it. The Add item window 4. Enter 200 in the Imprest Quantity field.
For the purpose of the guide, only 3 entries are present for the fictitious Highland HealthCentre. In the real world your imprest list is likely to contain many items The Stock History Method
The theory behind the Stock History method (sometimes referred to as the Historical LogisticsMethod) is based on the the assumption that future Customer usage will be similar to historic usage.
We can calculate the Customer's average usage over time if we know their stock levels at two pointsin time, and what stock they received from us in that intervening period. We assume that this averageusage rate will continue over the coming supply period.
There are three more variables that need to be estimated: The number of months in the coming supply periodThe lead time required to supply them (that is, the time lag between the Customer doing astocktake in order to trigger re-supply, and receipt of the stock)The number of month's worth of buffer stock they need With this data, the calculation is like this: A = Stock on Hand on date1B = Amount supplied to Customer between date1 and date2 Printed on 2016/07/27 19:20 Stock Control methods for your customers C = Stock on hand on date2D = Quantity used in period between date1 and date2 = A+B-CE = number of months between date1 and date2F = Usage rate = D/EG = Number of months in coming supply periodH = Number of buffer stock months desiredI = Lead time (months) between date2 and delivery of stockJ = Amount to supply = F*(G+H+I)-C Using the Stock History method: A and C are reported by the Customer on date1 and date2 respectivelyB is calculated by mSupply based on mSupply recordsG, H and I are entered by the userD, E, F and J are calculated by mSupply Note that mSupply uses stock issued by the supplying storeto arrive at the parameter B. Obviously, if the customer hasreceived goods from other sources during the calculationperiod, B would be inaccurate.
First Stocktake Record
In order to calculate the usage rate, mSupply requires stock on hand figures of the items on the listrecorded on an earlier date (date1) = A, above. This becomes the initial stock history record.
To create such a record, follow the procedure described below for , notingparticularly, the following: 1. Enter the date as the correct date at the time the stocktake was performed.
2. Ignore the figures that automatically appear along each row, except for the Their current stock 3. Enter their current stock figures in the Their current stock column4. Close the window using the OK button.
Regular use
Once your Customer's has been entered, and a period of time has passed withsome Customer stock usage, re-supply can be be generated on the basis of this usage.
A re-supply using the stock history method needs to be triggered by a Customer Stocktake. IF your, then this process can be initiated by the Customerdirectly, and then completed in the Supplying Store as described below.
If your Customer has not used mSupply Customer to report their Stocktake, then their stock dataneeds to be entered in manually into the Supplying Store.
mSupply documentation wiki - Last update: 2016/05/23 01:33 Manual entry of Customer stock history
Show Customer Stock Histories
To begin the process, choose Customer > Show customer stock history, and the list of any historicCustomer stock histories is displayed. The Status column lets you know the status: sg (suggested) orcn (confirmed). The Type column shows the stocktake type: im (Imprest) or sh (Stock History): Add New Customer Stock History
Click the New customer stock history button, to display the Enter New Customer stock history…
Printed on 2016/07/27 19:20 Stock Control methods for your customers Enter the first few letters of customer's name in the Name field, then press the Tab key to call up thelist of customers' names from which the required customer may be chosen. In this example, ourcustomer is Medical Ward.
Once you have chosen a customer, the window is populated with the items that are members of anyitem lists that: Have been assigned to that customer (both master lists and local lists)and that have the "Stock history" check box checked for that list You are presented with this window: Fill in Customer Stock History
The Our SOH column is the stock on hand in our own store, while figures in all subsequent columns
are the customer's data.
The first entry to be made is in the Days to supply field, where the appropriate figure should beentered - e.g. 30 if the ordering frequency is monthly, 90 if it is quarterly, etc.
mSupply documentation wiki - Last update: 2016/05/23 01:33 You will see in our example that 29 days have passed since the last stocktakeThe column headed Their old SOH shows their stock on hand at the last stocktakeThe column headed They received shows the amounts supplied when their last order wasprocessedThe column headed Their current SOH is the column where the customer's current stock figures(as provided by the customer) are entered. But note that, just as with the imprest method, if thename you entered in the Name textbox is actually another store then this column will beautomatically filled in with the current stock in the store - saving you a lot of time (you onlyneed to edit those figures where the stock in mSupply does not actually match what's on thestore's shelves).
As figures are entered, mSupply® calculates a suggested quantity to order, and this appears inthe Suggested quan column. These suggested quantities should be reviewed, and anyadjustment entered in the Actual quan column to reflect, for example, pack sizes and to ensurethat actual quantities match exact multiples of the pack size.
After entries have been made in the column Their current SOH the window will look like this: All that remains is to make adjustments in the Actual quantities column, to reflect appropriate packsizes.
Once you are satisfied, the Confirm box (bottom left corner) should be checked, the Create customerinvoice above.
Printed on 2016/07/27 19:20 Stock Control methods for your customers Clicking the Print button provides several options for printing forms:
1. Customer stock takes: This form you can give to the customer (for example, if they are a
ward in a hospital that has mSupply running in it's pharmacy store), and they can fill out thequantities they have on hand, and then values are entered into mSupply.
2. Customer stock supply: This form provides information to give to the customer about the
quantity they will be supplied.
3. Customer stock request and issue: Provides information for the customer comparing what
was requested with what was actually supplied.
The second two reports are for use after you have entered quantities to be supplied into the customerstock history window.
More on the Customer Stock History list.
With the passage of time, entries on the list will rapidly grow in number, and so mSupply allows you toapply a filter selecting exactly what will be displayed.
The default display is for All suggested , as these are most likely the ones you will be processing;other options are All , All confirmed , All web entries to be processed - this covers histories submittedover the internet - and Entered today Viewing customer stock history by item
When editing an item, you can view the customer stock history records for that item. Moreinformation is available mSupply documentation wiki - Last update: 2016/05/23 01:33 The Imprest Method
With the Imprest method, the quantity to be ordered is the quantity necessary to restore the stock onhand to a pre-agreed fixed quantity. This imprest stocktake must be carried out on a regular fixedfrequency (daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, whatever.) This pre-agreed fixed quantity is arrived aton the basis of a number of simplifications to the stock history method: A = Stock on Hand on date1
B = Amount supplied to Customer between date1 and date2
D = Quantity used in period between date1 and date2.
E = number of days between date1 and date2
G = Number of days in coming supply period PRE-DETERMINED AND FIXED
H = Number of buffer stock days desired PRE-DETERMINED AND FIXED
I = Lead time (days) between date2 and delivery of stock =
J = Amount to supply = F*(G+H+I)-C
The Imprest Quantity = F*(G+H+I)
If stocktakes are not taken at the pre-determined frequency, and particularly if they are missed, thesystem will fail. It is a fairly rigid system, in that once set, F, G and H must remain constant. It isfrequently used for supplying wards in a hospital setting, where operations are generally morecontrollable.
Using the Imprest system
The Imprest system operates in this way: the stock of a particular item which a customer - usually aclinic, ward or department should hold is agreed - for example, take the case of a rural clinic, whichreceives a monthly order from a central store; it is agreed that the clinic should, when fully stocked,hold 10,000 paracetamol 500mg tablets and this is known as the Imprest quantity for paracetamoltablets. At the end of a particular month, a stocktake shows that there are 2,400 paracetamol tabletsin stock; to restore the stock of paracetamol tablets to the imprest quantity, the amount to be orderedis calculated according to the formula: Imprest quantity - stock remaining = order quantity In the above example for paracetamol tablets, this is the calculation: 10,000 (imprest quantity) minus 2,400 (quantity remaining in stock) equals 7,600, and this isthe order quantity.
The Show customer stocktakes feature caters for mSupply users who operate an Imprest system,where a central store supplies goods on a regular basis to a number of customers, who may/may notbe mSupply users themselves. We advise that the customers should be provided with a list - perhapsfor a 12 month period - of the dates on which they should perform a stock check and submit thefigures, ideally on a customised form, to the central store acccording to the prearranged schedule. Itis important to note that the customer needs to supply only the current stock on hand figures, arelatively simple task; customers are not required to submit details of what they perceive to be orderquantities.
Printed on 2016/07/27 19:20 Stock Control methods for your customers It should be remembered that the items to be included in the list and their imprest quantities must bedefined for each customer individually. The imprest quantity defined for a particular customer isunique to that customer, and has no bearing on imprest quantities defined for other customers.
Processing the order from the customer
The central store, on receiving the stock on hand details from the customer, selects from theNavigator or Customer menu the item Show customer stock history, which displays this window: If you are working with a customer for whom no imprest list has been defined, clicking on the Newcustomer imprest will display the Enter new imprest window, where appropriate entries are made.
mSupply documentation wiki - Last update: 2016/05/23 01:33 Continuing to use Highland Health Centre as our example (for whom we have created an imprest list),double clicking on that entry displays this new window on which the imprest list appears: You will note that there are no entries in the Their current stock column, and the figures supplied bythe customer should be entered; click on each line, and after a second or two the zero appearing inthat column can be edited with the required figures.
Printed on 2016/07/27 19:20 Stock Control methods for your customers There is an important exception here: if the name youmSupply then the Their current stock column will beautomatically filled in with the stock in the store. Very usefultime saving feature! Simultaneously, mSupply completes the next two columns, Suggested Quantity , and Actual Quantity.
The Actual Quantity entries may be edited to reflect, for example, pack sizes, to ensure that actualquantities match exact multiples of the pack size. After editing, the window may appear like this: Should you have any reason to identify one or more lines, this may be performed by highlighting theline(s), and changing the colour of the font. Black is the default, but other options may be selectedfrom the drop-down list: mSupply documentation wiki - Last update: 2016/05/23 01:33 Selecting 5 or more lines brings up an alert requiring confirmation of your intention.
Creating the customer invoice
Once you are satisfied, the Create customer invoice button should be clicked, and the followingwindow appears: All the entries appear in red, as mSupply needs the operator to select the specific item to be suppliedfrom your store, i.e. the batch required, and, if necessary, to distribute the order over two or morebatches, if there is insufficient quantity of one batch in your store. The next step is to double click oneach entry and in the example, the 1st item on the invoice, Ibuprofen 200mg tablets, is being Printed on 2016/07/27 19:20 Stock Control methods for your customers processed; there are several batches in our store, some of which have reached their expiry; althoughline 4 indicates there are sufficient to meet this order in the store, you will note that only 106 tabletsare available, so we select line 6.
Clicking on OK & Next displays the next item on the invoice, Prednisolone 5mg tablets.
Click Redistribute all, which is the normal procedure. There is only one batch available, but there isinsufficient stock to meet the order, so mSupply® creates a placeholder line for the outstandingamount.
mSupply documentation wiki - Last update: 2016/05/23 01:33 When the final item has been processed, clicking on OK will display the completed invoice.
Make sure the Hold checkbox is not checked, and at this stage the invoice may be confirmed.
Danger of failing to re-supply in time
Obviously, regardless of the calculation method employed, ifthe supplying store fails to re-supply the Customer within thesupply period (G) then the Customer will start eating into thebuffer stock and is in danger or running out of stock! Printed on 2016/07/27 19:20 Stock Control methods for your customers Previous: Next: From:
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