A list of australia's most dangerous pesticides v9 no reach references

A list of Australia's most dangerous pesticides July 2010
Jo Immig, Coordinator, National Toxics Network
organic pollutant on the basis of its persistence,
transported long distances. It found endosulfan
Over 8000 pesticide and veterinary products are
was "likely, as a result of its long-range
registered for use in Australian agriculture,
environmental transport, to lead to significant
adverse human health and environmental effects,
premises, parks, homes and gardens. This
such that global action is warranted".ii
Endosulfan has been detected in air, water,
dangerous pesticides. More than 80 of these are
sediment, and biota thousands of kilometers from
prohibited in the United Kingdom, France,
use areasiii and in the tissue and blood of Arctic
Germany and the other 24 member countries of
and Antarctic wildlife including seals and whales.
the European Union.
Endosulfan was prohibited from use in the
In Europe, pesticides have to be proven safe – in
European Union (EU) following reassessment
terms of human health, residues in the food chain
because there was insufficient information about
and the environment – in order to be allowed on
its environmental fate and ecotoxicology, operator
the European market. It is the responsibility of
exposure under indoor conditions and the route
industry to provide the data showing that a
and rate of degradation of endosulfan in soil and
pesticide can be used safely.
water/sediment systems.iv Endosulfan is listed in
Australia does not have the same system as
the EU Water Policy's Annex X as a priority
Europe and our national regulator, the Australian
substance for control of pollution in the aquatic
Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority
environment.v It is also included in the List of
(APVMA) does not apply the same precautionary
Chemicals for Priority Action by the OSPAR
Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment in the North-East Atlantic because of
This list also includes 17 pesticides that are
its pollution of the marine environment.vi
known, likely or probable carcinogens, and 48 pesticides
In June 2010, the United States Environmental
(hormone) disruptors. More than 20 of the listed
Protection Agency (US EPA) announced it would
pesticides are classified as either extremely or
terminate all uses of endosulfan on the basis of its
unacceptable neurological and reproductive risks
Organisation. Three of the pesticides are subject
to agricultural workers and wildlife.vii Although
to actions by International Conventions but are still
already a restricted use pesticide, a human health
used in Australia.
risk assessment found that handler risks were "of concern for most use scenarios, even with
Some examples
maximum personal protective equipment or engineering
mixing/loading systems or enclosed cabs."viii
Despite its ban in more than 60 countries, including New Zealand,i because of health and
The APVMA began a review of endosulfan in 1995
and issued its final report in 2005. A key concern
registered in Australia for a wide variety of uses,
of the review "was to prevent cattle from ingesting
including many fruits, vegetables, field crops, nuts
endosulfan residues".ix As a result of the review,
the APVMA made a number of changes to endosulfan products: declaring them to be
Endosulfan is in the final stages of assessment
restricted chemical products; requiring users to
under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent
undertake specified training and keep records of
Organic Pollutants (POPs). In October 2009, the
use; restricting the number of applications per
season in some crops; mandatory buffer zones for
concluded that endosulfan was a persistent
WWF-Australia. National Toxics Network. All rights reserved.
spraying and neighbourhood notification before
variety of crops including wheat, oats, barley, rye,
application (in cotton only).x
triticale, lupin, sugar cane, cotton, coffee, citrus, apples and pears, pawpaw, pineapples, bananas,
The APVMA continues to support the registration
grapes, asparagus, peas, cut flowers and various
of endosulfan. Its current position is that "on the
seed crops. It is also registered as a cotton
basis of the available evidence, endosulfan can be
defoliant, for controlling weeds and algae in and
used safely in accordance with the conditions
around water bodies and in marine antifouling
outlined on product labels."xi
Endosulfan has been identified as an endocrine
The APVMA began a review of diuron in 2002
disruptor however the APVMA considers "the
because of concerns about human health and
endocrine disrupting potential of endosulfan is not
environmental risks, particularly because of its
a significant risk to public health under the existing
detection in the Great Barrier Reef. In 2005 the
management controls and health standards".xii
APVMA released preliminary review findings,
The APVMA has identified endosulfan in its
priority list of chemicals to be assessed for spray
• diuron is posing an unacceptable risk to
drift risks due to human health, environmental,
corals, seagrass and dugongs in the Great
residue and trade concerns.
• diuron is posing an unacceptable risk to the
environment from 13 of its 22 registered
Atrazine is one of the most widely used herbicides
in Australian agriculture. It is used to control weeds in sorghum, maize, and sugar cane crops,
The APVMA made a number of preliminary
and is also used in pine and eucalypt plantations
recommendations to change the way diuron can
and on triazine-tolerant canola crops.xiii
be used but none have yet been implemented. The review has not been completed. Diuron has
The APVMA conducted a review of atrazine from
subsequently been added to the APVMA's list of
1995 to 2008 due to concerns for human and
priority pesticides for spray drift risk assessment
animal carcinogenicity, environmental impacts,
due to environmental concerns.
including the potential for atrazine to contaminate ground
The EU originally withdrew diuron under its re-
uncertainties. The review affirmed atrazine's
approval in Australia and made relatively minor
groundwater and birds and mammals were
changes to label instructions; updated information
deemed unacceptable on the basis of the
on withholding periods; and required additional
available scientific information.xviii However, a
information on weed resistance reporting.
further review was undertaken based on additional confidential data provided by the main registrant,
The APVMA has identified atrazine in its priority
and a recommendation to re-include diuron was
list of chemicals to be assessed for spray drift
accepted for limited uses under strict conditions.
risks due to human health and environmental
Diuron application in the EU is now limited to
ground in strip-band application under rows,
Atrazine was prohibited in the European Union in
avoiding drift by using low pressure and shields.xix
2003 following re-assessment. The scientific
These conditions address operator safety and the
review concluded that atrazine and its breakdown
protection of aquatic organisms and non-target
products presented a risk to EU groundwater
quality standards.xiv
Diuron is a known/likely human carcinogen and
The US EPA is currently re-evaluating atrazine
has been identified as a suspected endocrine
because of "the new body of scientific information
as well as the documented presence of atrazine in
both drinking water sourced and other bodies of
Chlorpyrifos is an insecticide used on a wide
range of Australian fruit and vegetable crops,
Atrazine is a suspected endocrine/reproductive
sugar cane, cotton, cereals and pastures, in
termite management, home gardens and domestic pests. The APVMA initiated a review of
chlorpyrifos in 1996 because of its human toxicity,
Diuron is a broad-spectrum residual herbicide and
acute toxicity to birds, water pollution potential and
algaecide used in Australia to control weeds in a
other factors.xx After 14 years, the review is still
In 2000, the APVMA released interim findings that the home and garden uses of chlorpyrifos with concentrations of greater than 50g/L could no longer be supported because of acute toxicity concerns. The APVMA also found that there was inadequate residue data for the use of chlorpyrifos in some commodities. In 2009 the APVMA released further findings and recommended a number of use restrictions, as well as extending the withholding periods for products sprayed with chlorpyrifos.xxi It is unclear which, if any, of these recommendations have been implemented.
The APVMA has identified chlorpyrifos in its priority list of chemicals to be assessed for spray drift risks due to human health and environmental concerns.
In the EU, chlorpyrifos is authorised but only for for
registered in the United States but its use there is more restricted compared to Australia. For example, chlorpyrifos is not permitted for use on tomatoes or for post bloom use on apples, home gardens and lawns, inside homes for crack and crevice treatments, post construction termite treatments for barriers and spot treatments, or for any area where children could be exposed to it such as schools and parks.xxii In 2009, the US EPA announced plans to introduce additional limitations on the use of chlorpyrifos to protect 28 species of endangered and threatened salmon and steelhead fish in four US States, following assessment under the US Endangered Species Act.xxiii
Table 1: A list of the most dangerous pesticides registered in Australia
EU Status and
Potential carcinogen
APVMA status
Examples of registered uses in
products in
Prohibited in EU
IARC: Not classifiable
Nominated for review (Priority
Bananas, crucifers, macadamias,
US EPA: Possible human
1): Human health and
ornamentals, potatoes, tobacco,
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Multiple
Broadleaf weeds and grasses in
Descriptors, likely to be
carcinogenic to humans at high doses, not likely to be carcinogenic to humans at low doses
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Not likely to be
Household broad spectrum surface
carcinogenic to humans
spray and insect kil er, mosquitos
Prohibited in EU
IARC: Not classifiable
Review completed 2001
Cotton, sugar cane, citrus
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Data inadequate
Weeds and grasses in sugar cane
for an assessment of human carcinogenic potential
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Suggestive
Cattle (ticks), pigs (mange), cotton
evidence of carcinogenic potential to humans
Prohibited in EU
IARC: Not classifiable
Review completed 2008
TT canola, sorghum, broom mil et,
US EPA: Not likely to be
Spray drift priority list: Human
maize, sweet corn, sugar cane, lupins,
carcinogenic to humans
health and environmental
Eucalyptus and Pinus radiata
plantations, grass seed crops, ryegrass seed crops, roadside and rights of way
Prohibited in EU
Residual insect spray
Prohibited in EU
Prohibited in EU
Under review since 1994
Fruit, macadamias
Spray drift priority list: Human health and environmental concerns
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Evidence of non-
Household nuisance pests, bananas,
carcinogenicity for humans
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Not likely to be
Selective turf herbicide
carcinogenic to humans
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Possible human
Review completed 2008
Apricots, bananas, barley, canola,
Restricted chemical product
citrus, clover, cotton, cucurbits, faba
(pre-construction termite
beans, field peas, grapes, lucerne,
lupins, navy beans, netarines, peaches, pears, plums, poppies, sugar cane, tomatoes, wheat, ants, timber pests, garden and household pests
EU Status and
Potential carcinogen
APVMA status
Examples of registered uses in
products in
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Suggestive
Household nuisance pests
evidence of carcinogenicity, but not sufficient to assess human carcinogenic potential
US EPA: Possible human
Trade Advice Notice issued
Wheat, barley, cereal rye,oats, triticale,
May 2008, concern over
linseed, grass pastures and turf
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Evidence of non-
Bananas, citrus, ginger, sugar cane,
carcinogenicity for humans
tobacco, tomatoes
Prohibited in EU
IARC: Not classifiable
Under review since 1995:
Fruit, nuts, vegetables, crops and
US EPA: Likely to be
Residue and health concerns
carcinogenic to humans
US EPA: Possible human
Under review since 2007:
Bananas, strawberries, ginger seed
Residue and occupational
pieces (pre-planting), sugar cane setts
safety and public health
(pre-planting), pasture, red clover and
subterranean clover, chickpeas, faba
New restrictions introduced in
beans, lentils, vetch, macadamias and
in timber preservation
Spray drift priority list: Human health and environmental concerns
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Not likely to be
Nominated for review (Priority
Rice, sugar cane, tobacco, wheat,
carcinogenic to humans
2): Human health
Prohibited in EU
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Suggestive
Spray drift priority list:
Brassica vegetables, apples, peaches,
Environmental concerns
carcinogenicity, but not sufficient to assess human carcinogenic potential
Prohibited in EU
Under review since 1996:
Cattle dip and spray, flystrike and
Occupational health and
mules wound dressing
safety, environmental effects
Prohibited in EU
Nominated for review (Priority
Soil and compost fumigation, rabbits,
1): Environmental and human
health and residue concerns
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Possible human
Brassicas, beans, peas, garlic, onions,
carrots, potaties, turnips, stawberries, cotton, Lucerne, perennial grass crops, lawns, ornamentals
Nominated for review (Priority
Almonds, bananas, cucurbits, grapes,
carcinogenic to humans
2): Environmental and human
ornamentals, peanuts, pulses, stone
US EPA: Likely to be
fruits, tobacco, vegetables, turf, Pinnus
US EPA: Evidence of non-
Under review since 1996:
Fruit, vegetables, oil seeds, cotton,
EU Status and
Potential carcinogen
APVMA status
Examples of registered uses in
products in
carcinogenicity for humans
Occupational health and
cereals, pasture, turf
safety, environmental effects Spray drift priority list: Human health and environmental concerns Restricted chemical product (pre-construction termite products)
US EPA Not likely to be
Apples, peaches, nectarines, table and
additional provisions to
carcinogenic to humans
wine grapes, cotton, bananas,
protect honey bees
introduced by Directive 2010/21/EU
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Possible human
Nominated for review (Priority
Peas, chickpeas, faba beans, lentils,
2): Environmental, human
vetches, onions, potatoes, sweet corn
Cyfluthrin, *Beta-
US EPA Not likely to be
Avocados, brassicas, macadamias,
carcinogenic to humans
tomatoes, household pests, turf, cattle
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Not classifiable
Barley, cotton, wheat, various field
US EPA: Possible human
Seed dressing for wheat and barely,
oats, triticale, crops, sheep, household
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Not likely to be
Barely, wheat, peanuts, potatoes,
carcinogenic to humans at
pruning wounds on apples, apricots,
doses that do not cause a
peaches, plums, ornamentals
mitogenic response in the liver
US EPA: Not classifiable
Under review since 1995.
Broadleaf weeds in legume based
Spray drift priority list:
pastures, lucerne, maize, mil et,
Environmental concerns
peanuts, sorghum, swetcorn, cereal crops, citrus, pears, sugar cane
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Not classifiable
Review completed 1997
Wood preservative, soil fumigant
as to human carcinogenicity
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Not likely to be
Under review since 1996:
Turf, pastures, field crops, vegetables,
carcinogenic to humans
Occupational, public health,
plantation and orchard crops,
environmental, trade concerns
household pests, flea and tick control on pets, cattle, pigs, goats
Prohibited in EU
Sheep, household insecticide fumigant
Prohibited in EU
Pavements, lawns, pots and synthetic
courts, cats, dogs, horses, cattle,
Prohibited in EU
Spray drift priority list:
Plant growth regulator in orange and
Environmental concerns
mandarin, non-crop rights of way for lantana etc
EU Status and
Potential carcinogen
APVMA status
Examples of registered uses in
products in
Prohibited in EU
Under review since 1996:
Stored cereal grains, industrial and
carcinogenic to humans
Occupational, public health,
domestic pest control
US EPA: Suggestive
environmental, trade concerns
evidence of carcinogenicity, but not sufficient to assess human carcinogenic potential
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Likely to be
Spray drift priority list:
Wheat, barley, cereal rye, triticale,
carcinogenic to humans
Environmental concerns
Prohibited in EU
IARC: Not classifiable
Nominated for review (Priority
Cotton, pome and stone fruit,
US EPA: Possible human
3): Environmental, human
tomatoes, vegetables, strawberries,
health and residues concerns
grapevines, ornamentals
US EPA: Possible human
Potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, bananas,
macadamias, seed treatment in barley and wheat
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Possible human
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Possible human
Broadleaf weeds in green beans, navy
beans, sweet corn, poppies, pumpkins, kabocha
US EPA: Possible human
Under review since 2004:
Fruit, vegetables, cereals,
Toxicology, occupational
citrus,pastures, cotton, lucerne, field
health and safety, residues
legumes, peanuts, ornamentals, post
and trade concerns
harvest dipping (eg avocadoes,
Spray drift priority list: Human
bananas, mangoes, custard apples),
health and environmental
US EPA: Evidence of non-
Under review since 1997:
Grasses and broadleaf weeds in many
carcinogenicity for humans
Environment, public and
crops, pre harvest crop desiccation
occupational health and
potatoes an and seed crops, sugar
safety, residue concerns
Spray drift priority list: Human health and environmental concerns
Al owed, under strict
US EPA: Known/likely
Under review since 2002:
Apples, sugar cane, pears, asparagus,
Human health and
bananas, coffee, cotton, dubosia,
environmental concerns
citrus, pineapple, wheat, barely, cereal
Spray drift priority list:
rye, triticale, oats, irrigation channels,
Environmental concerns
rights of way, commercial and industrial areas
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Suggestive
Stone fruit, pome fruit, vines
evidence of carcinogenic potential
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Evidence of non-
Nominated for review (Priority
Lucerne, cotton, potatoes, peas,
carcinogenicity for humans
4): Potential to cause harm
beans, bulbs, gladioli
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Not likely to be
Review completed 2005
Numerous field crops, vegetables, tree
carcinogenic to humans
Restricted chemical product
and vine crops, nursery crops,
EU Status and
Potential carcinogen
APVMA status
Examples of registered uses in
products in
assessed for inclusion
Spray drift priority list:
ornamentals, wildflowers, tobacco
under the Stockholm
Environmental concerns,
human health and residue and
Persistent Organic
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Evidence of non-
Cotton, cattle, horses, cats, dogs
carcinogenicity for humans
metabolism, Parasiticide
Fumigant in flour mil s and food
processing plants
Ethylene oxide
Prohibited in EU
IARC: Carcinogenic to
Fumigation, sterilisation, spray
Wetting agent, Sanitiser
US EPA: Evidence of non-
Under review since 2003:
Aloe vera, bananas, citrus, crucifers,
carcinogenicity for humans
Public health, occupational
cucurbits, carrots, beetroot, onions,
health and safety,
celery, sweet potatoes, lettuce, endive,
environment and residues in
parsnips, grapevines, mushrooms,
pineapples, potatoes, strawberries, sugar cane, tobacco, tomatoes, turf, ornamentals
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Evidence of non-
Under review since 1996:
Various broad acre and horticultural
carcinogenicity for humans
Worker health and safety and
crops, pastures, stored cereal grain
environmental concerns
pests, locust and grasshopper
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Likely to be
Apples, pears, household pests
carcinogenic to humans
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Evidence of non-
Under review since 1994:
Tree and vine crops, post harvest
carcinogenicity for humans
Public health, occupational
treatments, capsicums, tomatoes,
health and safety,
ornamentals, nuisance and public
environmental, food residue
health pests, restricted non-native bird
Restricted chemical product (vertebrate poison) Spray drift priority list: Human health and environmental concerns
Prohibited in EU
IARC: Not classifiable
Field crops, pasture, vegetable crops,
US EPA: Evidence of non-
carcinogenicity for humans
US EPA: Not likely to be
Under review since 2003:
Cats, dogs, seed treatment (canola,
additional provisions to
carcinogenic to humans
Toxicity, toxic photo
sorghum, sunflowers), household
protect honey bees
degradation products,
pests, turf, grasshoppers, locusts
introduced by Directive
occupational health and safety
issues, animal safety and the adequacy of label instructions
Prohibited in EU
IARC: Not classifiable
EU Status and
Potential carcinogen
APVMA status
Examples of registered uses in
products in
US EPA: Possible human carcinogen
US EPA: Not likely to be
Spray drift priority list: Human
Broadleaf and grass weeds in many
carcinogenic to humans
health and environmental
crops, forestry, rights of way, industrial
areas, GE cotton varieties
Prohibited in EU
Citrus, tomatoes, rockmelons
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Probable human
Grass weeds in grain legume, oilseed
crops, lucerne, pastures, seed crops, forestry, bananas, citrus, grapes, pineapples, pome fruit, stone fruit, pyrethrum, tropical fruit, nut crops
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Possible human
Apples, pears, wine grapes,
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Not classifiable
Nominated for review (Priority
Pinus Radiata plantations, sugar cane,
2): Human health and
grazing pastures, around agricultural
environmental concerns
buildings, commercial and industrial
Spray drift priority list: Human
areas, rights of way,
health and environmental concerns
Prohibited in EU
Household pests (eg ants,
US EPA: Likely to be
Postharvest diseases citrus, apples,
carcinogenic to humans
pears, rock melons, potatoes
US EPA: Likely to be
Ornamentals, turf, lupins, potatoes,
carcinogenic to humans
smal fruit, berries, grapes, kiwifruit,
mandarins, passion fruit, stone fruit, almonds, macadamias, celery, lettuces , strawberries, tomatoe
Nominated for review (Priority
Rotterdam Convention
carcinogenic to humans
Listed under LRTAP
US EPA: Suggestive
International ban
carcinogenicity, but not
under the Stockholm
sufficient to assess human
carcinogenic potential
Australia is yet to ratify.
US EPA: Possible human
Wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, carrots,
parsnips, coriander seed crops,
onions, soybeans, maize, sweet corn
IARC: Not classifiable
Under review since 2003:
Ornamentals, apples, pears, citrus,
US EPA: Suggestive
Toxicity and human health
fruit trees, grapevines, stone fruit,
and safety concerns
cereals, pastures, lucerne, rapeseed,
carcinogenicity, but not
rice, cucurbits, tomatoes, vegetables,
sufficient to assess human
grain storage, animal quarters,
carcinogenic potential
Eucalpyts, mosquitoes, tobacco
EU Status and
Potential carcinogen
APVMA status
Examples of registered uses in
products in
US EPA: Probable human
Field crops, fruit, ornamentals, turf,
US EPA: Not likely to be
Nominated for review (Priority
Turf, wheat, oats, barley, cereal rye,
carcinogenic to humans
3): Environmental and human
triticale, linseed, pastures, home
health concerns.
Spray drift priority list
US EPA: Suggestive
Spray drift priority list:
Environmental concerns
carcinogenicity, but not sufficient to assess human carcinogenic potential
Mercuric chloride
Review completed 1992
Rotterdam Convention
carcinogenic to humans
*Soil monitoring to be undertaken to confirm that soil mercury levels do not exceed background levels
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Suggestive
Nominated for review (Priority
Snails and slugs
evidence of carcinogenic
2): Human health concerns
Prohibited in EU
Under review since 2002:
4 (2 products
Brassicas, capsicums, lupins,
High acute and chronic
at 580g/L)
ornamentals, peaches, peanuts,
Rotterdam Convention
toxicity, delayed neurotoxicity
potatoes, tomatoes
(600g/L formulation and higher)
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Possible human
Under review since 2002:
Orchards, sub tropical crops,
Toxicity, worker safety,
vegetables, cereals, pastures, forage
residue and dietary risk
crops, cotton, rice, sunflowers
US EPA: Not classifiable
Under review since 1995:
Snails and slugs
Public health, occupational
health and safety, residues, and the environment
US EPA: Evidence of non-
Nominated for review (Priority
Cereals, fruit, legumes, cotton,
carcinogenicity for humans
1): Human health and residue
duboisia, hops, oilseed crops, tobacco,
potatoes, vegetables, pastures, peanuts, ginger, fly bait
Methyl bromide
Prohibited in EU
IARC: Not classifiable
Review completed in 2007
Fumigant and soil sterilant for critical
Listed under Montreal
US EPA: Not likely to be
use exemptions, quarantine and pre-
Protocol, Australia
carcinogenic to humans
committed to a total phase out for horticultural uses by 2005
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Not likely to be
Review completed 2002
Brassicas (cabbages, cauliflower,
carcinogenic to humans
Restricted chemical product
broccoli), Brussels sprouts
US EPA: Suggestive
Under review since 2003:
Toxicological, occupational
EU Status and
Potential carcinogen
APVMA status
Examples of registered uses in
products in
carcinogenicity, but not
health and safety and
sufficient to assess human
environmental concerns
carcinogenic potential
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Evidence of non-
Apples, pears, strawberries, roses and
carcinogenicity for humans
Prohibited in EU
Under review since 2004:
Pastures, cereals, oilseed, legumes,
Toxicology, occupational
lucerne, cotton, apples, bananas,
health and safety, residues
citrus, lupins, onions, pears, potatoes,
ornamentals, fruit, vegetables (home garden)
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Possible human
Cucurbits, lettuce, onions, grapevines
Plant regulator,
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Not classifiable
Turf, mango, stonefruit, apple
as to human carcinogenicity
Prohibited in EU
Under review since 1997:
Bananas, orchards and vineyards, rice,
Occupational health and
pasture, seed crops, lucerne, hay
safety and environment risks.
freezing, peanuts, potatoes,
Spray drift priority list: Human
vegetables, sugar cane,
health and environmental concerns
Prohibited in EU
IARC: Not classifiable
Under review since 1996:
Cotton, cruciferous forage, citrus,
Worker health and safety,
pome and stone fruit, grapevines,
Rotterdam Convention
environmental risks, including
(EC at or above 19.5%
high toxicity to bees.
AC and dusts 1.5%
Spray drift priority list: Human
health and environmental concerns
US EPA: Possible human
Turf, various crops eg wheat, barley,
peas, cotton, sunflowers, canola, vegetables, maize, onions, sugar cane
Prohibited in EU
IARC Not classifiable
Nominated for review (Priority
Household pests, dogs, horses, sheep,
US EPA: Likely to be
3): Human health,
seed treatment, wood preservative,
carcinogenic to humans
environment and residue
commercial and industrial, various
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Evidence of non-
Nominated for review (Priority
Cotton, ornamentals, vegetables
carcinogenicity for humans
2): Human health concerns
(carrots, onions, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, potatoes, tomatoes)
US EPA: Suggestive
Nominated for review (Priority
Cereals, lucerne, pasture, seed crops
4): Human health concerns
carcinogenicity, but not sufficient to assess human carcinogenic potential
IARC: Not classifiable
Nominated for review (Priority
Barley, canary grass, oats, triticale,
US EPA: Evidence of non-
3): Human health and
wheat, linseed, non-crop areas,
EU Status and
Potential carcinogen
APVMA status
Examples of registered uses in
products in
carcinogenicity for humans
environmental concerns
commercial and industrial areas
Prohibited as plant
IARC: Not classifiable
Cats, dogs, household pests,
protection product
US EPA: Possible human
commercial stored products pests,
restaurants, public service areas, offices, hotels, bottling plants
US EPA: Likely to be
Fruit crops tree and vine, vegetables,
carcinogenic to humans
ornamentals, broad acre crops
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Possible human
Tropical fruits, pineapple, sugar cane,
mushrooms, lettuce, proteas, violas, turf
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Evidence of non-
Nominated for review (Priority
carcinogenicity for humans
1): Human health concerns
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Likely to be
Maize, sorghum, sweet corn,
carcinogenic to humans
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Suggestive
evidence of carcinogenicity, but not sufficient to assess human carcinogenic potential
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Not likely to be
Review concluded 2009
Sheep blowfly strike dressing
carcinogenic to humans
Sheep Ectoparasiticide review
US EPA: Possible human
Nominated for review (Priority
Bananas, barley, oats, peanuts,
1): Spray drift risks human
perennial ryegrass, pineapples, stone
heath and environmental
fruit, sugar cane, oats, wheat,
mushroom trays and beds
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Probable human
Prohibited in EU
Bananas, vegetables, table grapes,
Prohibited in EU
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Evidence of non-
carcinogenicity for humans
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Not classifiable
Broadleaf vegetables and crops
as to human carcinogenicity
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Evidence of non-
Nominated for review (Priority
Vegetables, ornamentals, dogs, cats
carcinogenicity for humans
2): Human health
pesticide, Parasiticide
Prohibited in EU
IARC: Not classifiable
Nominated for review (Priority
Swimming pools, dams, tanks,
US EPA: Not likely to be
2): Environmental, human
troughs, commercial and industrial
carcinogenic to humans
areas, TT canola, faba beans, asparagus, berry fruits, citrus, almonds, hops, gladioli, apples, pears, roses, vineyards, chickpeas,
EU Status and
Potential carcinogen
APVMA status
Examples of registered uses in
products in
strawberries, pastures, lupins,
US EPA: Possible human
Seed dressing wheat, barley, oats,
bananas, peanuts, cereal crops,
beans, peas, onions, papaw, pyrethrum, ryegrass
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Not classifiable
Tea tree, grazing land
as to human carcinogenicity
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Evidence of non-
Nominated for review (Priority
Bananas, maize, sorghum, sweet corn,
carcinogenicity for humans
2): Environmental, human
wheat, peanuts, sunflowers, barely
US EPA: Likely to be
carcinogenic to humans
US EPA: Likely to be
Apples, pome fruit, stone fruit
carcinogenic to humans
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Not classifiable
Nominated for review (Priority
2): Environmental, human
health and residues concerns
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Probable human
Spray drift priority list: Human
Brassica, cotton, maize, sweet corn,
health and environmental
pulses, tomatoes, tobacco
IARC: Not classifiable
Nominated for review (Priority
Turf, bowling greens, golf greens,
US EPA: Not likely to be
2): Environmental, human
grapes, pome fruit, seeds, stone fruits,
carcinogenic to humans
health and residues concerns
strawberries, vegetables, ornamentals, crops, boats
Prohibited in EU
US EPA: Possible human
Wheat, barely, peas, curcurbits,
grapevines, sugar cane, azaleas
US EPA: Possible human
Brassica vegetables, cucurbits,
grapevines, papaws, sugar cane, seed
dressing (wheat, barely, oats), turf
Prohibited in EU
IARC: Not classifiable
Nominated for review (Priority
Canola, cereal crops, grass seed
US EPA: Multiple
1): Environmental, human
crops, legumes, linseed, lupins, lucern,
Descriptors, likely to be
health and residues concerns
maize, rice, pasture, safflower,
carcinogenic to humans at
sorghum, tobacco, avocado,
high doses, not likely to be
grapevines, guava, macadamia,
carcinogenic to humans at
pawpaw, passionfruit, pome fruit, stone
fruit, fish aquariums
Zeta cypermethrin
US EPA: Possible human
Cabbages, cauliflowers, Brussels
sprouts, kale, kohlrabi, Chinese cabbage, turnips, winter cereals, cotton, faba beans, field peas, lupins, maize, sorghum, soybeans, sunflowers, sweet corn, tobacco, and tomatoes
Prohibited in EU
IARC: Not classifiable
Nominated for review (Priority
Boats, turf, beans, bananas, beets,
EU Status and
Potential carcinogen
APVMA status
Examples of registered uses in
products in
2): Environmental, human
carrots, cauliflower, cabbages, celery,
health and residues concerns
cucurbits, egg plant, onions, peas, crucifers, snow peas, sugar snap peas, peppers, potatoes, ornamentals, strawberries, tobacco, tomatoes
IARC: Not classifiable
Nominated for review (Priority
Apples, grapes, pears, stone fruit,
US EPA: Suggestive
2): Environmental, human
health and residues concerns
carcinogenicity, but not sufficient to assess human carcinogenic potential
Table notes
reduce and prevent air pollution including long-range transboundary air pollution. Australia is not a participant.
Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the
Pesticide refers to the active ingredient registered by
Ozone Layer
the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines
The Protocol sets out a mandatory timetable for the
Authority (APVMA), as listed on their Registered
phase out of ozone depleting substances. This
timetable has been under constant revision, with phase-
out dates accelerated in accordance with scientific understanding and technological advances. Australia
EU Status and International Conventions
has ratified all amendments to the Protocol and
In 1993 the European Commission started a
implements it obligations through the Ozone Protection
and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989
(agricultural products) within the European Union, which is now complete. The evaluation, marketing and use of
The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic
pesticides (herbicides, insecticides, fungicides etc.) in
plant protection in the Community are regulated under
The object of Stockholm Convention is to protect human
Council Directive 91/414/EEC. This Directive lays out a
health and the environment from persistent organic
comprehensive risk assessment and authorisation
pollutants (POPs). POPs include the organochlorine
pesticides: DDT, endrin, dieldrin, aldrin, chlordane,
containing these substances.
toxaphene, heptachlor, mirex and hexachlorobenzene. Many of these pesticides were used in Australia. The
The review of existing pesticides has led to the removal
Convention sets out the actions to be taken by Parties
from the market of pesticides which cannot be used
to reduce and where feasible, eliminate releases of
safely. Of some 1,000 active substances on the market
byproduct POPs chemicals. Australia ratified the
in at least one Member State before 1993, 26%,
Convention on 20 May 2004 and became a Party on 18
corresponding to about 250 substances, have passed
August 2004. The Australian Government has
the harmonised EU safety assessment. The majority of
developed Australia's National Implementation Plan
substances (67%) have been eliminated because
(NIP), which outlines the actions that Australia will take
dossiers were either not submitted, incomplete or
to meet its obligations. The NIP also sets out the roles
withdrawn by industry. About 70 substances failed the
and responsibilities of Australian governments, the
review and have been removed from the market,
Environment Protection and Heritage Council (EPHC)
because the evaluation carried out did not show safe
and other ministerial councils in the management of
use with respect to human health and the environment.
In Table 1 "Prohibited in the EU" means the pesticide is
not included in Directive 91/414/EEC and is therefore
prohibited in the EU.
WHO Classification
The EU Pesticides Database of active substances can
In 2009, the World Health Organisation (WHO) released
be found at http://ec.europa.eu/sanco_pesticides
a document on the Recommended Classification of Pesticides by Hazard and Guidelines to Classification.
Rotterdam Convention
The majority of the classifications are made on the
The Rotterdam Convention entered into force on 24
acute oral and dermal toxicity LD50 value to the rat. See
February 2004. The Convention creates legally binding
obligations for the implementation of a Prior Informed
Consent (PIC) procedure. PIC is an early warning system about all bans and severe restrictions on
NB. For the purposes of developing this table, only
pesticides. Pesticides that have been banned by two
pesticides with WHO Class 1a, Ib and II were selected.
countries in two regions of the world, under criteria in
Occasionally another class is included because the
the Convention, are entered on a PIC List, and
pesticide has been prohibited in the EU.
importing countries must indicate whether they allow or
Potential carcinogens
prohibit import. Exporting countries must ensure compliance. Annex III currently lists 40 chemicals
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
including 29 pesticides, four severely hazardous
The WHO International Agency for Research on
pesticide formulations and 11 industrial chemicals.
Cancer's Monographs identify environmental factors
Australia is a signatory and ratified the Convention in
that can increase the risk of human cancer. These
2004. See www.pic.int
include chemicals, complex mixtures, occupational exposures, physical agents, biological agents, and
Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air
lifestyle factors. Since 1971, more than 900 agents have
Pollution (LRTAP)
been evaluated, of which approximately 400 have been
The Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air
identified as carcinogenic, probably carcinogenic, or
Pollution of the UN Economic Commission for Europe
covers chemicals that travel long distances. A 1998
Protocol formed the basis of the Stockholm Convention. The aim of the Convention is that Parties shall
U.S Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
endeavour to limit and, as far as possible, gradually
The United States Environmental Protection Agency
(US EPA) Office of Pesticide Programs provides a list*
of exposure potential only and it should not be
of pesticides evaluated for carcinogenicity by EPA's
construed as a list of known or likely endocrine
Pesticide Program through to August 2009. In
evaluating and describing the potential carcinogenicity
of a pesticide, EPA's Pesticide Program follows the
Number of Registered Products in Australia
Agency's Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment (see
Formulated pesticide products are registered by the
APVMA and listed on the Registered Chemicals Product Database PUBCRIS. PUBCRIS also includes the
The Health Effects Division of the Pesticide Program
registered ‘active ingredient' as a product. The number
performs an independent review of all the available
evidence to determine the carcinogenic potential of
formulated products and active ingredients. See
pesticides. The results of the independent review are
peer-reviewed by the Cancer Assessment Review Committee. *The list is called the "Office of Pesticide
APVMA Status
Programs List of Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic
Chemical Review Program
Potential" and can be obtained by email from
The APVMA has powers to conduct reviews of
registered chemicals. The Chemical Review Program can reconsider the registration of agricultural and
Potential endocrine disruptors
veterinary chemicals in the marketplace if potential risks
The endocrine system is a complex network of glands,
to safety and performance have been identified. A
hormones and receptors. It provides the key
review may be initiated when new research or evidence
communication and control link between the nervous
has raised concerns about the use or safety of a
system and bodily functions such as reproduction,
particular chemical or product. Reviews may focus on
immunity, metabolism and behaviour. An endocrine
one or more areas of concern including environmental
disrupter is a substance or mixture that alters function of
safety, worker safety, public health, residues or trade, or
the endocrine system and consequently causes adverse
less commonly, may consider product efficacy.
health effects in an intact organism, or its progeny, or (sub)populations. The main evidence suggesting that
Restricted Chemical Products
exposure to environmental chemicals can lead to
Products declared to be restricted chemical products
disruption of endocrine function comes from changes
(RCPs) can only be used by an "authorised person".
seen in a number of wildlife species. Effects suggested
The relevant Australian State or Territory authority
as being related to endocrine disruption have been
determines who may be considered as an "authorised
reported in molluscs, crustacea, fish, reptiles, birds and
person" based on advice from the APVMA following a
mammals in various parts of the world.
risk assessment of the chemical product. Australian State and Territory authorities implement the RCP
European Union (EU)
The European Union has a Strategy for Endocrine
legislative frameworks by authorising persons to access
Disruptors with a list of substances suspected of
RCPs once they have successfully completed the
interfering with the hormone systems of humans and
relevant training, and/or other requirements. There are
wildlife. In Table 1 "Category 1" indicates there is at
currently 14 chemicals where all or certain uses of the
least one study providing evidence of endocrine
products have been declared to be restricted. See
disruption in an intact organism. "Category 2" means the
Priority List for Spray Drift Label Reviews
The APVMA has committed to assessing and updating the labels of all currently registered products subject to
Our Stolen Future (OSF)
spray drift regulation to include comprehensive
Our Stolen Future is a book published in 1997 by Dr
instructions for managing spray drift risk. The APVMA
Theo Colborn, Dianne Dumanoski and Dr John
has begun this process with pesticides listed in the
Peterson Myers, which documents research into
Priority List for Spray Drift Label Reviews. These initial
chemicals which interfere with hormones. The authors
pesticides have been selected based on their hazard
have also set up a website www.ourstolenfuture.org
characteristics, their amounts of use and their
which is regularly updated with developments in
involvement in adverse incidents. The areas of concern
research and policy on endocrine disrupting chemicals
that have resulted in the pesticides being placed on the
(EDCs). The OSF list of EDCs is referenced and can be
priority list are: human health concerns (bystander
environmental concerns including damage to crops;
United States Environmental Protection Authority
(US EPA) (Screen List)
The United States Environmental Protection Authority
has a Final List of Initial Pesticide Active Ingredients
and Pesticide Inert Ingredients to be Screened under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The Final List of Chemicals for Tier 1 Screening in the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program was selected on the basis
Pesticide Action Network, Asia and the Pacific 2009, Endosulfan
ii Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee 2009, Invitation
to review and provide comments on draft risk management
evaluation on endosulfan and to submit additional information,
iii US EPA 2010, EPA action to terminate endosulfan,
iv European Commission 2005, Review report for the active
substance endosulfan, SANCO/4327/2000-rev.2
EU 2001, Decision No 2455/2001/EC of the European Parliament
and of the Council of 20 November 2001, amending Directive
2000/60/EC, Official Journal of the European Communities L331/1,
December 15, http://eur-
OSPAR 2006, OSPAR List of Chemicals for Priority Action
(Update 2007), http://www.ospar.org
vii US EPA 2010, EPA Moves to Terminate All Uses of Insecticide
Endosulfan to Protect Health of Farmworkers and Wildlife,
viii US EPA 2010, EPA action to terminate endosulfan,
APVMA 2005, The reconsideration of approval of the active
constituent Endosulfan, registrations of products containing
Endosulfan and their associated labels: Final Review report and
WWF-Australia is part of the WWF International
Regulatory Decision, Review Series 2,
Network, the world's largest and most experienced
independent conservation organisation. It has close to
five million supporters and a global network active in
xi APVMA 2010, Chemicals in the News: Endosulfan,
more than 100 countries.
xii APVMA 2005, The reconsideration of approval of the active
WWF's mission is to stop the degradation of the planet's
constituent Endosulfan, registrations of products containing
natural environment and to build a future in which
Endosulfan and their associated labels: Final Review report and
humans live in harmony with nature, by:
Regulatory Decision, Review Series 2,
• conserving the world's biological diversity;
• ensuring that the use of renewable natural
xiii APVMA 2010, Atrazine Toxicity: Analysis of Potential Modes of
resources is sustainable; and
• promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful
xiv European Commission 2003, Review report for the active
substance atrazine, SANCO/10496/2003
National Toxics Network
xv US EPA 2009, New Atrazine evaluation process,
The National Toxics Network (NTN) is a community
based network working globally to ensure a toxic-free
xvi APVMA 2005, The Reconsideration of Approvals of the Active
future for all. NTN supports communities involved in
Constituent Diuron, Registrations of Products containing Diuron
hazardous waste management, pesticide pollution,
and their Associated Labels: Preliminary Review Findings, Volume
industrial chemical pollution and environmental health
issues. NTN committee members are involved in a
range of national advisory bodies including the
Hazardous Waste Reference Group, the Stockholm
xviii European Commission 2008, Review report for the active
Stakeholders Reference Group, the National Industrial
substance diuron, SANCO/2184/2008 rev 3
Community Engagement Forum and the Australian
National Registration Authority 2000, NRA Review of
Community Consultative Committee. NTN is the
Australian focal point for the International POPs
xxi APVMA 2009, Chlorpyrifos: Preliminary Review Findings Report
Elimination Network (IPEN) and a member of the NGO
on additional Residues Data,
delegation to the POPs Review Committee which is the
UN scientific committee assessing new POPs'
xxii US EPA 2002, Interim Reregistration Eligibility Decision for
nominations. NTN participates in the Strategic Approach
to International Chemical Management and is part of the
xxiii US EPA 2010, New Limits on Pesticide Uses Will Protect
NGO delegation to the negotiations for a global Mercury
Source: http://awsassets.wwf.org.au/downloads/fs025_a_list_of_australias_most_dangerous_pesticides_1jul10.pdf
Security Guards A guide for newcomers to British Columbia Security Guards A guide for newcomers to British Columbia Contents 1. Working as a Security Guard [NOC 6541] . 2 2. Skills, Education and Experience . 7 3. Finding Jobs . 9 4. Applying for a Job . 11 5. Getting Help from Industry Sources . 12 1. Working as a Security Guard [NOC 6541]
Periodontal Disease, Matrix Metalloproteinases andChemically Modified Tetracyclines From the Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway Correspondence to: Svein Steinsvoll, Sagvollveien 1, 2830 Raufoss, Norway. Tel.: / 47 61191481; Fax: /4761191481; E-mail: [email protected] Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease 2004; 16: 1 /7