VOLUME 25, NO. 99
Chimerix raises $103M
Panelists: Positives amid setbacks in
for brincidofovir push;
cell therapy, regenerative medicine space
potential use widens
By Nuala Moran, Staff Writer
By Randy Osborne, Staff Writer
LONDON – There are storm clouds on the horizon for cell therapy and regenerative
More than half the gross proceeds of
medicine, with a number of trial failures in the past few weeks and the mounting
Chimerix Inc.'s $103.8 million from a
problems in getting reimbursement for high-cost products that are edging to market,
public offering will go toward advancing
adding to the huge scientific and development challenges that the sector faces.
the oral nucleotide analogue lipid-
Recent news has included negative data in Athersy Inc.'s phase II trial of its allogeneic conjugate drug brincidofovir, the cell therapy in ulcerative colitis, announced April 29, and Cytomedix Inc.'s May 5
company said in its 424B5 filing with the
decision to ax its Aldagen subsidiary after its autologous stem cell therapy failed in a
Voltarra seeks ‘lightning' Lysogene raises $23M
States signal on ‘right
strike with zoledronic
for Sanfilippo syndrome to try': Washington,
acid derivative in knee OA A gene therapy
we have a problem
By Marie Powers, Staff Writer
By Cormac Sheridan, Staff Writer
By Mari Serebrov, Washington Roundup
Launched last year with a portfolio
Lysogene SAS raised €16.5 million
Sending a clear signal to Washington,
of early stage small molecules and
(US$22.6 million) in a series A round
Louisiana is poised to become the second
late-stage clinical assets assembled
to continue its clinical development
state to enact a law recognizing the
through a pair of acquisitions, Voltarra
of SAF-301, a gene therapy treatment
right of terminally ill patients, who have
Pharmaceuticals Inc. has moved like
for Sanfilippo syndrome type A, a rare
run out of options, to try investigational
Keeping insulin around
Recent start-up Cour
Stock movers, p. 2
By Anette Breindl, Science Editor
lands former Pfizer
Other news to note, p. 2, 4,6, 8, 9, 10
Logic suggests that raising insulin levels
R&D chief as chairman
through stabilizing insulin should lead
In the clinic, p. 10, 11
to improved glucose control. But in
By Michael Fitzhugh, Staff Writer
practice, mice lacking IDE, the enzyme
Pharma: Other news to note, p. 12
Cour Pharmaceutical Development
that degrades insulin, have impaired
Co. Inc., a small company developing
Pharma: In the clinic, p. 12
glucose control.
nanotechnology-based immunotherapies
Now scientists from Harvard University
for acute inflammation and autoimmune
have developed a pharmacological IDE
disease, has appointed Pfizer R&D
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THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2014
STOCK MOVERS 5/21/2014
Stock in $
Change in %
Adamas Pharmaceuticals Inc., of Emeryville, Calif., received
a $25 million milestone payment from
Forest Laboratories
Nasdaq Biotechnology
Holdings Ltd., of New York, following the FDA's acceptance
of the new drug application for MDX-8704, a fixed-dose
Chimerix Inc.
combination of memantine HCl extended-release capsules and donepezil HCl, in development as a once-daily therapy to treat
La Jolla Pharmaceuticals
moderate to severe dementia of the Alzheimer's type in the U.S.
Biotechs showing significant stock changes Wednesday
The companies are collaborating on the development of MDX-8704, for which Forest holds exclusive U.S. commercialization rights. (See
BioWorld Today, March 5, 2014.)
company's new drug application is filed.
Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Inc., of Cambridge, Mass.,
Cognition Therapeutics Inc., of Pittsburgh, said its small-
said preclinical results using RNAi therapeutics targeting
molecule Abeta receptor agonist program for Alzheimer's
aminolevulinic acid synthase-1 (ALAS-1) to treat hepatic
disease was selected for funding by the National Institute
porphyrias, including acute intermittent porphyria (AIP),
on Aging NIH Alzheimer's Disease Development Program.
were published in the
Proceedings of the National Academy of
The cooperative agreement program will provide the firm
Sciences. In the paper, Alnylam scientists and collaborators
with an estimated $1.4 million in funding over four years to
at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York
support critical drug development activities aimed at securing
documented results from a mouse model of AIP showing that
investigational new drug status.
RNAi therapeutics targeting ALAS-1 can completely block
Cytokinetics Inc., of South San Francisco, highlighted three
the abnormal production of toxic intermediates of the heme
recently published manuscripts detailing tests of tirasemtiv, its
biosynthesis pathway that cause the symptoms and disease
skeletal muscle activator and the lead candidate in its skeletal
pathology of AIP. In addition, preliminary comparative studies
muscle contractility program. The papers, published in
showed that ALAS-1 siRNA administration was more effective
Muscle & Nerve, and the
American Journal of Respiratory
than heme administration in the treatment of an acute attack.
and Critical Care Medicine, described positive early stage data
The paper provides proof of concept for an RNAi therapeutic to
related to tirasemtiv's impact on a mouse model, dosing in a
treat AIP, according to the company, which said it is advancing
phase I first-in-human trial, and whether a structural analogue
its development candidate, ALN-AS1, designed to knock
of tirasemtiv could improve contractile weakness of diaphragm
down ALAS-1, and expects to file an investigational new drug
muscle fibers that develops in mechanically ventilated critically
application by early next year.
ill patients.
Antiop Inc., of Lexington, Ky., has signed an agreement to work
Edison Pharmaceuticals Inc., of Mountain View, Calif., said
Reckitt Benckiser Pharmaceuticals Inc., of Richmond, Va.,
Japanese regulators granted orphan status to EPI-743 for the
to accelerate production and worldwide marketing of intranasal
treatment of Leigh syndrome. The drug, a small-molecule para-
naloxone, its drug for treating opioid overdose. Reckitt Benckiser
benzoquinone designed to augment endogenous glutathione
and Antiop will co-develop the nasal naloxone spray, which is
biosynthesis, is in phase IIb testing in children with the
entering its final trial in June, through potential FDA approval.
inherited neuromuscular disorder in the U.S., and a phase IIb/III
Antiop CEO Daniel Wermeling said he is confident the company
trial is being conducted in Japan in conjunction with
will meet eligibility requirements for FDA priority review after the
Sumitomo Pharma Co. Ltd., of Osaka, Japan.
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THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2014
Stem cells
partnership is still in place and progressing.
"Our job as entrepreneurs is to engage other big pharma companies in the process of [development and
stroke trial. But does that mean the sector is in trouble?
commercialization] and pull them into a different way of
Not according to Greg Bonfiglio, managing partner of Proteus
thinking about our treatments," Caplan said. "Big pharma
Venture Partners. "I think the field is progressing very nicely," he has to understand we have a cornucopia of molecules that are told
BioWorld Today, calling recent events "a natural correction" getting clinically significant results."to a space that "as a whole, is doing quite well."Bonfiglio posed the question during a panel convened to
PRICING: BAR "GETS HIGHER EVERY TIME'Such clinically significant data will be the key to getting
discuss the state of the industry at this week's World Stem Cells reimbursement for cell therapy products at a time when health
& Regenerative Medicine meeting: "Is it a natural downtick, or
care budgets are shrinking around the world, said Michael
is it an ominous sign something not good is going to happen?"
May, CEO of Canada's Center for the Commercialisation of
Regenerative Medicine (CCRM) in Toronto.
For Alain Vertes, managing director of Nxr Biotechnologies,
Under constrained budgets, the high price of cell therapies
who was head of F. Hoffman-La Roche Ltd.'s regenerative
presents a huge barrier to market. "You have to displace
medicines unit at the point the pharma decided to quit the field, existing technologies, and the bar gets higher every time," May
the current problems are a "small accident." Looking to history, said.
for example, 15 of the first 16 clinical studies of cell therapies failed.
In the case of acute myocardial infarction, there are about 300 cell therapy trials in progress. But, May said, the standard of
"It couldn't have been worse; what we are seeing now is nothing care currently means there is not much headroom.
in comparison," he said. The fundamentals of the sector are strong, and there is increasing understanding of the basics of
According to a CCRM analysis, the most a payer would
the technology.
reimburse for an acute myocardial infarction treatment is $32,000, which is well below the current threshold for a cell
The value of Athersys' shares halved when the negative data
therapy product.
from the trial of its off-the-shelf stem cell product partnered with Pfizer Inc. were published. (See
BioWorld Today, April 29,
However, in the case of sepsis, the lack of approved treatments
and high mortality rates mean there is much more headroom and payers would be willing to pay $150,000.
However, Tim Allsopp, head of external research in regenerative medicines at Pfizer's Neusentis R&D unit in Cambridge, UK,
"So you start to see perhaps that acute myocardial infarction
said the program is still alive. "It's an ongoing collaboration. We is not where we should be investing," May said. While it may still believe in the partnership, and it was a pretty well designed represent a large market, it will not be easy to get paid for a cell trial," Allsopp said. The treatment was safe and well tolerated.
therapy treatment.
The current position is "quite positive" even though there was
CCRM is now examining reimbursement issues at the earliest
disappointment on both sides in terms of the data, which came
stages of selecting products to take into its manufacturing
from an eight-month follow-up of the 128-patient study. Further process development program.
analyses are ongoing, including a subcohort that received a
Approaching reimbursement, as the next activity in the
repeat dose.
sequence following approval, certainly caused problems for
"It's disappointing there was not a stronger effect, but we
Tigenix NV, the first company to have an autologous cell
should reserve judgement until the final data," Allsopp said.
therapy product approved under the EMA's centralized route.
Allsopp also reported progress in Pfizer's second cell therapy
Chondrocelect, for treating knee cartilage injuries, gained
program, in which it is collaborating with researchers at
approval in 2009, but to date it is only reimbursed in Belgium,
University College London, who have generated retinal
the Netherlands and Spain.
pigment epithelial cells from human embryonic stem cells.
"We didn't prepare ourselves in advance," said Maria Pascual,
There is UK regulatory approval for a trial in age-related
vice president of clinical operations and regulatory affairs at
macular degeneration, and Allsopp said Pfizer has signed a
Leuven, Belgium-based Tigenix.
manufacturing contract with Roslin Cells Ltd., of Edinburgh,
In April, the company threw in the towel and signed over
marketing and distribution rights in return for royalties. Now
"The product is being manufactured, and it will soon be in the
Tigenix is making sure reimbursement is factored into the
first patients," Allsopp said.
development of its other products. (See
BioWorld Today, April 4,
Arnold Caplan, professor of biology at Case Western Reserve
University and chief scientific officer at Orthocyte Corp.,
"You have to prepare for launch before you start phase III,"
welcomed the fact that the Athersys/Pfizer cell therapy
Pascual told delegates. //
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THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2014
advisory group for a solid organ transplant study and have several opportunities to meet with that group over the summer
to help lead us to what could be a successful study design that
SEC, pricing 7.3 million shares at $14.22 each in a deal set to
will be clinically relevant," Berrey said.
close next week.
Cowen & Co. analyst Phil Nadeau is optimistic about
Chimerix, of Durham, N.C., aims to use about $60 million
brincidofovir launching in 2016, based on data from
from the public offering to help fund the recently begun phase
SUPPRESS. He pointed out in a research report that the
III study with brincidofovir for the treatment of adenovirus
phase II trial garnered a 73 percent reduction in CMV events.
infection, as well as another in kidney transplant patients and
"However, there is reason to believe that the reduction will be
possibly more.
even greater in phase III," Nadeau wrote. "In phase II, 50 of the
Brincidofovir began dosing in the SUPPRESS phase III trial
230 subjects with CMV reactivation had it prior to the first day
last year for the prevention of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection
of brincidofovir dosing. In phase III, brincidofovir can be dosed
in hematopoietic cell transplant recipients. The compound is
prior to engraftment, as early as day one, and therefore few
a broad-spectrum antiviral designed to block the replication
patients should have reactivation prior to dosing."
of double-stranded DNA viruses, including CMV, and deploys
Brincidofovir's net could stretch even wider. The
in the conjugate cidofovir, a drug currently marketed as
compassionate-use program has provided "a wealth of
intravenous Vistide by Foster City, Calif.-based Gilead Sciences
information on its use to treat a wide range of viral infections,
Inc. for treating CMV retinitis in AIDS patients.
in a variety of patient populations," Nadeau wrote. This year,
For now, the standard of care in CMV is Valcyte (ganciclovir,
the firm will mine the database for new opportunities, which
Roche AG), which brings, like Vistide, toxic side effects and
could include the John Cunningham (JC) virus, glioblastoma
doesn't work to prevent the infection. Valcyte only comes into
(apparently linked to CMV, according to some research, and
play after stem cell treatments have engrafted, which typically
where there have been recent publications establishing a link
takes two to four weeks.
to CMV) and human papillomavirus-related papillomatosis. "Interestingly, brincidofovir has been used to treat eight
In March, the firm found itself spotlighted in the mainstream
patients with JC virus, and has cleared the virus from two,"
press and scorched in social media for its refusal to let dying
Nadeau wrote.
7-year-old Josh Hardy have brincidofovir on a compassionate-use basis. Chimerix solved its ethical conundrum with an open-label
Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC are
pilot study in immunocompromised patients with adenovirus
acting as joint book-running managers for the offering, with
infections, making the pivotal phase III study an extension of the
Cowen and Co. LLC serving as co-lead manager. William Blair &
pilot experiment. (See
BioWorld Today, March 13, 2014.)
Co. LLC and Canaccord Genuity Inc. are co-managing the deal. Chimerix has granted the underwriters a 30-day option to buy
"The adenovirus trial pilot portion was initiated for the main
about 1 million more shares.
part to provide access while we were finalizing the study design for the pivotal trial," explained CEO Michelle Berrey during the
Shares of Chimerix (NASDAQ:CMRX) gained $1.98, or 13.9
conference call with investors on first quarter earnings. "So
percent, to close Wednesday at $16.20. //
that pilot portion does not have to have a certain number of patients. It's really to provide access while the study discussions
are ongoing. We had initially discussed around 20 patients in
Glycomimetics Inc., of Gaithersburg, Md., said
Pfizer Inc., of
the pilot portion. We are leaving that number open."
New York, made a $15 million payment under the companies'
Chimerix ended the first quarter with almost $100 million in
2011 collaboration to develop rivipansel (GMI-1070). Under
cash, which Piper Jaffray analyst Joshua Schimmer estimated
the deal, Pfizer plans to initiate a phase III trial of rivipansel in
would last "deep into 2015." With the new money, the firm
vaso-occlusive crises in sickle cell patients, which will trigger
stands in even better shape to push brincidofovir along. Plans
an additional $20 million milestone payment to Glycomimetics
for phase III trials for blocking CMV in solid organ transplants
upon dosing of the first patient in the trial. (See
BioWorld Today,
(primarily renal) and treating adenovirus infection are expected Oct. 12, 2011.)
to be finalized with the FDA and European regulators by the
Hemispherx Biopharma Inc., of Philadelphia, disclosed
end of this year. Enrollment in SUPPRESS should finish around
a preliminary-stage agreement required to manufacture
the same time, with top-line results expected by mid-2015.
Ampligen in Argentina in order to serve Latin American markets
"The solid organ transplant study was our number two trial,"
should Ampligen be approved in Argentina. The agreement
Berrey said. "We were trying to get up and running in the first
is a prerequisite to the company starting the manufacture of
half of 2014, obviously, with the focus on adenovirus and the
stability lots, followed by stability testing, necessary to gain
opportunity that we had to initiate that trial."
approval to manufacture Ampligen. In June 2010, Hemispherx
Though the start of the solid organ transplant experiment
inked a sales, marketing, distribution and supply agreement
likely won't come until next year, "we are initiating our medical
GP Pharm SA, of Barcelona, Spain, for Latin America.
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THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2014
demonstrated efficacy, but then stalled in the pipeline due to side effects or poor bioavailability.
VOLT01 is the first in line. ZA, administered intravenously, slows
lightning – a strategy underpinning the company's name – into the loss of bone mass but is associated with a raft of post-dose
phase III trials for its lead candidate. VOLT01 is a derivative of
side effects, including flushing, fever, joint pains and muscle
zoledronic acid (ZA), a bisphosphonate originally marketed by
aches. The VOLT01 formulation is designed to tamp down those
Novartis AG in a variety of indications, including osteoporosis,
side effects without sacrificing efficacy.
Paget's disease and bone cancers, under the trade names
The market could be sizable. The Novartis drug had peak sales
Reclast in the U.S., Aclasta in Australia and Zometa.
of $2.1 billion in 2011, falling back to less than $1 billion last
Bethlehem, Pa.-based Voltarra is collaborating with the
year, according to Cortellis Competitive Intelligence.
Menzies Research Institute at the University of Tasmania in
Selection of KOA as the drug's initial indication involved a
Hobart, Australia, on the multicenter trial, which is assessing
bit of serendipity. Several years ago, Menzies conducted a
the efficacy and safety of VOLT01 in knee osteoarthritis (KOA).
randomized, placebo-controlled study of ZA vs. placebo in
CEO Richard Becker, whose resume includes the oncology
patients with KOA, an off-label indication, with the trial partly
groups at Bayer Pharmaceuticals, Novartis and Merck & Co.
funded by Novartis, Becker explained. Results, published in
Inc., formed Voltarra in September 2013 by acquiring the assets 2011, showed that a single 5-mg infusion of ZA in patients with
of IMC Biotechnology Inc., which was developing early stage
KOA reduced pain and led to shrinkage of bone marrow lesions
spleen tyrosine kinase inhibitors and anti-tumor necrosis factor
in the study, known as ZAP, which enrolled 59 patients.
drugs, and Renascence Pharmaceuticals, which had a portfolio
However, the Menzies researchers wanted to follow a larger
of late-stage product reformulations. The former CEOs of those group for a longer time period. In June 2013, shortly before
companies, IMC's Renee Stewart and Renascence's Ketan
Voltarra was formed, the group launched a randomized,
Desai, are Voltarra's only other full-time employees, serving as
multicenter phase III study, known as ZAP2, comparing ZA to
chief scientific officer and chief medical officer, respectively.
placebo. The ongoing trial, funded by grants and involving four
Voltarra's early stage assets are on the back burner for now,
sites in Australia, is designed to enroll 264 patients with KOA,
while the company focuses on moving to market derivatives
with efficacy as the primary endpoint.
of compounds that advanced through phase II or beyond,
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THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2014
improvements in behavior, attention and sleep were evident in the other three patients. Brain atrophy, measured by nuclear
magnetic resonance imaging, appeared stable in two patients
neurodegenerative disorder arising from impaired breakdown
but increased in two others, including the youngest patient. A
of the cell surface and extracellular matrix component heparan follow-up observation trial is ongoing.
Meanwhile, Lysogene will embark on a slew of activities in
Also called mucopolysaccharidosis III, it is the most prevalent
advance of the pivotal studies, including embarking on a
and severe of four related lysosomal storage disorders that
manufacturing campaign, engaging with drug regulators and
have devastating effects on patients' intellectual and motor
patient groups, and selecting and preparing clinical trial sites.
development and that lead to an early death.
It plans to seek a pre-investigational new drug application
So far, just four Sanfilippo type A patients have received the
meeting with the FDA with a view to including U.S. sites in the
therapy in an open-label phase I/II trial. "The next step for us
development program. Manufacturing will be carried out at the
is to prepare for pivotal studies," Karen Aiach, CEO and co-
UCL Partners Gene Therapy Consortium at University College
founder of Lysogene, told BioWorld Today. The company aims to London. Aiach's co-founder, Olivier Danos, previously was begin the pivotal program by the end of 2015. In rare diseases,
director of that unit and established the AAV facility there.
this kind of trajectory is not uncommon. "We even know of
The funding round was led by Paris-based Sofinnova Partners,
some groups who are aiming to enter directly into phase I/II/III
which was also the company's seed investor. Other participants
studies in rare diseases with innovative therapies," she said.
in the new investment include Bpifrance, through its Innobio
The Paris-based firm also plans to commence development of a fund, and Novo Seeds, the early stage investment arm of Novo second gene therapy treatment in an undisclosed indication. It
aims to file a clinical trial application by the end of 2016.
Sofinnova Partners was attracted to the company on the
SAF-301 comprises an adeno-associated viral (AAV) vector
basis of the therapeutic potential of its lead program, not its
serotype 10 carrying two genes, SGSH and SUMF1, which
technological profile as a gene therapy. "For this disease, we
encode N-sulfoglucosamine sulfohydrolase and sulfatase-
think this is the best approach," Rafaèle Tordjman, managing
modifying factor 1, respectively. The former is part of the
partner at Sofinnova, told BioWorld Today. "It's not more high-
heparan sulfate breakdown pathway and is absent in patients
risk than usual. Obviously gene therapy is challenging," she
with Sanfilippo syndrome type A.
said. But the technical challenge is offset by the more limited
In the SAF-301 trial, the construct was injected directly into
clinical development requirements. The eventual European
the patients' brains via a stereotactic procedure. Each received
approval of Uniqure BV's Glybera (alipogene tiparvovec) to treat
a dose of 7.2 x 1011 viral genomes, delivered over a two-hour
familial lipoprotein lipase deficiency is further encouragement,
period from a 12-needle device. "It's mainly a neurological
notwithstanding the tortuous approval process the dossier
disease, with very mild peripheral symptoms," Aiach said. The
went through. "It's probably not the easiest or best case,
limited scale of the study means that whatever conclusions
because it's not a lethal disease," Tordjman said.
can be drawn must necessarily be tentative. "The primary
There is no approved therapy for any of the Sanfilippo
endpoint was safety," she said. "The second objective of the
syndromes as yet. Dublin-based Shire plc has completed a
study was to explore potential future efficacy endpoints." The
phase I/II trial of an enzyme replacement therapy for type A,
construct appeared safe and well tolerated and, despite being
SHP610, which it plans to move into a phase IIb trial. Uniqure,
on immunosuppressive therapy, the patients did not exhibit an
of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, is collaborating with the
increase in infection.
Pasteur Institute in Paris on a gene therapy approach for
SUMF1 plays a role in the post-translational modification and
Sanfilippo syndrome type B. A phase I/II trial is ongoing. //
catalytic activation of sulfatase enzymes. The company plans to dispense with that aspect of the therapy in the upcoming
pivotal study – it is present in patients in any case.
Imaginab Inc., of Los Angeles, said it formally launched
A report of the trial, titled "Intracerebral Administration
Imaginab Japan KK, a wholly owned subsidiary based in Tokyo,
of Adeno-Associated Viral Vector Serotype rh.10 Carrying
aimed at better meeting the commercial needs of several
Human SGSH and SUMF1 cDNAs in Children with
significantly clinical development and partnering opportunities,
Mucopolysaccharidosis Type IIIA Disease: Results of a Phase I/
the company said. The subsidiary will be led by Shintaro
II Trial," was published online on May 5, 2014, in Human Gene
Therapy. Three of the four patients treated were between 5.5
and 6 years of age, at which point the condition is relatively
advanced. All were able to walk, but they had abnormal cognitive abilities and exhibited brain atrophy. The fourth was
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2 years and 8 months and, according to the study authors,
"was the most likely to display neurocognitive benefit." Modest
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THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2014
Regulatory front
brincidofovir to a dying 7-year-old boy, whose immune system had been compromised following a round of cancer treatments.
The issue for Chimerix was the cost involved, which could delay
drugs and devices.
its ongoing development program and, thus, the approval and
Unanimously passed by the Louisiana Legislature, the bill was
marketing of the drug for other patients. (See BioWorld Today,
sent to Gov. Bobby Jindal Tuesday for his signature. HB 891
mirrors the legislation Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper signed
South Plainfield, N.J.-based PTC Therapeutics Inc. ended up in
into law Saturday. Other states are following suit. The Missouri
court when a patient sued for access to its investigational drug.
General Assembly is working on a similar bill, and "right-to-try" While PTC won in district court, it lost on appeal. Rather than will be on the November ballot in Arizona.
draining limited resources in court battles and compassionate
The state legislation does nothing to extend compassionate
use programs, "the right thing is to get the drug approved
use beyond what the FDA already permits, but it shows there
and commercially available as rapidly as possible," PTC CEO
is a problem with getting access to promising therapies, Rep.
Stuart Peltz told BioWorld Today. That way the new treatment is
Harold Rogers (R-Ky.) said at Tuesday's House subcommittee
available to all patients, not just a select few.
hearing on ways to speed the development of new cures. (See
One solution would be for the U.S. to adopt something like
BioWorld Today, May 21, 2014.)
the EU's conditional approval program, which grants access
Citing the lengthy approval process of investigational drugs
to some investigational therapies once clinical trials are
and devices, the Colorado and Louisiana legislation noted that
completed, Peltz said. However, PTC was denied conditional
patients with terminal illnesses don't have the luxury of waiting approval in the EU of its ataluren, a protein restoration therapy until a drug or device receives FDA approval.
designed to enable the formation of a functioning protein in
Although the legislation recognizes a right to try, it does
patients with genetic disorders caused by a nonsense mutation.
not force manufacturers to provide investigational drugs or
The company is appealing. (See BioWorld Today, May 14, 2014.)
devices. It also doesn't require third-party payers to cover the
PTC's 48-week, 220-patient confirmatory phase III trial for
unapproved therapies. And it shields health care providers
ataluren is on track to complete enrollment in a few months,
and drug- and devicemakers from liability associated with the
with top-line data expected in mid-2015. The process of
compassionate use of an investigational product.
developing ataluren from the idea stage has taken 15 to 16
When the experts testifying at the subcommittee hearing
years, Peltz said. During that time, the biotech has had to raise
were asked about the right-to-try bills, Garry Neil, head of
money, develop the clinical path for the novel drug and educate
global R&D at Medgenics Inc., said the cost of providing
regulators about the disease and the science behind the drug.
an investigational therapy for compassionate use can be
prohibitive for small companies.
After withdrawing the most controversial parts of a proposed
Sara Radcliffe, executive vice president of the health section
rule revising the Medicare Part D prescription drug program,
at the Biotechnology Industry Organization, added that
the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has
compassionate use is a difficult, complex issue. The written
finalized the rule.
testimony she submitted detailed the growing delays in
The final rule, which is to be published in Friday's Federal
development that are making compassionate use a front-
Register, gives CMS enhanced tools to fight fraud and abuse
burner issue with patients.
in the prescription drug program. To ensure that Part D drugs
For instance, the duration of the clinical phase of drug
are only prescribed by qualified individuals, the rule requires
approvals has steadily lengthened from an average of 4.6 years prescribers to enroll in Medicare by June 1, 2015. It also gives in 1990-1994 to an average of 7.1 years in 2005-2009. That
CMS the authority to revoke a physician's Medicare enrollment
increase has been accompanied by rising protocol complexities
for abusive prescribing practices and patterns.
and declining enrollment and retention rates.
Another provision will broaden public access to privacy-protected
"Confronting the problem of increasing costs and durations of
Part D data, such as unencrypted, prescriber, plan and pharmacy
clinical trials is a daunting task," Radcliffe said in her testimony. identifiers contained in prescription drug event records.
While industry is committed to partnering with Congress,
The nearly 700-page proposed rule CMS released for comment
the FDA, NIH, patients, academia and other stakeholders to
in January also would have reduced the number of Part D
improve the efficiency of clinical trials to reduce the barriers to
plans a sponsor could offer, set standards on requirements
new therapies, patients who are out of options don't have time
to participate in preferred pharmacy networks, clarified
to wait for those talks to produce results. Many of them have
noninterference provisions and lifted the protected class
turned to social media to pressure drug- and devicemakers to
designation for antidepressants, immunosuppressants and, in
grant them compassionate use.
the future, antipsychotics.
Chimerix Inc., of Durham, N.C., was recently the target of a
The agency backed away from those provisions after it was
social media firestorm to get it to provide its antiviral candidate
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THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2014
Editor's note: This is an outtake from BioWorld's Bench Press, a weekly addition to the daily news in which BioWorld takes a look
at translational medicine. For more science news like this, look
inhibitor that they used to probe IDE's role more specifically
for the attachment every Monday morning, or visit BioWorld's
than knockout mice could.
dedicated science portal, The BioWorld Biome: Our Habitat for All
In their studies, they showed that in both lean and obese mice,
Things Science at
IDE regulated not just insulin, but also glucagon and amylin, two hormones that control blood sugar levels. When mice were
Regulatory front
fed glucose, acute treatment with IDE improved their blood sugar levels.
"These findings demonstrate the feasibility of modulating IDE
swamped with more than 7,500 comments and Congress
activity as a new therapeutic strategy to treat type 2 diabetes
threatened to pass a bill preventing it from implementing any
and expand our understanding of the roles of IDE in glucose
Part D provision included in the rule. (See BioWorld Today,
and hormone regulation," the authors concluded. Their work
March 4, 2014, and March 12, 2014.)
appeared in the May 22, 2014, issue of Nature.
‘SAMENESS' TOOL NEEDEDThe FDA will accept applications next month for a multiyear grant of up to $1 million to develop a mathematical algorithm or model to use in determining similarity or sameness of biosimilars and generic versions of complex drugs.
In providing a "coherent picture" of the molecular structure of complex macromolecules or drug substances, the project to be funded by the grant could help determine the extent of preclinical and clinical studies that will be needed to develop copies of the drugs.
Initially, "the model will be used to qualitatively and quantitatively determine the degree of sufficiency of in vitro chemical and biological characterization assays, with respect to demonstrating similarity (or sameness) among multiple batches of the reference product," the FDA said.
Details about the project and grant are available on the NIH's
grants webpage. //
Inhibikase Therapeutics Inc., of Atlanta, said it received FDA
orphan drug designation for imatinib to treat progressive
multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), a rare side effect of
small-molecule and antibody drugs given to patients with autoimmune diseases such as arthritis and multiple sclerosis
and a disease that occurs in 1 percent to 3 percent of clinical AIDS patients. Imatinib, the active ingredient in the firm's lead
drug, IkT-001Pro, (and also the active ingredient in Novartis AG's Gleevec), is a host-directed protein kinase inhibitor that disrupts
the ability of JC virus, which is activated in cases of PML.
Lanthio Pharma BV, of Groningen, the Netherlands, said it
was awarded an Innovation Credit loan of up to €3.6 million
(US$4.9 million) by Dutch government agency RVO. The loan is risk bearing and will be matched by Lanthio's investors and is expected to cover up to 35 percent of development costs through to completion of phase II trials. It will support the development of LP2, a lanthiopeptide designed to selectively activate the angiotensin type 2 receptor of the renin angiotensin system, for treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
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THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2014
and 2009 and has advised a number of other start-ups.
"When I looked at Cour and compared it to other start-ups, they have an enormous amount of data, an impressive patent
veteran Catherine Mackey as chairman of its board.
portfolio, and have only taken nondilutive funding," Mackey
Founded in 2012, the Elmhurst, Ill.-based Northwestern
noted. "They've built a very solid foundation. As a platform, it's
University spinout is still preclinical. But it already has two yet-
not a one-trick pony."
to-be-named big pharma collaborators in place and anticipates Indeed, Cour, which gained its name after company co-founders
adding a third by the end of the year, Cour CEO and president,
voted over dinner to incorporate the ideas of courage and heart,
John Puisis, told BioWorld Today.
may have many tricks ahead. "There are many discoveries yet to
Cour's immune-modifying nanoparticles (IMPs), based on work
be made," Puisis said. "We're still identifying immune pathways
done at the University of Sydney and Northwestern University,
we want to explore further, and there are lot of opportunities
are derived from biodegradable polymer polylactic-co-glycolic-
left to be realized there." //
acid (PLGA) and have the potential to address a variety of inflammatory conditions.
The negatively charged particles bind to the positively charged
Neurotez Inc., of Ridgewater, N.J., said it executed an exclusive
MARCO receptor of monocytes, directing them to the spleen for license deal covering its Leptin derivatives for the treatment
destruction through apoptosis, thus diminishing inflammation.
of Alzheimer's disease and other cognitive disorders with GCA
Inflammatory monocytes are prevented from entering sites
Therapeutics Ltd., of New York. Under the terms, GCA gets
of injury or inflammation, reducing tissue damage and
rights to clinically develop and commercialize Leptin products
accelerating repair and recovery.
in mainland China, exclusive of Hong Kong, and Taiwan, and
The company's tolerizing immune-modifying nanoparticles
will assume all development and regulatory responsibility. In
(TIMPs) also employ PLGA nanoparticles, but load them with
exchange, Neurotez will be eligible for gross sales milestones of
antigen-specific proteins that induce immune tolerance. In the
up to $102.5 million, plus royalties on gross sales. The license
case of specially programmed TIMPs, the modified particles
also has certain minimum annual sales thresholds following
can be used to deliver toleragenic signals to antigen-presenting first commercial sales in mainland China.
cells, resulting in long-term immune tolerance.
Nuvilex Inc., of Silver Spring, Md., said it, along with the
At the heart of the technology are proprietary modifications
Translational Drug Development (TD2) in Scottsdale, Ariz.,
to the nanoparticles that determine the immune target and
started preparing for a U.S.-based preclinical and clinical
mechanism of action, while the particle itself biodegrades and
studies on the pain and accumulation of fluid in the abdominal
is then cleared by the body.
cavity, two commonly occurring symptoms associated with
So far, Cour has filed patents to encapsulate hundreds of
advanced pancreatic cancer. TD2 will study the effectiveness of
epitopes that modulate cell response. The highly specific TIMPs Nuvilex's pancreatic cancer treatment in relieving the pain and are at the core of its pharma partnerships in type 1 diabetes,
fluid accumulation known as ascites. The treatment combines
celiac disease and a third yet-to-be-named autoimmune
the Cell-in-the-Box live-cell encapsulation technology with
disorder. It's diabetes partner has an exclusive option on its
cancer agent ifosfamide and will be studied to see if it can
investigational TIMP, while its celiac partner has an exclusive
improve the quality of life of pancreatic cancer patients.
evaluation option.
Preclinical studies are set to commence shortly.
Supported by the stable foundation of its partnerships, Cour
Supernus Pharmaceuticals Inc., of Rockville, Md., said
plans to advance its internal IMPs in several cardiovascular
United Therapeutics Corp., of Silver Spring, Md., paid the
indications, including acute myocardial infarction, acute
firm a $2 million milestone upon United's launch of Orenitram
encephalitis syndrome and, once lead optimization is complete, (treprostinil) extended-release tablets for the treatment of ischemic stroke and inflammatory bowel disease.
pulmonary arterial hypertension in the U.S. Orenitram uses
So far, Puisis said, the company has raised enough seed capital a Supernus technology platform. In addition to the launch to fund its needs. "Our goal is to see how these collaborations
milestone, Supernus is eligible for royalties on net sales and
play out and determine our capital needs going forward,"
may be entitled to additional milestones. Orenitram gained
he said. As the company further explores applications for its
approval late last year. (See BioWorld Today, Dec. 24, 2013.)
platform and tackles the strategic thinking necessary to build a stable foundation, it was just the right time to bring Mackey on board, he said.
Mackey, an experienced corporate director, brings 30 years
Stay connected—follow us on Twitter!
of operating experience in the biopharma and agricultural industries. She served as senior vice president of worldwide
R&D and site director for La Jolla Laboratories between 2001
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THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2014
VOLT03 will move to market as a neutraceutical, with quick sales – albeit more modest than a prescription drug – creating
a revenue stream to help offset the remainder of the VOLT01
clinical development program.
As Voltarra came together, Desai contacted the Menzies team
Voltarra also is in the middle of a pre-seed round that will likely
to discuss comparative data on VOLT01 and the Novartis drug
stay south of $1 million, Becker said, with plans for a larger
to determine whether the company's findings were consistent
series A on tap for later in the year. Once regulatory filings for
with results they had seen in ZAP. Not only were the data
VOLT01 are under way, the company will decide whether to
in line, but the Menzies researchers approached the four
seek a series B.
sponsoring institutions and the country's regulatory agency, the "Partnering certainly would be preferred," Becker said. "I'm
Therapeutic Goods Administration, seeking to add a third arm
going to need a partner to help from the marketing and sales
to the trial, Becker said.
end anyway. If I can find one to help with the clinical end, as
The proposal was accepted, and VOLT01 was added to the two-
well, that would be ideal, but I'm not counting on that." //
year randomized, multicenter, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial, conducted under the auspices of Medicines Australia.
"The hopes are, whoever wins – and I'm assuming it's not going Wilex AG, of Munich, Germany, said a collaboration agreement
to be placebo – the compound would be moved forward to the
with UCB SA, of Brussels, Belgium, for product candidates
Therapeutic Goods Administration for potential registration" in
WX-554 and WX-037 and three preclinical antibody programs
KOA, likely in 2015, Becker told BioWorld Today.
was terminated by mutual agreement due to an extensive
In the meantime, the trial includes a pre-planned six-month
restructuring at Wilex, which the company disclosed in January.
interim analysis after the study is fully enrolled, which Becker
The strategic alliance, inked early in 2009, was worth €10
estimated will occur in the first quarter of 2015. At that point,
million up front (US$13.5 million) and a potential €10 million
"we are going to know how VOLT01 has performed vs. Aclasta"
in two near-term milestones to Wilex, which will return to
in terms of safety and efficacy, he said. Though long-term
UCB all rights and transfer all intellectual property, data and
monitoring will continue in the study, Voltarra plans to package documents generated in connection with the programs. An
the early data and request face-to-face meetings with the
agreement regarding an antibody program for non-oncology
FDA and the EMA to seek guidance on the design of a global
indications that was signed last year was terminated. Wilex
registration study.
will receive a final payment from UCB for R&D expenses, and
Provided the company can conduct those meetings by mid-
UCB agreed to waive repayment of the €2.5 million shareholder
2015, Becker predicted the phase III registration program could
loan granted in December 2010 on completion of the transfer.
be completed by 2017, with subsequent regulatory filings
Termination of the agreement does not affect UCB's role as a
steering the product toward approval in 2018.
Wilex shareholder. (See BioWorld Today, Jan. 12, 2009.)
In the U.S., Voltarra expects to file its new drug application for VOLT01 under the 505(b)(2) pathway, "which saves a
boatload of money, since we don't have to go back and reinvent Amgen, of Thousand Oaks, Calif., said The New England Journal
the wheel," Becker said, noting that the drug's preclinical,
of Medicine published results from a phase I study suggesting
phase I and tox studies are complete. The company hopes
that inhibiting thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) could
to file concurrently with the EMA, using essentially the same
benefit the treatment of asthma. TSLP is a cytokine thought
data package. The company has filed provisional and non-
to be a key driver of allergic inflammation. Results from the
provisional patents and expects to hold a broad patent estate
31-patient proof-of-concept study showed treatment for 12
for VOLT01 to prevent and treat osteoarthritis.
weeks with AMG 157, a monoclonal antibody that inhibits the
To fund its ambitious program, Voltarra has a complex
activity of TSLP, resulted in statistically significant reductions
curcumin, dubbed VOLT03, that is sitting "in the parking
in early asthmatic responses and late asthmatic responses
lot" while other companies conduct proof-of-concept studies
in the airways following allergen challenges in patients with
with similar compounds across applications in oncology,
allergic asthma. The data also showed statistically significant
inflammatory indications and neurodegenerative diseases.
decreases in baseline markers of inflammation in the airways.
Approximately 80 trials with curcumin alone or in combination
Overall, adverse events were similar across treatment and
with other interventions are under way, according to Cortellis
placebo groups, with no serious adverse events. The compound,
Clinical Trials Intelligence, with most in phase II or III.
in joint development with Astrazeneca plc, of London, through
"We're just sitting back to see if one of those trials is positive,"
its biologics arm Medimmune, is in phase II development
Becker admitted. "Then, potentially, we can move into that
in asthma. The phase I findings also were presented at the
space with our product, which is also reformulated to make the
American Thoracic Society international conference in San
curcumin more soluble."
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THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2014
wash), improvements in total mucus weight (the amount of mucus produced by the nose) and also symptom diary score
Antibe Therapeutics Inc., of Toronto, said it submitted a
compared to placebo. The results are being presented during
clinical trial application to Health Canada for lead drug ATB-
a poster discussion session at the American Thoracic Society
346, proposing a phase I study to assess the safety, tolerability
conference in San Diego.
and pharmacokinetics of single and multiple-ascending doses
Intelgenx Corp., of Saint Laurent, Quebec, and Redhill
in healthy subjects. The trial is slated to start this summer. ATB- Biopharma Ltd., of Tel Aviv, Israel, reported data from a
346 is a hydrogen sulfide-releasing derivative of naproxen.
comparative bioavailability study with migraine candidate
Atyr Pharma Inc., of San Diego, said it completed a phase I
Versafilm, an oral thin film formulation of rizatriptan for acute
study for its lead program, Resokine IV, which marked the first
migraines. Results of the study are subject to final quality
ever administration of a physiocrine to humans. The double-
assurance and an independent study report by the Canadian
blinded, placebo-controlled trial was conducted in healthy
clinical research organization that conducted the trial, but the
male and female subjects in the European Union to assess
companies said the data will support the planned submission
the safety and tolerability of Resokine IV, in development
in Europe for the product during the third quarter.
as a potential therapeutic for rare immune disorders. The
Nymox Pharmaceutical Corp., of Hasbrouck Heights,
company said the data from 32 healthy subjects in four
N.J., reported results from the Brief Male Sexual Function
dose cohorts support the basic premise of Resokine IV as
Questionnaire in its recently completed NX03-0040 study of
an immunomodulator rather than a classic interleukin or
NX-1207 in low-grade localized prostate cancer, indicating that
interferon with systemic immunostimulating properties upon
targeted treatment with the drug at either dose – 2.5 mg or
administration. Among their various homeostatic functions,
15 mg – had no significant effect on reported sexual function
some physiocrines act as extracellular signaling molecules
score post-treatment. Nymox also is testing NX-1027 in benign
to orchestrate immunohomeostasis in response to stress and
prostatic hyperplasia and recently completed the second
other physiological changes. Physiocrines comprise naturally
pivotal trial in that indication.
occurring proteins derived from tRNA synthetases that play
Summit plc, of Oxford, UK, said SMT C1100, an oral small-
fundamental roles in the function of human physiology and
molecule utrophin modulator for the treatment of Duchenne
restoring pathophysiological states to a healthier state.
muscular dystrophy (DMD), successfully met its primary
Celsion Corp., of Lawrenceville, N.J., said the FDA has green-
endpoint of safety and tolerability in a phase Ib trial in patients
lighted its planned pivotal phase III trial of Thermodox, its
with the disease. The dose-escalating trial was conducted in 12
heat-activated liposomal encapsulation of doxorubicin, in
patients with DMD, between 5 and 11 years old. The nonplacebo-
combination with radio frequency ablation (RFA) in primary
controlled study also measured levels of creatine kinase (CK), an
liver cancer, or hepatocellular carcinoma. The trial will enroll
enzyme associated with muscle fiber damage that is elevated in
550 patients globally and evaluate Thermodox in combination
boys with DMD, and results found that In the majority of patients
with RFA vs. standardized RFA alone. The primary endpoint
there was a reduction in CK levels during dosing with SMT C1100.
for the trial is overall survival. An independent data monitoring
Those data are consistent with nonclinical in vivo efficacy studies
committee will conduct two interim analyses. Celsion said it
in the mdx model of DMD that showed SMT C1100 reduced CK
expects to launch the study before the end of June.
levels after only 15 days. The company plans to review those
Gilead Sciences Inc., of Foster City, Calif., reported results from preliminary data, which are expected to lead to a revision of
a placebo-controlled, phase IIa challenge study of GS-5806,
future clinical trial plans in order to determine the optimal way,
an investigational oral RSV fusion inhibitor, in healthy adult
either through dietary means or drug formulation changes, to
patients intranasally infected with respiratory syncytial virus
address the drug uptake differences between DMD patients and
(RSV). The trial achieved its primary and secondary endpoints
healthy volunteers. The next patient study is now expected to
of lower viral load (the amount of virus detected in the nasal
start in the fourth quarter.
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THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2014
Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Ireland and Italy.
Daiichi Sankyo Co. Ltd., of Tokyo, began a three-year research
Abbvie Inc., of Chicago, said the FDA granted Humira
project with Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute, of La
(adalimumab) orphan drug designation for the treatment of
Jolla, Calif., to investigate cardiovascular-metabolic diseases.
non-infectious intermediate, posterior or pan-uveitis, or chronic Terms of the agreement, which will deploy Sanford's screening non-infectious anterior uveitis, a group of rare but serious
capabilities, were not disclosed.
inflammatory diseases of the eye. Abbvie is investigating
Novo Nordisk A/S, of Bagsvaerd, Denmark, said the FDA
the efficacy and safety of Humira for the treatment of non-
tentatively scheduled an advisory committee meeting for Sept.
infectious uveitis, and the clinical program is in phase III
11 to discuss the new drug application (NDA) for liraglutide 3
mg for the treatment of obesity. The NDA was submitted to the
Baxter International Inc., of Deerfield, Ill., said the FDA
FDA last December.
extended the PDUFA date for its review of the biologics
license application for Hyqvia (immune globulin infusion 10 percent [human] with recombinant human hyaluronidase), the
Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, of Boehringer, Germany,
company's investigational subcutaneous treatment for patients presented results from the phase III VIVACITO study at the with primary immunodeficiency. The FDA is requiring additional American Thoracic Society meeting in San Diego, showing time to review supplemental data that Baxter provided as part
that the fixed-dose combination of tiotropium and olodaterol,
of the ongoing process for approval. The PDUFA date has been
delivered via the Respimat inhaler, demonstrated a statistically
extended by three months, which is the standard extension
significant improvement over both monotherapy treatment (p
period. As part of the FDA's extended review, Baxter now
< 0.0001) and placebo (p < 0.0001) in the primary endpoint,
expects to participate in a Blood Products Advisory Committee
defined as the forced expiratory volume in one second.
meeting, which the agency has scheduled for July 31. Hyqvia
Secondary endpoints included additional tests measuring
was approved by the European Commission in 2013 and is
breathing over 24 hours. The overall incidence of adverse
available in several European countries, including Germany, the events was comparable among treatment groups.
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Optimal Power Allocation in Server Farms Carnegie Mellon University Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA, USA Pittsburgh, PA, USA Hawthorne, NY, USA improve server farm performance, by a factor of typically Server farms today consume more than 1.5% of the total 1.4 and as much as a factor of 5 in some cases. electricity in the U.S. at a cost of nearly $4.5 billion. Giventhe rising cost of energy, many industries are now seeking
/// Patientenaufklärung Dickdarmspiegelung (Koloskopie, Ileokoloskopie) Sehr geehrte Patientin, sehr geehrter Patient, Sie möchten eine Dickdarmspiegelung durchführen lassen. Als Ihr behandelnder Arzt möchte ich Ihnen hierzu wichtige Informationen geben. Was geschieht bei der Dickdarmspiegelung? Das Untersuchungsinstrument (Koloskop) ist ein schlauchförmiges, biegsames Gerät. Es wird über den Darmausgang bis zum Zökum, dem obersten Abschnitt des Dickdarms vorgeschoben, ggfs. auch in den Endteil des Dünndarms (terminales Ileum). Zur Entfaltung des Darms wird etwas Gas(Luft oder Kohlendioxid) eingegeben. Die von einer Digitalkamera in der Endoskopspitze aufgenommenen Bilder werden auf einen Bildschirm übertragen (Video-Endoskopie). Mit einer kleinen Zange können Gewebeproben (Biopsien) zur feingeweblichen Untersuchung (Histologie) entnommen werden. Sie als Patient empfinden dabei keinen Schmerz. Falls Polypen (Gewebswucherungen) gefunden werden, sollten sie abgetragen werden (siehe Rückseite: Polypenabtragung).